NCAI AAU DOS pwc Province of QUEBEC District of Montreal Division NO: o1-Montreal Court N°: 500-11-043480-124 Estate NO: 41-1676475 SUPERIOR COURT "Commercial Division" IN THE MATTER OF THE BANKRUPTCY OF: DISTRIBUSOFT INC., a body duly incorporated according to law, having its principal place of business at 9695 Clement, in the City of Lasalle, District of Montreal, Province of Quebec, H8R 4B4. DEBTOR - and PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS INC. TRUSTEE NOTICE OF BANKRUPTCY AND FIRST MEETING OF CREDITORS (Subsection 102(1) of the Act) Take notice that: 1. Distribusoft Inc. filed an assignment on the 17th day of October 2012, and the undersigned, PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc. (Christian Bourque,CPA, CA, CIRP, trustee in charge), was appointed as trustee of the estate of the bankrupt by the official receiver, subject to affirmation by the creditors of the trustee's appointment or substitution of another trustee by the creditors. 2. The first meeting of creditors of the bankrupt will be held on November 6, 2012 at 10:00 a.m. at the office of the official receiver, at 5 Place Ville-Marie, 8th floor, Room 3, Montreal (Quebec). 3. To be entitled to vote at the meeting, a creditor must lodge with the trustee, before the meeting, a proof of claim and, where necessary, a proxy. 4. Enclosed with this notice is a proof of claim form, proxy form and list of creditors with claims amounting to $25 or more showing the amounts of their claims. 5. Creditors must prove their claims against the estate of the bankrupt in order to share in any distribution of the proceeds realized from the estate. Dated at Montreal, this 22nd day of October 2012. PRICE WATERHOUSECOOPERS INC., TRUSTEE Christian Bourque, CPA, CA, CIRP Trustee in charge of the estate ............... ............. ...... ........ .............. ...................... ............... ....... ..................... ..................................... ............... ......... .................................... ......... ........... PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc. 1250 Rene-Levesque Boulevard West, Suite 2800, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3B 2G4 T: +1 514 205 5000, F: +1 514 205 5694, District de. original No division: modifie No cour: No dossier: -- FORMULAIRE 78 -Bilan - faillite d'entreprise deposee par one entite (paragraphe 49(2), alinea 158d) et paragraphes 50)2) et 62(1) de a Loi) Dans I'affaire de la faillite de Distribusoft Inc. Corporation legalement constituee, ayant sa principale place d'affaires au 9695 Clement, dans la ville de Lasalle, district de Montreal, province de Quebec, H8R 484, Au failli Vous etes tenu de remplir avec soin et exactitude Ie present formulaire et les annexes applicables indiquant la situation de vos affaires a la date de votre faillite le 16 octobre 2012. One foe rempli, ce formulaire et les listes annexees, constituent votre blan, qui dolt titre verife sous serment ou par one declaration solennelle. PASSIF (tel que declare et estirne par I'officier) 1. Creanciers non garantis voir Iiste A ...... ....... .. Equilibre de reclamations garantis: voir Iiste B....... ACTIF (tel que declare et estirne par I'of6cier) 753,181.92 518.89495 1. Inventaire ... ...... ...... ..... ...... ...... . 200,000.00 2. Amenagements . ............................... . 18,453.48 d. Vomptes a recevoir et autres creances: voir iste E Creanciers non garantis total ............... ...... 2. Creanca s garantis: voir tste B 1,272,076. 87 304,824 55 Bonnes ................. 75,000.00 Douteuses . . . . . . . . . . . . 90,180.15 .. Mauvaises ................ 3. Creanciers privieges: voir liste C ................... 0.00 Surplus ..... ...... . 0.00 0.00 5. Depots en institutions financieres .................... 0.00 6Especes ................... _....,, .... .... 75.000.00 4.Lettres de change, billets a ordre, etc., voir liste F ....... 4. Dettes eventuelles, reclamations de hducie ou autres (voir liste D)pouvant dire reclamees pour one somme de... Total du passif .. ... 0.00 Estimation des creances qui peuvent titre realisees 0.00 1,57 6,901 42 .................... NIL 7.Betail ............................. 