DATE EXAM OF --,;cAriwc„ TONI RIZZOLI Volkswagen Plant Opens
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DATE EXAM OF --,;cAriwc„ TONI RIZZOLI Volkswagen Plant Opens
DATE ti.PC5't2 EXAM OF --,;cAriwc„ TONI RIZZOLI Volkswagen Plant Opens Door to a Labor Dispute in Union-Shy TentgraRT REPORTER Nxxx,2013-10-11,13,008,Bs-BW,E1 RS R THE NEW YORK TIMES BUSINESS FRIDAY,OCTOBER 11,2013 the works council has people of Integrity who have the interests of the company at heart, then it can work well," One open question in Chaim' nooga is whether the 1,600 or so hourly workers at the VW factory wou/d need to belong to a union Ilk. the U.A.W. to Jon a works council. The U.A.W. sold it would web come a works amnia, but said that It would be legal only II n majority of workers had opted for a U111011. And .ny labor experts agree. "II the company set up o sense. sentatIon system like that, a cot 1031 would challenge it and they could probably wan their aro. meal that it's a companytdon Mated union," said Richard Hurd, a professor of industrial and la. • 0.011.1..lacctuTD,M1 bar relations at Cornell Univers!. ty, Such a union set up by the Volkswagen nmkes Pass. in Chattanooga, Tenn, The factory company would violate American might adopt The German labor practice of works councils. labor law,he said. Emotions In the plant are also maces to Chino on an industrywide basis. rising. Recently the ICA.% said it business In Germany, there is also no had signatures In support of um maga is s distraction front the Ion representation from a major. bigger issue of whether the clear demarcation between un. U.A.W., based in Detroit, can get Ionized and non:lionized compat ity of the plant's workers. a foothold In the South.1 vo other ales. Any person can join a union. Int some workers who signed cards have since balked at being German mnanrakers, UMW end The union acquires power only if e n unih enough employees join to form a part of the organizing effort. With the aid of an anti-union nun* also have factories In the South, critical mass able to nil a strike Spartanburg, S.C., and Vance, or otherwise exert pressure on Zion, they are challenging the va. In Neither plant is unioniced or management. tidily of the cards to the federal Alo. At all but the smallest German National Labor Relations Board. has an elected works council, In Germany, works councils companies, workers can elect Now workers opposed to the are not the same as unions, committees that have a right to U.A.W. are circulating their own cooperate. weigh in on policies that affect Jock Ewing reported from Franke etition, supported by 30 percent 1P11':gic‘oVIO'clr,7Lesne working conditions. At large furl and Hill Wogs from Detroit. f the plant's workers. companies, worker representat Steven Greenhouse contributed To some opposed to the union, ' 11AV en reportingfrom New York. an attempt to bring European ' or other decisions about working boards that choose the chief ex. conditions. They are barred by entice and approve major deci. law from negotiating over wages, Mons. If a company has at least That is the prerogative of labor 200 employees, it must pay the unions, which typically bargain salary of a fulittime worker repFrom First Sadness Page foothold in the growing Southern auto industry. Mr. Osterioh said recently that the Chattanooga plant :night have a better chance at landing hot new sport utility vehicle for the assembly plant, which now produces Passer sedans, if it had works council to represent it. In Germany, works councils Faye a long tradition and are an Integral part el the process of mithestimmungright ol workers to have a say la corp. tete decisions. Managers in Ger. many see the councils as a way to head off labor probietns and Im. prove productivity. To many Antericans, the notion ofworks councils belongs alongside socialized medicine and sixweek vacations as examples el the practices that have doomed Europe to nertocero growth. But another way to look al it is that works councils are part of a mod. el that has helped preserve Geo many's industrial base and hold the country's unemployment to a relatively low level: 5.1 percent, compared with 7.3 percent in the United States. "It always depends on the pen ple," said Frans Schahmaller, owner of FS Firmenverwallung, a group of 10 midsize manufam luring companies based In the Bavarian city of Ingifistadt. "If p 'Th.t,ifinoyatIv'e NdJets Siprpture-Se.ries. l','„%rd'riohbaC2 LynifiXXn4itins last One. you ;Hese 11;tsnsSitest 0x1rifie71.1114 untmleribing . piipT6054,nut: pnoki.iipnrovide unparalleled ' Te/Yelsoi iMfrity ill,i.s6rvice on every flight. slang ;:vciblx nustopmiiod on-board errifinixiddesignifil ''jt:;01 Pon iican ai-Cate ell everienie unlike eriycithar:You are nel!,v Bee to foals sitifiVhiei inipoittant fro Mel:: the p Suit Over Fed Firing Revives Goldman Conflict Issue G wing yo: r the cdrriforl:s.cif hoene ;•• •• • • • • ••••• • •• • • ••• (jci office.on Ocry.flight; .• • • • •• has proved its value" Rut would mitbestimmung work in AnterIca7 Mr, Oster)* the head of VW's works council, thinks so. But VW's Chattanooga workrs may lie a tough sell. Senator Bob Corker of Tennessee and Gov. 0111 Bann are both con. servative Republicans, no friends of trade unions. Mr. Corker told The Chattanooga Times Free Press that unionization of the VOV plant "would he 000501100 for the future economic growth of our state An earlier trip by the German labor leaders was called elf for unrelated reasons. Mr. Osterloh said this week that he was trying 1111.01/1..11.1IIWIRVATONLia OIII Bernd Ostorloh, Volkswagens to reschedule It and that Mr, Corker and Mn, Hasiam were retop labor representative. ceptive to a meeting. "I don't even know if they resentatv, know what a works council Is," And as things now stand, every Mr. Osterlah said Ina telephone Volkswagen factory in the world Interview, has a works committee except A spokesman for Mr. Haskins one: the plant In Chattanooga. said on Thursday: "One of the Even in Germany, corporate things that makes Tennessee executives sometimes grumble gstate.reat is that it Is a riintotwork g about having to listen to employVolkswagen is an outstand• ees and share Information. But Ins employer that puts a lot or ftm they also concede that the syson employee satisfaction, and tem allows 11053es and employees the company has been incredibly to cooperate more effectively in successful with the current street Mmes of crisis. One study showed cure In Chattanooga." that workernanagement coVolkswagen, partly owned by operation helped contain mien the German state of Lower Seam ployment during a shorn PPn ny, has a long history of worker notate downturn in 2009. cooperation, and Mr. Osterlolt li ractically a member of lop um. "Like all systems, It has advantages and disadvantages," said semen:. He said he spoke at Martin Leutc, a spokesman for least once a week to Martin Who Gesamtmetall, Indttstry asso- terkifin, the VW chief executive. dation that negotiates wage "When there are problems agreements for many German with production, productivity or manufacturers, including Valks. quality, those are all things Mel waxen. "Fundamentally, we are are talked about with the works of the view that mitbestImmung council," Mr. Osterloh said. Front First Business Page of Goldman's efforts to po lice potential conflicts. The bank has been buffeted b accusations that it has put It own interests ahead of its clients a contention A denies. Goldman for Instance, laced accusation that in the run-up to 11:0 linencie crisis that it sold billions of del lass In souring real estate asset to unsuspecting clients, Jus weeks before the examiners'von last year, the bank was mifillel exceriated by a federal judg who found that Goldman ha conflicts In a huge energy deal. The lawsuit also provides look into the often-opaque tele Unship INtween federal regatta tars and Wall Street. Alter the II an Tel crisis, banking regulator faced criticism that they were to cosy with the banks that they were overseeing — a (amnia/RV Thal failed to thwart some of th risky behavior precipitating oh housing crisis and ensuing re cession. Even now, banks have swa over their regulators, eneciall those stationed at a bank's head quarters, according to two lo titer regulators who spoke on th condifion of anonymity. Th banks, for example,can work b hind the scenes to avert a von Ilke the one to downgrade Gold man. The people said, howeve that once a vote to downgrad Iran taken place, It is difficult lice IN THE MATTER OF THE COMPANIES'CREDITORS AntMNGEMENT ACT("CCAA1 PROCEEDINGS OF LONE PINE RESOURCES CANADA LTD., LONE