
Document 2523509

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Document 2523509
Principal (Acting): Stacey Brown
Assistant Principal: Cathy Jones
PTA Co-Presidents:
Tameka Morgan & Lori Thomas
Dates to Remember
• April 11 - 4th Marking Period Begins
• April 13 - After School Clubs begin
• April 15 - Penguin P.R.I.D.E Pancake
• April 20 - Annual Lake Forest Mall Art
• April 22 – Earth Day Celebration @
9:30 AM
• April 22 - Report Cards Sent Home
• April 25 - Town Hall
• April 26 - Primary Election Day – No
• April 28 - Take Your Child to Work
The spring season is full of transformations. The temperature is
rising, days are longer, leaves are no longer falling, and plants are budding.
Aside from the weather's transformations that occur in the spring season,
we are transforming, too. It is also that time of year that brings about
changes in our staffing.
This year is very similar to last year, W.T. Page Elementary was
impacted by staffing allocations and has loss two teaching positions, a
decrease in ESOL and Focus teaching hours and paraeducator support
hours. In the coming weeks, I will continue to work to fill any new positions
should they be regained and make changes to our current staff (for
example: teachers that may need to switch grade levels, etc.). I will also
continue to keep you informed of staffing changes as they occur.
We have been informed that the state has denied the county
request for a waiver. I will update the community as soon as the last day
of school is announced.
Parent preference sheets will be sent home during the 2nd week of
April and will also be available on the W.T. Page website. Please be sure
the forms are returned to school no later than May 1, 2016. This is an
opportunity for you to describe your child as a learner. The information will
be used to help the W.T. Page staff identify an appropriate class placement
for your child. We will not honor individual classroom requests; rather, we
will consider the strengths and needs of each student to assist with class
School News and Updates
Spring is also the time of year to provide information to help you plan for summer. The 2016 Regional Elementary
Summer School will be held from Tuesday, July 5th – Friday, July 29th at Cannon Road Elementary – 8:10 – 11:40 daily.
If you choose to enroll at summer school please look for the familiar face of Ms. Jones who will be one of the summer
school administrators. Don’t worry she is only there for the summer. Information about regional summer school can
www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/departments/extendedhours/summerschool/ or in the main office at W.T. Page.
Summer school Registration begins May 4th and deadlines June 20th.
In 2014, W.T. Page ES achieved Maryland Green School status and this year was nominated by the state of Maryland,
but not selected for the 2016 Green Ribbon School (GRS) Award. We were commended for our efforts and
accomplishments in the three Pillars of Green Ribbon Schools: 1) reducing environment impact and cost; 2) improving
the health and wellness of students and staff; and 3) providing effective sustainability education.
Congratulations to our W.T. Page MESA (Mathematics, Engineering, Science and
Achievement) Club members for successfully competing in the Maryland MESA Day on
March 23, 2016 at Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory in Howard County,
Maryland. We brought home the 1st place Balsa Wood Bridge trophy, 3rd place Effective
Communication trophy and 3rd place Storybook Theme Park Ride trophy. W.T. Page
Elementary was the only Montgomery County Public School that was represented that day.
I am so proud and look forward to the continued traditions that make W.T. Page
Elementary School a great place to learn. Way to go W.T. Page students and a huge thank
you to Mrs. Bradley, Ms. Jeter, Mrs. Mir and Mrs. Lori Thomas (parent volunteer).
– Ms. Brown, Acting Principal
April 11 – 4th Marking Period Begins
April 13 – After School Clubs begin
April 15 – Penguin P.R.I.D.E Pancake Breakfast
April 20 - Annual Lake Forest Mall Art Show
April 22 – Earth Day Celebration @ 9:30 AM
April 22 – Report Cards Sent Home
April 25 – Town Hall
April 26 – Primary Election Day – No School
April 28 – Take Your Child to Work Day
April 29 – Kindergarten Orientation (Kindergarten Students – No School)
Mark Your Calendar Now
Kindergarten Orientation
William Tyler Page Elementary School
Friday, April 29th, 2016 (all day)
(Reminder - No School for Kindergarten Students)
MCPS has released its comprehensive study of choice and other special academic programs. The study was
commissioned by the Board of Education to analyze how well choice and special academic programs advance the
district’s mission, core purpose, and core values, and to recommend ways MCPS can improve these programs. Over the
next several months, MCPS will engage with the community and work to develop a plan to address the report’s findings
and recommendations. Three community dialogues are scheduled to discuss the recommendations and the vision for
choice within MCPS. The meetings will take place from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. on April 6 at Gaithersburg High School; April
18 at Kennedy High School; and May 5 at Walter Johnson High School. The report is available at
www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/info/choice/report.aspx, where feedback also can be submitted online.
