
T he Eagle’s Rock Creek Valley Elementary School

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T he Eagle’s Rock Creek Valley Elementary School
The Eagle’s Eye
Rock Creek Valley Elementary School
5121 Russett Road, Rockville, MD 20853
(301) 460-2195 Fax (301) 460-2196
October 10, 2014
Catherine Jasperse, Principal
Principal’s Message
My message to you this week is an invitation to
come and join us for a portion of the day on
Monday, Parent Visitation Day. This is a day
that is identified throughout all Montgomery
County Public School to encourage parents to
observe in their child’s classroom. This is a
great way for you to see what your child’s
classroom is like, the learning activities that
your child participates in each day, and the
overall routines of our school. Parents are
welcome to come for just a portion of the
school day, or to come and join us for the
majority of the school day if your schedule
permits. The only portion of the school day that
parents can not join is during lunch in the
cafeteria. The size of our all-purpose room
simply does not allow for lots of parents to be
present when students are at their assigned
lunch periods. But other than lunch, you are
welcome to come and join us for any/all classes
and activities on Monday – reading and math
classes, arts, recess, everything! We realize
that some parents may need to bring younger
children with them when you come to
observe. If this is the case, we ask that you
keep your young child with you at all times
(holding hands, sitting on your lap, etc.) and
Julia Bialeski, Assistant Principal
respect that classroom instruction will be going
on. If your young child becomes a disruption to
that instruction, please understand that we may
ask you to cut short your observation. I hope
that many of you will join us for Parent
Visitation Day on Monday.
It’s a fairy tale come true!
Mark your calendar for our annual
auction/raffle fundraiser on the evening of
November 21st. This year’s theme will be
fairytales and we will have exciting activities,
food, wonderful items to auction and lots of fun
for the whole family. We hope that you can
attend and be part of the fun while also helping
to raise money to support our school.
Counselor’s Corner
Dear parents and families,
October is a busy month at RCV! Here is
some important information for you
about events and opportunities that will
be taking place.
 Red Ribbon Week is coming!
October 20th to October 24th Rock
Creek Valley will be celebrating the 2014
RED RIBBON campaign co-sponsored by
the Maryland Alliance for Drug-Free
Youth and MCPS Safe and Drug-Free
Schools. Red Ribbon Week is a time when
we think about our responsibility to make
healthy and safe choices.
Our students will be participating in the
following spirit day activities during this
important week:
Monday Oct 20th: “Our future is so bright
when we make healthy choices” students &
staff wear sunglasses to school!
Tuesday October 21st: “Team Up Against
Bad Choices” students and staff wear their
favorite sports teams' jersey to show they
are against bad choices.
Wednesday October 22nd: “Unsafe choices
and I Don’t Mix” students & staff wear
their mismatched clothes!
Thursday October 23rd: “Wear Red”
students & staff wear red to show you
support healthy choices!
Friday October 24th: “Living a healthy life
is NO SWEAT” students & staff wear their
sweats to school!
October is Bullying Prevention
Month Nationwide. Here are two
resources for parents about how
you can help your child put an end
to bullying.
Our first school wide Peace
Assembly will be Friday October
24th at 2:30 PM. Parents of
September and October
peacemakers will be invited to
attend our assembly. Please check
your child’s take home folder for
your invitation!
Montgomery College is offering
a special one day program for
Third through Fifth Graders:
Builders of the Future: Featuring
Futuremakers, Saturday October 11th
2014. The one-time cost for this program
is 85$. Futuremakers programs consist of
experiential learning activities where you
take on the roles, personalities,
expectations and experiences of
engineers, designers, and fabricators.
Montgomery College is offering
a special one day program for
First through Third Graders:
Global Children’s Center- November 8th
2014. The one-time cost for this program
is 85$. Global Children’s Center is offering
workshops on: Where the Wild Things
Are: All Ball Extravaganza/ Movin and
Grovin’: Future Einstein’s: Let’s Cook: and
Money Matters.
