
President’s Letter Principal’s Message

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President’s Letter Principal’s Message
PTSA Newsletter 2010-11
Vol. 12, No. 9, May-June 2011
President’s Letter
Principal’s Message
This marks the last issue of
the Tilden PTSA Newsletter
for the 2010-11 school year,
and the last one for me as
PTSA president.
Susan Verner
I’d like to take a moment to
thank those who have performed a tremendous service to the PTSA this year,
and have helped me over the years.
My thanks go out to fellow board members Barbara Ferry, Suzanne Mozayeni,
Cate Hammaker, Debbie Kobernick,
Laura Bonetta and David Dennison. It
has been my pleasure to serve on the
board with each of them this year, and I
thank them for giving their valuable time
to the Tilden PTSA.
Also, thanks to our newsletter editors,
Jonathan Salant and Cynthia Suen, who
have worked hard each month over the
last two years putting out this monthly
publication. They will be hard to follow.
In addition, I would like to thank Debbie
Labonski for chairing Staff Appreciation
this year. This, like the newsletter, is a
job with monthly responsibilities. Debbie
has done a fabulous job of showing our
teachers how much we appreciate them,
and staying within her budget.
I thank our principal, Jennifer Baker, for
making Tilden such a great place for our
kids to learn and to grow. It has been a
pleasure for me to work with Mrs. Baker
these last few years. She is a tremendous asset to the school and, through
her guidance, there is a true partnership
between the school and the PTSA for
(Continued on page 6)
Ralph Waldo Emerson
once said, ―All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better.‖
Middle school is a time for Jennifer Baker
children to explore all of the
possibilities that life and school have to
offer. They experiment each day with
who they are, who they might become,
clothes, style and wide range of friends
and acquaintances.
This year, as always, our staff provided
an excellent learning environment that
challenged our students and helped
them grow both academically and emotionally.
We were also able to offer a variety of
extracurricular enhancements for students to help to assure that our children
are fully engaged in school and positive
activities while they experiment and
The encroaching end of the year is a
busy time for our staff and students.
Teachers are preparing for final exams
and unit tests. Students are studying
hard as they approach the home stretch
and their excitement is building as they
look forward to summer. They are also
(Continued on page 6)
Final 2010-11 PTSA Meeting
Tuesday, May 10 , 7 pm
Media Center
Transition to Walter Johnson
Principal’s Report
PTSA Briefs
PTSA Officers 2010-11
Susan Verner
[email protected]
Vice Presidents:
Suzanne Mozayeni
[email protected]
Barbara Ferry
[email protected]
Cate Hammaker
[email protected]
Debbie Kobernick
[email protected]
MCCPTA Delegates:
Dave Dennison
[email protected]
Laura Bonetta
[email protected]
Newsletter Editors:
Cynthia Suen
[email protected]
Jonathan Salant
[email protected]
Thanks. The PTSA would like to thank
301-530-4690 Debby Orsak for chairing this year’s Eighth
Grade Celebration. The event, which will
301-770-3813 be held on Friday, June 10, is sure to be
great. Thanks also to the entire committee.
Appreciation Day Thank Yous
From the PTSA...On May 6, during
Teacher Appreciation Week, chair Debbie
Labonski and her assistant Shelly Sheetz
organized another fabulous teacher luncheon. The food was plentiful. Most importantly, our teachers and staff members appreciate the event. Thanks, Debbie and
—Susan Verner
…and From the Staff. Thank you to all
who organized and worked our fabulous
lunch on Wednesday and who picked out
and ordered the very useful insulated bag.
Please let them know how much I appreciated their time and effort. More importantly
I would like to thank the PTSA for raising
such great children. Having parents who
support the school and teachers makes
our job so much more productive
and enjoyable.
--- Patricia O’Reilly
Upcoming Meeting. The last PTSA
meeting of the 2010-11 school year is
scheduled for Tuesday, May 10, at 7 pm
in the Media Center
The program is our very popular Transition to WJ Panel. Come hear from WJ
staff, and former Tilden students and parents on what high school is really like.
After the program, we will have our last
business meeting of the year. Among
other things, we will elect our officers for
next year, and hear the principal’s report
from Principal Baker.
Career Day. On April 15, Tilden eighth
graders were treated to a great Career
Day. Chair Anne Ackerman organized a
fabulous event. The kids were exposed to
many different and diverse careers, and
ended the morning hearing from Walter
Johnson Principal Dr. Garran. Thanks
also to Anne’s committee, including Randi
Donations at Work. The PTSA purchased
the Mile of Champions T-shirts and the AllPhysical Education T-shirts given to students who qualify for the race and the
Phys. Ed. awards, for a total of $1,150.
