
Cabin John Middle School 2016 - 2017 Eighth Grade

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Cabin John Middle School 2016 - 2017 Eighth Grade
Cabin John
Middle School
2016 - 2017
Eighth Grade
Registration Packet
10701 Gainsborough Road
Potomac, Maryland 20854
Office (301) 469-1150
Counseling Office (301) 469-1160
Fax (301) 469-1003
School Year Calendar: 2016-2017
Monday, July 4, 2016
Holiday Independence Day
Tuesday through Friday, August 23, 24, 25, 26
Professional days for teachers
Monday, August 29
First day of school for students
Monday, September 5
Holiday Labor Day
Monday, September 12
Professional days for teachers
Friday, September 30
Early release for all students – planning/grades/interims
Monday, October 3
No school for students and teachers
Wednesday, October 12
No school for students and teachers
Monday, November 7
Professional day for teachers - no school for students
Tuesday, November 8
Holiday – Election Day
Thursday and Friday, November 10 and 11
Early release days, K-8 (parent conferences)
Wednesday, November 23
Early release K-12
Thursday and Friday, November 24 and 25
Holiday Thanksgiving
December 26, 27, 28, 29, 30
Winter break – no school for students and teachers
Monday, January 2, 2017
Holiday New Year’s Day
Monday, January 16
Holiday Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Birthday
Friday, January 20
Friday, January 27
Professional day for teachers-no school for students
Monday, February 20
Holiday Presidents’ Day
Monday, March 3
Early release for all students – planning/grades
Friday, April 7
Professional day for teachers
April 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17
Spring break – no school for students and teachers
Monday, May 29
Holiday Memorial Day
Friday, June 16
Last day of school for students – early release, K-12
Monday, June 19
Professional day for teachers
Cabin John Middle School
10701 Gainsborough Road
Potomac, Maryland 20854
301- 469-1150
Dear Parents, Guardians and Students,
On behalf of the Cabin John Middle School (CJMS) staff, I extend a warm welcome to you and
your family. We look forward to working closely with you during the next school year.
One of our most important tasks is to provide students with an instructional program that challenges
their abilities, builds upon their interests, and broadens their experiences. We encourage every
student to pursue a rich and rigorous program of studies and to make a personal commitment to
excellence in this endeavor. The CJMS Staff provides instructional programs and guidance for our
students. We invite parents to be active partners in this process.
The organizational structure of CJMS is designed to focus on the needs of the middle school child.
We emphasize each child’s social and emotional development by stressing the importance of
independence and responsibility, and realizing the need for appropriate support in developing selfworth and esteem.
A counselor and administrator are assigned to each grade level and are available to work with
students throughout their education at CJMS. Our middle school serves as a bridge which ensures
continuity as the students’ progress from elementary school to high school. In order to further
personalize our school, and in keeping with the middle school philosophy, CJMS students in grade
six are assigned to a team of teachers who are responsible for their academic program. The team
concept is basic to the middle school and facilitates early identification of achievement issues,
academic placement concerns, peer relationships, and social needs of each student on the team.
Currently Grade 6, 7 and 8 each consist of one “Super Team” to facilitate the transition from CJMS
to high school.
Please don’t hesitate to call your child’s counselor at (301) 469-1160 if you have any questions that
are not answered in the attached packet of information.
Thank you.
Dr. Paulette L. Smith
Cabin John Middle School
10701 Gainsborough Road
Potomac, Maryland 20854
301- 469-1150
Dear Parents and/or Guardians,
We look forward to taking care of your children and keeping them safe and healthy. To help
us in that endeavor, we ask that you give us as much information as possible about any chronic or
acute conditions that your child might experience throughout the school year or over the summer.
Those students that develop asthma, diabetes or any other chronic condition should complete an
additional set of health forms that will be kept in their confidential health files. Children with
Asthma should have an ASTHMA ACTION PLAN and those with severe food allergies should
have medications for ANAPHYLAXIS along with their proper forms in place with the school
health room. These forms are available on the MCPS website or from our Health Room. All
medications that your child may need to receive during school next year must have a new
medication authorization form accompanying them at the start of the year. This form is available in
the Health Room or on the MCPS website.
Students in grade 7 and grade 8 will need to have an MCPS Health Information Form (HIF)
completed WITHIN THE LAST TWO YEARS by their pediatrician in order to participate in
SCHOOL SPORTS. These can be obtained in the school Health Room or on the MCPS website.
We recommend having these forms be completed in June/July so that they will be valid until the
end of the school year. For all High School students, a new HIF is required EVERY year for sports.
Incoming grade 6 students should have a new Health Inventory completed by your
pediatrician as well in order to update our records from Elementary School. All students must have
their Meningococcal and Tdap vaccine before entry into 7th grade, so during 6th grade, parents
should make sure to schedule a check-up with their pediatrician to ensure that these vaccinations are
given and the new immunization record is brought to the CJMS health Room.
