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Court File No. 31-1890162 ONTARIO SUPERIOR COURT OF JUSTICE (IN BANKRUPTCY AND INSOLVENCY) IN THE MATTER OF THE NOTICE OF INTENTION TO MAKE A PROPOSAL OF HERBAL MAGIC INC., A CORPORATION WITH A HEAD OFFICE IN THE CITY OF TORONTO IN THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO SECOND REPORT OF PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS INC. AS PROPOSAL TRUSTEE UNDER THE NOTICE OF INTENTION TO MAKE A PROPOSAL JULY 24, 2014 1 A. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................... 3 B. PROPOSAL TRUSTEE’S ACTIVITIES .................................................................................... 4 C. POST FILING OPERATIONS ................................................................................................ 5 D. CASH FLOW FOR THE PERIOD JULY 12, 2014 TO JULY 18, 2014 ..................................... 6 E. STATUS OF CONSENTS FOR THE ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACTS .................................. 8 F. PROPOSAL TRUSTEE’S VIEW OF THE EFFORTS TO NOTIFY THE AFFECTED LANDLORDS AND COUNTERPARTIES OF THE PROCEEDINGS IN ORDER TO OBTAIN THEIR CONSENT TO AN ASSIGNMENT ............................................................................. 11 G. APPOINTMENT & DISTRIBUTION ORDER SOUGHT BY HERBAL MAGIC .....................13 H. PROPOSAL TRUSTEE’S RECOMMENDATION ...................................................................16 APPENDICES A. Email to Landlords and Counterparties dated July 18, 2014 B. Herbal Magic Inc. Employee Termination Letter dated July 21, 2014 C. Forecast to Actual Cash Flow Variance Report for the Period July 12, 2014 to July 18, 2014 D. Amended Cash Flow Forecast E. Listing of Landlord and Counterparty Assignment Consents Received F. Listing of Landlord and Counterparty Assignment Consents Not Yet Received G. Legal Opinion of Norton Rose Fulbright LLP, including a summary of personal property security registrations 2 A. INTRODUCTION 1. This report (the “Second Report”) is filed by PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc. (“PwC”) in its capacity as proposal trustee (in such capacity, the “Proposal Trustee”) in connection with the NOI filed by Herbal Magic Inc. (“Herbal Magic” or the “Company”). 2. On July 11, 2014 (the “Filing Date”), Herbal Magic filed an NOI pursuant to Section 50.4(1) of the BIA, as amended and PwC was appointed as Proposal Trustee. 3. On July 11, 2014, prior to the filing of the NOI, the Company entered into an asset purchase agreement (the “894 APA”) with 8942595 Canada Inc. (“894”) in respect of the sale of the Purchased Assets (as defined in the 894 APA) (the “Sale Transaction”). 4. On July 15, 2014, the Company brought a motion (the “Sale Approval Motion”) returnable July 25, 2014 to the Ontario Superior Court of Justice (Commercial List) (the “Court”) for an order (the “Approval and Vesting Order”) approving the 894 APA and the Sale Transaction and vesting title in and to the Purchased Assets to 894. 5. On July 15, 2014, the Company also brought a motion for an order assigning all the rights and obligations of Herbal Magic under certain agreements to the Purchaser, which is scheduled to be heard, if necessary, on July 28, 2014 (the “July 28 Motion”). 6. On July 24, 2014, the Company brought a motion, also returnable on July 28, 2014, dealing with the distribution of the proceeds from the Sale Transaction (the “Distribution Motion”). 7. On July 18, 2014, the Proposal Trustee served its First Report to the Court dated July 18, 2014 (the “First Report”). 8. The purpose of this Second Report is to provide this Court with information relative to the July 28 Motion and the Distribution Motion, including: a. an update on the Proposal Trustee's activities since the date of the First Report; b. an update on the Company's operations subsequent to the Filing Date; c. the Company's actual cash flow for the period from July 12, 2014 to July 18, 2014; 3 d. notifying the Court of a revision to the notes to the Company’s cash flow forecast filed in connection with these proceedings; e. the status of the Company’s efforts to obtain landlords’ and counterparties’ Consents to the assignment of the Real Property Leases and the Assumed Contracts the Purchaser wishes to have assigned to it; f. the Proposal Trustee’s views on the assignment of contracts for which Consents have not yet been obtained; and g. the Proposal Trustee’s views with respect to the Order sought in the Distribution Motion. 9. In preparing this Second Report, the Proposal Trustee has relied upon certain unaudited financial information of the Company, the Company’s books and records, information obtained from Management and other sources (the “Information”). 10. In accordance with industry practice, except as described in this Second Report, the Proposal Trustee has not audited, reviewed or otherwise attempted to verify the accuracy or completeness of the Information in a manner that would comply with Generally Accepted Assurance Standards pursuant to the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants Handbook. 11. The Proposal Trustee reserves the right to refine or amend its comments and findings as further Information is obtained or brought to their attention subsequent to the date of this Second Report. 12. Unless otherwise stated, all monetary amounts noted herein are expressed in Canadian dollars. Capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein are as defined in the First Report and the 894 APA. B. PROPOSAL TRUSTEE’S ACTIVITIES 13. Since the date of the First Report, the Proposal Trustee has, among other things: a. reviewed the Company's receipts and disbursements and monitored the Company's performance relative to its cash flow forecast; 4 b. responded to inquiries from stakeholders, including employees, clients, suppliers and creditors who contacted the Proposal Trustee through the Proposal Trustee’s hotline or PwC’s NOI Website; c. contacted landlords and counterparties to certain contracts that form the Real Property Leases and the Assumed Contracts seeking the Consents and forwarding concerns raised by any of these parties to the Company and/or representatives of the Purchaser as they pertain to the assignments being sought; d. emailed a copy of the First Report to 125 landlords (where consent to the assignment of their contracts is required) for whom the Proposal Trustee had e-mail addresses. Attached as Appendix “A” is a copy of the email sent to landlords. For the remaining 21 landlords whose consent to assignment of their leases is required and for whom the Proposal Trustee did not have email addresses, the Proposal Trustee sent a copy of the First Report by rush courier on July 21, 2014; and e. emailed a copy of the First Report to four counterparties (where consent to the assignment of their contracts is required) for whom the Proposal Trustee had e-mail addresses. For the remaining four counterparties whose consent to the assignment of their contract is required and for whom the Proposal Trustee did not have emails, the Proposal Trustee sent a copy of the First Report by rush courier on July 21, 2014. C. POST FILING OPERATIONS Employees 14. Pursuant to the 894 APA, the Purchaser intends to extend offers of employment to approximately 374 of the Company’s 562 employees. 15. The balance of the remaining employees totaling approximately 188 who will not be extended offers of employment will be terminated prior to or upon the closing of the Sale Transaction. 16. On July 21, 2014, the Company sent termination letters to 188 employees advising of their termination effective July 29, 2014. Attached as Appendix “B” is a copy of this letter. 5 Suppliers 17. Since the commencement of the NOI proceedings, the Company has generally continued to obtain services from its existing suppliers. There have been some minor disruptions to some services as suppliers became aware of the NOI proceedings. However, the Company has advised the Proposal Trustee that such disruptions have not adversely affected operations. Moneris 18. As described in the First Report, Moneris, which processes Herbal Magic’s debit card and credit card transactions, advised the Company that effective June 30, 2014 it would establish a reserve in the amount of $350,000 (the “Reserve”) and began withholding 75% of the Credit Card Payments. As of the date of this Second Report, Moneris has now withheld the full amount of the Reserve. 