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Columbia University
College of Physicians & Surgeons
Department of Anesthesiology
18 Annual Academic Evening
Heart Hospital Conference Center, 1st Floor, Riverview Terrace
4:15 PM Poster Exhibit
6:15 PM Oral Presentations
7:30 PM Commentary and Awards
Berend Mets, MB, ChB, PhD, FRCA, FFA (SA)
Eric A. Walker Professor and Chair
Department of Anesthesiology
Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center
Hershey, PA
Robert N. Sladen, MBChB, FCCM
Charles W. Emala, MD
Mitchell F. Berman, MD
Jeanine M. D’Armiento, MD, PhD
Neil Harrison, PhD
Eric J. Heyer, MD, PhD
Heidi Jerome, MD
H. Thomas Lee, MD, PhD
Guohua Li, MD , DrPH
Jose Moron-Concepcion, PhD
Leila Mei Pang, MD
Joachim Scholz, MD
Richard M. Smiley, MD, PhD
Lena S. Y. Sun, MD
Robert A. Whittington, MD
Charles W. Emala, MD
Cumberland Pharmaceuticals
Gauss Surgical, Inc.
Corpak MedSystems, Inc.
Guest Judge
Jeanine Wiener-Kronish, MD
(Harvard Medical School)
Kevin Tremper, MD
(University of Michigan)
Keith Anthony Jones, MD
(University of Alabama)
Philip Lumb, MBBS, FCCM
(Keck School of Medicine, USC)
Neal Cohen, MD, MPH, MS,
Ronald G. Pearl, MD, PhD
(Stanford University)
Jonathan Moss, MD
(The University of Chicago)
Mark F. Newman, MD
(Duke University Medical Center)
Douglas Coursin, MD
(University of Wisconsin)
Mark Warner, MD
(Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN)
Patricia A. Kapur, MD
(UCLA School of Medicine)
Peter Glass, MD
(SUNY at Stony Brook)
David Longnecker, MD
(University of Pennsylvania)
Simon Gelman, MD
(Brigham & Women’s Hospital)
John Kampine, MD
(Medical College of Wisconsin)
First Prize
May Rabadi, PhD
Andrea Miltiades, MD
Jennifer Danielsson, MD
John G. Gaudet, MD
C. David Mintz, MD, PhD
Hani Malone, MD
C. David Mintz, MD, PhD
Christopher Webb, MD
Sang Won Park, PhD
Steven Yap, MD
Sang Won Park, PhD
Carmen Guerra, MPH
Jennifer Evans
Frederick T. Billings, MD
Hannah Wunsch, MD
Minjae Kim, MD
George Gallos, MD
Hannah Wunsch, MD
George Gallos, M
Edmund Jooste, MD
Jason Scott, MD
Edmund Jooste, MD
Yejun Zhao, MD
H.T. Lee, MD, PhD
Oral Presentations Finalists
Dexmedetomidine’s inhibitory effects on acetylcholine release from cholinergic nerves in
guinea pig trachea: a mechanism that accounts for its clinical benefit during airway
irritation. Maya Mikami, Yi Zhang, Charles W Emala
Peptidyl arginine deiminase-4 exacerbates ischemic acute kidney injury by finding
NEMO (NFkB Essential Modulator). May Rabadi, Mihwa Kim, Kevin Brown and H.T. Lee
Reduced Middle Cerebral Artery Velocity During Cross-clamp Predicts Cognitive
Dysfunction After Carotid Endarterectomy. Joanna L. Mergeche, Samuel S. Bruce, E.
Sander Connolly, Eric J. Heyer
Epidemiology of Vasopressor Use Among Adults with Septic Shock in the United States.
Emily Vail, Hayley B. Gershengorn, Guohua Li, Hannah Wunsch
A Transcranial Doppler Ultrasonography Finding During Carotid Endarterectomy
Produced by a Flap in the Internal Carotid Artery. Alisa Chen, Christopher P Kellner,
Robert A Solomon, Eric J Heyer
Poster Presentation Finalists
Drinking during adolescence: Effects of acute and chronic ethanol on dopamine neurons
in the ventral tegmental area. E. M. Avegno; A. Mrejeru; M. Salling; D. Sulzer; and N. L.
Propofol mediated release of nitric oxide from endothelial cells relaxes splanchnic
vascular smooth muscle: A potential novel treatment for mesenteric ischemia. Peter D.
Yim, George Gallos, Charles W. Emala
Regulating the Spinal Immune Response to Peripheral Nerve Injury: A Role for Trem2
and Primary Somatosensory Neurons. Brendan Smith, John Whang, Eric X. Wei, Ira
Schieren, Joachim Scholz
Catheter Failure Rates and Time Course with Epidural versus CSE Analgesia in Labor.
Jonathan Groden, Antonio Gonzalez, Jaime Aaronson, Adam Sachs, Richard Smiley
Epidemiology of critical care admissions in a tertiary hospital of sub-Saharan Africa.
Meghan Prin, Julia Sobol
Chloroprocaine Spinal Compared to General Anesthesia for Outpatient Knee
Arthroscopy – A Retrospective Analysis. Peter Fu, Ryan Ivie, Robert Maniker
Poster Presentations
Basic Research
Inflammatory pain dysregulates mu-opioid function in the mesolimbic pathway. WilsonPoe, A.R., Hippolito, L., Yolanda Campos-Jurado, Massaly, N., & Moron-Concepcion,
Resolving the Molecular Composition of Synapses in Central Nociceptive Pathways.
Zafeer Baber, Joachim Scholz
Translational approach to the Treatment of COPD. Denzel Woode, Vincent Anguiano,
Takayuki Shiomi, and Jeanine D’Armiento
Parenchymal Airspace Profiling to Accurately Distinguish Developmental Abnormalities
and Airway Destruction in Animal Models of Lung Disease. Rui Xiao, Takayuki Shiomi,
Monica Goldklang, Jeanine D’Armiento
Clinical Research
Perioperative management of patients with left ventricular assist devices undergoing
repair of hip fracture. Jason Alexander, Ryan Ivie, Robert Maniker, Julia Sobol
Caudal epidural versus penile block for post-operative analgesia in patients undergoing
circumcision with or without chordee repair. Pamela Wendel, Nick Davis
Incidence and associated morbidity and mortality of perioperative aspiration in pediatric
inpatients. L. Eisler, M. Sun, C. Ing
Cost analysis of anesthesia-related adverse events during labor and delivery in NewYork State. Tristan D. Hunt, Jean Guglielminotti, Guohua Li
Exploring the effectiveness of traditional vs flipped classroom strategies in fellowship
didactics. Rima Rahal, Daniela Darrah
Prevalence of Malignant Hyperthermia Diagnosis in Ambulatory Surgery Center
Discharge Records, New York State, 2002-2011. Katherine Lu Zhen, Guohua Li
Comparison of the effect of preoperative meld and meld-na scores on outcome after liver
transplantation. T. Lai, G. Wagener
Pulmonary Hypertension in Pregnancy: a retrospective cohort study (19972013). M. Meng, R. Smiley, R. Landau, E. Reitman
Symbiotic Learning: Regional Anesthesiologists Teaching Clinical Correlations in a
Gross Anatomy Laboratory for Medical Students. Nicole Spence, Vibhuti Kowluru,
Danielle Ludwin
Inpatient and Ambulatory MRI Utilization in Pediatric Patients in New York State.
Yolanda Y. Huang, Caleb Ing, Lena S. Sun
Analysis of Rhabdomyolysis in Pediatric Surgical Inpatient Admissions Using the KIDS
Database. David Maduram, Teeda Pinyavat
Temporal Trends in Anesthesia-related Adverse Events in Cesarean Deliveries in New
York State, 2003-2012. Jean Guglielminotti, Cynthia A. Wong, Ruth Landau, Guohua Li
Between hospitals variation in anesthesia-related adverse events during cesarean
deliveries in New York State 2009-2011. A patient- and hospital-levels analysis. Jean
Guglielminotti, Guohua Li
A Collaborative, Peer-Reviewed, Web-Based Regional Anesthesia Curriculum: Setting a
New Standard for Anesthesia Education. Ryan Ivie, Robert Maniker
Case Report Viewing Schedule
Monitor A
Moderator Gebhard
Wagener, MD
4:20 PM
Ex Vivo Abdominal
Tumor Resection
and IMA
Bryan Tischenkel
4:30 PM
oxygenation as a
rescue device for
cardiac arrest
during liver
M. E. Tejani
4:40 PM
instability in
patients with
history of head and
neck radiation
Hina Aslam
4:50 PM
Trisomy 18 patient
with severe
hypoxemia during
scoliosis surgery.
Howard Teng
5.00 PM
Monitor B
Elena ReitmanIvashkov, MD
Difficult Airway in a
Patient with
Herpes Zoster in
the Maxillary and
branches of the
Trigeminal Nerve.
Namrata Khimani
Management of a
surgical tracheal
tear during
Mark Schlangel
Rare cause of
EtCO2 loss during
sitting craniotomy.
Saima Rashid
Management In A
Patient With
and Lidocaine
Allergy Presenting
For Renal
Jerri Chen
Seizure versus
management of an Subdural Catheter:
infant with liver
Every Dose is a
failure and
Test Dose.
Lauren D
cardiomyopathy for Rosenberg
orthotopic liver
Neil Masters
Monitor C
Danielle Ludwin,
Sciatic Radicular
Pain Resulting
from a Nontraumatic Inferior
Gluteal Artery
Stephen Miller
Brachial plexus
block for treatment
of crps in
unaffected limb:
does early
prevent evolution
of symptoms ?
Brandon Rock
and Calcitonin:
Novel Adjunctive
treatment for
Complex Regional
Pain Syndrome in
a Pediatric Patient.
Michael A.
Long term
ketamine for
analgesia in a child
with severe graft
versus host
Jennifer Busse
Combined Bilateral
Rectus Sheath and
TAP Blocks for
Xiphoid to Pubis
Ryan Ivie
Monitor D
Jonathan Hastie,
Management of
Patients with Left
Ventricular Assist
Dennis Thiel
Requiring Isolated
Right Ventricular
Assist Device after
Inferior Myocardial
Laura Hannah Bell
Positioning and
Deployment during
Aortic Valve
Isaac Y. Wu
Pulmonary Artery
Rupture Secondary
to Pulmonary Artery
Catheter Placement
and Proposed
Algorithm for
Rocco Addante
Management of
Pediatric Cardiac
Complicated by
Rupture of LVAD
Cannula. Pamela
5:10 PM
Smartphones in
the Operating
Room: Distraction
or Diagnostic Aid?
A Case of Newly
Diagnosed WolffParkinson White in
a Pediatric Patient
under General
Brandon Esenther
Duration of Action
of Succinylcholine
in a Patient with
Liver Failure.
Sarah Dillon
Use of Draeger
Apollo to deliver
bilevel positive
ventilation for
patient with severe
COPD during
awake frontal
Susie So-Hyun
Block for Breast
Surgery in a
Patient with
Primary Lateral
Probe Position
Double Lumen
Endotracheal Tube
Placement for
Jacob Schaff
Syndrome: A
Recent Success.
M. Meng
Cardiac herniation
after pulmonary
wedge resection.
Julia Menshenina
5:30 PM
Venous Air
Embolus Upon
Scalp Incision
During Sitting
Nicole Z. Spence
5:40 PM
A customized
perioperative care
plan for a patient
with type 1a
glycogen storage
elective surgery.
