
KP Recess and Lunch Volunteers Instructions and Guidelines

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KP Recess and Lunch Volunteers Instructions and Guidelines
KP Recess and Lunch Volunteers
Instructions and Guidelines
for the 2012-2013 School Year
THANK YOU for volunteering for Recess and Lunch at KP! We hope it will be fun for you, fun for
your kids (they will love to see you at school), and great for all of our kids to have another adult out there
with them!
Volunteer Arrival:
 Please arrive a few minutes before the start
of recess.
 Always SIGN IN at the office first.
 Go down to the Recess Doors, by the Gym
and Lunchrooms,
 A recess aide will try to answer any
questions you have.
4th and 5th
1st grade
2nd and
3rd Grade
Options for Volunteers:
Initiate and facilitate games. The kids love games and may know the rules from P.E. Help
divide the kids up into teams (if necessary). As more kids arrive, just place them on one of the
teams. Always monitor for inappropriate games such as tag or chase. See games ideas below.
Negotiate and Mediate: A team of 5th Grade Peer Mediators will be wearing blue vests, and will
be looking for opportunities to help students work through friendship issues and minor conflicts or
concerns. Watch, listen, and chat with kids to find those who could use help. Then either help
the child(ren) with their concern, or bring them, along with the other involded child(ren), to a Peer
Mediator to discuss the issue. If a behavior merits a time-out or Referral, bring the child(ren) to
the Aide stationed near the Door.
During Recess, Guidelines for Students:
 The playground is divided up into four activity areas: Blacktop, Play Equipment, Field, and the
Grassy Area (Hill).
o On the Blacktop, students may play games such as jump rope, basketball, hopscotch, 4square, hula hoop, and chalk drawing. Not permitted: Running through other kids’ games,
wall ball (bouncing a ball against the wall), and chasing and tag games.
o On the Play Equipment students must use the equipment in a safe manner. Take turns
on the equipment, do not sit on the top of the equipment or run around the equipment.
o On the Field students may play soccer, kick ball, wiffle ball, or other games that have
been taught in P.E. class. Football is not permitted – at any time. They may throw a
football. Running Club when a parent Volunteer is leading the activity.
o On the Grassy Area / Hill students may, read, talk quietly with friends, or participate in
Volunteer lead activities. Students should stay away from the classroom windows.
 Students need to request permission to use the bathroom. They should ask the aide by the
benches near the blacktop.
 Students must get permission from a recess aide to go to the health room.
 Students must remain inside the fenced area of the school ground, and may not go into the gully.
 Please help to promote our PBIS Rules that focus on being Respectful, Responsible, and
Friendly (see attached).
 Volunteers are there to help (Thank you!), but the Lunch and Recess Aides are the MCPS
employees in charge. Bring all matters of discipline, injury, etc. to them for resolution. Any
questions or concerns, call an aide or send another student to get assistance.
Exiting to Lunch
 Students are asked to line up quietly before entering the cafeteria. The students line up by class.
The recess aides and parent volunteers walk up and down the rows to administer antibacterial
hand sanitizer.
 Please help facilitate this process, and then follow the students into the cafeteria.
During Lunch
 There should be cafeteria supplies (spoons, forks, knifes, napkins, ketchup etc.) in the pockets,
but if you are low, you can restock with the supplies at the front of the room.
 The lunch aides roam throughout the cafeteria to help the students. The parent volunteers
should divide up to assist them. If there is one parent volunteer, please do your best to move
around to help the students. If there are two parent volunteers, you can arbitrarily divide the room
in half and try to focus your attention on each half. If there are three or four parent volunteers,
please agree on which 2 or 3 tables each of you can monitor.
 Please help to open milk or other food items.
 Encourage children to keep eating.
 Children must remain seated at all times except when excused to use the bathroom or get a drink
of water.
o Bathroom Procedure: Please check with the aides as it varies by grade. Overall, they do
not like more than 6 students out at a time (3 boys and 3 girls). There are passes on the
back wall, you can look to see if any are available for students to go to the bathroom.
They may wait by the hooks/passes for someone to return and go to the bathroom.
o Drink of Water Procedure: You may dismiss a student to get a drink of water from the
fountain in the hall.
 Remind children to pick up trash that falls on the floor.
 Please be mindful that some students in the cafeteria have severe food allergies. Be aware of
their seating arrangements. Please wipe your hands before helping them with their lunch. We
would prefer to let the aides help this table as they have training. Please help to make sure that
student’s sitting at the peanut free table are respectful of the rules that apply.
Reminders for the Volunteers
 Please take this volunteer job seriously. You are here to help the kids, so it is really important
that this is not a social time for parents.
 Please demonstrate respect toward the aides and make sure that all questions in regards to
discipline are brought to their attention in order to contact Mrs. Lynam or Mrs. Liess.
 Always maintain student confidentiality.
 For liability reasons, volunteers may not bring younger children.
 If you need to cancel contact Alayna Lynam via email or phone. If Mrs. Lynam is not in school
that day, leave a message with Diane Fioravante so she is able to let the aides know.
Indoor Recess Procedures
 Please check in at the office and a school official will direct you to an indoor post.
Thank you and have fun!
I have read and understand my roles and responsibilities as a volunteer. I am aware and understand that all
information regarding children at recess is confidential.
printed name ____________________________________________________________________________
signature _____________________________________________________ date _____/______/_________
Kensington Parkwood
Dining Room Expectations
Inside voice
 Follow directions
 Use appropriate language
 Practice good table manners
Use hand sanitizer
 Eat your own food
 Be in control of hands and feet
 Know your PIN
 Be a problem solver
 Clean up your space
Say please and thank you
 Include others
 Use kind words
 Listen first
Kensington Parkwood
Recess Expectations
Use appropriate language
 Take turns
 Share equipment
 Appreciate differences
Follow recess rules
 Return equipment
 Dress for the weather
 Collect all of your belongings
 Be a problem solver
 Be safe
Include others
 Use kind words
 Be considerate
 Be helpful
Fly UP