
ACCA Student Guide 2016 www.pwc.com/lt/

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ACCA Student Guide 2016 www.pwc.com/lt/
Student Guide
Welcome to the ACCA Programme!
Dear ACCA Students,
The PwC’s Academy is pleased to offer a full ACCA qualification for Lithuania. Whether you are
new to ACCA or a returning student, we are excited to present our courses, tutors, and study
options for 2016.
Our ACCA vision is simple – to provide a premium teaching and support service that establishes
the highest possible levels of quality and leverages our knowledge and experience as a leading
professional services firm.
The ACCA Student Guidebook covers your participation in the ACCA programme at the Academy.
All of our support services are listed within these pages, and are designed to help you achieve your
goals in relation to ACCA. If there is anything that may concern you, you are welcome to meet
with any of our dedicated ACCA support team.
PwC Academy
Good luck in 2016
and study hard!
PricewaterhouseCoopers UAB, J. Jasinskio str. 16B, LT-o3163 Vilnius, Lithuania
T: +370 (5) 239 2300, F:+370 (5) 239 2301, Email: [email protected], www.pwc.com/lt
Welcome to the ACCA Programme
The Academy Study scheme
Computer Based Exam (CBE) Centre
ACCA Examinations
The ACCA Work Experience Requirements
Approved Employers
The ACCA Ethics Module
Examination Resources
ACCA Programme Contact Details
Important Dates for the ACCA Qualification
Formal Complaints Procedure
Student Feedback
The Academy Student Regulations and Code of Conduct
First Aid and Emergency Procedures
Term and Conditions
Appendix: Student Suggestion Form
The Academy Study Scheme
Our study programme for the ACCA qualification at the Academy is
based on years of experience in ACCA training at
PricewaterhouseCoopers in Central and Eastern Europe. It is designed
to give our students the best possible chances of passing all of their
examinations on the first attempt.
Our training for the Fundamental papers F1-F3 is based on a ‘future
success’ model – all future papers are based on a basic understanding
of the syllabus of these foundation setting examinations. We therefore
encourage all students to take tuition courses to ‘link’ their
understanding of key syllabus components to future examinations,
even if they are exempted from these papers. These papers can be sat
at anytime at PwC with the use of our CBE facility.
All of our tuition courses includes mock examinations to test your
knowledge and show you just how much you need to study before the
real exam and what to focus on. It is also an opportunity to practice
under examination conditions. Our tutors provide constructive
feedback summaries and individual analysis within eight days of mock
The following
study and exam
scheme is
provided for
ACCA Study Year
Year 1
Year 2
Papers F1, F2, F3, Papers F4, F5
Papers F6, F7, F8
Year 3
Paper F9, Papers P1, P2, Ethics Module
Year 4
Paper P3, Papers P5, P7
Computer Based Exam (CBE)
The Academy is an ACCA Approved Computer Based Examination Centre
(CBE). Students have the ability to sit computer based exams for papers F1F4. The main advantage of the CBE system is flexibility – you can sit these
examinations at any time of the year. In addition, you may resit the exams as
often as necessary. Students also receive their exam results on screen
immediately after completion and they are uploaded to your ACCA account
within 72 hours.
The examination fee for papers F1-F3 is 59 GBP; F4 - 71 GBP; facility and
administration fee charged by PwC is 43 EUR; plus VAT. PwC will provide
the use of the facility and administration of the examinations Free of
Charge for any students who have attended the courses with The Academy.
For more information on The Academy CBE centre in Vilnius please refer
our website http://www.pwc.com/lt/en/academy/cbe-centre.jhtml
ACCA Examinations
Knowledge Module
Paper F1 Accountant in Business (AB)
Paper F2 Management Accounting (MA)
Paper F3 Financial Accounting (FA)
Skills Module
Paper F4 Corporate and Business Law (CL – UK, INT)
Paper F5 Performance Management (PM)
Paper F6 Taxation (TX - UK)
Paper F7 Financial Reporting (FR)
Paper F8 Audit and Assurance (AA)
Paper F9 Financial Management (FM)
Paper P1 Governance, Risk and Ethics
Paper P2 Corporate Reporting (CR)
Paper P3 Business Analysis (BA)
Paper P4 Advanced Financial Management (AFM)
Paper P5 Advanced Performance Management (APM)
Paper P7 Advanced Audit and Assurance (AAA)
The ACCA Work Experience Requirements
Gaining the relevant practice experience is
a key component to the ACCA
qualification. In the demanding accounting
and business professions it is essential to
link your theoretical knowledge from the
examinations to practical applications in
the workplace.
