Multi Hierarchy Fuzzy Synthetic Evaluation for Vendor Selection
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Multi Hierarchy Fuzzy Synthetic Evaluation for Vendor Selection
Multi Hierarchy Fuzzy Synthetic Evaluation for Vendor Selection YU Peimin Tianjin University of finance and economics, P.R.China, 300022 Purchases from vendors involve significant cost for many firms. In this paper we review current criteria and methods for vendor selection. We further propose a multi hierarchy fuzzy synthetic approach for vendor evaluation and selection. The paper also gives an average score as the final evaluation result. The result indicates that although managers say that quality is the most important attribute for a vendor, they actually choose vendors based largely on their synthetic performance. Key words SCM, Multi-criteria decision making, Vendor selection, Fuzzy synthetic evaluation Abstract 1 Introduction During recent years vendor (supplier) selection process has received considerable attention in the supply chain management (SCM). External purchases are a substantial expenditure for most companies. They represent an important part of the value of products. The cost of components and parts purchased from external source by automotive manufacturers may total more than 50% in US. For high technology firms, purchased material and services represent up to 80% of total product costs. Some famous enterprises, such as IBM Company, GE Company, NIKE Company, DELL Computer Company and HP Company have gotten great success through the vendor selection in their supply chain. Selecting the right vendor is always a difficult task for buyers and purchasing managers. Suppliers have varied strengths and weaknesses that require careful assessment by the purchasers before orders could be given to them. The vendor selection process would be simple if only one criterion were used in the decision making process. However in many situations, purchasers have to take account of a range of criteria in making their decisions. If several criteria are used then it is necessary to determine how far each criterion influences the decision making process, whether all are to be equally weighted or whether the influence varies accordingly to the type of criteria. Dickson (1966) identified 23 criteria that have been considered by purchasing managers in various vendor selection problems. Since the Dickson study, vendor selection and performance evaluation concepts and techniques have been the topic of much discussion. More recently, a review of vendor selection criteria and methods by Weber et al. (1991) found that 47 of the 76 articles reviewed addressed more than one criterion. Many papers have also suggested different mathematical techniques to weigh the different criteria that influence the purchasing decision process. In this paper we propose a fuzzy synthetic evaluation approach for selecting and evaluating suppliers. The paper is organized as follows. Following this introduction, section 2 reviews the supplier selection criteria and methods. In section 3 we present mathematical formulations of the vendor evaluation and selection. The case study is described in section 4. A summary and conclusions are presented in the final section. 2 Review Vendor selection decisions are complicated by the fact that various criteria and purchasing environment must be considered in the decision making process. The approaches of vendor selection are also different in many cases. 