PINE RESOURCES (HOLDINGS) INC., LONE PINE RESOURCES INC.,WISER OIL DELAWARE,LLC AND WISER DELAWARE LLC (collectively, the "APPLICANTS", and each, on "APPLICANT") PLEASE TAKE NOTICE Mal this Newspaper Nonce to Claimants Is being published pursuant to an Order of the ilonaurabla Justice J. Sandal of the Court orOueen's Bench olAlbettedudletal Centre oiCalgary dated October 22013 (the `Claims Procedure Nark All Walked toms not otherwise defined In this Newspaper Notice to Claimants shall bear Me meaning given to them In the Claims Procedure Order, which is posted on the webstie of Ms Mallet at ham/Amy emote/00pr (the.Monnot's WebsIle"). Any Parson who believes he. she, aril has a Claim against any of the Applicants m Melt Directors 01001000 shall submit his, her cm lie Claim In a Hoof of Claim loan (which can be round on the Monitor's Websile), other than an Excluded Claim (which Includes Claims el any Person who provided pods and/or services is any Applicanl on et after the Ening Dale). Proof olCIalm Ions ton also be obtained by contacting the Monitor al the addrets INIOWsnd ptOclOng partIcuters as to your name,address, tantalite numbnand enall address. Once IN Monitor haefleIblemlallort youifilreetlye, as soon as pregnable, a Proof of Claim form. All Claimants mull submit Melt Pools of Claim by submitting them to the APPilecels care of the Mean ItY_TM iblealkULLIELe*Thlogoldo Ilmel an November 13 1013(the "Claims 151 Date) by replaced melt personal delivery, enalifinPaElotaml), courier orlacalmlle transmission, ea all Pools of Claim must be ;ideally rekelymi by the Monitor 101010110 Claims Bet Dale, al the following addlesses: lificewaterveme9oopets Inc. Courttappolnled Monitor of Loge Pins Resattroos lee Mal 03100, 111 -5 Avenue SW Calgary, AO T2P 5L3 Attention: Susan Shablult Telephone:(101)200.75, 0 Fax: H03)781.1815 Email: susan.l.shablukfloa reverse. In the lawsuit which was filed in Federal District Court in Man hattan, Ms.Segarra contends she was wrongfully terminated in violation of a federal law that aft fords protections to bank eke., ers who find wrongdoing in the Mr, 1:,XgolsdgrUf tOrliirk't Se!le: entive group at the New York Fed, Is among the defendants named in the suit. Jack Gun, a New York Fed spokesman, declined to comment on Ms. Segarra's case, citing rules that restrict what the reg. ulator can discuss, "Personnel decisions at the New York Fed are based exclusively on individx job performance and are subject to thorough review. We can egorIcally reject any suggestions to the contrary," he said in a Matement, Mr. Silva declined to comment through the Fed spokesman. A Goldman spokesman, MI. chael Danny, said his company had no knowledge of internal New York Fed discussions or matters related to Ms. Segarra. "As we have described publidy el lcdeeror' rB' eitoirrGolt "a" dn :ase2" ,a " . ''' me ,gh, enosniviiek,ilpp org hg ht rand, : wide and divisional policies and infrastructure In an interview, Ms. Segarra said that when she was fired, her bosses told her they had lost con. (liana In her judgment. Within the Fed, soe m people who worked with Ms,Segura echoed those concerns, according to peo pie with knowledge of her time at the agency. Ms, Segarra, these people said, sometimes devel. oped "conspiracy theories." Ms, Segarra landed the Job at the New York Fed in October 2011 after a career on Wan Street that included jobs at Ciligroup and Bank of America. She was assigned to as Goldman's conflict-of-Interest program to determine whether it complied with Fed standards. Banks are required to have de• tailed polities In place to deal with conflict of interests. Ms. Semite said these policies typl. tally defined what constituted various conflicts, how the bank might penalize employees who violated those rules and also how the firm made sure that It did not Inadvertently promote question able behavior. Under the New York Fed's guidelines, banks are required to have "processes established to manage compliance risk across an entire organization, both with. In and across business lines, support units, legal entities, and jto risdictIons of operallonN These guidelines are aimed at ensuring that hanks have re. viewed business transactions to make sure that relationships with one client do not conflict with olh. er clients or with the bank itself. After Ms. Segarra joined the New York Fed, she said she ex. attained several potentially con troversial Goldman deals. For int stance, in 2012 Goldman advised A peek at the relationship ofa giant bank and the Fed. El Paso an energy company, on Its decision ' to sell itself to Kinder Morgan. Goldman owned a big stake In Kinder Morgan, which angered a number of El Paso shareholders, who argued this gave Goldman an incentive to an. dervalue El Paso, Goldman main tained that it had properly nun aged the conflicts but was later admonished by a judge, who noted the "disturbing behavior.'that led to the deal. As the deal was canting togeth• er, the lawsuit said, Ms. Segarra urged Goldman to provide her with Its firmerlde conflict.oftln• tared policy. But Goldman, the lawsuit said, told her that it had no stich policy. While Goldman lacked a broad conflIonokinterest policy, the lawsuit says, Individual business units did have some procedures in place. For Ms.Segarra, the atm seen of a finewide policy was alarming because it signaled that Goldman lacked the praedures to spot and pollee conflicts, ac. cording to the suit. Such concerns, the lawsuit said, prompted Ms. Segura to COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES .OFFICE SPACE • ` 1..11A,_ 1"L Iupt, V P7frrliTIEL. _.L.L111%.1 011 l CLAIMS WIIICH ARE HOT MEMO BY 0110 MONITOR BY THE CLAIMS BAR DAB WILL BE 11,11111ELMQ EITINGUISIIEOJOBLYELL The publication ol this nonce to Ullman, the solicitation of Pryers al Claim by the Monger or the Applicants, and/or the sending of a Hoot of Clalm by a Claimant to the Mannar. does nol grant any Claimant or any person standing in the CCAA Pima edlifis el any dent under any Plan Illed in respell of any of the Applicants. their nitectors as 011Icets. SPACE o a650 SF sr,,,,rytbsENT `Zgi. : 4111'"' i;•,,;•;;;..„,, • oe PROPERTIES DATED Si Calgary.Nena ids 9111day OW0[001.2013. vesita amPtallot pwc raIse the issue with Mr. Silva, her boss, in a meeting in early 00. 2011. He seemed to agree. Mr, Silva "expressed concern that Goldmall would stiffer *nit. Pant financial harm If consumers and clients learned the extent et Goldman's noncompliance with the rules on conflict of Interest," according to the lawsuit. Soon, though, Ms. Segura wet looking at another deal,involving Banco Santander, the largest bank In Spain, and Qatar Holds Iner,n gi A5t, pan of her review, Ms, asked Goldman to pro. vide documentation that It had performed an antinoney.laun. dering analysis. According to the lawsuit, Gold• an executives told Ms. Segarra that it had done the analysis, hul the bank later backpedaled, ad. milting that no such work had been performed. Ms. Segarra took her concern. about the transaction to her bosses, who confronted Gorr'. man. She contends that Michael S. Koh,another senior staff men ber at the New York Fed and a defendant in the lawsuit, told her Brat Goldman admitted to the misconduct but then he dismissed her concerns. Further eh farts to raise the Isom were also stymied and her bosses pro*. Iced her from asking Goldman mare questions about the deal — decision that prevented her from finishing her report, Mr. Koh, through the Fed spokesman,also declined to coon meat. In March 2012, Ms. Segarra got her chance to voice her concerns to the New York Fed's legal and compliance risk team, At the meeting, the group, roughly 20 people, agreed that the issues with Goldman's conflicttohinter• est procedures warranted a warning, knoWntas a "matter remilling attention" or M.R.A., act cording to the lawsuit. Asa result, the team approved a downfrodf Goldman's annual rating nt a 2, inificating satisfactory to a 3,indicating (*according to a confidential document re. viewed by The Times. The rating Involving policies and procedures Is one of several measurements that make up Goldman's overall score, which is confidential. In the weeks after the vote, Ms. Segarra'ssupervisars began to question her findings about Gokla man, accorifing to a review al ends,Mr. Silva said her tonal. dons "are debatable at best, or alternatively, .1[4 locormcIF according to o latemight enell sent on May 13, 2012. Mr. Silva oq planed that a "cursory review" web dam Mowed the had a thatnde"gnsk section within i ts code of conduct that "RCM to me to de• line .conflict °interest. Days after this contentious ex. change, Ms. Segura said in She hiv. suit, Mr. Silva and Mr. Koh pressed her tenxcise her nem findings Goldman from her examintlan. The men, Ms. Segarra said, told her that they did in find her position "credible." Ms. Segarra said she sensed to modify iter (tidings —0 position she said she reiterated Innn email. On May 23, 1011, Ms. Segarra was tend. ;ad escorted from the Hr 6, ora,,x4nentertur aalaank1-Mtafgr.., 000000 FalS 1=, 1 1„„,,,,„ .2112111 3.v.,ko.N .