0.00 8. Machines, outillage et installation 0.00 9. Immeubies et biens reels : voir liste G .............. 10. Arneublernent ..... ...... 0.00 ..................... 19,808.10 11.REER, FERR, Assurances-vie etc .... ... ......... 0.00 12. Valeurs mobilieres(actions, obligations, debentures etc. 0.00 13. Droits en vertu de testaments ............. ....... 0.00 14. Vehicules ............................... 15. Autres biens : voir liste H .............. _ ..... 0.00 ........ 0.00 Si le failli est one personne morale, ajoutez : Montant du capital souscrit ... .... 0.00 Montant du capital paye .......... 0.00 Solde souscrit et impaye ...................... 0.00 Estimation du solde qui peut dire realise .. ....... 0.00 Total de I'actif ... .. Deficit ........... . _. .... ... 313,261.58 ...... 1,263,639.84 Je, Sebastien Ouellet, de Lachine en la province de Quebec, etant dument assermente (ou ayant declare soiennellernent) declare que le boon qui suit et ies listes annexees sent, a ma connaissance, on releve complet, verdique at ender de mes off aires en ce 16 octobre 2012, et indiquent au complet tous mes biens de quelque nature qu'ils soient, on ma possession et reversibles, tels que defnis par la Loi, ASSERMENTE (ou declare solennellement) devantmoi le 16octobre ,2012, a Mo ai en la province de Quebec. Christian Bourque, Comrissaire a pour la province de Quebec Expire le 16 fev 2015 Page 1 District de'. No division: No cour: No dossier: FORM 78 -- Suite Liste "A" Creanciers Non Garantis Distribusoft Inc. No. Nom du creancier Adresse 1 Agence de Revenu du Canada 4 Place Laval, Bureau 502 Laval QC H7N 5Y3 2 AGENCE DU REVENU DU CANADA Attn. Attn. RECOUVREMENT 305, boul. Rene-Levesque Ouest Montreal QC H2Z 1A6 3 Alliance One Ltd. (Purolator) 300 -1220 Sheppard Avenue E Toronto ON M2K 2S5 4 Ally Service Canada 319-9138-36405+319-9111-95231 5 Reclamation non garantis Balance de reclamation Total reclamation 22,915.82 0.00 22,915.82 1.00 0.00 1.00 6,484.53 0.00 6,484.53 PO BOX 3190 Station D Etobicoke ON 59A OC2 13,734.06 0.00 13,734.06 B BOX 300, rue de Liege Ouest Montreal QC H2P 1H3 163.95 0.00 163.95 6 BANQUE AMEX du Canada Case postale 2000 Westhill QC MIE5H4 18,958.52 0.00 18,958,52 7 Banque HSBC Canada 1000 boul, St-Jean #110 Ponnte-Claire QC H9R 5P1 12,203.83 0.00 12,203.83 8 BanyanCommerce 500, Hood Road, Suite 330 Markham ON L3R 9Z3 116.54 0.00 116,54 9 Barrette & associes 3380, rue notre-dame bureau 20 Lachine QC HST 1W7 3,821.25 0.00 3,821.25 BDC Katie Charbonneau EDIFICE BDC, NIVEAU PLAZA, 5 Place Ville-Marie, suite 12525 Montreal QC H3B2G2 0.00 52,796.95 52,796.95 10 032275-04 11 Bell Canada C.P. 8712 succ Centre-Ville Montreal QC H3C 3P6 1,202.31 0.00 1,202.31 12 Bell Canada (WAT) C.P. 8712 succ Centre-Ville Montreal QC H3C 3P6 298.51 0.00 298.51 13 Bell Internet CP 11490, st Centre-Ville Montreal QC H3C 5R7 388.45 0.00 388.45 14 Cafe Entre Amis 15, boul. Montcalm Nord, C.P. 73034 Candiac QC J5R 5X3 99.50 0.00 99.50 15 Calyx Ground Transportation PO Box 8002, STN A Toronto ON M5W 3W5 6,029.77 0.00 6,029.77 16 Carrousel, 1401 Ampere Boucherville QC AB5Z5 93.13 0.00 93.13 17 CDEL frais gestion 55, avenue Durpas LaSalle DC HSR 4A8 200.00 0.00 200.00 18 CIBC 000215615313 Jean Arseneault 1155 bout Rene Levesque 0. suite 1400 Montreal QC H3B 3Z4 0.00 465,000.00 465,000,00 19 CORPO Financiere Brome C.P. 40 Succursale B Montreal QC H3B 3J5 4,959.04 0,00 4,959.04 20 Corsair etiquettes 6505, rue vanden abeeie Saint-laurent QC HAS 1S1 613.13 100 613.13 21 Curveball Leisure Limited Unic C Redbrick Court Ferryboat Close Swansea, SA6 80N. UK 19,360.00 0.00 19,36090 16-oct-2012 Sebastien Ouelie Date Page 2 de 11 District de: No division: No cour: No dossier: FORM 78 -- Suite Liste "A" Creanciers Non Garantis Distribusoft Inc. No. Nom du creancier Adresse 22 Develop. Economique LaSalle 55, avenue dupras Lasalle QC H8R 4A8 23 ELAVON 24 Reclamation non garantis Balance de reclamation Total reclamation 121,062.88 0.00 121,062.88 7300 CHAPMAN HIGHWAY Knoxville TN 37920-6609 USA 791.72 0.00 79132 Enlev. de dechets Bergeron Inc 4365, Boul. St-Elzear Quest Laval QC H7P 4J3 812.95 0.00 812.95 25 Euler Hermes 1155 Rer>e-Levesque west, suite 1702 Montreal QC H3B 3Z7 11,453.40 0.00 11,453.40 26 FCDQ CP 8601 SUCC