19. The Company has been in discussions with Moneris regarding the assignment of the Company’s contract with Moneris to the Purchaser. During those discussions the Company advised Moneris that upon the assignment of the Moneris contract (or if the Purchaser enters into a new contract with Moneris), the Reserve should be released to Herbal Magic. The Proposal Trustee is advised by the Company that Moneris has agreed to release the Reserve upon the closing of the Sale Transaction. D. CASH FLOW FOR THE PERIOD JULY 12, 2014 TO JULY 18, 2014 20. The Company's actual cash flow for the period of July 12, 2014 to July 18, 2014 (the “Period”) compared to the cash flow forecast attached as Appendix “H” to the First Report, are attached as Appendix “C” hereto. Herbal Magic Inc. Forecast to Actual Variance Report For the 1 week period ended July 18, 2014 Opening cash per GL Total Receipts Total Disbursements Closing cash per G/L Forecast Actual 927,822 633,919 150,200 1,411,541 927,822 609,184 152,997 1,384,009 6 Variance ($) (%) (24,734) 2,797 (27,532) 0% -4% 2% -2% 21. The major variance in the actual cash flow for the Period relate to accounts receivable collections, which were $24,734 lower than forecast due to certain franchisees delaying payment to Herbal over concerns and/or uncertainties arising from the NOI proceeding. The Company anticipates that this may be a timing difference; however, the timing of the collection of the deferred receipts is unknown. 22. As a result of the foregoing, the Company had a net cash inflow of $456,187 for the 7 day post-filing period to July 18, 2014, $27,532 lower than forecast as set out in the summary table above. Revised Notes to the Cash Flow Forecast 23. A copy of the Company’s cash flow forecast was attached as Appendix “H” to the First Report. 24. On July 21, 2014, the cash flow forecast was filed with the Official Receiver pursuant to s. 50.4 (2) of the BIA. 25. The Proposal Trustee advises that the Company has amended the notes to the cash flow forecast (the “Amended CFF”) as follows: This CFF has been prepared on the assumption that the sale transaction between Herbal Magic Inc. and 8942595 Canada Inc. (the “Proposed Sale”) is not completed in the time period covered by the CFF. The CFF has been prepared on this basis in order to provide improved disclosure, as the completion of the Proposed Sale is not a certainty. This assumption is not intended to be an indication of the insolvent person’s view of the probability that the Proposed Sale will be completed. If the Proposed Sale is completed, revised information will be provided on the impact of the completion of the Proposed Sale upon the cash flows of the insolvent person. 26. The cash flows set out in the Amended CFF have not been revised. The Proposal Trustee has reviewed the additional note disclosure to the Amended CFF, attached as Appendix “D”, and is of the view that the additional disclosure is useful to users of the Amended CFF. 7 E. STATUS OF CONSENTS FOR THE ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACTS 27. As described in the First Report, the Purchaser is seeking the assignment of approximately 150 of 210 Real Property Leases and the assignment of certain Assumed Contracts, such as franchise agreements and other leases or contracts that relate to the Business. 28. The Purchaser has recently advised the Company that it would like two additional Real Property Leases (the “Two Additional Leases”) assigned to it. Accordingly, the Purchaser is now seeking the assignment of 152 of 210 Real Property Leases. 29. Pursuant to the 894 APA, the Company and Purchaser shall use reasonable commercial efforts to obtain the landlords’ Consents to the assignment of the Real Property Leases and the counterparties’ consent to the assignment of the Assumed Contracts prior to the Sale Approval Motion hearing on July 25, 2014. Subject to the addition of the two new Real Property Leases described above, a list of the Real Property Leases that the Purchaser wishes to have assigned to it is attached as Schedule 1.1 (ee) to the 894 APA. A list of the Assumed Contracts that the Purchaser is interested in having assigned is attached as Schedule 2.1 (e) 2.1 (e) (sic) to the 894 APA. 30. Notwithstanding the 894 APA reflects that the Company and the Purchaser shall use efforts to obtain the Consents, the Company has asked the Proposal Trustee to assist with the notification and Consent process. 31. Since the filing of the First Report, the Company’s legal counsel and the Proposal Trustee have continued to follow up with the landlords and counterparties to the Real Property Leases and Assumed Contracts to inquire as to the status of the Consents. 32. As at the end of business on July 22, 2014, the Proposal Trustee advises the Court that: a. Of the 148 landlords where consent to the assignment is required: i. 135 have been contacted directly by telephone, of which: 1. 100 are deemed critical pursuant to the 894 APA; 2. 35 are deemed not critical pursuant to the 894 APA. 8 ii. 13 have not yet been contacted directly by telephone despite efforts to do so by the Proposal Trustee and the Company’s legal counsel, of which: 1. 11 are deemed critical pursuant to the 894 APA; 2. 2 are deemed not critical pursuant to the 894 APA. b. All eight of the counterparties to the Assumed Contracts that require consent to the assignment have been contacted directly, of which: i. 7 are deemed critical pursuant to the 894 APA; ii. 1 is deemed not critical pursuant to the 894 APA. 33. With respect to the status of the Consents, the Proposal Trustee advises the following: a. Of the 148 landlords where consent to the assignment is required: i. 71 have provided their consent, of which: 1. 47 are deemed critical pursuant to the 894 APA; 2. 24 are deemed not critical pursuant to the 894 APA. b. Of the eight counterparties to the Assumed Contracts, 2 have provided their consent and both are deemed critical. 34. Set out below is a summary of the status of the efforts in respect of the Real Property Leases and the Assumed Contracts: Parties Contacted Directly by Telephone at as 7/22/2014 Counterparties Contacted Total Percentage Critical 7 7 100% Not Critical 1 1 100% Total 8 8 100% 9 Landlords Contacted Total Percentage 100 111 90% 35 37 95% 135 148 91% as at 7/22/2014 Critical Not Critical Total Landlords not yet contacted by telephone despite efforts to do so by the Proposal Trustee Outstanding Total Percentage 11 111 10% 2 37 5% 13 148 9% Consents Received as at 7/22/2014 Critical Not Critical Total Counterparties Consents Received Total Percentage 2 7 29% 0 1 0% 2 8 25% Landlords Consents Received Total Percentage 47 111 42% 24 37 65% 71 148 48% 35. A detailed listing of the landlord and counterparty Consents that have been received is attached as Appendix “E” and a listing of the landlords and counterparty Consents that have not been received is attached as Appendix “F”. 36. The Proposal Trustee notes that a number of additional Consents are anticipated to be received in the coming days. With respect to parties contacted directly who have not yet provided their Consent, set out below are some of the typical remarks the Proposal Trustee has received from these parties: a. consent to assign is in the process of being reviewed by property managers, leasing departments and/or legal counsel; b. consent to assign is agreed to in principle but the landlord wants to see a formal assignment and assumption agreement binding the Purchaser, the current tenant (Herbal Magic) and the landlord. In some instances, landlords have drafted their own lease assignment agreement, which is currently being reviewed by the Company and Purchaser; c. landlords want assurances that legal fees relating to the lease assignment will be paid for by Herbal or the Purchaser - in one case they are demanding this payment be made up front before any work on the consent to assign will be done; 10 d. landlords are requesting additional security deposits to be provided, above the deposits currently being held which the Purchaser will acquire pursuant to the 894 APA; e. landlords operating under existing month-to-month lease terms want to negotiate and sign a new lease agreement with the purchaser; and f. certain landlords requiring more information from the Purchaser (financial history) before agreeing to provide their Consent. 