*. "1K Nxxx,2013-10-16,B4O08,Bs-BW,E2 B8 THE NEW YORK TIMES BUSINESS WEDNESDAY,OCTOBER 16,2013 SQUARE FEET THE 30-MINUTE INTERVIEW STEVE DERNOWIT2 MA lierhowftAES, is the chfercxecullve elMove Inc., a public company baud In tan Jose, Cal(f that operates reales. rote Web sitesfor consumers and pro. /askew's,litre Reolioncom and LIN. buy the home.It's Just been that way.' don't know If they're going to change their financial arrangements, bull think they're looking to get ace... the audience. Mr. Berhowite has Wow the helm Awe 2009. Before Albany Move,he ran the online business group <Microsoft, which included AISN,corn, and was the chief executive of the online search OP glue Ask Jeeves. Mr. Berkowitz alto agreed as the presideal ofIDG Bads, where he helped expend Ihe"Olitn• odes" Crook series. Interview conducted and condensed by VIVIAN MARINO R.Owathe National Aesuelailan aJ Realign huvesmInvolveutent In Recta A,The brand Is owned by them and B. tensed to us in perpetuity. out we °wrote the site and gel all the revenue for the site. We do all the data,front rentals to new homes to listings to estimates to merienernted content, We gel Infer [nation from the Multiple Listing Sem lees. 11. A re you making an effort to gel more New Yorh City listings? A. Absolutely.The National Association of Realtors didn't allow us to take Ings front nonmenMer.controlled %LS.% hut we can now do that. So you're going td see us being very aggressive. In New York, for example, we're actually talking with the Corcoran Group and lots of the large brokerages to get their listings onto Real. , ,con.They always wanted to have.. cess to the audience. This market Is a one-sided market. I grew up thinking the best way 1011nd .00 apartment in New York was to talk to the doorman. R. New York Is a tough market tom& A. You have to go to the listing agent to intAUCTION BIDSDUE NOVEMBER 26 'rut ATIDRADA Rare Opportunity to Own One of The Oldest & Largest Remaining, Private Ranches In the Tucson Area 17000 South Old Sonoita Highway,Vail. AZ 40 Minutes East of Tucson intlAtrnort(5 Miles fron1.10Ert 2011 271 Deeded Acres - Proven Water Resources Grazing Lease Covering Adjoining 16,237 Acres Fully Operational Ranch Peeteel For: Etcluslye Private Retreat•Corporate Compound .5uptrli Horse & Ranch Property Consider development,couserialiati asernent, . tax crudllior IrtulhvistilIng water rIgh!s fleaA11,keit:DSc/a And Brilidicjihr;ISI:Jed HilcoGlobaL Vem.maims &mess 847.418.2700 5.flow much of fire market nalfrenulde ore yoo gelling over all? A, We believe we have.percent of the coverage In the country...L.5. listings, which represent a large pardon of all listings, with the exception of the New York City market. We literally get 15.minute updates from BO percent of the M.L.S:s in the United States.. we have the. ingle most current set of listing data, D. Who does all the inonitoriog7 A, We have a team of 40 or 50 people who literally are working technological. ly with all of these; and they work 24/7. On mobile apes, we literally show when a house changes status,from on the market to pending sale. 11. There hove been ninny changes le the wet,homes ore viewed since Realtor. .eate came online several years ego. A. What's clear from consumers' point of view is that pictures are important, so we actually help Realtors, We do a Inn of training; we have seminars on how to take the hest photos; we also help them understand how to take videos. We're In the process of looking at different ways to use the mobile de. vices to allow people to literally upload photos. One of the mine'Averred novas that well he expanding our site Intro-1gs year is the area. We have a she called NewIlameSourcescom where you can literally change the colors of the rooms.That kind of technology will continue to move Into the real estate space. Eventually we'd hope to he able to say to a consumer: You're looking al this house, what would it look like if you remodeled the kitchen? That'll be on Realtonenta at some point. Clan your goal Is to gm beyond the ilet. Ow arid make the elle much =krle use. &Absolutely. One of the things were looking at Is to octuallyconnect the property history with the house,so that we can show consumers a timeline view. We also talked about bringing in the [(onto -Improvement history and see who are the contractors that worked. a home.There are companies out these trying to aggregate these diverse sources of data. Realtors are realizing that their role is moving beyond content.Thely]ob Is actually to bring the content together and became that trusted adviser to the consumer. ri.Artd with mobile apps, too A. We use a lot of geographic location. based tools. On our no -Idle apps,if you're driving around the neighbor. hood and you press the button, it will lit. erally show you things, We can show you right where you're standing, all the houses around where you're standing. You can draw a circle on our applica. Mons and literally say, lid Ilke to live on this street. Fifty percent of our traffic comes from mobile today. We have about six eggs available; we updato them every month. Solne might soymtere playing cafe. up with sties like Zillow or Truro A. No. We've been around since ION, and so our locus has always been on the homes-for-sale side of the business. ER• low and 11.11a arc trying to catch up to us there. But we're actually trying to move.. up the I mane!. 1Ve really have to Matson bringing the Realtor brand back to consumers. ch Whet about providing dos:Ili:Wm, motion? A,We provide that In 70 markets,which cover about 45 percent of the coverage In the U.S. We'rejust bringing Boston up. We have quite a few In Florida. We get sold data within 15 minutes of the house selling. It'll tell you what agent listed the house, what agent saki the house. It was introduced alumte year ago, and we're working veryelose• ly with the M.L.E.'s to expand, D. What do you doforfon? A. I stay up late waiting for my 21-year. old to cope home,and then 1 get up really early for the 7.yeapold. JPMorgan Is Expected to Admit Fault in Trading Loss Front Page Al authority under the Dodo -Frank Act of 2010, argues that the hank's trading was so large and voluminous that it violated a law preventing banks from recklessly using a "manipulative device" In the market for credit derivatives, R0100100 contracts that let tile bank bet on the health of companies like American Airlines, JPMorgan's concession, part oI a broader policy shift in Wash. Ington that emerged in fits and starts over the last year, Is the most aggressive step in reversing a decadessiong practice of al. lowing hanks to "neither admit or deny" wrongdoing. The deal also could set a precedent that potentially exposes a honk to scrutiny — from the government and front shareholder lawsuits — whenever It builds a huge trading position that alters the market. The change In regulators' approach traces. part to criticism that Wail Street misdeeds gene, ated only token settlements that banks could easily afford. When Mary Jo While took over the S.E.C. this year, she outlined a new policy for extracting a... stens in certain cases. For the government,an admission by JPMorgan could provide o template for pursuing other ad. missions In Wall Street cases. Al. ready, according to people briefed on the matter, the Justice Department is pushing 111Mor. tan to admit that from 2001 to 2007, It sold mortgage securities to Investors without fully warn. Ing of the risks. Yet the regulatory crackdown IN THE MATTER OF THE COMPANIES'CREDITORS ARRANGEMENT ACT("CCAA") PROCEEDINGS OF LONE PINE RESOURCES CANADA LTD,, LONE PINE RESOURCES (HOLDINGS) INC., LONE PINE RESOURCES INC.,WISER OIL DELAWARE,LLC AND WISER DELAWARE LLC (collectively, the "APPLICANTS", and each,an"APPLICANT") PLEASE TAKE NOTICE WM this Newspaper Noll. to Claimants is being published pursuant to an Wu of the Honourable Justice J. Strekal of the Court el Onenis Bench olAlberta, Judicial Centro of Calgary, dated °Globe, 9, 2013 (the "Claims Procedure Order). All capitalized Nuns nol otherwise dellned In this Newspaper Notice to Claimants shall bear the meaning ()Reno- them In the