Risa Wolk
Healthy…” An
Ascending Aortic
Diagnosed at
Yefim Vilnits
Hemodilution for a
Jehovah's Witness
Presenting for
Urgent Cesarean
Susan Cosgrove
Surgery in Patients
with Critical Aortic
Stenosis: a Case
Report and Review
of the Controversy.
Holden Groves
Intraoperative Endof-Life DecisionMaking In a
Patient with
Severe Mesenteric
Ryan Ivie
Injection of
Rocuronium and
the Potential
Namrata Khimani
5:20 PM
5:50 PM
Embolic Protection
Device Placement
in a Patient with
Ascending Aortic
Atherosclerosis on
Peter Downey
unmasks severe
hypovolemia in the
setting of high
filling pressures.
Maggie Chou
When Shunts
Attack: Severe
Shunting on CPB
during a
William Jackson
Columbia University
College of Physicians & Surgeons
Department of Anesthesiology
17 Annual Academic Evening
Heart Hospital Conference Center, 1st Floor, Riverview Terrace
4:30 PM Poster Exhibit
6:15 PM Oral Presentations
7:15 PM Commentary and Awards
Jeanine Wiener-Kronish, MD
Department of Anesthesiology, Critical Care and Pain Medicine
Massachusetts General Hospital
Henry Isaiah Dorr Professor of Research and Teaching of Anesthetics
Harvard Medical School
Robert N. Sladen, MBChB, FCCM
Charles W. Emala, MD
Mitchell F. Berman, MD
Neil Harrison, PhD
Eric J. Heyer, MD, PhD
Heidi Jerome, MD
H. Thomas Lee, MD, PhD
Guohua Li, MD , DrPH
Jose Moron-Concepcion, PhD
Leila Mei Pang, MD
Joachim Scholz, MD
Richard M. Smiley, MD, PhD
Lena S. Y. Sun, MD
Robert A. Whittington, MD
Charles W. Emala, MD
Hospira Worldwide, Inc.
3M United States
BiO2 Medical, Inc.
Verathon Medical
Pulsion Medical, Inc.
Berish Strauch Ltd.
Corpak Medsystems, Inc.
Guest Judge
Kevin Tremper, MD
(University of Michigan)
Keith Anthony Jones, MD
(University of Alabama)
Philip Lumb, MBBS, FCCM
(Keck School of Medicine, USC)
Neal Cohen, MD, MPH, MS,
Ronald G. Pearl, MD, PhD
(Stanford University)
Jonathan Moss, MD
(The University of Chicago)
Mark F. Newman, MD
(Duke University Medical Center)
Douglas Coursin, MD
(University of Wisconsin)
Mark Warner, MD
(Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN)
Patricia A. Kapur, MD
(UCLA School of Medicine)
Peter Glass, MD
(SUNY at Stony Brook)
David Longnecker, MD
(University of Pennsylvania)
Simon Gelman, MD
(Brigham & Women’s Hospital)
John Kampine, MD
(Medical College of Wisconsin)
Warren Zapol, MD
(Massachusetts General Hospital)
Paul Barash, MD
(Yale University)
First Prize
Jennifer Danielsson, MD
John G. Gaudet, MD
C. David Mintz, MD, PhD
Hani Malone, MD
C. David Mintz, MD, PhD
Christopher Webb, MD
Sang Won Park, PhD
Steven Yap, MD
Sang Won Park, PhD
Carmen Guerra, MPH
Jennifer Evans
Frederick T. Billings, MD
Hannah Wunsch, MD
Minjae Kim, MD
George Gallos, MD
Hannah Wunsch, MD
George Gallos, M
Edmund Jooste, MD
Jason Scott, MD
Edmund Jooste, MD
Yejun Zhao, MD
H.T. Lee, MD, PhD
H.T. Lee, MD, PhD
H.T. Lee, MD, PhD
1. Antagonists of the TMEM16A Calcium-Activated Chloride Channel Relax Airway Smooth
Muscle and Potentiate β-agonist Relaxation: Potential New Tools to Treat Bronchospasm.
Jennifer Danielsson, Matthew B Barajas, Kyra Bernstein, Yi Zhang, George Gallos, Charles W
2. Peptidylarginine deiminase-4 exacerbates kidney ischemia and reperfusion injury. M.
Rabadi, A. Ham, M. Kim, K. Brown and H.T. Lee
3. Cumulative Incidence and Time to Reintubation in United States Intensive Care Units.
Andrea N. Miltiades, M.D., May S. Hua, M.D., Hayley B. Gershengorn, M.D., Andrew A.
Kramer, PhD, Guohua Li, DrPH, MD, Hannah Wunsch, M.D., M.Sc.
4. The utility of hemodynamic transesophageal echocardiography in clinical decision making
in the CTICU. Arun Jayaraman, Maung Hlaing, Brigid Flynn, Robert Sladen.
5. Case Report: Four Patients with Postoperative Delirium following Elective Orthopedic
Shoulder Surgery. Pena J, Gaudet JVD, Wilhelm AE, Brown AR, Ludwin D.
6. Chemokines Modulate the Spinal Immune Response to Peripheral Nerve Injury: Functional
Consequences for Neuropathic Pain. Brendan Smith, Masayuki Shibasaki, John Whang,
Joachim Scholz
7. Calcium activated chloride channels: critical mediators of calcium dynamics in human
myometrial cells. Kyra Bernstein BA, Jennifer Danielsson MD, G Thomas Yocum MD, Charles
Emala Sr MD, George Gallos MD.
8. Alteration in Gabra4 expression during alcohol withdrawal is mediated by specific
microRNAs in the mouse thalamus. R.A. Bekdash; M.S. Salling; N.L. Harrison
9. Urinary neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL) is a marker of acute kidney
injury in patients undergoing general surgery. Valerie Au, B.S*. and Gebhard Wagener M.D†
10. Postoperative glucose levels and outcome after liver transplantation. Melissa M Grant, BS
and Gebhard Wagener, MD
11. Comparison of risk- and reliability-adjusted rates of anesthesia-related complications in
labor and delivery. Jean Guglielminotti, Guohua Li.
12. Plasticity of Nociceptive Synapses in the Dorsal Horn of the Spinal Cord after Peripheral
Nerve Injury. Chi-Kun Tong, Fang Yang, Dag Schädlich, John Whang, Zafeer Baber, Susan J.
Tappan, Patrick R. Hof, Joachim Scholz.
13. Acetaldehyde, not Ethanol, impairs myelin formation and viability in primary mouse
Oligodendrocytes. David J.C. Coutts and Neil L. Harrison
14. Dexmedetomidine’s inhibitory effects on acetylcholine release from cholinergic nerves in
guinea pig trachea. Maya Mikami, Yi Zhang, Charles W Emala.
15. Reduction of Ih in prefrontal pyramidal neurons following adolescent alcohol consumption.
Salling, MC, Avegno EA, Harrison NL
16. Modulation of cholesterol efflux through treatment with an LXR agonist in cigarette smoke
induced emphysema in mice. Sklepkiewicz P, Kaur R, Goldklang M, Trischler J, Rauschkolb P,
Zelonina T, Tall A, D’Armiento JM.
17. Analgesic Treatment with Pregabalin Does Not Prevent Persistent Pain After Peripheral
Nerve Injury in the Rat. John Whang (1) and Fang Yang (1), William T. Derry (2,3), Daniel
Vardeh (2,4), Joachim Scholz (1)
18. Genetic Deletion of the GABAA α4 Subunit Leads to Increased Airway Resistance and
Inflammation. Gene T. Yocum MD, Damian L. Turner PhD, Jennifer Danielsson MD, Matthew
B. Barajas BS, Gregg E. Homanics PhD, Charles W. Emala MD MS.
19. Lymphangiomyomatosis - a disease of mesenchymal progenitor cells. Anguiano, V. Shiomi,
T, Chada, K. and D’Armiento, J.
20. General Anesthesia and Endotracheal Intubation Experience from an Academic Labor &
Delivery Service. Adam Sachs, MD, Richard M. Smiley, MD, PhD.
21. Trends in Anesthesiology Research: An Unsupervised Topic Model of the ASA Annual
Meeting Abstracts. Alexander Rusanov, MD, Chunhua Weng, PhD.
22. Association between Travel Time and Rehospitalization at a Different versus the Same
Hospital for Survivors of Critical Illness. Andrea Miltiades, MD, Hannah Wunsch, MD, MSc,
May Hua, MD.
23. Improving Data Acquisition for ICU Bed Flow Management. Dimitris Giannaris, MD,
Michele Lerch, FACHE, Robert N. Sladen, MBChB, FCCM
24. Relationship between height and outcomes among critically ill adults. Emily Vail, MD, David
Harrison, PhD and Hannah Wunsch, MD, MSc
25. The myth of the untested catheter - epidural vs. combined spinal epidural (CSE). Jaime
Aaronson, MD, Adam Sachs, MD, Antonio Gonzalez, MD, Richard M. Smiley, MD, PhD.
26. Neutrophil-Lymphocyte Ratio as a Predictor of Cognitive Dysfunction in Carotid
Endarterectomy Patients. Kaitlin A. Mallon, BA; Hadi J. Halazun, MD; Joanna L. Mergeche,
BA; E. Sander Connolly, MD; Eric J. Heyer, MD, PhD.
27. Continuous Spinal Labor Analgesia and Maternal Fever. Marie-Louise Meng, Richard
Smiley, Allison Lee
28. Prophylactic ondansetron for the prevention of intrathecal fentanyl- or sufentanil-mediated
pruritis: a meta-analysis. Meghan Prin MD, Vivek Moitra MD, Jean Guglielminotti MD PhD,
Guohua Li MD DrPh.
29. Radial pulse pressure dose not decrease compared to femoral pulse pressure with caval
cross clamping and vasopressor use during liver transplantation. Nina T Yoh MS, Keerthana
Natarajan Engineer, Ramakrishna Mukkamala PhD, Gebhard Wagener, MD.
30. Trends in Shared Decision Making: Implications for Chronic Pain Patients. Sascha Qian,
MD, Nomita Sonty, PhD.
31. Desperate times call for desperate measures: designing controlled trials for new therapies in
sepsis. Meghan Prin MD, Gebhard Wagener MD
32. Elective Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in a laboring parturient with
Eisenmenger’s Syndrome. Adam Sachs, MD, Richard M. Smiley, MD, PhD.
33. Severe bradycardia during laryngoscopy in a 5 year old girl with hypertrophic
cardiomyopathy and cardiofaciocutaneous syndrome. Albert Lin, Anjalee Dave, Tatiana
34. Ruptured Ectopic Pregnancy in a patient with DiGeorge Syndrome and Tetralogy of Fallot.
Andrea Miltiades, MD, Sarah Smith, MD, Minjae Kim, MD
35. The Perils of Polymyxin Therapy: Polymyxin Induced Polyuria and Neuromuscular
Blockade. Babar Fiza, MD, Vivek Moitra, MD.
36. Altered Response to Opioids in Patient on Induction Antiretrovirals. Brandon Rock Esenther,
MD, Steven Miller, MD.
37. Kyphoplasty for a Vertebral Compression Fracture in Patient with Solid Organ
Transplant. Cameron Marshall, MD, David Bandola, MD.
