
Jennifer Strickler 1 March, 2015

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Jennifer Strickler 1 March, 2015
Jennifer Strickler
March, 2015
Department of Sociology
University of Vermont
31 South Prospect Street
Burlington, VT 05405
Phone:(802) 656-5453
Email: [email protected]
Population studies, reproductive health, family sociology, quantitative research
Contraception, abortion, and fertility, survey methods, family and household
composition, foster parenting and adoption
Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey
MA, 1990, Sociology
PhD, 1993, Sociology
General exams in demography, mathematical demography, gender studies
University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont
BA, summa cum laude, 1984, Sociology
Honors and
Awards: Dean's Teaching Award, Tulane School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine,
Mellon Summer Field Research Award, 1995 ($3500)
National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship, 1988-1991
"Docente Destacada" (Outstanding Teacher) 1987-1988, School of Social Work,
Universidad Centroamericana, Managua, Nicaragua
Outstanding Student in Sociology, University of Vermont, 1984
Phi Beta Kappa
Publications: "The new procreative technologies: problem or solution" Sociology of Health and
Illness 14(1):111-132, 1992.
Reprinted in Roberta Satow (Ed.), Gender and Social Life. New York: Allyn
and Bacon, 2001.
Jennifer Strickler
March, 2015
Wiberg, Kevin, Jennifer Strickler, and Gilman McCann, Population and Housing
Estimates, Vermont, 1991. Burlington, Vermont: Vermont Department of Health,
Kline, Anna and Jennifer Strickler, "Perceptions of risk of AIDS among women in
drug treatment." Health Psychology, 12(4):313-323, 1993.
Trussell, James, Jennifer Strickler and Barbara Vaughan, "Contraceptive efficacy
of the diaphragm, sponge and cervical cap." Family Planning Perspectives
25(3):100-105, 1993.
Trussell, James, Rosalie Dominik, Jennifer Strickler, and Kim Sturgeon,
"Contraceptive efficacy of the Reality female condom: comparison with other
barrier methods." Family Planning Perspectives 26(2):66-72, 1994.
Kline, Anna, Jennifer Strickler, and Judith Kempf "Factors associated with
pregnancy and pregnancy resolution in HIV-positive women." Social Science and
Medicine 41(11): 1539-1547, 1995.
Strickler Jennifer, Magnani R, McCann HG, Brown L, Rice J. "Reliability of data
on contraceptive use: evidence from Morocco." Studies in Family Planning
28(1):44-53, 1997.
Rodriguez, Karen and Jennifer Strickler (equal co-authors). "Clandestine abortion
in Latin America: provider perspectives.” Women and Health 28(3):59-75, 1999.
Strickler, Jennifer, Angela Heimburger and Karen Rodriguez, “Clandestine
abortion in Latin America: a clinic profile.” International Family Planning
Perspectives 27(1):34-36, 2001.
Reprinted in Numero Especial de 2001 (in Spanish).
Strickler, Jennifer and Nicholas Danigelis, “Changing frameworks in attitudes
toward abortion.” Sociological Forum 17(2):187-201, 2001.
Lara D, García S, Strickler J, Martínez H, Villanueva L. El acceso al aborto
legal de las mujeres embarazadas por violación en la ciudad de México.
Gaceta Médica de México 139(1):S77-S90;2003.
Lara, Diana, Strickler J, Diaz C, Ellertson C. “Measuring induced abortion in
Mexico: a comparison of four methodologies.” Sociological Methods and
Research. 32(4):529-558, 2004.
Jennifer Strickler
March, 2015
Andrew Golub, Jennifer Strickler, Eloise Dunlop. Towards Improving Surveys of
Living Arrangements among Poor African-Americans. Journal of Comparative
Family Studies 43(4):545-565, 2012.
Andrew Golub, Megan Reid, Jennifer Strickler, Eloise Dunlop. Cohabitation
Duration and Transient Domesticity. Marriage and Family Review 49(7): 623-646,
"Reproductive technologies: problem or solution?” Presented at the 1990 Annual
Meeting of the American Sociological Association, Washington D.C.
"Gender differences in abortion attitudes." Presented at the 1991 Annual Meeting
of the American Sociological Association, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Kline, Anna, Jennifer Strickler, and Stephen Husband, "Determinants of condom
use among women in drug treatment." Presented at the Seventh International
Conference on AIDS, Florence, Italy, 1991.
Trussell, James, Jennifer Strickler, and Barbara Vaughan, "Contraceptive failure of
the diaphragm, sponge, and cervical cap." Presented at the 1992 Annual Meeting
of the Population Association of America, Denver, Colorado.
"Patterns in contraceptive risk-taking." Presented at the 1993 Annual Meeting of
the Population Association of America, Cincinnati, Ohio.
"Contraceptive risk-taking: rational behavior or weakness of will?" Presented at
the 1993 Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, Miami,
"Contraceptive discontinuation and failure in Morocco." Presented at the 1996
Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, San Francisco,
"Clandestine abortion in Latin America: a clinic profile." Presented at the 1996
Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, New Orleans,
Rodriguez, Karen and Jennifer Strickler, “Clandestine abortion in Latin America:
provider perspectives.” Presented at the 1998 Annual Meeting of the Eastern
Sociological Society, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Jennifer Strickler
March, 2015
“Illegal abortion in Latin America: problem or solution?” Presented at the 1998
Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, San Francisco,
Strickler, Jennifer and Nicholas Danigelis, “Trends in abortion attitudes: how have
the models changed?” Presented at the 1998 Annual Meeting of the American
Sociological Association, San Francisco, California.
