Kensington Parkwood Elementary School 2014-2015 School Improvement Plan
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Kensington Parkwood Elementary School 2014-2015 School Improvement Plan
Kensington Parkwood Elementary School 2014-2015 School Improvement Plan STUDENT and STAKEHOLDER FOCUS As a result of a root cause analysis, it was determined that: Measures of Academic Progress in Math (MAP M) scores display disparity between Hispanic, Special Education and English Language Learners (ELL). MAP R scores reflect disparity with African American, Hispanic, Special Education, and ELL. Student voice surveys (1st, 3rd & 4th grades) report a need for improved peer and adult relationships; how to get help; and high expectations for all students. The Gallop School Climate Survey (5th gr.) indicates a need for continued focus on bullying and teasing. FACULTY and STAFF FOCUS To reach SIP goals, the staff development focus will be on: Leadership and staff meetings will focus on examining beliefs and practices that impact student learning. Staff needs expanded understanding of working with all students’ academic, social and emotional needs. Team level Professional Learning Communities (PLC) will focus on differentiated small-group instruction and the use of effective data collection tools. Teams will work together to draft, implement and monitor Student Learning Objectives (SLOs). Staff will implement classroom practices based on Teaching and Academic Success Skills (TASS) and PBIS resources, including model lessons. School resources will be allocated to support goals as identified by teams and grade-level needs. LEADERSHIP Student-Developed Mission: The KP learning community will enable all students to achieve success in a creative and challenging learning environment through respectful behaviors, goal setting, and hard work. Leadership team will examine practices and beliefs of team and staff and focus on changes needed to confront identified inequities School community will develop, implement and monitor School Improvement Plan (SIP) to address identified goals through a focus on MCPS Strategic Plan Core Values: Learning, Relationships, Respect, Excellence and Equity Expectations and performance will be clearly communicated and monitored through: KP website / Connect-ED / Back-to-School Night / PTA meetings & newsletters / parent conferences with emphasis on outreach to underserved parents. PERFORMANCE RESULTS Progress will be assessed and analyzed to identify instructional implications: Small-group instruction outcomes from Student Learning Objectives (SLO) data and reflections Disaggregated performance on grade level benchmarks Gallup Surveys / in-house surveys PBIS disaggregated data, as compared to previous years STRATEGIC PLANNING: GOALS and MEASURES Increase engagement by providing all students the opportunity to respond to higher-level thinking questions in differentiated smallgroup learning experiences as measured by observations, student voice feedback, formatives and MAP data. Increase positive school climate through the implementation of Positive Behavior Interventions and Systems (PBIS) to ensure hope and engagement for all as measured by Gallop and PBIS referral data. MEASUREMENT, ANALYSIS, and KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT PROCESS MANAGEMENT A. Teams will monitor outcomes of differentiated small-group instruction during team meetings and monthly Professional Learning Communities (PLC) and use outcomes to create Student Learning Objectives (SLOs). B. Staff will work collaboratively to develop, score and reflect on common formatives. C. Monthly grade / team level PLC data meetings Progress tracked on action plan template Identified needs used to develop grade level SLOs Student interventions tracked through Documentation of Interventions (DOI) D. Human and material resources will be used to facilitate professional growth to impact student learning. E. Staff will implement PBIS matrix / flow chart. Office referral data will be disaggregated and analyzed for trends by cross-grade PBIS team. F. Arts Integration strategies will be implemented to increase student engagement, learning and higher-level thinking skills. G. All classroom teachers will teach weekly Second Step Social Skills lessons. H. All students will participate in weekly technology classes. Professional learning will be measured through application of macro learning (professional development within micro experiences (implementation); feedback; and surveys Performance outcomes of differentiated small-group instruction through observational data and the use of teacher-created and team-scored formatives MCPS Performance Indicators will be analyzed for trends within classes and grades with a specific emphasis on disaggregated performance data Creation, implementation and reflection by staff on Student Learning Objectives (SLOs) Student and staff voice surveys from Gallop and school-based surveys Office referral data, staff PBIS survey data and climate survey