
Energy efficiency indicators for the energy sector

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Energy efficiency indicators for the energy sector
Energy efficiency indicators for
the energy sector
Taller de trabajo del proyecto BIEE / Mesoamérica
Base de Indicadores de Eficiencia Energética
UPME 24-25 Marzo 2015
Bruno Lapillonne, Vice President, Enerdata
Basic indicators for the energy sector
Average power generation efficiency
Trends in power generation efficiency
Average efficiency of thermal power generation
Trends in thermal power generation in efficiency
T&D losses
Trends in T&D losses
Efficiency of refineries (%)
Overall efficiency of energy sector
Efficiency of other transformations activities (biofuels, gas
The average efficiency of power generation depends on the power mix, as hydro
and wind electricity have an efficiency of 100% and thermal generation an
efficiency between 30 and 50% depending on the fuel and technology mix (CCGT).
Highest efficiency observed in Paraguay thanks to hydro (100%), then in Costa
Rica, Uruguay and Brazil (above 80%), thanks to the high share of hydro (and
geothermal for Costa Rica).
Efficiency of power generation
Source BIEE
The efficiency of power generation increased in El Salvador, Nicaragua and
Ecuador by 6-10 points. It decreased significantly in Peru and Uruguay, by
around 20 points with the reduction in the share of hydropower.
Trends in the efficiency of power generation
Source BIEE
The efficiency of thermal power plants corresponds to the ratio of thermal electricity
production over fuel inputs. It is below 35%, i.e. the world average, in El Salvador and
Bolivia, and above 40% in Uruguay, Argentina, Costa Rica and Nicaragua.
Efficiency of thermal power generation
In Argentina, El Salvador and Mexico there is an increase of 3-4 points,
and around 8 points in Brazil, Nicaragua and Uruguay. However in Bolivia
and Chile thermal power efficiency has been slightly decreasing by
around 2 points. There are strong fluctuations in Costa Rica.
Trends in efficiency of thermal power generation
The rate of electricity T&D losses is much higher on average in Latin America than
in OECD countries (15% compared to 7% in OECD). It is below the region’s average
in Peru, Costa Rica, El Salvador and Uruguay (around 10%); it is close to the
region’s average in Argentina and Bolivia. It is around 20% in Brazil and Mexico
and is very high in Paraguay (35% on average).
T&D losses
The rate of power transmission and distribution losses has been decreasing
rapidly in Nicaragua, Ecuador and Peru (by more than 2%/year). They are
increasing in Brazil, Mexico and Bolivia.
Trends in T&D losses
Main lessons from indicators in energy sector
Good coverage of indicators in the energy sector that are calculated from
energy balance data, therefore for which there is no problem of data
The main problems encountered are:
1. Need to check and adapt the calculation of power sector efficiency to have
homogenous coefficient of conversion of power production and inputs in
energy units (ktoe) (case of geothermal);
2. For thermal power sector efficiency need to check consistency between
inputs and outputs (case of autoproducers that should be considered in the
same way for of both inputs and outputs (either included or excluded).
3. Need of very diverse indicators depending on the type of national energy
production (e.g. ethanol in Brazil, oil/gas in Bolivia…)
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