
Certificated Assignment & Transfer Process / Due February 28

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Certificated Assignment & Transfer Process / Due February 28
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Certificated Assignment & Transfer Process / Due February 28
Beginning Feb. 1 through Feb. 28, all certificated staff complete the 2016-17
Building/Program Assignment Request form. This form is due to your building principal or
program manager by 3:00 p.m., February 28. If you are interested in being considered for a transfer outside your current school or
program, including newly created positions, for the 2016-17 school year, you need to
complete an Online Request for Transfer application by February 28 by 3:00 p.m..
Please refer to IEA/ISD CBA Article 7, Section 2 for more information regarding transfers. Go to the HR website to view Transfer Information.
If you have questions around the transfer process, check with your building administrator or please
contact Bethany Rogers, Human Resources (7060).
Job Share Requests Due March 15
The deadline for job share requests is March 15, 3:00 pm. To learn more
around certificated job shares, refer to the IEA/ISD CBA Section 6. If you
are interested in making a request, click here to complete the online
Be a Leader!
announced two exciting leadership
opportunities for teachers during the
2016-17 school year! Leader –
Elementary STEM
Provides District and building
support for initiatives in science, technology, engineering, and math and works to integrate
STEM instruction (1 teacher per building). Subscribe to our email list
Elementary Math Grade Level Leader – Provides leadership for your grade level and
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district level support in implementing our new math curriculum (2 teachers per grade level).
Access the applications with these links: STEM Leader Application and Math Grade Level
Application. Send applications to Angela Morrison - due Friday, March 4. University of Washington - Secondary Special Education
Endorsement Program (SSEE)
The University of Washington’s Graduate Level Endorsement-­ Only Program in Special
Education is designed for current secondary MIT students, who would like to add an
endorsement in special education. Click here for SSEE details and SSEE Application.
If you have any questions about the Secondary Special Education Endorsement program,
please contact: Michael Nielsen, Certification Officer, 206-­ 616- 9610,
[email protected]
Professional Development Feb 16 Newsletter Exciting opportunities are happening daily around the ISD's Professional Development.
Check them out in the most recent Professional Development Newsletter below. Feb 2016 PD Newsletter
Have you seen the new Human Resources tab on the ISD
Website? There is a NEW LOOK that has less clicks to access the
HR resources you need.
Contact Rhonda Kurthenbach if you have questions.
Payroll Dates and Deadlines
2015 W-2s were mailed on January 27th to employees who did not “opt-in”
for an electronic version. All employees may also view their 2015 W-2
information on Employee Access. Logging into Employee Access is easy!
See the details below. If you have questions about your Login ID, please
contact Nancy Beltz 425.837.7082. email Webview Feb 16 HR News.htm[3/28/2016 12:46:30 PM]
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Employee Access is where you can log onto a website to
see a variety of information including your address as
we have it on file, leave balances as of the last payroll
period, federal withholding status, history and detail of
pay checks, direct deposit bank account information and
W-2 information! Click the icon above to utilize Employee Access. To retrieve your login
information, click on the link that says ‘Forgot your Login/Password’ and an email will be sent to
you with your login ID and a link to reset your password. For further assistance, contact Nancy
Beltz /425.837.7082. New Health Care Tax Forms
1095-B and 1095-C
Due to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), some
employees may receive important tax forms
providing information about the health care
coverage they had or were offered during the
2015 calendar year. Much like Form W-2, these
health care forms provide information that will
help complete your 2015 tax return. It is
important that you save these two forms, as you
may need them as supporting IRS documentation. For more information, please visit the
District’s Benefits Resource Page out on Connect or the IRS website. If you have
questions, please contact Sara Maza (x7065) or Jenny Shim (x7627).
2015-2016 Month End Payday Calendar
2015-2016 month end payroll dates are on Connect. Click here to view the calendar.
Please note all extra hours worked outside contracted FTE received by the 5th of the
month in the Payroll Department will be paid in the current month's payroll. Any and all
forms received after the 5th will be paid on the following month's payroll.
District Sponsored Voluntary Retirement Plans
The Issaquah School District offers two voluntary retirement plans for active employees:
403(b) tax-deferred plan and 403(b) Roth after-tax plan with TSA Consulting
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Group 457 tax-deferred plan with WA State Deferred Compensation (DCP)
Participation is optional and funded solely by employee contributions. No District
contributions are made to either of the voluntary retirement plans. Please click here for more
information and instructions.
Department of Retirement Systems’ TRS and SERS Plan 3
To better serve you, Department of Retirement Systems’ (DRS) is
upgrading many of the tools and resources they offer. Part of the
upgrade is the selection of a single service provider to perform
recordkeeping for Plan 3 and the Deferred Compensation Program
(DCP). On March 4, Empower Retirement will replace ICMA-RC as the record keeper for TRS
Plan 3, SERS Plan 3, and DCP accounts. Participants will see updates to the DRS
website and call center services when the transition period ends March 4. DRS and Empower Retirement share a goal — to make retirement planning easier by
upgrading the tools and resources they offer to manage your retirement now and in the
future. Visit www.drs.wa.gov/upgrade to find the most recent information and important
timelines on the upgrades.