Also in May, the PTSA purchased insulated lunch bags for the 114 Tilden staff
members to show our appreciation during
Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week.
These are all ways your donations are
put to good use at Tilden.
Year Is Quickly Winding Down for Family and Consumer Sciences
The year is quickly winding down and the Family and Consumer Sciences students
are really working hard to plan and prepare their most favorite recipes. We recently
completed the recipe research activity, which has the students find and calculate cost
of their chosen recipe. This activity will be put to good use as we complete the school
The eighth graders are now moving in to the end of the financial literacy unit. Credit
cards, debit cards and banking have been reviewed and will be put into good use as
these students move on to high school.
Please come join us for Arts Night on Thursday, May 12, from 7-9 pm, when you can
purchase baked goods made by the eighth-grade classes. All proceeds will be donated to the Children’s Inn at NIH. Come join us for food, music and art. FACS is a
wonderful way to work with others, meet new people, create fun and nutritious recipes
and over all have fun.
--Amy Domingos
Calendar of Events
Tue., May 10, 7 pm: PTSA Meeting – Program: Transition to Walter Johnson HS
Wed., May 11, 7 pm: Music Department Spring Concert (Bands)
Thu., May 12, 7 pm: Spring Concert (Orchestra, Guitar Ensembles, Chorus)
Fri., May 13: Tilden Mile of Champions
Sun., May 15: Tilden Chorus and Cast of ―Les Miserables‖ Perform with Washington
Vocal Artists at Potomac United Methodist Church
Fri., June 3, 7 pm: Tilden Drama Performance of ―Les Miserables’’
Sat., June 4, 2:30 and 7 pm: Tilden Drama Performance of ―Les Miserables’’
Fri., June 10, 5:30 pm: Eighth Grade Promotion Ceremony and Celebration
Student Service Learning (SSL) Notes
Give a Little Time…Make a Big Difference
SSL: Promotes Positive School/Community Relationships
Memorial Day, May 30, is a fine time to get involved in service through school or community organizations. Secure documentation of service using MCPS Form 560-51,
Student Service Learning Activity Verification.
All forms required to document SSL are found on the website www.mcpsssl.org or at
any middle or high school. Completed forms become part of each student’s record.
Students should make copies of all SSL documentation.
Support preapproved nonprofit organizations in the community by providing highquality, dependable service. Make a positive impact.
All service for which SSL hours are awarded must be performed in a public place. The
only exception to this is students may earn SSL hours by making bag lunches at home
and delivering them to a county homeless shelter. SSL hours are awarded based on
the number of meals delivered.
—Jane Stasko
The Nominating Committee proposes the following slate of officers for the 2011
-12 PTSA Board. We will vote on the slate at our May meeting.
President: To Be Determined
1st Vice President: Laura Bonetta
2nd Vice President: Karen Post
Treasurer: Suzanne Mozayeni
Secretary: Debbie Kobernick
MCCPTA Reps: Lisa Spiwak and Kristin Zeller
SGA Concludes Great Year
PTSA Makes Wishes Come True
The students of SGA have been really
working hard as the school year comes to
an end. Our last all-school dance was a
great success. A great time was had by
all. Thank you to all our parents who
helped out with the dances this year. We
look forward to many more successful
dances in the years to come.
The Student Member of the Board elections went wonderfully. The students were
enthusiastic and serious.
Congratulations to Alan Xie as he serves
his second year on the board. All the election officials did a great job organizing and
running the election.
We are now advertising for our final
fundraiser of the year: Drive for Supplies. This fundraiser benefits local students in need of school supplies. We are
collecting: notebooks, binders, pencils,
pens, backpacks etc. All donations can be
brought to Room A133 until the last day of
school. What a wonderful way to help out
other children in the county.
SGA is a fun and active way to get involved in your school and community, all
students are encouraged and welcome to
—Amy Domingos and Michelle Cassels
Each year, the PTSA asks staff and
teachers to submit requests for purchases using Wish List funds. Those
requests are presented in April and
voted on by the membership.
At last month’s meeting, the PTSA approved the following expenditures submitted by staff and teachers:
Yearbooks Still Available
Limited quantities of the 2010-2011 Tilden
Yearbook are still available for $45. To
reserve one, simply send in cash or a
check made payable to Tilden Middle
School. Please include your child’s name
and grade on the memo line of the check
or enclose a note with this information.
Contact yearbook advisor Ms. Muldawer
at [email protected] if
you have any questions.