37. The Proposal Trustee has forwarded these requests to the Company’s and the Purchaser’s legal counsel. 38. The Proposal Trustee and the Company’s legal counsel will attempt to continue to contact the remaining parties where Consent has not yet been provided in order to seek their Consent. The Proposal Trustee anticipates filing a Supplemental Report to the Court advising the Court of additional Consents that have been received, if any, prior to the motion scheduled for July 28, 2014. F. PROPOSAL TRUSTEE’S VIEW OF THE EFFORTS TO NOTIFY THE AFFECTED LANDLORDS AND COUNTERPARTIES OF THE PROCEEDINGS IN ORDER TO OBTAIN THEIR CONSENT TO AN ASSIGNMENT 39. The Proposal Trustee has allocated a significant amount of time and resources over the past 10 days in an effort to ensure that landlords, counterparties and franchisees (where the Company is seeking the assignment of their contracts) were notified of the various applications that may affect them. 40. As noted in the First Report and summarized below, the following summarizes the efforts made to date to reach the landlords and counterparties over the period July 14, 2014 to July 22, 2014. The Proposal Trustee and the Company’s counsel have: a. initially notified 150 landlords and 17 counterparties (whether consent is required or not) of the intention of the Company to seek an assignment of their contracts to the Purchaser; 11 b. emailed 146 landlords and 8 counterparties (where consent is required) a condensed copy of the Motion Record; c. sent by rush courier to 146 landlords and 8 counterparties (where consent is required) the full copy of the 590 page motion record in respect of the July 28 Motion; d. emailed and couriered copies of the Proposal Trustee’s First Report to 146 landlords and 8 counterparties (where consent is required); e. contacted the landlords for the Two Additional Leases and provided them with the materials filed in these proceedings; f. placed numerous calls and responded to various email inquiries from landlords, counterparties and franchisees in respect of the material provided to these parties by the Proposal Trustee; and g. posted copies of all materials on the PwC NOI Website. 41. The Proposal Trustee has encountered some issues with the service of materials including incorrect email addresses, fax numbers, mailing addresses and requests for multiple copies of materials to be delivered to alternate addresses. In each instance, the Proposal Trustee has sought clarifying information from the Company and has conducted internet searches and/or called the party directly to confirm their contact information and resent the materials. 42. The Proposal Trustee will serve a copy of the Second Report to landlords and counterparties in the same manner as the First Report prior to the hearing of the July 28 Motion. 43. Based on the foregoing, the Proposal Trustee is of the view that all reasonable efforts have been made to provide service of the various materials filed in these proceedings and all requests for Information by the various parties and stakeholders have been responded to in a timely manner, either by the Proposal Trustee or the Company. 12 G. APPOINTMENT & DISTRIBUTION ORDER SOUGHT BY HERBAL MAGIC 44. The Company intends to bring a motion for an Order (the “Appointment & Distribution Order”): a. appointing PwC as interim receiver pursuant to Section 47 and 47.1 of the BIA over the cash proceeds of the Sale Transaction and any other cash in the possession of the Company or that may come into possession of the Company after closing of the Sale Transaction (collectively, the “Monies”), for the sole purpose of performing the distributions described below; b. directing PwC, in its capacity as interim receiver, to distribute the Monies, after paying costs of the NOI proceedings, to The Toronto-Dominion Bank, as agent for the Senior Lenders, (in such capacity, the “Senior Agent”) following the expiry of a period of 30 days after the granting of the Appointment & Distribution Order, subject to a holdback of up to $100,000 for employee related claims, unless another party serves a motion asserting a priority claim to all or any portion of the Monies prior to the expiry of that 30 day period. If such a motion is served, the distribution of Monies to the Senior Agent shall be reduced by the amount of the competing priority claim pending resolution of that priority claim; c. directing that the interim receiver’s appointment shall terminate on November 28, 2014, subject to further extension by the Court; d. confirming that the Proposal Trustee is not obligated at this time to file or send a material adverse change report pursuant to Section 50.4(7) of the BIA; e. authorizing the interim receiver to take steps and execute documents on behalf of the Company as necessary or desirable to assign the Participation Agreement to the Senior Agent. Interim Receiver 45. PwC, in its capacity as interim receiver, would hold the Monies for distribution to the Senior Agent until such time as those funds can be distributed in accordance with the Appointment & Distribution Order. 13 46. As the Proposal Trustee under the NOI filed by the Company, PwC is qualified to act as interim receiver pursuant to Section 47.1 of the BIA. 47. As a licensed trustee under the BIA, PwC is qualified to act as an interim receiver pursuant to Section 47 of the BIA. 48. PwC has provided its written consent to act as interim receiver in this matter pursuant to Sections 47 and 47.1 of the BIA for the purposes set out in the draft form of Appointment & Distribution Order. 49. The Proposal Trustee has been advised by the Senior Agent that the Senior Lenders believe that the appointment of an interim receiver is appropriate as it appears that all Monies are subject to the security interest of the Senior Agent and following the Sale Transaction there will be no directors and officers of the Company, and as such the Senior Lenders believe those funds should be held by an interim receiver while time is provided to enable parties to assert any priority claims prior to the distribution (as discussed in more detail below). Dispensing With Requirement To Provide Material Adverse Change Report 50. The Proposal Trustee seeks the Court’s confirmation that it is not obligated to file a material adverse change report pursuant to Section 50.4(7) of the BIA upon completion of the Sale Transaction. While the completion of the Sale Transaction is a material event for the Company, the Proposal Trustee does not believe that a material adverse change in the Company’s projected cash flow or financial circumstances will occur as a result of the completion of the Sale Transaction. 51. All parties of which the Proposal Trustee is aware that may have an interest in the Monies, being the primary remaining asset of the Company following completion of the Sale Transaction, have been or will be served with the Proposal Trustee’s reports in connection with the Sale Transaction and the distribution motion relating to the Monies. Those reports have provided a comprehensive update on these proceedings. Therefore, the Proposal Trustee does not believe that the filing of a report pursuant to Section 50.4(7) of the BIA and the delivery of that report to all creditors of the Company following closing of the Sale Transaction will be of practical assistance in the circumstances of these proceedings or provide any additional information to any creditors with an economic interest in the 14 Company’s assets. The Proposal Trustee also intends to serve the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy. Distribution 52. Attached as Appendix “G” is a copy of the Security Opinion dated July 17, 2014 (the “Opinion”) obtained by the Proposal Trustee from its legal counsel, Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP. The Opinion provides that, subject to the qualifications contained therein, the Senior Agent, as agent for the Senior Lenders, holds a security interest in the Company’s assets as set out in its security agreement and perfected in Ontario. 53. The Opinion appends summaries of searches conducted by Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP under the personal property security registries for each jurisdiction in which the Company’s assets are located (the “Searches”). The Searches show that Senior Agent has made registrations in each such jurisdiction. 