Claims Procedure Order. which is posted on the Ivo-site of the Monitor at ghe "Mango. Webs."). Any Person who believes ha, she, or II has a Claim against any of the Applicants in their Directors to Moon .11 submIl his. her or Its Claim in a Pool el Claim form (oo-1M can be found on the Monitore Web.), Mbar than an Excluded Claim (which include; Claims of any Person who provided pooh and/or BMWS lo any Applicant on or after the Filing Dahl. Proof el Claim forms can also be obtained by °onto -lino the Monitor al mans blow Intl providing particulars as to your name,address, facsimile number and emoll address. Once Ihe Mofler Me thliNfounation. you will receive,. aeon as practicable. a Proof of Claim form, All Cialmonts mud submit their Po -oh el Claim by submitting ihem to the Applicant, care of the Monitor by.. Wet than 5'00 e M...1MILMIBBIloteLonNeveleber 11„2011 (the "Claims Bar Ode") by to -Meted mall, personal delivery, oprnalliin PDF Imo -1k courier or facsimile transmisslon, and all Mools oThiaint mull be achbly too -1M by the Monger to -lore the Claims Bar 0100, al Do lollowlno addresses: 41j- David Meister addle Commodity Futures Trading Commission Is shaping a deal with diTMorgan. s not comprehensive. The fine print of JPMorgan's admission — In both the S.E.C. and C.F.T.C, ases — provides the bank some over from private litigation. Rather than admitting market manipulation, the bank is expect. d to acknowledge a series of acts that the C.F.T.C. will cluaraoerize as "recklessly employing manipulative devices... While it Is small end technical distinction, t could save the bank from an on. knight of sharehoider lawsuits, The hank also o some . ro d Ono the breadth Its wrongdoing. It agreed, the peole briefed on the negotiations aid, to admit wrongdoing stem. ming front trading on one panio ular day, The trading commission s likely to refer to other trading n its order against the bank, but Phlorgan Is expected to neither dmit nor deny wrongdoing In hose instances. The aggressive policy can have epercusslons for regulators. Ina bank balked at making an admis. Ion, for example, it could lead to ostly litigation that government gentles can III afford. The JPMorgan case nearly ighlighted tads risk. The bank,arguing that Rs Dad. Ing was legitimate, resisted an admission. And the trading Coot. AtISSIon drafted a potential lawsuit. Talks reopened in recent weeks, paving the way for the admission. JPMorgan declined to cool• latent on the settlement.talks. The people briefed on the negoMations cautioned that the settle• meal could face delays since the government is now shut down. The trading commission Is per. Ming with about 30 employees,a fraction of its roughly 700-person staff, David Meister, the agency's euforcement chief, is among houseworking. if a settlement enlarges In the coming days, It could be his last at the agency. Mr. Meister recently announced plans to depart the agency after overhauling the enforcement unit. Despite the recent push, the agency had yet to charge a big Wall Street bank over a 1.w lative devices" violation. For years, the aency g had M prove that a trader I ntended to manlint. Inge the market, and successfully created artillcial prices. But under Dodd.Frank, the nancial regulatory overhaul NOTICE OF punito BALE OF COLLATERAL NEW YORK COMMERCIAL CODE LAW-SECTION 0410 ttolv PrIcewaterbouso-oopers Inc. Courbappolnled Monlier ol Lone Pine MS011(0510, el at MVO, 111 -Samuel MY Calory,. T2P 51.3 Moll.Susan Shabluk Telephone( MOM 50.7860 Fax:(403) 201.1021 Email: com CLAIMS WHICH ARE NOT RECEIVE° BY ME MONITOR 110 TIIE CLAIMS BAP DATE WILL BE DASEELL_AND EXIMEWLIDED FOREVEB, The publication al 1010 liellte to Oalmani. the tollellallon el Proofs of Claim by the Monitor or the Applicants, and/or the Sending of a Proof of Claim by a Claimant to the Monger. does nol grant any Claimant at any pets. shading In the CCAA Proteedirtga or any to -his undo any Plan Med In respect of any of the Applicant., 00111 Directors or 01110011. BATE)at Wpm.Aosrta this 0th day 01 October.2012. _th pwc ITATINMa=r"'. ''`""".""`"`""""' passedd after the crisis, the agen. must show only that a trader acted "recklessly," The agency harnessed that new authority to pursue the JPMorgan trading, where it was unclear whether the traders had intended to distort the market. All together, the bank's traders increased their position In a credit derivative ire dex by 030 billion in early 2012, according to a Senate report. "The commission Is trying to Rex Its muscle under the Dodd. Frank standard and Is also going an extra yard to get an admix Mon," said Ilugh J. Cadden,a for. nter enforcement official at the passe The trading commission was the sole [too -out in settling Lon. don Whale cases. In September, JPMorgan paid 0020 million to four other regulatory agencies — the S.E.C., the Financial Conduct Authority of Britain, the Federal Reserve and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. The bank also admitted to the S.E.C. that it had violated federal securities laws. The agency, however, continues to investigate the 'radIng loss, Even before a settlement, fed• era; prosecutors and the Federal Bureau of Investigation In Man. batten have brought criminal charges against two of the troderas Javier Martio-Arlajo and Julien Grout, who were FICCUSed of covering up the size al their losses. The traders deny wrong. doing. A third trader, Bruno Basil, sidestepped charges, striking a nonprosecullon deal. As JPMorgan faces n broader wave of scrutiny — at least sevon federal agencies, several stale regulators and two foreign noun. tries are Investigating Ills hank — Its legal bills have 'slush. roomed. On Friday, JPMorgan announced that II would have to set aside 09.2 billion to cover those legal expenses at II fist that led the bank to report its first onarterly loss under Jamie DI• mon,its chief executive. A portion of that money Is ex. petted to cover a settlement with the Justice Department over questionable mortgage P.a... So far, the discussions for that deal have languished,said people familiar with the matter. JPIalor• gun has offered to pay a roughly S7 billion one and provide n tall• lion dollars in relief for struggling homeowners,the people said. B8 . REPORT ON BUSINESS THE GLOBE AND MAIL • FRIDAY, OCTOBER II, 2013 THE WALL STREET JOUR AL DOW JONES 0201100W 10800 8 CO.. INC.. WSJ.COM P.MISSION SETTLEMENT TALUS JPMorgan, U.S. Justice Department far apart on deal Stumbling blocks abound to potential multibillion-dollar pact that would resolve probes into bank's sales of mortgage bonds • DEVLIN BARRETT DAN FITZPATRICK . . . ........... MMorgan Chase & Co. and the U.S. Department of Justice remain far apart on a potential multibillion-dollar pact that would resolve several probes into the bank's sales of mortgage bonds and settle potential criminal and civil charges, people close to the talks said. Discussions continue between the two camps, but after several weeks, a number of unresolved Issues stand in the way of a final agreement, these people said. The stumbling blocks Include the number of federal agencies that would participate in a deal, whether'Morgan would admit to wrongdoing and how much protection it would receive against further liability on the mortgage-bond issue, the people said. The U.S, government shutdown also is complicating matters because Justice Department guidelines call for no action on civil litigation during the standoff unless specifically ordered by a Judge, these people added, Investors and analysts will be looking for clues on the settlement talks when Iffidorgan Chase reports third-quarter earnings results Friday, Analysts are expected to ask JPMorgan Chase reports third-quarter earnings results Frlilai Mr TinvieWfottnnureas Misiorgan Chase chairman and chief executive James Dimon about the bank's ultimate exposure to a multitude of legal problems.The bank's chief fine clan officer has said'Morgan will add at least Sts-billion (U.S,)to Its litigation reserves for the third quarter, an expense that will weigh on performance as the bank wrestles with expected declines in mortgages and fixedincome trading. On Friday,"all eyes will likely be focused on any potential liti. gallon settlement," analysts with Keefe Bruyette & Woods said 111 a recent research note."Getting it out of the way could go a long way In investors refocusing their attention on the company's core earnings power." Misiorgan faces scrutiny from U.S. regulators on areas ranging from overseas hiring practices to trading oversight to whether it provided adequate warnings about the fraud of Bernard Medoff. The current settlement talks are being led by the Justice Department but also include the Federal Housing Finance Agency and New York Attorney General's office, both of which sued 'Morgan over securities issued during the height of the housing boom. 