An Empirical Analysis of Ecological City Evaluation Index System
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An Empirical Analysis of Ecological City Evaluation Index System
An Empirical Analysis of Ecological City Evaluation Index System LIU Xingguo,ZHANG Yongmei School of Management, University of Jinan, Jinan, China, 250022 [email protected] Abstract AS transitional society, many Chinese city faces at increased pressure on serious ecological damage, increasing population and limited resources. Therefore, the research on ecological city development is necessary and important. In this article, we develop a reasonable eco-city evaluation index system in order to guide the construction of ecological city in China. Key Words Ecological city building Index system Empirical research ; 1 ; The definition of ecological city Ecological city is a complex ecosystem with person and nature mutual promotion and mutual symbiosis. With the principles of ecology to guide the construction of urban, including in infrastructure, layout, waste discharge, urban environment building and so on, achieving a ecological system with economic, social, environmental elements coordinated development. The development of eco-city is a complex system. The effect evaluation and scanning is important to distinguish the urban development target for local government, promoting the develop process rationally. 2. The indicator system and classification standards 2.1 Evaluation index system of Eco-city The evaluation index system is divided three levels: the senior level index is urban ecological index, the sub-index include ecological system structure, function and coordination. Fist-level index is made of indicators selected from second-level index; second-level index is made of indicators selected from third-level index. Table 1 shows the Eco-city evaluation index and criteria. Tab.1 Eco-city evaluation indicators and criteria [5-7] Fist-leve l index Second-level index Demographic structure infrastructure Third-level index unit population density(city domain) High Education number of 10000(Metropolitan Area) Road area per person(urban) Person/km² standa rd 3500 person/10000 520 m² /person 28 housing area per person(urban) m² /person 16 Clinic Beds 10000(urban) Noise(Urban) number/1000 0 dB(A) 90 50 m²/person 16 according European status quo Beijing status quo London status quo Structure Urban environment number of green area per person (urban) ( ) Urban Greening Green area urban Pollution control Industrial wastewater discharge rate (urban) 111 % % 5 100 Tokyo status quo Domestic city status quo International standard Max number of domestic city Shenzhen status quo International standard Function Resource allocation coordina tion production effect Social Security Urban civilization Sustainability Industrial waste gas discharge rate (urban) Living water per person(Urban) telephone number of 100(Urban) GDP per person(Urban) % 100 L/d 455 number/100 55 International standard Standard of New York, Paris Domestic city 1000 Yuan 5.0 Shenzhen unemployment rate (urban) % 1.2 Collection number per 10000(Urban) the proportion of science and education investment in GDP income comparison between urban and rural List / 10000 2.5 % 2.5 0—1 0.8 International standard International standard International standard International standard 2.2 Index calculation[5] 2.2.1 calculation of third-level evaluation index The formula of evaluation index is as follows: When the indicators are positive, higher the number , higher level of the ecological extent of the city: Qi=1-(Si-Ci) /(Si-Cmin) (i=1 2 3……);When the indicator is negative, less the result, higher level of the ecological extent of city: Qi=1-(Ci-Si)/(Cmax-Si) (i=1 2 3……). In this equation: Si is the standard value of the third-level indicator, Ci is the status quo of the third-level indicator, Cmax is the maximum value of the city’s indicators multiplied by 1.05, Cmin is the minimum value of the city’s indicators divided by 1.05. 2.2.2 Calculation of second-level evaluation index The second-level index is the arithmetic mean of the third-level indicators. The formula is: Vi= ,, ,, m ∑ ( i = 1 Qi) /m. Qi is the value of a third-level indicator; m is the number of the third-level indicators in the second indicator. 