
A Eagle sculpture placed on Veterans Tribute at Kaskaskia College

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A Eagle sculpture placed on Veterans Tribute at Kaskaskia College
Thursday, August 8, 2013
U.S. Postage
Centralia, IL
Permit #25
Volume 1,
Number 47
A Centralia Press Publication - 25¢
Eagle sculpture placed on Veterans Tribute at Kaskaskia College
Kaskaskia College President Dr. Jim Underwood with the eagle
sculpture before installation.
Group photo: L to R Mr. Jim Beasley, Co-chair of the Veterans Tribute Committee and KC
Trustee; Craig Roper, Director of Purchasing for KC; Travis Henson, Co-chair of the Veterans Tribute
Committee and Director of Marketing for KC; Ray Klockner, member of the Veterans Tribute Committee and Chair of the Clinton County Board; Chuck Simpson, member of the Veterans Tribute
Committee and member of the Clinton County Board; Don Berdeaux, Veterans Tribute Committee;
Dr. Dee Boswell, member of the Veterans Tribute Committee and KC Trustee; Judy and Frank Smith,
members of the Veterans Tribute committee; Robert Gaffner, member of the Veterans Tribute Committee and former KC Trustee; and Joe Kurwicki of KC.
One of the five seals of the branches of the American Armed
Forces that were also installed on Aug. 1.
milestone was
reached for the Veterans Tribute on the
Kaskaskia College
campus on Thursday, August 1 with the mounting of
the American Eagle Sculpture as the
centerpiece of Phase 1 of the Tribute.
The sculpture was created by
renowned sculptor Mike Curtis of
Idaho, and arrived on campus last
summer, awaiting construction of the
Warrior’s Court and the installation of
the pedestal upon which it sits. The
bronze seals of the five branches of
the U.S. Armed Forces were also
mounted on Thursday. These seals
surround the eagle sculpture.
Phase 1 of the Veterans Tribute
contains two walls, already in place,
upon which will be mounted black
granite sheathing inscribed with the
names of area service members, past
and present, provided by the citizens
of the College District. Beneath the
eagle sculpture will be red bricks,
either 4 inches by 8 inches or 8 inches by 8”, which were acquired
through donations to the project. The
bricks will be inscribed with messages from the donors. Additional
brick sales are still available.
“The eagle has finally landed,” said
Jim Beasley, co-chair of the Veteran’s
Tribute project and Kaskaskia College Board member. “It is magnificent!”
For more information on the Veterans Memorial project, including brick
sales, please visit www.veteranstributeatkc.com.
Maiden Flight: Workers carefully swing the eagle sculpture into position atop its pedestal on Thursday,
August 1.
KC’s Nashville Education Center packs multitude of services into small space
he Kaskaskia College
Nashville Education
Center may be small, but
the services it offers to
residents and students
are huge.
Built upon Kaskaskia College’s philosophy of “bringing education to the
times and places convenient to the
learner,” the Nashville Center has
expanded the services and classes it
offers to the communities of Washington County. The Nashville Education
Center opened its doors in August, 2003
and has continued to thrive ever since. It
houses four education classrooms and a
ten station up-to-date computer lab and
is open to the public 8:00 a.m. to 9:00
p.m. Monday through Thursday and
8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. on Fridays.
Originally built as an experiment to
see if there was sufficient demand for a
Kaskaskia College facility in Washington County, the Nashville Center has
continued to expand its class offerings
and community services in its cramped
space on Kaskaskia Street in Nashville.
Recent Community Engagement and
Board of Trustees meetings at the Center overfilled the largest meeting space
available, highlighting the need for a
larger space with more classrooms and
laboratories to accommodate an evergrowing selection of classes and events
at the Center.
Expansion of the Nashville Education
Center is sorely needed, and is currently
being addressed by the College, which
has located a suitable site on Rt. 127
north of Nashville for a new, state of the
art building. The campaign for fundraising and design of the new space is
expected to be underway later this year.
Under an agreement signed earlier
this year, Kaskaskia College is now able
to offer full degree programs at each of
its Education Centers, where before
only half of the credit hours needed for
a degree could be earned off campus.
With the advent of online classes, in
which students need only computer and
Internet access to attend classes, and
distance learning classes through the
College’s network of distance learning
classrooms, Nashville, as well as other
Education Centers, can now offer much
more programming than what was
available when every class meant a rigid
schedule of face-to-face class meetings.
