
Welcome to Cashell Elementary School Kindergarten BTSN

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Welcome to Cashell Elementary School Kindergarten BTSN
Welcome to
Elementary School
Kindergarten BTSN
Meet the Staff
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
School Supplies
Health Information
Volunteer Opportunities
Curriculum Overview
Report Cards/conference
Teacher Contact
Odds and Ends
Meet the Staff
 Principal:
– Mr. Antonio C. Scott
 Kindergarten Teachers:
– Mrs. Susan McLean
– Mrs. Jessica Weisner
– Ms. Tracy Schwanger
Arrival Procedures
 School begins at 9:00 a.m. Children will line up by
class outside their classroom between 8:30 and
8:50. (Breakfast is served at 8:30.)
 Safety patrol and adult supervision begins at 8:30
 Students arriving after 9:00 a.m. will be marked
tardy. They should check into the office before
coming to the classroom. Please give the late slip
to the teacher.
 Please do not enter the classrooms
before 8:50 a.m.
Dismissal Procedures
 Dismissal begins at 3:25 p.m.
 Safety patrols will walk bus riders to
their busses.
 Car riders and walkers will be dismissed through
the outside kindergarten doors. Caretakers
should wait outside this door for their child.
 Bar-T children will be picked up by a teacher from
the classroom during the first weeks of school.
Leaving School
 If your child will be leaving school any other way than
the usual departure method we must have a note from
 If it’s an emergency situation, call the office.
 If your child is going home with another student in the
class or school, both students must have a note.
 Students will not be allowed to accompany friends on a
different bus without your written permission.
 You must sign your child out in the office if he/she
leaves school early.
 Kindergarten lunch/recess hours are 12:00 pm.1:10 p.m. Children may buy or bring a healthy lunch.
 Kindergarten students buying lunch will be offered a
regular or alternate lunch choice.
 Lunch costs $2.55 and will be paid through the school
debit system - SNAP.
School Supplies
 Your child will need to bring a backpack, assignment
book, and folder to school each day. Completed work
papers and notices will be brought home in this folder.
It’s important to check and remove the contents each
 These supplies will be helpful to have for home use:
 Students’ birthdays will be recognized by a
birthday pencil and a certificate given by the
school office and teacher.
Health Information
 Student medications and medical notes must be
given to the school nurse. Teachers cannot
administer medicine to students. This also
includes applying sunscreen.
 If your child is sick, please keep him/her at
Volunteer Opportunities
Classroom volunteer
Room parents
Field trip volunteers
Scholastic Book Club coordinator
 Teachers will communicate additional volunteer
opportunities for individual classes.
 Make sure to sign in the office and get a
visitor’s badge.
Elementary Integrated
Curriculum 2.0
Reading/Language Arts
Concepts about print
Phonemic awareness
Alphabetic principles/phonics
Oral language development
Word recognition/vocabulary
Comprehension process
Writing Workshop
 Ideas and Development
(narratives, opinions, biographies)
 Organization
 Conventions
 Word Choice
 Voice
 Counting and Cardinality (1-100)
 Operations and Algebraic Thinking
 Number and Operations in Base Ten
 Measurement and Data
 Geometry
 Attributes of Weather
 Weather Patterns
 Life Cycles
 External Features Used for
 Adaptations in Environments
Social Studies
 Community Symbols
 Needs and Wants
 Physical and Natural Features
 Human-made Features
 Economics
 Customs, Traditions, Culture
How will we know
that they have
learned it?
 Montgomery County Public Schools
Assessment Program
Reading -mClass
MIRL (Monitoring Instructional Reading Level)
KRA (Kindergarten Readiness Assessment)
 Kindergarten Performance Tasks
 Formative assessments
 Ongoing Teacher observation
What will we do
when they haven’t
learned it?
 Re-teach
 Flexible grouping
 Para-educator support
 Practice, practice,
What will we do
when they already
know it?
Students will be:
 working at their instructional
reading level
using higher order thinking skills
in math
access computer enrichment
Report Cards/
 Kindergarten conferences are scheduled once a
year. If you would like a conference at any
other time during the year, please send a note
to the teacher.
 Kindergarten report cards are sent home twice
a year. The first one is in February and then
again in June.
Teacher Contact Information
 Send a note.
 Call the school.
 Send any notes to the
teacher or other school
information via the folder.
 If the note is extra
important, pin it to your child.
Odds and Ends
 Make sure all your child’s belongings are labeled with
his/her name (lunch box, book bag, coats…).
 Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for
the weather, specials and outdoor recess play.
 Please place all money and corresponding forms for
projects, field trips, etc. in an envelope with your child’s
name, the teacher’s name and the activity written
clearly on the envelope.
Too much information???
 You may find any information presented
tonight on the Cashell Elementary school
web site under kindergarten.
 WWW.mcps.k12.md.us/schools/cashelles
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