
Important Dates

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Important Dates
News from the Administration
November/December 2015
Be v erl y F ar ms Ele m en t ary S c hoo l, 85 01 P ost oa k Roa d, Pot om ac , M D 2 0 854 3 01 .46 9 .10 50
Beverly Farms, in partnership with the community, is committed
to excellence in teaching and learning in a caring environment
where diversity is respected.
The mission of Beverly Farms Elementary School is to ensure that all students can and will be successful
in reaching their academic and personal goals. We nurture individual talents, honor individual
differences, and celebrate collective achievements. By working together and supporting each other, our
community will strive to create a warm, safe environment in which each member feels respected and
valued. Through engaging and challenging learning opportunities, high expectations, and shared
responsibility, our students will become life-long learners and leaders.
Parent Conferences
Parent Conferences will be scheduled for Wednesday and
Thursday, November 11th and 12th. Look for information
from your child’s teacher regarding the schedule for
conferences. We look forward to meeting with you to discuss
your child’s progress.
Important Dates
Monday, November 2nd
Professional Day
Report Card Prep/Planning
Wednesday, November 11th
Early Dismissal at 12:55 p.m.
Parent Conferences
InView Testing
The window for InView testing is December 2nd through
December 15th. This assessment will be administered to all
second grade students. In the spring, staff will review
mathematics and reading levels along with parent and
teacher surveys and the InView results to determine if a
child is designated gifted and talented. The parent surveys
are sent home in March. Students new to MCPS in third
through fifth grades will be assessed as well, with parent
permission. Permission forms will be sent home with
students and are due November 20th. Parent
permission is not required for second graders.
Thursday, November 12th
Early Dismissal at 12:55 p.m.
Parent Conferences
Wednesday, November 18th
Picture Make-up Day
Wednesday, November 25th
Early Dismissal at 12:55 p.m.
November 26-27, 2015
Schools and Offices Closed
December 24th - January 4th
Winter Break
Parents of Fifth Graders
Middle School Magnet Applications and Choice Forms
Application Deadline: November 6, 2015
 Application materials are available online
 Choice forms will be available online by mid-October at
Students may participate in the Choice lottery AND apply to the application programs.
Parents of Third Graders
Center Program for the Highly Gifted
Application deadline: November 6, 2015
MCPS mailed parents the application for the Highly Gifted Center program in September. If you recently enrolled
you can find this same information on the MCPS web page by entering Highly Gifted Center in the search box.
The Division of Consortia Choice and Application Program Services: 301-592-2040
Parents of Second Graders
Student Instructional Program Planning and Implementation (SIPPI)
This process runs the course of the school year. You will receive a Parent Report in June
What is the purpose of SIPPI?
 Monitor that end of year reading and math instructional levels are accurate and articulated to the third
grade team.
 Review InView test results (the test is given in December and schools get the scores in the spring).
At the end of the process an MCPS “decision tree” is used to determine if a child is designated gifted and talented.
What occurs during the course of the school year?
 All MCPS second graders take the InView test in December.
 Parent Surveys are sent home in March. Parents complete the survey and return it to the school.
 The InView is scored off site and scores are sent to schools in the spring.
Parents of Third, Fourth and Fifth Graders New to MCPS
SIPPI/Gifted and Talented Designation
This process runs the course of the school year. You will receive a Parent Report in June
Is your child new to MCPS? If so, your child did not participate in the SIPPI process described above (see “Parents of
Second Graders). After second grade parents must authorize their child’s participation in the SIPPI process. SIPPI is
described under “Parents of Second Graders”. The only difference is that fourth and fifth graders take the “Level 2
InView” test instead of Level 1. Otherwise the process is the same for collecting data and making the decision in late
How will you know if your child is supposed to participate?
 You will receive a parent permission form and parent survey from the school.
How will the school know if I WANT my child to be screened for possible GT designation?
 You will check “yes”, sign and return the permission form along with the parent survey to the school.
When is the InView test administered and when do parents see the scores?
 It will be given in December. Specific date is to be determined. Tests are sent away for scoring. Scores are
shared in June.
What happens if my child does not participate in SIPPI or gets the GT designation?
 A child can still be an applicant for the Highly Gifted Center in third grade or apply to Choice and Magnet
Programs when he or she is in fifth grade. To decline, simply check “no” and return permission form.
Beverly Farms: Where the Eagles Soar with Pride
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