CENTRE-VOLLE Montreal QC R3C 3V2 1,823.12 0.00 1,823.12 27 Fedex express Canada PO Box 4626 Toronto STN A Toronto ON fv15W 5B4 25,738.67 0.00 25,738.67 28 Fedex Trade Networks can inc T10007 CIU PO Box 10007, Station A, Toronto ON M5W 2B1 2,646.32 0.00 2,646.32 29 FEDEX TRADE NETWORKS USA 15704 Collections center Dr. Chicago, iL ii 60693 USA 1,361.69 0.00 1,361.69 30 Financiere Sunlife 2555, boulevard Le Corbusier Laval QC H7S 1Z4 2,435.12 0.00 2,435.12 31 Game Outlet Europe AB Box 5083, 65005 Karlstad Sweden. SWEDEN 61,237.72 0.00 61,237.72 32 Gaz Metro 1717 rue du Havre Montreal QC H2K2X3 83.92 0.00 83.92 33 Gestion LIMES-ARC inc. 1100 rue Begin, Suite 100 Ville Saint-Laurent 00 H4R 1X1 49,266.69 0.00 49,266.69 34 Groupe Services Financiers BMW 920 Champlain Court Whitby ON L1N6K9 15,000.00 0.00 15,000.00 35 Hydro-Quebec C.P. 270 SuccursaleYouville Montreal QC H2P 2V4 3,361.63 0.00 3,36163 36 hyphen 190 Attwell Drive , suite 680 Toronto ON N19W 6H8 9,141.82 0.00 9,141.82 37 Imprimerie Copie Mont Printing 8961, rue Salley 825.52 0.00 825.52 572.58 0.00 572.58 1.00 0.00 1.00 247.20 0.00 247.20 30,847.16 0.00 30,847.16 167.09 0.00 167.09 7,746.45 0.00 7,746.45 Lasalle QC HSR 208 38 Imprimerie Dan inc. 4045, Alfred-Laliberte, S.200 Boisbriand QC.J7H 1P7 39 INTACT Assurance 4965 Jarry Est Saint-Leonard CC H1R1Y1 40 JAN-PRO DU QUEBEC 2323, BOUL. VERSANT NORD #114 QUEBEC QC HSR 464 41 Jast4Games 1760, rue Beaulac Saint-Laurent OC H4R 1W4 42 Labrador CP 4514 STN A Toronto ON M5W 4L7 43 Lehoux Boivin, SENC 4255, boul. Lapiniere, Bureau 300 Brossard QC AZ OC7 16-oct-2012 Date Page 3 de 11 District de: No division: No tour: No dossier: FORM 78 -- Suite Liste "A" Creanciers Non Garantis Distribusoft inc. No. Nom du creancier Reclamation Adresse 44 L`UnionCANADIENNE 4965 Jarry Est Saint-Leonard QC H1R1Y1 45 Martin & Cie 655, 32e Avenue, Bureau #207 Lachine QC t-BT 3G6 Balance de reclamation non garantis Total reclamation 1.00 0.00 1.00 4,557.00 0.00 4,557.00 27.81 0.00 27.81 46 Messagerie Quick Messenger 2144, rue Mackay Montreal QC H3G 2J1 47 Michel Gagnon 44, Chemin du Vieux Moulin lie-Perrot QC J7V 8P6 39,711.35 0.00 39,711.35 48 Ministere du Revenu du Quebec (impot) 4695 12e Avenue Shawinigan-Sud QC G9N 7S6 11,750.00 0.00 11,750.00 Secteur des faillites R23CPF 39,855.00 0.00 39,855.00 49 Ministere du Revenu du Quebec (TPS-TVQ) Attn: Centre de perception fisca.e 1600, bout, Rene-Levesque Quest, 3e etag Montreal QC H3H 2V2 50 Ministere Securite Publique C.P. 6000, Fredericton NB E38 5H1 500.00 0.00 500.00 51 Nova Scotia P.O Box 545, 40 Alderney Drive Dartmouth NE 82Y 3Y8 639.15 0.00 639.15 52 Novexco 1805, Autoroute Laval Quest Laval QC H7L3W3 32,000.00 0.00 32,000.00 53 Quebec Linge Co. Box 51032 RPO Tyndall Winnipeg MA R2X 3C6 355.15 0.00 355.15 54 Rapid Finances Co. 5858, Cote-des-Neiges, ste 31 Montreal QC H3S 1Z1 82,820.95 0.00 82,820,95 55 SSQ Assurance 2525, bout. Laurier, CP. 10500, succ. Sainte-Foy 174.60 0.00 174.60 56 Synnex Canada LTD C.P. 11398 Succ Centre-Ville Montreal QC H3C 5H1 11,976.30 0.00 11,976.30 57 TST Truckload Express 5425 DIXIE ROAD BLDG B Mississauga ON L4W1E6 1,200.00 0.00 1,200.00 58 United Software Distribution L 14 Darling Way Cambridgeshire, PE2 4FF. UK 8,572.44 0.00 8,572.44 59 VISA Desjardins CP 8601 SUCC CENTRE-VILLE Montreal QC H3C3V2 58,806.73 0.00 58,806.73 60 Vortex solution 40, rue Jean-Talon Est Montreal QC H2R 1S3 471.40 0,00 471.40 61 Xerox Canada Itee - contrat service C.P. 4539 succ A Toronto ON M5W 4P5 1,495.05 0.00 1,495.05 62 Xerox Canada Itee - Credit bail 956364780 C.P 4539 succ A Toronto ON M5W 4P5 0.00 1,098.00 1_,098.00 753, 181.92 518,894.95 1,272,076.87 QUEBEC QC G1V 4H6 Total: i 6-oct-2012 Sebastien Oue'Iet Date Page 4 dell District de: No division: No cour: No dossier: FORM 78 --Suite Lists "B" Creanciers Garantis Distribusoft Inc. Nom du creancier No. 1 Montant de la reclamation Adresse BDC Katia Charbonneau 032275-04 EDIFICE BDC, NIVEAU PLAZA, 5 Place Details de la garantie 67,700.50 Ameublement - Equipement Date de la garantie Evaluation de la garantie 05-sep-2006 14,903.55 Creances payables Entreprise - Comptes clients 27-mai-2011 75,000.00 Actifs d'affaires - Inventaire Inventaires de jeux videos et accessoires 27-mai-2011 