38. Cesarean delivery in a patient on extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for acute
respiratory distress syndrome. Jaime Aaronson, MD, Richard M. Smiley, MD, PhD.
39. Leukemoid Reaction after acute hemorrhage. David Kiamanesh, MD, Hannah Wunsch, MD,
Vivek Moitra, MD.
40. Recurrent Central Sensitization, Potential for Development of Chronic Pain and
Importance of Preventive Analgesia. Febin Melepura, MD, Anis Dizdarevic, MD.
41. Intraoperative Diagnosis and Management of Transfusion-Related Acute Lung Injury
(TRALI): A Case Report. Lisa Lynch MD, Neeta Saraiya MD, Robert Kazim MD
42. Respiratory failure secondary to systemic inflammatory response in post-Alemtuzumab
immunosuppression induction: A tale of two kidney transplant recipients. Namrata Khimani
MD, Victor Lan MD, Steven Miller MD
43. A Case of Episodic Hemodynamic Instability in a Patient with a History of Graves’ Disease.
Obinna Orji MD, Nicole Robinson-Taylor MD, Parwane Pagano MD
44. Perioperative Extrapyramidal Reaction to Ondansentron. Zafeer Baber, M.D., Sansan Lo,
45. ARDS: What to do when you do not have ECMO? Gurwinder Gill, MD, Gebhard Wagener,
46. Rare Leiomyosarcoma of the Right Internal Iliac Vein Metastatic to the Right Heart.
Angela C. Lee, MD, Sansan Lo, MD.
47. A Unique Approach to the Surgical Management of Aortic Insufficiency in Patients With a
Heartmate II LVAD: A Case Report. Vibhuti Kowluru MD and Jeremy S. Poppers MD PhD
48. Monitored anesthesia care for subclavian venous-arterial extracorporeal membrane
oxygenation (VA ECMO) cannulation. Jason Fu, MD, Bessie Kachulis, MD
49. A Multidisciplinary Approach to a LVAD-Arrest Algorithm: A Case Report and an
Institution’s Response. E Grawe, MD, P Colombo, MD, M Yuzefpolskaya, MD, H Takayama,
MD, PhD, N Uriel, MD, K Mody, MD, N Hoi-Yun Yip, MD, M Flanery, FNP, M Lurch, RN, S.
Goswami, MD, MPH.
50. Coronary Obstruction and Cardiogenic Shock Requiring PCI and VA ECMO following
Deployment of a Transcatheter Aortic Valve. Erin Grawe, MD, Taylor Johnston, MD, and
Bessie Kachulis, MD. Columbia University/New York Presbyterian Hospital, Department of
51. VV-ECMO cannulation of an Avalon bicaval dual lumen catheter for a patient with severe
status asthmaticus. Melissa Lee, MD, Susan Lei, MD.
52. Echo To the Rescue: Indispensable TEE in ICU Care. Jennifer McDonald, MD, Gebhard
Wagener, MD.
53. Addition of Short-Acting Distal Popliteal Sciatic Block to Long-Acting Mid-Thigh Sciatic
Block Provides Fast Onset and Prolonged Duration. Armand Wilhelm, MD, Robert Maniker,
54. Mitochondrial Myopathy, Encephalopathy, Lactic acidosis and Stroke‐Like Episodes
(MELAS) Syndrome Undergoing Intertrochanteric ORIF. Asif Neil Mohammed MD, San
San Lo MD
55. MRI negative acute paraplegia after spinal cord stimulator placement under monitored
anesthesia care. Jacob Schaff, MD, Christopher Winfree, MD, John G Gaudet, MD.
56. “Should We Give Intralipid?” – A Case of Possible Local Anesthetic Toxicity. Lauren
Parnell-Cassidy, MD, Danielle Ludwin, MD.
57. Prolonged Continuous Spinal Anesthesia for Post-Operative Pain Management in a
Chronic Pain Patient. Lisa Kilcoyne, MD., Anis Dizdarevic MD., Robert Maniker, MD., Connie
Chung, MD.
58. Interscalene Block and Permanent Phrenic Nerve Paresis: Is It Preventable? Tanzina Khan,
MD, MPH, Matthew R. Kaufman, M.D., F.A.C.S., Anthony Robin Brown, MBChB, FFA.
59. Successful Spinal Anesthesia in an Adult Patient with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis, Short
Stature, and Low Body Mass. Vibhuti Kowluru, MD, Robert Maniker, MD.
Monitor A
Elena ReitmanIvashkov, MD
32. Elective
oxygenation in a
laboring parturient
with Eisenmenger’s
Syndrome. Adam
Sachs, MD.
Monitor B
Monitor C
Oliver Panzer, MD Jonathan
Hastie, MD
39. Leukemoid
46. Rare
Reaction after
acute hemorrhage. a of the Right
David Kiamanesh,
Internal Iliac
Vein Metastatic
to the Right
Heart. Angela C.
Lee, MD
4:45 PM
33. Severe
bradycardia during
laryngoscopy in a 5
year old girl with
us syndrome. Albert
Lin, MD
40. Recurrent
Potential for
Development of
Chronic Pain and
Importance of
Analgesia. Febin
Melepura, MD.
47. A Unique
Approach to the
Management of
Insufficiency in
Patients With a
Heartmate II
LVAD: A Case
Report. Vibhuti
Kowluru MD.
5:00 PM
34. Ruptured
Ectopic Pregnancy
in a patient with
Syndrome and
Tetralogy of Fallot.
Andrea Miltiades,
41. Intraoperative
Diagnosis and
Management of
TransfusionRelated Acute
Lung Injury
(TRALI): A Case
Report. Lisa Lynch
48. Monitored
anesthesia care
for subclavian
Jason Fu, MD.
5:15 PM
35. The Perils of
Polymyxin Induced
42. Respiratory
failure secondary
to systemic
49. A
y Approach to a
4:30 PM
Monitor D
Ludwin, MD
53. Addition of
Distal Popliteal
Sciatic Block to
Block Provides
Fast Onset and
Wilhelm, MD.
, Lactic acidosis
and Stroke‐Like
c ORIF. Asif
Neil Mohammed
55. MRI
negative acute
paraplegia after
spinal cord
anesthesia care.
Jacob Schaff,
56. “Should We
Intralipid?” – A
Case of Possible
Polyuria and
Blockade. Babar
Fiza, MD.
response in postAlemtuzumab
n induction: A tale
of two kidney
recipients. Namrata
Khimani MD,
Victor Lan MD.
36. Altered
43. A Case of
Response to
Opioids in Patient
on Induction
Instability in a
Patient with a
Brandon R. Esenther, History of Graves’
Disease. Obinna
Orji MD, Nicole
Algorithm: A
Case Report
and an
Response. Erin
Grawe, MD.
Toxicity. Lauren
50. Coronary
Obstruction and
Requiring PCI
Deployment of a
Aortic Valve.
Erin Grawe, MD
57. Prolonged
Anesthesia for
Management in
a Chronic Pain
Patient. Lisa
Kilcoyne, MD.
5:45 PM
37. Kyphoplasty for
a Vertebral
Fracture in Patient
with Solid Organ
Cameron Marshall,
44. Perioperative
Reaction to
Zafeer Baber, M.D.
58. Interscalene
Block and
Phrenic Nerve
Paresis: Is It
Tanzina Khan,
6:00 PM
38. Cesarean
delivery in a patient
on extracorporeal
oxygenation for
acute respiratory
distress syndrome.
Jaime Aaronson,
45. ARDS: What
to do when you do
not have ECMO?
Gurwinder Gill,
cannulation of
an Avalon
bicaval dual
lumen catheter
for a patient
with severe
Melissa Lee,
52. Echo To the
Care. Jennifer
McDonald, MD.
5:30 PM
59. Successful
Anesthesia in an
Adult Patient
with Juvenile
Arthritis, Short
Stature, and
Low Body
Mass. Vibhuti
Kowluru, MD.
Department of Anesthesiology
16th Annual Academic Evening
Wednesday, May 29th 2013
173 Fort Washington Avenue, Heart Center, Riverview Terrace
Guest Judge: Kevin Tremper, M.D., Ph.D.
Robert B. Sweet Professor and Chair
Department of Anesthesiology, University of Michigan
1. Novel chloride channel blockers relax airway smooth muscle: potential new tools to treat
bronchospasm. Jennifer Danielsson, A. Rinderspacher, W. Fu, Y. Zhang, D. W. Landry, C. W.
2. Critical role of interleukin-11 in isoflurane-mediated protection against ischemic acute
kidney injury. Ahrom Ham, Mihwa Kim, Joo Yun Kim and H. Thomas Lee.
3. Rotational thromboelastometry (ROTEM) predicts thromboembolic complications after
major surgery. Alexander Hincker BA, Justin Feit, Robert N. Sladen MD and Gebhard
Wagener MD.
4. Pressure Management during Carotid Endarterectomy & Early Cognitive Dysfunction.
John G. Van Driest, MD; Joanna L. Mergeche, BA; Zirka H. Anastasian, MD;Minjae Kim, MD;
E. Sander Connolly, MD; Eric J. Heyer, MD, PhD.
5. Concomitant use of inhaled nitric oxide and high flow nasal cannula to facilitate
extubation in a cardiac surgery patient with severe right ventricular failure. Cosmin
Gauran, Sumeet Goswami.
6. Alcohol withdrawal alters gabra4 expression, microRNA gene expression profile and
excitability in cultured mouse cortical neurons. R. A. Bekdash, M.W. Nason, N.L. Harrison.
7. Enhanced protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) activity drives SK2 channel mediated
impairment of long term potentiation (LTP) in the hippocampus after context-dependent
sensitization to morphine. A.K. Fakira, G.P. Portugal, Z. Meylan and J.A. Morón Concepcion.
8. Nerve injury-induced neuronal cell death in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord
contributes to chronic neuropathic pain. Moll, Inquimbert, Latremoliere, Yang, Whang, Yoo,
Yanagawa, Hof, Scholz.
-Agonist-Induced Relaxation of Airway
Smooth Muscle. E.A. Townsend, PhD, Y. Zhang MD, C. Xu, Ryo Wakita, PhD, DDS, C.W.
Emala MS, MD.
10. The Generalizability of Randomized Controlled Trials in Critical Care Medicine An
International Multi-Center Pilot Study of Eligibility Criteria. Ivie R, Wunsch H, Goldklang MP,
Sittambalam C, Fowler R, Moitra VK.
11. Total bilirubin as a predictor of mortality after cardiac surgery. Meghan Kirksey MD,
Gebhard Wagener, MD.
12. Effect of Donor Quality on Transfusion Requirements during Liver Transplantation.
Teresa A. Mulaikal MD, Nanshi Sha BS, Gebhard Wagener MD.
13. Effects of the transient receptor potential (TRP) V1 antagonist, capsazepine, on airway
smooth muscle function. Gene T. Yocum, M.D., Elizabeth A. Townsend, Ph.D., Yi Zhang, M.D.,
Charles W. Emala, M.D.
14. BK channel modulation in the treatment of experimental asthma. MP Goldklang, JF
Perez-Zoghbi, J Trischler, T Nkyimbeng, SI Zakharov, T Shiomi, T Zelonina, AR Marks, SO
Marx, JM D’Armiento.
15. A novel strategy to treat human pre-term labor - targeting the TMEM16/anoctamin
chloride channel in human pregnant uterus. Peter Yim MD, Wen Fu, PhD, Elizabeth
Townsend PhD, Hiromi Funayama DDS, PhD, George Gallos, MD.