The Nashville Center uses the College’s PolyCom system that allows oneon-one interaction between the Center
and the main campus for tutoring, counseling, and other services to take place
without the need for local students to
travel for these services.
Utilizing its distance learning classroom, the Nashville Center can make
available classes that are taught at any
of the campuses or other extension centers. This is not only convenient for the
students who do not have to travel to
attend a class; it allows for a few students from several different locations to
use the technology to make a class
The Nashville Center is also part of
the initiative called Weekend College, in
which students who work full time can
take classes that meet on Friday
evenings and Saturdays breaking the
mold of classes that are held mornings
and afternoons through the week. This
allows students with inflexible schedules to also attend classes at KC.
Pictured are staff members Pat Mefford, Ruth Barczewski and Marlene Hawkins.
In response to the College’s Community Engagement and Advisory Board
meetings, Kaskaskia College is seeking
to fill the needs of the communities it
serves by expanding courses at the Education Centers.
Another service offered at the
Nashville Center is Community Education classes. These credit and noncredit classes cover topics of interest
from getting the most use from an iPad
See Nashville, Page 2
Elliott Engele . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Agriculture Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Cody Gill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Registration In Progress For Fall 2013
Classes Offered at KC Vandalia Campus
egistration for
classes at the
KC Vandalia
Campus for the
2013 Fall
Semester is now in progress.
Most fall classes will begin the
week of August 19, 2013.
Classes offered in Vandalia
include: Accounting Principles,
Financial Accounting, Managerial Accounting, Intermediate
Accounting III, Agriculture Economics, Agriculture Sales Leadership,
Cultural Anthropology, Introduction to Art, Art History I, two
sessions of Biology, two sessions
of Anatomy and Physiology 121,
Anatomy and Physiology 122,
Microbiology, Introduction to
Business, Principles of Supervision, Managing Diversity, Business Mathematics, Personal
Finance, Small Business Management, International Business
Management, General Chemistry,
two sessions of Intro to Word
Processing, two sessions of
Microsoft Excel (Beginner), MS
Powerpoint (Beginner), Comput-
er Application & Business System Concepts, Autocad Basics,
CAD-Theory and Practice I,
CAD Theory, CAD 3 Dimensional, Mechanical Drafting IICAD, Theatre Appreciation,
Principles and Practices of Early
Childhood Education, Science
and Math for Young Children,
Principles of Economics, Intro to
Educational Practice, Creative
Activity-Art, Writing Effective
Sentence Paragraphs, two sessions of Intro to College Composition, two sessions of English
Composition 101 and 102, Physical Geography, First Year College Experience, Career Education Planning, History of Western Civilizations, History of the
United States 103 and 104, History of Diversities, Human
Health and Wellness, First Aid,
Landscape Plant Materials, Math
for the Green Industry, Intro to
Criminal Justice, Institutional
Corrections, Introduction to
Criminology, Court Procedure
and Evidence, Justice Administration, Introduction to Literature, Film and Literature, Fundamentals of Math I and II, three
sessions of Basic Mathematics,
two sessions of Elementary
Algebra, Elementary Plane
Geometry, Intermediate Algebra,
Intro to Contemporary Math,
General Statistics, Finite Mathematics, two sessions of Medical
Terminology, Intro to Music in
America, Music in Early Childhood, Nurse Assistant, Keyboarding I, three sessions of
Basic Life Support Jogging,
Walking, Beginning Racquetball,
Wallyball, Basic Weight Training, Karate I, Basketball Officiating, Fitness Center Participation,
Beginning Rhythmic Aerobics,
Advanced Rhythmic Aerobics,
Core Values and Ethical Decision
Making, Ethics, Political Science, two sessions of Nursing
Care of Women, two sessions of
Medical Surgical Nursing II, Personal & Vocational Relations,
two sessions of Geriatric Nursing, two sessions of Life Span
Growth and Development, two
sessions of Psychology, Child
Psychology, Adolescent Psychology, Abnormal Psychology, Fundamentals of Reading, Critical
Reading/Study Skills, two ses-
Continued From Page 1 .....................................................
or iPhone, to basic and intermediate computer classes, to hobbies such as writing your life’s
story to genealogy and jewelry
making. As a service to the
senior citizens of the area, these
classes are offered for free or a
reduced amount to persons 60
years of age or over.