2.2.3 Calculation of First-level evaluation index The second-level indicators multiplied their respective weight and add the result together get the n first-level index (Ui).The formula is:Ui= ∑ Vi Wi: Vi is the value of second-level indicators; Wi is i =1 the corresponding weight of the second-level indicators; n is the number of second-level indicators of the first-level indicator. 2.2.4 Calculation of urban ecological composite index The first-level index multiplied by the respective weights, then added the result followed get the urban ecosystem composite indicator (ECI). n The formula is as follows: ECI= ∑ UiWi. Ui is the first-level indicators; Wi is the weight of the i=1 first-level indicator; n is the number of first level indicators. 2.3 Determination of the weight The weight of this paper induced from Yong-Chang Song’s data [6], which accessed by professional consulting method (table 2). 112 Tab.2 the weight of first-level index and second-level index [6] Grand index weight index first-level index second-level index weight index weight sturcture 0.372 Function 0.325 Coordination 0.303 Demographic structure 0.260 Material reduction 0.310 Social Security 0.320 Infrastructure 0.230 Resource allocation 0.360 Urban Civilization 0.310 Urban Environment 0. 270 Production efficiency 0. 330 Sustainability 0. 370 Urban Greening 0. 240 2.4 The evaluation standards of urban ecology level This paper introduced five-level criteria in evaluating a city's ecological level (Table 3). Tab.3 The five-level evaluation criteria of urban ecological degree [6] classification ecological Composite Index (ECI) Implication Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ ecological degree is very high ecological degree is high ecological degree is general ecological degree is low ecological degree is bad >0.80 0.60—0.80 0.45—0.60 0.25—0.45 <0.25 Rank Rank Rank Rank Rank 3. The empirical ecological evaluation of six cities in Shandong 3.1 Data resource and measurement Most data of this paper are come from "Statistical book of Shandong" and " Statistical book of City in Shandong. Few of them collected from Shandong statistic information websites and Jinan statistic information websites [8-13]. 3.2 Evaluation of eco-system Table 4 and Table 5 show the ecological evaluation value in 2000 and 2005 of six cities, including Jinan, Weifang, Yantai ,Weihai, Qingdao, Taian. Tab.4 The ecological evaluation index of six cities in 2000 City Jinan Taian Rand Second-level indicators First-level indicators Yantai Weihai Qingdao Weifang Demographic structure Infrastructure 0.01615 0.015 0.01 0.3735 0.03785 0.058 0.067 0.05 0.05 0.094 0.4703 0.256 Urban Environment 0.382 0.42 0.40 0.652 0.359 0.33 Urban Greening 0.0995 0.083 0.1015 0.53105 0.116 0.431 Structure 0.1466 0.14872 0.14646 0.422 0.170721 0.2665 113 Second-level indicators First-level indicators Second-level indicators First-level indicators Ecological index Pollution control 0.3584 0.23 0.562 1.0 0.5214 0.851 Resource allocation 0.025 0.08 0.02 0.0395 0.0415 0.288 Production efficiency Function 0.024 0.01 0.03 0.039 0.02 0.064 0.1280 0.1034 0.19132 0.33709 0.1832 0.38861 Social Security 0.12 0.32 0.287 0.583 0.026 0.29 Urban Civilization 0.1783 0.15 1.31 0.823 0.628 0.090 Sustainability 0.304 0.08 0.09 0.0375 0.099 0.281 Coordination 0.2074 0.1785 0.53411 0.4614 0.23989 0.22467 0.1567 0.143 0.280 0.406 0.1955 0.294 The ecological structure index value of six cities in 2000 is ranked from higher to lower: Taian<Jinan<Qingdao<Yantai<Weifang<Weihai. 0.8 0.75 0.7 0.65 0.6 0.55 0.5 0.45 0.4 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0.406 0.143 0.1955 0.1567 0.294 0.28 Ecological index Taian Jinan Qingdao Yantai Weifang Weihai 1 Ecological system structure index of six cities in 2000 Fig Tab.5 The ecological evaluation index of six cities in 2005 City Jinan Taian Rand Second-level indicators First-level indicators Second-level indicators Yantai Weihai Qingdao Weifang Demographic structure Infrastructure 0.9369 0.015 0.1235 0.0215 0.37495 0.033 0.613 0.89 0.443 0.66 0.5744 0.995 Urban Environment Urban Greening 0.508 0.379 0.35 0.355 0.555 0.475 0.337 0.32 0.491 0.60725 0.4161 0.318 Structure 