16. Plasticity of Nociceptive Synapses in the Dorsal Horn of the Spinal Cord after
Peripheral Nerve Injury. Fang Yang, Dag Schädlich, John Whang, Rohini Kuner, Anke Tappe,
Susan Tappan, Patrick R. Hof, Joachim Scholz.
17. A new role for spinal cord SK-channels in chronic inflammatory pain. L. Hipólito*, A.K.
Fakira*, J.A. Morón Concepción and Z. Melyan.
18. Effects of chronic pain on opiate addiction: Behavioral and neurochemical mechanisms.
Lucia Hipolito, Laszlo Virag, Robert Whittington, Sandra Comer, Jose A. Moron Concepcion.
19. Familiar receptors in unusual places: AMPAR expression in keratinocytes. D.
Cabañero, T. Irie, M.E. Ruiz, D.M. Owens, J. Morón-Concepción.
20. Strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors mediate tonic inhibition in layer II/III pyramidal
neurons of the medial prefrontal cortex. Salling, MC, Harrison, NL.
21. Reduced Middle Cerebral Artery Velocity during Cross-Clamp Predicts Cognitive
Dysfunction after Carotid Endarterectomy. Joanna L. Mergeche, BA; Samuel S. Bruce, MA;
E. Sander Connolly, MD;Eric J. Heyer, MD, PhD.
22. Atropine Dose and Bradycardia During Electroconvulsive Therapy.
Nayema Khan B.S.; Eric J. Heyer M.D., Ph.D., Mitchell F. Berman M.D., M.P.H. , Eugene
Ornstein, M.D. , Joshua A. Berman M.D., Ph.D. and Zirka H. Anastasian M.D.
23. Implementation of a Multidisciplinary Action Group in the Intensive Care Unit. Lance
M. Retherford, MD; Robert N. Sladen, MBChB, FCCM.
24. Evaluation of Hypercoagulability via ROTEM Thromboelastography after Ventricular
Assist Device Implantation. Maung Hlaing MD, Alexander Hincker BA, Justin Feit, Robert
Sladen MD, Gebhard Wagener MD.
25. The Double Envelope Overestimates the Aortic Valve Area in Severe Aortic Stenosis by
Tranesesophageal Echocardiography. Elrond Teo, Rebecca Hahn, Jack Shanewise.
26. Acute kidney injury after pediatric liver transplantation. Vanessa Cowan MD, Gebhard
Wagener MD.
27. Altruistic Unbalanced Paired Kidney Exchange: Survey of Attitudes of Transplant
Professionals. Vanessa Cowan, MD, Lloyd Ratner, MD.
28. Relationship between early post-operative fever and risk of infection in critically ill
patients. Tzevan Poon, MD; Hayley Gershengorn, MD; Hannah Wunsch, MD MSc.
29. Characterizing Patients Admitted to Stepdown Units in the United Kingdom. Meghan
Prin, Kathryn Rowan, Hannah Wunsch.
30. Incidence of severe intraoperative desaturation and bradycardia in pediatric
pulmonary hypertension patients. Lisa Eisler, M.D., Minjae Kim, M.D., Teeda Pinyavat, M.D.,
Jeffrey Gross, Mitchell F. Berman, M.D., Caleb Ing, M.D.
31. Sick Patients Have More Data: The Incompleteness of Electronic Health Rerecord Data
Creates Bias. Alexander Rusanov MD, Nicole G. Weiskopf MA, Charles Emala MD and
Chunhua Weng PhD.
32. Cost-effectiveness analysis of stocking dantrolene in ambulatory surgery centers.
Barbara H. Lang, Taiwo Aderibigbe, Henry Rosenberg, Guohua Li.
33. Predictors of Outcomes in Patients with Spinal Stenosis Who Received Epidural Steroid
Injections; a Study Design. Brandon Sorensen, M.D. David Bandola, M.D.
34. Why Did It Take That Long? A Study of Factors Influencing Cesarean Delivery Times.
Gonzalez, Antonio MD, Meng, Marie-Louis, MD, Kim, Minjae MD, Smiley, Richard MD, PhD.
35. Utility of Electronic Teaching Aids for Medical Student Education in the OR. Namrata
Khimani MD, Allen Friedman MD, Saundra Curry MD.
Monitor A
36. Resection of Paraganglioma in a Patient with Previous Mustard Atrial Switch
Procedure. Alan Ho MD, Jeremy Poppers MD, PhD.
37. Paradoxical hemodynamic collapse after subxiphoid pericardial window. Benita Liao,
MD MPH, Sansan S. Lo MD.
38. Domino liver transplantation using a liver with familial amyloid polyneuropathy. Mark
Schlangel MD, MBA, Brigid Flynn MD.
39. Anesthetic implications of extended right hepatectomy in a patient with Fontan
physiology: A Case report. Paul David Weyker MD, Taylor Johnston MD.
40. Veno-Venous and Veno-Arterial Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation After
Implantation of Total Artificial Heart and Massive Transfusion. Brian W. Nicholas MD,
Jessica Spellman MD.
41. The Development and Presentation of a Thoracic Epidural MRSA Abscess Following
Epidural Catheter Placement for Resection of Thymic Mass. Cameron Marshall MD, Anis
Dizdarevic MD.
42. Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting in a Patient with Severe Hypothyroidism.
Jacob E. Schaff MD, Maninder Singh MD.
43. An Overview of Cytoreductive Surgery and Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal
Chemoperfusion for the Anesthesiologist. Christopher Webb, MD, Richard Raker MD.
44. Succinylcholine-Induced Rhabdomyolysis in a Febrile Patient. Neha Patel MD, Vivek
Moitra, MD.
Monitor B
45. Preterm Cesarean Delivery in a Parturient with Candida Parapsilosis Endocarditis: A
Case Report. Jason Fu MD, Lance Retherford MD, Brigid Flynn MD.
46. A Parturient with a Possible Pheochromocytoma, Von Hippel-Lindau Disease and
Preeclampsia. Marie-Louise Meng MD, Stephanie Goodman, MD.
47. Type II Von Willebrand Disease and Known Difficult Airway in a Twin Pregnancy.
Ryan MJ Ivie MD, Stephanie Goodman, MD.
48. Thoracic Endometriosis – A Rare Cause of Pneumothorax in a Patient Requiring
VATS. Ryan MJ Ivie MD, Sansan Lo, MD.
49. Anesthetic evaluation and management of a patient with thoracic endometriosis
syndrome presenting for elective surgery. Garret Weber MD, Christopher Webb MD, Richard
Raker MD.
50. Left stellate ganglion block for the treatment of ischemic ventricular tachyarrhythmias
in two patients requiring biventricular assist devices for cardiogenic shock after
myocardial infarction. Emily A. Vail MD, Barry Fine MD, PhD, Staffan Wahlander MD,
Michael Weinberger MD.
51. Severe Restrictive Lung Disease Complicating Robotic-Assisted Laparoscopic
Prostatectomy. Emily Vail MD, Ryan MJ Ivie MD, Meghan Prin MD and Richard Raker MD.
52. Impact of Subanesthetic Ketamine Infusion on Mood in a Critically Ill Patient.
Daniela Darrah MD, Vivek Moitra MD.
Monitor C
53. Continuous Spinal Anesthesia (CSA) Technique for Aortic Stenosis: A Case Report.
Maricela Sanchez MD, Danielle Ludwin MD.
54. Sudden, profound hypotension under interscalene nerve block during arthroscopic
shoulder surgery in the beach chair position. Irvin Sanchez MD, Anthony R. Brown MBChB,
55. An interesting case of intravenous lidocaine infusion in the management of chronic
neuropathic pain related to idiopathic small fiber peripheral neuropathy.
George Christolias MD, Leena Mathew MD.
56. Differential Diagnosis of Headache Following Epidural Steroid Injection:
Pathophysiology, Diagnosis and Management. Kristoffer Padjen MD, PhD, Anis Dizdarevic
57. Submental Intubation: An Alternative to Tracheostomy in Maxillofacial Trauma.
Macdale Elwin MD, Parwane Pagano MD.
58. Successful Strategy of Glidescope/Nasal Bougie Guided Intubation of Patient with
Extreme Supraglotic Edema. Robert Kong, Peter Yim, Christine Boxhorn, Terrance Lai,
Hardik Doshi (ENT), Anis Dizdarevic, Parwane Pagano, Robert Maniker.
59. The ethical considerations of Left Ventricular Assist Device (LVAD) as destination
therapy in a child diagnosed with dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) and Duchenne’s
Muscular Dystrophy (DMD). L. Volz MD, M. Tresgallo MS, MPH, DNP, M. Carley MD,G.
Hardart MD, MPH, A. Addonizio MD, W. Schechter MD.
60. Perioperative Management of a Pediatric Patient with Shone’s Syndrome During
Mitral Valve (MV) Replacement with a Melody Valve. Matthew Monteleone MD, William
Schechter MD.
Monitor D
61. Tamponade in a Patient with a Total Artificial Heart. Elrond Teo MD, Jeremy Poppers
62. Pulmonary Tension Associated with McConnell’s Sign. Elrond Teo MD, Steven Miller
63. Intraoperative Diagnosis of SVC Syndrome After Heart Transplant. Daewha Benjamin
Hong MD, Jonathan Hastie MD.
64. Complex Pulmonary Artery Reconstruction Requires Crash Bypass and VA ECMO.
Robert Nampiaparampil MD, Taylor Johnston MD, Jeremy Poppers MD.
65. Resuscitation of a 46 Year Old Woman with HeartMate II LVAD: Two Resuscitations,
Two Outcomes. Lance M. Retherford, MD, Steven Miller, MD, Robert N. Sladen, MBChB,
66. Use of Nasally-Inserted Disposable TEE Probe to Diagnose Unsuspected Right
Ventricular Failure. Lance M. Retherford, MD, Staffan Wahlander, MD, Robert N. Sladen,
67. Successful use of inhaled nitric oxide in management of critical pulmonary
hypertension as observed in real time with a disposable ImaCor hTEE probe. Meghan
Kirksey MD, PhD, Robert N. Sladen, MBChB, FCCM
68. Syncardia TAH delayed bleeding and possible tamponade. Cosmin Gauran MD, Gebhard
Wagener MD
69. Heartware biventricular assist device as bridge to heart transplant. Issa Toure MD,
Gebhard Wagener MD.
Department of Anesthesiology
15th Annual Academic Evening
Wednesday, May 30th 2012
173 Fort Washington Avenue, Heart Center, Riverview Terrace
Guest Judge: Keith Anthony Jones, M.D.
Alfred Habeeb Professor and Chair, Department of Anesthesiology
University of Alabama School of Medicine, Birmingham, AL
1. Anesthetic agents disrupt the growth cone response to guidance cues via a GABAA
receptor mechanism. C.D. Mintz, K. Barrett, and N.L. Harrison.
2. Isoflurane post-conditioning induces 5’-ectonucleotidase (CD73) to protect against renal
ischemia and reperfusion. A. Ham, M. Kim, J.Y. Kim, and H.T. Lee.
3. Polymorphisms of inflammatory mediators increase the risk of post-operative
neurocognitive dysfunction following carotid endarterectomy. H. Malone, E.J. Heyer, E.S.