The Nashville Center has
entered into an agreement with
the South Central Transit line.
Utilizing the SCT, students can
travel to and from the Nashville
Center from locations such as
Centralia, including KC’s main
campus, for a few dollars per
trip. For more information on the
SCT, please visit their website at
The Nashville Education Center is a growing, vibrant part of
Kaskaskia College’s educational
network, and the staff looks forward to serving the ever expanding educational and community
needs of the Nashville and Washington County area. For more
information on the Nashville Center, please call the Center at 3279136 or 545-3485 or email the
director, Ruth Barczewski, at
[email protected].
sions of Sociology, Social Problems, Intro to Social Services,
Basic Concepts in Social Service
I, Spanish, two sessions of Fundamentals of Speech, and Zoology.
In addition, Weekend College
options include Managerial
Accounting, Payroll and Business Taxes, Business Communications, Intro to Word Processing, Intro to Computer Applications, Food Service Sanitation
Certificate, and Core Values and
Ethical Decision Making.
Students may register anytime
for the Fall Semester, however,
the Vandalia Campus will be
open Saturday, August 10 from
9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. for students wishing to register for Fall
Starting dates for some classes
may vary.
Student services and support
services are also available at the
Vandalia Campus.
For further information or to
make a counseling appointment,
contact the KC Vandalia Campus
at 283-1780.
Thursday,August 8, 2013
Kaskaskia College
LuAnn Droege, Senior Editor, Centralia Sentinel
Cathy Karrick, Kaskaskia College
Travis Henson, Kaskaskia College
Dale Hill, Kaskaskia College
To place an advertisement, call 532-5601
Postal Information:
Published weekly on Thursdays by Centralia Press Ltd., 232
E. Broadway, Centralia, IL 62801-0627 (USPS 098-600)
(ISSN: 1059-8162); periodical postage paid in Centralia;
POSTMASTER: Address changes to the Centralia Sentinel,
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Single Copy Price:
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Subscription and delivery information is available by calling
Learning About Dinosaurs Class
Held at Nashville Education Center
Food service course to
be offered at Greenville
Education Center
askaskia College will offer a
“Food Service
Sanitation Certification”
course in August at the Greenville
Education Center.
“Food Service Sanitation Certification” will be held on Saturday, August 10 and 17 from 8:00
a.m. to 4:00 p.m. This course is
designed to provide the student
with vital sanitary information
applying to Food Service Management. Upon completion of the
course students will be eligible to
take the Food Sanitation Certification Examination administered
by the Illinois Department of
Public Health. The focus of the
course will be on: Sanitation,
Health, Microbiology, Personal
Hygiene, Safe Food Handling,
Management Responsibilities and
the Sanitation Regulations of the
State of Illinois. The registration
number for the class is COOK
074 TV01W.
For further information or to
register, call Kaskaskia College at
545-3040 or the Greenville Education Center at 664-9394.
Want to be part of the
Please contact
Dale Hill at
[email protected].
Scholarship opportunities
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“A Salem Tradition”
askaskia College is
extended hours
of service on
the main campus from August 5
Corner of Broadway
& Cherry
Established in 1989
through August 30 for the convenience of students registering for
fall 2013 classes.
During this time, the offices of
Financial Aid, Academic Advising, Admissions & Registration,
Cashier’s, and the College Book-
store will be open Monday
through Thursday from 7:30 a.m.
to 7:00 p.m. and Friday from
7:30 a.m. till 4:00 p.m.
If you have questions please
feel free to contact the college at
(618) 545-3000.
KC Baseball Program
to hold open tryouts
he Kaskaskia
College Blue
Devils Baseball
Program, under
head coach
Mitch Koester, will hold an open
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The Kaskaskia College’s Kids in College at Kaskaskia (KICK) Program recently
held a class entitled “Learning about Dinosaurs” for children ages 6 – 10. Erica
Hicks, an Instructor for Kaskaskia College, presented facts and a unique learning
experience about Dinosaurs, including when and where they lived, looked at fossils and created their own fossils, and read a Tyrannosauras Math book. The
group worked on many other fun learning lessons and projects. Students in
attendance were Dylan Hicks, Logan Lester, Brady Stein, Brock Lester and
Nicholas and Noah Miller (not pictured) all from Nashville.