200.000.00 28-fev-2011 14,921-00 01-fev-2012 0.00 Surplus estimatif de la garantie Solde non garanti reclamation 52,796.95 de bureau Ville-Marie, suite 12525 Montreal QC H382G2 2 3 CIBC 000215615313 Jean Arseneault 1155 boul. Rene Levesque 0, suite 1400 Montreal QC H38 3Z4 National Leasing Group Inc 1525 Buffalo Place Winnipeg NIB R3T 1L9 740,000.00 14,921.00 Actifs d'affaires Amenagements- 465,000.00 3,532.48 Equipement, systeme de rangement at chariot elevateur 4 Xerox Canada Itee - Credit bail 956364780 CP, 4539 succ A Toronto ON M5W 4P5 Total: 1,098.00 Ameublement - Equipement de bureau 823,719,50 16-oct-2012 Date Page 5 de 11 304,824.55 1,098.00 3,532.48 518,894.95 pwc PROOF OF CLAIM (see instructions on page 3) Reserved orAdministration Secured: Privileged : Unsecured: Original. 1 [ Amendment I Collocated ow IN THE MATTER OF THE BANKRUPTCY OF: DISTRIBUSOFT INC., of the city of Lasalle, province of Quebec (referred to in this form as "the debtor") and the claim of , (referred to in this form as "the creditor"). All notices or correspondence regarding this claim must be forwarded to the creditor at the following address: (attention) (civic number and street) (city, province, postal code and country) Telephone: Fax: Email address: I, residing in the city of (name of individual completing this form) in the Province of if an officer of the company, state position or title. , do hereby certify that: 1. q I am the creditor of the above-named debtor or q I am (state position or title) of (name of creditor or its representative) 2. The attached statement of account or affidavit must specify the vouchers or other evidence in support of the claim. Check and complete the appropriate category. I have knowledge of all the circumstances connected with the claim referred to below. The debtor was, at the date of bankruptcy, namely the 17th day of October 2012, and still is, indebted to the creditor in the sum of $ , as specified in the statement of account (or affidavit) attached and marked Schedule "A", after deducting any counterclaims to which the debtor is entitled. 3. 4. A Check appropriate description. Set out an attached sheet details to support priority claim. q Unsecured claim of $ (Other than a customer contemplated by Section 262 of the Act). In respect of this debt, I do not hold any assets of the debtor as security and: (i) q Regarding the amount of $ (ii) q Regarding the amount of $ , I claim a right to a priority under section 136 the Act. Claim of lessor for disclaimer of a lease of $ I hereby make a claim under subsection 65.2(4) of the Act, particulars of which are as follows: , I do not claim a right to a priority. Give full particulars of the claim, including the calculations upon which the claim is based. B q Give full particulars of the security, including the date on which the security was given and the value at which you assess the security, and attach a copy of the security documents. C q Secured claim of $ In respect of this debt, I hold assets of the debtor valued at $ as security, particulars of which are as follows: Attach a copy of sales agreement and delivery receipts. D q Claim by farmer, fisherman, or aquaculturist of $ I hereby claim under subsection 81.2(1) of the Act for the unpaid amount of $ Give full particulars of any wage earner's claim, including the calculations upon which the claim is based. E q (i) or (ii) Claim by wage earner of $ q I hereby make a claim under subsection 81.3(8) of the Act in the amount of $ Give full particulars of any employee's claim, including the calculations upon which the claim is based. F q (i) or (ii) Claim by employee for unpaid amount regarding pension plan of $ q I hereby make a claim under subsection 81.5 of the Act in the amount of $ To be completed when a proposal provides for the compromise of claims against directors. Give full particulars of the claim, including the calculations upon which the claim is based. G q Claim against director of $ I hereby make a claim under subsection 50(13) of the Act, particulars of which are as follows: Give full particulars of the claim, including the calculations upon which the claim is based. H q Claim of a customer of a bankrupt securities firm of $ I hereby make a claim as a customer for net equity as contemplated by section 262 of the Act, particulars of which are as follows: q I hereby make a claim under subsection 81.4(8) of the Act in the amount of $ q I hereby make a claim under subsection 81.6 of the Act in the amount of $ Chose the right formulation for your situation by checking it and striking the non desired portion. 