—Three laminated posters denoting the
harmful effects of drugs and alcohol
to be posted in the health room, $81.81
—Eight books for the classroom library
supporting the sixth grade curriculum of
high interest, low readability to engage
the special needs students, $69.12
—Sentieri Textbook complete
Fotoromanzo DVD, $138.00
—New Art Room Tables 5 @ $197 each,
—12 sets of books geared toward students who are reading more than two
years below grade level, introducing
them to slavery and the early civil rights
movement. Includes teaching guide,
==Wii Dance, used for exercising in gym
class, $220.00
—Blenders, electric mixers and utensils
for cooking class, $200.00
—Leveled reader kit for learning for independence students, $776.16
—Materials for Special Education Asperger’s program, $ 78.87
Grand Total $3,321.05
Principal’s Message
(Continued from page 1)
preparing for the spring concerts May 1112; Les Miserables, our spring musical, on
June 3-4; the eighth-grade promotion ceremony on June 10 and the eighth-grade trip
to Six Flags on June 15.
This year, our academic awards ceremony will be held on June 15 from 8:15
am-9:30 am in the Gym. Parents will be
notified if their child is receiving an academic award. All participation awards for
sports, drama, etc. will be given out to students during a Town Hall meeting for each
grade level on May 26.
All of these events are chances for our
students to shine and show how they have
grown throughout this school year. It also
is a wonderful chance for the adults in their
lives to see how they have matured and
changed in just a few short months.
My intention as principal, and the desire
of the staff, is to help Tilden to become
one of the premier middle schools in the
county. We have made great strides in the
past four years through new classes, electives and the infusion of technology.
We definitely could not prevail without
your support and partnership. Our heartfelt
thanks for the continued assistance we receive from the parent community. It truly
does take a village to educate our children.
You are very much appreciated.
Sir Winston Churchill remarked, ―Every
day you may make progress. Every step
may be fruitful. Yet there will stretch out
before you an ever-lengthening, everascending, ever-improving path. You know
you will never get to the end of the journey. But this, so far from discouraging,
only adds to the joy and glory of the climb.‖
The journey of educating our students
and children is far from over and there is
much excitement and anticipation of what
is yet to come for our tweens.
--Jennifer Baker
President’s Letter (from page 1)
which we should all be grateful.
I also thank Karen Martinez for serving
as the school’s staff liaison to the PTSA
again this year. Shehas attended every
PTSA meeting this meeting year and always has something to contribute, even
after a long day teaching Spanish.
Thanks also go to Lisa Goldman, the
no-longer-new school administrative
secretary. Lisa is extremely helpful and I
thank her for all she has done.
I would love to be able to name each
and every committee chair but space is
limited. It is great to have parents who
are willing to take on a project or program to help the entire Tilden community. My heartfelt thanks go to you.
I also want to thank the dedicated and
concerned parents who attend our PTSA
meetings – some of whom are there
every month. Thanks to your participation, our meetings have been great forums to discuss subjects that relate to us
as parents of middle schoolers.
Lastly, as we celebrate Mother's Day
this month and Father’s Day next, I
thank our kids, for they have made us
mothers and fathers. In our role as parents, we experience the full range of
emotions. I know you’ll agree that the
job of being a parent is the most rewarding volunteer work.
School is not over yet, and the end-ofthe-semester crunch time will soon be
upon our kids. After that, best wishes to
you and your family for a wonderful summer of learning and growing outside the
When fall rolls around, which will be all
too soon, and my youngest heads to
high school, I know I will miss these middle school years. But I know that Tilden
will have prepared another crop of kids
for success in high school and beyond.
—Susan Verner
Tilden’s Annual Mile of Champions Is May 13
The ―Mile of Champions,‖ one of our most exciting days, is coming up on Friday, May
13. (Rain date is Thursday, May 19.) We are expecting some of our fastest times this
year, so please come out and cheer your favorite runner. This is a day that our top 20
fastest runners from each grade level compete in a mile race. The whole school
comes out to cheer on these amazing runners. Walter Johnson High School's track
coach and team captains also come to see the new talent.
This year, Andrew Jesien, a former Tilden student, will be at the race. Andrew is a
graduate of University of Virginia, where he ran a sub-four minute mile. He holds the
Tilden record of 5:07.
Please congratulate the following students for earning the privilege of representing
their class and qualifying for the Mile of Champions:
Eighth-Grade Girls: Melanie Cirillo, Hannah Ship, Kathryn Spak, Angie Lybimova ,
Alejandra Herrera, Kathryn Van Artsdalen, Ruth Shutkay, Emily Charlip, Ella Leslau ,
Anna Schmidt, Taylor Bosse, Madison Neale, Emma Verner, Madeline Armstrong,
Hannah Sachs, Nino Migineishvili, Laura Leichsenring, Clara Morana-Sanchez, Jamie
Fanaroff, Nancy Jin, Jazmin Moringo, Leyi Shi.