Scrap Gold
try-out for prospective players
on Tuesday, August 13 at 9:00
a.m. at the college baseball field.
Players throughout the area are
welcome to attend and all players participating must have a
completed physical form with
them. The try-out will be held
two to three hours with conditioning.
For further information,
please contact Coach Mitch
Koester at 545-3327 or e-mail
[email protected].
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Thursday,August 8, 2013
Kaskaskia College
to host Fall 2013
Registration Day
August 10
askaskia College
will be hosting a
special fall 2013
Registration Day
at the main campus and all education centers on
Saturday, August 10 from 9:00
a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Departments providing services for the day will include
Advisement, Admissions and
Registration, Placement Testing,
Financial Aid, the Library, TRIO
and the Bookstore. Advising will
be available on a walk-in basis
that day.
New students are encouraged
to apply prior to the 10th by
completing the Student Admissions Form online at
www.kaskaskia.edu by choosing
the “Apply Now” link. Students
should also bring their high
school transcripts, college transcripts, and ACT scores. Students
that have not previously taken the
ACT should plan to test for math
and English class placement by
contacting the KC Success Center at 545-3160 for more infor-
Students need to be aware that
payment of 35 percent of their
fall tuition is required to register
for classes on the 10th. Assistance with Nelnet payment plans
will be available through the
Cashier’s Office.
While it is recommended that
Free Application For Student Aid
(FAFSA) applications be completed prior to August 10, assistance in completing the application will also be available on that
Those students seeking assistance with the FAFSA application should plan to bring their
2012 U.S. tax forms as well as
2012 tax forms for parents or
spouses as appropriate. Records
for untaxed income such as social
security, welfare, AFDC, veteran’s benefits, or child support
received or paid should also be
For more information about
the special registration event,
contact the Kaskaskia College
Admissions and Registration
Office at 545-3040.
Openings remain for fall
entry Into KC’s Massage
Therapy Program
askaskia College is
that openings
remain for
entry into the Fall 2013 Massage
Therapy Program. The mission
of the Massage Therapy Program is to produce entry-level
Massage Therapists for the labor
market while fostering attitudes
toward life-long education and
development of skills.
The American Massage Therapy Association defines Massage Therapy as a profession in
which the practitioner applies
manual techniques, and may
apply adjunctive therapies, with
the intention of positively affecting the health and well being of
the client. Since the field of
Massage Therapy is relatively
new, the profession is undergoing fast-paced change. Massage
is both an art and a science. It
requires academic knowledge
and technical training. Practitioners need to possess skills,
manual dexterity, sensitivity, and
For more information concerning the Massage Therapy
program, please call Jane Hermann at 545-3220.
Sydney Waithe to be guest
speaker during Centralia
Museum Speaker Series
he Centralia Area
Historical Museum and Kaskaskia College will
host local artist
Mr. Sydney Waithe. Mr. Waithe
will be speaking about his artwork at the Monthly Lecture
Series on Monday, August 12th
at 7:00 p.m.
Sydney Waithe is a 1971 graduate of Centralia High School.
He is a wood sculptor and is currently working on sculpting the
likenesses of the 16 greatest
players ever to play for the Centralia Orphans. Waithe is planning to craft a life-size, motorized rendition of the Orphan
mascot. This piece will be the
1000th piece of his wood sculpting career. Several pieces of his
work will be on display at the
This program is free, and open
to everyone. Refreshments will
be served. If you would like
more information or would like
to speak at the museum please
call Cydney Richardson at (618)
Kaskaskia College
accepting applications
for Honors Program
askaskia College
is still accepting
applications for
the Fall 2013
Honors Program. This program recognizes
students who have demonstrated,
or who evidence the potential
for, consistent academic excellence. The mission of the program is to challenge students to
think, to analyze, to investigate,
and to discover by stimulating
them to achieve beyond the usual
academic requirements. The program will develop exceptional
talent and ability in highly motivated students while offering
those students unique opportunities to learn and explore their
academic interests.
Students who are accepted
into the Honors Program will
receive the following benefits:
special course offerings, travel
study opportunities, $150 scholarship per semester towards
books and supplies in the KC
Bookstore; special recognition at
graduation and personalized
transfer assistance.
