Research on Difference of First-time and Repeat Visitors’ Behavior
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Research on Difference of First-time and Repeat Visitors’ Behavior
EASTERN ACADEMIC FORUM Research on Difference of First-time and Repeat Visitors’ Behavior YE Li School of Business Management, Guangxi University of Finance and Economics, China, 530003 [email protected] Abstract: Research on difference of first-time and repeat visitors’ behavior is meaningful for the construction of tourism destination. Based on the data from the questionnaire in Daxin county of Guangxi, the paper makes a careful comparative analysis of the two types of visitors, then draws conclusion: first-time and repeat visitors’ behavior is similar mainly but little different at pre-trip; it is also similar mainly at transportation means and consumption but great different at tourism manner and stay time at mid-trip; at post-time, the satisfaction and loyalty of repeat visitors are higher than first-time visitors. Keywords: First-time visitors, Repeat visitors, Visitor’s behavior, Difference 1 Introduction Under the background of tourism industry transforming gradually from sightseeing to leisure holiday and tourist’s activities being diversification, making comparative analysis of first-time and repeat visitors’ behavior causes more and more attention, which is meaningful for the development and marketing of tourism destination. Researches have focused on empirical study and drew significant conclusions. First-time visitors were younger and preferred to seek more new tourism sites to gain abundant experience, whose purposes of visiting friends and relatives and satisfaction were lower (Gitelson and Crompton, 1984) [1], and staying time at destination was shorter (Lau and McKercher, 2004) [2]. Repeat visitors were inclined to revisit short distance destinations (Moutinho and Trimble, 1991) [3], whose willingness of revisit was higher (Kozak, 2001) [4]. First-time visitors tended to travel more widely throughout the destination while repeat visitors tended to confine their actions to a smaller number of locations; first-time visitors also tended to make one long, extended day trip from the hotel, while repeat visitors tended to make a number of shorter forays, returning to the hotel intermittently during the day (Bob, Noam, Erica and Amit, 2012) [5]. First-time visitors' intentions to patronize the destination were mainly affected by destination image but repeat visitors were primarily affected by destination attachment (Morais, Chung-Hsien, 2012) [6]. Yusof, Rahman and Daud (2012) thought that first-time and repeat visitors had no remarkable difference at perceiving the value of tourism service, moreover, repeat visitors did not get more satisfaction by the pre-tourism experience [7]. Jin-Soo, Choong-Ki and Yooshik’s study (2009) showed that repeat visitors’ loyalty was higher than first-time visitors [8]. The field was also got attention by Chinese scholars. First-time visitors were inclined to travel by bus and airplane, but repeat visitors preferred to self-driving and taxi, both of them were same mainly at total satisfaction (Wang bin, Wu Chunyou, Li Zhendong, 2009) [9]. The empirical study of Chen Haibin and Mo Liping (2012) summarized that the percentage of repeat visitors’ purpose of vacation and visiting friends and relatives was higher than first-time visitors, just like their satisfaction and willingness of revisit were higher too; the two types of visitors had no difference at the willingness of recommendation [10]. As stated above, the empirical studies have already identified some difference between first-time and repeat visitors. However, further research is still needed to corroborate these findings. So taking Daxin county of Guangxi, China, a famous tourism destination knew by Detian Cross-border Waterfall for example, the paper will analyze the difference of first-time and repeat visitors’ behavior to enrich tourism market theory. 267 EASTERN ACADEMIC FORUM 2 Research Method and Samples Background Using a self-designed questionnaire, 200 visitors are investigated at some main scenic spots in Daxin county in May Day 2012. 197 questionnaires are returned. Ignoring invalid questionnaires with incomplete or self-contradictory data, finally 170 are effective. The returning rate is 98.5% and the effective rate is 86.3%. The paper uses Excel software to input information of the effective questionnaires and form database, then applies SPSS15.0 software to analyze. The samples’ demographic characteristics are described by using frequency analysis. Visitors’ behavior is divided into three stages: pre-trip, mid-trip and post-trip. Pre-trip behavior includes tourism activity preference, tourism purpose and information channel selection. Mid-trip behavior is covered with tourism manner, transportation means, stay time and tourism consumption. Post-trip behavior means evaluation of satisfaction and loyalty. The difference of pre-trip and mid-trip behavior is analyzed by cross analysis, and the difference of post-trip behavior is described by independent-samples t test. Classification of first-time and repeat visitors is based on their tourism experience. The questionnaire has one question with “From now, how many times have you made tourism activities in Daxin county?” Respondents who answer with “one” are considered as first-time visitors, with “more than one” are viewed as repeat visitors. Then the number of first-time visitors is 123 and that of repeat visitors is 47 at this investigation. Demographic characteristics is as follow. Percentage of male visitors is slightly higher than female visitors. Young and middle-age are main mass. Family average monthly income ranges mainly from 1000 yuan to 4000 yuan, which has higher tendency. Education level of high school or above has high percentage. Single and Couples with one child are the main household structure. Occupational structure has the feature of diversification. Percentages of tourist origin from the internal and external Guangxi are quite equivalent, which shows that the tourist market of Daxin county is enormous. 