Thursday, August 15, 2013 PRESORT STD U.S. Postage PAID Centralia, IL Permit #25 Volume 1, Number 48 A Centralia Press Publication Welcome to the Fall 2013 Semester BY SUSAN BATCHELOR KC VICE PRESIDENT OF STUDENT SERVICES O ver the past four months there has been a steady stream of “new to KC” students coming to our main campus and education centers in anticipation of beginning their educational journey for the fall semester 2013. Also, there are many returning students who are taking the next step in meeting their educational goals. Whether you are new to KC or coming back after summer break — I welcome you. Joining me in this welcome are administration, faculty and staff. Our KC Board chairman, Bill Hawley, frequently speaks to groups of students saying, “Thank you for choosing Kaskaskia College.” Please know he speaks for all of us in his expression of appreciation. Starting and continuing college courses in an effort to meet your educational goals takes courage and determination. Your “work” of going to college is more easily accomplished if you have others to guide and assist you. Providing guidance and assistance is something college staff and faculty want to do to help you succeed. Whether it is making a decision about what job you want to prepare for or selecting the correct classes and registering for them or learning completely new information — we are here to assist. If you have not heard about the many forms of assistance that are available at KC, perhaps you might consider registering for New Student Orientation. This is a short class where a variety of information about KC is introduced and you will see faces of many of our KC staff and learn how they can be of assistance in meeting your educational goals. Becoming involved with activities on campus is a way to meet other students who have questions and challenges similar to those that you might be facing. During the first week of Fall Semester 2013, KC students are invited to a swim party at the Centralia Recreation Center on August 19 in the evening as well as a “Welcome Back Breakfast” on August 22. Also, that day will be a “Meet the Clubs” event where you can meet other student club members as well as the sponsors and sign up to participate. Information about student activities can be found on bulletin boards throughout main campus and the education centers. Very soon our fall sports will begin with the volleyball, tennis, golf, softball and baseball games being played as well as Susan Batchelor our women’s soccer season starting on August 24 with their first home game. Watching other students and supporting your classmates is fun and provides a welcome break from the “work” of going to college. Being involved with other students will increase your satisfaction with your experiences here as well as help you develop a support system you can call on as you move toward your educational goals. Our Student Success Center and Learning Resource Center found on the first floor of the HB building are places that you can find assistance with course work. Students can arrange for tutoring in their specific subject areas or find additional information regarding specific subjects here. As you begin this semester, please pick up a copy of the KC Student Handbook. The handbook includes information that will be helpful to you as you begin school this year and can also be found online through the college’s webpage at This is a good place to look for answers to questions you might have at hours when the college offices are not open. Also, KC has a Facebook page that you can follow to get up to date information regarding events at the college. It is likely that you will have many questions as you begin the Fall Semester 2013 and we want you to know we want to answer your questions. We need to know what those questions are, so don’t be shy about asking. Ask any member of administration, faculty and staff member and they will provide or find an answer. There might be times when you feel overwhelmed or discouraged. If this happens, don’t quit. Talk with your faculty or anyone wearing a KC name tag. We are here to help — we want to help you succeed. Cosmetology students compete in Betty Wilkerson Memorial Student Competition T he Annual Betty Wilkerson Memorial Student Competition was recently held at Kaskaskia College. The student cosmetology competition is held once a year and the students compete against other students at their own level. This competition consists of three categories — Total Fashion, Hair Design and Makeup. Students also participated in Nail Design. Students receiving awards for the different levels include: LEVEL 3 • Makeup — Chantilly Sanchez, Nashville, and Becky Stoecklin, Highland, first place; Ashley Seibert, Pocahontas, second place; and Breanne Swartzlander, Centralia, third place. • Hair — Stoecklin, Highland, first