For an application to the Honors Program or for a complete
list of qualification and admis-
sion criteria, students should
contact Jill Klostermann, Honors
Program Advisor, at Kaskaskia
College by phone at 545-3235 or
by email at
[email protected].
Tye Dye Class Held at KC Crisp Center
The Kaskaskia College Community Education Department recently hosted a “Tye Dye” class for students
through the KICK Program. Students were taught to twist, wrap, and use color to create a fun wardrobe
piece. Students attending were Ceci Barrow, Sophi Barrow, Sadie Skillette, Frank Basting, Eli Barrow, Claire
Skillette all of Centralia.
KC to offer variety of
online classes this fall
askaskia College will be
offering a
wide variety
of online
courses for the Fall 2013
Semester. Online courses are
offered in nearly every discipline and will have varied start
dates throughout the semester.
Online programming continues to grow at Kaskaskia College with over 150 online
courses offered at various time
of the year and in different
lengths of term. A new addition
this year is expanded offerings
of accelerated eight-week
online classes in many general
education areas. The eight
week terms allow students to
be registered in more credit
hours that are spread throughout the traditional sixteen-week
term. According to Dean of
Arts and Science Kellie Henegar, “Some students choose to
spread their hours out so they
aren’t registered in as many
hours at one time but can still
be considered a full-time student.”
Course offerings include:
Accounting Principles, Financial Accounting, Managerial
Accounting, Applied Math for
Agriculture, Introduction to
Art, Art History I, Safety and
Shop Procedures, Biology,
Human Biology, Introduction
to Marine Biology, Environmental Biology, Microbiology,
Introduction to Business, Marketing Fundamentals I, Principles of Management, Managing
Diversity, Advertising, Business Mathematics, Business
Communications, Personal
Finance, Small Business Management, Human Resource
Management, International
Business Management, World
of Chemistry, General Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry, Organic Chemistry I,
Biochemistry, Microsoft Outlook, Intro to Word Processing,
Microsoft Word Specialist,
Microsoft Excel Beginner and
Specialist, Microsoft Access,
MS Powerpoint, Computer
Application and Business System Concepts, Intro to Computer Applications, Microsoft
Word Expert, Advanced Computer Applications, Adobe
InDesign, Desktop Publishing
Basics, Intro to Quark Xpress,
Integration of MS Office, Intro
to Computer Operating Systems, Security +, IDS and Firewall Administration, Server +,
Introduction to Internet, Web
Site Design-HTML, Equipment
& Floor Plan Layout, Hospital-
ity Law, Management in Food
Service, Fundamentals of Food
Purchasing, Drafting Mathematics, Ultrasound Case Studies III, Intro to Child Development, Motor Fit ActivitiesPreschool, Infant and Toddler
Care Activity Programming,
Early Childhood Education
Administration, Health, Safety
and Nutrition for Young Child,
Exceptional Child, Principles
of Economics, Topics/Issues in
Education, Intro to College
Composition, English Composition, Principles of Nutrition,
Physical Geography, World
Geography, Online Orientation,
First Year College Experience,
History of Western Civilizations, History of the United
States, History of Diversities,
Human Health and Wellness,
Landscape Plant Materials,
Math for the Green Industry,
Intro to Mass Communications,
Journalistic Writing, Copy
Editing and Rewriting, Photo
Journalism, Intro to Criminal
Justice, Work Ethics in Criminal Justice, Air and Bloodborne
Pathogens-CJ, Criminal Justice
Physical Fit, Institutional Corrections, Introduction to Criminology, Court Procedure and
Evidence, Justice Administration, Leadership Development,
Introduction to Literature,
Fall classes begin
Monday, August 19
Introduction to Fiction, Classical Mythology, English Literature, American Literature,
Children’s Literature, Basic
Mathematics, Elementary
Algebra, Intermediate Algebra,
Statistics Software, Intro to
Contemporary Math, College
Algebra, General Statistics,
Finite Mathematics, Pre-calculus, Calculus Business and
Social Science, Medical Terminology, Intro to Music in
America, Music Appreciation,
Music Appreciation, Elementary Music Methods, Music in
Early Childhood, Jogging,
Walking, Introduction to
Coaching, Intro to Physical
Education, Core Values/Ethical
Decision Making, Ethics,
Introduction to Philosophy,
Political Science, Astronomy,
Atmospheric Science, Life
Span Growth and Development, Psychology, Child Psychology, Adolescent Psychology, Sociology, Marriage and
the Family, Spanish, Fundamentals of Speech, Enhanced
Leadership Skills, Dev. KC
Student Worker Skills, and
Special Topics on Radiology
For more information or to
register, please call the KC
Admissions Office at 5453040.