Registration will begin on March 14, 2016, for 2016–2017 prekindergarten and Head Start programs. The programs serve
income-eligible families with children who will be 4 years old by September 1, 2016, including children with disabilities.
Walk-in applications will be accepted Monday through Friday, 9 a.m.–4 p.m., at Rocking Horse Road Center, 4910 Macon
Road in Rockville. Additional information about eligibility, registration, and required documents to complete an
application is available on the MCPS website. A blurb is provided below.
Be sure to share your ideas and views on the importance of funding the MCPS operating budget with our elected
Montgomery County officials—the Montgomery County Board of Education, the County Executive, and the Montgomery
County Council—through emails, letters, short videos, and testimonials.
School News and Updates
In April, we will study Farms and Nutrition. We will learn about nutrition and the foods we get from the farm. In math,
we are sequencing by size and measuring length and weight. As always we are working on the numbers 0-30. In
reading/language arts, we will be retelling stories, identifying characters, setting, and the problem in the story. We will
continue to practice identifying the letters and sounds of the alphabet and for some, will continue to read from
emergent texts. Again, if a book comes home, please return it the very next day.
Friday, April 22, 2016, is Earth Day. We have a big assembly from 9:30-11:00 AM on that day. Both AM and PM will
come to school in the morning on that day. I will send you information on this closer to the date but please put it on the
calendar now. There would be no PM session on that day since they will attend school in the morning. Lunch will still be
served to both classes.
Some midyear reminders….
 Homework should be done every day. The children are half way to kindergarten. Please work with them every
day so they are well prepared.
 Please check with your child’s home school for Kindergarten Orientation information. If your home school is
Page ES, our orientation is on April 29.
 April 22: ALL students come to school in the AM
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at 301-989-5672 or via email at
[email protected]
-Michelle Dean
Reading: Students will be prompted to use their background knowledge, ask and answer questions, synthesize, and
make inferences in fiction and non-fiction texts. They will be expected to collaborate with peers using “Think-Pair-Share”
and “Re-voicing” strategies. Also, students will be expected to explain their thinking when collaborating.
Math: Students will represent addition and subtraction with objects, drawings, fingers, mental images, and equations.
They will continue to decompose numbers up to 10 into two smaller numbers in more than one way. Recognizing that
smaller numbers make larger numbers will help students to add and subtract with ease.
Science: Students will describe the similarities and differences in animals such as toads and frogs. Also, they will identify
and explain how animals use external features to move and survive in their habitats. Resources for instruction will
include technology and outdoor learning experiences.
Social Studies: Students will identify the similarities and differences in families, living patterns, and how different groups
of people meet the same human needs. Also, they will give examples of customs and experiences that make families and
communities unique. Students will complete a project reflecting their family’s culture this quarter.
Reminders: Please empty your child’s “Home Folder” each night. Also, make sure that your child returns his or her
guided reading to school the next day.
THE KINDERGARTEN TEAM: Ms. Ndungu, Ms. Barrett, Ms. Savage, Mrs. Ulrich
Spring has spring and our first graders are following suit. They have warmed up to more complex thinking in math and
reading. They have begun to blossom as students who know how to collaborate, analyze, and persist when the work is
challenging and take intellectual risk when they are learning something new.
In Math, we are currently learning about fact families and knowing that 3 + 4 = 7 will help us understand that 7 – 4 = 3.
We are developing a greater understanding of the equal sign and equations so that finding the unknown in an equation
like 12 + 1 = _____ + 7 isn’t incomprehensible as it once was. At the end of this marking period we will be building on
our strong foundation in number sense and learning how to add and subtract two digit numbers where one of the
numbers is a multiple of 10.
In Reading, we are applying the skills of identifying key details and central message to a variety of stories and fables. We
are delving into folktales such as “The Pied Piper” and asking students to explore their opinion about events in the story.
We are connecting these discussions to writing activities which seek to improve a written opinion by providing more
substantial or thoughtful reasons that can be supported by the text. First graders are making great strides in their ability
to use analysis to examine parts of stories and then synthesis to put these parts together to gain meaning.
In Science, we have been analyzing soil samples, rocks, and building materials in order to understand the world we live
in. In social studies, we have explored geography and looked at the continents, oceans, countries, and many different
land forms.