Thank you for your cooperation and we look forward to taking care of your children while
they are at Cabin John Middle School.
Brie Merritt, RN, BSN, SCHN
School Community Health Nurse
Cabin John Middle School
(240) 406-1571
 All students must have 75 SSL hours to graduate. This is a Maryland State Department of
Education high school graduation requirement
 Students can begin earning hours the summer after 5th grade.
 Before starting any SSL project view the SSL guidelines on the MCPS SSL Website:
www.mcpsssl.org –it is possible that the hours will not be accepted in the fall if the guidelines
were not followed! Please check the website first!
 If you have questions please contact MCPS SSL Specialist
Kimberly Bloch-Rincan, Coordinator, Student Service Learning
Office: 301-279-3454
Fax: 301-517-8166
[email protected]
World Languages Course Offerings
World Language courses taught in the middle school count for high school credit, and will appear on
students’ high school transcripts. Cabin John Middle School (CJMS) offers three languages:
Chinese, French, and Spanish. During the 2016-2017 school year students have the following
choice of courses: Chinese 1AB, French 1A, French 1AB, Spanish 1A, Spanish1AB.
The 1A courses are on-level courses and the 1AB courses are accelerated courses. The 1AB courses
are fast-paced, and students in those classes must meet the following expectations:
Understands advance concepts beyond those presented at grade level
Engages in divergent thinking
Demonstrates high motivation and interest
Demonstrates effective organization skills
Demonstrates independent study habits
Students who do not meet these expectations should enroll in either the French1A/Spanish 1A course
in 7th grade, and French1B/ Spanish 1B course in 8th grade. These courses are designed to provide a
strong foundation in French/Spanish grammar, vocabulary acquisition, and a keen understanding of
Francophone/Hispanic culture. Students, who take the on-level French/Spanish courses, are wellprepared for the higher level courses taught in the high school.
If you have any questions about selecting the appropriate courses for your child please contact your
child’s counselor or Ms. McKnight, ([email protected]) World Languages Department
Chairperson at CJMS.
Eighth Grade Electives
(These course descriptions are not listed in the Montgomery County Public Schools Guide to the
Middle School Program that you received with your child’s registration materials
Chorus 8: This full year course is designed as an extension of Chorus 6 and 7. This program is not limited to
students with prior experience. No audition is necessary. Students will receive daily voice lessons and instruction.
Students will continue developing their vocal skills while singing in different languages and various styles of
music. Students will have numerous opportunities to audition for solos within school based concerts and other
performances. An optional end of the year trip includes competition and workshops to further develop their skills
and experience in choral music.
Art 2-D: In this semester course, students will be engaged in meaningful art making. Lessons highlight technique
(students will explore a wide variety of 2- dimensional media and techniques such as drawing, painting, design,
printmaking, collage and more), while inspiration is drawn from themes such as identity, relationships, storytelling, and nature. Students will be able to describe, analyze and evaluate exemplary art both historic and
contemporary. Individual creativity, open-ended exploration, and risk-taking are supported and encouraged.
Student art is displayed at Cabin John Middle School throughout the year and may be showcased in art shows
around the region. All artistic ability levels are encouraged to register!
Sculpture and Ceramic Studio In this semester course, students focus on clay and sculpture. Students will learn to
identify the qualities and properties of clay and become proficient in foundational hand-building techniques (pinch,
coil, slab) as well as various decorative techniques and glazing processes. Students will also explore non-ceramic
methods of sculpture including more traditional wire, cardboard, papier-mâché, as well as more contemporary forms
such as mixed-media, found-object, appropriated, site-specific and installation art.
Computer Applications: In this semester course students will use technology to explore computer programming
and its various languages, such as Python and Java Script. Students will also master advanced Microsoft Office
and Google Apps for Education skills, through a variety of project based assessments. For the second half of the
semester students will begin an in depth introduction to Robotics through the Lego Mindstorms EV3 curriculum.
All these concepts are taught through the lens of responsible digital citizenship.
Earth Space Technology (Communications/Photography Component): In this semester course students will
experience how communication systems have evolved over time in a global society. Students will work
individually and in teams using hands on activities and various technologies to investigate and construct solutions
to problems. Projects include: Digital Photography, Electricity and Electronics. Students will learn about: Digital
Photography, Rules of Composition, Tips for Good Picture Taking & Picture Types, 3-D Drawing Program
(Google Sketchup), Electronics (Circuit Building), Career Possibilities and much more.
Earth Space Technology (Manufacturing): In this semester course students explore applications of technology in
the environment and the universe. Students learn ways to improve the environment using tools, machines, materials,
and other technology resources. Multisensory activities emphasize the team and individual approach to problem
solving, creativity and ingenuity. Activities include: the design and construction of CO2 Cars and Robotic Arms.
