
Welcome to the  Annual Meeting Vermont Grass  Farmers 

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Welcome to the  Annual Meeting Vermont Grass  Farmers 
Welcome to the Vermont Grass Farmers Association Annual Meeting
Greetings from Eric Noel, VGFA President
Incorporated in 1996, VGFA is a 501c(3) organization with a mission to promote, manage and oversee grazing outreach and education programs in Vermont.
Current board members:
Eric Noel, President
Rebekah Perry, Treasurer
Ben Brown
Ellen Fox
Wallace Greenewalt
Ryan Hayes
Dave Martin
Gabe Zoerheide
Board Liaisons:
Dan Hudson, UVM Extension
Kevin Kaija, VT‐NRCS
Dave Martin, VSGA
Eric Noel & Jenn Colby, VBPA
Jenn Colby, Juan Alvez & Kimberly Hagen, UVM Center for Sustainable Agriculture’s Pasture Program
VGFA board members and liaisons represent a wide variety of grass‐based farm types and sizes, industry, policy, research, technical assistance and education.
As a farmer‐based, primarily volunteer organization, VGFA works closely with the UVM Center for Sustainable Agriculture’s Pasture Program staff to deliver outreach and educational programs, through financial support from VT‐NRCS and additional sources such as memberships, conference income, and grants.
VGFA activities include:
• Annual Vermont Grazing & Livestock Conference, hosted in partnership with the Vermont Beef Producers Association
• On‐farm workshops with NOFA‐VT, VSGA, VBPA, VAAFM, and others
• Quarterly representation on the NRCS State Technical Committee
• Annual Jamie Cherington Memorial Mini Grant Awards
• Building the Jon Rutter Memorial Fund • Representing Vermont in the Northeast Pasture [Research] Consortium • Participating in the Farm to Plate Network
2013‐2014 Year in Review
2013‐2014 Workshops
Grazing Basics
Mini Grant Awardees
• Farmer Brown: Todd & Annette Brown, Bakersfield, VT
– Stockpiled Forage Testing and Winter Grazing
• Putney Mountain Project: Libby Mills, Claire Wilson, David Ritchie Putney, VT
– Eradicating Buckthorn on Putney Mountain
• Gozzard City, Wesley Bascom Marshfield, VT
– Economics of Pasture and Forage in Production of Goose • Pine Island Farm, Karen Freudenberger, Chuda Dhurali, Colchester, VT
– Field/Pasture Restoration Project to Renovate/Rejuvenate from Reed Canary Monoculture
Mini grant results are housed at www.uvm.edu/pasture
Strategic Planning
• As an organization approaching its 20 year, VGFA has been working through a strategic planning process to reevaluate the focus of the last few years and look to the future.
This has included work with VT Small Business Development ‘s Steve Paddock, some administrative changes, and participation in a new program coordinated by the Vermont Sustainable Jobs Fund.
Agricultural Trade Associations
Capacity Building Workshops
Coordinated by the Vermont Sustainable Jobs Fund
Other associations involved are Beef Producers
Sheep and Goat Breeders Association
Tree Fruit Growers
Cheese Council
Fresh Network
Farms! Association
Distilled Spirits Council
Agricultural Trade Associations
Capacity Building Workshops
Organized as eight workshops over two years to cover the topics to strengthen agricultural trade organizations. Any member questions or input, feel free to contact
Ellen Fox at [email protected]
or call her at 802‐355‐9853.
Capacity‐Building Question 1:
1) How long have you been a member of VGFA
a. 0‐2 years
b. 2‐5 years
c. 5‐10 years
d. 10+ years
e. Have been a past member (not currently)
f. Interested in becoming a member
Capacity‐Building Question 2:
2) I will most likely respond to a survey about how to serve my needs as a member of VGFA if it is delivered by a. email
b. telephone
c. mail
d. online survey monkey
e. other___________
Capacity‐Building Question 3:
3) I am informed about the current priorities of VGFA and I influence the direction of the organization.
a. strongly agree
b. agree
c. neutral
d. disagree
e. strongly disagree
Comments: ________________
Capacity‐Building Questions are also available via SurveyMonkey at
2014‐2015 Slate of Officers:
Gabe Zoerheide, President
Rebekah Perry, Treasurer
Ellen Fox, Secretary
Many thanks to outgoing President, Eric Noel
What’s Next for VGFA?
• Members (and non‐member) surveying
• Bedded pack manure management workshops in December and February
2015 Vermont Grazing & Livestock Conference
January 16 & 17, 2015 Lake Morey Resort, Fairlee VT
Theme: At the Junction of Livestock and the Environment
Keynote speaker: Joe Orefice, Paul Smith’s College
Highlights: Swine intensive day, forester working session, beef marketing mixer, panel of water quality
Visit the conference web page for updates!
Thanks for attending today!
Please feel free to share your thoughts with any board member directly or email [email protected]
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