First graders are truly growing and we teachers are excited to be part of helping all of our students bloom and prosper.
FIRST GRADE TEAM: Mrs. Bradley, Mrs. Girvin, Ms. Kim, Mrs. Poznanski
Reading and Writing- Children use the Junior Great Books Series to ask and answer questions and describe how words
and phrases supply rhythm and meaning. Children will analyze and write poems and also discuss the shades of meaning
between closely related verbs and adjectives.
Math- Students will add and subtract 3 digit numbers by composing a ten using concrete models, drawings, place value
strategies, and written methods. Students will continue to use mental strategies to add and subtract within 20.
Social Studies- We will examine how local school, community, and government leaders contribute to society.
Science- The Cycle of Life  Children will observe cycles in nature. Each night in April children are asked to observe the
moon. We will make predictions about the moon cycles and what patterns they see. Children will continue their
investigation of plant growth. Students will observe and record observations of the lifecycle of the painted lady
Reminder: Don’t forget sneakers on your PE day
THE SECOND GRADE TEAM: Mrs. Watkins, Mrs. Friend, Mr. Martin
There is just one marking period left of this school year before our third graders advance on to fourth grade. We are
working hard during this last marking period to ensure we are ready for Grade 4, but we’ll also be mixing in some fun
events and activities as well-including a field trip and our annual Grade 3 Author’s Tea. More information coming soon
on both of these events.
MATH: We have a lot of topics to touch upon in math as we wrap up the year. Students are continuing to review
representing and solving multi-step word problems. This is a very challenging math unit for the students and they need
extra practice at home. Talk to your child about how you do this type of math yourself! Students are telling time to the
nearest minute and solving word problems involving elapsed time. An example could be: “Mrs. Cody leaves for school at
7:35. She arrives at 8:15. How long did it take her to drive to school?” We will also be spending a bit of time on the
concepts of volume, mass and perimeter. Thanks to a generous donation from the PTA, every third grader who practices
and studies hard to pass their 0-10 multiplication quiz by the end of the year will receive a special medal!!! Our goal is
for every student to earn a medal.
READING: We are studying traditional literature. Students will be enjoying reading and learning about folktales from
around the world and exploring myths from ancient Greece! Students will practice identifying the lesson/moral and
theme when reading these stories. We will also be studying literary non-fiction and reading biographies to wrap up
reading for the year. We look forward to having students present book reports on April 8th and seeing all the creative
ways they are sharing about their realistic fiction books.
SOCIAL STUDIES & SCIENCE: Students are learning all about creating and following a budget. In science, we begin our
biology unit, learning about habitats, ecosystems and food chains.
We have begun sending home weekly test practice to help prepare for the PARCC assessment coming up in late May.
Happy Spring!!!
THE THIRD GRADE TEAM: Mrs. Cody, Mrs. Byrd, Ms. Ducker
As the 4th marking period opens, students will read a variety of literature including plays, poetry, and prose, and they will
explore the major differences between the structures of each. In addition, students will discuss how the authors of
poetry use similes and metaphors as a way to add description to their writing.
In Math, students will use their knowledge of fraction to develop an understanding of decimals, and they will also learn
to add fractions with unlike denominators of 10 and 100.
During the month of April, 4th graders will examine literary mood and analyze the components of poetry to develop their
ideas for the purpose of composing their own piece of poetry that reflects a real or imagined life experience. Students
will also begin their research to answer inquiry questions and develop their feature article.
In Social Studies, the students will continue studying topics pertaining to Maryland’s political structure: documents and
democratic ideas, The students will also explore the responsibility of citizens, public policies in Maryland, and issues in
the Maryland Civic participation.
In Science, a huge emphasis is placed on studying rocks: rock formation, properties of rocks and minerals, and fossils (as
evidence of the Earth’s history).
Finally, 4th grade students will explore the Thinking and Academic Success Skills (TASS) of flexibility and intellectual risk
taking. As a creative thinking skill, being flexible refers to students’ ability to be open and responsive to new and diverse
ideas and strategies. On the other hand, intellectual risk taking refers to students’ ability to accept uncertainty or
challenging the norm to reach a specific goal.
With this newsletter, the 4th grade team wants to thank the Page families who are supporting their students with their
reading log requirement and math homework on a daily basis.
Thank you for helping us make a difference in the lives of the students at William Tyler Page Elementary School, where
we strive to provide a safe and nurturing environment that stimulates and challenges all students to realize their
academic, social, and emotional potential.
