WESTBROOK EAGLE NEWS November 2015 Westbrook Elementary School 5110 Allan Terrace Bethesda, Maryland 20816 301-320-6506 PARENT CONFERENCES are scheduled in November to provide an opportunity to learn more about how your child is doing in school and to continue to build a strong partnership with his/ her teacher. Here are some ways to structure conversations with your child’s teacher and build the home/school partnership ALL YEAR LONG. 1. Prepare Questions in Advance Think about what you hope to accomplish or learn during your conversation or at your conference. Do you have a concern or question you would like to explore? Do you want to share some special insight about your child? Are you hoping to clarify the homework policy? Write down your questions. Consider sending a note to the teacher before you meet listing your questions so she can be fully prepared to answer them during your scheduled conference time. 2. Provide contact information Let the teacher know how you prefer to be contacted. Be available to communicate when the teacher has a concern so that you can work together to find solutions. Be open to having a phone conversation or face to face meeting in response to emails about complex topics. 3. Ask questions If you have a question—ASK, ASK, ASK!! If your child has shared something that puzzles or confuses you, ask the teacher to clarify. Discuss concerns when they are small so that they don’t grow into problems. 4. Be Positive Think about how you can phrase your questions or concerns to promote a collaborative spirit. A good working relationship with the teacher is key to your child's success. . Principal Jennifer Lane Email address [email protected] School Web Site schools/westbrookes/ COLD WEATHER IS HERE which means winter is JUST around the corner. PLEASE make sure your children are appropriately dressed for the weather. We go outside every day for recess unless the temperature is below 30 degrees or it is raining. There is important information on page 2 about school closings and delays. Please take the time to read this important material. WHAT DOES THE REPORT CARD SHOW? When talking with your child about his/her report card, make sure that s/he knows that s/he is NOT a P or an ES or an I. Be sure to reinforce that a report card is a summary of what s/he learned and demonstrated over the marking period. Effort and hard work are reflected in Learning Skills. Talk with your child about what they have done well and how they would like to continue to improve during the next marking period. Help your child to set a realistic and positive goal for the next quarter. Check back on his/her progress towards this goal each week or so during Quarter 2. We use a standards based grading system in all grades K-5. To view a video on this grading system visit the WESTBROOK WEBSITE. PRINCIPAL COFFEE: Our November Principal Coffee will be held on Thursday, November 5th from 9:20-10:20 am. Please join Westbrook’s Principal, Jennifer Lane to discuss planning for Parent Teacher Conferences, effective Home/School Communication and topics of interest from the group in attendance. WEATHER-RELATED EMERGENCIES IN MCPS Closure of schools When schools are closed, all school and community activities are canceled, including athletic practices and events. Private day care providers in schools may elect to stay open if the administrative offices are open. In extreme conditions, the administrative offices may be closed. Delayed opening A delayed opening means that schools open two hours later than scheduled. All school buses operate on the same delayed schedule, and therefore the pick-up times are two hours later than normal. When elementary schools open on a delayed schedule, the following programs are cancelled— morning sessions of Head Start, prekindergarten, and other specialized programs or field trips scheduled before 10:50 am. THIS INCLUDES OUR AM PEP STUDENTS AND THEIR NEIGHBORHOOD PEERS. When MCPS Schools are closed or open late due to weather emergencies; before school extracurricular activities such as FLEX academy or language classes are canceled. There is no before school supervision. Students should enter the school building starting at 10:45 and go directly to their classrooms. The student day will officially begin at 11:00am. Early dismissal An early dismissal means that schools will close 2.5 hours earlier than scheduled. All school buses operate on the same delayed schedule and therefore, drop-off times are 2.5 hours earlier than normal. When elementary schools close early, afternoon prekindergarten and other early childhood programs are cancelled as well as any special programs or field trips scheduled after 10:50 am. Students in morning Head Start and morning prekindergarten will be dismissed at 10:50 a.m. THIS INCLUDES OUR PEP STUDENTS AND THEIR NEIGHBORHOOD PEERS. When MCPS Schools are closed or are dismissed early due to weather emergencies before or after school extracurricular activities such as FLEX academy or language classes are canceled. DO YOU HAVE AN EMERGENCY PLAN FOR YOUR FAMILY? As we know, unusual occurrences such as weather, power outages, or local emergencies can unexpectedly dismiss schools before the regular time. It is important that your family have a plan of where your children are to go in the event that this happens. Will they go to daycare, home with a neighbor, or follow their regular routine? Please consider the best plan for your family and communicate this to the classroom teacher now so that we are prepared as the winter draws near. Review it with your children so that they are not surprised when the teacher guides them to follow it. This helps everyone to remain calm when we encounter unexpected circumstances. THANK YOU! After-school and