place; Swartzlander, Centralia, second place; and Shana Fifer, Carlyle, third place. • Total Fashion — Stoecklin, Highland. LEVEL 5 • Makeup — Taylor Kauhl, Highland, first place; Abby Sheets, Carlyle, second place; and Sara Griffith, Centralia, third place. • Hair — Kauhl, Highland, first place; Alicia Hanks, Centralia, second place; and Jessie Bright, Vandalia, third place. • Total Fashion — Kyla Hediger, Greenville. • Fan Favorite — Hediger, Greenville. The following were awarded to the Nail Technology: • Sculptured Nail Design — Sarah Guinip, Nashville, first place; Courtney Gartside, DuQuoin, second place; and Rachel Henn, Mt. Vernon, third place. • Creative Nail Art — Hediger, Greenville, first place; Stoecklin, Highland, second place; and Jessica Carpenter, Centralia, third place. • Nail Art Creation — Guinip, Nashville, first place; Jaymee Keilbach, Breese, second place; and Tammy Sigrist, Farina, third place. • Fan Favorite — Guinip, Nashville. Additional cosmetology and nail tech photos are on page 5 of this week’s Scroll. Stylist Sarah Guinup and Model Laura Malone both of Nashville CMYK Stylist Chantilly Sanchez and Model Michelle Speede both of Nashville Stylist Taylor Kauhl and Model Lindsey Poettker both of Highland INSIDE: Stylist Breanne Swartzlander and Model Bethany Blue of Odin Stylist Becky Stoecklin and Model Paxton Kuhl both of Highland Stylist Kyla Hediger and Model Kelsey Hediger both of Greenville Greenville Center . . . 2 Crossword. . . . . . . . . 2 Food Service Classes. 2 Trenton Center . . . . . 3 Criminal Justice . . . . . 3 FAFSA . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Blood Drive . . . . . . . . 3 Golf Tournament . . . . 4 Yoga Class . . . . . . . . . 4 Kids Club . . . . . . . . . . 4 Women’s Soccer . . . . 4 Nail Tech Pinning . . . . 5 Cosmetology . . . . . . . 5 Classifieds . . . . . . . . . 6 PAGE 2 KASKASKIA COLLEGE Scroll Thursday,August 15, 2013 Greenville Education Center is focused on customer service T he Kaskaskia College Greenville Education Center has a focused philosophy, according to Jerri Davenport, its director. “The director and staff members pride themselves on their dedication to meet the needs of our students, community members and adjunct faculty. Our hours of operation provide opportunities for study, social networking and research. We are here to help in any way we can to get the students from their initial application to their ultimate goal … graduation.” Built based upon Kaskaskia College’s philosophy of “bringing education to the times and places convenient to the learner,” the Center first opened its doors in September 2002. Demand was so strong for the educational and community services offered by the Center that they quickly outgrew their first location. A newer, expanded Center is now located just off of the beautiful historic square of Greenville at 209 N. Third St. The Greenville Education Center offers services to the community beyond education. Its open computer lab, free to use by students and citizens alike, is a popular amenity that helps to strengthen the relations between the College and the community. The Greenville Center plays host to a variety of civic organizations and club meetings, some on a monthly basis. In addition, several start-up businesses call the Center home, under the Small Business Incubator Program, which allows for some area startups to lease offices at the Education Centers for a period of up to three years, while the staff at the Center make themselves available for questions and are eager to help in any way they can. Along with the expansion of the Greenville Center and the services it offers to the community, recent changes have allowed for an expansion of the Center’s educational opportunities for students. Under an agreement signed earlier this year, Kaskaskia College is now able to offer full degree programs at each of its Education Centers; where before only half of the credit hours needed for a degree could be earned off campus. With the advent of online classes, in which students need only computer and Internet access to attend classes, and distance learning classes through the College’s network of distance learning classrooms, Greenville, as well as other Education Centers, can now offer much more programming than what was available when every class meant a rigid schedule of face-to-face class meetings. The Center plays host to a number of College Advisory Food service courses to be offered at Salem Education Center K askaskia College will offer three food service courses starting in the Fall at the Salem Education Center. “Food Service Sanitation Certification” will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Sept. 14 and 21. This course is designed to provide the student with vital sanitary information applying to Food Service Management. Upon