Visit www.montgomerycollege.edu/youth for
more information!
I hope you find this information helpful and I
look forward to the events that will be taking
Alexandra Kissell, School Counselor
Family Fun Night
Family Fun Night is fast approaching. The night
will include food, bingo, prizes, a bake sale and
loads of family fun. The new time is 7 PM to
8:30 PM on Friday, October 24th. Mark it on
your calendar now and look for the flyer very
soon. As always, you can pre-order tickets
because space is limited.
The Holiday Giving Project
The Holiday Giving Project provides holiday
food, gift cards, or toys to Montgomery County
residents in financial need who are referred to our
program. All food, gift cards, and toys come from
public and private donations. We try to help as
many people as we can, but we cannot guarantee
we will receive enough donations to help everyone
who is referred to us. We cannot help you if you
are already receiving holiday assistance from
another organization, such as The Salvation Army.
Thanksgiving donations focus on a holiday meal
and may include a grocery store gift card, a food
package, a combination of a gift card/food, or an
invitation to a community dinner.
December holidays assistance for families with
dependent children (under age 18) in the home
may include a gift or gift card. Depending on the
donations we receive, holiday food may also be
available for families with children. December
holidays assistance for household with only adults
may include a grocery store gift card, a food
package, or a combination of the two.
If you would like help from the
Holiday Giving Project, you will need
to get a referral (see the directions
below). Please ask only one agency to
refer you. Staff at the agency listed
below may ask if you want to
participate; they should not make a
referral without your permission. If you
agree to participate, you will be asked
to provide your name, mailing address,
phone number(s), and number of
people in your home. If you have
dependent children in your home, you
will be asked to provide their names,
ages, and genders (this information is
used to match gifts for the
December holidays).
Your information will be entered in a secure
database and will be used only to match you/your
family to the holiday donations we have received.
Your information will be given to a Holiday
Giving Provider organization that is distributing
holiday donations. The Holiday Giving Provider
organization may work with various community
groups helping families for the holidays, and your
information may be shared with one of these
groups if it has a donation to give to you/your
If there is a donation for you/your family, you will
be contacted by letter, phone, or
through your referrer with a plan
explaining how you can get your
assistance. This plan may
involve you going to an event
(to pick up your gift or to attend a community
dinner), your referrer coordinating delivery of
your assistance, home delivery (in a few areas),
delivery by mail (in a few areas), or another
arrangement made by the group serving you. You
are responsible for following the instructions
given to you. If you have questions or need help
getting your holiday assistance, you should contact
your referrer/Holiday Giving Provider
Your personal information will be deleted from
the Holiday Giving Project database after the
holidays are over. Holiday Giving Provider
organizations are told that all referral information
is confidential and must be properly destroyed
after the holidays.
For more information or a referral,
please contact
The Holiday Giving Project is coordinated by A
Wider Circle, a non-profit organization, with
funding from Montgomery County.
English Classes
English Beginning Level at Wheaton
Library Site:
When: Saturday, October 25-December
Time: 10:00am-12:00noon
Where: Wheaton Library Site, 11701
Georgia Avenue, Wheaton, MD 20902
Registration and Testing: Saturday,
October 18 at 10:00am
For more information please call 240777-4950
English Beginning Level at
Gaithersburg Library Site:
When: Saturday, October 25-December
Time: 10:00am-12:00noon
Where: Gaithersburg Library Site, 2nd
Floor - Gaithersburg Library, 18330
Montgomery Village Avenue,
Gaithersburg, MD 20879
Registration and Testing: Saturday,
October 18 at 10:00am
For more information please call 240-7774960
Girl Scouting
Girl Scouting builds girls of
courage, confidence, &
character who make the
world a better place. To
learn more, plan to attend
the Girl Scout Open House
on 10/13/14 at Millian
United Methodist Church
at 7 PM. For more
information contact Kay
at: [email protected] or
phone 301-871-6692
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