Strickler, Jennifer and H. Gilman McCann, “Patterns of contraceptive failure and
premature discontinuation in Morocco.” Presented at the 1999 Annual Meeting of
the American Sociological Association, Chicago, Illinois.
Strickler, Jennifer and Nicholas Danigelis, “Changing frameworks in attitudes
toward abortion.” Presented at the 1999 Annual Meeting of the American
Sociological Association, Chicago, Illinois.
Strickler, Jennifer and Nicholas Danigelis, “She thinks, he thinks: gender, world
view, and attitudes toward abortion.” Presented at the 2001 Annual Meeting of
the American Sociological Association, Anaheim, California.
Strickler, Jennifer, Angela Heimburger, Karen Rodriguez, and Judith Botero,
“Aborto clandestine en America Latina: un perfil clinico.” Presented at the
Conference on Unwanted Pregnancy and Abortion: Public Health Challenges in
Latin America and the Carribean, November 12-14, 2001.
Zayed, Leila and Jennifer Strickler, “Postfeminism: decreasing support for
women’s rights in contemporary times?” Presented at the 2003 Annual Meeting of
the Eastern Sociological Society, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Strickler, Jennifer and Andrew Golub, Finding "invisible" two parent families:
Children with cohabiting parents.” Presented at the 2009 Annual Meeting of the
American Sociological Association, San Francisco, California.
Associate Professor. Department of Sociology, University of Vermont. August
Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Vermont. September
1994 - 2003.
Jennifer Strickler
March, 2015
Assistant Professor, Department of International Health and Development, Tulane
School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine. August 1994 - July 1996.
Instructor, Department of Sociology, University of Vermont. January 1993 - June
Visiting Instructor, Department of Sociology, Dartmouth College. September 1992
- December 1992.
Instructor, Mathematics Review, Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton University.
September 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992. Taught an 18-hour review of quantitative skills
to incoming graduate students.
Teaching Assistant, Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton University. Fall 1989,
1990. Quantitative Analysis in Public Policy, Professor Henry Braun.
Visiting Professor of Social Work, Universidad Centroamericana, Managua,
Nicaragua. July 1987 - July 1988.
Consulting: Population Council, December 1998- 2004.
Design of research program to estimate the incidence and consequences of
clandestine abortion in Mexico.
Family Health International, August 1996 - October 1996.
Expert review of research protocol to evaluate effectiveness of new contraceptive
New Jersey Department of Health. July 1990 - July 1994.
Statistical analysis for a study of risk-taking behavior among women at high risk of
HIV infection.
Vermont Department of Health. January 1992 - October 1992.
Developed a model for post-censal population estimation of Vermont counties and
towns based on the 1990 census.
Wisconsin Pharmacal, July 1991 - November 1991.
contraceptive failure rates of the Reality female condom.
Professional Activity:
Statistical analysis of
Jennifer Strickler
March, 2015
Reviewer for Population and Environment, Social Science and Medicine, Family
Planning Perspectives, Women and Health, Studies in Family Planning,
Sociological Forum, Population Studies, Public Opinion Quarterly.
Organized and chaired session at 1995 Population of Association of America
Annual Meeting on Contraceptive Use Dynamics.
Chaired session at 2002 Population of Association Annual Meeting on International
Aspects of Abortion.
University Service:
Department of Sociology
Curriculum Committee: Chair 2013-1015.
Outreach Committee: 2013-2015
Student Visitation/Retention Committee 2003-2004, Chair 2005-2006.
Administrative Policy Committee: 1996-98, 2000-2003, 2006-2007,
Chair 2008-2009.
Committee on Undergraduate Policy: Fall 1998, 1999-2000, 2007-2008, 20102012, Chair 2012-present
Ad-Hoc Curriculum Committee: 1998-1999
College of Arts and Sciences
Curriculum Committee
Member, Fall 2010- Spring 2014.
Faculty Standards Committee
Member, Fall 2005 – Spring 2007.
Admissions Committee
Member, January 1997-May 2000; Chair, 1998-1999 academic year
Ad Hoc Committee on Excellence (sub-committee of Curriculum Committee)
Member, Spring 2000
Faculty Senate
Curricular Affairs Committee Fall 2014 - present
University Ombudsperson, Fall 2008-Spring 2011
Professional Standards Committee Spring 2008
Admissions Committee
Member, September 2000 – May 2002
Faculty Senator, Fall 2002-2004, Spring 2012
Professional Standards Committee Spring 2008
Jennifer Strickler
March, 2015
Phi Beta Kappa
Membership Committee, 2005-2006
Bogorad Prize Committee, Fall 2000
Treasurer, Fall 2000 – Spring 2007
Vice President, Fall 2007 – Spring 2010
United Academics
Market Adjustment Committee, 2005-2008, Chair 2008-2010.
Available upon request
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