completion of the course students will be eligible to take the Food Sanitation Certification Examination administered by the Illinois Department of Public Health. The focus of the course will be on: Sanitation, Health, Microbiology, Personal Hygiene, Safe Food Handling, Management Responsibilities and the Sanitation Regulations of the State of Illinois. The registration number for the class is COOK SA01W. “Food Service Sanitation Refresher” will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sept. 23. This course is intended to prepare and meet the needs of re-certification of the Food Service Managers Sanitation Certification. This course will address all the requirements set by the Illinois Department of Health. Students will gain knowledge in current rules and regulations. The course will cover food temperatures, cross-contamination, cleaning and sanitizing and many other important components of food safety. The registration number for both classes is COOK 075 SA01D. For further information or to register, call Kaskaskia College at 545-3000 or the Salem Education Center at 548-9001. Board and Community Engagement meetings, in which suggestions for new programming to fill needs in the area are solicited. The College works to act quickly on these suggestions. As a result, the Greenville Center now offers Small Business Accounting and Accounting Certificate programs, and plans to offer a Criminal Justice certificate program in the fall of 2013. Office Technology classes are also coming to the Greenville Center. Utilizing its distance learning classroom, the Greenville Center can make available classes that are taught at any of the campuses or other extension centers. This is not only convenient for the students who would otherwise have to travel to attend a class; it allows for a few students from several different locations to use the technology to make a class viable. The Greenville Center is also part of the initiative called Weekend College, in which students who work full time can take classes that meet on Friday evenings and Saturdays and Sundays, breaking the mold of classes that are held mornings and afternoons through the week. This allows students with inflexible schedules to also attend classes at KC. Another service offered at the Greenville Center is Community Education classes. These credit and non-credit Pictured are Stacy Nevinger, Educational Support Specialist: Jessica Asaro, Student Worker: Jerri Davenport, Director of the Greenville Education Center; and Richard Ridings, Student Worker. classes cover topics of interest from getting the most use from an iPad or iPhone, to basic and intermediate computer classes, to hobbies such as writing your life’s story to genealogy and home canning of food. As a service to the senior citizens of the area, these classes are offered for free or a reduced amount to persons 60 years of age or older. Those students who do need to travel to the main campus can now do so utilizing the Bond County Transit system. With BCT, students can travel to and from the Greenville Center from KC’s main campus in Centralia for a few dollars per trip The Greenville Education Center is a growing, vibrant Crossword part of Kaskaskia College’s educational network, and the staff looks forward to serving the ever expanding educational and community needs of the Greenville area. For more information on the Greenville Center, please call the Center at (618) 664-9394 or email the Director, Jerri davenport, at [email protected]. Kaskaskia College Scroll Administration: LuAnn Droege, Senior Editor, Centralia Sentinel Cathy Karrick, Kaskaskia College Travis Henson, Kaskaskia College Dale Hill, Kaskaskia College Advertising: To place an advertisement, call 532-5601 Postal Information: Published weekly on Thursdays by Centralia Press Ltd., 232 E. Broadway, Centralia, IL 62801-0627 (USPS 098-600) (ISSN: 10598162); periodical postage paid in Centralia; POSTMASTER: Address changes to the Centralia Sentinel, 232 E. Broadway, Centralia, IL 62801-0627 Single Copy Price: 25 cents at retailers and paper racks; $20 for a one-year subscription; free on KC campuses Circulation: Subscription and delivery information is available by calling 5325606. Pre-Registering Now NO REGISTRATION FEE FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY! OUR SERVICES • 2 Year Old Room • 3 & 4 Year Old Room • 5 Year Old Room • Gourmet Kitchen equipped for teaching children • Themed dining tables to teach kids different styles of eating • RN on site daily • Ipads used for learning • Sign language and spanish classes weekly • Christian learning daily. • Garden • Top notch nature playground • Environment friendly campus Central City Montessori Childcare Center 101 W. Hardin / Central City 533-1122 cell: 618-292-3043 [email protected] COUPON A MAN Z Z I P $2.00 OFF We Accept Competitor Coupons We Make Our Own Doug h Fresh Dail y!!!! 14” (Large) Family Special W includes 14” pizza, family salad & 4 drinks. W $3.00 OFF 16” (X-Large) Family Special includes 16” pizza, family salad & 4 drinks. Your Hometown Pizza Man Not valid with any other discount offer. Expires 8/22/13 Solution to Crossword puzzle is printed on page 3. 