
Tilden Middle School Physical Education Syllabus 2014-2015

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Tilden Middle School Physical Education Syllabus 2014-2015
Tilden Middle School
Physical Education Syllabus
General Overview and Units of Study
Tilden's Physical Education program provides students with exposure to a wide variety of sports and physical
activities including but not limited to: Aerobic Activities, Archery, Badminton, Basketball, Cross Country Running,
Doubles Balancing, Flag/Touch Football, Frisbee, Juggling, Lacrosse, Personal Fitness, Pickle-Ball, Recreational
Games, Soccer, Softball, Table Tennis, Tennis, Track & Field, Tumbling/Balancing, and Volleyball.
The middle school physical education program focuses on health-related fitness, movement skills and concepts,
and personal and social responsibility. Each physical education unit challenges students to better understand the
benefits of physical activity toward fitness, fundamentals of efficient movement in physical activity and sport, and
the essentials of responsibility in a movement setting. The learning tasks in physical education emphasize and
teach problem-solving and decision-making skills. Students participate in games and activities that promote fitness,
develop tactical awareness, and indoctrinate social qualities.
Expectations for all students
Students are to be in the locker room before the tardy bell rings. Students should then change clothes for class.
(Late arrivals will not be allowed to dress, because this will delay the entire class.) The teacher in charge of the
locker room will send students to their activity area. They will be dismissed at the conclusion of the activity and
will be allotted 3 – 5 minutes to change back into their school clothing.
Each student will be issued an individual locker for the purpose of storing his/her Physical Education clothes.
The student is responsible for this locker. Students are encouraged not to bring valuables to school. Students
should never share their lockers or their combinations.
Students should keep their possessions, locked, in their assigned lockers. All stray clothing or valuables will be
placed into the Physical Education lost and found. The articles in the lost and found will be disposed of
periodically if they are not claimed. Tilden will not be responsible for students' belongings that are not secured
in the assigned locker.
Physical Education clothes should be taken home and laundered on Friday and brought back clean on Monday.
Students' names should be on every piece of Physical Education clothing.
Jewelry and watches are not to be worn to class, for safety reasons. Jewelry should be placed in a zip lock bag
or small box to be locked in his/her PE locker.
Cell phones and other electronic items are not permitted in the locker room or during class.
Due to allergies of others, spraying products will not be allowed in the locker rooms. This includes deodorant
and perfume. Roll-on or stick deodorant should be used.
Please note that glass containers are not allowed in the P.E. locker room.
No food, drink, or gum will be allowed in the locker rooms or activity areas with the exception of clear plastic
water bottles filled with water only. (No sport drinks.)
Each student will be issued an individual locker in the appropriate locker room for the purpose of storing his/her
Physical Education clothes. The student is responsible for this locker. Students are encouraged not to bring
valuables to school. Students should never share their lockers or combinations.
It is the student’s responsibility to lock his/her own personal belongings at all times in their own assigned locker.
Students are responsible for immediately reporting lost or misplaced clothing, locks, or other belongings to the
teacher(s) on duty in the locker room.
Student Participation
Participation is imperative to meeting the class objectives. Upon written request by a parent, the physical education
staff will modify class activities for up to three days for students who must be excused from vigorous class activities
due to illness or injury. If a student is to be excused longer than five days, this must be certified by a physician’s
note and form 345-22 signed by your child’s physician. This form can be found on MCPS web site or a copy
provided by the PE teacher upon request. These students will be excused from class and an alternative assignment
may be given by the teacher.
Discipline Policy
The following actions are considered to be unacceptable behavior:
• Having cell phones in the locker room or during class
• Running and playing around in the locker room (play fighting)
• Bringing in food or drink into the locker room
• Spraying products being used in the locker room
• Tardy to the locker room or to squad lines
• Foul or inappropriate language
• Disrupting classes
• Misuse or abuse of equipment (or use of equipment without permission)
• Failure to change into proper physical education attire
• Throwing objects other than proper PE equipment
• Gum chewing
The result of any of the behaviors listed above may be a detention, a written assignment, and/or a phone call home.