0.6026 0.38773 0.34634 0.39898 0.393201 0.442 Pollution control 0.7245 0.8435 0.675 1.0 0.886 0.915 Resource allocation 0.405 0.22 1.095 0.0625 0.10875 0.604 114 First-level indicators Second-level indicators First-level indicators Ecological index Production efficiency Function 0.456 0.14 0.486 0.68 0.524 0.202 0.5209 0.387 0.76383 0.5569 0.4867 0.568 Social Security 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.167 0.077 0.10 Urban Civilization 0.07 0.03 1.420 0.469 0.085 0.103 Sustainability 0.054 0.119 0.265 0.1255 0.5275 0.439 Coordination 0.06478 0.07573 0.56135 0.247 0.247 0.22636 0.4238 0.2931 0.547 0.404 0.479 0.418 The ecological structure index value of six cities in 2005 is ranked from higher to lower:Taian< Weihai < Weifang < Jinan < Qingdao < Yantai. Ecological index 0 .8 0 . 75 0 .7 0 . 65 0 .6 0 . 55 0 .5 0 . 45 0 .4 0. 2 9 3 1 0 . 35 0 .3 0 . 25 0 .2 0 . 15 0 .1 0 . 05 0 T a ia n Fig 2 0 .4 0 4 0.418 W e i h a i W ei f a n g 0.4238 Jinan 0 .4 7 9 0. 5 4 7 Q i n g d a o Y an t a i Ecological system structure index of six cities in 2005 3.3 Result analysis 3.3.1 The analysis of Ecological system structure index. Weihai ranked first one in 2000, which is benefit from the ecological development concepts of local government. Jinan is the highest rank in 2005 because the government gradually realized the importance of ecological system. In recent years, the government focuses on the urban infrastructure improvement and construction work, the effect is obvious. 3.3.2 Analysis of eco-system function index. The coastal cities have higher rank in this index in 2000, because the coastal cities pay more attention to wastewater and waste gas discharge with more harsh emissions standards. Jian and Weifang got rapid growth in this index in 2005 with strengthening enforcement capacity of environment protection law. 3.3.3 Analysis of the eco-system coordination index. In 2000, the coastal cities have higher rank in this index, which is related to economic development level. Jinan increased rapidly in this index in 2005, which shows the outstanding effect of local government’s eco-system building policy. 3.3.4 Analysis of ecological composite index. In 2000 the coastal city ranked higher with higher development level. In 2005 Jinan’s rank increased 115 quickly because ecosystem structure has improved effectively in recent years with the support of local government. 4. The construction measures of eco-city building in Shandong Province 4.1 improving social awareness of environmental protection The local government could build special environmental education plans to consciously create the ecological protection awareness, developing the habit of protection ecological environment. 4. 2 Improve environment-protected legislation The government should draw on more ecological protection regulations, building a legal basis to ecological urban development. At the same time, the environment-protected institutions should punish the companies with destruction ecological behaviors. 4.3 With characteristics of local cities Every city has its own unique geographical environment, history, culture conditions, so each city can combine their own characteristic in building eco-city development program. 4.4 Pay attention to cooperation of inter-city, inter-regional Cities development is interdependent and mutually reinforcing. So Eco-city building needs the collaboration and coordination within regions with learning each other and knowledge sharing. Reference : , , , , [1]Wang Xiangrong. Study of ecological building. Nanjing Southeast university Press 2004:8-9 29-33. [2]Huang Zhaoyi Yang Dongyuan. Review of Eco-city theory research.Urban plan 2001 (1):59-65. [3]Feng Qifeng Cao Ronglin. The comparison research of Eco-city building model. Zhejiang University magazine 2006 (3):346-350. [4]Huang Guangyu Chen Yong. Eco-city theory and urban planning design .Beijing Scientific Press 2002:35-71. [5]Chang Keyi Wang Xiangrong. Research on eco-city index system. Shanghai environment science 2003 2 76-79. [6]Song Rongchang Qi Renhai You Wenhui Wang Xiangrong. Eco-city index system and evaluation method. Urban environment and ecology 1999 (5):17-19. 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