1413 W. Main Salem 548-5331 —— ONLY FRESH INGREDIENTS —— Wilson & Wilson Monument Co., Inc. MAUSOLEUMS, MONUMENTS, MARKERS, GRANITE SIGNS & BENCHES, CEMETERY LETTERING, PET MARKERS 406 W. Poplar Odin, Illinois 62870 (618)775-6488 P.O. Box 247 1-800-966-6488 Web: E-mail: [email protected] Thursday,August 15, 2013 KASKASKIA COLLEGE Scroll PAGE 3 Registration in progress for KC Financial Aid Office to fall classes offered at KC offer FAFSA Completion Trenton Education Center Workshop on Sept. 5 R egistration for classes at the Kaskaskia College Trenton Education Center for the 2013 Fall Semester is now in progress. Most fall classes will start the week beginning Monday. Classes offered in Trenton include: Accounting Principles, two sessions of Financial Accounting, two sessions of Biology, Anatomy and Physiology 121 and 122, two sessions of Introduction to Business, Principles of Management, two sessions of Managing Diversity, Business Communications, Human Resource Management, Intro to Word Processing, Cisco Networking Basics, Cisco Routers & Routing Basics, A+ Certification, Intro to Educational Practice, Educational Psychology, Writing Effective Sentence Paragraphs, Intro to College Composition, English Composition 101 and 102, Creative Writing, two sessions of History of Western Civilizations, History of the United States 103 and 104, History of Diversities, Human Health and Wellness, First Aid, Intro to Criminal Justice, Introduction to Investigation, Institutional Corrections, two sessions of Basic Mathematics, two sessions of Elementary Algebra, two sessions of Intermediate Algebra, Emergency Medical Technician, two sessions of Basic Life Support, Self-Defense I, Logic, Core Values and Ethical Decision Making, Ethics, two sessions of Political Science, Life Span Growth and Development, two sessions of Psychology, Adolescent Psychology, two sessions of Sociology, two sessions of Social Problems, two sessions of Spanish, and three sessions of Fundamentals of Speech. In addition, Weekend College Blood drive scheduled for Aug. 26, 27 at Kaskaskia College T he Kaskaskia College Cosmetology Program will sponsor a Back-to-School Blood drive on Monday and Tuesday, August 26 and 27 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the College's Lifelong Learning Center. Appointments are encouraged and free food will be available. A blood donation truly is a “gift of life” that a healthy individual can give to others in their community who are sick or injured. In one hour's time, a person can donate one unit of blood that can be separated into four individual components that could help save multiple lives. In a recent study supported by the National Blood Foundation (TRANSFUSION 2002;42:122S), more than 5,000 individuals who were current blood donors at the time or who had given blood in the past were asked why they donate blood. Nearly three-quarters of the respondents said that they give blood to help others. Respondents also said that giving blood makes them feel good about themselves; supports their local communities and hospitals; supports their community culture; and “pays back” society for the times when they or their families have needed blood transfusions in the past. For more information, call the Cosmetology Program at 545-3386. options include Managerial Accounting, Payroll and Business Taxes, Business Communications, Microsoft Excel (Beginner), MS PowerPoint (Beginner), and Self-Defense I. Student services and support services are also available at the Trenton Education Center. Due to construction of the new Trenton Education Center, fall classes will be offered at the following locations: Breese Central High School, Body by Boyd in Carlyle, Wesclin High School, Westgate Baptist Church and at 9 West Broadway Street. Call the Center for correct locations of each course. For further information or to make a counseling appointment, contact the KC Trenton Education Center at 545-3475 or 2242666. Starting dates for some classes may vary. Please contact the Trenton Education Center at 545-3475 or 224-2666 for more information. T he Kaskaskia College Greenville Education Center will offer a Weekend College Criminal Justice Program beginning this fall. The Criminal Justice Program at Kaskaskia College exists to help students prepare for a career with local, county, state or federal police agencies, area correctional institutions, and other area criminal justice system agencies. Additionally, a large number of related career