2.1 Criteria review The first step in any vendor rating procedure is to establish the criteria to be used for assessing the vendors. The pioneering effort in this regard was the work of Dickson. The Dickson study was based on the responses of 170 purchasing agents and managers from the United State and Canada. Table 1 summarizes the findings of Dickson’s study regarding the importance of the 23 criteria for vendor 1190 selection. Dickson asked the respondents to assess the importance of each criterion on a five-point scale: of Extreme, Considerable, Average, Slight and No importance. The five points were given scores of 4 down to 0 and the average values over all the respondents then computed. The resulting values are also given in Table 1. One of the authors was involved with a repetition of this exercise in a major engineering company in 1991. The study had the eight senior buyers in the company making the assessments. It found very similar results to Dickson's study, as shown by comparing the ranks and mean scores given in the final two columns of Table 1 with those of Dickson. Weber, Current and Benton (1991) reviewed 74 papers on vendor selection in the academic literature in terms of the criteria they used. They found that 47 of 74 articles or 64% discussed more than one criterion. Table 1 also lists the number of articles in which each criterion was addressed. The rank was also the same as the Dickson’s result. Therefore, it can be concluded, that even though it is 30 years since the Dickson paper was published, the basic criteria for vendor selection are little changed. Industrial purchasers can still regard the Dickson criteria as a starting benchmark for assessing vendor selection. Of course there are variations in terms of the ranking of these criteria. Criteria Quality Delivery Performance Warranties & claim policies Production facilities/capacity Price Technical capability Financial position Procedural compliance Communication system Industry reputation & position Desire for business Management & organization Operating controls Repair service Attitude Impression Packaging ability Labor relations record Geographical location Amount of past business Training aids Reciprocal arrangement Table 1 Dickson’s criteria for assessing vendors Mean Rank Evaluation Mean Rank Dickson (1966) Yahya (1991) 3.508 1 E (Extreme) 3.6 1 3.417 2 C (Considerable) 2.9 4 2.998 3 C 3.4 2 2.849 4 C 2.9 4 2.775 5 C 2.8 6 2.758 6 C 3.1 3 2.545 7 C 2.4 10 2.514 8 C 2.5 8 2.488 9 A (Average) 2.5 8 2.426 10 A 2.412 11 A 2.4 10 2.256 12 A 2.6 7 2.216 13 A 2.3 12 2.211 14 A 1.9 14 2.187 15 A 1.6 15 2.12 16 A 2.054 17 A 1.4 17 2.009 18 A 2.003 19 A 1.1 18 1.872 20 A 1.5 16 1.597 21 A 2.1 13 1.537 22 A 0.61 23 S (Slight) Number of articles Weber (1999) 40 44 7 0 23 61 15 7 2 2 8 1 10 3 7 6 2 3 2 16 1 2 2 Purchasing environments also decide the criteria selection. Possible purchasing environments include JIT or MRP, global purchase, a special industry, large project purchase, etc. 2.2 Method review A number of approaches, such as Categorical method, weighted point plan, liner programming model and mixed integer optimization model have been suggested to make decision for vendor evaluation and selection. Following are some common used methods recently. Multi-objective programming (MOP) techniques would allow purchasers to systematically examine the tradeoffs among the various criteria when selecting specific vendors. Such analysis would enable purchasers to select the vendors who best satisfy the requirements necessary to implement management strategy. Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is a theory of measurement to determine the relative importance of a set of criteria. It provides a possible new approach similar to the linear weighted average idea, 1191 which has the ability to generate weights from subjective assessments. It is a more systematic process for determining the weights, which still relies on subjective judgment to determine them. It does this by a series of pairwise comparisons of all the criteria. It is the use of these pairwise comparisons that is at the heart of the method. The method consists of three steps, structuring the problem hierarchy, the evaluation process, and calculating the weights and the consistency index of the judgments made. Multi-period Multi-supplier optimization (MMO) techniques use total cost of ownership information to simultaneously select suppliers and determine order quantities over a multi-period time horizon. The total cost ownership quantifies all costs associated with the purchasing process and is based on the activities and cost driver determined by an activity based costing system. Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) would determine the points of vendor efficiency on multi criteria and construct an index of relative vendor efficiency (RVE) to operationalize the concept of vendor performance. Activity based costing approach (ABC) is systematic method to compute a total cost caused by a supplier in a production process improves the objectivity to judge a vendor’s performance. This paper proposals a multi hierarchy fuzzy synthetic evaluation in that many vendor’s performance have fuzzy character. Multi hierarchy fuzzy synthetic evaluation approach (MFSE) is one of the most common evaluation methods and is widely used in many fields. It can help purchasing manager to make a better decision for vendor evaluation and selection. 3 Formulation 3.1 single hierarchy fuzzy synthetic evaluation We believe that one important application of fuzzy sets is in multiple criteria decisions making. That is, as a decision problem gets large, the number of alternatives, number of objectives increases; it is impossible for a decision maker to do all the manipulations in his head. Our goal is to create a repertoire of forms that the decision maker can use in these cases. When u = {u1 , u 2 ,⋅ ⋅ ⋅, u n }, the fuzzy subset A expressed in Zadeh’s form. A = u A (u1 ) u1 + ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ + u A (u n ) u n The symbol + and / are not the real mathematic calculation. It express the membership degree of an individual element u i in relation to the fuzzy set A. ≤u where 0 A (u i ) ≤1 When u A (u i )=1 then u i ∈ A When u A (u i )=0 then u i ∉ A Fuzzy set can be defined by membership function and expressed as fuzzy vector. A(u i ) = [ u A (u1 ) , u A (u 2 ) , ····, u A (u n ) ] The two most common operations on fuzzy sets are union and intersection. They are defined as follows. Thus Thus A ∪ B = C ⇔ u C ( x) = u A ( x) ∨ u B ( x) u C (x) =Max [ u A (x) , u B (x) ] A ∩ B = D ⇔ u D ( x) = u A ( x) ∧ u B ( x) u D (x) =Min [ u A (x) , u B (x) ] ∨ ∧ The operation label and represent the operation of getting maximum or minimum number. Effect grades universe are good, general, and worse. V = { A1 , A2 , A3 } We define the universe of evaluation factors u , select eight criteria as factor: quality, delivery, 1192 geographical location, packaging ability, production facilities, price, technical capability and financial position. The individual label is B1 , B 2 , B3 , B4 , B5 , B6 , B7 , B8 . The purchasing environment is JIT. Let u = {B1 , B2 , B3 , B4 , B5 , B6 , B7 , B8 } Assume fuzzy set of evaluation factor on u : B= 0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8 + + + + + + + B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 ≤ b ≤1 I=1,2, ···,8 i b1, b 2, b 3, b 4, b 5, b 6, b 7, b 8 Is a set of membership degree of a specific evaluation in relation to the factors B1 , B 2 , B3 , B4 , B5 , B6 , B7 , B8 . They are the weight of different criteria and can be getting from table 1. Assume fuzzy subset of effect grades universe: A= 0 a1 a 2 a3 + + A1 A2 A3 ≤ a ≤1 i=1,2, 3 i a1, a 2, a 3 is a set of membership degree of evaluation grade A1 , A2 , A3 . It is also the result we need. Obviously, effect grades universe and evaluation grade universe have a fuzzy relationship which can be expressed by 3 × 8 fuzzy matrix R. r11 r 21 r31 r41 R= r51 r61 r 71 r81 r12 r22 r32 r42 r52 r62 r72 r82 r13 r23 r33 r43 r53 r63 r73 r83 ≤ ≤1) is the degree of rij ( 0 rij the relationship and express probability of the i th evaluation factor belong to the j th effect grade. It can be get from customers investigate and expert marking With the fuzzy weight set B and fuzzy relation matrix R, the fuzzy conclusion can reach. A=B×R The add is (maximum) and the multiply is (minimum) in calculation. And the result is the fuzzy synthetic evaluation conclusion to a vendor. When a vendor has a number above 0.5 or more in good grade, he will be a supplier of purchaser. 