Evaluation Board User Guide UG-006
Evaluation Board User Guide UG-006 One Technology Way • P.O. Box 9106 • Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A. • Tel: 781.329.4700 • Fax: 781.461.3113 • Setting Up the Evaluation Board for the ADCLK905/ADCLK907/ADCLK925 The data sheet contains full technical details about the specifications and operation of these devices. PACKAGE LIST Evaluation board with component installed Applicable documents (schematic, layout, and so on) GENERAL DESCRIPTION This user guide describes how to set up and use the evaluation board for the ADCLK905/ADCLK907/ADCLK925. The same printed circuit board (PCB) is used to evaluate all three devices. The ADCLK905/ADCLK907/ADCLK925 data sheet should be used in conjunction with this user guide. The ADCLK905/ADCLK907/ADCLK925 clock buffers are very fast, making it important to use adequate high bandwidth instruments to evaluate them. To that end, the evaluation board is fabricated using a high quality dielectric material between layers to maintain high signal integrity. Transmission line paths are kept as close to 50 Ω as possible. 08182-001 DIGITAL PICTURE OF THE EVALUATION BOARD Figure 1. ADCLK905/ADCLK907/ADCLK925 Evaluation Board Please see the last page for an important warning and disclaimers. Rev. 0 | Page 1 of 8 UG-006 Evaluation Board User Guide TABLE OF CONTENTS Package List ....................................................................................... 1 Recommended Board Setup ........................................................3 General Description ......................................................................... 1 Clock Input Configuration ..........................................................4 Digital Picture of the Evaluation Board ........................................ 1 Evaluation Board Schematics and Artwork ...............................5 Revision History ............................................................................... 2 ESD Caution...................................................................................7 REVISION HISTORY 9/09—Revision 0: Initial Version Rev. 0 | Page 2 of 8 Evaluation Board User Guide UG-006 RECOMMENDED BOARD SETUP The recommended setup for the evaluation board is shown in Figure 2. Note that there is no LVPECL output termination on the evaluation board. LVPECL termination is accomplished via the 50 Ω input of the oscilloscope. To meet the standard LVPECL output termination (VCC − 2 V into 50 Ω), VCC is set to 2 V and VEE is set to −1.3 V. This also meets the requirement for VCC − VEE = 3.3 V. Table 1. Basic Equipment Required Quantity 1 1 1 4 Description Dual power supply Signal source High bandwidth oscilloscope Matched high speed cables DUAL POWER SUPPLY +2.0V VCC COM –1.3V GND VEE OSCILLOSCOPE Dx CLOCK SOURCE Dx ADCLK9xx EVALUATION BOARD Qx 50Ω Qx 50Ω VREF x V Tx NOTES 1. FOR DC-COUPLED INPUTS, DISCONNECT VREF x AND V Tx. 2. FOR AC-COUPLED INPUTS, CONNECT VREF x AND VTx. Figure 2. Recommended Setup for Device Evaluation Rev. 0 | Page 3 of 8 08182-002 OPTIONAL AC OR DC COUPLING UG-006 Evaluation Board User Guide CLOCK INPUT CONFIGURATION It is recommended that the clock source be ac-coupled and that VREFx and VTx be tied together. For single-ended operation, ac-couple the unused input to ground with a 0.1 μF capacitor. For more information about input configurations, refer to the data sheet for the ADCLK905/ADCLK907/ADCLK925. Figure 3 to Figure 5 show block diagrams for the three devices. VREF 1 V T1 VCC Q1 D1 Q1 D1 VEE VEE Q2 D2 Q2 D2 VCC V T2 08182-004 The clock inputs of the ADCLK905/ADCLK907/ADCLK925 on the evaluation board are dc-coupled to the SMA connectors. Therefore, the user