
Ryan G. Rosandich, Ph.D.

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Ryan G. Rosandich, Ph.D.
Ryan G. Rosandich, Ph.D.
May 1994
Dec. 1992
Aug. 1980
June 1978
Ph.D. Engineering Management, University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, MO. Emphasis in
intelligent manufacturing, neural networks, and machine vision. (GPA: 4.00/4.00)
M.S. Computer Science, University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, MO. Emphasis in artificial
intelligence and robotics (GPA 4.00/4.00).
B.S. Electrical Engineering, University ofMinnesota, Minneapolis, MN. Emphasis in digital
systems design (GPA 3.86/4.00).
A.S. Pre-engineering, Mesabi Community College, Virginia, MN. Emphasis in electrical
engineering (GPA 3.94/4.00).
Administrative Experience:
Dept. ofMechanical and Industrial Engineering, University ofMinnesota-Duluth; Duluth, MN
5/201 0-present- Department Head and Director of Graduate Studies (MS Engineering Management):
Department budget, teaching schedule, facilities and equipment funding, personnel searches,
promotion and tenure, ABET accreditation, curriculum development, department administration,
student advising. Graduate student recruitment and advising, GTA recruiting, training, and
assignment, primary responsibility for MSEM curriculum, A1SEA1 assessment and certification.
5/2008-5/2010- Department Head: Department budget, teaching schedule, facilities and equipment
funding, personnel searches, promotion and tenure, ABET accreditation, curriculum development,
department administration, student advising.
Teaching Experience:
Dept. of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University ofMinnesota-Duluth; Duluth, MN
8/96-Present- Associate/Assistant Professor: Management of Engineering and Technology, Engineering
Economic Analysis, Advanced Engineering Economics, Lean Enterprise Management, Advanced
Project Management, Technical Forecasting, Systems Integration, Multidisciplinary Senior Design
Engineering Management Graduate Program, University of Kansas; Lawrence, KS
8/94-6/96 - Assistant Professor: Systems Engineering, Manufacturing Systems Integration, Applications of
Mathematical Programming, Information Technology for Management, Project Management,
Advanced Operations Management, Technological Forecasting
Research Interests:
Integration of automated systems, project management, advanced process control, machine vision, and
neural networks.
Ryan G. Rosandich, Ph.D.
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Industrial Work Experience (Electrical Engineering/Engineering Management):
Boise Cascade Paper Group; International Falls, MN
3/89- 7/91
Sr. Process Control Engineer- Responsible for all process control activity in large
integrated pulp and paper mill. Supervised five process control engineers, hired and supervised
consultants as necessary. Developed five-year plan, recruited and trained staff. Annual process
control capital budget exceeded $2,500,000.
7/86 - 3/89
Electrical/Process Control Engineer - Managed capital projects with heavy process control
content. Served as electrical/process control engineer on other projects. Participated in maintenance
of high technology process control systems. Example: Managed project to automate stock
preparation process, including conversion from batch process to continuous blending. Included
responsibility for design, installation, and programming of distributed digital control system (project
cost $2,800,000).
Boise Cascade Paper Group; Wallula, WA
l/85 - 6/86
Electrical Maintenance Engineer - Managed electrical preventive maintenance program
including annual mill shutdowns. Managed contracted H.V.A.C. maintenance, and provided
electrical engineering on capital and maintenance projects. Involvement in development of mill-wide
process control system.
Boise Cascade Hardboard Products; International Falls, MN
5/83 - 12/84
Electrical/Instrument Supervisor - Supervised 20 electricians and instrument mechanics
conducting all maintenance work and capital construction in hardboard siding production and coating
8/80 - 4/83
Project Engineer - Managed capital and maintenance projects, performed electrical and
instrumentation system design. Programming and installation ofPLC's for plant automation.
6/78 - 2/80
Electrical Engineering Intern - Cooperative program with University of Minnesota.
Electrical drafting, acted as electrical engineer on small projects, supervised construction, acted as
technical resource to maintenance personnel.