fields are open to graduates of the program. Total minimum credit hours for the certificate is 32 while the degree is 64. Courses for the certificate program at Greenville will be offered in 4-week intervals (8 sessions) throughout the semester and will begin with the following courses offered this fall: Institutional Corrections (LAWO 235), Introduction to Criminology (LAWO 255) and Court Procedures and Evidence (LAWO 265). An online course, Justice Administration (LAWO) 275) will also be offered along with the GUID 103 course. In the Spring 2014 Semester, the following course will also be offered in 4 week intervals (8 sessions) throughout the semester: Criminal Law (LAWO 150), Introduction to Criminal Justice (LAWO 110), and Introduction to Investigation (LAWO 215). Online courses for the Spring 2014 include Community Based Corrections (LAWO 280) and Police Operations (LAWO 225). Courses scheduled for the Summer 2014 include an online proctored Criminal Justice Physical Fitness (LAWO 205), Criminal Justice Internship (LAW0 171 — Field experience to be arranged with Program Coordinator) and Report Writing for Criminal Justice (LAWO 210). Once a certificate has been achieved the students could obtain their degree in Criminal Justice by taking their general education courses online or in evening or weekend classes. Required courses include English 101, Sociology 101, Political Science 101, Psychology best source for iuka park Demolition Derby Modified Class • Full Size Trucks • Compact Trucks Also Powerwheels Derby (ages up to 9) & Lawnmower Derby Sat., Aug. 17th Pit opens at 11am (Pit Pass $15, Must be 18) Start time at 3pm Anywhere you find this newspaper. General Admission $10.00 • Children $5.00 Subscribe to: Refreshments Available Including Homemade Ice Cream The Morning Sentinel 532-5601 or 246-2000 nent Resident Receipt Card (if applicable); W-2 forms and other 2012 records of money earned; 2012 income tax return (see the instructions on the FAFSA if the tax return has not been completed); Records of child support paid; Records of taxable earnings from Federal Work-Study or other need-based work programs; Records of student grant, scholarship and fellowship aid, including AmeriCorps awards, that was included in your (or your parents’) AGI; Current stock, bond, and other investment records; Current business and farm records; Current bank statements. A dependent student, should have all the records listed above from his or her parents except for their driver’s licenses. For further information on the Financial Aid Workshop, contact the Kaskaskia College Office of Financial Aid at 618-545-3080 or toll free at 1-800-642-0859, Ext. 3080. Kaskaskia College to offer weekend college Criminal Justice Program at Greenville Education Center WHERE do you find the area’s JOB LISTINGS? F or the convenience of its students, the Kaskaskia College Financial Aid office will host an evening FAFSA Completion Workshop from 4 to 6 p.m. Sept. 5 in room L-102 on the KC Main Campus in Centralia. KC Financial Aid professionals will be on hand to assist all students regardless if they are in stage one of initiating the 2013-14 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or finalizing the details. Completing the FAFSA accurately and on time is the first and most important step to obtaining state and federal financial aid. As students complete the FAFSA, the following records will need to be available to help answer questions on the application: Social Security Card; Driver’s license (if any); Perma- For info contact Troy Owens 292-8182 Upcoming Event: Wilderness Days • Sept. 14th, 2013 101, and Computer System Forensics (CITN 114). Other courses needed are Area D electives (ex: Health 208, First Aid) or Emergency Medical Technician (PARM 110); Area B elective (ex: English 101); Two Area A electives (ex: Math 101 or Biology 101) and Speech 103. Criminal Justice Program Coordinator Ken Ingersoll states, “The weekend offerings will give opportunities for those who want face-to-face interaction with instructors and get the certificate complete within a matter of months with the convenience of our Greenville Educational Center.” For more information, contact Jerri Davenport at the KC Greenville Education Center at 664-9394 or email [email protected] or Program Coordinator Ken Ingersoll at 545-3336 or email [email protected]. Living in the Now, Preparing for the Future For many of us, our goals in life remain constant: financial independence and providing for family. Striking a balance between saving for goals, such as education and retirement, and allocating money for daily expenses can be challenging. But you can do it. Learn how you can redefine your savings approach toward education and retirement. Call or visit today. Bill Dwyer, AAMS® Darren L. Dwyer Financial Advisor Financial Advisor 521 