Connolly, J.L. Mergeche, I.S. Kotchetkov, Z.H. Anastasian, D.O. Quest, R.A. Solomon, G.J.
Todd, A. Benvenisty, J.F. McKinsey, N. Morrissey, and R. Nowygrod.
4. Aminocaproic acid versus Aprotinin: Current blood transfusion trends in pediatric
cardiac surgery. T.A. Chambers, J. Koenigsberg, B. Thumm, A. Clapcich, and L. Sun.
5. Known Hemidiaphragmatic Paresis and Contralateral Interscalene Block - Absolute
Contraindication? T. Dickson and D. Ludwin.
6. Effects of Ginger (Zingiber officinale) and its Constituents On Airway Smooth Muscle
Relaxation And Calcium. E. Townsend, M.E. Siviski, Y. Zhang, and C.W. Emala.
7. A role for AMPAR consisting of GluA4 subunits in Opioid-Induced Hyperalgesia. D.
Cabañero, Z. Melyan, A. Baker, S. Zhou, G.L. Hargett, Y. Xia, H. Beaudry, L. Gendron, S.M.
Carlton, and J.A. Morón-Concepción.
8. Different mechanisms underlying morphine-induced behavioral responses and
alterations in synaptic plasticity. A.K. Fakira, B. Carusillo, Z. Meylan and J.A. MorónConcepcion.
9. Charlson Comorbidity Score and Maternal Mortality: A Case-Control Study. J.M.
Todaro, J. Brady, and G. Li.
10. Cesarean Section Increases Risk of Rehospitalization in the One Year Postpartum
Period: A Retrospective Cohort Study. W. M. Jackson, J. Brady, X. Mao, P. Flood, and G. Li.
11. Problem Solving Appraisal and Dispositional Affect Contribute to Pain-Related
Adaptation. J. Conrath, M. Gittleman, and N. Sonty.
12. Fetal alcohol alters the histone marks H3K4me3 and H3K9me2 along the
proopiomelanocortin gene in the arcuate area of the hypothalamus. R. A. Bekdash, W.J.
Belden, and D.K. Sarkar.
13. Serotonergic regulation of negative symptoms in schizophrenia. M.W. Nason Jr, C.
Kellendonk, and N.L. Harrison.
14. Plasticity of Nociceptive Synapses in the Dorsal Horn of the Spinal Cord after
Peripheral Nerve Injury. F. Yang, D. Schädlich, E. Alverson-Banks, B. Quach, R. Kuner, A.
Tappe, and J. Scholz.
15. Targeting Uterine Smooth Muscle TMEM16 Calcium Activated Chloride Channels to
Suppress Oxytocin Induced Contractions and Calcium Handling. M. Siviski, H. Funayama,
W. Fu, R. Smiley, C.W. Emala, and G. Gallos.
16. Glutamatergic transmission in the hippocampus and amygdala plays a critical role in
the rewarding properties of morphine. G.S. Portugal, R. Hasani, M. Bruchas, and J.A. Morón
17. New therapeutic strategy to prevent morphine tolerance during chronic inflammatory
pain. L. Hipólito, H. Beaudry, L. Gendron, and J.A. Morón Concepción.
18. Mechanism of morphine-induced sensitization: a new key player – small-conductance
potassium cannel. Z. Melyan, A.K. Fakira, G.S. Portugal, B. Carusillo and J.A. Morón
19. Statin Therapy Is Associated with Improved Cognitive Performance in Patients Having
Carotid Endarterectomy. J.L. Mergeche, E.J. Heyer, S.S. Bruce, Z.H. Anastasian, D.O. Quest,
R. A. Solomon, G.J. Todd, A. Benvenisty, J.F. McKinsey, N. Morrissey, R. Nowygrod, H. Malone,
I.S. Kotchetkov, and E.S. Connolly.
20. NGAL as a marker of hepato-renal syndrome. A. Young, M. Minhaz, and G. Wagener.
21. Medicare Reimbursement for Critically Ill Patients. R. Addante and H. Wunsch.
22. Preferences for autonomy and physician involvement in medical decision-making and
correlation with level of patient distress in the chronic pain population. E. Rema, E. Garvin,
and L. Mathew.
23. 2-Chloroprocaine is a safe and effective local anesthetic when used for spinal
anesthesia. E. Garvin, A. Ho, and A. Dizdarevic.
24. The Hanging Leg Technique: A New Approach to the Popliteal Block. A. Sieradzan and
R. Brown.
25. A Case of Recurring Conversion Disorder Following Peripheral Nerve Block. C.
Marshall and A. Dizdarevic.
26. Brachial Plexus Phenol Neurolysis for Metastatic Axillary Adenocarcinoma. M. Patel,
D. Bandola, and A. Dizdarevic.
27. Oral Ketamine for the Treatment of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Type II: A Case
Report. N. Sekhri and M. Weinberger.
28. “I Dare to Hope”: Case Report of a Pain and Spirituality Group. J. Conrath, L. Golding, and N.
29. Epidural Anesthesia for Labor and Cesarean Delivery in a Patient with
Spondylothoracic Dysostosis. E. Harker and S. Goodman.
30. Pheochromocytoma Management during Cesarean Section. M. Monteleone and E. Reitman.
31. Cesarean Delivery in a Patient with Uncorrected Aortic Coarctation. J. Davila and S. Goodman.
32. Massive transfusion for orthotopic liver transplant in a pediatric patient. E. Greenidge
and N. Saraiya.
33. Surgical Emergency requiring Massive Transfusion in patient with Tuberous Sclerosis.
T.A. Chambers and S. Lei.
34. Fatal Left Ventricular and Aortic Thrombosis during Open Abdominal Aortic Debranching.
L.M. Haselkorn and S. Miller
35. Anesthetic management of two children undergoing cardiac surgery with suspected
mitochondrial disease. S. Mukkamala, T. Pinyavat, and C. Ing.
36. Anesthetic Considerations in a Patient Receiving a Transplanted Heart Procured from
a Donor Exposed to Carbon Monoxide. J.R. Rentz, R. Kazim, and J. Chen.
37. Methylene Blue for Vasoplegia on Cardiopulmonary Bypass for Double-Lung
Transplantation. M. Carley and J. Poppers.
38. Pentobarbital Withdrawal and Treatment in an Infant in the Pediatric Cardiac
Intensive Care Unit. G. Weber, A.J. Smerling, and J.M. Saroyan.
39. Real time intracardiac and intravenous pressure monitoring to discover the location of
superior vena caval obstruction. E.Y. Teo and J. Rumley.
40. “Pulling the Plug?”: Elective Withdrawal of Total Artificial Heart. D. Chmielewski and C.
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Columbia University
14th Annual Academic Evening
Wednesday, June 1st, 2011
Heart Center, Riverview Terrace
Guest Judge:
Philip D. Lumb, MBBS, FCCM
Professor and Chair, Department of Anesthesiology,
Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, Los Angeles CA
A1. Commonly used anesthetic agents interfere with axon guidance via a GABAergic
mechanism. C.D. Mintz, MD, PhD, D.L. Benson, PhD, and N.L. Harrison, PhD
A2. Biventricular pacing optimization using left ventricular dP/dt max fails to maximize
cardiac output in a swine model of acute right ventricular pressure overload. Alexander
Rusanov, Santos E Cabreriza, Lauren N Bedrosian, Suzanne R Karl, Bin Cheng, Henry M Spotnitz.
B1. Oxytocin Receptor Genotype Is Predictive of the Duration of the First Stage of Labor.
Elena Reitman MD., Richard Smiley MD., PhD, and Pamela Flood MD.
B2. Interleukin Unintentional dural puncture with Tuohy needle increases risk of chronic
headache. Webb C, Weyker P, Zhang L, Stanley S, Demarco C, Coyle T and Flood P.
C1. Determination of Brain Death on Veno-Arterial Extracorporeal Membrane
Oxygenation in Adults. Lloyd Meeks, MD, Gebhard Wagener, MD, Sumeet Goswami, MD.
A3. Isoflurane generates adenosine to protect against renal ischemia-reperfusion injury.
Minjae Kim, MD, Mihwa Kim, BS, Sang Won Park, PhD and H. Thomas Lee, MD, PhD.
A4. Plasma membrane potential is critical in the calcium-independent regulation of airway
smooth muscle responsiveness: a new rationale for therapeutically targeting membrane ion
channels. Peter Yim, George Gallos, Matthew Siviski, Charles W Emala
A5. Withdrawal from repeated morphine administration induces long-lasting hyperalgesia
and increases the insertion of calcium-permeable AMPA glutamate receptors in spinal cord
synapses. D. Cabañero, Y. Xia, A. Baker, S. Zhou,S.M. Carlton and J.A. Morón Concepción.
B3. Classification of Perioperative Complications: An Outcome-Oriented Approach. Nanshi
Sha, M.S. Guohua Li, M.D. Dr.P.H. , and Joanne Brady, M.P.H.
B4. The Surgical Procedure Assessment (SPA) Score as a Predictor of Long Term Survival.
Shreyajit Kumar, Hugh Playford, Robert N. Sladen, Gebhard Wagener.
B5. Early allograft dysfunction after liver transplantation. Brian Raffel, BS; Andrew Young BS,
Jean C. Emond, MD, Gebhard Wagener, MD.
A6. Viral transfection of AMPA glutamate receptor mutants within the hippocampus
regulates the rewarding properties of morphine. G.S. Portugal, Y. Xia, R. Neve, S.J. Russo, J. Liu,
and J.A. Morón Concepcion.
A7. Tumor necrosis factor-α alters sEPSP characteristics in nucleus accumbens medium
spiny neurons. MW Nason Jr and NL Harrison.
A8. Alcohol induces Vamp2, but not Vamp1, gene expression in neurons via activation of
heat shock factor 1 (HSF1). F.P. Varodayan; L. Pignataro; N.L. Harrison.
A9. Propofol Augments Gene Expression in Cortical Neurons. S.C. Smith; L. Pignataro; N.L.
B6. The MELD score after liver transplantation. Brian Raffel MD, Andrew Young, BS, Moury
Minhaz BS, Jean Emond MD, Gebhard Wagener MD.
B7. Intra-operative Transfusion requirements of extended donor criteria allografts.
Teresa A. Mulaikal MD; Jean C. Emond, MD; Gebhard Wagener MD.
B8. Demographic and Clinical Modifiers of Initial Labor Pain Scores in the EASE Cohort:
A Secondary Analysis. William M. Jackson; David R. Gambling, MB BS, FRCPC and Pamela Flood,
B9. Mathematical Modeling of the Pain During the First Stage of Labor After Epidural
Catheter. Sekhri N, Jackson W, Gambling D, Shafer S, Flood P.
B10. Validation of a bi-exponential model for labor progress in a cohort of mixed parity
with quantification of the impact of cervical effacement and fetal station.
Maria Quincy, Fadi Mirza, Chunhua Weng, Richard Smiley, Pamela Flood.
B11. New York Statewide Planning and Research Cooperative System for Investigating
Method of Anesthesia. Raymond S Park, M.D., Caleb Ing, M.D., Mitchell F Berman, M.D., M.P.H.
and Lena S Sun, M.D.
B12. Rhabdomyolysis: Review of Literature and Analysis of Prevalence and Fatality in
Pediatric Inpatients. Shah C, Pinyavat T, Rosenberg H, Sun LS.
B13. A comparison of regional and general anesthesia for gastoschisis repair in infants.