THE FOURTH GRADE TEAM: Ms. Bell, Mrs. Boaston, Ms. Petrucelli
In Writing, fifth graders will begin a new project, Careers: Present and Future Inquiry. Students will use the inquiry
process to investigate the following questions:
 Which factors will have the strongest impact on determining occupations that will exist in the future?
 In what ways does the ability to apply thinking and academic success skills determine the success of workers in
the future?
Students will form additional detailed questions to begin their inquiry. Students will then gather facts about a career
and seek answers to their questions. They will do research on the chrome books, in the media center and conduct
interviews. Students will analyze their research to determine whether they believe the job will or will not exist in the
future. As a result, they will draft a thesis statement and organize their reasons to support their thesis in order to write
an opinion piece. Throughout the weeks, students will continuously engage in peer conferencing to evaluate how their
opinion is supported by relevant and logically ordered facts and details.
Other 5th Grade Updates:
 Family Life Classes are starting on Monday, April 11th. Remember to talk to your child about what they are learning.
 We are planning a 5th grade pajama party fundraiser for Friday, April 15th! Be on the lookout for a flyer regarding
this event.
 Fifth graders will be going on a field trip to Washington, DC and have a bowling party later in the year. More
information will be sent home in late April/early May.
 This quarter, students have been working on the Thinking and Academic Success Skills (TASS) of elaboration and
intellectual risk taking. These skills are embedded in all subject areas and students are encouraged to use these skills
as they work on assignments. (See Thinking and Academic Success Skills (TASS) table on next page).
FIFTH GRADE TEAM: Ms. Finley, Ms. Jeter, Mr. Selvin
Finishing up the third marking period, students in our Kindergarten class have been taking a closer
look at nature and analyzing works by Georgia O’Keeffe. In first grade, students learned the
importance of using different art materials, such as paper manipulation, in order to turn their
mistakes into beautiful artwork. Our second graders were able to USE shapes and their imagination to
reuse cardboard into an outer space robot landscape. In third grade, students investigated how artist,
Henry Rousseau combined reality and imagination to create a Dream Jungle landscape. In fourth
grade students learned about expressionism and have finalized their narrative self-portraits. Finally in
fifth grade, students have finished their movie poster design by blending oil pastels to create a color scheme that evokes
Now the entire school is getting ready for Earth Day! Students in all grades will be combining shapes and lines in order
to create their own “We Are One” Earth Day t-shirt design. A big thanks goes out to Mrs. Dean, our Pre-k
Educator/Green Team Leader, for making this project possible!
Lastly, mark your calendars for April 20th for our annual Lake Forest Mall Art Show. Come take a look at what our young
artists are up to. Can’t wait to see you all there!
In April, Kindergarten students will be using pictures to represent long and short
sounds. They will also be singing songs that use the voice many different ways.
 1st grade students will be improvising using classroom instruments to enhance
songs in music class.
 2nd grade students will be using instruments to improvise responses in
question and answer form.
 3rd grade students will be using music vocabulary to describe expressive qualities in music, such as accelerando or
rallentando. They will also be reading the notes G,A,B on the treble staff.
 4th grade students will be notating short rhythmic phrases from dictation. They will also be preparing for their
spring chorus concert on May 17th.
 5th grade students will be continuing to compare different performances of the same piece of music, as well as
working on their own class performances of popular songs. They will be notating short melodic phrases from
dictation in order to get ready for their individual composition project in May. They will also be preparing for their
spring chorus concert on May 17th.
-Mr. Henderson, Music Teacher
Spring is in the air which is a perfect time of the year to get active! As usual, our students are
staying active and learning new skills in physical education class. The fourth marking period
involves lots of striking skills for all of our students. In kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade, students
learn the skills of striking with the feet, otherwise known as soccer dribbling
and kicking. Students in this age range also learn to improve in striking with
hands; this is the lead-up skill to volleyball skills which are practiced in the
latter part of elementary school. The striking skills that are taught in 3rd 4th
and 5th grade include tennis striking--the forehand and back hand strokes--as well as striking with a
bat as is done in softball, baseball, and cricket.
As we near the end of the school year, there's no better way to prepare for all of the outdoor activity opportunities that
the summer provides than by partaking in Field Day, the annual day of physical activity. Mark your calendars now for
Friday, June 3rd! Field Day t-shirt order forms and parent volunteer forms will be sent home during the month of April.