3.2 Multi hierarchy fuzzy synthetic evaluation (MFSE) Some problems will appear when the evaluation factors are too many. (1) The membership degrees are difficult to distribute. (2) Some evaluation factors have a no useful results where they are too small. Multi hierarchy fuzzy synthetic evaluation will solve the problems well. Divide evaluation element set U = {u1 , u 2 ,⋅ ⋅ ⋅, u n } to s subset U 1 , U 2 ,⋅ ⋅ ⋅U s as the ∨ ∧ two-hierarchy universe, U i = {xi1 , xi 2 ,⋅ ⋅ ⋅, xini }, i = 1,2,3,⋅ ⋅ ⋅, s . 1193 ① n + n + ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ + n = n; ②U ∪ U ∪ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ∪ U = U ; ③ U ∩ U = 0 when i≠j 1 2 s 1 2 i j s V = {v1 , v 2 ,⋅ ⋅ ⋅, v m } is effect grades universe. SBi = (bi1 , bi 2 ,⋅ ⋅ ⋅, bin ) is the weight subset of the second hierarchy evaluation factors. SRi is their Evaluate the subset Ui separately. relationship matrix to effect grades universe. Then SAi = SBi × SRi = ( ai1 , ai 2 ,⋅ ⋅ ⋅, aim ), i = 1, 2,⋅ ⋅ ⋅, s. m = 1, 2,3 ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ Take U i as the first hierarchy evaluation factor K = {U 1 , U 2 ,⋅ ⋅ ⋅, U S } . The weight factor set is K = {k1 , k 2 ,⋅ ⋅ ⋅, k s ) . The relationship matrix is SA = {a im }, i = 1,2,⋅ ⋅ ⋅, s. m = 1, 2,3 ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ Then A = K × SA = ( a1 , a 2 ,⋅ ⋅ ⋅, a m ), m = 1,2,3,⋅ ⋅ ⋅ When the effect grades universe has the value of (c1 , c 2 ,⋅ ⋅ ⋅, c m ).m = 1, 2,3,⋅ ⋅ ⋅ Then the final evaluation result will be S = a1 × c1 + a 2 × c 2 + ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ + a m × c m 4 Case study 4.1 Set up hierarchy structure The case to be considered is Dickson’s 23 criteria. It is divided to two-hierarchy evaluation structure as follow. 1st hierarchy 2nd hierarchy Quality (u1 = 3.51) Quality & technology( U 1 =3.5) Technical capability (u 2 = 2.55) Procedural compliance (u 3 = 2.49) Production facilities & capacity (u 4 = 2.78) Net price (u5 = 2.76) Cost( U 2 =3.1) Geographical location (u 6 = 1.87) Packaging ability (u7 = 2.01) Communication system (u 8 = 2.43) Delivery (u 9 = 3.42) Delivery( U 3 =2.7) Performance (u10 = 3.0) Warranties & claim policies (u11 = 2.84) Repair service (u12 = 2.19) Service( U 4 =2.3 ) Training aids (u13 = 1.54) Reciprocal arrangement (u14 = 0.61) Attitude (u15 = 2.12) 1194 Amount of past business (u16 = 1.6) Impression( U 5 =1.5) Desire for business (u17 = 2.26) Impression (u18 = 2.05) Industry reputation & position (u19 = Financial position (u 20 = 2.51) Management( U 6 =1.2) Management & organization (u 21 = 2.22) Operating controls (u 22 = 2.21) Labor relations record (u 23 = 2.0) 4.2 Calculations From the second hierarchy evaluation factors SB1=(3.51,2.55,2.49,2.78) SB2=(2.76,1.87,2.01,2.43) …….. SB6=(3.51,2.22,2.21,2.0) Effect grades universe are good, general, and worse. The experts or investigation give the relationship matrix SRi . Make the numbers in the set of SBi normalization. Then SAi = SBi × SRi = ( a i1 , ai 2 , a i 3 ), i = 1,2,⋅ ⋅ ⋅,6. m = 1, 2,3 From the first hierarchy evaluation factors K=(3.5,3.1,2.7,2.3,1.5,1.2) Then A = K 1×6 × SA6×3 = ( a1 , a 2 , a3 ) The result demonstrated that the vendor has a1 membership degree related to good effect grade and a 2 membership degree related to general effect grade. So the result gave the purchasing manager a synthetic performance. Define effect grades universe set {good, general, worse} as c1=0.8, c2=0.5 and c3=0.2 Then S = 0.8a1 + 0.5a 2 + 0.2a 3 is the vendor’s synthetic score. 5 Conclusions This paper developed a multi-criteria fuzzy synthetic evaluation approach to assist the purchasing manager in making decisions. We can also evaluate several vendors and get their synthetic performance. 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