Erica Williams, Principal Brian Sanchez, Assistant Principal Friday, September 4, 2015
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Erica Williams, Principal Brian Sanchez, Assistant Principal Friday, September 4, 2015
Friday, September 4, 2015 Erica Williams, Principal Brian Sanchez, Assistant Principal The Falcons’ Nest The Principal’s Message for Fields Road Families Fields Road Elementary School 1 School Drive Gaithersburg, MD 20878 A MESSAGE FROM MRS. WILLIAMS AND MR. SANCHEZ Welcome back to school! It was so exciting to meet so many families at our Kindergarten Back to School and Sneak Peek for Grades 1-5. The students were eager and ready to return to their routine of school. We have had a great first week of school! Teachers and students have been busy establishing routines, setting goals, and learning how to be respectful, responsible, dedicated, and safe. Curriculum instruction began on day one. Mr. Sanchez and I have had the opportunity to visit classrooms and have been impressed by the engaging lessons. We currently have 457 students enrolled and we have many new families at Fields Road this year. We hope that you feel welcome as a new member of the Falcon Family! Your children may have talked to you about getting Falcon Feathers and High Flyers. We celebrate students’ good choices of our core values of respect, responsibility, dedication, and safety by giving them falcon feathers. Students receive High Flyers for consistently demonstrating our core values. Please discuss the core values with your children at home. We look forward to celebrating your children’s good choices. We are looking forward to seeing you at Back to School Night on Thursday, September 10, for Grades 1-5 and CAPP. This is an opportunity for families to formally learn about their child’s curriculum and daily activities. During conferences in November, families will learn from the teacher how their child is progressing academically, socially, and emotionally. You will have an opportunity to schedule your conference at Back to School Night. The staff at Fields Road is committed and extremely dedicated to students and families and making every year a successful one. You are a major contributor to your child’s school success and we look forward to partnering with you to provide the best possible educational program for your child. As the principal of Fields Road, I look forward to serving this great community! Important Dates: 9/7—Labor Day , No School 9/10—Back to School Night for Grades 1-5, 7:00-8:30 p.m. 9/14—No School, Rosh Hashanah 9/15—FRES Feasibility Study Meeting, 7:00 p.m. 9/18—Back to School Family Picnic, 5:30-8:30 p.m. 9/23—No School, Yom Kippur Friday, September 4, 2015 Erica Williams, Principal Brian Sanchez, Assistant Principal The Falcons’ Nest The Principal’s Message for Fields Road Families Fields Road Elementary School 1 School Drive Gaithersburg, MD 20878 UN MENSAJE DE LA Sra. WILLIAMS Y EL SR. SÁNCHEZ ¡Bienvenido de nuevo a la escuela! Fue muy emocionante conocer a tantas familias en nuestro jardín de la infancia de regreso a la escuela y Sneak Peek para grados 1-5. Los estudiantes estaban ansiosos y listos para volver a su rutina de la escuela. Hemos tenido una gran primera semana de clases! Profesores y alumnos han estado muy ocupados estableciendo rutinas, metas, aprendisaje sobre cómo ser respetuoso, responsable, dedicada y segura. Instrucciones del plan de estudios comenzaron en el primer día y Sr. Sánchez y yo hemos tenido la oportunidad de visitar las aulas y han quedado impresionados por las lecciones interesantes. Tenemos 457 alumnos matriculados y muchas nuevas familias en Fields Road este año. Esperamos que hayan sentido la bienvenida como nuevo miembro de la familia del halcón. Sus hijos pueden han hablado a usted acerca de conseguiendo plumas de halcón y volantes alta. Celebramos buenas opciones de los estudiantes de nuestros valores de respeto, responsabilidad, dedicación y seguridad dándoles Halcón plumas. Por favor, discuten los valores con sus hijos en casa. Esperamos celebrar buenas opciones de sus hijos. Estamos mirando adelante a verle en Back to School Night el jueves, 10 de septiembre, para los grados 1-5 y CAPP. Esta es una oportunidad para las familias conocer formalmente sobre el currículo y las actividades diarias de sus hijos. Durante las conferencias en noviembre, las familias aprenderán del maestro cómo su niño está progresando académicamente, socialmente y emocionalmente. Usted tendrá la oportunidad de planear su conferencia en Back to School Night. El personal en Fields Road está comprometidos y muy dedicados a estudiantes y familias y que cada año sea exitosa. Usted es un contribuyente importante para el éxito escolar de su hijo y esperamos asociarnos con usted para proporcionar el mejor programa educativo posible para su hijo. Como la directora de Fields Road, espero servir a esta gran comunidad! Important Dates: 9/7—Labor Day , No School 9/10—Back to School Night for Grades 1-5, 7:00-8:30 p.m. 9/14—No