Connie Chung, Na Eun Kim, Alexander Friend, Erica Silverstein, Robert Williams, Lena Sun.
B14. Complications Associated with Thoracic Epidurals in Children. S. Mukkamala, T.
Pinyavat, and R. Kazim.
B15. Frequency of Acute Changes found on Head CTs of General Medical and Surgical
ICU Patients. Rebecca M. Bauer, MD, MPH; Guohua Li, MD, PhD; Hannah Wunsch, MD, MSc.
B16. 3-Dimensional Reconstruction of Musculoskeletal Tissue using Flouroscopy and
Ultrasonography. Steven Yap MD, Leena Mathew, MD.
B17. Factors Associated with Prolonged Intubations in Multi-Level Spine Surgery.
Laura C. Friedman, M.D., Zirka H. Anastasian, M.D., and Eric J. Heyer, M.D., Ph.D.
B18. Characterization of Pain in the Barth Syndrome Population. Damani Taylor, Joanne
Brady MS, Guohua Li, MD DrPH, Nomita Sonty Ph.D, John M. Saroyan MD.
B19. Dispositional Traits Predict Problem Solving Ability in Chronic Pain Patients.
Madeline Schwartz, PsyD, MSEd, Emily Wald, BS, Nanshi Sha, MS & Nomita Sonty, PhD.
B20. Orthopedic Surgery Residents and Fellows Knowledge of Regional Anesthesia – An
Assessment with an Educational Intervention. Christie M. Sasso, M.D., Danielle B. Ludwin, M.D.,
Emily Niu, M.D., William B. Macaulay, M.D.
B21. Goals and Motivations of Anesthesiology Residency Applicants. B. Liao, M. Monteleone,
B. Egan.
C2. Continuous TEE Monitoring in the Cardio-Thoracic ICU. Insung Chung, Robert Sladen.
C3. Transversus abdominis plane (TAP) block for postoperative analgesia in two renal
transplant patients. Farheen
M.D., Anthony
C4. Continuous peripheral nerve block in a patient receiving antithrombotic therapy: A
medically challenging case. Connie Chung, Danielle B. Ludwin, A. Robin Brown.
C5. Two Case Studies of Countertransference in Palliative Care: Implications for Clinical
Practice. Madeline Schwartz, PsyD, MSEd, Craig Blinderman, MD, MA, Nomita Sonty, PhD, MP.
C6. Hemicrania Continua responds to radiofrequency ablation of supraorbital nerve: A
Case Report. Weyker P, Webb C, Sanchez M, Mathew L.
C7. How much is too much? Spinal Cord Stimulation and Serotonin Syndrome. Kiran Patel
MD, Anis Dizdarevic MD.
C8. Liver Transplantation for Hepatopulmonary Syndrome Secondary to Abernethy
Malformation. Scott Lipson MD, Pediatric Anesthesiology Fellow, Leila Pang MD.
C9. Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy and Resultant Cardiogenic Shock after Mitral Valve
Repair. Adam S. Evans, MD, MBA, Daniel B. Sims, MD, Nir Uriel, MD, Ulrich P. Jorde, MD, Joseph
Rumley, MD, Craig R. Smith, MD.
C10. Tricuspid Valve Replacement and Maze Procedure in a 71-year-old Patient with
Ebstein’s Anomaly. S.C. Smith, M. Dickstein.
C11. The anesthetic challenges of a patient with Pompe disease and Klippel-Feil syndrome
undergoing bilateral lower extremity osteotomies. Susan Lei, MD, Scott Lipson, MD, Gracie
Almeida-Chen, MD, MPH, and Susumu Ohkawa, MD.
C12. Intracranial Hemorrhage in a Child with a Ventricular Assist Device. Glenn Mann,
Caleb Ing.
C13. Malignant hyperthermia in an 11-year-old girl presenting for tonsillectomy and
adenoidectomy. Edward Requenez, M.D. and Radhika Dinavahi, M.D.
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Columbia University
Thirteenth Annual Academic Evening
Faculty Club ‐ P&S 4‐446
Wednesday, May 26th, 2010
Guest Judge:
Neal Cohen, M.D., Vice Dean of Academic Affairs,
University of California, San Francisco
Oral Presentation Finalists
1. Isoflurane reduces acute kidney injury induced liver and intestine dysfunction via
intestinal sphingosine kinase activation. Minjae Kim, MD, Sang Won Park, PhD, Mihwa Kim,
BS, Connie Chung, MD, H. Thomas Lee, MD, PhD.
2. Paneth cell activation after acute kidney injury causes liver and intestine injury and
systemic inflammation in mice. SW Park, M Kim, KM Brown, VD D’Agati and HT Lee.
3. Effect of atrial latency on optimization of paced atrioventricular delay during temporary
biventricular pacing. Alexander Rusanov M.D., Daniel Y Wang M.D., Santos E Cabreriza,
Lauren N Bedrosian B.A, Suzanne R Karl B.A., Marc E Richmond M.D., T. Alexander Quinn
PhD., Bin Cheng PhD, Henry M. Spotnitz M.D.
4. Interleukin-6 increases in humans undergoing laparoscopic nephrectomy. Steven Yap
MD, Sang Won Park PhD, Jaime Landman MD and H. Thomas Lee MD, PhD
Poster Presentation Finalists
5. Isoflurane attenuates inflammation induced by acute kidney injury in small intestine.
Connie Chung, MD, Sang Won Park, PhD, and H. Thomas Lee, MD, PhD.
6. Acute kidney injury after liver transplantation – A review of 803 cases.
Andrew Young, BA, Minhaz Moury, BS, HT Lee MD PhD, Gebhard Wagener, MD
7. Modeling the dynamic norm of intra-operative blood pressure using
semiparametric quantile regression. Nanshi Sha, M.S., Eric J. Heyer, M.D., Ph.D., Mitchell
Berman, M.D., Guohua Li, M.D. Dr.P.H.
8. Genetic Contribution to the Pain and Progress of Labor. Elena Reitman, MD, Pamela
Flood, MD, Steven Shafer, MD
9. Alcohol and heat shock regulate synaptotagmin 1 (Syt1) expression in cortical neurons.
F.P. Varodayan; L. Pignataro; N.L. Harrison.
10. Novel expression of a functional glycine channel that attenuates contraction in airway
smooth muscle. Peter D. Yim M.D., George Gallos M.D, Dingbang Xu Ph.D., Sarah Zaidi
M.D., Yi Zhang M.D., and Charles W. Emala M.D.
Poster Presentations
11. Activation of endogenous GABAA channels attenuates airway smooth muscle calciummediated oscillations in muscle force. Peter Yim, M.D.,George Gallos, M.D., Yi Zhang, MD
and Charles W. Emala, M.D.
12. Chloride cycle generates depolarization mediated smooth muscle contraction. Peter D
Yim, M.D., George Gallos, M.D., Yi Zhang, M.D., and Charles W Emala, M.D.
13. Repeated morphine administration alters AMPA glutamate receptor trafficking in the
mouse hippocampus. Yan Xia, Jie Liu, Nicole Bjorklund, Jose Morón-Concepcion.
14. Ethanol Activates the Heat Shock Pathway in Astrocytes. L. Pignataro; F.P. Varodayan; L.E.
Tannenholz; N.L. Harrison.
15. Addressing childhood obesity: The diminishing requirement of hypothalamic leptin
signaling in regulating energy homeostasis. Laurence E. Ring and Lori M. Zeltser
16. Vasopressin deficiency and vasodilatory state in hepatic failure. Stephen Yap, Moury
Minhaz, Fallon Mattis, Jean C Emond, Donald Landry, Gebhard Wagener.
17. Urinary Neutrophil Gelatinase-associated Lipocalin (NGAL) urine creatinine ratios
after liver transplantation. Stephen Yap MD, Moury Minhaz BS, Fallon Mattis MD, Mihwa
Kim MS, HT Lee MD PhD, Gebhard Wagener MD.
18. Protein C activity after Liver Transplantation and Early Graft Dysfunction. Adriana
Rodriguez MD, Geraldine Diaz, DO, Moury Minhaz BS, John Rentz MD, Robert N. Sladen, MD,
Gebhard Wagener MD.
19. ICU Delirium and Antipsychotic Agents after Cardiac Surgery. Shahzad Shaefi, M.D.,
David Vawdrey, Ph.D, Adriana Rodriguez, Peter Shapiro, M.D. and Robert Sladen, M.D.
20. Trends and Ethnic Disparities in the Utilization of Carotid Procedures in the US between 1998
and 2007. Robert Fairchild, Ph.D.; Joanne Brady, S.M.; Guohua Li, M.D., Dr.P.H. Eric J. Heyer, M.D.
21. Orthostatic hypotension and chronic oral antihypertensive therapy in pre-operative patients.
Bess M. Storch, B.S.; Zirka H. Anastasian, M.D.; Eric J. Heyer, M.D. Ph.D.
22. A Scoring System to Predict Unplanned Intubation in Patients Undergoing Major
Surgical Procedures. May Hua, MD, Joanne Brady, SM, Margaret Wood, MD, Mahmoud ElTamer, MD, Guohua Li, MD, DrPH
23. Outcomes in the medical intensive care unit: A physician-extender/ attending paradigm
works as well as the traditional housestaff model. Gershengorn H, Wahab R, Leaf D, Brodie
D, Li G, Factor P, Wunsch H.
24. Reliability of the New York Statewide Planning and Research Cooperative System
(SPARCS) for Investigating Method of Anesthesia. Raymond S Park, M.D., Caleb Ing, M.D.,
Allana Forde, M.P.H., Mitchell F Berman, M.D., M.P.H. and Lena S Sun, M.D.
25. Epidemiology of Primary Pulmonary Hypertension in the Pediatric Population. T
Pinyavat, MD; C Ing, MD; A Forde, MPH; J Brady, MS; and L Sun, MD.
26. In Hospital Mortality of Children Down Syndrome. J. Wisotsky MD, M. Hache MD, A.
Forde MPH, J. Brady MS, C. Ing MD, L. Sun MD.
27. Co-morbidities in Pediatric Down Syndrome Patients. A. Forde, J. Wisotsky, J. Brady, L.
Sun, C. Ing.
28. A retrospective review of urine toxicology results in outpatient pediatric pain
management. Miller-Saultz D, Afzal A, Chung W, Sullivan MA, Saroyan JM.
29. Acceptance predicts physical self-efficacy in outpatients with chronic pain.
Traci Stein PhD, MPH, Nomita Sonty, PhD.
30. Labor Analgesia in a Cohort of Chinese Women. T.W. Welsh, M.G. Irwin, P.D. Flood.
31. Daily Distribution of Deliveries and Anesthesia Workload in Two Labor and Delivery (L&D)
Suites at an Academic Medical Center. Josue Rivera BS, Richard Smiley MD, PhD, Vanessa E. HennigRoshong, Shelby H. Davies, Pamela Flood MD.
32. Propofol dosing in endoscopic retrogradecholangiopancreatography. Farooq A. Qureshi,
MD, Mitchell F. Berman, MD, Vivek K. Moitra, MD.
33. The Impact of a Seminar on Resident Knowledge of Evidence-Based Medicine. May
Hua, MD, Brian Egan, MD, MPH.
