2016-2017 Calendar of Music Events & Performance Schedule 4301 East-West Highway
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2016-2017 Calendar of Music Events & Performance Schedule 4301 East-West Highway
4301 East-West Highway Bethesda, MD 20814 240-740-0434 [email protected] 2016-2017 Calendar of Music Events & Performance Schedule DATE Friday September 2, 2016 Thursday September 15, 2016 Tuesday September 20, 2016 Friday September 23, 2016 Monday September 26, 2016 Saturday October 1, 2016 Friday October 7, 2016 Saturday October 15, 2016 Friday October 21, 2016 Sunday October 23, 2016 Friday October 28, 2016 Monday October 31, 2016 Saturday November 5, 2016 Tuesday November 8, 2016 Thursday November 10, 2016 Saturday November 12, 2016 Tuesday November 15, 2016 Thursday-Saturday November 17-19, 2016 Saturday November 19, 2016 Tuesday November 22, 2016 Saturday November 26, 2016 Tuesday December 6, 2016 Tuesday December 7, 2016 Saturday December 10, 2016 Monday December 12, 2016 Monday December 12, 2016 (Updated September 17, 2016 — if unforeseen changes, students will be notified.) EVENT PLACE TIME COMMENT Pep Band Performance Walter Johnson High 6:30pm-9:30pm Wind Ensemble (3 SSL Hours) School (4:30pm call time) Pep Band Performance Clarksburg High School 7:00pm-9:30pm Optional for Drumline (3 SSL (4:30pm call time) Hours) Music Boosters Parent B-CC Choral Music Room 7:00pm-8:00pm Activities for the year including Welcome Meeting E006 Spring Trip and Volunteer Needs Pep Band Performance Northwood High School 6:30pm-9:30pm Drum Line ONLY (3 SSL Hours) (4:30pm call time) Tentative due to transportation. MCPS Honors Jazz Frost Middle School 4:00pm-9:00pm Jazz Band ONLY Auditions Pep Band Performance Landon School 2:30pm-5:00pm Wind Ensemble, Symphonic (12:30pm call time) Band, Concert Band (3 SSL Hours) Pep Band Performance Poolesville Senior High 7:00pm-9:30pm Symphonic Band, Concert Band (3 SSL Hours) (Homecoming) School (4:30pm call time) October Overture Music Edgemoor Club 7:00pm-9:30pm Volunteers Needed! Music Mixer & Fundraiser 7415 Exeter Road Teachers & Parents Perform Pep Band Performance Quince Orchard High 6:30pm-9:30pm Drum Line ONLY (3 SSL Hours) School (4:30pm call time) Tentative due to transportation. Community Closet Tuxedo/ 5006 Hampden Lane 10:00am-2:00pm Even exchanges or tux and dress Concert Dress Exchange Bethesda, MD or call Gail Cohen $40 ‘donation’; shirts $10 Pep Band Performance Walter Johnson High 7:00pm-9:30pm Symphonic Band, Concert Band (3 SSL Hours) School (4:30pm call time) Citrus Fruit Sale Order Music Fundraiser Delivery Week of Contact Esther Schrader Deadline November 14 Pep Band Performance Walt Whitman High School 2:30pm-5:00pm Drum Line ONLY (3 SSL Hours) (12:30pm call time) Tentative due to transportation. Presidential Election Day Outside B-CC Cafeteria Scheduled times Jazz Ensemble, String Ensemble, Bake Sale throughout the day Chamber Singers & individuals All-County Junior Band & Rockville High School 6:00pm-10:00pm Band Director Recommendation Orchestra Auditions All-State Junior Chorus, Oakdale High School 9:00am-5:00pm September 30 Application Deadline; Band & Orchestra Auditions Music Director Recommendation All-County Senior Band & Rockville High School 6:00pm-10:00pm Band Director Recommendation Orchestra Auditions Fall Drama Musical B-CC Auditorium 7:30pm-10:00pm Pit Orchestra Volunteers “Hairspray” & 2:00pm Saturday (7:00pm & 1:30pm call times) All-State Senior Chorus, Urbana High School 9:00am-5:00pm October 7 Application Deadline; Band & Orchestra Auditions Band Director Recommendation Jazz Ensemble, String Quartet Bethesda, Rock Creek Forest, 8:00am- ≈3:30pm Recruitment for Elementary & Choral Performances Somerset & Westbrook School Performances (tentative date) Jazz Combo Night in Panera Bread 6:00pm-9:00pm Jazz Ensemble & Alumni Friendship Heights 4459 Willard Avenue Children's Chorus: Strathmore 7:30pm-9:30pm Chamber Singers & Advanced Choir This Shining Night North Bethesda (call time to come) (rehearsals 11/29 & 12/1, 7:00pm) Westland Middle School B-CC Auditorium Lobby 7:00pm-7:30pm Chamber Singers Winter Choral Concert* (call time to come) Montgomery County Jazz Sherwood High School Afternoon time to Jazz Ensemble ONLY Festival* be determined Chevy Chase Elementary B-CC Auditorium 6:45pm-7:30pm