
Document 2634891

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Document 2634891
UPDATE: The eALERT will be sent semi-monthly rather than weekly. Please send
submissions for the eALERT to Sarah Keblin by 4 PM Wednesday for submission in
the current issue.
Thursday, January 8, 2015
UVM Cancer Center Call for Proposals: ACS Institutional Research Grant
NIH Update to Salary Cap for FY15
UVM Updates Regarding Federal Guidelines for Sponsored Activity
UVM Athletics' Rally Against Cancer Games and Events
Publications and Announcements
Funding Opportunities- NEW LISTING THIS WEEK
Ongoing Events
Event Spotlight
Palliative Care Week
Hosted by the UVM College
of Medicine Palliative Care
Funding Opportunities for EarlyCareer Investigators
Student Interest Group
Monday, January 12Friday, January 16
presentations daily from
12-1 PM
Sullivan Classroom
(Med Ed 200)
*Tuesday's presentation will be
in the Reardon Classroom
(Med Ed 300)
Save the Date
January 2015
National Cervical Cancer
Screening Month
6 UVM Cancer Center Grand
9 Cancer Biology and
Technology Seminar Series:
12-16 Palliative Care Week
hosted by the UVM College of
Medicine Palliative Care Student
Interest Group; presentations
daily from 12-1 PM in the
Sullivan Classroom (Med Ed 200)
with the exception of Tuesday
which will be held in the Reardon
Classroom (Med Ed 300).
16 UVM Rally Against
Cancer Men's Hockey Game,
7 PM vs. Northeastern.
17 UVM Rally Against Cancer
Women's Hockey Game, 2
The University of Vermont Cancer Center has been
awarded and Institutional Research Grant (IRG) from
teh American Cancer Society. Grant applications are
now being invited from junior faculty for the award of
research grants up to $30,000 for one year and
renewable for a second year contingent upon the
progress of the project.
Funded research may cover the cancer continuum and
should emphasize transdisciplinary, translational
investigation via the three program areas of the Cancer
Center: Molecular Mechanisms of Malignancy, Host
Factors and Tumor Progression, and Cancer Control and
Population Health Sciences. The application must be a
collaboration between a laboratory or behavioral
scientist and a physician investigator. Investigators from
the University of Vermont, and the Albany College of
Pharmacy and Health Sciences are eligible to apply.
These grants are intended for new investigators (within
six years of first independent academic appointment)
who do not have an active, nationally competitive
research grant (e.g., from NIH, NSF, ACS).
Deadline for Submission is February 13, 2015
The application package, ACS IRG guidelines and
instructions, and other required forms can be found at
the UVM Cancer Center website.
Please contact Nikola Gorcikova
at the UVM Cancer Center at 656-4417 or
[email protected] questions.
NIH Increases Salary Cap for FY15
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has revised its
salary limitation on grants, cooperative agreements, and
contracts for FY15 to $183,300.
Please read the NIH notice for full details on the
updated policy, which includes updates on allowable
expenses, budgeting etc.
To view the full notice, click here.
UVM Updates on New Federal
Regulations for Sponsored Activity
The University has released an announcement regarding
24-25 Neuroscience, Behavior,
and Health Research Forum;
Dudley Davis Center at UVM.
26 Vermont Athletics' hosts
Celebrity Server Night at
Buffalo Wild Wings to benefit
the UVM Cancer Center.
its implementation of new Federal regulations for
sponsored activities. Updates on various aspects of
sponsored activities, including administrative salaries,
classification of computing devices, sub-recipient
monitoring, and requests for prior approval and
associated requirements, can be referenced on the
Sponsored Projects Administration website.
Rally Against Cancer Hockey and
February 2015
National Cancer
Prevention Month
14 UVM Rally Against Cancer
Men's Basketball, 2 PM.
18 UVM Rally Against
Cancer Women's Basketball,
7 PM.
19-20 Clinical Cancer
Immunotherapy Symposium:
Translating Cancer Therapy from
Promise to Reality; part of the
Molecular Med Tri-Con; San
Fransisco, CA.
March 2015
National Cancer
Prevention Month
16-17 Micro RNA Conference:
microRNAs as Predictive Cancer
Biomarkers; Hyatt Regency,
Cambridge, MA.
17 J. Walter Juckett
Distinguished Lecture,
featuring Michelle Le Beau, PhD,
Professor at the University of
Chicago Comprehensive Cancer
Once again, UVM Athletics, with the support of Otter
Creek Awnings and Vermont Custom Closets, will host a
series of events this winter to help raise awareness and
support for breast cancer research and education efforts
at the UVM Cancer Center.