The ACCA Practical Experience
Requirements (PER) are closely linked to
the exam syllabus to further develop your
skills in the workplace. The framework of
the PER enables you to achieve a high level
of knowledge, ability, and ethics in the
workplace, demonstrating to employers
that you are the right person for the job.
ACCA students are required to achieve a set of
objectives over a three year period working in
an accounting or finance-related role and
record the completion of the PER through the
Trainee Development matrix (TDM). There is
no time limit to complete the PER though it is
necessary to complete it before applying for
ACCA membership.
You will need to seek your employer’s
assistance to gain your PER, so it is up to you
to choose the right employer to meet your
To meet the ACCA qualification PER you
will need to complete all nine Essential
performance objectives and four Options.
Professionalism, ethics and
1. Demonstrate the application of professional ethics,
values and judgement
2. Contribute to the effective governance of an
3. Raise awareness of non-financial risk
Personal effectiveness
4. Manage self
5. Communicate effectively
6. Use information and communications technology
Business management
7. Manage on-going activities in your area of
8. Improve departmental performance
9. Manage an assignment
Financial accounting
and reporting
10. Prepare financial statements for external purposes
11. Interpret financial transactions and financial
Performance measurement
and management accounting
12. Prepare financial information for management
13. Contribute to budget planning and production
14. Monitor and control budgets
Finance and financial
15. Evaluate potential business/investment opportunities
and the required finance options
16. Manage cash using active cash management and
treasury systems
Audit and assurance
17. Prepare for and collect evidence for audit
18. Evaluate and report on audit
19. Evaluate and compute taxes payable
20. Assist with tax planning
For more information on the PER see your The Academy representative or visit the ACCA website at
Approved Employers
If you work for an ACCA Approved Employer at the Gold or Platinum level, students and members are
not required to submit a Training Development Matrix at the end of every calendar year to confirm that
they have met their ACCA Work Experience Requirements objectives. Instead, students and Member
must submit an Annual ACCA Return, stating that they are employed by in a company holding this
accreditation. The annual return should be submitted by December 31st.
PricewaterhouseCoopers is has the Approved employer’s status.
For more information on Approved employers and your work experience requirements, please visit the
ACCA website:
or contact the administrative team at the Academy.
The ACCA Ethics Module
Ethics is an integral component of the ACCA qualification, directly appearing in 11 of the 14 examination
papers and in all of the essential work experience performance objectives. The Ethics Module is an
online training course with the aim of exposing student to a range of ethical perspectives in business.
Students have access to the module in the examination session they are eligible to sit paper P1
Professional Accountant.
The ethics module is a key component to P1 training at The Academy. All students are required to sit the
module in conjunction with the tuition courses, and completion is mandatory before applying for ACCA
membership. In addition, statistics show that completion of this module before the P1 tuition course
greatly increases a student understanding of the syllabus and results in higher examination pass rates
for all Professional Level examination papers. More information on the Ethics module can be found at:
Examination Resources
With years of
experience in audit
and taxation, we use
the knowledge and
skills of our own
auditors and tax
specialists to teach
variant papers.
The Academy Course Notes
The Academy develops our own course notes for each paper.
The course notes contain relevant technical articles, study guides
with suggestions for home study, examination techniques and full
information on syllabus. Students can contact their tutors by email
for any study advice.
Kaplan ‘Engage’
The Kaplan ‘engage’ study system provides electronic resources
for each paper. To register, follow the instructions on the blue Kaplan
information sheet located at the back of your study systems or visit
ACCA Student Accountant Magazine
Every month ACCA publishes the SA magazine containing technical
articles, study advice, and a range of accounting and business stories.
Pick up a copy at The Academy information stands or visit
Additional material request
Need a specific book for your paper? Contact The Academy
with your suggestions on material to add to our library!
ACCA Programme Contact Details
ACCA Connect
2 Central Quay, 89 Hyde Park St.,
Glasgow Scotland G3 9DH, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0) 141 582 2000
Fax: +44 (0) 141 582 2222
Website: www.accaglobal.com
Email: [email protected]
For information regarding ACCA Ethics and
Steve Willis
ACCA Leader Central & Eastern Europe
tel.: +420 251 152 115
e-mail: [email protected]
ACCA Poland & Baltic States
ACCA Poland
PLAC UNII Puławska 2 (bud. A, piętro 8) 02-566
Warsaw Poland
Tel: +48 22 509 50 10
Fax: +48 22 509 50 19
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.accaglobal.com
ACCA Academy Contacts in Lithuania
Eleonora Čaikovskaja
The Academy Leader
Ignė Sadauskaitė
The Academy Administration
Tel: (+370 5) 239 23 00
Email: [email protected]
Tel: (+370 5) 239 23 00
Email: [email protected]
The Academy Tutors
Ben Harvey
Prior to starting his own business, Growing Talent, in 2005, Ben spent thirteen years with PwC. He first
worked for the firm in London, and in 1997 moved to join the office in Vilnius. Ben began his
professional career as a chartered accountant and later moved into training and development. Today he
brings his knowledge and experience from both of these roles to his work with the PwC Academy.