School, Rosh Hashanah 9/15—FRES Feasibility Study Meeting, 7:00 p.m. 9/18—Back to School Family Picnic, 5:30-8:30 p.m. 9/23—No School, Yom Kippur STUDENT DROP OFF AND PICK-UP The student school day begins at 9:00 and ends at 3:25. In order for students to be ready to begin instruction, it is important that they arrive to school on time. Students may be dropped off at school beginning at 8:40. There are no adults on duty to supervise students before this time. Students arriving after 9:00 will be considered tardy. George B. Thomas, Sr. Learning Academy Parents: Be on the lookout for information and registration forms coming home in your child’s backpack about The George B. Thomas, Sr. Learning Academy. The core program of the Learning Academy Saturday School offers tutoring and mentoring in reading/language arts, mathematics, and test-taking skills for students in Grades 1-12. George B. Thomas, Sr. Academia de Aprendizaje Padres: Estar al acecho de información formularios de inscripción que viene en la mochila de su hijo sobre el George B. Thomas, Sr. Learning Academy. El programa básico de la escuela de sábado de la Academia de aprendizaje ofrece clases particulares y tutoría en lectura/artes del lenguaje, matemáticas y exámenes para estudiantes en grados 1-12. CODE OF CONDUCT In order to ensure a safe, productive, and positive learning environment, Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) publishes two documents that help students, parents, and staff understand school rules and regulations; the expectations for student conduct; and the possible consequences for violating the rules. A Student’s Guide to Rights and Responsibilities is an overview of the rights and responsibilities students enjoy in MCPS and a summary of the laws and regulations that affect students. The MCPS Code of Conduct provides an overview of discipline procedures and protocols and the range of consequences students could face for violating various policies, regulations, and rules. The guide also discusses the MCPS philosophy to discipline and defines the various disciplinary responses. All MCPS families will receive a copy of these documents from their school. In addition, both documents are available on the MCPS website at students/rights/. Parents and guardians are encouraged to review these documents with children so that our students understand their rights and responsibilities and the district’s expectations for student conduct. If you have questions, please contact Mrs. Williams or Mr. Sanchez at (301) 8407131. 2 HOMEWORK FOR PARENTS: IMPORTANT INFORMATION AND FORMS In your child’s backpack this week, you were sent important information and “homework” for parents. Please read, complete and return these important forms to help ensure the safety and well-being of your child(ren). You should have received the following: Yellow Emergency Card Sheets It is very important that these sheets are filled out thoroughly. Please check the names, addresses, and phone numbers very carefully for accuracy and update the information as needed. In addition, emergency contact names and numbers are required. These information sheets will be used regularly by the main office staff, teachers, and the health room technician. They should be returned IMMEDIATELY and updated with any changes throughout the year. PCR Authorization for Release Form Complete and return to your child’s homeroom teacher ASAP. This form allows the school to release your child to the person(s) listed in the event of an emergency/crisis using parent/child reunification protocols. In the event that we do not receive your PCR form, we will only release your child to those listed on their Student Emergency Information Card. Application for Free/Reduced Lunch Complete and return immediately. See the eligibility chart on the back page and if your family does not qualify, please discard the form. There is one form per family and will be sent home via backpack with the youngest or only in family. Students who received free/reduced meals last year are eligible to continue in the program until the end of September. However, new applications must be filled out yearly to continue eligibility. Request to Withhold Directory Information The MCPS Request to Withhold Directory Information is attached and must be returned to the school office no later than September 11. Fields Road Discipline Policy Review with your child VERY carefully. Please complete the signature page and return it to school by September 11. Please discuss the expectations and consequences as defined in the policy. Please note the additional policy regarding expected behaviors at evening sponsored events. Pest Management and Asbestos Notices The Pest Management and Asbestos Management notices were also sent home. Please review. 