
HONORS BIOLOGY  Unit 2 Ch. 2, 3

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HONORS BIOLOGY  Unit 2 Ch. 2, 3
Unit 2 Ch. 2, 3
“Chemistry” and “Biochemistry”
 Weebly Publishing: assign.sheet,  objective sheets  study sheets,  review sheets x2,  lab
 Print Work:  essay,  test
“Chemical basis of life“
day 1: DUE: Notes Ch.2.1-5
DUE: Print work from Weebly: assignment sheet, objective sheets, study sheets, review sheets, lab.
Lecture LT1, 2: matter, elements, atoms, periodic table, atomic mass, atomic #, electrons, isotopes,
day 2: DUE: Notes Ch.2.6-8
Lecture LT2a-c: bonds, polar molecule H2O, hydrogen bonding, cohesion/adhesion/capillarity,
temperature moderation, density of ice, solute/solvent/solution, univ. solvent of H2O.
In class:
Online Campbell Anim: Water’s polarity and hydrogen bonding
Online Campbell Animation: Hydrogen Bonds in Water
day 3: White boards: chem. Review
DUE: Notes Ch.2.9-15
Lecture: cohesion/adhesion/capillarity, temperature moderation,
density of ice, solute/solvent/solution, pH, buffers.
day 4: Quiz: Basic Chemistry
Review, work time on Chemistry Review (Weebly)
day 5: Dry Lab: “Acids, Bases, and Buffers” /26 pts.
Work data, answer questions.
day 6: DUE: “Acids, Bases, and Buffers” correct, turn in.
day 7: DUE: Chemistry review worksheets, correct/turn in /48 pts.
day 8: QUIZ LT1,2 Chemistry
CHAPTER three:
biochemistry or “the molecules of life“
day 9: DUE: Notes: 3.1,3
Lecture LT3a-d: carbon compounds, organic, versatility, functional groups, monomers/polymers/
macromolecules, condensation reaction/hydrolysis.
day 10: DUE: Notes: 3.4-10, 16
Lecture LT3a-d: (use study sheet) Carbs, lipids.
day 11: DUE: Notes: 3.11-13, 16,17
Lecture LT1c-d, 3a-c: Proteins, Enzymes, energy of activation, ATP, pH and temp, Nucleic Acids
Workshop Review macromolecules / Study time: Biochem Review
day 12: Quiz: LT3a-d Macromolecules including enzymes
DUE: Notes Ch.37.19-21
Lecture LT3e: Biogeochemical cycles
day 13: DUE: Biochem Review, correct, turn in./ REVIEW
day 14: Ch. 2,3 Test 50 questions m.c.
Mrs. Loyd 
[email protected]
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Unit 2: Chemistry of Life
Learning Targets
Reminder: Use Quizlet to study vocabulary! https://quizlet.com/subject/rippin-biology/
Reminder: For Honors Biology students only.
How is life built?...Chemistry of Life
a. I can explain how the structure of an atom determines the way it bonds.
 (covalent, ionic and hydrogen bonds, polarity, strengths of bonds)
b. I can describe the role of reactants and products in chemical reactions and why chemical reactions occur in the cell.
c. I can explain the relationship between enzymes and activation energy.
d. I can explain how the pH level and temperature affect chemical reactions in the cell.
 (homeostasis)
Vocabulary: matter, atoms, ions, isotopes, elements, activation energy, covalent bonds, ionic bonds, compounds, hydrogen
bonds, molecules, polarity.
How does water affect life on Earth?...Water
a. I can describe the structure of water molecule.
b. I can explain the relationship between hydrogen bonding and the different properties of water that are important for
living things.
c. I can give specific examples of how the different properties of water affect plant and animal life (aquatic and terrestrial).
o (Examples include evaporation, capillary action, density of ice, water as a universal solvent, etc.)
o (Examples include evaporative cooling, capillary action, density of water/ice, universal solvent, high specific heat)
How do four molecules build all living things?...Biochemistry
a. I can list the four main types of macromolecules found in cells and state their functions.
b. I can show the relationship between the four types of macromolecules and the elements and subunits (monomers) that
make them.
c. I can name one/three example(s) of each of the four macromolecules as they are found in cells, organisms and food.
d. I can describe the processes by which polymers are synthesized and broken down.
e. I can demonstrate how metabolism occurs as a series of coupled reactions by drawing a labeled diagram.
f. I can explain how compounds that cycle through living and nonliving factors form macromolecules.
o (water cycle, nitrogen cycle, carbon cycle and phosphorus cycle).
*Revisit LT1c, d.
Vocabulary: dehydration synthesis, hydrolysis, denatured enzyme, active site, abiotic, biotic, biogeochemical cycles
Mrs. Loyd 
[email protected]
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