34. Evaluating the efficacy of a novel patient safety curriculum. C. Gay, D. Jones, B. Egan.
35. Abstract Withdrawn
36. How professionalism is learned during residency. Samantha Harvey, M.D. & Sandra Curry, M.D.
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Columbia University
Twelfth Annual Academic Evening
Faculty Club ‐ P&S 4‐446
Wednesday, May 27th, 2009
Guest Discussant:
Ronald G. Pearl, MD, PhD
Professor, Department of Anesthesia
Chair, Department of Anesthesia
Stanford University School of Medicine
Oral Presentation Finalist
1. Selective hypothalamic leptin receptor knockout in a murine model leads to severe obesity and
early diabetes. Ring, L, Zeltser, L
2. Sphinganine 1-phosphate ameliorates both acute liver failure and acute kidney injury induced
by hepatic ischemia and reperfusion in mice. Park, S, Chen, S, Kim, M, D'Agati, V, Lee, HT
3. MMP-9 activity before carotid endarterectomy is influenced by systemic inflammation and an
MMP-9 promoter polymorphism. Gaudet J, Yocum T. Granat A, Lewis C, Heyer E
4, Three year mortality after intensive care for Medicare beneficiaries in the United States.
Guerra C, Linde-Zwirble, W, Bamalo A, Angus D, Li G, Wunsch H
Poster Presentation Finalists
5. Radiation exposure of the eye lens of the anesthesiologist compared to the neuroradiologist.
Anastasian Z. Strozyk D, Gaudet J, Meyers P, Berman M
6 Epidemiology of Anesthesia-related complications in labor and delivery. Cheesman K, Brady
J, .r::lood P, Li G.
7. Kidney-specific reconstitution of the A1 adenosine receptor in A1 adenosine knockout mice
reduces renal ischemia·reperfusion injury. Kim M, C!Jen S, Park-S, Kim tvt D'Agati V, Lee HT
8. National estimates of anesthesia complications in major cardiac surgeries, 2001-5. Kuo C.
Brady J., Li GUG
9. Infusion pump alarm limits created using historical data from an anesthesia EMR. Qureshi F,
KheterpaJ S. Berman M
10. Urinary NGAL as a marker of renal injury comparing cadaveric with living related liver
transplants. YapS, Minhaz M, Mattis F, Kim A1, Lee HT, Wagener G
Poster Presentation
11. GABA transporters are expressed in human airway smooth muscle and epithelial cells. Zaidi
S, Xu D, Emala C
12. Extended donor criteria liver transplants are at increased risk for postoperative acute kidney
injury. Yap S, Minhaz M, Mattis F, Lee HT, Wagener G
13. Iatrogenic endobronchial hemorrhage requiring extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in a
patient undergoing orthotopic liver transplantation. Hastie J, Kim M, Jones D
14. Mallampati scale as a predictor of airway injury in patients undergoing major surgical
procedures. Hua M, Arunajadai S, Wood M, EI-Tamer M, Li G
15. Techniques for difficult peripheral venous access. Freudzon L, Gay C, Eagan B
16. Diuretics increase intraoperative pressor requirements for patients undergoing carotid
endarterectomy. Anastasian Z, Gaudet J, Heyer E
17. Timing of post-operative stroke after surgical procedures. Anastasian Z, Bateman B, Linaris
G, Berman M
18. The relationship between hypervigilance, distress, & optimism with chronic pain acceptance
and disability. Tsui P, Sonty N
19. Multidisciplinary treatment of complex headaches in adolescence: a case study. Tsui P, Santy
N, Saroyan,J
20. Use of methadone for pain management in an infant with junctional epidermolysis bullosa.
Page C, Saroyan J.
21. A 9 year old girl with an undifferentiated somatoform disorder. Morcillo C, Wifliams D,
Guthrie E, Landau, E,Saroyan J
22. A 13-year-old adolescent female with headaches. Churchiff J, Tresgallo M, Saroyan J
23. A prospective study of cognitive deficits, depression and PTSD in trauma patients without
intracranial injury. Bauer R, Obremskey W, Abraham C, Anderson V, SongY, Archer K,
Guiflamondegui O, Jackson J, Ely E
24. Elevated preoperative HbA1c in non-diabetic patients is associated with prolonged length of
stay after cardiac surgery. Bauer R, Wagener G, Minhaz M, Gubitosa G, Sladen R, Moitra V
25. Impact of the Kimberly Clark rewarming system on temperature perturbations following
cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass. Ju A, Rodriguez A, Arunjadai S, Playford H,
Sladen R
26. High frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV) for respiratory acidosis in adult late-stage
ARDS. Brand J, Yang D, Romano M, Wahlander S
27. Incidence of peri-anesthetic adverse events in children with congenital heart disease
undergoing cardiac catherization. Moore R, Kakavou/i A, Carson M, Ohkawa S, Sun, L
28. Modulators of emergence agitation/delirium associated with sevoflurane anesthesia: a review
of current literature. Yazdani A, Sun L
29. Adverse events related to anesthesia in children in surgical and non-surgical settings.
Kakavou/i A, Carson M, Sobol J, Lin C, Ohkawa S, Galiza C, Li G, Sun L
30. Epidemiology of pediatric postoperative reported adverse events in anesthesia recovery
areas. Kakavouli A, Carson M, Lin C, Silverstein E, Ohkawa S, Sun L
31. Procedure-and-patient-related risk factors for intraoperative respiratory adverse events in
children. Kakavouli A, Cheruku S, Brady J, Ohkawa S, and Sun L
32. PEDS and PAED scales: PEDS scale differences better pain from emergence delirium.
Kakavouli A, Galiza C, Lin C, Lo S, Carson M, Kubacki T, Saraiya N, Sun L
33. Sex differences in PACU opioid requirements in children following ENT surgery.lng C,
Saroyan J, Haddad J, Gereau-Haddon S, Grunstein E, Kakavouli A, Sun L
34. Anesthesia for adjustable gastric banding (LABG) in 48 pediatric patients. Lopes M, Kubacki
T, Zitsman J, Sun L.
35. Effect of self-reported ethnicity on the pain and progress during the first stage of nulliparous
labor. Debtee, J, Connell-Price J, Evans-Smith J, Shafer S, Flood P.
36. Transfusion medicine and coagulation knowledge of anesthesiology residents: the role of a
formal blood bank rotation. Sekhri N, Kim R, Padmanabhan A, Jones D, Schwartz J
37. Patient safety module questions. Gay C, Jones D
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Columbia University
Eleventh Annual Academic Evening
Faculty Club ‐ P&S 4‐446
Wednesday, May 28th, 2008
Guest Discussant:
Jonathan Moss, MD, PhD
Professor of Anesthesia and Critical Care
Professor of the College
The University of Chicago, IL
Basic Science
1. A novel pharmacologic strategy to potentiate relaxation of Human Airway Smooth Muscle.
Gallos G, Zhang Y, Park SW, Sonnett JR, Yang J, Emala CW
2. Choline Treatment Reduces the Inflammatory Responsiveness of Macrophages. McKinstry A,
Rowley TJ, Smith W, Flood P
3. The Role of Kv1.3 Potassium Channels in Lymphocyte Apoptosis. Mikami M, Kaku R,
Kawakami, Yang J
4. Alpha-2 Adrenergic Agonists Protect Against Radiocontrast-Induced Nephropathy in Mice.
Billings FT, Kim M, Chen SWC, Song JS, Lee HT
5. The Pacemaker HCN1 Channel is not Post-Transitionally Modified by SUMOylation. Kaku R,
Mikami M, Kawakami T, Tibbs G, Yang J
6. Unique Post-Translational Modification of Erk5 Mitogen Activated Protein Kinase in the
Kidneys. Kawakami T, Mikami M, Kaku R, Yang J
7. Mechanical Basis of Selective Inhibition of HCN1 Pacemaker Ion Channels by Propofol:
Insights into Anesthetic Mechanisms and Novel Therapeutic Agents. Redd KJ, Lyaschenko AK,
Yang J, Tibbs G
8. Sub-Millisecond, Camp-Sensitive Current Rectification in “Slow” HCN Pacemaker Channels:
A Novel Mechanism for Shaping Neuronal Excitability. Lyashenko AK, Tibbs G
9. GABAa Agonist Relaxes Constricted Airways in Guinea Pigs In-Vivo Independent of Neural
Contribution. Gleason NR, Zhang Y, Emala CW
Clinical Science
10. Beta-2 Adrenoceptor Genotype and Progress in Term Active Labor. Daniel D, Miller R,
Blouin JL, Emala C, Flood P, Smiley R.
11. Plasma Markers Associated with Cognitive Dysfunction in Patients Undergoing Carotid
Endarterectomy. Gaudet JG, Teverbaugh L, Zurica J, Connolly ES, Heyer EJ
12. Minimum Intraoperative Mean Arterial Pressure is Associated with Postoperative Cognitive
Performance in Older Hypersensitive Spine Surgery Patients. Gaudet JG, Yocum GT,
Teverbaugh L, Quest DO, McCormick PC, Connolly ES, Heyer EJ
13. Risk Factors Inadequate Transthoracic Echocardiogram after Cardiac Surgery. Spellman J,
Flynn BC, Wang S, Lam SW, Meltzer J, Moitra VK
14. Polymorphisms in the B2-Adrenergic Receptor are Associated with a More Rapid, Less
Painful Labor. Evans J, Connel-Price J, Drosinos S, Jasper N, Randolph P, Flood P
15. Effects of Race on Reported Pain in Labor. Debiec JM, Connel-Price J, Evans J, Flood P
16. Nicotine Nasal Spray for Pain and Inflammation after Third Molar Surgery. Aflazi P,
Yagoubian B, Akkara J, Alfi D, Connel-Price J, Yeh J, Eisig S, Flood P
17. A Revised Pediatric Emergence Delirium Scale for Infants and Children. Galiza C,
Kakavouli A, Lo S, Sobol J, Lin S, Carson M, Saraiya N, Kubacki T, Sun L
18. Adverse Events Related to Anesthesia in Children in Surgical and Non-Surgical Settings.
Kakavouli A, Carson M, Sobol J, Lin C, Ohkawa S, Schwartzenberger J, Galiza C, Li G, Sun L
19. Neonatal Hyperglycemia Following Cardiac Surgery Has No Impact on Morbidity or
Mortality. Ing C, Boublik J, Kakavouli A, Lin C, Sun L
20. EEG Coherence Patterns during Isoflurane and Sevoflurane Anesthesia in Infants and Young
Children. Lo SS, Grieve PG, Carson M, Sobol J, Emerson RG, Stark RI, Sun L
21. National Estimates of Anesthesia Complications in the United States 2005. Kuo C, Lang B,
Li G
22. Anesthetic Considerations of Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implementation. Billings FT,
Shanewise JS
23. Evaluation of an Automated Inferencing Engine Generation ICD-9CM Codes for Physician
and Hospital Billing. Behta M, Friedman G, Manber M, Jordan D
24. Machine Learning: A Computer Can Categorize and Prioritize Free-Text Clinical Data. Jone
JR, McKeown K
25. Digitally Assisted Heart Sound Monitoring Detects Changes in Heart Sounds During
Induction. Daneshrand D, Jordan D, Schwartzenberger JC, Salgo P, Gainza C, Rose S, FitzJames I
26. Sex-Based Differences in Presence of Extra Heart Sounds during Induction and General
Anesthesia. Daneshrand D, Jordan D, Fitz-James I, Salgo P, Rose S, Schwartzenberger JC
