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All Certificated Staff governed by IEA-ISD CBA
FROM: Lisa Hechtman, Executive Director of Human Resources
DATE: September 4, 2015
Building Administrators and Principal’s Secretaries
Kim Allie, Director of Payroll
Human Resources Department
The IEA-ISD Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) contains opportunities that apply to all certificated staff governed by
the CBA to receive reimbursement beyond the base salary. The purpose of this memo is to describe each opportunity
and provide a brief overview of the procedures to support these items.
Additional Responsibility Contract (ARC) and the Tuition Reimbursement Fund (TRF)
Each certificated staff member shall receive 14.25% of his/her base salary for the performance of additional
responsibilities beyond the regularly contracted hours and as an incentive for personal and professional growth (Article
4, Section 2.7), prorated according to the individual’s FTE and/or their date of hire within the 2015-2016 school year **.
The money is placed in a Tuition Reimbursement Fund (TRF), which can be accessed by:
• submitting a request for the reimbursement of job-related tuition expenses incurred beginning the previous July
1 through the subsequent June 30, or
• the total amount can be received as compensation in the November warrant, or
• a combination of the above two (2) bullets if the total tuition reimbursement request is less than the total TRF.
ACTION: Certificated staff will need to inform Human Resources (HR) of their intent to receive tuition-reimbursement or
compensation by 4:30 pm September 30, 2015 by completing the ARC/TRF Memo and returning it to HR.
 If you choose tuition reimbursement (not taxed), submission for reimbursement can occur only one (1) time per
year from November 1 – June 30 using the Tuition Reimbursement Fund (TRF)Form.
o Any balance of your TRF (taxed as regular income) will appear in the next pay cycle.
 If tuition reimbursement documentation has not been received by June 30, 2016, any fund balance (taxed as
regular income) will be on August 2016 pay warrant.
 If you are choosing compensation (taxed as regular income) you will receive all funds on the November pay
Professional Growth and Incentive Fund (PGIF)
Each certificated staff member, prorated to his/her contracted FTE**, shall receive a stipend of $2,150 (Article 4, Section
2.8). Reimbursement is for instructional materials, supplies, tuition, registration fees, or compensation for up to an
additional thirty (30) hours of work, on or off site, beyond the teacher work day. For the 2015-2016 school year, this
compensation for additional hours work is a maximum net salary of $1,770.30 based on a 1.0 FTE.
Personal electronic resources can be purchased with PGIF. Contact your building technology specialist before you
purchase any items to be sure the equipment meets the district standard. If you purchase software, check with your
tech specialist to be sure the software is compatible with the hardware on which it is to be installed. Please note that
any materials or electronic resources purchased by certificated staff belongs to the ISD and must remain with the District
when the employee is no longer employed.
ACTION: Review the instructions, checklist, and three (3) forms from the Accounts Payable and Payroll Departments
regarding PGIF. Complete and submit forms as appropriate by 4:30 pm, June 30, 2016.
Personal Leave Cash Out (Reduction)
The Certificated Personal Leave Reduction form is used if you wish to do an annual cash-out of any of your Personal
Leave as reimbursement for additional classroom supplies or professional development, which may include tuition for
classes. While this cash out may be done any time during the year, it may only be completed one (1) time per school
year, and no later than 4:30 pm, June 31.
ACTION: If desired, complete form and return to the Payroll Department no later than 4:30 pm, June 30, 2016.
Professional Development Pay (PDP):
Full-time (1.0 FTE) Certificated Staff will be eligible to receive up to twenty (20) hours of compensation for staff
development per year (Article 4, Section 9), while others will be prorated to his/her contracted FTE. The professional
development held during the Building and/or District Wednesdays and District Professional Development opportunities
may be eligible for PDP.
ACTION: Registering on PD Place for classes offering PDP, as appropriate, and completing the appropriate Request for
Compensation, submitting such to the class instructor or immediate supervisor as appropriate.
ISD Technology Training:
Each Fall, the District publishes a menu of paid technology training options to support staff in reaching Tier 3 classroom
integration (Article 4, Section 2.11). Annually, six (6) hours of approved training will be paid at the per diem rate, while
any additional hours will be paid at the Professional Rate, which is the current rate in the cell of Step 8, Column 3.
Participation in the Issaquah Technology Project (ITP) during the summer is voluntary and not subject to additional
compensation, while all ITP follow-up sessions during the school year shall be paid as per other technology trainings.
ACTION: On PD Place, review class offerings and register in desired classes. Classes may be limited on facility space and
as a result are accessed on a first-come, first-served basis. If staff choose to use Atomic Learning, please see the
guidelines on Connect.
Web Presence Maintenance:
In a supplemental stipend equivalent to twenty-five (25) hours will be paid at the per diem rate for maintaining a web
presence (Article 4, Section 2.13). Expectations for an up-to-date web presence are in Article 3, Section 8.4. Building
Administrators and District Program managers verify staff web presence a minimum of two (2) times per year.
ACTION: Establish or update a web presence in accordance with Article 3, Section 8.4. Be aware that up-to-date is
defined as one (1) week lag time in the CBA. Watch for the Web Presence Supplemental Contract issued by HR by the
end of October.
Detailed instructions about how to receive reimbursement and the appropriate forms for your submission are
included, are available in the CBA, primarily in Article 4 (posted on the District Website), and are available on Connect
under Human Resources – ARC-PGIF Information. While the above list impacts all certificated staff, there are
additional opportunities for compensation available; please consult the IEA-ISD CBA for specifics. Please call either HR
at 425-837-7060 or the IEA Office at 425-392-2126 if you have questions.
Watch for your Supplemental Contract that covers compensation such as ARC, the Wednesday 8-hour day, the nonstudent days in August, etc. that is issued in October. Principal’s Secretaries will send notice when they have arrived in
the building.
** Prorated Information: ARC and PGIF will be prorated to an employee’s contracted FTE. Additionally, employees who begin work
after the start of the school year or who leave employment prior to the end of the work year will have their ARC amount prorated to
the number of days worked. If an employee leaves prior to the end of the work year, the prorated unearned portion of ARC will be
deducted from his/her final paycheck.
(NOTE: Hyperlinks are provided within this document for easy access to the forms referenced above.)
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