3 Core Values EMERGENCY INFORMATION MCPS parents can receive emergency information from the school system in a variety of ways including MCPS QuickNotes, Alert MCPS, Twitter, the MCPS website, MCPS TV, and a recorded telephone information line. Please visit for more information on how to keep in touch with Montgomery County Public Schools and stay informed in times of emergencies. Cómo Recibir Información de Emergencia de MCPS Mission Statement Fields Road Elementary School’s mission is to have all students learning, motivated, challenged, and successful academically and improve student behavior by instilling the core values of respect, responsibility, dedication, excellence, and safety. Vision Statement Fields Road Elementary School's vision is to provide a safe and caring environment with learning opportunities that empower all students to be successful, both academically and interpersonally. Los padres de estudiantes de MCPS pueden recibir información del sistema escolar en casos de emergencia de varias maneras incluyendo MCPS QuickNotes, Alert MCPS, Twitter, el sitio de Internet de MCPS, MCPS TV y la línea de información con mensajes grabados. Para más información de cómo mantenerse en contacto con Montgomery Coun- SAFETY AND SECURITY Safety and security are top priorities at Fields Road. All adults are required to sign in at the office and show identification to be in the building. We welcome students to school each morning at our carpool entrance and main entrance at 8:40 a.m. Our recess aides carry access cards and walkie talkies to support students’ safe entry when needed during outdoor recess periods. To further keep our school a safe learning environment, staff and students will practice safety drills throughout the school year. We are required to hold 10 fire drills throughout the year. In addition, we are required to practice Lockdown, Shelter, Evacuation, Reverse Evacuation, Weather Safety and Earthquake drills. Protección y seguridad son las prioridades en Fields Road. Todos los adultos tienen que firmar en la oficina y mostrar su identificación en el edificio. Acogemos con beneplácito los estudiantes a la escuela cada mañana en nuestras plazas y entrada principal a 8:40 a.m. Nuestro receso asistentes llevar tarjetas de acceso y los walkie talkies para apoyar a los estudiantes de entrada segura cuando sea necesario durante períodos vacaciones al aire libre. Para mantener nuestra escuela un ambiente de aprendizaje seguro, al personal y a los estudiantes practicar ejercicios de seguridad durante el año escolar. Estamos obligados a mantener 10 simulacros de incendio durante todo el año. Además, se requiere de nosotros que práctica Lockdown, Refugio, Evacuación, Evacuación Inverso, Tiempo Seguridad y Simulacros Terremoto. 4 LA TAREA PARA LOS PADRES: IMPORTANTE INFORMACION Y FORMULARIOS En las mochilas de los estudiantes esta semana, se le ha enviado información importante y "tarea" de los padres. Por favor, lea, completar y devolver estas formas importantes para ayudar a garantizar la seguridad y el bienestar de su hijo(a). Usted debe haber recibido las siguientes: Tarjeta de Emergencia Amarillas hojas Es muy importante que estas hojas se llena por completo. Por favor, compruebe los nombres, direcciones y números de teléfono muy cuidadosamente de la exactitud y actualización de la información, según sea necesario. Además, de nombres y números de contacto. Estas hojas de información será utilizada regularmente por el personal de la oficina principal, el personal docente y el salón de salud técnico. Deben ser devueltos inmediatamente y se actualiza con los cambios a lo largo de todo el año. PCR formulario Autorización para la liberación Completa y volver a su profesor de aula del niño TAN PRONTO COMO SEA POSIBLE. Este formulario le permite la escuela para liberar al niño a la(s) persona(s) aparece en caso de emergencia o de crisis con padre/hijo protocolos reunificación. En el caso de que no recibimos el formulario PCR, sólo podremos liberar su niño a los estudiantes de su Tarjeta de Información de emergencia. Solicitud de almuerzos gratuitos o de precios reducidos Completar y devolver inmediatamente. Consulte la tabla de idoneidad del reverso de la página y si su familia no califica, deseche el formulario. Hay un formulario por familia y serán enviadas a la casa a través de la mochila más joven o sólo en la familia. Los estudiantes que recibieron comidas gratis/reducido el pasado año son elegibles para continuar en el programa hasta el final del mes de septiembre. Sin embargo, las nuevas aplicaciones se Solicitud de retener información de directorio Los MCPS Solicitud de retener información del directorio conectado y deben devolverse a la oficina de la escuela no más tarde del 11 de septiembre. Política de Disciplina Vial Campos Revisar con su hijo muy cuidadosamente. Por favor, complete la página de firma y el regreso a la escuela 11 de septiembre. Por favor, examinar las expectativas y consecuencias tal como se define en la política. Por favor, tenga en cuenta la normativa adicional sobre comportamientos esperados eventos patrocina- Manejo de plagas y el amianto Los avisos El manejo de plagas y el amianto Gestión anuncios se envían a casa. Por favor revise.