
A Study on the Status, Problem and Counter measures of... Resource Management

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A Study on the Status, Problem and Counter measures of... Resource Management
A Study on the Status, Problem and Counter measures of Human
Resource Management
CHENHongming , QIAO Qiao ,
Management Department, Changsha University of Science &Technology,
P.R.China, 410076
Abstract The human resource management in the enterprise of our country still exist many problems,
this paper analyses why these problems exist and how to carry out a valid human resource management
and resolve these problems.
Key words Human Resource, Human Resource Management, Strategic Management
Along with the progress of science and technical, function of talented person with various technical
became more and more important to the enterprise in existence competition and development, these
talented persons constituted the human resource of the business enterprise, how to carry on a valid
management to the human resource of the enterprise, and make it advantage in the competition seems
to be important, many researches in and out our country are about this topic, however the human
resource management in the enterprise of our country still exists many problems , including: The
laggard idea counteract the promote of scientific human resource management ;The human resource
management lacks a strategic programming; Most of the enterprise don’t have a scientific and perfect
human resource management system ,and the investment to human resource capital is not enough. How
to resolve these problems, and carry out a valid human resource management becomes a topic that needs
a right way to resolve. Our paper study on the reason of these problems, and give some
2. The Status and Problems of Human Resource Management in our country
2.1The laggard idea counteract the promote of scientific human resource management
Currently, although most business enterprises of our country have changed the personnel section
into “the human resource department”, human resource management is still placed in a traditional
personnel management stage. According to an inquisition analysis of" Development Report of Chinese
human resource - human resource management in transform term " from the development research
center in State Department, currently in most enterprise of our country ,the system of human resources
mainly pays attention to the technique and operation layers , lacking human resource programming
combined with develop strategy of the enterprise, lacking innovating spirit to the management of
the human resource. There are variety of improper ideas such an , thinking that the
relationship between you and me is that of a labor to an employer ,it is fair that I pay for your
labor , all the problems in addition have nothing to do with me. Lack the humanities concern make the
employee of enterprise have no feeling of belonging, the employee lacks loyalty, spirit of enterprise and
dedication. Take the person's as a cost other than a resources, they use talented person but never
train for further , lacking a development, train, reasonable usage of talented person, valid the idea of
the management professional, old conception about talented person makes the intelligence of talented
person stay on the existing level, and the enterprise can't scoop out the person's potential, can't inspire
the employee's enthusiasm and creativity, this can be extremely disadvantageous to the development of
the enterprise. The employee didn't have the right to know what happened, and only undertaking the
responsibility. Employee's responsibility and the right should be unified mutually, but some enterprise
thinks the employee work, but don't wish to let the employee own the related right to know what
happened to the enterprise, this makes the work purpose of the employee not strong and the
efficiency isn't high. This made valid human resource management impossible.
2.2 The human resource management lacks a strategic programming
While enterprise is drawing up a development programming they usually neglect human resource
programming, taking no account of the human resource condition of this enterprise and whether
human resource can support the business enterprise development strategy effectively, they can not
combine the human resource management and the development strategy of the enterprise. Particularly
the small enterprise, the don’t carry on the job advertisement of the talented person and the training
of the employee until the human resource become the bottleneck of the enterprise development, when
some employees could not reach the enterprise request they were driven idle or hired . These
job advertisements and training usually exist short-term behavior, having not formation the system that
match enterprise development strategy with a keeping on training mechanism. Short-term job
advertisement and trained behavior result in an increment of the management cost and the waste of the
talented person, and can’t result in good corporate culture.
2.3Most of the enterprise don’t have a scientific and perfect human resource management system
The first is that the enterprise post management is not standard enough . The concept of human
resource management leaded in the enterprise in our country very late and the professional
education of the human resource also is just embryonic , plus the enterprise management idea and
the margin of the way of thinking, therefore, human resource manager's ability also existed a bigger
margin with that of foreign advanced enterprise, particularly at the strategic consciousness and
comprehensive service ability, result in currently the human resource management section of most
enterprises didn't have the management position and authority that they should have in the enterprise.
The second is that most enterprise personal management section mainly does the wages management,
training, welfare etc. They can't participate in strategic decision process of the enterprise, can't help an
enterprise to win competitive though the human resource management policy ,can't carry on organizing
the structure adjustment and carry out the enterprise target with a series plan activity, though the
estimate and analysis of the human resource. The third is that human resource management lacks valid
technique means. According to an investigation, 58.7%of the enterprises contain the simple human
resource information database, only 7.8% of the enterprises built up intelligent human resource
management information system.