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Thursday,August 8, 2013
Kaskaskia College Tuck
Driver Training Program
offering new sessions
askaskia College
is announcing
that two new
sessions of
courses in the
Truck Driver Training session
are scheduled to begin August 19
and September 16 in Centralia.
KC is very proud of the 100 percent employment rate of our successful completers.
The Truck Driver Training
Program is a certificate program
designed for an individual with
no commercial driving experience and includes commercial
driver’s license learner’s permit
preparation, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations, Department of Transportation rules and
Pictured left to right: Lisa Motch, LPN coordinator; Dr. Linda Caputi; Cris Meyers, ADN coordinator; and Janet
Garretson, Dean of Nursing for KC.
Kaskaskia College Nursing
Program hosts Dr. Linda Caputi
he Kaskaskia College Nursing
program hosted respected
nursing educator Dr. Linda
Caputi for a seminar on
“Test Construction and Test
Item Writing” and how to align these with
the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX )test blueprint. The seminar
was attended by both Kaskaskia College
and Rend Lake College nursing faculty.
Dr. Caputi is certified as a Certified
Nurse Educator (CNE) from the National
League for Nursing. She has authored over
25 educational multimedia programs, nursing education books, produced and developed videotapes, and published book chapters, journal articles, and board games for
nursing education. She is editor of the second edition (2010) of Teaching Nursing:
The Art and Science (Volumes 1, 2, & 3),
and coauthor of Teaching Nursing: The Art
and Science, It’s All About Student Success
(Volume 4). She serves on the editorial
staff for Nursing Education Perspectives,
as the editor of the column Innovation Center, a publication of the National League
for Nursing. Dr. Caputi has presented her
work for over 20 years on many nursing topics.
regulations, log books, map reading, trip planning, routine vehicle
maintenance, load securement
and other information as necessary to prepare individuals for
the Illinois Secretary of State
administered Class A road test
and an entry level position in the
trucking industry.
Program Director, Dean Daum
says, “At this time there is a
great demand for qualified drivers in the transportation industry. Recent KC graduates are
being employed in a variety of
positions including local, longhaul, and even highway maintainer positions with IDOT.”
For more information on the
Truck Driver Program, please
contact Daum at 545-3310.
KC to hold informational
session concerning new
ROTC Program partnership
askaskia College will be
holding several
sessions in
August for the public to attend
in order to find out more information about the new ROTC
program partnership with Southern Illinois University
Edwardsville at KC.
Representatives will be available at the Nashville Education
Center on Thursday, August 8
from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.; the
Main Campus in Centralia on
Saturday, August 10 from 11:00
a.m. to 12:00 p.m.; and the temporary Trenton Education Center located at 9 West Broadway
in Trenton on Monday, August
12 from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.
Individuals from both KC and
SIUE will be available at these
locations to answer any and all
questions about the partnership,
provide clarity on what the program involves and promote the
opportunities available to participants after completion. For
more information please contact
Fran Windler at 545-3049 or
Amy Troutt at 545-3048.
Kaskaskia College Agriculture Program
Excited about move to new building
ith the
recent signing of an
Agreement with the State of Illinois that allows for Kaskaskia
College to now become owner of
Alignment Special
Starting at
the former Animal Disease Lab,
its Agriculture Program now has
a new home.
This facility will provide the
Agriculture and Horticulture
Programs with a premier teaching facility that will include lecture, computer lab, and laboratory spaces. According to KC Pro-
fessor of Agriculture, Aaron
Heinzmann, “Our programs desperately needed increased space,
as we have grown significantly
over the last eight years. Enrollment has grown 54 percent since
2005, and served nearly 100 students in 2012-13.”
This move will allow the KC
Agriculture Program to expand
from the current 1200 square
foot room to a 44,000 square
foot building. KC Professor Bill
Waggoner says, “We have out
grown our current set-up by
leaps and bounds very quickly.
As a 2000 graduate of the Agricultural Program at KC, I can
personally say that this is a perfect fit. This move will give our
students leading edge lab space
to perform studies that will be
very beneficial to the quickly
changing Agricultural Industry”.
