Farquhar Middle School PTA Volunteer Sign-Up 2015-16
Farquhar Middle School PTA Volunteer Sign-Up 2015-16 The Farquhar PTA needs your help to continue the quality of ongoing support for our students, staff and community. Your participation is the most important way we have to further benefit the educational and personal welfare of our children at FMS. No matter how great or small, the time you volunteer makes a difference to the success of our school community. Please let us know your interests and return the form on Back-To-School Night or before. International Night: Friday, October 9th. This is a time for us to express the diverse nature of our community. Please sign up to represent your country of origin with artifacts, photographs, performances and food! Committee Chair: VACANT Student Social: Friday, January 29th. This PTA sponsored evening is open to all Farquhar students. The dance is held from 7:00pm-9:30pm and is chaperoned by both parent volunteers and FMS staff. (please check all that apply): Chaperone Sell Tickets: __ at Lunch __ at Door Food member PR Team Committee Chair(s): Sandy Hajjar ([email protected]) Roadrunner Family Fun Night: Friday, February 26th. An evening of indoor recreational activities for all FMS families and the community-at-large, including games, prizes, food, cake-walk, etc. This is the PTA’s largest and only Fundraising event for the entire school year. Food PR Set-Up Clean-Up Game/Sports Booth Prize Booth Bingo Cake-Walk Other Committee Chair(s): Jane Smith ([email protected]) Silent Auction: Friday, February 26th. The Silent Auction is held in conjunction with Roadrunner Night and directly benefits our Direct Appeal goal. Item Donations Table Set-Up Table Closing Work Event Other Committee Chair(s): Karen Schilling ([email protected]) Basketball Game, Farquahr STAFF vs. Rosa STAFF: May 6th. Organize Promote Work Chair: VACANT Eighth Grade Dance: Saturday, June 11th. The 8th grade dance is a formal non-fundraising event for all FMS 8th graders. Traditionally, parents of 6th and 7th graders chair and coordinate the event and 8th grade parents supply the food. Organize Registration Food Set-Up Clean-Up Work Event PR Other Committee Chair(s): Karen Castle ([email protected]) Eighth Grade Ice Cream Social: Friday, June 17. An end-of-year social held on the last day of school. Volunteers organize, purchase supplies and serve ice cream to the 8th graders. Organize Food Committee Chair(s): Set-Up VACANT Clean-Up Work Event Hospitality/Staff Appreciation: The PTA provides hospitality for Open Houses, and various meetings throughout the year. Teachers and staff are also acknowledged during the year for special events, including Staff Appreciation Week. Organize Food Donations Set-Up Clean-Up Host Team member Committee Chair: Kristen Weinberg ([email protected]) School Beautification: Help in the courtyard and front (street) garden during the fall and spring. Weed Plant Team member Committee Chair: Christina Culp ([email protected]) PTA Membership & Direct Appeal: The Farquhar PTA raises the majority of its funds through Direct Appeal. The PTA encourages everyone in our community to become active members of the PTA. Volunteers are needed at school events (both day and evening). Events: ___ Aug. 27 New Parent/Student Orientation (day) ___ Oct. 12 Open House (day) ___ Sept. 10 Back-to-School Night (eve) Committee Chair/VP: Janet Bieber ([email protected]) Webmaster: Keeps website updated with school and PTA news. An apprentice is needed. Committee Chair: Volker Englisch ([email protected]) Spirit Wear: The PTA raises funds through the sale of FMS clothing. Volunteers are needed to coordinate with vendors and to sell Spirit Wear at school events. Coordinate Sell at Events Committee Chair(s): VACANT Supermarket Rebates: Disseminates fund-raising programs from local supermarkets and/or merchant programs. Committee Chair: VACANT Directory: Volunteers are needed to help solicit advertisements, proofread and distribute the PTA Phone Directory. Sales from area merchants and parents help the PTA subsidize the cost of printing. We're looking for volunteers this year and apprentices for this area. Work Events Distribution Advertising Committee Chair: Janet Bieber ([email protected]) Nominating Committee: Recruits PTA officers and Committee Chairs for the following school year. Chair and committee members present the nominations for a vote at the May PTA Meeting. Involvement on this committee unsually begins in March and ends in May. Committee Chair(s): VACANT Elementary School Representative: Serves to communicate between FMS and local elementary school PTAs. Volunteers typically have a child attending both schools. The VP of Education oversees these positions, Jennifer McKneely ([email protected] Brick Fundraiser: Our new building (opening in Fall of 2016) will be adorned with personalized bricks which our families and community members can purchase in advance! Great opportunity for someone with students at Farquhar presently, students at a feeder elementary school and who plans to stay in the area. Committe Chair: VACANT Sign up HERE! Return this to the school as soon as you can! Volunteer Name: _____________________________________________________________________ Interested in: _________________________________________________________________ Student Name: __________________________________________________________ Grade: _________ Phone #(s): ____________________________________________________________________________ E-mail address: ____________________________________________________________________________