Email: [email protected]
From 2016 ACCA will be running four exam sessions a year at all exam centres in March, June,
September and December.
Only exams F4-P7 (limited variants) will be available during the March and September exam sessions.
All variants will be available during the June and December exam sessions.
Formal Complaints Procedure
The Academy is committed to building strong
relationships with our clients, which includes
following the PwC Code of Conduct, regulating
all of our business and training activities. A
copy of our Code of Conduct can be viewed on
the Academy website. If you have any concerns
about The Academy operations, administration,
or quality of service please write a letter to The
Academy Leader Eleonora Čaikovskaja or an
anonymous statement on our Suggestion Forms
located at the Academy or at the back of the
Student Handbook.
Formal complaints and suggestions should
describe any concerns and state the action or
outcome desired. Trainees will receive an
acknowledgement of receipt within 3 working
days, and a resolution to the nature of the
feedback, where necessary, within 21 working
All formal complaints and suggestions are dealt
with according to the following flow chart:
Trainee Complaint or Suggestion
Trainees explore options (informal or formal)
Formal – Letter to Business
Academy Leader
Approach PwC Academy Staff
and tutors
Formal investigation by
Academy Leader
No Resolution
Recommended solution by
Academy Leader
Trainee Satisfaction with Solution
Yes –
Educational and Administrative
staff updated complaint
Close file and amend policies,
procedures, and course
structures for improvement
No –
Discuss with the trainee and
agree on alternative solution
Student Feedback
In order to assist the Academy in providing continued excellent service
and education, clients are encouraged to provide feedback on their
training, either informally with any member of the Academy, through
our Trainee Feedback System, or by filling in a suggestion form located
in the reception area of the Academy.
At the end of each course, trainees have the opportunity to express
their opinions in a satisfaction questionnaire, providing feedback on
lectures, administration staff, course materials, and facilities.
The completed evaluation questionnaires will be submitted to an
independent staff member and the identity of all trainees and their
comments we be treated confidentially.
Opinions and information obtained from the forms will be used in the
development of course procedures and course committee meetings.
Teaching staff meet quarterly with The Academy leader at course
committee meetings to discuss:
Course evaluations
Trainee performance
Evaluation of lecturers
Trainee complaints
Examination rates (if applicable)
Course Syllabus
The Academy Student Regulations
and Code of Conduct
Clients attending seminars at the The Academy must ensure
that they bring the personal identification and will be required to sign
in at the reception desk. Failure to provide identification may result in
clients or students being refused entry into the Academy.
The Company will not be held responsible for loss of any
personal items left in any training room or on The Academy premises.
All Customers undertaking any training with the Company are
required to adhere to any notices or instructions given to them by any
member of the company's staff.
Smoking is not permitted on Course premises except in
designated areas. Customers who are considered to be under the
influence of alcohol or drugs will have their course terminated
immediately and all course fees forfeited.
Course participants are expected to exhibit professional
behaviour while attending lectures and seminars. Any action that
generally interferes with the quality of tuition a class is receiving,
which includes the use of mobile telephones or other electronic
devices, or any form of abusive verbal or written communication may
result in the breech of this service agreement and the removal of
clients from the courses.
Full course attendance is required of all students at The
Academy. Repeated failure to attend tuition courses may result in the
termination of the services Agreement. Students who are not able to
attend a course should contact their Academy representative in
advance of courses. All effort will be made for a student to join
alternative course dates if available.
All you need
is the motivation
to make
a significant
in time
to achieve
First Aid and Emergency Procedures
First Aid
In situations where an employee is suddenly taken ill in The Academy and needs
immediate medical assistance, the following steps should be taken:
1. Call the ambulance
on 103, 112 or call
PwC reception on 8 5
239 23 00
2. Advise The
Academy staff
immediately. If no staff
is readily available,
advise PwC reception
at the main entrance to
the Academy.
3. Stay with the
person who is ill and
provide first aid,
according to the best of
your knowledge.
4. Ensure that
everyone leaves the
immediate area, so that
the person who is ill is
in a quiet place and
privacy is maintained.
Fire & Evacuation Procedures
Any person who discovers a fire shall be liable to report it without any delay at the designated
fire alarm reporting station, or ensure it is reported by pressing the fire alarm button.