54. Each other party that has a registration appearing on the Searches was served with notice of the Distribution Motion. 55. The Proposal Trustee is not aware of any party that asserts an interest in the Monies in priority to the interest of the Senior Agent. However, the Proposal Trustee cannot definitively determine that no party has such a priority interest in the Monies. 56. The Proposal Trustee believes that any uncertainty on this point is reasonably mitigated in the circumstances by the provisions of the Appointment & Distribution Order that delay any distribution of funds to the Senior Agent for a period of 30 days in order to allow any other interested party time to serve a motion asserting a priority interest in those funds. 57. If such a motion is served, a sufficient portion of the Monies would be held back by the interim receiver to resolve any priority claim that may be found to exist. 58. As noted above, authorization is sought for the interim receiver to take steps and execute documents on behalf of the Company as necessary or desirable to assign the Participation Agreement to the Senior Agent. As described in the First Report, the Participation Agreement calls for the Purchaser to pay to Herbal Magic 5% of all Adjusted Net Sale Proceeds in excess of the Purchase Price and specified costs in the event of a prescribed asset or share sale transaction involving Herbal Magic in the future. The assignment of the 15 Participation Agreement to the Senior Agent would cause the proceeds derived from the Participation Agreement to be treated in the same manner as the Monies. H. PROPOSAL TRUSTEE’S RECOMMENDATION 59. In the First Report, the Proposal Trustee advised that it was supportive of the Company’s motion to approve the sale and outlined to the Court the Proposal Trustee’s reasons for the Proposal Trustee’s support. 60. The Proposal Trustee is of the view that it is in best interests of the Company’s stakeholders that the Sale Transaction close. Those Real Property Leases and Assumed Contract where consent has not yet been provided are a key component of the closing and are integral to the business being purchased pursuant to the Sale Transaction. 61. The Proposal Trustee notes that: a. as provided in the 894 APA, all Cure Payments will be made at the time of the assignments of the Real Property Leases and the Assumed Contracts; b. the Purchaser will provide further Information with respect to its ability to perform the obligations under the Real Property Leases and the Assumed Contracts and the appropriateness of the proposed assignments in an affidavit to be served and filed with the Court prior to the July 28 Motion; c. the Proposal Trustee has taken reasonable steps to give notice of the July 28 Motion to every party to a Real Property Lease or Assumed Contract that could be the subject of the July 28 Motion; and d. no information has come to the attention of the Proposal Trustee to suggest that any of the Real Property Leases or Assumed Contracts that may be the subject of the July 28 Motion are not assignable by reason of their nature. 62. Therefore, for the same reasons outlined in the First Report and for the reasons listed above, the Proposal Trustee supports the Company’s motion for an order assigning to the Purchaser those remaining Real Property Leases and Assumed Contracts where Consent has not been provided. 16 63. Further, the Proposal Trustee has reviewed section 66(1.1) of the BIA and advises the Court that the Proposal Trustee approves the proposed assignment of those Real Property Leases and Assumed Contracts where Consents have not yet been received. 64. As noted above, the Proposal Trustee anticipates filing a Supplemental Report to the Court advising the Court of additional Consents that have been received, if any, prior to the motion scheduled for July 28, 2014 and attaching an updated list of the Consents that have not been received. 65. The Proposal Trustee supports the granting of the Appointment & Distribution Order in the form sought by Herbal Magic in the Distribution Motion. Such an order will provide thirty days for any claimant to assert a priority over the interests of the Senior Lenders. This report is respectfully submitted this 24th day of July, 2014. PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc. Proposal Trustee under the Notice of Intention to File a Proposal Of Herbal Magic Inc. Gregory Prince, CIRP Senior Vice President Sean Fleming, CIRP Senior Vice President 17 APPENDIX A Email to Landlords and Counterparties dated July 18, 2014 Herbal Magic Inc. - Court File No. 31 - 1890162 Trustee's First Report to Court Shawna A. Moore to: shawna.a.moore 07/18/2014 06:27 PM Bcc: Sean Fleming History: This message has been forwarded. Shawna A. Moore Herbal Magic Inc. - Court File No. 31 - 1890162 Trustee's First Report to Court As detailed in the Proposal Trustee’s letter to you dated July 17, 2014, the motion to approve an asset purchase agreement dated July 11, 2014 between Herbal Magic Inc. and 8942595 Canada Inc. is scheduled for July 25, 2014. In addition, a motion for an order assigning certain leases and contracts is scheduled for July 28, 2018 (collectively the “Motions”). A copy of the motion materials for these Motions was sent to you on July 17, 2014 by the Proposal Trustee. In order to provide the Court with further information relating to the Motions, the Proposal Trustee has prepared a report to the Court, a copy of which is enclosed and is available on our website at PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc. Proposal Trustee in the Matter of the Proposal of Herbal Magic Inc. APPENDIX B Herbal Magic Inc. Employee Termination Letter dated July 21, 2014 July 21, 2014 PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL {First Name} {Last Name} {Address} {City}, {Province} {Postal Code} RE: TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT Dear {First Name} {Last Name}: This letter is to inform you that your employment with Herbal Magic Inc. (the “Company” or “Employer”) is being terminated, effective July 29, 2014, in connection with the Company’s filing of a Notice of Intention to Make a Proposal (“NOI”) pursuant to Section 50.4(1) of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (“BIA”) and its entering into an Asset Purchase Agreement with 8942595 Canada Inc. for the purchase of substantially all of the Company’s assets. PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc., the Proposal Trustee under the NOI, has established a website ( for creditors, customers, employees and other stakeholders where further information can be obtained on the NOI proceedings. You are an important member of the team required to manage through this Notice period, which will commence today and will conclude on July 29, 2014 (the “Notice Period”). During this time, your salary and benefits will continue as normal. You will also continue to participate in the Company’s regular commission program. Your responsibilities, beyond ongoing duties currently in place, could include various tasks required to close down the operations of your home centre. Payment of your final payroll for hours worked through July 29, 2014, commissions earned, and any eligible unused vacation pay will be made on the next regular pay cycle with a deposit date of August 8, 2014. All payments will be subject to applicable deductions and withholdings. Your right to receive such payments is conditioned upon (a) you not resigning your employment during the Notice Period and (b) your fulfillment of your duties. Any amounts that may be owing to you in respect of termination pay and/or severance pay as at July 29, 2014, will likely be dealt with under the Wage Earner Protection Program Act (Canada) (“WEPPA”). Further information regarding WEPPA will be provided to you after July 29, 2014. Please note that your current group benefit coverage will be continued up to and including July 29, 2014. You are eligible to convert your group life insurance plan to an individual policy at your own cost. If you wish to consider this option, please contact The Group Accounts Service at the Head Office of Equitable Life at One Westmount Road North, P.O. Box 1603, Station Waterloo, Waterloo ON N2J 4C7, 1-800-265-4556 immediately to discuss the details. This option expires 31 days from July 29, 2014 so you should investigate this possibility as soon