West Main Salem, IL 62881 618-548-6555 521 West Main Salem, IL 62881 618-548-6555 Member SIPC Member FDIC Caution! Marion County Residents with Home Loans Receiving Deceptive Mailing... A possible fraudulent Mailing is circulating in our community. It appears to be either a scam or an attempt to get Mortgage customers to refinance their home loans. The mailing itself has no return address. It looks like it came from MCSB (or other local banks) and it also looks like a governmenttype document. The return address section says “ELIGIBILITY NOTICE PAYMENT REDUCTION NOTICE ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES” and it is addressed to ‘IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING YOUR LOAN WITH MARION CNTY SVGS BK.” The information that was used for this mailing most likely came from public mortgage records. Customers from Marion County Savings Bank or any other local bank should be aware of these types of possible Scams. Never call an 800 or 888 number that is contained in these types of offers. The safest action is to call your local bank. It is important to know how to recognize when a mailing appears to be fraudulent. This particular mailing may be deceptive for a variety of reasons, including the following... • There is no bank logo on the mailing • There is no return mailing address or soliciting company name on the mailing • There is no local telephone number on the mailing • The mailing does not resemble typical mailings that customers receive from their bank • The mailing is designed to look like an official document; however, the disclosure states there is no affiliation with Marion County Savings Bank or any Government agency. The concern is that this organization may be using this mailer as an attempt to get personal information from customers. A simple rule to follow is... never give out any personal information to an unfamiliar source that is asking for this type of information. If you are ever in question about a company or an offer that appears to be representing a business, contact the people you know at the local number for that business and get their advice. Do not call the 800 or 888 number that is on the mailing. Professional fraudsters are experts at deception and may deceive you into giving your personal information. If they ask for and are successful at getting any information beyond you name, address, and telephone number, they could have the ability to obtain credit or make purchases using your identity or your account information. Rember that the best way to keep your personal information safe is to never give it out to someone you do not know! • 301 W. Main Street • Salem • 618-548-3440 PAGE 4 Scroll KASKASKIA COLLEGE Scroll Thursday,August 15, 2013 KASKASKIA COLLEGE SECTION KC women’s soccer ready for yet another winning year S peed is the key word for the Blue Angels this fall according to Coach Joe Basch. “This team is probably the fastest team collectively that I have coached at KC. With all of our speed we can be a dangerous team all over the field.” The Angels are also experienced with ten returners to go along with nine new players. The 10 returners were part of the most successful team in school history that saw the Angels finish the season 23rd in the nation and a trip to the regional championship game, to go a long with a 14-4 season record. “I feel that this team has what it takes to complete our 5th straight winning season and make a deep run in the post sea- Marissa Burroughs son”, said Basch. The Angels return five starters in Marissa Burroughs, Kaysie Tisdale, Holly Owens, Courtney Morgan Musoiu Hannemann, and Morgan Musoiu. Burroughs was a first team all-region selection as a freshman and also finished in Kaysie Tisdale the top 20 in the nation in goals scored. The schedule facing the Angels in daunting with roughly Courtney Hannemann a third of the games being against teams that were ranked in the top 25 last fall. “The schedule does has very difficult Holly Owens games on it, but I feel that we are going to be able to play with any team in the country,” said Basch. KC Sports Association to host 11th Annual KC Sports Association Par-3 Golf Tournament In Okawville accepting members for T he Kaskaskia College Sports Association will host the 11th Annual Par-3 Golf Tournament and Dinner on Sept. 7. The Par-3 Tournament will be held at Roland Barkau Memorial Golf Course in Okawville with a shot-gun start at 2 p.m. A fried chicken dinner will be served at 6 p.m. The golf tournament includes the dinner, 18 holes of golf with cart, gift bag and drink tickets on the course. Special golf events including closest to the pin and longest putt contests. Entry fee for the 4-Person Scramble is $60 per golfer ($240 per team). Hole sponsors are also being sought for $50 and cart sponsors for $25. All proceeds from the tournament