'Morgan also wants to include cases involving the Federal Depo. sit Insurance Corp. and the National Credit Union Admits's. Batton, n federal regulator that supervises U.S. credit unions,said people close to the talks. The Fl IFA case could be settled as a stand-alone, multibillion. dollar deal If the broader talks fail, said people familiar with the discussions, JPMorgan doesn't disclose how much it has reserved for all of its legal problems, but it has added $r8-billion to the pot since 0008, according to filings. Morgan Stanley analysts recently estimated current reserves to be $1u-billion, the amount left over after a number of settlements since 1010. "Morgan is willing to pay more than $11-1,1111on, a figure floated last month, to settle the various mortgage-bond cases, but only if that would end a criminal investigation of the bank on that Issue, said people close to the bank. The two sides aren't close on resolving that criminal investigation, Any deal likely wouldn't resolve other continuing criminal Investigations of the bank unrelated to mortgage-backed securities, according to people familiar with the talks. A settlement of $n-billion or greater would be the largest single-company settlement the Justice Department ever has reached. LEGALS INVITATION FOR PROPOSALS IN THE MATTER OF THE COMPANIES'CREDITORS ARRANGEMENT ACT("CCAA") PROCEEDINGS OF LONE PINE RESOURCES CANADA LTD., LONE PINE RESOURCES (HOLDINGS) INC., LONE PINE RESOURCES INC., WISER OIL DELAWARE,LLC AND WISER DELAWARE LLC'(collectively, the "APPLICANTS",and each, an "APPLICANT") TO PURCHASE THE BUSINESS AND/OR ASSETS OF ATLAS BLOCK CO. LIMITED & ATLAS BLOCK (BROCKVILLE) LTD, PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that this Newspaper Notice to Claimants is being published pursuant to an Order of the Honourable Justice J. Slrekal of the Court of Queen's Bench of Alberta, Judicial Centre of Calgary, dated October 9, 2013 (the "Claims Procedure Order"). All capitalized terms not otherwise defined In this Newspaper Notice to Claimants shall bear the meaning given to them In Ilse Claims Procedure Order, which Is posted on the websIte of the Monitor at (the "Monitor's Wehsite"). KPMG Inc. in its capacity as Com happoInted receiver (the 'Receiver") of Alias Block Co. Limited and Alias Block (Brockville) Ltd. (collectively "Atlas"), hereby Invites written proposals for the purchase of the Receiver's right, title and interest, If any, In the business operations, undertaking and assets of Atlas on an en bloc basis, or otherwise, on an "as is, where is" basis. Alias has locations In Hillsdale, Ontario and Victoria Harbour, Ontario (both near Midland, Ontario)and Brockville, Ontario. Atlas N one of Canada's leading manufacturers of concrete products Including concrete blocks; landscaping products; and, brick & stone products. Any Person who believes he, she, or it has a Claim against any of the Applicants or their Directors or Officers shall submit his, her or Its Claim in a Proof of Claim form (which can he found on the Monitor's Wehslte), other than an Excluded Clean (which includes Claims of any Person who provided goods and/or services to any Applicant an or altar the Filing Date). Assets offered for sale Include the following; • Manufacturing operations, inventory and equipment; • Real estate; • Intangible assets; • Atlas' interest, if any,In certain leased equipment. Proof of Claim forms can also be obtained by contacting the Monitor at the address below and providing particulars as to your name, address, facsimile number and o-mall address. Once the Monitor has this information, you will receive, as soon as practicable, a Proof of Claim form. All Claimants mai submit their Proofs of Claim by submitting them to the Applicants care of the Monitor by no later thee 5000 n m (Mountain Timel on November 13. ana (the "Claims Bar ow)by registered mall, personal delivery, olnall (in PDF format), courier or lacsimile transmission, and all Proofs of Claim must be actual y received by the Monitor before the Claims Bar Date, al the 'allowing addresses: PrleowaterhouseCoopers Inc. Court-appointed Monitor of Lone Pine Resources Inc. el al 83100. 1 1 1 - 5 Avenue SW Calgary, AB T2P 5L3 Attention: Susan Shabiuk Telephone:(403) 508.730 Fax: (403)711.1820 Email: All proposals must be sealed and received in writing by KPMG Inc. at Suite 700, 21 King Street West, Hamilton, Ontario, LOP 4W7 no later than 12:00 p.m.(EST) on Thursday November 7, 2013. The highest or any proposal will not necessarily be accepted. En bloc proposals for the purchase al the entire assets and operations of Atlas will be given special consideration. Nothing contained In this invitation for Proposals precludes the Receiver from entering into an agreement to sell any or all assets prior to Thursday November 7, 2013. All proposals must be accompanied by a refundable deposit of 15% of the purchase price offered and conform with the terms and conditions set art by the Receiver, To obtain further details please contact Mr. Robyn Duwyn al (905) 523.2248 or rduveyn@kpmgoa KPMG INC. COURT-APPOINTED RECEIVER AND MANAGER OF ATLAS BLOCK CO, LIMITED & ATLAS BLOCK (BROCKVILLE) LTD. TENDERS. CLAIMS WHICH ARE NOT RECEIVED BY THE MONITOR BY THE CLAIMS BAR DATE WILL BE BARRED AND EXTINGUISHED FOREVER The publication of Ills Notice to Clalmanl, the solicitation 01 Proofs of Claim by the Monitor or the Applicants, and/or the sending of a Proof of Claim by a Clalmanl to the Monitor, does not grant any Claimant or any person standing M the CCAA Proceedings er any 1111118 under any Plan flled In respect of any of the Applicants, their Directors or Officers. The Company's principal business Is the development of proprietary technology, specifically, a noninvasive measurement system, referred to as SonicGauge with applications in the renewable and petrochemicals industry. The sale of the Company's assets is exclusive of any applications in the medical and bio. medical field, More Information can be obtained al www.harrisreceIvers.corn/ nimlech_Inc.htrol DATED al Calgary, Alberta this 901 day of October, 2013. The deadline for submission of offers is 5:00 prn EST on NOverober O, 2013. pwc For additional information, please contact Adam Fisher by email at: NOTICE OF BANKRUPTCY AND FIRST MEETING OF CREDITORS (sedion102,6111 In the mattes of the bankruptcies oI Pardo Corporation and Parelo Holdings Ltd. Notice is hereby given !hal Paolo Corporation and Pardo Holdings Ltd., of Ilse City of Toronto, In the Province of Ontario, made Assignments in Bankruptcy on the 2nd day of October 2013; and that the combined First Meeting of Creditors will be held on Ilse 23rd day of October 2013 al 10.00 o'clock In the forenoon al the office of ihe Trustee, Bay Adelaide Centre, 333 Bay St,, Suite 4600,Toronto, Ontario DATED AT Toronto, Ontario this 4Ih day of October 2013. KPMG INC. - Trustee 333 Bay Street, 5111e 4600 Toronto, ON MS11255 Phone: 416.777.8500 INVITATION FOR OFFERS NimTech inc. Harris Receivers & Consultants Corp. In Its capacity as Court-appointed Receiver (the "Receiver") of NIMTeds Inc.(the "Company"), Is offering for sale its right, title and interest, If any, in the Company's assets, undertakings and properties of every lulus° and kind whatsoever (Ilse "Assets")on an ", wherols" bash. • • • BUSINESS TO BUSINESS . • • LUXURY ASSETS loans on assets, we loan money on luxury cars, Jewellery, art, boats, teal estate, gold. 30 day • 1 yr. loans avast. alliedassets20000/greall,com BUSINESSOPPORTUNITIES:'; HOME HEALTHCARE BUSINESS mature, Fisting franchise. Revenue over SIM. [email protected] tArrtAtwArifE6MVAibibil!i'; BOMBARDIER, FALCON, CITATION, experts, .04 Citation Encore. J. Spears 415.2000600, Canadian Corporate Allplanes, ready for Immedtale sale and delivery, 2001 Falcon 9006%, 2000 Falcon 900E% and 2007 Global /MS. Call John Hopkinson & Associates @ 403.291.9027. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES, BLUE MOUNTAIN, Investment Property. 