Recent Proposals:
R. G. Rosandich (PI), "Vehicle-mounted Robotic Roadway Message and Symbol Painter," Minnesota
Department of Transportation December 2011-March 2013; $95,000. [funded]
R. G. Rosandich (PI)," Improve the Safety and Efficiency of Roadway Maintenance Phase II:
Developing a Vision Guidance System for the Robotic Roadway Message Painter," Northland
Advanced Transportation Systems Research Laboratories (NATSRL); July 2011-June 2012;
$43,100. [funded]
R. G. Rosandich (PI)," Improve the Safety and Efficiency of Roadway Maintenance Phase I: Developing
a Robotic Roadway Message Painter Prototype," Northland Advanced Transportation Systems
Research Laboratories (NATSRL); July 2009-July 201 0; $60,700. [funded]
R. G. Rosandich (PI), "Improve safety and efficiency of roadway maintenance using robotics- feasibility
study," Northland Advanced Transportation Research Laboratory; May 2008-June 2008; $10,360.
R. G. Rosandich (PI), "Quantification of Uncertainty in Transportation Infrastructure Projects," Northland
Advanced Transportation Research Laboratory; Sept. 2003-June 2004; $60,070. [funded]
Ryan G. Rosandich, Ph.D.
Technical Publications:
Publications in Professional Journals
R. G. Rosandich, "Understanding Controllers and Control Terminology," ASHRAE Journal Supplement:
Practical Guide to Building Controls (September 1997): 22-25.
R. G. Rosandich, "HAVNET: A New Neural Network Architecture for Pattern Recognition," Neural
Networks, Vol. 10, No. I (January 1997): 139-151.
Proceedings Papers (peer reviewed)
R. G. Rosandich, "The Implications of ASME Vision 2030 for Mechanical Engineering Programs,"
Proceedings from the 2011 ASEE Northern Midwest Regional Conference, Duluth, MN (October
14-15, 2011).
R. G. Rosandich, "Traditional and Agile Project Management: A Case Study," Proceedings from the
2009 ASEM National Conference, Springfield, MO (October 14-17, 2009).
R. G. Rosandich, "Economic Analysis of Expected Value and Risk Management in a High-Stakes Game
Show," Proceedings from the 2006 ASEM National Conference, Huntsville, AL (October 25-28,
R. G. Rosandich and S. Erquicia, "Computing Duration, Slack Time, and Criticality Uncertainties in PathIndependent Project Networks," Proceedings from the 2004 ASEM National Conference, pp. 453460, Alexandria, VA (October 20-23, 2004).
R. G. Rosandich, "Quantification ofUncertainty in Project Management," Proceedings from the 2003
ASEM National Conference, pp. 229-232, St. Louis, MO (October 15-18, 2003).
R. G. Rosandich, R. R. Lindeke, and J. Berg, "Developing an Automated Guided Vehicle for Small to
Medium Sized Enterprises," in Progress in Material Handling Research: 2002, pp. 461-470, R.
Meller, M. K. Ogle, B. A. Peters, G. D. Taylor, and J. Usher, eds. (June 2002).
R. G. Rosandich, M. C. Wilson, and D. A. Wyrick, "The Role of Theory in Engineering Management
Education," in Proceedings of the 2001 ASEM National Conference (October 2001): 17-23.
R. G. Rosandich, "Development of a Holistic Contract for EPC Projects," in Proceedings of the 2001 ASEM
National Conference (October 2001): 145-150.
R. G. Rosandich, "Slow Road to the Fast Track: Development of an Engineering Management Masters
Degree Program at the University of Minnesota," in Proceedings of the 1999 ASEM National
Conference (October 1999): 338-342.
R. G. Rosandich, "Object Segmentation by Stereo Disparity: A Neural Approach," in Intelligent Engineering
Systems Through Artificial Neural Networks, Vol. 7, C.H. Dagli, et al, eds. (November 1997).
R. G. Rosandich, "Implementation of Competitive Learning in the HA VNET Neural Network,'' in Intelligent
Engineering Systems Through Artificial Neural Networks, Vol. 5, C. H. Dagli, M. Akay, C.L.P. Chen,
B.R. Fernandez, and J. Gosh, eds. (November 1995): 173-178.
R. G. Rosandich, "Visual Learning and Invariant Recognition of Complex Two-dimensional Objects using
the HA VNET Neural Network," in Intelligent Engineering Systems Through Artificial Neural
Networks, Vol. 4, C.H. Dagli, B. Fernandez, J. Gosh, and S.T. Kumara, eds. (November 1994): 377384.
R. G. Rosandich and C. H. Dagli, "Neural Network Paradigm for Three-dimensional Object Recognition," in
Proceedings of the SPIE Conference on Applications of Artificial Neural Networks V, Vol. 2243
(April 1994): 280-289.
R. G. Rosandich and C. H. Dagli, "HAVNET: A Novel Neural Network Architecture for Two-dimensional
Pattern Recognition," in Proceedings of the World Congress on Neural Networks, Vol III (June
1994): 275-280
Ryan G. Rosandich, Ph.D.