2.4 The investment to human resource capital is not enough
Human resource investment in many enterprises is of shortage. The condition of the local
enterprise human resource management is more manage and less development, more usage and less
development, blindly emphasize on management for good performance, but didn't have a well
per-train for the employee. According to a samplings investigate about more than 100 enterprises in
main cities of our country, above 30% enterprise just symbolically pay some education or training
fee, the year personal training expenses was below 10 dollars; Nearly 20% enterprises was between 10
dollars to 30 dollars, most enterprises in bad condition have already given up or prepare to give up
training before work and of long period . Compare with , Motor branch in Tianjin, the employee trains
expenses is above 5,000,000 dollars annually, that is more than US$600 per person. The not enough
human resource capital investment become a problem of the enterprise human resource management,
can't make employee's character keep up with the strategic request of the enterprise development.
3. The Factor baffled Human Resource Management of our country
3.1The traditional idea and understanding
For a long time, the personnel section is seen as the confidential section of the enterprise, in the
employee's opinion it is with some "mysterious" colors, most employee think personal manager is the
person to control the other person .Seeing from the behavior process of the concrete personal
management, manage process is over-emphasize on the matter but neglect the person, management
activity is influenced by political greatly; in human resource management ,employees a educated to
"obey organization arrangement", but their personal needs were neglected. Personal management
activity is widely existed , the activity of subjective is often seen in the choosing checking,
encouragement, and job changing of the employee .The movement mode of the personal management is
of perpendicularity, this kind of mode is basically the will and demand of the superior, but the employee
who were managed are just passive chessman, they don’t have the corresponding rights to know the
policy of personal management, target, standard, means and process, and the rights participate and
inspect. Some human resource governor of the enterprise take personnel management with traditional
way, still lacking understanding on the new theories of the human resource. They think that the
development of an enterprise is depend on the in draught of talented person outside, that lacking of
funds is the bottleneck of the enterprise development, being not aware of real bottleneck is whether the
an existing personnel are development and exploited reasonably. Most enterprises still act according to
traditional personal management method, management activity is limit at set certain person for a project,
and never pay attention to the development of person, emphases on how to own the talented person but
neglected the usage of talent person, so the talented person became idle, more and more talented person
were wasted. As to human flow ,it is also not easy to come in as well as difficult to leave. In order to
adapt to the situation of the enterprise development, the enterprise personal management has to carry on
a revolution change, carrying out the change that from the traditional personal management toward the
modern human resource as soon as possible.
3.2 Existing management system is fallen behind
No mater of the problem of higher management or the problem of talented person flow and
development, all are connected with mechanism. A good mechanism can make the talented person have
more value and used fully by the enterprise, it also can make the performance differ of can't just to make
up the number; And a bad mechanism will possibility make good talented person exhaust the function
they should have, may also make a handful of bad performance employee take the place. Making use
of a good mechanism function in the employee's going and staying seem to be nature smooth for the
development of the enterprise. Because the personnel system of our country is in renovation, the
personnel legal system is not sound enough and a lot of managements are vacant, some relations the
integration haven't yet been set, education mechanism ,choose mechanism, using mechanism and
evaluation mechanism of the human resource development is still placed mainly in half closing, half
market state for the local market, this kind of human resource management system has obstructed the
development of the productivity, and become the huge obstacle that talented person develops potential
talented. The traditional economic system, organization system, personnel system, together builds a wall
that baffles human resource flows freely. Because various policies and measure of implementation are
vacant, the environment cultural of encouragement for the innovation, encouragement quest is still very
not perfect, repressed employee aggressive and creation in a large extent.
3.3Appraise and encourage mechanism are not sound enough
It lacks encourage mechanism in the enterprise, so various management policy and measure, such
as equalitarianism ,"arranging posts according to longevity", "make balance" and so on are still exist.
The phenomenon that the technical employee's income is low, especially the youth technical employee's
treatment is much lower. No matter in the big enterprises or in general enterprises , there are post
subsidies inside the business enterprise, breaking the allotment method of average doctrine, however
these method is a kind of administration management in degree, this will be disadvantage for
general technical employee in the enterprise, administration manager of the same class is paid higher
than technical employee, except for little parts of employee, the annual salary of most technique
engineers isn't high, and it is much lower than foreign enterprise ,this make parts of engineers turn to
administration management or running off to the foreign enterprise. Not perfect encourage mechanism
on one hand cause some higher engineer that enterprises fostered with the biggest cost turn into
administration or give up technical work, on the other hand such mechanism can’t stir up another part
talent young employee’s aggressive ability, disadvantage for growth of the excellent talented employee.
