
From the Principal

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From the Principal
From the Principal
Welcome back to another exciting year at Garrett Park E.S. (GPES). The staff and I are truly
energized for a fabulous new year and have had fun getting to know new students while catching up with
our former students.
We are ever growing with about 89 new families and 700 students this school year. Our diversity is
growing and we continue to have a high international student body. At our last count, there are 42
different languages spoken by our student body which represents about 35 different countries!
On the first day of school, the staff and I had an assembly for all students to welcome new students,
share school expectations and ways we recognize individual students and classes as a whole as well as
discuss what our school theme, “One Band, One Sound” means to the students. We talked about the
importance in being welcoming to all students and also lending a hand to someone in need.
We would like to thank the PTA and all parents who provided us with such an embracing welcome
back. The staff was provided with money for supplies and a delicious breakfast and lunch thanks to
your support!
Please note that there are two days this month where there is no school: Monday, September 2 for
Labor Day and Thursday, September 5 for Rosh Hashanah. We are also scheduled for a half day on
Friday, September 27 so that teachers can work on grades and instructional planning. On the half day,
students will be dismissed at 1:00 p.m. All grades eat lunch prior to the 1:00 p.m. dismissal.
Additionally, the PTA is sponsoring a Back to School Picnic on Thursday, September 26.
Back­to­School Night
Save the date! Back to School Night will be held on Tuesday, September 3. Grades K­2 parents are
invited to attend from 6:15 p.m. – 7:15 p.m. Grades 3­5 parents are invited from 7:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
An administrative/PTA/GPES Foundation welcome will be aired on GPTV at the beginning of each
session. Grades 1 and 4 parents are invited to first report to the All­Purpose Room. Grades K, 2, 3,
& 5 parents are invited to report directly to their child’s class. This event is a parent­only event;
however if arranging for childcare is a concern, please feel free to bring your child.
Safety! Safety!
If you drive your child to/from school, please be sure to slow down as you near the two crosswalks
families and their kids use to walk to school. Parents are reminded that state law requires motor
vehicles to yield to pedestrian traffic. Given this, when patrols monitor crosswalks without adult
support, they will have cars continue to drive and will not allow any student not accompanied by an
adult to cross in case a driver’s foot were to slip off their brake.
Also as a safety precaution, we are asking that parents and students walk their bikes and scooters on
Oxford Street when there is a lot of pedestrian traffic to prevent collisions from occurring. Our crossing
guards will be on duty from 8:45 a.m. – 9:15 a.m. and in the afternoon from 3:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Instrumental Music
Instrumental music lessons are offered at no charge during the school day to 4th and 5th grade students.
We are really excited that Ms. Heather Borsum is returning to teach instrumental music. Ms. Borsum
will host an informational meeting for parents of potential instrumental music students on Tuesday,
September 10 at 7:30 p.m. in the media center.
Bus Transportation for 2013­2014
Mr. Steven Wise, Bus Route Supervisor, will be assessing the smooth flow of our transportation routes
as well as bus congestion the first few weeks of school and will make any necessary adjustments as
needed. It is very important that parents allow their children to ride the bus so we can help students
learn their routines as well as to help us assess bus capacity. Drivers are taking head counts at each
stop in case adjustments in bus routes need to be made. Please feel free to either contact me or Mr.
Wise at 301­469­1140 to address transportation questions and concerns.
Absences must be reported by parents. Please call the main office if your child will not be in school. If
your child is not in school and we have not been notified, a staff member will contact you each day your
child is absent. Please send a note to school with your child when he/she returns to explain the absence
as we are required to document the reason for the absence(s).
Keeping Teachers Informed on How Your Child Gets Home
Please send a note in with your child should his/her after school dismissal arrangements change. It is
really important to notify staff with as much advance notice as you can provide to prevent any confusion
at the end of the school day.
Sending Your Child to School After the School Day Begins
If you are sending your child to school after the school day begins (after 9:15 a.m.), please be sure to
escort your child to the front office so that we can document the correct reason for being tardy.
Curriculum 2.0 Implementation and New Report Card for Grades 4 & 5 during the 2013–2014
School Year
For the past four years, Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) has been implementing the new
elementary school curriculum, called Curriculum 2.0. Four years ago, the Curriculum was phased in
starting in kindergarten with grade 3 implementing it for the first time last year. This year, grades 4 & 5
will be implementing the curriculum. Grades 4 & 5 will also begin to use a new report card format
resulting in more information on how students are performing in specific areas. Grades K­3 began using
this new format last year.