The following information shall be reported – the name of the person, telephone number,
area in which the fire was discovered and the extent of the fire.
If fire extinguishing means are available and no people are in imminent danger,
an attempt should be made to get the fire under control. Persons who are not necessary to
extinguish the fire shall immediately leave by fire staircases to the Emergency Evacuation
Assembly area. Details of the assembly areas are posted on all floors of PricewaterhouseCoopers
or you should follow your designated Academy representative out of the building.
Take your personal belongings with you only if this does not inflict any difficulty or delay to you
or other exiting the building.
Do not leave the assembly area or enter the building unless permitted by reception
and PwC security.
Terms and Conditions
All clients are informed of our terms and conditions which are readily available from our website and
The Academy facility. All Customers are deemed to have read them before requesting our services or
products. These terms and conditions together with the registration form comprise the ‘Agreement’
pursuant to which The Academy provides training programmes to the client/student
1. Payment Terms
After initial registration for a course, you will receive confirmation of receipt and an invoice for
services. Full payment is required before final registration on a course will be confirmed.
All course fees must be paid prior to the commencement of any training, unless other arrangements
have previously been agreed with The Academy.
The Academy reserves the right to take any outstanding balances due from the Customer's
debit/credit card on or after the course start date.
2. Cancellations, Deferrals, and Course Changes
Any course cancellation made by the client must be made in writing or email to The Academy.
Registration ends 10 working days before each course. Registration to PwC’s Academy courses is
Refunds (less an administrative fee of 25% of the total course fee) will be made for cancellations
received in writing more than 10 working days prior to the event. No refund is available for
cancellations made within the 10 working days prior to the event. Delegates may be substituted in
order to avoid cancellation at any time prior to the event. There will be no charge if a substitute
person wishes to replace the original delegate. Please inform the course administrator of any change
to the original booking.
The Academy shall make every effort to avoid the cancellation or rescheduling of an event. However,
we reserve the right to cancel an event at any time and, should the need arise, The Academy shall
endeavour to provide attendees notice in good time and refund or reallocate any payments made in
respect of the event. The Academy cannot accept liability for expenses or any other losses relating to
costs or time to the client or their employer.
3. Intellectual Property
The Academy grants the client a non-transferable, non-exclusive license to use PwC and Kaplan
material under the terms of this agreement. This license expires upon the termination of the
agreement for services for any reason.
The use of The Academy and Kaplan material is for educational purposes only, and clients will not
reproduce, retransmit, sell, disseminate, publish, or broadcast this material other than in accordance
with this agreement.
4. Limitation of Liability
The Academy liability (other than in respect of liability for death or personal injury) for direct losses
arising out of their negligence or breach of contract in connection with this agreement is limited to the
cost to the client for the courses for which they are registered, and any other costs related to study
material. The Academy is not liable for any indirect loss arising from negligence or breach of contract.
5. Data Protection
The personal data will be maintained and processed only by PricewaterhouseCoopers UAB for the
purpose of registration and disseminating business-related communications in the form of marketing
materials and invitations to professional seminars and conferences as part of electronic
communication. Consent is voluntary and you may withdraw your consent at any time.
Appendix: Student Suggestion Form
If you would like the receipt of your complaint, please provide your contact details below.
Otherwise, statement may be made anonymously.
Please describe the nature of your complaint or suggestion to The Academy below. Include as
much detail as possible, including the training room, tutor, staff member, or any issue
You can submit your complaints, suggestions and/or comments:
1) By leaving completed suggestion form at PwC’s reception
2) Sending email: [email protected]
4) Sending direct email to ACCA PwC’s Academy contacts in Lithuania:
[email protected]
5) By telephone: +370 5 2546920
6) By contacting ACCA Global: [email protected]
PwC‘s Academy
PwC Academy in Lithuania has gained the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants’ (ACCA’s)
prestigious Gold level as an Approved Learning Partner - student tuition.
Approval is given to tuition providers who demonstrate that they meet the challenging performance
targets set by ACCA.
The ACCA is most
suitable for those
that aspire to become
in any sector
of business.
© 2016 PricewaterhouseCoopers UAB. All rights reserved.
PwC refers to PwC Lithuania member firm, and may sometimes refer to the PwC network. Each member firm is a separate legal
entity. Please see www.pwc.com/structure for further details.
PwC Lithuania helps organizations and individuals create the value they’re looking for. We’re a member of the PwC network of
firms in 158 countries with more than 180,000 people. We’re committed to delivering quality in assurance, tax and advisory
services. Tell us what matters to you and find out more by visiting us at www.pwc.com/lt
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