as possible. Following the termination of your employment with the Company, we ask that you promptly return to the Company, all Company property that is in your possession. Please inform our Payroll Department of any change in your address in the next year so that your 2014 T4 can be forwarded to you. Please indicate your acknowledgment of this offer by signing and returning this letter no later than July 24, 2014 at 5:00 p.m. to Jeanie Zamecnik, Payroll Administrator at [email protected], by fax at 519-688-3727 or by courier to Herbal Magic Head Office, 1867 Yonge Street, Suite 700, Toronto ON M4S 1Y5. Yours truly, Herbal Magic Inc. {Area Manager Name}, Area Manager I hereby accept the terms and conditions contained in this letter. I also acknowledge and agree that I am entering into this arrangement voluntarily and without duress. _________________________________ Employee’s Signature ____________________ Date APPENDIX C Forecast to Actual Cash Flow Variance Report for the Period July 12, 2014 to July 18, 2014 Herbal Magic Inc. Forecast to Actual Variance Report For the 1 week period ended July 18, 2014 Receipts and Disbursements cumulative from July 12, 2014 to July 18, 2014 Variance Forecast Actual ($) (%) Opening cash per GL Receipts Corporate centre sales Product sales (Franchisees) Weekly fees (Franchisees) Contributions (Franchisees) Total Receipts 927,822 927,822 - 0% 450,000 85,000 10,919 88,000 633,919 465,464 73,264 9,700 60,756 609,184 15,464 (11,736) (1,219) (27,244) (24,734) 3% -14% -11% -31% -4% Disbursements Inventory purchases Utilities Visa payments General and administrative Rent Bank fees Payroll and benefits Employee expenses HST Marketing and advertising Professional and legal fees Total Disbursements 27,200 121,000 2,000 150,200 26,168 122,031 4,798 152,997 (1,032) 1,031 2,798 2,797 0% 0% 0% -4% 1% 140% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 2% Net change in cash Closing cash per G/L 483,719 1,411,541 456,187 1,384,009 (27,532) (27,532) -2% APPENDIX D Amended Cash Flow Forecast pie Inc. (non consolidated) Amended ah tow Forecast For the per od July 12, 2014 to August 29, 2014 Period Week ending (Friday) Opening cash as per CL Receipts Corporate centre sales Product sales (Franchisees) Weekly fees (Franchisees) Contributions (Franchisees) Total Receipts 1 2 3 4 S Notes 2 3 4 6 Au 275,108 7 Aug9 (321,174) Total 927.822 927,822 1,411,540 822,459 176378 450,000 450,000 85,000 10,919 - 450,000 85,000 10,919 2,180,000 85,000 10,919 450,000 85,000 10,919 - 450,000 450,000 85,000 10,919 88,000 85,000 10,919 - 85,000 10,919 - 4,880,000 595,000 76,43! 88,000 633,919 545,919 545,919 2,275,919 545,919 545,919 545,919 5,639,431 45,000 20,000 100,000 227,000 (76,811) I) i, ho rsem en .5 lnventnr\ purchases 40,000 20,000 117,000 15M00 2,00() 20.000 6 Utilities 7 1Visa 00,000 payments 327.000 207,000 Genera! and administrative 8 27,200 7 121.000 Rent 2,000 2,000 45,000 2.000 J3ank fees 0 1026,000 ParoI! and benefits 951,000 5,000 10,000 1 rriployee °P05° sIarkct op an I ads ertising PriOssi .,nal mu 'pal Ices 1 otal J)isbursements - 124,I')S 14 15 l50,200 483,718 Net change in cash 1,411,540 (losing cash per G/L - I )ated at I oron to, ( )ntario, this 2 rd day of July 2014 I S (tOO 1.135,000 800.0))') 1,192,000 2,529,108 194,000 30.001) '5000 10,000 2 S 0.000 300.000 1.142.200 982,000 85,000 117,000 200,000 939.401 SO I .00)) 5,000 2,928,000 5,000 280000 "99.108 975,000 7,324.508 57,000 27,200 2,000 951.000 - (589,081) (646,081) (253,189) 351,919 (596.282) (436,081) (1,685,078) 822,459 176,378 (76,811) 275,108 (321,174) (757,256) (757,256) Jhus statement 01 projected cash floe. of herbal Magic Inc. is prepared in accordance seth section 0 4i 2 I the I1unkruptcy and I ssoIvenc Act and should he read in con junc lion with the Trustee", Report of the) ash-I' ow Statement dated the 21st da of J015 2014 Stephen Itt no ii, 'IC) I lerha1 M ugic Inc. Gregory l'rins e - r or \'rce Pre',i,ienr Pr icewaterhouseCoopers Inc 'I rustec Notes Ibis projected Cash Flow Forecast ("( FF") is prepared pursuant to the requirements of 0.1(2)(a) of the Bunkruptcy nJ /nsoivencj'1cI Management of Herbal Magic inc. has prepared this CFF based on the probable and hypothetical assumptions detailed below. Actual results will likely vary from the projections and such variations may be material. Die projections generalty assume payments are made on a COD basis, other than amounts that may become due to taxing authorities. )u July II, 2(114, Herbal Magic Inc. entered into an agreement ss ith S94259. Canada Inc. which contemplates the sale of substantially all of Herbal Magic's assets with the orticipated closing to occur on July 29, 2014. [he sale is subject to court approval. The Company is seeking a sealing order with respect to the purchase price pending a closing of the sale and, therefore, the sales proceeds are not reflected in the CFF, Notwithstanding the pending sale, the CFF assumes that the sale does not close on July 29, 2(114 and the Company continues to operate in the normal course. This (PP has been prepared on the assumption that the sale transaction between Herbal Magic Inc. and 894259S Canada Inc. the "Proposed Sale") is not completed in the time period covered by the CFF. Ihe (FT has been prepared on this basis in order to provide improved disclosure, as the completion of the Proposed Sale is not a certainty. This assumption is riot intended to he an indication of the insolvent person's view of the probability that the Proposed Sale svill be completed. If the Proposed Sale is completed revis d inform ition will be provided in the impact of the compktion of the Proposed 'aie upon the cash tows of the mrsolsnt person e centre sales are compricd of product sales and monthly resenucs collected from Herbal Magic clients oduct silt. S ire comprised ot Uie tIe I suppleinet ts and other roduets to I r irmchises and are based on historical sale and collection patterns eekly fees are comprised of Franchise Agreement fee payments collected from the 37 Herbal Magic Franchisees. 4 Ct rtiihutions 'ire c mprised of aim u its ieCt.iS d froni Irmchisees in respect of their obligation to contribute to the payment of Herbal Magtc4s marketing costs as per the Franchisee Agreement. 5 Inventory purchase ie e5tiiIl iicd ç° t NO[ p irchases of inventory r°quired for the huiness h ised on eu'Tent inntor) levels 6 Utilities represent pas merits foi utilitie felectric tc kphone etC it C erporte C ntres and are based in hictori at p i'yitiCflS iii icli. to utility compantes 7 Visa payments r pre ent (hr reimnbui ernerit ol go t tilini ( iirngai ' I ur chases nmde as head oIl ire t ill ad u a ii an i.._ is on pe'sonal credit cards 8 General and administratise p ynmcnC rigirsent costs iris un-ed titr oftice suppi'c 210 corporate store locations photocopier/fax equigmcnt lease payments and other (i&A costs at the 9. Rent is comprised ofpaymerrts due on comimmertial properties leased by !Jerhal Magic. 10. Bank fees are comprised of banking kes, forbearance fees and other miscellaneous expenses and are based on historical patters 11 Payroll represents salaries, wages, vacation pay, pension contributions and other postemployment benefits. Hourly payroll and salary costs and benefits are based on the forecasted head count. 12. Employee expenses represent re4mbursement of post-filing expenses incurred by employees (i.e.. travel, sustenance, accommodation etc.) 13. HST is the anticipated amount of tax to be remitted to tax authorities in the month of July. 14, Marketing and advertising costs are based on monthly Herbal Magic marketing primarily on tv and the internet. 