
Beall Elementary School

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Beall Elementary School
Beall Elementary School
451 Beall Avenue
Rockville, Maryland 20850
Phone: 301-279-8460 Fax: 301-279-4999
Admin: Elliot Alter | Karin L Tulchinsky - Cohen
Principal’s Page
Oct. 12, 2015
Number 3
A high-quality education is the fundamental right of every child at Beall Elementary School. Staff, children, parents and the community will form a multicultural learning environment which provides all students with the knowledge, skills and attitudes that
will empower them to be successful, contributing citizens of the world.
SPOTLIGHT: Art Instagram
As shared previously, Mr. Ives is very excited about being able to share student art work
with the community. He has created a school Instagram account for our art program. The
link is always accessible from Beall’s Website by navigating to the Art Homepage. The
direct link is: https://instagram.com/beallesart/ You do not need an Instagram account to
view student work.
Highly Gifted Centers and Magnet Middle Schools
Attention 3rd Grade Parents: MCPS r ecently mailed home applications for the Elementary Highly Gifted Center Programs. All third grade parents should have received this
information. Application deadline is November 6. For more information, visit
Attention 5th Grade Parents: The MS Magnet Application Pr ogr ams pr ovide r igor ous and engaging programs in Humanities and Communication and in Mathematics, Science, & Computer Science. MCPS also offers innovative and challenging curricula at three
magnet middle schools. Students are selected through a Choice process. Parents can learn
more about the programs in information meetings and open houses. Open houses are
scheduled for October. Application deadline is November 6. Visit http://
www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/departments/enrichedinnovative/events/middle.aspx for
more information.
Halloween Parade and Parties
This year’s Halloween parties are scheduled for Friday, October 30. The traditional costume parade will begin around 2:10 p.m., followed by classroom parties. Classroom teachers will provide you with additional information, including a permission slip. Please do not
send in food or treats without first consulting the teacher. All food must be store purchased. Students must have returned permission slips in order to participate. All Halloween celebrations are optional. Quick reminders:
 Students should not wear costumes, masks, or make-up to school. They will be given
time to change later in the day.
 For the safety and comfort of all Beall students, scary costumes, weapons, and fake
blood will not be allowed.
 We request that parents not wear costumes. It is important for us to be able to recognize you as you visit the building.
 Parents should only take pictures of their own children. Pictures and videos should not
be taken in the classroom.
Tutoring Available
GenerationZ is an organization of students who all share the same goal of bettering the
community by encouraging learning and offering extra help to younger students outside the
classroom. All of our tutors are highly qualified Richard Montgomery High School students. Tutoring takes place at local public libraries and we offer a variety of subjects. Sessions usually occur once a week and last for 1 hour. If you are interested in enrolling your
child in our fall program, please contact [email protected].
This Week
Monday, October 12
Open House
Thursday, October 15
Movie Night
Friday, October 16
No School
Coming Soon
October 29
5th Grade Field Trip
October 30
Halloween Festivities
End of Marking Period
November 2
No School
November 5
Dine Out Night
Reminder about
Students are
not permitted
to carry cell
phones at
school without prior approval of the principal. Written requests should
be submitted to Mr. Alter. E
-readers, such as Kindles and
Nooks, also need to be approved before being brought to
school. Students will not be
allowed to use any electronic
device for gaming purposes
during the school hours. (This
includes on MCPS school
buses.) If permission is granted to bring an electronic device to school, parents should
be aware that we try to provide
a safe environment, but there
is always a chance of the device breaking or being stolen.
Fly UP