Eighth-Grade Boys: Ben Resnick, Paul Stubin, Peter Stubin, James Wyderko,
Scott Savatore, Tae Woo Kim, Jackson Lange, Taivan Odzorig, Woodie Choi, Kensuke Katsura, Itai Bezherano, Noah Burgett , Keith Cotter, Maxx Espinosa, Devonte
Rue, Camilo Martinez, Ali Mirjalili, Alex Lemus, John Choi, Nir Raviv, Eli Kane, Mark
Wurzel, Garrett Mader, Okada Da Silva, James Kim, Sam Jacobson.
Seventh-Grade Boys: Daniel Hart, Gustavo Guevara, Felipe Martinez, Pridhvi
Gadiraju, Christian Campbell, Nozomi Horikawa, Arsen Kliouev, Matthew A Kimball,
Christian Torrijos, Michael Rubinovitz, Samuel Weiner, Haruto Fukunaga, Dean Amiel,
Ryan Cirillo, Malcom Djiki Fotue, Israel Berrones, Gavin Humphreys, Owen Brinker,
Carlos Rodriguez, Charles Bloomer, Amin Oskoui, Jeffery Cirillo, Ryo Kato, Arun
Srinivas, Kenya Motohashi, Siavash Ebrahimi, Avery Bernstein.
Seventh-Grade Girls: Kim Almany, Breea Kobernick, Bess Bloomer, Marissa
O’Conner, Carmen Perry, Casey Dennison, Lluvia Pinzon, Sidni Espinosa, Taylor
Dennison, Eden Sela, Caroline Wang, Danielle Moss, Reece Dennison, Gabriela Morris-Flores, Gedeon Ferddy, Madison Moss, Brynna Gleeson, Julia Souza, Katie
Hickey, Katherine Regnell, Meredith Church, Davina Chang, Miriam Amar, Elaina
Jaffe, Yuri Terumuma, Diana Crespo-Rosales.
Sixth-Grade Girls: Olivia Kane, Katie Ellett , Emily Rabin, Carly Ohlrich, Chiara
Duyn, Rachel Lux, Noam Rand, Priscilla Gaboton, Jessica Dekenty, Sarah Poling, Vitamarie Matzkin, Samantha Phillips, Zoe Lewis, Alyssa Cara McKinney, Payton Belisle.
Sixth-Grade Boys: Alex Bukharin, Kevin Salvatore, Ryan Calhoun, Patrick Cha,
Sebastian Leal, Brian Cernoch, Samuel Lee, Brent Haines, Oliver Pavletic, Rob Boex,
Brenan Andre, Robert Riffle, Rand Noam, Joseph Michael, Justin Burgett, Alexander
Martini, Stefan Lehman.
—Patricia S. O'Reilly
To learn to read is to light a fire; every syllable that is
spelled out is a spark.~ Victor Hugo, Les Miserables
Build Background
This Summer
Summer is a great time to create opportunities and experiences that expand students’ background knowledge. Pair educational programming or day trips with
books or research.
—Take a kayaking lesson or visit an estuary and discuss the environmental impacts on habitats.
—Visit a gardening exhibit, read about
butterfly or hummingbird gardens, and
plant one in your yard.
—Read about a Civil War battle and go
to a reenactment.
—Paint your own pottery after visiting
an art museum.
—Purchase a book of scary stories and
go on an evening ghost tour in Alexandria, Va.
—Attend a comic book show and read
comics together.
—Assemble a model after visiting the Air
and Space Museum.
—Read about other countries and cook
recipes from those countries.
Prevent Summer
Reading Loss
Research shows that students lose academic skills over the summer months if
they do not read. Struggling readers can
lose as much as two years over a sixyear period compared to non-struggling
grade level peers. Students who read at
least six books over the summer on selfselected topics of interest (as long as
they are age and content appropriate)
maintain reading skills, develop background knowledge, and tend to read
more during the school year, thus accelerating their rate of academic progress
year-round. Don’t let your child be one
of the statistics. Locate books at your
local library that match your child’s
reading level and interests and read
every day. Take books with you everywhere you go. Ask your child about the
book he/she is reading. Read aloud one
of your favorites even if it’s in another
language. Participate in a summer reading program at a local bookstore, library, or on an approved website.
INPUT NEEDED – If you find the information in this section of the PTSA
Newsletter useful or would like additional information on literacy topics, please let me know at [email protected]
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