
Capital project technology

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Capital project technology
Capital project technology
Issue. Some of the primary
contributors to capital project
technology challenges include:
• Technology strategy. Having an
enterprise-wide software strategy,
with adequate time and capabilities
available within the organization
to assess, research, and select the
right system can result in alignment
of the right resources with strategic
projects to adapt to project
Is delivery of your capital
project hindered by outdated
legacy software? Is your existing
technology scalable and able
to cope with the additional
operational burden of your
completed project? Do you have
the systems and governance in
place to manage the data needed
to operate and maintain the
resulting assets?
In the current economic
environment, companies
are under pressure to ensure
continuity of key operations with
fewer resources. Goals to reduce
capital project costs and enhance
organizational integration can
be impeded by the limitations
of legacy software applications.
Companies should assess
operational needs and make the
case to senior management for
what investment in technology
infrastructure is needed.
Unless properly analyzed,
justified, and managed, capital
technology changes may miss the
mark on the delivery of strategic
business benefits and objectives.
PwC can help your organization assess,
optimize, and implement technology
and applications for capital project
portfolios. Our solution can help
you navigate through the challenges
inherent in a software transformation—
from optimizing the value of your
current system to implementing a new
system and operating procedure based
on leading practices. This helps to
manage cost and risk throughout the
project life cycle.
The evaluation process
We will work with you to tailor an
approach targeted to where you feel
help is needed most. Specific instances
may include:
• Strategic Assessment
• System Review and Selection
• Business Process Design
• System Integration
• Application Requirements
• Process Outsourcing
• Managed Services
• Automated processes. Business
processes that support the
underlying systems may result in
an efficient and streamlined flow
of data with enhanced efficiency of
information sharing for accurate
reporting on project status.
• Integrated and adopted systems.
Integrating multiple disparate
systems and interdependencies
with business process and corporate
software can result in optimized
technology through simplifying
redundant work and reducing
unnecessary tools and systems.
• Complexity and scalability.
Maintaining systems that simplify
input and reporting activities and
are scalable for future needs of a
project or business may result in
an effective capital program with
the ability to better manage cost
and risk throughout the project life
Action. PwC can help you create a
roadmap for achieving project success.
Specifically, we support enhancing the
following activities:
• Performing a baseline project
assessment. An initial assessment
is critical in understanding the
organization’s strengths and
weaknesses in the project delivery
processes. PwC has developed a
holistic assessment methodology
incorporating a procedural
framework to define typical
capital project elements across the
project life cycle. The focal points
for a review of these elements
are organization, procurement
and contract management, scope
management and change control,
cost management, schedule
management, risk and issue
management, communication and
reporting, and project systems and
• Reviewing project systems and
technology. Upon review of the
systems and technology elements
of your project, we can determine
how existing tools are used from
identification of need through to
project closure and operations.
• Developing implementation
roadmap. Opportunities for
improvement identified during the
project and technology evaluations,
including existing process gaps
or options for future state of tools
and systems, will be incorporated
into an implementation roadmap
highlighting potential cost,
schedule, organizational, process
and cultural impacts from the
• Executing business process
enhancements. If any controls,
information systems, or
methodologies are found to
be deficient or lacking, we can
help you develop those tools to
enable a more efficient execution
organization utilizing our cross
industry knowledge and experience
with capital projects.
Too often project systems and processes are
managed independently with asset and work
management, planning, execution, and
measurement disconnected from enterprise goals.
• Increased visibility for project
sponsors and project managers,
enabling them to identify
and address risks before they
significantly impact the project
costs, schedule, and quality
• Transfer of knowledge from PwC
professionals, enhancing the
organization’s capabilities to deliver
future projects
PwC offers a number of other key
project solutions for consideration:
• Capital Planning and Portfolio
• Capital Project Governance and
• Capital Project Management
• Capital Project Regulatory Support
• Capital Project Infrastructure Deals
• Construction Project Audits
• Real Estate Advisory
• Tax Diligence and Structuring
• Troubled Project Turnaround and
Impact. Benefits of using PwC’s capital
project technology solution may
include the following:
• Alignment of project, benefit, and
control activities with stakeholder
expectations, enabling increased
focus and efficiencies
• A software system strategy in line
with organizational capabilities,
contracting and project delivery
strategies, and capital plan
Contact us to discuss the complexities
of your project and co-develop a custom
approach for your organization.
Peter Raymond
Capital Projects & Infrastructure,
US Leader
McLean, Virginia
+1 703 918 1580
[email protected]
Daryl Walcroft
Capital Projects & Infrastructure
San Francisco, California
+1 415 498 6512
[email protected]
Stephen Lechner
Capital Projects & Infrastructure
San Francisco, California
+1 415 498 6596
[email protected]
Ralph Roam
Capital Projects & Infrastructure
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
+1 267 330 2241
[email protected]
Anthony Caletka
Capital Projects & Infrastructure
Houston, Texas
+1 713 356 5871
[email protected]
Combining engineering, project controls, and business acumen PwC's
capital projects and infrastructure professionals serve the entire life cycle of
acquiring, financing, investing in, planning, designing, procuring, constructing/implementing, commissioning, operating and maintaining complex
greenfield or brownfield capital assets, programs or portfolios. Our professionals have industry experience as project managers, designers, engineers
(civil, environmental, structural, mechanical, electrical, industrial, and
nuclear), construction managers, critical path method (CPM) schedulers,
cost analysts, construction attorneys and accountants.
Certain services are not permitted for audit clients and their affiliates.
©2013 PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership. All rights reserved. PwC refers to the US member firm, and may sometimes refer to the PwC network. Each member
firm is a separate legal entity. Please see www.pwc.com/structure for further details. This content is for general information purposes only, and should not be used as a substitute for consultation
with professional advisors. Solicitation AT-14-0119
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