15 Professional and legal fees represent the payment of anticipated fees and disbursements of the Proposal Trustee and its legal counsel Herbal Magic s legal counsel, and the Lending Syndicate's legal counsel, APPENDIX E Listing of Landlord and Counterparty Assignment Consents Received Herbal Magic Inc. Landlord Consents Received as of July 22, 2014 Critical vs Centre Name Landlord Name Other 1 Critical Airdrie Lappas Restaurant Ltd. 2 Critical Ajax II Federal Management Group Ltd. 3 Critical Aurora 2299653 Ontario Inc. 4 Critical Barrie II Glenronan Investments Limited 5 Critical Belleville 1479456 Ontario Inc. 6 Other Beloeil Place Beloeil Inc. 7 Critical Brampton II County Court Centre Ltd. 8 Critical Brandon D.K. Hawking Ltd. 9 Other Brockville EAP Perspectives Inc. Landlord Address c/o Paul Lappas 249 Madeira Crescent NE, Calgary AB T2A 4N3 2001 Sheppard Ave E. Toronto ON, M2J 4Z8, Suite 300 ATTN: Alireza Arasteh 2153 Oneida Cres. Mississauga ON L5C 1V7 150 Connie Cresent, Unit 4, Concord ON,L4K1L9 194 Haig Road Suite 32 Belleville ON K8N0A8 220 Rue Brebeuf, Beloeil QC J3G 5P3 40 Vogell Road, Suite 1, Richmond Hill ON L4B 3N6 Box 456 Onanole, MB, R0J1N0 2838 2nd Concession Road, Brockville ON K6V 5T1 #200, 1029-17 Ave SW, Calgary AB T2T 0A9 Date of Original Lease Lease Expiry Date 01-Apr-12 31-May-15 17-Jan-05 28-Feb-18 12-Mar-04 30-Jun-19 28-Aug-02 30-Nov-17 13-Jan-11 31-Jan-16 01-Jul-12 30-Jun-17 28-Jul-97 30-Nov-18 26-Jun-08 31-Jul-18 07-May-12 31-May-15 01-Mar-01 31-Mar-16 01-Oct-12 31-Jan-18 06-Jun-06 31-Aug-16 25-Jun-12 30-Jul-17 10 Critical Calgary Lincoln Mountain Development Corp Park 11 Critical Calgary Springbank 1668914 Alberta Ltd. 12 Critical Cambridge III Terrace Manor Limited 13 Other Candiac JAG Realty (Montreal) Company 14 Other Carleton Place 743104 Ontario Inc. O/A Roseland PO box 649 Stittsville ON K2S 1A7 Developments 21-Apr-08 31-May-17 15 Critical Cobourg 674659 Ontario Limited 29-Oct-09 31-Oct-14 1668914 Alberta Ltd. c/o Matrix Realty Services #222, 755 Lake Bonavista Dr. SE Calgary Alberta T2J 0N3 1407 Yonge St Suite 303, Toronto ON M4T 1Y7 4, Montcalm Sud, Suite 230, Candiac, Quebec, J5R3M2 6, Hamilton Court, Cobourg ON K9A 3S3 Herbal Magic Inc. Landlord Consents Received as of July 22, 2014 Critical vs Centre Name Landlord Name Other Landlord Address 1300 Bay St. Suite 300, Toronto ON M5R 3K8 13490 7th Concession, King City ON L7B 1K4 Suite 101 - 95 King Street East, Toronto Ontario, M5C 1G4 44 Bruce Farm Drive, Toronto, ON M2H 1G5 25 Adelaide St. East Suite 900, Toronto ON M5C 3A1 18140 107 Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta T5S 1K5 516 Garrison Rd. Unit 5, Fort Erie ON L2A 1N2 100 - 1090 Homer Street, Vancouver, BC V6B 2W9 20 Memorial Drive, Gander, Newfoundland, A1V 1A4 74015 Market Place Post Office Georgetown, Ontario L7G 5L1 Canada 101 Ira Needles Blvd. Waterloo ON N2J 3Z4 16 Critical Cold Lake Gulf & Pacific Equities Corp. 17 Critical Collingwood WPC Investments Inc. 18 Other Dartmouth I Pyxis Real Estate Equities Inc. 19 Other Dundas Accusound Industries Inc. 20 Other Dunnville Frank Bennett 21 Critical Edmonton Parkwest I REID Worldwide Corporation 22 Other Fort Erie 1071031 Ontario Inc. 23 Other Fort St John Centeur Properties Limited 24 Other Gander Glenn Collings Limited 25 Other Georgetown A. Euteneier Limited 26 Other Goderich I Cynthia Voisin "in trust" 27 Other Grand Falls Paul Evans 8 Hardy Ave, Grand Falls NL A2A 2P9 28 Critical Hamilton 1 GPM Inc. (12) GP Inc. c/o TAG Management 29 Critical Hamilton IV Laurier 550 Fennell Avenue Inc. (used to be Fenworth Plaza Inc.) Date of Original Lease Lease Expiry Date 13-Jun-08 30-Jun-15 05-Mar-98 31-Mar-19 01-Dec-00 30-Apr-15 03-Sep-02 31-Aug-14 05-Mar-13 31-Oct-15 05-Feb-02 28-Feb-19 09-Jan-04 MTM 01-Jun-03 31-Jul-18 21-Feb-11 31-Mar-16 08-Feb-04 30-Apr-18 09-Jan-13 31-Jan-19 21-Nov-11 28-Feb-18 1-5510 Mainway, Burlington, Ontario, L7L 6C4 22-Apr-08 30-Apr-18 150 Connie Cresent, Unit 4, Concord ON,L4K1L9 02-Sep-05 31-Aug-15 Herbal Magic Inc. Landlord Consents Received as of July 22, 2014 Critical vs Centre Name Landlord Name Other 1281632 Ontario Ltd c/o Value 30 Other Keswick Centres Inc. Landlord Address Date of Original Lease Lease Expiry Date 10-445 Edgeley Blvd. Concord ON L4K 4G1 24-Feb-03 31-Jul-17 31 Critical Lacombe Anthem Ottewell Holdings Ltd. 300-550 Burrard Street, Vancouver, BC, V6C 2B5 01-Jan-09 31-Dec-18 32 Other Langley Crossing First Capital (Langley Crossing) Corporation Suite 400, 1550 8th Street SW, Calgary, Alberta, T2K 1K1; copy to Suite 400, 85 Hanna Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, M6K 3S3 17-Sep-12 30-Nov-17 33 Other Leamington 1762690 Ontario Inc. 3850 Dougall Ave Unit 10, Windsor ON N9G 1X2 15-Apr-10 15-Apr-15 34 Critical London I (Wonderland) Westwood Power Centre Inc. 75 Blackfriars Street, London, Ontario N6H 1K8 10-Jul-06 31-Dec-16 35 Critical Mascouche 4258631 Canada Inc. 6600 boul Decarie, Suite 300, Montreal QC H3X 2K4 01-Mar-12 28-Feb-17 36 Critical Midland 1638466 Ontario Ltd. 1 German Mills Rd. Thornhill ON L3T 4H4 28-Dec-10 31-Dec-14 37 Critical Morinville Morinville Properties Inc. 01-Oct-10 30-Sep-15 38 Critical Newmarket II Birock Investments Inc. 01-Feb-07 31-Mar-17 15-May-12 31-Aug-16 01-Oct-10 31-Oct-15 05-Sep-07 30-Nov-16 01-Aug-02 31-Jul-18 25-Nov-05 12-Mar-16 39 Critical 40 Critical 41 Critical North Battleford North Vancouver North York West I Concorde Holdings Ltd AVG Holdings Wycliffe (Wilson) Limited 42 Critical Oshawa II Rosehay Construction Limited 43 Other Ottawa IV 368744 Ontario Limited Suite 1407 TD Tower, 10088-102 Avenue, Edmonton. AB, T5J 2Z1 372 Hollandview Trail, Suite 103, Aurora ON L4G 7G3 1171-8th St E, Saskatoon, SK S7H 0S3 2550 Westhill Dr. West Vancouver BC V7S 3B7 1485 White Horse Rd, Downsview ON M3J 2Z2 180 Steeles Avenue West, Suite 210, Thornhill, Ontario L4J 2L1 359 Kent Street, Suite 400, Ottawa, ON, K2P 0R6 Herbal Magic Inc. Landlord Consents Received as of July 22, 2014 Critical vs Centre Name Landlord Name Other 44 Critical Peterborough I BH Parkway Place Ltd 45 Critical Pickering I 1158560 Ontario Limited 46 Critical Pierrefonds 9099-0458 Quebec Inc. 47 Critical Port Hope 48 Critical Landlord Address Unit 500, 601 Dundas St E, Whitby ON L1N 7B8 29 Connell Court, Unit 16, Toronto, ON, M8Z 5T7 Date of Original Lease Lease Expiry Date 11-Jun-07 31-Aug-16 MTM MTM 800 Place Victoria suite 440 Montreal QC H4Z 1E8, Attn: Mark Schneiderman 18-Aug-10 31-Jul-18 Palscher Canada Inc. 240 Duncan Mill Rd suite 405, Toronto ON 12-Oct-05 31-Mar-16 Port Perry Vello Holdings Limited o/a Karvon Properties 17-Jun-13 30-Jun-18 49 Critical Prince Albert 2nd Ave West Plaza 20-Oct-09 31-Mar-15 50 Critical Red Deer 1062101 Alberta Ltd. Unit 8 11 Sims Cres. Richmond Hill ON L4B 1C9 Unit 2730 2nd aver w, Prince Albert SK S6V 5E6 307 Whispering Water Bend, Calgary AB T3Z 3T2 07-Sep-10 30-Sep-18 51 Critical Regina-Pasqua 1010 Pasqua St. N. Real Estate Holdings Ltd. 1821 Scarth St., Regina SK S4P 2G9 01-Aug-08 30-Sep-18 52 Critical Sarnia 1075115 Ontario Ltd. 01-Oct-12 30-Sep-19 53 Other St Johns I ZT Glenhill Plaza Inc. c/o Martek Morgan Finch Inc. 03-Mar-08 30-Apr-18 54 Other Stratford JND Plaza Corp 01-May-06 31-Mar-16 55 Other Strathmore Sunstar Development Inc. 23 Villosa Ridge Point, Calgary AB T3Z 1H3 31-Dec-07 31-Dec-18 56 Other Swift Current Cory Carlson & Kimbrin Carlson 140 Central Avenue N., Swift Current, SK 01-Jun-11 31-May-16 57 Critical Thunder Bay I 1825272 Ontario Inc. 30 Innovator Ave., Unit 12, Stouffville, ON L4A 0Y2 08-Jul-08 MTM 555 Murphy Rd., Sarnia, ON, N7S 5B6, Suite 1 Box 80 Atlantic Place 215 Water St. St. John's NL A1C 6C9 Suite 6 421 Eglington Ave W, Toronto ON M5N 1A4 Herbal Magic Inc. Landlord Consents Received as of July 22, 2014 Critical vs Centre Name Landlord Name Other 58 Critical 59 Critical 60 Critical Thunder Bay II Dawson Heights Plaza Limited Vancouver Central II Victoria III (Colwood) Joeys Holdings Inc. 0742265 BC Ltd Landlord Address 560 Squier Place, P. O. Box 10662, Thunder Bay ON P7B 6V1, Attn: Thomas A. Jones, Tom Jones & Sons Limited. 160 - 2498 West 41st Avenue Vancouver, BC V6M 2A7 2244 Sooke Road, Suite 100B, Victoria, BC V9B 1X1 6 Westmount Park Rd. Toronto, ON M9P 1R5 2294 Islington Ave, Toronto ON M9W 3W8 6 Adelaide ST East Suite 700. Toronto ON M5C 1H6 Date of Original Lease Lease Expiry Date 07-Nov-07 30-Nov-15 15-Dec-05 28-Feb-17 29-Sep-11 31-May-16 01-Mar-08 31-Mar-18 01-Sep-06 31-Aug-19 30-Mar-98 31-May-16 01-Jul-11 MTM 61 Other Wasaga Beach Remus Property Group Inc. 62 Critical Waterdown Morreti Property Limited 63 Critical Waterloo I EMTWO Properties Inc. 64 Other Weyburn Golden West Broadcasting Ltd. Box 340, Weyburn, SK S4H 2K2 65 Other Wingham Wayne & Deborah Colclough 75 Mary Street, Wingham, Ontario N0G 2W0. 