weekend activities Go to the Montgomery County web site for information about cancellation of after-school or weekend activities Page 2 InView TESTING and Global Screening All students in Second Grade will take part in InView Testing during December as part of our Global Screening process for Gifted and Talented Identification. The testing is scheduled for December 7-10th with make-ups during the following days. Because all students in MCPS participate in Global Screening in Second Grade, permission slips do not need to be signed. However, in MARCH , MCPS will send home a parent input form for you to complete and return to school to give us important information about your child during the identification process. Please complete and return this form when you receive it. Students who are new to Westbrook in grades 3-5 also participate in the Gifted and Talented Identification process and take the InView with parent permission. Parents of these students will receive permission slips and parent input information prior to the InView window in December. These must be returned if you would like your child to participate in the screening process. If you have questions about the Gifted and Talented Identification Process in MCPS please contact An Nguyen, Grade 4 teacher, who serves as our Gifted and Talented Liaison or Randi Vogel, our school counselor. DRESS for SUCCESS—or at least outdoor recess! The temperatures are dropping, so please make sure that your child comes to school ready to enjoy outdoor recess. Our practice is to go outside when it is not raining and the temperature is at least 30 degrees. Please make sure that hats, gloves, scarves, mittens, jackets and coats are labeled whenever possible. Encourage your child to check the lost and found frequently. Parents can also come in and check for lost objects. We want students to enjoy their time outside, even when it’s chilly, so dress in layers for outdoor fun! WITH GRATITUDE As November progresses we are filled with gratitude for our Westbrook family. We work within our classroom and school community to represent the Westbrook Community of Caring spirit at all times. One way we do this is by focusing on those things we appreciate and for which we are grateful. At home you may choose to spend time with your child reflecting on the things in their life that they are grateful for. This can be a discussion, or something that they record in a gratitude journal. Another way that we strive to exemplify our Community of Caring spirit is by giving to others. In October Westbrook students donated 13 cartons of non-perishable food items to Manna Food Center. Our Winter Coat Drive which supports our Sister School, Viers Mill Elementary is taking place currently. Thank you to all Westbrook families for all that you do to support our children, staff, school and community! Page 3 Our PEP PILOT classes are up and running. We will continue to look for “neighborhood peers” to join our PEP PILOT 3 year old students in the morning and 4 year old students in the afternoon. If your child will be at least 3 years old by September 1st, 2016 she or he is eligible to join our PEP PILOT class. Registration materials will come out after the new year. Please spread the word if you have friends with younger children who might benefit from this program. On Wednesday, November 18th at 9:30am the PTA and Westbrook Elementary will co-host a coffee for parents of prospective Kindergarten students. Please contact Linda Crawford, Attendance Secretary, in our main office if you plan to attend. If you have friends in the neighborhood who are not yet Westbrook families, and who will have a five year old next year, please encourage them to join us. Health Update Each day, the Westbrook staff and Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS), in collaboration with School Health Services, takes steps to prevent the spread of infections in our schools. At our school, we regularly clean and sanitize frequently touched areas, such as door knobs, stair rails, telephones, computer keyboards, and bathroom faucets and fixtures. We also encourage our students and staff to— Wash hands often with soap and water or use alcohol-based hand sanitizers, especially before eating and after using the bathroom; Cover coughs with a disposable tissue or cough into their sleeve; Avoid touching their eyes, nose, and mouth; Avoid hugging and close contact with sick individuals; Avoid sharing cups and eating utensils; and, most importantly; Stay home when sick. Parents can help us maintain a healthy school environment in a variety of ways, including reinforcing all of the above behaviors as well as— Making sure children get plenty of exercise, sleep, and healthy food; Keeping sick children at home, especially if they have a fever above 100°F or have symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, or a severe cough; Making sure children receive recommended immunizations and an annual flu vaccine. We are awaiting details for FluMist Clinics in MCPS. Page 4 November 2015 Monday Sun Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sa 31 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 BOOK FAIR . 15 16 5 BOOK FAIR 17 11 BOOK FAIR Early Release Day BOOK FAIR Early Release Day No PEP Classes No PEP Classes 18 23 ____________ 30 Grade 3 AIR Kickoff Assembly 24 19 25 Grade 4 Meteorologist Presentation 27 Early Release Day At 12:55 p.m PIE DAY 7 Principal/ Parent Coffee 9:20am 12 Principal’s Coffee Incoming Kindergarten Parents 9:30 22 6 Grade 3 Field Trip Maryland Science Center NO SCHOOL Report Card Preparation NO SCHOOL Thanksgiving Holiday 13 14 BOOK FAIR K Field Tr ip Washington Monument 21 20 Grade 4 AIR Opera Performance 2:30pm 28 NO SCHOOL Thanksgiving Holiday 29