Jazz Ensemble ONLY Concert* (6:30pm call time) Winter Concert Chorus B-CC Auditorium 2:30pm-4:30pm Advanced Choir, Chamber Dress Rehearsal* Singers & Concert Choir Wednesday December 14, 2016 Winter Concert #1* B-CC Auditorium Thursday December 15, 2016 Winter Concert #2* B-CC Auditorium Friday December 16, 2016 Tuesday December 20, 2016 Wednesday December 21, 2016 Saturday February 4, 2017 Thursday-Sunday February 9-12, 2017 February 10-12 Choral Friday February 10, 2017; snow date February 24 Saturday February 18, 2017 Friday February 24, 2017 Saturday February 25, 2017 Friday-Sunday March 3-5, 2017 Tuesday, March 7, 2017 In-School Winter Concert* Westland Middle School Winter Concert* North Chevy Chase Elementary Concert* All-County Gala Performance All-State Senior Chorus, Band & Orchestra, Junior Band Weekend & Concert Cabaret* B-CC Auditorium Tuesday, March 14 Saturday-Sunday March 11-12, 2017 Tuesday or Thursday March 14 or 16, 2017 Thursday March 16, 2016 Monday April 24, 2017 Wednesday April 26, 2017 Wednesday April 26, 2017 B-CC Auditorium B-CC Auditorium B-CC Auditorium Morgan State University Baltimore, MD B-CC Cafeteria 7:00pm-9:00pm (call times 6:00pm1, 6:15pm2, 6:30pm3) 7:00pm-9:00pm (call times 6:00pm1, 6:30pm2, 7:00pm3, 7:15pm4) To be announced 6:30pm-7:30pm (6:30pm call time) 6:45pm-7:30pm (6:30pm call time) 7:00pm-9:30pm All Weekend! Grades 10-11 Choral By Audition ONLY 7:00pm-10:00pm (6:30pm call time) Jazz Ensemble ONLY By Audition ONLY Advanced Choir, Chamber Singers, Concert Choir, Selected Band & Orchestra Ensemble Jazz Ensemble, Symphonic Orchestra, Advanced Orchestra, Chamber Singers Jazz Ensemble ONLY COORDINATORS NEEDED! Mid-Atlantic Jazz Festival* County Ensemble Festival Hilton Washington DC/ Rockville Meeting Center Wooten High School Afternoon time to be determined 6:00pm-10:00pm County Solo Festival Wooten High School 9:00am-4:00pm All-State Junior Chorus & Orchestra Concert Montgomery County Music Orchestra Festival* Choral Day* Used Book Sale Towson, Maryland All Weekend! Recommended but not required Recommended but not required Grade 9 By Audition ONLY Walter Johnson High School To be determined All Orchestras Montgomery County Music Band Festival* Chamber Choir Festival* Montgomery Blair High School Fourth Presbyterian Church, 5500 River Road B-CC Auditorium Spring Concert Chorus Dress Rehearsal* Montgomery County Second Band Festival* Spring Concert #1* Walt Whitman High School B-CC Cafeteria Scheduled times each day To be determined To be determined 2:30pm-4:00pm Clarksburg High School To be determined B-CC Auditorium Thursday April 27, 2017 Spring Concert #2* B-CC Auditorium Thursday-Sunday March 30-April 2, 2017 Saturday May 13 & 20, 2017 May 23, 2017 Music Trip for all Music Students Maryland State Solo & Ensemble Festival Performance with B-CC Alumni Graduation* Full New York, New York Itinerary & Hotel to come To be determined 7:00pm-9:00pm (call times 6:00pm1, 6:30pm2, 7:00pm3, 7:15pm4) 7:00pm-9:00pm (call times 6:00pm1, 6:15pm2, 6:30pm3) Depart Thursday am Return Sunday pm 9:00am-6:00pm Bethesda Blues and Jazz Supper Club DAR Constitution Hall, Washington, DC 7:00pm-9:00pm (4:00pm call time) 2:00pm-5:00pm (Noon call time) Tuesday May 30, 2017 Concert Band & Concert Orchestra1, Symphonic Band2 , Concert Choir, Advanced Choir & Chamber Singers3 Jazz Ensemble1, Wind Ensemble2, Advanced Orchestra3 & Symphonic Orchestra4 All Instrumental Ensembles & Choirs Jazz Ensemble ONLY Advanced Choir & Concert Choir Jazz Ensemble, String Ensemble, Chamber Singers & Individuals Symphonic Band & Wind Ensemble ONLY Chamber Singers ONLY Advanced Choir, Chamber Singers & Concert Choir Concert Band ONLY Jazz Ensemble1, Wind Ensemble2, Advanced Orchestra3 & Symphonic Orchestra4 Concert Band & Concert Orchestra1, Symphonic Band2 , Concert Choir, Advanced Choir & Chamber Singers3 Luggage drop & select ensembles rehearse Wednesday evening String & Wind Ensembles; Superior “1” County rating Jazz Ensemble ONLY Symphonic Orchestra, Advanced Orchestra, Jazz Ensemble, Chamber Singers * Mandatory activities as stated in the Course Objectives and considered part of the classroom grade. Unexcused absences result in a oneletter grade reduction. Excused absences are dealt with on a case-by-case basis and require make-up work at the Music Director’s discretion.