The Intergovernmental Agreement gives KC the building for a
five year period with one five
year renewal period. The new
building, now being named the
“Kaskaskia College Agricultural
feels that the agreement will
greatly assist our already successful Agriculture Programs
with the space and tools necessary to take post-secondary agricultural education into the next
Starting at
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Education Center” will be ready
for students for the Fall 2013
Semester which begins August
KC Dean of Career and Technical Education, George Evans
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century. Evans says, “This building will provide us with larger
classrooms and abundant laboratory space. Keep in mind this
building was built to service the
agricultural industry, and we will
continue to utilize the building
for what its original purpose
was. I am excited for the future.”
Heinzmann adds, “The facility
also fits us at the right time, as
the Agriculture and Horticulture
programs have each added
degrees and certificates in the
last year. The Agriculture program has expanded from one
Associate in Applied Science
Degree in Agriculture to four
AAS degrees.” The new degrees
include Agriculture Business,
Animal Science, Plant and Soil
Science, and Dairy Science.
Recently, the Horticulture also
added two new certificates that
will be available this fall. These
new programs include Landscape and Turfgrass Operations
and Greenhouse and Nursery
Production. Both programs are
expected to contribute to the
overall growth of the KC Horticulture Program.
The new facility will also
allow the KC Agriculture Programs to increase local partnerships with many other agriculture education partners. It is the
hopes of the program to increase
cooperative efforts with the local
Farm Bureaus, the University of
Illinois Extension, the Illinois
FFA Chapters and any other
groups that are willing to partner
to promote agriculture and horticulture.
Heinzmann adds, “We hope to
serve the local community as
well as the staff at the Animal
Disease Lab did for so many
For more information, contact
Aaron Heinzmann at 545-3381
or Bill Waggoner at 545-3185.
Thursday,August 8, 2013
Cody Gill places third
in national competition
for Kaskaskia College
une, Cody Gill of
Oakdale, representing the Kaskaskia
College Criminal
Justice program, finished with the Bronze Medal for
third place overall in Criminal
Justice at the National SkillsUSA
competition in Kansas City, Missouri. Prior to the national competition, Cody won the SkillsUSA competition for the State
of Illinois.
Cody was in competition with
other competitors from across
the nation. His third place
national finish makes him the
second highest-placing Criminal
Justice student in Kaskaskia College Criminal Justice history. In
2011, Tyler Rose secured the
National level Silver Medal for
Kaskaskia College Criminal Justice Program.
“It was intimidating at first,
competing against all those other
people,” Cody said, “but I was
confident that I knew how to do
the required skills. It was fun.”
The competition was stiff, and
Cody was shocked when his
name was called. “I just sat there
until Mr. Ingersoll grabbed me,”
he said. “Up on stage and looking out over thousands of people,
was definitely one of the biggest
moments of my life so far. Who
knew that my time at KC would
get me so far?”
Cody can expect to have more
big moments in his life. After
graduating from KC this May
with an Associate’s degree in
Criminal Justice, he recently
joined the Air Force and will
report on August 19 for Basic
Training in Texas. “I will be a
military police officer, and hopefully earn a Bachelors’ degree in
the service. I would love to eventually get a job with the FBI or
ATF, or one of the big agencies.”
Cody chose Kaskaskia College
specifically for small class sizes
and one-on-one instruction. “Mr.
Ingersoll is a great instructor,”
Cody said. “With his many years
as a police officer, he is able to
teach about real life situations as
well as what is in the books.”
For more information on the
Kaskaskia College Administration of Justice program, please
contact the program coordinator,
Professor Ken Ingersoll at (618)
545-3336 or by email at [email protected].
Pictured are Cody Gill, LEFT, and Professor Ken Ingersoll at the 2013 National
SkillsUSA competition in Kansas City, MO.
Registration In Progress For Fall 2013 Classes
Offered at KC Greenville Education Center
egistration for
classes at the KC
Greenville Education Center for
the 2013 Fall
Semester is now in progress.
Most fall classes will begin the
week of August 19, 2013.