Students will learn about: Informed Design, Propulsion, Aerodynamics, Orthographic Projection (full scale
drawing)), Tool Safety & Usage, Career Possibilities and much more.
Television Production: This semester course focuses on the communication process. Students will be
responsible for learning the various roles for preparing, producing, and airing a daily morning news show.
Writing and Reading skills will be key focus as students develop and deliver a script. The course will also focus
on the preparation and production of PRIDE TV, Daily Power Points and specialty pieces to be broadcast on
televisions located in the halls and classrooms. Students will also be contributing to the production of the 20162017 CJMS yearbook as part of the class.
How does a student make a schedule change?
Each winter students have the opportunity to select their classes for the following year. Students and
counselors meet to discuss course selections. Students are encouraged to maintain their classes however;
students may make changes through the summer on a space-available basis.
After school begins, there will be no course selection changes except for those instances when a
 Failed a prerequisite course and cannot continue in that course;
 Attended summer school and can advance in sequence;
 Registered for the wrong level, i.e. should be in French III and is incorrectly scheduled in French I
If you are considering enrolling your son or daughter in high school courses while in middle school,
the Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) Office of Curriculum and Instructional programs
is asking schools to inform parents and guardians of the following information that may affect your
child’s high school transcript.
Credit and grades for middle school students taking a high school course are awarded based on the
pass the course each semester.
Students who meet these criteria, by earning an A, B, C, or D, will receive high school credit and
will have these grades count towards their MCPS high school grade point average (GPA). If your
child is not satisfied with the grade earned, he or she may retake the course in Grade 7 or Grade 8 if
it is available, or they may retake the course in high school.
A high school course will be recorded automatically on the high school transcript, once a student
has entered high school. Students receive their first copy of their high school transcript in March of
their Grade 9 year and receive updates throughout high school. College admissions offices receive
copies of student transcripts when students apply to colleges in their senior year. The transcript
shows credits students have earned in high school courses, their cumulative MCPS GPA, and a
weighted MCPS GPA. MCPS GPAs are calculated on a four-point scale, awarding four points for
an A, three points for a B, two points for a C, 1 point for a D, and 0 points for an E, using the final
semester grade for each course. A quality, or extra point, is awarded for honors, Advanced
Placement, and advanced-level classes for some final grades. Grades of A, B, and C in honors high
school courses earn a quality point toward a student’s weighted MCPS GPA. It is important to
note that many competitive universities do not use the MCPS calculated GPAs. Instead, they
use their own calculations based on the profile of students they are seeking.
Your student’s counselor has details about earning high school credit in middle school. If you have
questions, please contact the school’s counseling office. Thank you for being an active partner with
us in your child’s education.
Cabin John Middle School
10701 Gainsborough Road
Potomac, Maryland 20854
Counseling: 301-469-1160
Fax: 301-469-1003
Web Site: http://www.mcps.k12.md.us/schools/cabinjohnms
Name: _________________________________________________________________ ID:_______________________
The following courses are the required Core Curriculum for 8 th Grade Students:
 Advanced English 8
 Math (Algebra Prep, Algebra 1, or Honors Geometry 1)*
 Investigations in Earth Space Systems
 Advanced US History
 Physical Education/Health
*Recommendation will be made by current teacher. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your child’s
current teacher.
(Refer to: http://www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/curriculum/middleschool/brochure.shtm for an
overview of the Montgomery County Public Schools middle school program.
Please Note: Algebra,
Honors Geometry,
and World Languages
are taken for high
Students will be scheduled for a World Language and Arts Elective(s).
school credit and will
Selections for new World Languages students only (Choose One World Language) appear on student’s
high school transcript.
_____ Chinese 1A/1B*
_____ French 1A (full year, not for credit)
_____ French 1A/1B*
_____ Spanish 1A (full year, not for credit)
_____ Spanish 1A/1B*
_____ Chinese 2A/2B*
_____ French 1B* (full year)
_____ French 2A/2B*
_____ Spanish 1B* (full year)
_____ Spanish 2A/2B*
* High School Credit
Choose either one elective from Group One or rank order your preference 1-6 in Group Two
Group One – Arts Electives
Group Two – Semester Arts Electives Choices may vary
_____ Chorus
_____ Advanced Orchestra
_____ Advanced Band
_____ Intermediate Band
_____ Intermediate Orchestra
Student Signature
_____ Art 2-D (will occur in the fall semester)
_____ Sculpture and Ceramics Studio (will occur in the spring semester)
_____ Computer Applications
_____ Earth and Space Technology (Manufacturing)
_____ Earth and Space Technology (Communication/Photography)
____________ _____
Television Production and Journalism
Parent Signature
Please notify us if your child will not be attending Cabin John next year.
Students will register for classes the first week of February.
Fly UP