27. Comparison of the Allocation of Intensive Care Beds in England and the United States.
Wunsch H, Harrison DA, Linde-Zwirble WT, Barnato AE, Rowan K, Angus DC
28. Evaolutions of Ginny and Ernie’s Surgical Day: A Guide to Pediatric Anesthesia. Carson
MP, Wood M, Kazim R, Sun L
29. Conversion from peripheral Nerve Stimulator to Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia.
Clark M, Brown A
30. Identification and Treatment of Neuropathic Pain on Injured Adolescent. Reitman E, Saroyan
31. The Clinical Uses of Dantrolene Appear to be Broader than We Think. Wei E, Sheth S,
Jordan D
32. Diuretic Therapy for Pseudotumor Cerebri: Treating Head Pain by Ruining the Patient. Sheth
S, Saroyan J
33. Cortical Control and Characterization of a Peripheral Nerve Bridge to Bypass Spinal Cord
Injury. Haque RM, Winfree CJ, Campos L, Chakabarty S, Martin J
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Columbia University
Tenth Annual Academic Evening
Faculty Club ‐ P&S 4‐446
Wednesday, May 30h, 2007
Guest Discussant:
Mark F. Newman, MD
Merel H. Hamel Professor and Chairman
Department of Anesthesiology
Duke University Medical Center
Durham, North Carolina
1. Pre-exposure to vasopressin potentiates the vasoconstrictive effect of epinephrine in late
anaphylaxis. Dewachter P, Emala, C.W
2. Isoflurane protects against renal ischemia-reperfusion injury via sphingosine kinase. Kim MH,
Kim, M, Emafa, CW. Lee, H. T
3. Propofol attenuates acetylcholine-induced airway constriction after capsaicin pretreatment in
guinea pigs in vivo. Gleason NR Zhang Y., Emala, C.W.
4. Chronic systemic choline is analgesic in a mouse model of postoperative pain. Greenidge E.,
Rowley, T., Flood P
5. The anti-apoptotic effect of B-adrenoreceptor blockers is mediated by both mitochondrial
stabilization and a direct inhibition of caspase 9. Mikami M, Goubaeva, F., Yang, J
6. Dexmedetomidine protects against radiocontrast induced nephropathy in mice. Billings F. T.
Kim, M, Kim, MH, Wang, S., Lee H. T
7. Coupling of tachykinin receptors to kinase and calcium pathways in human airway smooth
muscle cells. Mizuta. K. Mizuta F., Xu D., Yang, J, Emafa, CW
8. Activation of endogenous GABAA channels on airway smooth muscle potentiates
isoproterenol mediated relaxation. Gaffos G. Zhang, Y. Emafa,. C.W
9. Endogenous A1 adenosine receptors protect against hepatic ischemia reperfusion injury in
mice. Kim J, Kim, M, Kim, MH, Gubitosa, G., Lee, H. T
10. GABAA receptors inhibit increases in intracellular calcium in human airway smooth muscle
cells. Mizuta K. Yang, J, Zhang, Y., Emala. C. W
11. Sub-millisecond, camp-sensitive current rectification in "slow" HCN pacemaker channels: a
novel mechanism for shaping neuronal excitability. Lyashchenko AK Tibbs, G.R.
12. Mechanistic basis of selective inhibition of HCN1 pacemaker ion channels by propofol:
Insights into anesthetic mechanisms and novel therapeutic agents. Redd.K.J., Lyashchenko.AK.,
Yang, J, Tibbs. G.
13. Development and validation of a dynamic model for predicting pain scores during the first
stage of labor. Evans. J. Cornell-Price, J., Hong. D., Shafer. S, Flood. p_
14. Superior outcomes for heart transplantation in pediatric patients with restrictive
cardiomyopathy. Boqrad AJ. Chen, J.M, Mital S., Mosca. R.. Quaegebeur, J.M.
Schwarzenberger, J.C.
15. Nicotine patch for postoperative pain. Hong B.D. Flood, P.
16. International variations in critical care services. Wunsch. H. Angus, D.C., Harrison, D.A,
Collange, O., Fowler. R., Haste E., deKeizer, N.F., Kersten, A, Linde-Zwirble, W T,
Sandiumenge, A, Sladen, R.N, Rowan.,K.M
17. Management of life-threatening respiratory failure in the ICU. Gaffnev A Wahlander. S.
18. Predicators of disability in patients with chronic pain. Katz W Sonty, N.
19. Differences in complications between onsite and offsite locations in children having
anesthesia. Kakavouli A Gafiza, C., Sobol, J., Ohkawa $., Carson, M, Sun, L
20. Validation of the pediatric emergence delirium scale. Ga/iza C. Lin, C. E., Sobol, JB,. Lo. S.,
Carson, M.P., Sun, LS
21. Use of a standoff device to improve ultrasound imaging for regional anesthesia. Abrahams
MS Wei/kens. E.P., Brown AR.
22. Sunblock in the ICU. lvascu N.. Moitra,V
23. Anesthetic management and results of the double switch operation for congenitally corrected
transposition of the great arteries. Schultz T. Schecter. W, Mosca. R., Chen, J.M,
Schwarzenberger, J. C.
24. Anesthetic management for a percutaneous pulmonary valve replacement (PPVR) in a 16year-old patient with insufficiency of a valved right ventricle-pulmonary artery conduit.
Bezdikian V. Torres. A, Hellenbrand, B., Schwarzenberger, J C.
25. Methylene blue and vasodilatory shock. Flynn B. S!aden, R.N.
26. The loss of swallowing ability and gag reflex following the administration of intrathecal
fentanyl. Moore R. Smiley, R.
27. Assessment of perioperative anesthetic risks and management of parental expectations in
Duchenne's muscular dystrophy. Rastogi M Wu,O., Hrdlicka. V., Saraiya, N., Fitz-James, J.
28. Respiratory failure requiring extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in a 54 year-old man
after discharge from coronary artery grafting. Doane M. Moitra, V.
29. Laparoscopic emergency appendectomy in a patient with trisomy 21, a fused cervical spine
and Eisenmenger's syndrome. Seitz J, Fitz-James, J
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Columbia University
Ninth Annual Academic Evening
Faculty Club ‐ P&S 4‐446
Wednesday, May 31st, 2006
Guest Discussant:
Doug Coursin, MD
Professor of Anesthesiology and Internal Medicine
University of Wisconsin
1. Postoperative dexmedetomidine does not reduce the incidence of post-thoractomy neuralgia.
Atchabahian A, Miller CC, Wahlander S
2. Delayed complete airway obstruction following the application of topical anesthesia to a
pediatric patient – a loss of upper airway tone. Bilenker M, Jooste, EH
3. Experiential and Motivational factors influencing the choice of anesthesiology as a career.
Caravajal L, Graham M, Curry S
4. The effect of nicotine on chronic pelvic pain. Cheng S, Flood P
5. Management of a child with long segment tracheal stenosis. Conley CM, Kazim R, Kubacki T,
deSerres L, Mosca R, Sun L
6. Monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 elevations predict acute neurocognitive decline after
carotid endarterectomy. Ducruet A, Mack WJ, Hickman ZL, Rassbach WM, Sisti A, Zurica J,
Heyer EJ, Connolly, S.
7. Management of renal transplantation in pediatric patients with cardiac dysfunction. Ezrokhi
M, Fitz-James, I
8. The case for peripheral nerve blocks in anticoagulated patients. Fanning RM, Patel P, Brown
9. Neurotransmitter and pharmacological control of pacemaker channel activation exerted by
acidic lipids downstream of diacylglycerol kinase and phospholipase A2. Fogle KJ, Rozario AO,
Lyashenko AK, Turbendian HK, Chaplan SR, Tibbs GR
10. Lidocaine infusion mediates protection against murine septic peritonitis via activation of G1
and P13kinase pathways. Gallos G, Lee HT
11. Beta-adrenergic receptor blockers inhibit neuronal apoptosis by interfering with both the
intrinsic and the extrinsic apoptotic pathways. Goubaeva F, Yang J
12. Anesthetic management of scoliosis surgery in an adolescent with undiagnosed subclinical
distal neuropathy interfering with neurophysiologic monitoring and neuromuscular blockade
assessment. Hrdlicka V, Hache M
13. Enhanced delivery of anticancer drugs during cerebral hyperfusion. Wang M, Joshi S
14. Cognitive correlates of acceptance in a sample of chronic pain patients. Katz WA, Sonty N
15. The architecture of the selectivity filter of open HCN pacemaker channels is not coupled to
the camp-sensing apparatus. Lyashenko AK, Fogle KJ, Dhilia A, Tibbs GR
16. The intravenous anesthetic propofol acts in a direct, membrane-delimited manner to inhibit
HCN1 pacemaker channels. Lyashenko, AK, Yang J, Tibbs GR
17. Autistic adolescent on high dose propranolol for behavioral control presents for dental
restorations. Lyubaskaya AS, Ezrohki M, Pang LM
18. GABAa receptors are expressed and facilitate relaxation on airway smooth muscle. Mizuta K,
Osawa Y, Xu D, Zhang Y, Emala CW
19. Raf-1 mediates TNFα-induced sensitization of adenylyl cyclase in human airway smooth
muscle cells. Osawa Y, Yim PD, Xu D. Emala CW
20. Functional expression of GABAa receptors in airway smooth muscle. Osawa Y, Xu D,
Mizuta K, Emala CW
21. The surgical procedure assessment (SPA) score predicts ICU length of stay in cardiac
surgical patients. Pazner O, Wunsch H, Playford H, Houstono J, Gubitosa B, Sladen RN,
Wagener G
22. Survey of pediatric cardiac MRI practices from May 2004 to February 2006 at Children’s
Hospital of New York (CHONY). Shaparin N, Schwartzenberger JS, Prakash A, Prince B
23. Delta and beta EEG power to increase following cardiopulmonary bypass in neonates. Sobol
J, Lo SS, Carson MP, Corda R, Grieve PG, Stark RI, Sun L
24. Web-based epidemiological survey of complex regional pain syndrome. Sharma A, Agarwal
S, Broatch JW, Raja SN
25. Hydrogen peroxide increases GABAergic mIPSC through presynaptic release of IP3 receptor
sensitive calcium store in the spinal cord substantia gelatinosa neurons. Takahashi A, Mikami A,
Yang J
26. Anesthetic management of giant intracranial and airway teratoma resection in a newborn.
Villafone R, Fitz-James I
27. Arginine-Vasopressin decreases portal vein blood flow in liver transplantation. Wagener G,
Kinkhabwala M, Renz JC, Gubitosa G, Birch M, Brentjens T, Brown R, Emond J
28. Increased urinary neutrophil-associated gelatinase lipocalin (NGAL) after cardiopulmonary
bypass derived from kidneys. Wagener G, Borregaard N, Jan M, Sladen RN, Lee HT
29. Aprotinin increases urinary NGAL, a marker for renal tubular injury after cardiac surgery.
Jalbout M, Gubitosa G, Wagener G, Sladen RN, Lee HT
30. Urinary neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL) correlates with change in serum
creatinine after cardiac surgery. Wagener, G, Gubitosa G, Borregaard N, Bangert K, Sladen RN,
Lee HT
31. Increased mortality associated with acute respiratory failure of extra-pulmonary origin.
Wunsch H, Harrison DA, Young D, Bellingan G, Sladen RN, Rowan K
Fly UP