51201( Gross Rev. lor past 12 s. Short term rentals. Indoor Pool.Managed. Fully 1709K Excel. ROI. Call Kevin Wooiham, Salesperson. Century 21 Millennium Inc, Btokerage, Direct 70543E18.1219. USINESS FINANCING 1.500K-F, recaps, urnaraunds, acquisitions, 416 467.787 nfof& ' ..ict Z. I • s,opsee In g oses...seg. Harris Receivers & Consultants Corp. 0020 Woodbine Avenue 50110 300 Markham, ON L3R 9W9 Attention: Adam Fisher Telephone:(905)479.5712 Facsimile:(905)479.2346 Report on Business ROIECT FINANCING avail. Real Estate 011 & Gas, R. clean energy. WTE. Min $10MM.businesscapilal@holmail,com INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES::: INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY IN HEALTHCARE A US public healthcare Iechnology company Is looking for Investors. The 11=ivent1101!::11hTal"Vigin ' estirrot term ItZiun'glea ' shetiagtVIV " rpkassall@gmalixorn TO SUBSCRIBE CALL 1-866-36 GLOBE THE GLOBE AND MAIL it 81.2 • REPORT ON BUSINESS 3 THE GLOBE AND MAIL WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2013 THE WALL STREET JOUNAL, DOW JONES WSJ.COM 0 200 DOW JONES B C0,100. A001,0f0 W0111100550/1 ANAL, KSTAT11 Suburban Detroit's 'whisper listings' signal hot market Homes selling right away in surrounding region form a sharp contrast with the bankrupt Motor City in a tale of two Detrolts .•....•...••....•••••• 1'. MATTHEW DOLAN GRosse PoiNTE, MICR. „....... . ust outside bankrupt Detroit, It's like someone turned off where thousands of homes the water five years ago and are being sold this week at ono Just turned It back on. don for as little as 5905 (U.S.), real estate Is hot again. After years of slow sales and lobo Bennett depressed prices, homes here 10 Real-estate agent some of the wealthiest communities around the Niotor City now receive multiple offers as the Inventory shrinks. Prospective buyers often carry big wads of cash, and some of 46 J Deloltte, NVQN1 N . i(s11:11.ILI\JtE LUNCHEON S.II.S Lesley Stowe President, Lesley Stowe Pine Foods VANCOUVIin November 8, 2015 loin us to hear soma of Gonadal; most occomplidted and influential women In businese share Mode& orproksilonnl soma,personal triumph, anti haw they have worked their way to the lop of their Industries. Oil liNGNIIA1,7-NNY.ircra;216acc fIRSTINESTEWAFT. Alsaln..1,11.tra.e 7, -FrOw.E.1 ARy .seor IS. 01E.C. Get In spi ELIA ()YOE Lunch 'lb register, call 1-800-354-3303 or visit us online at ancratiminesueinfluenceitrntheort.ra BeR HPAAPIERSHIN1111111...1131..WOM 0.00500.110 Cf0t1401.110000100(2,11. ON OL0.0014. WAXERS MAL wunemvpmenghtfludneehmeheota,va , I. the most sought-after properties change hands in super-secret "whisper listings," according to local brokers. If the city of Detroit has run out of money, many home buyers In the region appear to be taking little notice. "You try to get your people in the house the day It lists, because it might sell right away," said Pat Chaste., a realestate agent with Monaghan CMAC In Grosse Pointe Farms. She spent nearly every night last week closing deals and met her first Friday client at Gmo Five years ago, when auto sales crashed and two of the Detroit Three auto makers filed for bankruptcy, car plants closed, thousands lost their jobs and those who held on were stripped of pay, benefits and bonuses. But In recent years, the car companies have posted record profits, while salaried and union workers collected some of their biggest bonus checks in history. Home prices are rising here as fast as any major metropolitan market In the country, attracting some new investors, said led Rolla), chief economist at Trulia, a real-estate website, To be sure, Detroit and its suburbs are still digging out of a big hole. The region's housing lost about 36 per cent of its value during. the recession, and its value remains o8 per cent below prerecesslon levels, according to housing and mortgage-refinancing data tracked by the Southeast Michigan Council of Governments. ln addition, the Detroit region Is still seeing little new residential construction. And the market has the the highest home-vacancy rate in the United States after suffering from hvo decades of the coun• try's worst job losses. "1Vhat we know is that during the housing boon), Detroit did not do nearly as well as the rest of the country, and suffered more on the way down," said Craig Lenora, senior director, S&P Dow Jones Indexes. "But It's had a much bigger bounce off the most recent bottom." Increasingly, it's a tale of two Detrolts, the beleaguered city In bankruptcy court with few Jobs and abundant vacant property, and the larger metropolitan region bouncing back gradually with falling unemployment and rising home sales. Across four counties that comprise metro Detroit, the median home price lumped 48 per cent in September over a year ago, and the number of sales rose per cent, according to sales figures compiled by Realcomp, multiple-listing service in Farmington Hills, Mich. "It's Ilke someone turned off the water five years ago and Just turned It back on," said John liannett, a real-estate agent based in the Cony suburb of Birmingham who has sold property for almost a half-century. But the upswing in the market touches few places in the city of Detroit, where state-appointed leaders filed for bankruptcy protection In July, citing an estitnat ed $18-billion in long-term debt. Sales in Detroit fell last month 13 per cent, compared with the same month a year ago. The median sales price of a home in Detroit last month was $11,000. Real-estate agents say sales are up In the city's downtown and nearby Midtown, but that potential buyers are often frustrated by Detroit's high taxes, spotty public safety, shaky public schools and antiquated assessment system that often " .•-.• overvalues property and prevents traditional financing. "I was very apprehensive about which areas were safe, but I never really wanted to move out of Detroit," sold 1.1sa Card, a di•year-old special-education teacher and mother of two who moved back from the suburbs and closed in August on a $24,000, three-bedroom, banic•ow»ed house on the east side. Foreclosures continue to haunt the city. This fall, Wayne County is trying to sell at auction 18,000 properties - go per cent in Detroit - that failed to pay their taxes for at least three years. In the first round of the auction, only 880 were sold. In the final round of the auction ending Oct. 25, bids start as low as $500. Critics say the massive auction keeps real-estate prices in the city low. And new buyers often fail to pay taxes, pushing the properties back into tax foredo. sure, said the county's chief deputy treasurer, David Szymanski. Still, buyers outside the city like 34-year-old Stanley Adams, a pilot, and his wife, an automotive engineer at General Motors who was transferred back to Detroit, see now as the time to invest. Lost Tuesday, the couple living In northeast Ohio closed on a 3,000-square-foot, two-story colonial in Grosse Pointe Park, paying over list price after the property received multiple offers. The four-bedroom home, which was listed for $384,000, lasted six days on the market. "We wanted close access to downtown where my wife works," Mr. Adams said. "But it's separated and somewhat insulated from the Issues downtown." igNACIEUBATe4Sailla BUSINESS CLASSIFIED TO PLACE AN AD CALL 14166.999-0AD3 0234 D EMAIL: ADVERTISING@GLOOEANDMAILCOM BUSINE1TO BUSIKS IN THE MATTER OF THE COMPANIES'CREDITORS ARRANGEMENT ACT("CCAA") PROCEEDINGS OF LONE PINE RESOURCES CANADA LTD., LONE PINE RESOURCES (HOLDINGS)INC., LONE PINE RESOURCES INC.,WISER OIL DELAWARE,LLC AND WISER DELAWARE LLC (collectively, the "APPLICANTS", and each, an "APPLICANT") PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that this Newspaper Notice to Claimants is being published pursuant to an Order of lite Honourable Justice J. Strekof of the Court of Queen's Bench of Alberta, Judicial Centre of Calgary, dated October 9, 2013 (the 'Claims Procedure Order"). All capitalized terms not otherwise defined In this Newspaper Notice to Claimants shall bear the meaning given to them in the Claims Procedure Order, which is posted on the wobsite of the Monitor at (the "Monitor's WeimIte"). Any Person who believes ho, she, or 0 has a Claim against any el the Applicants or their Directors or Officers shall submit his, het or Its Claim In a Proof of Claim form (which can be found on the Monitor's Websilo), other ihan an Excluded Claim (which includes Claims of any Parson who provided goods and/or services te any Applicant on or after the Filing Date). Proof of Claim forms can also be obtained by contacting the Monitor at the address below and providing particulars as to your name, address, facsimile number and e-mall address. Once the Monitor has this information, you will receive, as soon as practicable, a Proof of Claim form. All Claimants EMI submit their Proofs of Claim by submitting them to the Applicants care of the Monitor by 01 taler ,•l t 11 (the "Claims Bar Dale") by registered