R. G. Rosandich, Fundamentals of Ladder Diagram Programming, Intertec Publishing Electrical Group,
Overland Park, KS (December 1999).
R. G. Rosandich, Intelligent Visual Inspection Using Artificial Neural Networks, Chapman and Hall, London
(January 1997).
R. G. Rosandich, Fundamentals of Programmable Logic Controllers, Intertec Publishing Electrical Group,
Overland Park, KS (May 1997).
Trade Publications (invited)
R. G. Rosandich, "Providing DC Power for Control Systems," Electrical Construction and Maintenance,
Vol. 96, No.9 (September 1997): p 22.
R. G. Rosandich, "Making Sense of Control System Sensors," Electrical Construction and Maintenance,
Vol. 96, No.7 (July 1997): p 20.
R. G. Rosandich, "Print Reading 101: Interpreting Electrical Drawings for Control Systems," Electrical
Construction and Maintenance, Vol. 96, No.6 (June 1997): p 48D.
R. G. Rosandich, "Maintaining Clean Power for Solid State Control Systems," Electrical Construction and
Maintenance, Vol. 96, No.5 (May 1997): p 20.
R. G. Rosandich, "Tips for Maintaining Solid State Control Systems," Electrical Construction and
Maintenance, Vol. 96, No.3 (March 1997): p 20.
R. G. Rosandich, "Understanding Solid State Control Systems Memory," Electrical Construction and
Maintenance, Vol. 96, No.2 (February 1997): p 17.
R. G. Rosandich, "What to Know about State Transition PLC Programming," Electrical Construction and
Maintenance, Vol. 96, No. 1 (January 1997): p 14.
R. G. Rosandich, "What You Need to Know about Operational Amplifiers," Electrical Construction and
Maintenance, Vol. 95, No. 10 (October 1996): p 26.
R. G. Rosandich, "Avoiding Instrumentation Problems by Properly Installing Low-Voltage Wiring,"
Electrical Construction and Maintenance, Vol. 95, No.9 (September 1996): p 28.
R. G. Rosandich, "What to Know about PID Process Controllers," Electrical Construction and Maintenance,
Vol. 95, No.7 (July 1996): p 20.
R. G. Rosandich, "What to Know about PLC Ladder Diagram Programming," Electrical Construction and
Maintenance, Vol. 95, No.6 (June 1996): p 20.
R. G. Rosandich, "Troubleshooting PLCs," Electrical Construction and Maintenance, Vol. 95, No. 5 (May
1996): p 18.
Project Reports
R. G. Rosandich," Improve Safety and Efficiency of Roadway Maintenance Phase I- Developing a
robotic roadway message painter prototype," Intelligent Transportation Systems Institute, Center
for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota (January 20 12).
R. G. Rosandich," Improve Safety and Efficiency of Roadway Maintenance using Robotics- Feasibility
Study," Northland Advanced Transportations Systems Research Lab, University of Minnesota
Duluth, (December 2008).
R. G. Rosandich, Progress in Project Management Research: Contractor Management, Intelligent
Agents, Critical Chain Project Management, and Agile Project Management, Report on
sabbatical leave, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of Minnesota
Duluth (November 2007).
R. G. Rosandich and S. Erquicia, "Quantification of Uncertainty in Transportation Infrastructure
Projects," Minnesota Department of Transportation Office of Research Services, St. Paul, MN
(July 2004).
Ryan G. Rosandich, Ph.D.
Academic Honors:
University of Minnesota Duluth
• Order of the Engineer (2008-present)
• Alpha member of Engineering Management Honor Society (2004-present)
• Distinguished member of International Society for Automation (1997-present)
University ofMissouri-Rolla (1991-1994)
• Chancellor's Fellowship (full tuition and fees, top 5% of all graduate students)
University of Minnesota ( 1978-1980)
• Graduated with high distinction
• Engineering Internship
Mesabi Community College (1976-1978)
• Dwan Foundation Scholarship
• Presidential Scholarship
• Alumni Association Scholarship
• Faculty Scholarship
Memberships in professional societies:
Distinguished Member, International Society for Automation (ISA) 1986-present
Member, American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) 1994-present
Member, American Society for Engineering Management (ASEM) 1999-present
Member, Council of Industrial Engineering Academic Department Heads (CIEADH) 2008present
Ryan G. Rosandich, Ph.D.
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