Repeated inappropriate behavior will result in a referral to the office in accordance with the Tilden Middle School
Student Handbook.
All students are required to have a complete change of clothing for Physical Education class, including socks and
athletic shoes. Students may not participate in flip-flops, boots, or flats.
Students may purchase PE clothes from our online store or bring in their own clothes to be used specifically for
Physical Education class. This clothing should be a gray t-shirt and blue or black shorts with a minimum
inseam of 4”. Clothing worn to school may not be used for physical education class.
It is very important to make sure that your son/daughter takes home their P.E. clothes at least once a week to be
The following items are for sale (each item has "Tilden Physical Education" and a place for your name):
Gray T-shirt
Blue Nylon Mesh Shorts
Hooded Sweat Shirt
Sweat Pants
Grades will reflect individual achievement of the MCPS standards for a specific marking period. Daily
participation in class activities should allow students to be successful in achieving these objectives.
Students will demonstrate:
1. Understanding of fitness concepts, personal goal setting, knowledge of
rules, strategies, and concepts for various sports and physical activities. (20%)
2. Cardiorespiratory endurance, flexibility, muscular strength and endurance
through interval training and fitness testing. (20%)
3. Mastery of skills in fitness and sport applications (30%)
4. Personal and social responsibility through cooperation, teamwork, sportsmanship
and conflict resolution. (30%)
The grading scale is as follows: 90-100% = A, 80-89% = B, 70-79% = C, 60-69% = D, Below 60% = E.
Learning Skills:
Participation during all class activities, completing homework assignments, and following all physical education
daily expectations are reported with the following codes:
C (Consistently)
O (Often)
S (Sometimes)
R (Rarely)
NI (Not Enough Information)
Late work and missing work:
 Each assessment will have a due date by which a student is expected to complete the assessment. The
grade will drop no more than one letter grade if it is not turned in by the due date.
 The deadline is the last day an assessment will be accepted for a grade. Work not assessed by the deadline
will be considered missing.
 Missing work will be recorded in the grade book as a zero.
Revision of student work:
 Assessed tasks may be revised to receive a higher grade until the end of a unit. The physical education
teacher will stipulate what review and practice must be done before reassessment.
 Communication:
Interims/Report Cards
Health Education
MCPS Middle School Students receive nine weeks of health education instruction (ALL GRADES): All students are
required to return a signed parent/guardian permission form to be present in the Family Life and Human Sexuality
**The Family Life and Human Sexuality unit content is made available for viewing on September 18, 2014 from
7:00-8:00 pm at Tilden Middle School in the Media Center, or can be accessed on the MCPS website**
Please print!
Students and parents must read and sign this form. Students must return this form to their P.E. teacher NO LATER THAN AUGUST 29, 2014. PE Teacher __________________________________________ PE Period _______ I have read and agree to the above Policies and Regulations. Grade _________ __________________________________________
______________________________ ___________
Student Name (please print) Student Signature Date 1) __________________________________________ ______________________________ ___________ Parent/Guardian) Name (please print) Parent Signature Date Daytime Phone ______________________________ E‐Mail Address ____________________________________ 2) __________________________________________ ______________________________ ___________ Parent/Guardian) Name (please print) Parent Signature Date Daytime Phone ______________________________ E‐Mail Address ____________________________________ Students medical concerns: (asthma, heart condition, bee sting allergies, etc.)
Wears them for PE _____ Wears contacts for PE _____ Please describe:
____ Has inhaler for asthma
____ Inhaler is located at nurse’s
Other concern/ needs:
____ Inhaler located in PE locker
____ Inhaler carried with student
Is there anything that we (Physical Education Teachers) should know about your child to ensure that they feel safe
and comfortable in this class?
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