mall, personal delivery, e-mall (in PDF format), courier or facsimile transmission, and all Proofs of Claim must be actually received by the Monger before the Claims Bar Date, al the following addresses: PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc. Court-appointed Monitor of Lone Pine Resources Inc. et al #3100, Ill -5 Avenue SW Calgary, AD T2P 6L3 Attention: Susan Shabluk Telephone: (403) 500-7306 Fax:(403) 781-1825 Email: [email protected]) CLAIMS WHICH AnE NOT RECEIVED BY THE MONITOR BY THE CLAIMS BAR DATE WILL EXTINGUISHED FOREVER pwl In the matter of the bankruptcy of Splros Pantile's, of the City of Toronto, In the Province of Ontario. Notice is hereby given that the bankruptcy of Splros Pantile's, residing In the city of Toronto, occurred on October FI, 2013 and that the first meeting of creditors will be held on October 29, 2013, at 10,00 AM, at the office of the Trustee at 100 Simcoe Street, Suite 125, Toronto, Ontarici, M5H 3G2. Dated al Toronto, this 16th day of October, 2013. ALBERT GELMAN Albert Gelman Inc., Trustee In Bankruptcy 100 Sim.Street, Suite 125, Toronto, Ontario, MSH 3G2. Tel: 418.504.1650 Fax, 416.S044655 • •. BOMBARDIER, FALCON, CITATION, expeets, '04 Citation Encore. J. spoofs 416.203.0600, Advertise where the best qualified candidates are. To advertise, phone 1.866.999.9237 THE GLOBE AND MAIL CAPITAL WAHtED/ANIA1C4DIX,'• BUSINESS FINANCING 4SOGE*, tecapo, lumaiounds, acquisitions, 416-467.787e Info(Dadesag.conn PRIVATE LENDER tar commercial loans ranging from $1 Million to over 4100 Million. Fasl, easy process. 204.334.0409. PROJECT FINANCING avail. Real Estate, 011 & Gas, & clean energy. WTE. $10MM. bustnesseapital( NOTICE OF BANKRUPTCY AND FIRST OE BARRED AND The publication of this Nolice to Claimant, the solicitation of Proofs of Claim by the Monitor or the Applicants, and/or the sending of a Proof of Claim by a Claimant to the Monitor, does not grant any Claimant or any person standing in the CCAA Proceedings or any rights under any Plan Mod in respect of any of the Applicants, their Directors or 011icors. DATED al Calgary. Alberta this GM day of October, 2013. NOTICE OF BANKRUPTCY AND FIRST MEETING OF CREDITORS MEETING OF CREDITORS Medifell9244O In the matter of the bankruptcies of Pareto Corporation and Pardo Holdings Ltd. Notice Is hereby given that Pareto Corporation and Parole Holdings Ltd., of the City of Toronto, in the Province of Ontario, made Assignments in Bankruptcy on the 2nd day of October 2013; and that the combined First Meeting of Creditors will be held on the 23rd day of Oclober 2013 al 10:00 o'clock In the forenoon al the office of the Teuslee, Bay Adelaide Centre, 333 Bay St., Suite 4600, Toronto, Ontario. DATED AT Toronto, Ontario this 411, day of Oclobef 2013. KPMG INC.- Trustee 333 Bay Street, Suite 4600 Toronto, ON M5H 2S5 Phone: 416.777.8500 Learn about advertising In The Globe and Mall. Breaking news al calgaryhornid,com CLASSIFIEDS Friday, October 11, 2013 REAL ESTATE RENTALS call 403.235-0511 to place an ad call 403.235.0511 to place an ad : Arm.mmition Comma col &Indestnal Property - AgNtmeggAMIol(Mt Ccirmwstaigl....11(..... • II<W lac • • OmientOmbles girlpimes L get:,g tam.. Nwm mg Amdmgd ' " • - lhart....1411.1•14 JS1121711t;1100441 first ban an n. market renoraNd log Nut &`'sri mom./ Ian.. r=r1tI .nSa LLVe. - twit g Lf Duple es, Doubl s& TrialoMes : Zrzet . ..31. .111. 11 :•:' anAwaz3AieetilvaLe.SeMn oYa 2orphin4141. RIVOUVICW nese 46 LIVEchdi fi 8 Imis 01elid 3,1 So m hme. 1.ned Iv.' KO. "1-'!"so 15 .',5crzf;r. "Y-N eelarnit. lra d'" IN THE MATTER OF THE: BANKRUPTCY OF TCT LOGISTICS INC, - AND - alvlsdyau Sitttitn= WAGE RECOVERY APPEAL UNDER DIVISION XVI - PART III OF THE CANADA LABOUR CODE of former employees of TOT LOGISTICS INC, against former directors of TOT LOGISTICS INC. 01095 NOTICE TOCREDITOR AND CLAIMANTS W..of „. DrAuly0 LAURA MARGARET (mho tep 1id „„,„ m. BUCHANAN who moron ID A Cisle,,li 1. St1. h.<1.1mess.)1 et (. 4 MoDTi pr yaP,kl RealE f to Iburals1. Wanted Rums.itCi lavoclrne I,Ihlet as, G6lsn,,lIa, EN NS sto s • gag tg.dt > SCINCAPI 6..00 tn..A Itattart.t.g. nre relied. it 0. (:(1a7..VIBY.VraU 1 A more 00 C` ' oes ' . 519 ' 00 r (V. 030.7137/4014im "IERIA7112""MUM"1111=====i11111111111•1 Utah. rddeoi CHAMMON LLOTOBVIAEONARD TCT LOGISTICS INC. hfio dled an xho on FEBRUARY 0.1013 SEPTEMBER 3.2013 yon bra s slam sgstut you Imo A the ethic yov must Ide the Walt goomvslllAe Imt.Preseta NUM`V,11.`,121'. 'rrt;.a^,=,fg Li IMMEMECEMONNIIIMIIMII YkrtP 11111111117E I962 sl ,41.1:, 01411,,CS! tor s) .(i 403 call 403.235.0511 to place an ad Bellee 01011ns ' 14 Fkorlir611) 132.1,,prn,mas klti?idezpostrie:: (My h 113484013.031. re.t.hmsratrtmeim,n, Vacation& Recreation Propertiesln Canada mats NOTICES 1 4 ra41.1.4.7... thIVIV4/ .1 In the most esclustre mattg..enhal In badyar0. 11ees to 0 rep CALGARY ..•Thn ' IF:1044(...! 53,51000 1655 Sr boopkn ' ' M n I otriat Owl On von to nnry KING SIZE ak Ihemegard Is any cla(m wemoy hem. TO: Snow Clearing '°peso"''""'" Ocn oRsAii„, Vacation& creation Propettiesla Canada Ft Icy ie4u red. ,0DeV.1174N,Nr,trf1„34' OR Ian them to 50 WeNtoorearn.Se rr.°1— .P3V„m slot cram FORMER EMPLOYEES OF TCT LOGISTICS INC, (a "Bankrupt CON/oration") NOTICE Is hereby glven that a WAGE RECOVERY APPEAL hearing will be heard on October 28, 2013 starting at 9:00 am.,or so soon thereafter as the paHles may be heard, In the Didsbury room of theConference Centre on the ground floor of the Harry Hays building located at 220 • 411, Avenue S.E„ Calgary, Alberta. before Michael O'BriemKelly, the Referoe,1 appointed pursuant to the provisions of the Canada Labour consider the wage Calms of termer employees of the Bankrupt Corporation against former directors of the Bankrupt Corporation. DATED al the City of Calgary. In the Province of Alberta, this 10th day of October. 2013. 340319454110 AVS...1153.4.10..00041603301. agiV1 ChourlIrkap. NOTICE OF SALE a l ggrarMatrattfiratIRPrittlIV r' "r"'"'"' P:Vre ' rn, " Persons... umiture Earn up to 'rurnjl ank. $11200 . each month delivering the Calgary Herald. ire Btiq ' Ai. Vacation& Reaeabon — Prop dies OutsideCan da 001.0.044.‘ 16030 V4 , ..gled SW szlvralten 11. ' ' ' 1..,(.TUP7)t.P 0(? ) ri¢¢hl1 in, xndMove vPd tee, Tots.. our low or to find out mom, COO <031235-13613 or en.d vs el ormors(Malgaryharold•com CALGARY HERALD nma= r YOUR AD tit in fxr.11 O,Lhc,11 , DEARg? tr°,:'f,1 • ttm the day wore aturdey • thorsdsy by ae to Nor • muntm day ore e. 0 1. 07 434 CALGARY'S LARGEST = 315,11e. WEEKLY CLASS:MED REAL ESTATE SECTION sh <Its tlahgeot TN4140 Woo . .Io. gAtues Manilla lured& rleyeloped sm.. Slobilellomes is CONFIDENTIAL "NO CHARGE" niel' el* ' re " /ln lene% Aa, reel. e..ran kil and red to Xu~NmL,1115~ , regait t 3.5...Europeo oragorthestthmie r.011ppleriSess and • 1,, "a" 11. B7 IN THE MATTER OFTHE COMPANIES'CREDITORS ARRANGEMENT ACT ("CCAA") PROCEEDINGS OF LONE PINE RESOURCES CANADA LTD., LONE PINE RESOURCES(HOLDINGS) INC., LONE PINE RESOURCES INC„ WISER OIL DELAWARE,LLC AND WISER DELAWARE LLO (collectively, the "APPLICANTS",and each,an "APPLICANT') PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that this Newspaper Notice lo Claimants Is being published pursuant to an Order of the Honourable Justice J. Straka' of the Cord of Ormen's Bench of Alberta, Judicial Centre of Calgary, dated October 9.2018 {the 'Claims Premium Orderi,All caplialbed [eons not otherwise defined in this Newspaper Notice lo Claimants shall bear the meaning glom to them in the Claims Procedure Order, which is posted on ihe website of the Monitor al Intp:Mwmupwo.corn/cablpr (the 'Monitor's Websgel. Any Parson who believes he, MA, or II hat a Claim anoint any of the ApplIcanta or their Directors or entire, shalt tubed' Mt, her or Its Claim In a Proof of Claim form twhish can be found on the Monitor's Waite), Mbar than an Excluded Claim (which Includes Claims of any Person who provided goods and/ar service. la any Applicant on or eller the Filing Dale). Pro01 of Claim forms can also be Obtained by contacting the Monitor at the address below and plodding parlIculars as to your name, address, facsimile number and email address. Once the Monitor has this Information. you will waive,as soon as practicable, a Proof of Claim form. All Claimants mull admit Molt Proofs of Claim bylubmillIng them 10 the Applicants care of the Monitor by aglelarlinAlelibilLMeentalrillmalsoltolomber 13 MS Ohs "Clalmi Par gate" by reentered mall, personal delivery, 1.0011 (in PDF formal), castle, or Isabelle trenemlision, and ell Noels of Claim must be actually mein!! by lin Monger before the Claims ear Dale, alike following addresses: PrIcowaleihouseCoopers Inc. Courbappolnled Monitor of Lone Pine Remotes Int, el al /3100, Ill -5 Avenue SW Calgary, AB TEP Attention: Susan Shablok TelephOng (403)509.7305 Fax: 5103) M11.10,5 Email: CLAIMS WHICII ARE NOT MEMO BY TIIE MONITOR 110 TIM CLAIMS BAR DATE WILL BE DABBED 0110 EXIDEIDISIIED FOREVER, The publication of this Notice to Claimant, 191 aollcilalion of Proofs of Claim by the Monitor or the Applieinls, and/ot lho sending of a Proof of Claim bye Claimant to the Moottoi, does not went anyClalmant or any serum stendino in the COUt Procoadinos or any tights under any Plan filed In tripod of any 01 the Applicants, limit Directors or Olken. 