must ac-couple the clock source, or the clock source must supply the appropriate dc common-mode voltage with adequate input swing. VREF 2 VREF Figure 4. ADCLK907 Dual 1:1 Clock/Data Buffer VCC VT D Q VREF D Q VT VCC Q1 08182-003 Q1 D Q2 Figure 3. ADCLK905 1:1 Clock/Data Buffer Q2 VEE 08182-005 VEE D Figure 5. ADCLK925 1:2 Clock/Data Fanout Buffer Table 2. Jumper Connections Jumper TP1 (GND) TP2 (VCC) TP3 (VEE) TP4 (GND) TP5 (VREF1) TP6 (VT1) TP7 (VT2) TP8 (VREF2) ADCLK905/ADCLK925 Connect to GND Connect to 2.0 V Connect to −1.3 V Connect to GND Short T5 and T6 for input ac coupling, else no connection Short T5 and T6 for input ac coupling, else no connection No connection No connection ADCLK907 Connect to GND Connect to 2.0 V Connect to −1.3 V Connect to GND Short T5 and T6 for input ac coupling, else no connection Short T5 and T6 for input ac coupling, else no connection Short T7 and T8 for input ac coupling, else no connection Short T7 and T8 for input ac coupling, else no connection Rev. 0 | Page 4 of 8 AP LA NE D2 J1 A PLANE BLACK TP3 V EE ORANGE 2.2uF TP4 C24 GND 0.1uF AP LANE D2 0.1uF C22 0.1uF C23 C27 A PLANE J10 J7 AP LA NE AP LANE CAL_2 matched lengths C21 0 Ohm resistors are NOT to be installed. Solder bridges will be completed by end user if desired. A PLANE 0.1uF C20 4 3 LFCSP16-3X3 ADCLK9xx AP LA NE 0.01uF C45 0.01uF C44 matched length x2 D2 D2 D1 0.1uF C11 0 C12 R1 16 V T1 V T2 0 2 C25 D1 0.1uF C18 C9 C10 0.1uF VREF 2 6 C26 0.1uF 5 R2 C15 15 VREF 1 13 VCC 0.1uF VEE 7 9 Q2 Q2 PAD 10 Q1 VEE 11 C2 14 0.1uF C14 2.2uF 12 0.1uF 0.1uF VCC C13 0.1uF VEE C8 8 0.1uF C1 0.1uF Q1 C16 0.1uF A PLANE AP LA NE J9 matched lengths C3 D1 0.1uF 1 0.1uF C4 J2 C5 J8 0.1uF C19 D1 0.1uF AP LA NE Q2 A PLA NE J3 Q2 AP LA NE J6 Q1 A PLANE A PLANE V CC TP2 RED GND BLACK AP LANE TP1 Jumpers are NOT to be installed. Solder bridges will be completed by end user if desired. V T2 A PLA NE J4 C6 J5 J12 Q1 JP1 JP4 JP3 JP2 A PLANE 0.1uF C38 A PLANE 0.1uF C41 AP LA NE 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF VREF1 V REF 2 AP LA NE A PLA NE C37 V T1 V REF 2 V T2 V T1 TP5 YELLOW YELLOW TP7 TP6 TP8 C36 V REF 1 0.1uF matched length x2 C7 C39 C40 C28 C32 0.1uF 0.1uF C29 0.1uF C33 C42 C30 C34 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF C43 C31 C35 WHITE 0.1uF JP8 JP7 JP6 JP5 WHITE 0.1uF 0.1uF CAL_1 0.1uF Rev. 0 | Page 5 of 8 0.1uF Figure 6. ADCLK905/ADCLK907/ADCLK925 Evaluation Board Schematic V REF 1 08182-006 J11 Evaluation Board User Guide UG-006 EVALUATION BOARD SCHEMATICS AND ARTWORK C17 08182-009 Evaluation Board User Guide 08182-007 UG-006 08182-008 08182-010 Figure 9. VREF and VT Plane Layers Figure 7. Top Trace Layer Figure 8. Ground Plane Layer Figure 10. VCC and VEE Power Plane Layer Rev. 0 | Page 6 of 8 UG-006 08182-011 08182-012 Evaluation Board User Guide Figure 11. Second Ground Plane Layer Figure 12. Bottom Trace Layer ESD CAUTION Rev. 0 | Page 7 of 8 UG-006 Evaluation Board User Guide NOTES Evaluation boards are only intended for device evaluation and not for production purposes. Evaluation boards are supplied “as is” and without warranties of any kind, express, implied, or statutory including, but not limited to, any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patents or other intellectual property by application or use of evaluation boards. Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. Analog Devices reserves the right to change devices or specifications at any time without notice. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Evaluation boards are not authorized to be used in life support devices or systems. ©2009 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. UG08182-0-9/09(0) Rev. 0 | Page 8 of 8