3 Difference at Visitors’ Behavior 3.1 Difference at pre-trip behavior Both first-time and repeat visitors prefer to natural landscape in the most, next come leisure and vacation item, rural idyllic landscape and human landscape. There is difference that repeat visitors are more likely to urban shopping and entertainment item, while first-time visitors are apt to ecology and health preservation item and outdoors exploration item. Sightseeing is the main purpose of the two types of visitors, next comes folk-custom experience. There is great difference that percentage of repeat visitors’ purpose of visiting friends and relatives and special product shopping is higher than first-time visitors. First-time and repeat visitors are quite similar at information channel selection. The main information channel is internet at present era, then come travel agency advertisement and recommendation by friends and relatives, but percentage of first-time visitors choosing is higher than repeat visitors. On the aspects of the channels of TV and book, first-time visitors are more likely to use TV to get tourism information, while repeat visitors are apt to obtain information from book. 268 EASTERN ACADEMIC FORUM Table 1 Difference at pre-trip behavior (unit:%) Item Tourism activity preference Tourism purpose Information channel selection Index Natural landscape Human landscape Rural idyllic landscape Urban shopping and entertainment Leisure and vacation item Ecology and health preservation item Outdoors exploration item Sightseeing Farmhouse enjoyment Folk-custom experience Partaking festival celebration activities Visiting friends and relatives Special product shopping Health care Culture, sport and sci-tech exchange Meeting Others Television Advertisement of newspaper and magazine Broadcast Book Travel agency advertisement Recommendation by friends and relatives Internet Others First-time visitor Repeat visitors 50.9 9.4 11.1 1.8 14.6 2.9 9.3 52.1 8.4 20.4 1.2 3.6 3.6 2.4 1.2 3.6 3.5 9.9 7.3 1.3 5.3 18.5 18.5 29.8 9.4 56.2 9.6 9.6 2.7 15.1 0.0 6.8 45.2 6.8 19.2 1.4 9.6 9.6 2.7 2.7 1.4 1.4 4.3 7.2 2.9 10.1 15.9 15.9 30.4 13.0 3.2 Difference at mid-trip behavior First-time and repeat visitors are different at tourism manner. First-time visitors tour mainly by travel agency organizing and with family, then with friends and relatives and tour solely. While repeat visitors don’t relay on travel agency organization like first-time visitors, who show stronger interest in touring with family and with friends and relatives. Both first-time and repeat visitors choose long-distance bus and self-driving as chief transportation means, yet there is a little difference. Percentage of first-time visitors choosing long-distance bus is higher 10% than repeat visitors, but percentage of self-driving is lower. In addition, plane and train are also the relatively important transportation means. Among them, first-time visitors prefer to plane, while repeat visitors are apt to train. First-time and repeat visitors have some difference at stay time. Percentage of first-time visitors staying within one day is much higher than repeat visitors, while percentage of repeat visitors staying more than one day is significantly greater than first-time visitors. In general, repeat visitors show a trend of staying at Daxin county more longer time compared with first-time visitors. With people’s consumption ability improving and leisure awareness popularizing, people spend more on tourism consumption. Both first-time and repeat visitors consume mainly more than 500 yuan, especially more than 1000 yuan. In the all, repeat visitors’ total consumption ability is higher than first-time visitors. 269 EASTERN ACADEMIC FORUM Item Transportation means Stay time Table 2 Difference at mid-trip behavior (unit:%) First-time Repeat Index Item Index visitors visitors Long-distance Travel agency 51.2 38.3 bus organize Plane 10.6 6.4 Tour solely Tour with Train 7.3 14.9 family Tourism Tour with Self-driving 26.0 31.9 manner friends and relatives Organized by Company’s bus 0.8 4.3 company Bus 0.0 4.2 Other Others 4.1 0.0 Less than 100 Half day 5.7 2.1 yuan One day 37.4 25.5 100-299 yuan Tourism Two days 35.8 38.4 300-499 yuan consumption Three-four days 16.3 23.4 500-999 yuan More than five More than 4.8 10.6 days 1000 yuan First-time visitors Repeat visitors 26.8 12.8 16.3 14.9 26.0 34.0 18.7 31.9 3.3 6.4 8.9 0.0 2.4 0.0 8.9 15.4 35.0 2.1 17.0 38.3 38.2 42.6 3.3 Difference at post-trip behavior Difference at post-trip behavior is analyzed by tourism satisfaction and loyalty. Using five-point variable method of Likert, tourism satisfaction