Classes offered in Greenville
include: Accounting Principles,
Financial Accounting, Tax
Accounting, Managerial Accounting, Payroll and Business Taxes,
Introduction to Art, Biology,
Anatomy and Physiology, two ses-
sions of Introduction to Business,
Managing Diversity, Small Business Management, General Chemistry, Computer System Forensics,
Principles and Practices of Early
Childhood Education, Science and
Math for Young Children, Intro to
Word Processing, Microsoft Excel
Beginner, Microsoft Access
Beginner, Principles of Economics, Creative Activity-Art, Food
Service Sanitation, two sessions of
Writing Effective Sentence Paragraphs, Intro to College Composition, English Composition 101
and 102, First Year College Expe-
rience, History of Western Civilizations, History of the United
States 103 and 104, History of
Diversities, Human Health and
Wellness, Introduction to Criminology, Court Procedures and Evidence, Classical Mythology,
American Literature, two sessions
of Basic Mathematics, Elementary
Algebra, Elementary Plane Geometry, two sessions of Intermediate
Algebra, Intro to Contemporary
Math, College Algebra, Medical
Terminology, Intro to Music in
America, two sessions of Nurse
Assistant, Keyboarding I and II,
Emergency Medical Technician,
three sessions of Basic Life Support, Medical Emergencies, Cardiology, two sessions of Core Values
and Ethical Decision Making,
Introduction to Philosophy, Political Science, Life Span Growth
and Development, two sessions of
Psychology, Adolescent Psychology, Fundamentals of Reading,
Critical Reading/Study Skills,
Sociology, Social Problems, Spanish and Fundamentals of Speech
In addition, Weeken College
options include Managerial
Accounting, Payroll and Business
Taxes, Food Service Sanitation
Certification, Institutional Corrections, Introduction to Criminology, and Court Procedure and Evidence
Community Education courses
offered in Greenville include
Computer College - Part 1and Part
2, Conversational Spanish, Beginning and Intermediate Quilting,
MS Word, MS Excel, MS Publisher, Facebook and three sessions of
Zumba Gold.
Students may register anytime
for the Fall Semester, however, the
Greenville Center will be open
KC Nashville
student Elliott
Engele ‘Does the
Right Thing’
Kaskaskia College Nashville
Education Center student
Elliott Engele of Nashville found
a wallet in the restroom at the
Nashville Center. After inspecting the contents, he found a
rather large sum of money and
the name of the owner of the wallet.
Mr. Leo Barczewski, husband
of Nashville Center Director,
Ruth Barczewski, had accidentally left the wallet in the restroom.
He was elated with Engele
returned the wallet to him and all
its contents.
According to Engele, “My parents raised me and my siblings to
always be honest and respectful
when growing up so taking the
wallet or anything in it didn't
even cross my mind. They have
raised us all with good morals. I
know my brother and my sister
would have done the exact same
Engele is a 2011 graduate of
Nashville High School and a
recently 2013 graduate of
Kaskaskia College receiving an
Associate in Arts and Associate
in Science Degree. He will be
transferring to Southern Illinois
University at Carbondale to
major in Plant and Soil Science.
He is the son of Calvin and
Stephanie Engele and Jana and
Jay Tull.
Engele adds that taking college
classes at the Nashville Education Center has been very convenient. He says, “It is close to
home so I did not have to drive to
Centralia every day and it was
nice seeing familiar faces as
teachers and students at the edu-
Fall Classes
August 19
cation center.”
He also agrees that the staff in
Nashville have been terrific.
“Ruth, Marlene, and Pat are
great! They have been very helpful to me in whatever I need.
Whether it be signing up for
classes or answering simple
questions. They go out of their
way to help students pursue their
educational goals, which speaks
loudly for Kaskaskia especially
the Nashville”.
He also says that he would recommend Kaskaskia to others. “I
would definitely recommend
Kaskaskia to any student. It is
inexpensive compared to other
community colleges and it gives
the student a great start to their
college education”.
Pictured are Ruth and Leo Barczewski and Elliott Engele (center).
Centralia • 532-1997
Mt. Vernon • 244-2777
Salem • 548-0100
Toll Free: 800-344-7058
Saturday, August 10 from 9:00
a.m. to 2:00 p.m. for students
wishing to register for Fall
Student services and support
services are also available at the
Greenville Education Center.
For further information or to
make a counseling appointment, contact the KC
Greenville Education Center at
664-9394. Starting dates for
some classes may vary. Please
contact the Greenville Education Center for more information.
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