To change this kind of condition thoroughly, we have to set out from the target of the enterprise,
develop each kind of measures to encourage the employee, adjust their enthusiasm, innovation, dredge
up the potential of talented human resources.
4. The Countermeasure to raise Human Resource Management
4.1Set up the management principle of”human –oriented”
“Human –oriented “is to start various works by human, seeing human as the resources that can
bring the most initiative and creativity . first of all ,the governor of the enterprise should have a right
understanding of human resource management on the idea, establish modern human resource
management principle of “human –oriented”; At primary and secondary relationship, the enterprise
should take the employee's development, usage and training as center of management, pay attention to
perfect the competition mechanism and encouragement mechanism, dredge up employee's potential; In
the set of the section , the enterprise should bring the human resource management section into the
decision making layer, and encourage whole members to participate in management; As to the
training of employee, set a training mechanism that could continuously educate the employee character,
and perfect their comprehensive character. n the era of knowledge economy, enterprise should know that
human is the resources that can create more value but isn't a kind of cost, should put attention to
work of the develop ,reasonable usage , ,valid management of the talented employ, dredge up the
potential of the employ, make largest function of human resource, and create larger income. The
enterprise should show respects to the employee in the meantime, change control" into "respect" and
"concern", pay attention to the demand of both employee's material and the spirit parties, create a work
environment for the employee, keep and draw on more elitists to become number of enterprise. Only in
this way, can the enterprise cope with in the market of the furious competition and lay solid foundation
for the enterprise stronger development.
4.2Combine human resource manage with enterprise strategy
Consider human resource management in the strategic angle, let the human resource management
serve for the general goal of the enterprise. The enterprise should consider establishing a series of
strategy to keep the talents in the enterprise from strategic angle. If the enterprises really want to
preserve the talent, they have to set up the modern human resource view, strategic view and global view.
The establishment is reasonable motivation and restriction mechanism of can encourage the
communication of the inner part, and then employee can have frank speech to the manager of the
enterprise, the mutual exchanges strengthens the communication and understanding of the leadership
and subordinate employee. Carry on training and selection to the employee, draw up an occupation
career planning for the employee. Understand the importance of human resource management in overall
view ,enhance the management and the service of the human resource section to preserve the talent.
Moreover, the strategic characteristics of human resource management not only need to get comprehend
and approved by the high leadership of business enterprise, but also have to encourage employee to
participate in the draw-up of the enterprise development strategy, develop the employee's activeness,
intuitiveness and creativeness, construct common principle of management to both the employee and the
enterprise, encourage all the employee carries on more work availably, helping the enterprise to carry
out a strategic target successfully.
4.3Build up scientific human resource management system
Human resource manage should be systemized, set up scientific performance evaluation system
and norm encourages mechanism. First, the enterprises have to highly strengthen systemization
construction in the strategic view, make the development, employ, and investigate of the human
resource systemized. Secondly, in order to perfect the evaluation system of the work, the enterprise
should combine quantity evaluation with quality evaluation, set a encourage mechanism that could
contribute to the fostering of team spirit and innovation spirit and can encourage employee's diligence to
work. Thirdly, build up a system with training first and mount guar the second and with a life long
training behind; improve employee's character ability continuously. Finally, according to the
dissimilarity of work characteristics, promote diverse welfare system, carry on "affection devotion"
accordingly, and strengthen the employee's organization conception and team spirit.
4.4Build up scientific and valid human resource investment system gradually
With the establishment of scientific human resource management system, the human resource
investment system should be perfect gradually. First, reasonable investment of human resource should
be enlarged , strengthen the training education expenditure toward the employee to raise employee's
character effectively; Secondly ,avoid the waste of the human resource investment, particularly avoid
the short-term behavior that exist at the employee invite and choose to use existent, make the human
resource investment be able to bring a farsighted benefits for the enterprise. The establishment of valid
human resource investment system can make the human resource investment much more effective; The
third, carry on effectively encouragement to the employee, encouragement as a means that make
employee work actively, is also a kind of investment of human resource for the enterprise's, the business
enterprise should carry on this investment reasonable, carrying on to the employee to encourage
effectively, and increase work efficiency of the whole enterprise.
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