Longevity Stipend
Certificated staff who have thirty (30) years or more in Washington State service and who
are eligible for retirement will receive a $1000 annual payment as an incentive for not
retiring. If a staff member becomes eligible during a year, the incentive will be prorated. If
a staff member who has received the incentive retires during the year, the staff member will
repay all of the incentive s/he received that year. Staff who believe they are eligible should forward a copy of their annual retirement
statement, or a similar official notice from the Washington Department of Retirement
Systems. Deadline to submit the required documentation in order to receive the stipend
during the current school year is June 30. Please forward your statement to Betsy
Classified Individual and Secretarial Conference Funds
The District has set aside a limited amount of money for the Classified Individual and
Secretarial Conference Funds to give staff the opportunity to apply for money to attend
workshops and conferences relevant to their assigned job responsibilities. This fund can
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be used, for example, to pay the registration fee to attend a workshop or take a course that
will enhance the skills of an employee. There is a maximum of $175.00 available per year
to individual staff members who apply. Priority will be given to staff members who did not receive funds the previous year. Applications need to be submitted to Human Resources at least three (3) weeks prior to the
conference or workshop dates. For guidelines or an application, please visit HR
Website>Training & Development>Staff Development or contact Bethany Rogers, in HR (7060).
Educational Assistants: SEIU STAFF DEVELOPMENT
– Expense Reimbursment Guidlines An SEIU member shall forward a Staff Development Fund Application, obtained through your
building secretary or Human Resources, send to the Staff Development Committee.
Applications may be sent to the committee via intra-district mail to the SEIU mail box at the
Administration Building. Applications must be received by 4:30 pm May 31 in order to be
processed for authorization. Employees will have the choice to access these funds for
authorized expenditures via District purchase order or reimbursement. The maximum
reimbursement allowed for approved expenditures per year per member is $350.00. For
guidelines or an application, please visit HR Website> Training & Development> Staff
Development or contact Bethany Rogers, Human Resources (7060). First Aid/CPR/AED Training Opportunity
The following staff are required to have current First Aid and CPR/AED
certification for their positions:
Athletic Directors
Campus Security * Chemical Hygiene Officers*
CTE Teachers (Voc. Ed.)*
Deans of Students*
Early Childhood Teachers & Educational Assistants*
Health Room Specialists*
LRCII Teachers and Educational Assistants*
PE Teachers*
Principals and / Assistant Principals
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School Age Care Site Managers & Educational Assistants*
School Secretaries with Health Room duties*
UNS EA’s (Unique Needs Specialists)*
*Compensation for attending First Aid/CPR classes is provided.
Staff required to have First Aid and CPR certification will have first priority, followed by highly
recommended staff. All other staff can attend on a space available basis.
Note: To check your First Aid/CPR/AED certification expiration dates, log onto “Employee Access”,
click on “Personal Information”, then “Certifications”.
2015 - 16 Training Dates Register for a class on PD Place. If you would like to attend any of the FIRST AID/CPR/AED training sessions, please register on PD
Place. Questions? Please call Ann Swiftney, in HR (7145).
ISD Employee Leave Share There are times within the Issaquah School District Community that employees are faced with
situations that deplete the leave they have available to cover when they are absent from work. In
these situtuations, Human Resources will communicate the need through the monthly HR Enews.
Currently, the staff members that have a need are: Braden Richey-Cascade Ridge, Deanna BuderSunset, Deborah App-Challenger, Diana Clark-SHS, Heidi Buse-Bing-SHS, Jason Stump-MVSC,
Jennifer Winn-Sunny Hills, Mouy-Leng Bennick-IHS, Nancy MacEwen-MVSC, Penelope HarrisonTransportation and Sharon Rose-Transportation.
If you are interested in donating sick leave to these noted employees please complete a LEAVE
DONATION FORM and submit it to the Human Resource Dept. Attn: Bethany Rogers.
Employees donating leave are required to have accrued 176 hours of disabilty/sick leave in order to
Questions - ask Bethany Rogers in HR (7060).
Six (6) sessions with EAP services are provided without cost, allowing district employees and
family members to prevent or resolve problems before productivity and effectiveness decrease at
work, at home, at school, in rest or at play. Employees and their immediate family members can
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use the EAP anytime they are experiencing work, personal, emotional or family problems. Services are strictly confidential and information is protected in accordance with public law and
professional guidelines. No one will ever be told of your contact with the EAP, or what was
discussed, without your written consent. If you have questions about a problem or wish to set an
appointment, simply call 1-800-777-4114 or contact First Choice Health at
What's happening outside of school?
Check out the Community Fliers electronic bulletin board.
565 NW Holly St. | Issaquah, WA 98027 US | 425-837-7000
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