will go toward the Kaskaskia College Sports Association which serves as the fundraising arm for the Department of Athletics and dedicates itself to building friends and helping support athletic scholarships; new, improved, and expanded athletic facility needs; and to assist the athletic department to achieve excellence. For more information or to receive a flier about the tournament, please call Cathy Karrick at 545-3182 or email [email protected]. KCSA Kids Club T he Kaskaskia College Sports Association Kids Club is the fan club for Kaskaskia College Blue Angels and Blue Devils and is for kids in eighth grade and under — and membership is FREE! New members are being accepted now and membership includes Official Membership Card, Newsletters, Free Admission to all KC Athletics, Special Event Invitations, and other athletic opportunities. Membership runs through the fall semester and ends in May. For more questions, or to have a membership form sent to your home, please call Coach Joe Basch at Kaskaskia College at (618) 545-3175 or email [email protected]. Twin Willows NURSING CENTER ––––––––––––––––––––––––––– • Medicare approved rehabilitation services provided by “Rehab Care” a provider of physical, occupational and speech therapy in forty-three states. • Locally owned and operated. • Public Health annual inspection for 3-2007 cites no deficiencies — public health’s highest compliment. • When you’ve been in the hospital and need therapy to get back home call 548-0542. Yoga class to be held at Salem Education Center T Come Live With Us, Phone 548-0542 Route 37 North • Salem he Kaskaskia College Continuing/Community Education Department will offer a Yoga course at the Salem Todd Woodru ff Administrator Since 1976 Education Center. The class will be held Monday mornings starting August 19 and ending Sept. 16 from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The registration number is LLI 7400 SA01D. This ancient form of fitness instruction will improve mobility and strength while being gentle on your body. Students will learn and practice various basic yoga postures, breathing and proper body alignment with the focus of moving slowly and gently. Yoga releases muscle tension and increase flexibility while incorporating deep breathing and meditation exercise. Individuals need no prior experience to join the class. Please wear comfortable clothing and bring a towel or a mat to class. Cost for this course is $20 and students over 60 may register at no cost. For more information or to register, please call the Salem Education Center at 548-9001 or the Community Education Department at Kaskaskia College at 545-3255. Are you the one for me? Centralia • 532-1997 Mt. Vernon • 244-2777 Salem • 548-0100 Toll Free: 800-344-7058 Cute, available ad in search of exciting, new advertiser. Must be willing to attract more customers and make more money than ever! If you’re the one for me, let’s get together in the Morning Sentinel! Call Me Today! 532-5604 246-2000 Thursday,August 15, 2013 KASKASKIA COLLEGE Scroll PAGE 5 Stylist Shana Fifer and Model Crystal Rose Both of Carlyle KC holds Cosmetology Pinning Ceremony The Kaskaskia College Cosmetology Program recently held a Pinning Ceremony for its graduates. Graduates include, from left, FIRST ROW, Erica Dumstorff (Breese), Taylor Kauhl (Highland), Sara Griffith (Carlyle), Dana Harrell (Salem), Abby Sheets (Carlyle) and Chelsea Simmons (Centralia). SECOND ROW: Kelsey Knott (Carlyle), Nicole Schlemer (Breese), Jonathon Beavers (Carlyle), Alicia Hanks (Centralia), Caitlin Fox (Breese), Kyla Hediger (Greenville), Brianna Holtz (Breese) and Jessie Bright (Vandalia). Stylist Paige Garrison and Model Paten Miller both of Vandalia KC holds Nail Technology Pinning Ceremony The Kaskaskia College Cosmetology Program recently held a Pinning Ceremony for its Nail Technology graduates. Graduates include, from left, FIRST ROW, Rachel Henn (Mt. Vernon), Jaymee Keilbach (Breese), Tammy Sigrist (Farina) and Misty Garrett (Flora). SECOND ROW: Sarah Guinup (Nashville), Courtney Gartside (DuQuoin), Jenny Barton (Centralia) and Krista Halbrook (Vandalia). Stylist Abby Sheets and Model Andrea Baggett both of Carlyle Stylist Tammy Sigrist of Farina and Model Linda Nolte of Iuka Stylist Kelsey Knott and Model Maria Currey both of Carlyle More Cosmetology Competition photos will be featured in future editions of the Scroll. CENTRALIA COIN, STAMP, ETC. SHERRI LUTZ THE INSURANCE SHOPPE • Coins & precious metals for Collectors and Investors • Estates Appraised and Purchased • Buying All U.S. Gold & Silver Coins and Jewelry TOP PRICES PAID. 533-4200 Corner of Broadway & Cherry Established in 1989 Buying Scrap Gold Jewelry! 618-548-1053 SHERRI LUTZ THE INSURANCE SHOPPE 1141 S. BROADWAY SALEM, IL 62881 Stylist Chelsea Simmons and Model Haley McNelly both of Centralia