
Fraud Investigation and Interviewing Skills Seminar

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Fraud Investigation and Interviewing Skills Seminar
Investigation and
Skills Seminar
This two day seminar focuses on conducting fraud
investigation and investigative interviews in a robust, ethical,
and transparent manner; emphasizing and clarifying the
steps involved and the benefits of proper planning, process
and documentation.
The seminar will also allow participants to work through case
studies, conduct mock interviews and recreate the interview
experience, as well as to receive valuable input on their
Participants will learn about the investigation process,
concentrating on how to effectively manage a fraud
investigation, leading practices in conducting interviews,
collecting and managing evidence and writing reports on
factual findings.
You will also learn the major differences between conducting
investigations and conducting an internal audit project.
Who should attend
Internal auditors, Risk Management officers, Compliance
officers, Fraud investigators, Finance managers, CEO’s and
CFO’s should find this training relevant and interesting.
Sunday 29 and Monday 30 May 2016 from 8:30am till
4:30pm including lunch and 2 coffee breaks
Riyadh, KSA
Mohammad Malkawi
Director, Forensic Services
PwC Middle East
Mohammad is a Director in PwC’s Middle East
Forensics Services practice. Mohammad is a senior
investigation and compliance professional with a
demonstrable record of achievements in tackling
financial crimes, fraud and corruption in the
Middle East & North Africa (MENA) region with
wide experience in the Gulf Cooperation Council
(GCC) Countries.
James Tebbs
Director, Forensic Services &
ME Regional Head of Financial
PwC Middle East
James leads the Forensic Services practice in
Qatar, Bahrain and Kuwait and is PwC’s Regional
Head of Financial Crime. James is a Chartered
Accountant with over fourteen years’ experience of
financial audits, disputes and litigation support,
financial and non-financial corporate
investigations across a range of industries
including financial services, retail, FMCG,
manufacturing and the not-for-profit sector.
29 & 30 May, 2016 - Riyadh
Fraud Investigation & Interviewing Skills Seminar
o Why does fraud occur?
o Internal fraud - types of fraud and key themes
o Indicators of fraud
o Key statistics from PwC’s Global Economic Crime
The investigation process
o What are your first steps when you suspect a fraud
has occurred?
Coffee break
The investigation process - continued
o Planning
o Evidence gathering
o Investigating and reviewing evidence
o Documentation
o Follow up
Gathering and management of evidence
o Direct evidence and circumstantial evidence
o Chain of custody
o Electronic and paper evidence
o Evidence gathered through interviews
o Activity/case study
Investigation Tools
o Forensic technology
o Intelligence
o Data Analytics
Coffee break
o Planning and structuring of the report
o What makes a good report?
o Drafting findings and report language and tone
o How to conclude
o Practical issues
Wrapping up
o Go over key messages from Day 1
o Provide high level details of Day 2
o Recap over Day 1 materials / key topics
The interview process
o Discuss the interview process cycle
o HR disciplinary procedures
o Objectives of an interview (depends on type)
o Type of interviews (information vs. confrontation)
Record keeping considerations
o Recordings / transcripts
o Confidentiality / Legal privilege
Coffee Break
Expect the unexpected
o Confessions - what to do if a subject confesses?
o Red Herrings
o Emotional subjects
o Activity/case study
Interview preparation
o Why, who, how? (purpose, relevant individuals,
format of interview)
o Logistics (timing/location/room set up)
o Preparing document bundles
o Activity/case study
Executing the interview
o Style
o Verbal / non-verbal communications
o Open and closed questions
o Establishing the facts
o Note taking
o Opening/closing the interview
Post interview
o Follow up questions
o The next steps
Tips for a successful interview
o How do you know if an interview has been
o Do's and don'ts
o Dealing with potential issues during the interview
o Hints and tips for a successful interview
Coffee Break and case study preparation
Mock interviews
o Setting the scene
o Preparation
o Conducting the mock interviews
o Feedback on interviews
Wrapping up
o Closing statements and key messages to take away
29 & 30 May, 2016 - Riyadh
Fraud Investigation & Interviewing Skills Seminar
Registration form
To reserve your place kindly complete and submit this form to
[email protected]
Location: Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
29 & 30 May 2016
Fees: SAR 4,500
First name:
Job title:
Early Bird offer of 10% off
before 12 May
Group offer of 4 or more
candidates get 20% off
In house training?
Would you like to run this
course in-house? Contact us:
[email protected]
Terms & Conditions:
A confirmation e-mail and an invoice will be sent upon receipt of your registration*.
If you are unable to attend, a substitute delegate will be welcome in your place.
Registrations cancelled more that 10 days before the event are subject to USD 250 administration charges.
Registration fees cancelled within 10 days or less before the event must paid in full. Substitutes are welcome anytime.
*All registrations are subject to acceptance by PwC which will be confirmed to you in writing by e-mail. Due to unforeseen
circumstances, the programme may change and PwC reserve the right to alter venue and / or speakers.
For more information please contact us:
+966 (11) 2110400 (ext.1885)
[email protected]
© 2016 PwC. All right reserved. PwC refers to the PwC network and/or one or more of its member firms, each of which is a separate legal entity.
Please see www.pwc.com/structure for further details.
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