-Ms. Gannon, PE Teacher
Personal Body Safety Lessons Update – I have taught one lesson in grades K to 3 and will be teaching lessons
in grades 4 and 5 after break. In addition, I plan on doing a follow-up lesson in each grade level during the
remainder of 4th quarter. Here is a brief summary of what the students learned including a “look for” paper
which your child should have taken home to share with you. Call me at (301) 989-5672, if you have any
questions or concerns.
Kindergarten – Using the book, Your Body Belongs to You by Cornelia Maude
Spelman, the students learned in a gentle and reassuring way messages that clearly
convey 1) your body belongs to you and what kind of touches are unsafe/unwanted 2)
some touches makes us feel good and some make us feel uncomfortable 3) private
parts are covered by your bathing suit and are only for you –as well as other areas of
the body not covered if the touching is uncomfortable (i.e. rubbing back or leg area)
Students were taught to say, “Stop, I don’t like that!!” through role-playing and
telling a trusted adult (an adult who keeps them safe).
First grade – The lesson covered several personal safety concepts: checking
with a parent or caregiver before going anywhere; trusting the “uh-oh” or
“yucky” feeling; the importance of telling if someone asks you to keep a
secret from your parents or touches you in a way that makes you feel
uncomfortable; and identifying adults you can trust to help you. Book used –
I Can Play it Safe by Alison Feigh; I introduced and students practiced the
“say NO (if you can or show no), GO, and TELL” and “Check First” scripts –
look for this paper that should have come home.
Second grade –The lesson covered personal safety concepts: being safe
around people you know as well as around strangers, checking with a parent
or caregiver before going anywhere or when asked to help with an adult
problem; trusting the ‘uh-oh” or “yucky” feeling; maintaining personal
space. Book used as a resource was - Smarter than the Scoopers by Julia
Cook. Look for this paper that should have come home, –the SCOOP Safety
Rules and Safety Rules for children (on the back).
Third grade – The lesson highlighted the importance of trusting “yucky” or uncomfortable feelings by
removing yourself from the situation if at all possible, and telling an adult that you trust. The lesson consisted
of discussion, Powtoon, and activity sheet that came home, – Being Smart About Uncomfortable Feelings.
-Mrs. Ichniowski
Other School News and Events
W.T. Page Tweets: Follow Us
Follow Us on Twitter at: Stacey Brown@WTPagePenguins
New Season of Homework Hotline Live!
Homework Hotline Live! (HHL) is back for its 30th season, offering students in grades K–12 free homework
assistance from MCPS teachers. Students can contact HHL teachers from 4:30–6 p.m. on the phone or 4:30–
9:30 p.m. online on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, and 6-9:30 p.m. online on-Mondays.
Students can ask questions by:
• Making a phone call to 301-279-3234
• Visiting the HHL website (AskHHL.org)
• Sending a text message to 724-427-5445
• Sending an email ([email protected])
• Posting a message to Facebook (facebook.com/AskHHL)
• Send a tweet to @AskHHL
• Posting to Instagram (AskHHL)
Homework Hotline Live! can be viewed on MCPS-TV (Comcast 34, Verizon 36, RCN 89) and on the Web at
PTA Board Members 2015 - 2016
Co-Presidents: Tameka Morgan / Lori Thomas
[email protected] /[email protected]
Vice President: Robyn Ivy
[email protected]
Secretary: Jamii PremDas
[email protected]
Treasurer: Aaron Blucker
[email protected]
Co-Treasurer: Nat Williams
[email protected]
Cultural Arts: Laura Mir
[email protected]
Spirit Nights: Monique Strode / Shirley Jenkins
[email protected] / [email protected]
Room Parent Liaison: Kim Johnson-Redder
[email protected]
Mini-Grants/PTA Display Boards/ Co-Room Parent
Liaison: Cassandra Wallace
[email protected]
Special Events/Hospitality Coordinator/After-School
Coordinator: Tameka Morgan
[email protected]
ICEPAGE Newsletter: Junio Colobong
[email protected]
• Find Box Tops on hundreds of products. Each Box Top is worth
10₵ cash for our school.
• Clip Box Tops from each package. Ask your family, friends
and coworkers to clip as well.
• Send the Box Tops into school with your child. The more Box
Tops you collect, the more the chances your child has to win!
3rd quarter- Frosty key tags
4th quarter- pizza party
* 1st, 2nd and 3rd quarter rewards will be for the leading class. 4th
quarter pizza party will be for the GRADE that had the highest overall
number of Box Tops)
Fly UP