5. To the best of my knowledge, q I or q the above-named creditor q am/is or q am/is not related to the debtor within the meaning of section 4 of the Act, and q have/has or q have/has not dealt with the debtor in a non-arm's-length manner. Provide details of payments, credits and transfers at undervalue. 6. The following are the payments that I have received from, the credits that I have allowed to, and the transfers at undervalue within the meaning of subsection 2(1) of the Act that I have been privy to or a party to with the debtor within the three months (or, if the creditor and the debtor are related within the meaning of section 4 of the Act or were not dealing with each other at arm's length, within the 12 months) immediately before the date of the initial bankruptcy event within the meaning of subsection 2(1) of the Act: Applicable only in the case of the bankruptcy of an individual. 7. q I request that a copy of the report filed by the trustee regarding the bankrupt's application for discharge pursuant to subsection 170(1) of the Act be sent to the above address. Must be signed and witnessed. 8. DATED AT this m day of , 201 iature of witness) gnature of individual co (name of witness, print) Notes: (name of individual compl All references to "the Act" refer to the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act. If an affidavit is attached, it must have been made before a person qualified to take affidavits. If a copy of this form is sent electronically by means such as email, the name and contact information of the sender, prescribed in Form 1.1, must be added at the end of the document. Warnings: A trustee may, pursuant to subsection 128(3) of the Act, redeem a security on payment to the secured creditor of the debt or the value of the security as assessed, in a proof of security, by the secured creditor. Subsection 201(1) of the Act provides severe penalties for making any false claim, proof, declaration or statement of account. If there are any questions in completing the proof of claim, please write or call the office of the trustee. PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS INC. 1250 Rene-Levesque Boulevard West, Suite 2800 Montreal, Quebec H3B 2G4 Attention: Mr. Vincent Chevalier Telephone: (514) 205-5001 ext. 1857 Fax: (514) 205-5644 Email: vincent.chevalier a ca pwc com GENERAL PROXY I, _, of (name of creditor) hereby appoint , a creditor in the above matter, (name of town or city) , of (name of proxy) , to be my proxy (company or firm) holder in the above matter, except as to the receipt of dividends, q with power to appoint another proxyholder in his or her place or q without power to appoint another proxyholder in his or her place. DATED AT this th day of ,201 (Signature of witness) (Signature of the creditor or its authorized representative) (Name of witness, print) (Name of creditor of the creditor or its authorized representative, print) 2 Instructions for completing proof of claim forms Every creditor shall prove his claim, and a creditor who does not prove his claim is not entitled to share in any distribution of the amounts from the realization of the assets. Claims not completed correctly in every respect will be returned. In completing the attached form, your attention is directed to the marginal notes on the form and to the following requirements: Proof of Claim: i. The form must be completed and signed by an individual and not by a corporation. If you are acting for a corporation or other person, you must state the capacity in which you are acting, such as, Credit Manager, Treasurer, Authorized Agent, etc. 2. The person signing the form must have knowledge of the circumstances in connection with the claim. 3. The date appearing at this paragraph is the one at which amounts owed are to be calculated. A Statement of Account containing details of the claim as well as the correct name of the debtor must be attached and marked "A". 