000E0 at Calgary, Alberta this 9Ih day of Pemba,2011 placeanad 403.235-0511 pwc Breaking news al CLASSIFIEDS REAL ESTATE Wednesday, October IS, 2013 011 Rex mgari call 403435.0511 to place an ad Vauban& Recreation PropertIestn a da e. or/Memo RENTALS SC A rnb, Ti e ei Real& tate Planted 32e, V cation& nos ran 404.1,3100 Recreation ProperresIn Aunly/ Canada ,100 Welt tor elmorteleuth” 17 nytkis% Remtkly TriphNes eHIgO•Mbb Di neren,ft, AIT,t11.1=1, =MI or eyde " %tebentlfbertlettral DEADLINES "rlegiZeylm• Saturday • inurstim by ale llue • eum the they WY/ tteltylettigOl; t'o IauaAlsT Ili gar s 1DAVealif e utive& to my KING SIZE* ALS1.0.1.11C-ify 403-S29-0, ENNIEVIOW UwO ' M your basis (7:::IPb. gl,otrelet Clettilied CALL klfittnknrstalang IIELP FLOWS,B011twatvel- p.E$, mm,cym! potent tit the clerintoym CumRyilERAp ore.3.55tereytoroyean UFY[m•e snow itr ' eOltginr Indll 11/hiElt OM I YACAMOHNLEss0 son m R saMms.3t.MY f melte...rempIP Itfelgi4F 1.. or terilVetley '"tl yortuorlw. tettm0511, boo '"h NOTICES ■ beaker retake Fitateet MAniss.11114110/AN MASIELPMA1101PIER Mx/NILSON/MCI IIUSTAD Wm dledoo ntedled on who Med on FEBRUARY),ELI ENE 27,2013 If you have a cEnt yam' V you Mk a dam apron .ixiEr,D. Me oiso oU itioa Ile the elle/ you re Ina II you haw a ob.eguirut Foe me e. you most Me gij1' e r Y9 medal, 3 od mend<(Slyly O Y tt your clItny.ith. kb'lusts! /WOW Andlitollii of the Febleel et 3 41,7?,ti,', INIR.IIIVA7in " Witte 7trmy er 1 AgteATITAR "; IIICIIMIDLEEDAIM " *5001,0,, MARYPEDDLESDIN WIELDER L1013 CALGARVIARALy claim a • ""°"'")''''"' who Moden the auto, you mail lIIo Alva/11,20M Om ,aka non,met Li V 1ixemoVe 0 ille with the r VolViegrni°4°1 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, MY 't,,b..g;:,tieg:',^d IsyourtioneyTo-Dolist Wrong? Want your weekends back? "'!,,,`,',,',1?4,tg °' LAWORICE clit,k rste9,,1gPailgr 10P100 too tor the Nita lwew.calgaryhetalchcOldplaceanad ligeAces ■ TAMT42""TAMER" 9'0,SVA7112" The West Cmtmus Delopment brandt1, tionewbrest Campus Community. Full RIP slyvmsyymiltmc Close date Noyl,2013 at 12 pm MDT. Al . She ss nenner pink nor pale, And she never Mil be an aline; She!owned her hands in a nary. tale, Anal er mouth on a vatenline." — Edna St. Vincent Millay toy CLASSYSI ND We 'ern eltte cav40} CAWARV SELL ITI Caska h Ws the env and ellouve rgiTen0gTIC" tcult`aVli. , IN THE MATTER OF THE COMPANIES'CREDITORS ARRANGEMENT ACT ("CCAA") PROCEEDINGS OF LONE PINE RESOURCES CANADA LTD., LONE PINE RESOURCES(HOLDINGS)INC., LONE PINE RESOURCES INC., WISER OIL DELAWARE,LLC AND WISER DELAWARE LLC (collectively, the "APPLICANTS",and each,an "APPLICANT . ) PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that this Newspaper Notice to Claimants IS being published pumuant to an Order of the !knowable Justice J, 01,1101 01 the Court 01 Queen's Bench of Alberta, Judkial Centre of Calgary, Old October 9,2013(the"Cialms Nombre Mon.All coolish:0d toms notothenvise defined In this Newspaper 001100 to Claimants shall hear the meaning given to them in the Claims Procedure Order, which Is posted entire webaite or the Monitor at (the 'Monitork Wet elle). Any Person who believes he, she, or 11 has a Claim against any Mks Applicants or their Directors or 011icen droll manna his, her or Its Claim In s Noel el Claim loon (which can be found on the Monitor's Websitel, other than an Excluded Claim lwhich Includes Claims 01 any Person who provided goods andrer services to any Applicant on or alter the Ohne Dale). When the ladles come back from their local duplicate, Ctn. derail was about to ask how they had done when the look on her stepmother's face persuaded her to stay [Aleut. Before long, however, u hastily scrawled diagram, showing just the North and South hands of to. day's deal was thrust under her nose, Before alto could suggest a Ilne hi four spades, Cinderella's stepmother explained that she hod received the friendly defense of tree and a second heart. She hod ruffed, cashed the spade ace then led a club toward °rid her hand. East had flown up with the ace and played a third heart, letting the defenders take their ruff for down one. Whatever Cinderella thought of this line, she was too discreet to do more than sympathise and offer her condolences. One of her stepsisters claimed that she had done much hotter. After the seine lead and continuation, she had won the heart In hand and drawn three rounds of trumps, then hod led the diamond queen from her hand. East had signaled count, so West worked out to duck the diamond twice, and therefore de. clever went down here as well. The fairy godmother was look. Ing so smug that Cinderella slow ply had to ask her what she had done, She too had received the defense of two rounds of hearts, and she explained that she lie simply ruffed tho second heart high. Now with trumps 0-21t was easy to take out all the spades and give up a diamond and a club. 1,17 Ili ow Nemos,INws• Streelory anSmer ell IMse quakes mile., LA AAA LA Bridge NORTH 4 A IC 8 v sKJOS 3 4@032 LC) Logals&TendersNotices Cs r,ut oxygLOPMENT TRUST AtItZittir CALGARY HERALD RA C. .11:11 Shared Accommodation ass, call 403.2354511 to place an ad Seth.Law Nommen t nal eel Ns by Pm da gam es ''titre' yottmay Evs oar..esakosy.!i gi,:ri Vacanon& R creat'on properties Outride Canada M nufaclured& Mobitollomos -YEE NEWLY RENOVATED Eteftelalund. Dam'kW:Home $31.S10 neoni srerflOrt NSA 4014)1.7119 Mke le tarl/EllEaf5 Yeke itb a' I '''' yeys tyY1 a j call 403435-0511 to place an ad calgaryheraid.comicia sifteds z-AwirRidalketl'H,d '. otodeits. Doubtes& SmultnestSuDNly• • II' WEST 4755 V A4 A 102 E 10 5 4 to•Ims EAST ft ILO 2 10 (4 8 7 0 484 4 A 00 SOUTH 4.4).1004 0KCI52 1 4)7 4J Vulnerable: Neither Dealer: North nueitiddlicat 2 Pass North 11 4 4. East 2V All pass Opening Lead: Heart ace BID MTH THE ACES South holds: 50140 V3 EICJ053 + Q 8 32 South 2 it West Pass Pass North 1 3 East Pass Pass ANSWER: Your partner has Invited game, and you have a dead-minimum hand with no fit. Yes, you do have two spade stos p — that means two tricks If you ploy the hand In three no. trump. But where are the other seven coming from? Pass and hope partner has n play for his contract. Olreituturboileteeutettelle Auttelleth reViellferatleolliertelenehNto iftRtelftettelf bblrteineedieunele ,,,,, mato/ Cepplelltbitulretltrolhuirell Prool 01 Claim forms ran also be obtained by contacting the Isionllor al the addriss below and providing particulars as to your name, address, lecarrntle number and mall address. ROCS the Monitor has this Information, you will receive, as soon as practicable, a Proof of Claim 1010. 111 Claimants mug submit the( Proofs 01 Claim by submillIng them to the Arrylleants eare 51100 WHIN IN anhtulhan311.9.4Mountalalimel on Ilevember 13 2010(the "Claim Bar Date")by registered mail, personal delivery, e.mall (in PDF lomat), courier or facsimile transmission, and all Nola 01 Claim moat ba Nlyallyitnelyof by the Roelof beloto the Slakes BM Dale, at the Wowing addresses: PricewalorhouseCoopers Inc. Courtiappoinled Monitor or Lone Ene Smarms Inc el al 13100,111- 6 Avenue SW Calgary, AD T2P 5L3 Attention: Susan Shabluk Telephone: 140315097355 Inv 003)781.1825 auSattl,ShablukNE.pW0.E0M CLAIMS WHICH ARE HOT RECEIVED BY THE MONITOR BY TIE CLAIMS BAR DATE RIO BE BARIERAND EXIIIREI15HEO FOREVER, The publication 01 kis Notice to Claimant, the sollcitelion of Proofs 01 Clain] by the Moiler or the Applicanle,and/or the sanding al a Proof of Claim by a Claimant lo the Walk, does not grant any Ointment ray person standing In the CCAA Proceedings or any rights under any Plan Med In respect of any or the Appikante, their Directors or Officers. DATED at Calgary, Alberta this 010 day of October, 2013. _Mk Book Your Ad Online 24/7/365 pwc CALGARY HERALD Isyour'HoneyOrtItst tooting? Want your weekends back? Check out our Home Services Section! sore SolectIco Find the car of your drams g calgaryhecald.cco/osea iWkiH /placeanad