21-Mar-13 30-Apr-18 66 Critical Winkler 3267629 Manitoba Ltd. and 3693415 Manitoba Ltd. o/a Harvest Plaza 390 1st St Unit B, Box 160, Winkler MB R6W 4A4 06-Jan-09 31-Jan-19 29-Oct-03 31-Jul-19 01-Dec-98 30-Nov-18 12-Mar-14 30-Nov-18 12-Mar-14 31-Jan-18 67 Critical 68 Critical 69 Critical 70 Critical Winnipeg I (Portage) Winnipeg II (St Vital) Winnipeg III (North Kildonan) Winnipeg V Spruce Developments Ltd Norvan Enterprises Ltd Rossmere Shopping Centre Ltd. c/o Shindico Realty 386 Broadway, Unit 601, Winnipeg MB R3C 3R6 246 Dunkirk Drive, Winnipeg MB R2M 2W9 1355 Taylor Ave., Suite 700, Winnipeg, MB R3M 3Y9 Garland, Lyon & Wilkinson 1355 Taylor Ave, Suite 200, Winnipeg MB Partners Ltd. & Kenwal Properties R3M 3Y9 Ltd. Herbal Magic Inc. Landlord Consents Received as of July 22, 2014 Critical vs Centre Name Landlord Name Other 71 Critical Woodstock Strongman Properties Inc. Landlord Address 156 Lakeshore Rd E, Suite 200, Oakville ON L6J 1H4 Date of Original Lease 27-Sep-05 Lease Expiry Date 30-Nov-18 Herbal Magic Inc. Counterparty Consents Received as of July 22, 2014 Contracting Counterparty Critical vs Other Name of Contract Nature of Agreement Contracting Party Address Date of Contract Contract Expiry Date Accelerated Connections Inc. Critical Agreement Internet and cloud data services 155 Wellington Street West, Suite 3740, Toronto, ON M5V 3H1 Attn: President Not specified 3 years from commencement Thomson Group 2 (Thompson Terminals) Critical Operating Services Agreement Thomson Terminals Limited, 100 Warehousing and Iron Street, Rexdale, ON M9W 5L9 operational services Attn: James D. Thomson 1-Oct-09 31-Oct-19 1 APPENDIX F Listing of Landlord and Counterparty Assignment Consents Not Yet Received Herbal Magic Inc. Landlord Consents Not Received as of July 22, 2014 Critical Centre vs Landlord Name Name Other 1 Critical Abbotsford II 0973208 B.C. Ltd. Landlord Address Date of Original Lease Lease Expiry Date c/o Canreal Management Corporation Suite 409 - 808 Nelson Street Vancouver, British Columbia 31-Jan-06 28-Feb-19 c/o Property Tech 4305 Fairview St Suite #432 Burlington, ON L7L 6E8 23-Jul-08 30-Apr-17 2 Critical Ancaster Paramount Overseas Investments Holdings Limited 3 Other Bay Roberts Eastern Services Inc. 4 Critical Bowmanville Valiant Rental Inc. 5 Critical Bracebridge TAG Enterprises 6 Critical Brampton III Calloway REIT (Brampton) 700 Applewood Crescent Suite 200, (Bramalea) Inc. Vaughan ON L4K 5X3 25-Aug-09 31-Mar-16 7 Critical Burnaby I Hollyburn Estates Ltd. 101-4288 Grange Street Burnaby BC V5H 1P2 08-Apr-04 9-Sep-14 20-Jun-02 30-Jun-17 01-Jul-06 31-May-19 27-Apr-06 28-Feb-16 18-Jun-99 30-Jun-16 114 Conception Bay Hwy, Bay Roberts Not provided NL 177 Nonquon Rd 20th Floor, Oshawa ON 22-Jun-09 L1G 3S2 19 Monck Rd Main Office, Bracebridge 29-Mar-05 ON P1L 1S5 8 Critical Calgary Central Bentall Kennedy (bcIMC Realty Corporation) c/o Bentall Kennedy (Canada) LP North Hill Shopping Centre - Administration Office Suite 1665-1632 14th Avenue NW, Calgary AB T2N 1M7 9 Critical Calgary Macleod Calgary Co-operative Association Limited 2735 39 Ave NE Calgary AB 10 Critical Calgary Monterey Monterey Square Ltd. 11 Critical Calgary Ranchlands Ranchlands G.P. Ltd. Monterey Square Ltd. c/o Rancho Realty (1975) Ltd. 1, 5528-1 Street SE, Calgary AB T2H 2W9 Ranchlands G.P. Ltd. c/o Humford Management Inc. Suite 550, 808-4th Ave SW, Calgary AB T2P 3E8 31-Mar-19 30-Apr-15 30-Jun-16 Herbal Magic Inc. Landlord Consents Not Received as of July 22, 2014 Critical Centre vs Landlord Name Name Other Landlord Address Date of Original Lease Lease Expiry Date 12 Critical Calgary SE II RioCan Management Inc. (Southtrail) 495-36th Street NE Suite 257, Calgary AB T2A 6K3 30-Sep-04 31-Jul-15 13 Critical Calgary Shawnessy CREIT Management L.P. Suite 210, 1404th Ave SW Calgary Alberta T2P 3N3 18-Sep-08 14-Dec-15 14 Other Chilliwack 44550 South Sumas Rd. Unit 428, Chilliwack BC V2R 5M3 21-Apr-14 31-Dec-15 15 Critical Clarkson Crossing 130 King St West Suite 700, Toronto ON M5X 1E2 10-May-10 28-Feb-16 16 Other Cochrane PO Box 266 Cochrane AB T4C 1A5 01-Jan-08 31-Mar-15 17 Critical Delta I 01-Dec-10 MTM 05-Jun-07 12-Jul-19 26-Feb-07 31-Dec-17 Not provided 31-Jul-19 18 Critical Canadian Property Holdings (Alberta) Inc. Legacy Pacific Land Corporation Legacy Industrial Park Ltd. RIOKIM Holdings (Ontario) Inc. Grand Central Properties Inc. RioKIM Holdings (Strawberry Hill) Inc. 2300 Yonge Street, Suite 500 P.O. Box 2386, Toronto ON, M4P 1EA Manning Crossing Holdings Inc. c/o Edmonton NE Manning Crossing Holdings Partners REIT II (Manning) Inc. 249 Saunders Road, Unit #3, Barrie, ON, L4N 9A3 19 Critical RioCan Property Services Edmonton SE Trust as agent for RioCan III Meadows Shopping Centre Inc. c/o RioCan Real Estate Investment Trust, The Exchange Tower, 130 King Street West, Suite 700, Toronto Ontario , M5X 1E2 with copy to RioCan Property Services #257, 495-36 St NE, Calgary Alberta, T2A 6K3 20 Other Estevan 1305 9th Street, Estevan, Saskatchewan S4A 1J1 Days Inn Estevan Herbal Magic Inc. Landlord Consents Not Received as of July 22, 2014 Critical Centre vs Landlord Name Name Other 21 Critical Etobicoke IV Landlord Address Date of Original Lease Lease Expiry Date CentreCorp Management Services Limited CentreCorp Management Services Limited Suite One, 2851 John Street Markham, Ontario L3R 5R7 01-Jul-07 31-Mar-19 02-Jul-08 31-Jul-18 22 Critical Fredericton RioTrin Properties (Fredericton) Inc. Trinity Development Group Inc. 359 Kent Street Suite 400 Ottawa, Ontario, K2P0R6 with a copy to RioCan Real Estate Investment Trust , RioCan Yonge Eglinton Centre, 2300 Yonge Street Suite 500, Toronto, Ontario M4P2E4 23 Critical Gatineau First Capital (Nelligan, St Rene) Corporation Inc. 2620 de Salaberry Street, Suite 201, Montreal, Quebec, H3M 1L3 15-Mar-06 31-Aug-18 14-Jan-99 31-Jul-19 12-Sep-03 30-Jun-15 21-Sep-10 30-Sep-17 01-Feb-06 30-Apr-17 24 Critical Guelph II RioCan Management Inc. Riocan Holdings Inc., 2300 Yonge St Suite 500, Toronto ON M4P 1E4; copy to RioCan Management Inc., Lawrence Square, 700 Lawrence Avenue West, Suite 315, Toronto, ON, M6A 3B4 25 Critical Guelph III 1865088 Ontario Limited 158 Dunlop Street East, Suite 201 (rear entrance) Barrie, ON L4M 1B1 26 Critical Head Office 1867 Yonge Street Investments Inc. and Montez Office Fund I Holdco Inc. 27 Critical Hull First Capital (Cite-DesJeunes) c/o Colliers International 1 Queen Street East, Suite 2200 Toronto, Ontario, M5C 2Z2 Attention: Property Manager, 1867 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario 2620 de Salaberry St. Suite 201 Montreal QC H3M 1L3 Herbal Magic Inc. Landlord Consents Not Received as of July 22, 2014 Critical Centre vs Landlord Name Name Other Landlord Address Date of Original Lease Lease Expiry Date 28 Other Kenora DeGagne Bros Limited 685 Lakeview Dr. Kenora ON P9N 3P6 01-Jan-14 31-Jul-19 29 Other Kincardine Quinn Plaza Ltd. 10-445 Edgeley Blvd, Concord ON L4K 4G1 08-Jan-07 31-Dec-19 30 Critical Kingston I Murva Nikas (College Variety of Kingston Limited) 3 Grenville Rd, Kingston ON K7M 2C6 01-Sep-13 31-Jan-18 31 Critical Kitchener II Loblaw Properties Limited 425 Bloor St. E, Suite 400, Toronto ON M4W 3R4 16-Nov-04 31-Aug-15 32 Critical Kitchener III Forest Glen Inc. c/o Centrecorp Management Inc. 2851 John St. Suite 1, Markham ON L3R 5R7 20-Apr-06 31-Dec-16 33 Critical Leduc Endurance Equities Corp. 34 Other Listowel Listowel Investments 35 Critical Lloydminster H.P. Gartner Management Ltd. 36 Critical London V (Oakridge Centre) 37 Critical 38 Critical 39 Critical 40 Critical 10639 131 Street, Edmonton, AB, T5N 1Y6 156 Duncan Mill Rd Suite 23A, Toronto ON M3B 3N2 Suite 3-6209 44 Street, Lloydminister AB T9V 1V8 01-Feb-07 30-Nov-19 01-Dec-05 1-Sep-19 05-Apr-11 31-Jan-21 RioCan Management Inc. Sherwood Forest Mall 1225 Wonderland Rd. N London, ON N6G 2V9 03-Nov-97 30-Sep-17 Markham I 1302597 Ontario Inc. 600 Cochrane Dr. #220, Markham ON L3R 5K3 01-Mar-99 30-Sep-15 Milton II Bentall Kennedy - Optrust Retail Inc. 65 Port Street East, Unit 110, Mississauga ON L5G 4V3, Attn: Senior Vice President, Shopping Centres 10-Nov-06 31-Jan-16 19-Sep-02 31-Mar-15 01-Dec-06 31-Dec-15 Mississauga NW 1 Mississauga NW 3 Bentall Retail Mavis Mall Limited c/o REMCO 55 University Avenue, Suite 300, Toronto, ON M5J 2H7 640 Eglinton Ave West 203, Mississauga ON L5R 3V2 Herbal Magic Inc. Landlord Consents Not Received as of July 22, 2014 Critical Centre vs Landlord Name Name Other Landlord Address Date of Original Lease Lease Expiry Date 41 Critical Mississauga NW II Kristin Magee and Dawn Burrows c/o CREIT Management LP 175 Bloor St. E North Tower Suite N500, Toronto ON M4W 3R8, Attn: Vice President, Retail Real Estate 29-Feb-08 31-Oct-19 42 Critical Mississauga SE The Sitzer Group Holdins No. 1 Limited - at