At Back to School Night, staff will provide parents with an overview of the new curriculum and report
Curriculum 2.0 is designed to make sure our students not only have the academic knowledge they need,
but also develop the important skills they will need to succeed in the 21st century. There are three major
elements of Curriculum 2.0:
● Internationally driven standards in math, reading, and writing: Instruction in these key
areas is based on the strength of the Common Core State Standards, adopted by Maryland and
45 other states as the foundation for what students need to learn and know in math, reading,
and writing.
● Renewed focus on teaching the whole child: Curriculum 2.0 puts more focus on subjects
like the arts, science, social studies, and physical education by connecting these areas with core
● Critical thinking and creativity: Curriculum 2.0 is designed to develop academic, creative,
and critical thinking skills that build confidence in students and prepares them for a lifetime of
The report card for students in Grades K–5 has been improved to give parents more information about
what a student knows and is able to do in relation to grade­level expectations. This “standards­based
report card” will break subject areas into groups of related skills or topics and provide specific
information about how a student is doing in each area.
If you would like more information on Curriculum 2.0 or the new report card, please feel free to visit the
MCPS website at http://www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/curriculum/2.0/.
New and Improved MCPS QuickNotes: Subscribe today!
The MCPS QuickNotes newsletter has been redesigned to make it quick and easy for you to get the
news and information you need about MCPS. MCPS QuickNotes will be published more often, with a
new edition delivered to your inbox every other week during the school year. MCPS will continue to
send emergency notifications, such as school closures and delays, and other information through MCPS
QuickNotes. Visit www.mcpsquicknotes.org to subscribe!
How to Receive Emergency Information from MCPS
MCPS parents can receive emergency information from the school system in a variety of ways including
MCPS QuickNotes, Alert MCPS, Twitter, the MCPS website, MCPS TV, and a recorded telephone
information line. Please visit www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/emergency for more information on how
to keep in touch with Montgomery County Public Schools and stay informed in times of emergencies.
Visitors are welcome and volunteers are appreciated. Visitors and volunteers must pre­arrange
approval for visits in accordance with School Visitors Regulation ABA­RB. Visitors and volunteers
will need to provide an identification card such as a driver’s license and will need to wear a visitor
sticker throughout your visit. Volunteers should be sure to log volunteer hours in the main office.
2013­2014 Committees
If any parents are interested in joining any of the following school­based committees, please let me
● Positive Behavioral Intervention Support Committee – meets once/month after school to
review referral data and to develop positive behavioral intervention plans to encourage good
choices conducive to a safe learning environment
● Guidance Advisory Committee – meets as needed to provide Mrs. Schnaue, school
counselor, with ideas and advice
● School Improvement Planning Committee – meets periodically during the school year either
before or after school to write school goals for the year, then monitor progress towards meeting
these goals.
Part­Time Work Available at Garrett Park
If you are looking for part­time work during the 2013­2014 school year, we are in need of substitute
lunch/recess aides. While some parents would not mind volunteering and do not want to be
compensated, we are in desperate need of a group of parents we can call on to be approved subs.
Without school system approval, we are not able to leave parent volunteers alone in a room or outside
with students without staff supervision. Being officially approved to be a sub allows staff to be freed
from duties. Applicants need to be at least 18 years old and will be paid an hourly rate. If this might
interest you, please call Mrs. Georgatsos, administrative secretary, at 301­929­2170 for more
Wish List Items for Staff
We would love donations for the following items. All can be sent to my attention in the main office:
● Gently used or new recess games (including puzzles) for all grades. Popular games have
included: playing cards, Uno, Connect Four, Candyland, High Ho Cherry­O, Chutes and
Ladders, Guess Who, Monopoly and Battleship
● Door prizes for student gifts throughout the year
● Keurig coffee cups for our Keurig coffee maker in the staff lounge
● Door prizes for staff throughout the year – ideas include sticky notes, note pads, colored pens
or markers, stickers or $5 gift cards to book stores, teacher stores, restaurants and coffee
● Individually packaged (non­perishable) snacks to give to students in need
We look forward to seeing you at some of the upcoming school events. Welcome back!!
Elaine Chang­Baxter
Fly UP