4• The nature of the claim must be indicated by ticking the type of claim which applies, e.g. ticking the box: A A(i) A(ii) indicates the claim is unsecured and indicates that the creditor is not claiming any priority indicates the creditor is claiming preferred status under section 136 of the Act. Details to support the priority claim must be set out on an attached schedule. B indicates a claim of landlord for disclaimer of a lease under subsection 65.2(4) of the Act. Details to support this claim must be set out on an attached schedule. C indicates the claim is secured and the value at which the creditor assesses the security must be inserted. Details of each item of security held should be attached as a separate schedule and submitted Frith a copy of the chattel mortgage, conditional sales contract, security agreement, etc. D indicates that the creditor is a farmer, fisherman or aquaculturist who supplied goods within fifteen (15) days prior to the date of receivership or bankruptcy and has not yet been paid for those goods. E E(i) indicating that the creditor is a former employee of the debtor: The claim of a clerk, servant, travelling salesperson, labourer or worker who is owed wages, salaries, commissions or compensation bya bankrupt for services rendered during the period beginning on the day that is six (6) months before the date of the initial bankruptcy event and ending on the date of the bankruptcy is secured, as of the date of the bankruptcy, to the extent of $2,000 - less any amount paid for those services by the trustee or by a receiver - by security on the bankrupt's current assets on the date of the bankruptcy. E(ii) The claim of a clerk, servant, travelling salesperson, labourer or worker who is owed wages, salaries, commissions or compensation by a person who is subject to a receivership for services rendered during the six (6) months before the first day on which there was a receiver in relation to the person is secured, as of that day, to the extent of $2,000 - less any amount paid for those services by a receiver or trustee by security on the person's current assets that are in the possession or under the control of the receiver. F indicates the claim by employee for unpaid amount regarding pension plan under subsection 81.5 and 81.6 of the Act. Details to support this claim must be set out on an attached schedule: under subsection 81.5 of the Act, if it is a Bankruptcy under subsection 81.6 of the Act, if it is a Receivership Details to support this claim must be set out on an attached schedule. F(i) F(ii) G indicates the claim is against a director under subsection 50(13) of the Act. It is applicable only in the case of a proposal which provides for the compromise of claims against directors. Details to support this claim must be set out on an attached schedule. H (applies only to bankruptcies of security firms) indicating that the creditor is a customer of the bankrupt securities firm. 5. The person signing the form must indicate (by checking the appropriate box and striking out what is not applicable) whether the creditor and the debtor are related. Section 4 of the Act defines persons related to a debtor. If the creditor is related by blood or marriage to the debtor, the creditor should consider itself to be a related person. If the debtor is a corporation, a creditor would be related if it was a shareholder or if the creditor was controlled by the same shareholders as the debtor. 6. The person signing the form must provide full details of all payments and credits received from or allowed to the debtor during the period indicated. Leaving a blank will indicate that there were no such payments and credits. 7. In the case of the bankruptcy of an individual, tick the box if desired. 8. The person signing the form must insert the place and date and the signature must be witnessed. General Proxy: If it is desired to appoint a proxy, the proxy form must be completed and signed by the creditor; if the creditor is a corporation, the proxy form must be signed by an authorized representative (who is not necessarily the individual signing the proof of claim form) and must be witnessed. 3