Applewood Hills Plaza/ 255 Lesmill Rd, Toronto ON M3B 2V1 01-Jun-06 31-Jan-15 43 Critical Moncton II Apple Atcan Holdings Ltd. 20-May-03 14-Dec-15 44 Critical Newmarket 08-Jul-98 30-Mar-19 45 Critical Oakville I 03-Jun-04 31-Oct-15 46 Critical Okotoks Settler Developments c/o Enright Management Ltd 01-Apr-05 30-Apr-17 47 Critical Orangeville Rasda Holdings Ltd. 01-Aug-99 30-Sep-17 48 Critical Orillia 02-Apr-08 30-Apr-19 49 Critical Orleans 21-Oct-03 31-Dec-17 50 Critical Oshawa I 16-May-05 30-Nov-16 73 Industrial Parkway N, Unit 2, Aurora ON, L4G 4C4 2851 John St. Suite 1, Markham ON L3R Yonge Kingston Centre Inc. 5R7, Attn: Executive Vice President, Legal Department The Abbey Plaza c/o 8700 Dufferin St. Vaughan ON L4K 4S6 History Hill Group Suite 450 340-12th Ave SW, Calgary AB T2R 1L5 93 Dundas St. E, Suite 115, Mississauga ON L5A 1W7 214 Memorial Avenue, Orillia ON L3V Patmos Investments Inc. 5X6 A 3488 Cote de Neiges, Montreal, H3H Jeanne D’Arc Ventures Inc. 2M6 32 Argonne Cres. Willowdale ON M2K 766749 Ontario Limited 2K1 Herbal Magic Inc. Landlord Consents Not Received as of July 22, 2014 Critical Centre vs Landlord Name Name Other 51 Other Ottawa II 2069512 Ontario Ltd. 52 Critical Ottawa III 4319079 Canada Inc. 53 Critical Ottawa V 54 Critical Owen Sound Cominar Real Estate Investment Trust Viabin Inc., & E & B Toronto Ltd. 55 Critical Perth D.I.R. Developments NOW it 2377906 Ontario Inc. 56 Critical Port Coquitlam Liberty Properties Inc. 57 Critical Port Elgin 1539915 Ontario Inc. 58 Critical Regina Quance Westfield East Landing Development Ltd. 59 Other Renfrew RioCan Holdings Inc. 60 Critical Repentigny Super Marche Crevier (Repentigny) Inc. Landlord Address Riocan Holdings Inc., 2300 Yonge St Suite 500, Toronto ON M4P 1E4; copy to RioCan Management Inc., Lawrence Square, 700 Lawrence Avenue West, Suite 315, Toronto, ON, M6A 3B4 1371-E Woodroffe Ave Ottawa ON K2G 1V7 300-222 Queen Street, Ottawa ON K1P 9V5 555 Steeprock Drive, Toronto, ON 105-383 Parkdale Ave Ottawa, ON K1Y 4R4 #111-2071 Kingsway Ave, Port Coquitlam, BC, V3C 6N2 82 Weber St. East Suite 201, Kitchener ON N2H 1C7 374 Albert St., Regina SK S4R 2N7 c/o RioCan Real Estate Investment Trust, The Exchange Tower, 130 King Street West, Suite 700, Toronto ON M5X 1E2 180, boulevard Brien Repentigny, Quebec J6A 7E9 Date of Original Lease Lease Expiry Date 08-Aug-11 30-Nov-16 16-Aug-99 1-Jan-15 16-Jun-06 31-Dec-18 18-Apr-96 30-Apr-17 01-Feb-13 31-Jan-18 01-Apr-10 30-Sep-19 03-May-04 31-Jan-16 13-Sep-02 31-Mar-18 10-Jul-06 30-Jun-18 02-Jan-12 30-Sep-18 Herbal Magic Inc. Landlord Consents Not Received as of July 22, 2014 Critical Centre vs Landlord Name Name Other 61 Critical Salmon Arm 62 Critical Preston Centre Holdings Saskatoon 8th Inc. c/o Dundee Realty St Management (Sask) Corp. 63 Critical 64 Critical Sault Ste Marie Sherwood Park Piccadilly Place Mall Inc. 2042957 Ontario Limited 741662 Alberta Ltd. Landlord Address Date of Original Lease Lease Expiry Date Attention: Manager, Agreement Services, One Queen Street East, Suite 2200, Toronto, ON M5C2Z2, Attn: Colliers International Lease Services Department; copy to: 121 King Street West, Suite 810, Toronto, ON M5H 3T9, Attn: Glenn D'Silva, Fund Manager, The Standard Life Assurance Company of Canada 07-May-13 31-Jan-19 123-2nd Ave South, Suite #602, Saskatoon, SK S7K 7E6 06-Nov-08 31-Oct-18 25-Jul-08 31-May-18 15-Dec-99 31-Jul-21 01-Jul-10 MTM 08-Nov-00 31-Dec-17 30-Dec-04 20-Jan-17 06-Jun-97 17-Sep-16 26-Mar-02 18-Oct-16 77 Great Northern Rd, Sault Ste Marie, ON P6B 4Y8 97- 51313 Range Rd 231, Sherwood Park, AB T8B 1K7 12 Emerson Court, Woodbridge, ON L4L 4L3 300 Parkington Plaza, 10408-124 St, Edmonton AB T5N 1R5 700 Applewood Cres, Suite 100, Vaughan, ON L4K 5X3 3480 Whiteoak Road, London, ON, N6E 2Z9, 65 Critical Simcoe Luigi Gallo 66 Critical St Albert Artis Liberton Square Ltd. 67 Other St Catharines Calloway REIT I 68 Other Strathroy TruJay Holdings Limited 69 Critical Stroud Rice Development Company 17 Dean St, Brampton ON L6W 1M7 Inc. Herbal Magic Inc. Landlord Consents Not Received as of July 22, 2014 Critical Centre vs Landlord Name Name Other Landlord Address Date of Original Lease Lease Expiry Date 1 President's Choice Circle, 4th Floor, South Tower, Brampton, ON L6Y 5S5, Attn: Executive Vice-President; copy to c/o Arcturus Realty Corporation, 425 Bloor Street East, Suite 400, Toronto, ON M4W 3R4 31-Jul-13 31-Jul-14 26-Sep-05 MTM 01-Jun-01 24-Apr-17 16-Dec-04 MTM 15-Dec-05 30-Jun-15 70 Critical Tecumseh Choice Properties Ltd. Partnership c/o Arcturus Realty Corporation 71 Critical Toronto Central III Bentall Kennedy (bcIMC 199 Bay St. Suite 1910 Commerce Court Realty Corp c/o GWL Realty Postal Station, Toronto ON M5L 1E2 Advisors Inc.) Loukas Properties Inc., 355 Deerhide Crescent, Weston ON M9M 2Z2; copy to Victoria & York Enterprises Limited, 2161 Yonge Street, Toronto ON M4S 3A6 72 Critical Whitby I Loukas Properties Inc. 73 Other Whitby II Calloway REIT (Whitby) Inc. 74 Critical Windsor IV RioCan Management Inc. 75 Critical Winnipeg IV Fernoc Group Ltd (Garden City) 666 Lelia Ave, Winnipeg MB R2V 3N7 30-Nov-10 31-Aug-18 Woodbridge I Loblaws Inc. 1 President's Choice Circle, 4th Floor, South Tower, Brampton, ON L6Y 5S5, Attn: Executive Vice-President; copy to c/o Arcturus Realty Corporation, 425 Bloor Street East, Suite 400, Toronto, ON M4W 3R4 30-Mar-13 31-Jul-17 76 Other 700 Applewood Cres. Suite 100, Vaughan ON L4K 5X3 395 Wellington Rd. S Suite 214, London ON N6C 5Z6 Herbal Magic Inc. Landlord Consents Not Received as of July 22, 2014 Critical Centre vs Landlord Name Name Other 77 Critical Yorkton Prastos Holdings Ltd. Landlord Address 12 Marquis Cres. South, Yorkton SK S3N 3L7; copy to Stamatinos Leland Koskie, 36 - 4th Ave. North, Drawer 188, Yorkton, SK S3N 2V7 Date of Original Lease 01-Jul-03 Lease Expiry Date 30-Jun-18 Herbal Magic Inc. Counterparty Consents Not Received as of July 22, 2014 Contracting Counterparty Garden State Nutritionals. Division of 1 Vitaquest International, LLC Critical vs Other Critical Member Solutions 2 Critical Inc. (MSI) Name of Contract Nature of Agreement Contracting Party Address Letter of Intent (Note: This is not an agreement) Manufacturing agreement for weight loss products distributed by Herbal Magic Master Servicing Agreement Contract receivable collection services, 330 S. Warminster Road, Suite 358, accounts receivable Hatboro, PA 19040 management software Date of Contract Contract Expiry Date Letter of intent dated 12/31/2010 N/A 27-Sep-12 None 3300 Bloor Street West 7th Floor, West Tower, Toronto, ON, M8X 2X2 Attn: Chief Sales & Marketing Officer; Copy sent to 3300 Bloor Street West 10th Floor, West Tower, Toronto, ON, M8X 2X2 Attn: Chief Legal Officer 12-Mar-09 30-Nov-15 1-Dec-12 30-Nov-15 8 Henderson Drive, West Caldwell, NJ 07006 Moneris Solutions Corporation 3 Critical (client payment processing ) Price and Marketing Agreement Client payment processing at the franchise level (credit card, bank card, ect.) Moneris Solutions Corporation 4 (National Critical Account Debit and Terminal ) National Account Merchant Debit Card and Terminal Agreement Debit and terminal agreement to allow customers to use debit 3300 Bloor Street West 7th Floor, at Herbal Magic West Tower, Toronto, ON, M8X 2X2 locations. Also involves Attn: Chief Sales & Marketing Officer renting point of sale terminals Herbal Magic Inc. Counterparty Consents Not Received as of July 22, 2014 Contracting Counterparty Critical vs Other Moneris Solutions 5 Corporation (Visa Critical and Mastercard ) Corporate 6 Express Canada Inc o/a Staples Other Name of Contract VISA and MasterCard National Account Merchant Agreement Not provided Nature of Agreement Contracting Party Address Date of Contract Contract Expiry Date 3300 Bloor Street West 7th Floor, VISA and MasterCard West Tower, Toronto, ON, M8X 2X2 agreement to allow Attn: Chief Sales & Marketing customers to use these Officer; Copy sent to 3300 Bloor cards at Herbal Magic Street West 10th Floor, West Tower, locations Toronto, ON, M8X 2X2 Attn: Chief Legal Officer 1-Dec-12 30-Nov-15 550 Pendant Drive, Mississauga, ON, L5T 2W6, Attn: Stan Dabic; Copy sent to Staples Inc. 500 Staples Drive, Framingham, MA, 01702, Attn: General Counsel 8-Jul-10 1-Jul-14 Office supplies agreement APPENDIX G Legal Opinion of Norton Rose Fulbright LLP, including a summary of the Personal Property Security Act registrations