is evaluated by the factors like total environment, tourist areas and spots, traffic road, transportation means, lodging, eating, shopping and entertainment, that “not satisfied at all”, “not satisfied”, “neutral”, “satisfied” and “very satisfied” are presented by “1”, “2”, “3”, “4” and “5”. Tourism loyalty is measured by the willingness of revisit and recommendation, where the willingness of revist is with the question “Will you travel to Daxin county again?” and the willingness of recommendation with the question “Will you recommend Daxin county to others?” Both of the two questions require the respondents to answer “yes” or “no”, that “yes” valuated with “1” and “no” with “2”. Null hypothesis is proposed: first-time and repeat visitors’ satisfaction of the ten factors above has no significant difference. Uses SPSS15.0 software to calculate the observed values of T-statistic and the corresponding values of probability P. Under the significance level α=0.05, the results of difference are obtained by comparing the values of probability P and α. The result is shown by Table 3. Values of probability P of the factors of eating and entertaining are less than α, which show that first-time and repeat visitors have significant difference at the two factors’ satisfaction and repeat visitors are more satisfied than first-time visitors. Values of probability P of the factors of total environment, tourist areas and spots, traffic road, transportation means, lodging, shopping, willingness of revist and willingness of recommendation are more than α, which show that first-time and repeat visitors have no significant difference at these factors. With the items’ mean, first-time and repeat visitors’ tourism satisfaction is a little higher than the mean level, and repeat visitors’ scores are higher than first-time visitors at tourist area and spot, lodging, eating, shopping and entertainment, which show that repeat visitors’ satisfaction is higher than first-time visitors. First-time visitors have high satisfaction at total environment, tourist areas and spots, but low satisfaction at traffic road, shopping and entertaining. While repeat visitors have high evaluation at tourist areas and spots, lodging, but low evaluation at traffic road. On the aspect of loyalty, repeat visitors’ willingness of revisit 270 EASTERN ACADEMIC FORUM is a little higher than first-time visitors, both two types of visitors like to recommend Daxin county. Item Satisfaction Loyalty Table 3 Difference at post-trip behavior Mean Index First-time Repeat visitor visitor Total environment 4.07 3.98 Tourist areas and spots 4.04 4.15 Values of T-statistic Values of probability P 0.790 -0.934 0.431 0.352 Traffic road 3.53 3.30 1.225 0.225 Transportation means Lodging Eating Shopping Entertainment Willingness of revist Willingness of recommendation 3.70 3.80 3.68 3.51 3.52 1.12 1.02 3.62 4.02 3.98 3.74 3.89 1.06 1.02 0.565 -1.821 -2.309 -1.679 -2.588 1.246 -0.221 0.573 0.070 0.023 0.096 0.011 0.215 0.825 4 Conclusion First-time and repeat visitors’ behavior is similar mainly but little different at pre-trip. They all prefer to natural landscape, leisure and vacation item, rural idyllic landscape and human landscape. The little difference is that repeat visitors preferred to urban shopping and entertainment while first-time visitors are inclined to ecology and health preservation item, outdoors exploration item. Their main purpose is sightseeing and repeat visitors’ percentage of visiting friends and relatives and special product shopping is higher. They use mainly internet, travel agency and recommendation by friends and relatives to select information and first-time visitors’ percentage of these channel is a little higher. It is also similar mainly at transportation means and consumption at mid-trip. Two types of visitors travel by long-distance bus and self-driving mainly. Their consumption is focus on the level of more than 500 yuan, that shows high tendency and repeat visitors consume more higher. Two types of visitors show difference at tourism manner and stay time. Although they all prefer to travel by group, first-time visitors are organized by travel agency mainly, while repeat visitors mainly with friends and relatives. First-time visitors’ stay time is concentrated on 1-2 days, but repeat visitors are more than 2 days. At post-trip, two types of visitors have high satisfaction at tourist areas and spots but low at transporting. They have great difference at eating and entertaining, and repeat visitors’ satisfaction and loyalty is higher than first-time visitors. The research’s conclusion offers meaningful enlightenment for tourism destination’s development and marketing. Because the sample size is limited, yet the conclusion may not be applicable to all tourism destinations, and more related researches are needed. References [1]. Gitelson R J, Crompton J L. Insights into the Repeat Vacation Phenomenon. Annals of Tourism Research, 1984, 11 (2): 199-217. [2]. Lau, Anita L. S.; McKercher, Bob. Exploration Versus Acquisition: A Comparison of First-Time and Repeat Visitors. Journal of Travel Research, 2004, 42 (3): 279-285. [3]. Moutinho, L.; Trimble, J. A Probability Revisitation Model: the Case of Winter Visits to the Grand Canyon. The service industries journal, 1991, 11 (4): 439-357. [4]. Kozak, M. 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