The effort kicks off on Friday, January 16th with a
men's hockey game against Northeastern.
Congratulations to Karen Lounsbury, Michael Lewis and
Susan Wallace who were raffle winners and will
represent the UVM Cancer Center at this game.
The remainder of Rally games are listed below. If you'd
like tickets to any of the games below, please email
Charlie Brooks; the UVM Cancer Center should have
ample tickets to accommodate requests. If there is
greater demand than number of tickets we will start a
waiting list, and tickets will be distributed on a firstcome, first-serve basis for men's and women's
basketball and women's hockey.
The UVM Cancer Center will have a display set-up at
each game and will be thrilled to have members and
staff stop by.
May 2015
Brain Tumor Awareness/
Cancer Research Month/
Skin Cancer Detection and
Prevention Month/National
Women's Health Month
1-2 NE Genitourinary Oncology
Symposium; Hilton Hotel,
Burlington, VT.
1-3 Stowe Weekend of Hope:
June 2015
Men's Health Awareness Month
Annual Men's Health and
Cancer Conference presented
by the UVM Cancer Center;
Medical Education Center, UVM
College of Medicine.
Friday, January 16, 7 PM: Men's Hockey vs.
Northeastern (there are no longer tickets available).
Saturday, January 17, 2 PM: Women's Hockey vs.
Boston College (email Charlie for tickets)
Monday, January 26, 5-9 PM: Celebrity Server
Event at Buffalo Wild Wings
(members and staff are encouraged to attend this fun
evening event--bring family and friends to enjoy some
refreshment or a meal and be served by star UVM
Athletes and coaches).
Saturday, February 14, 2 PM: Men's Basketball vs.
University of Maryland B.C. (email Charlie for tickets)
Wednesday, February 18, 7 PM: Women's
Basketball vs. Maine (email Charlie for tickets)
Publications and
*Please send announcements and publication notices to
Sarah Keblin for inclusion in the eALERT and other
promotional material*
Recent Publications by UVM Cancer
Center Members:
Thiol redox chemistry: Role of protein cysteine oxidation
and altered redox homeostasis in allergic inflammation
and asthma. Hoffman S, Nolin J, McMillan D, Wouters
E, Janssen-Heininger Y, Reynaert N. J Cell Biochem.
2015 Jan 7. doi: 10.1002/jcb.25017. [Epub ahead of
print] PMID: 25565397.
Borrowing From Tobacco Control to Curtail the
Overweight and Obesity Epidemic: Leveraging the U.S.
Surgeon General's Report. Higgins ST. Prev Med. 2015
Jan 3. pii: S0091-7435(14)00503-9. doi:
10.1016/j.ypmed.2014.12.021. [Epub ahead of
print]PMID: 25562755.
Demographic and practice characteristics of pathologists
who enjoy breast tissue interpretation. Oster NV, Geller
B, Carney PA, Reisch LM, Onega T, Weaver DL,
Frederick P, Elmore JG. Breast. 2014 Dec 29. pii:
S0960-9776(14)00183-0. doi:
10.1016/j.breast.2014.10.003. [Epub ahead of print]
PMID: 25554017.
A genetic association study of activated partial
thromboplastin time in European Americans and African
Americans: the ARIC Study. Weng L, Cushman M,
Pankow JS, Basu S, Boerwinkle E, Folsom AR, Tang W.
Hum Mol Genet. 2014 Dec 30. pii: ddu732. [Epub ahead
of print]PMID:25552651.
Tumor-associated mutations in a conserved structural
motif alter physical and biochemical properties of
human RAD51 recombinase. Chen J, Morrical MD,
Donigan KA, Weidhaas JB, Sweasy JB, Averill AM,
Tomczak JA,Morrical SW. Nucleic Acids Res. 2014 Dec
24. pii: gku1337. [Epub ahead of print] PMID:
A Prospective Study of the Use and Effects of Screening
Mammography in Women Aged 70 and Older. Vacek
PM, Skelly JM. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2014 Dec 23. doi:
10.1111/jgs.13184. [Epub ahead of print]PMID:
Regulation of Angiogenesis by Aminoacyl-tRNA
Synthetases. Mirando AC, Francklyn CS, Lounsbury KM.
Int J Mol Sci. 2014 Dec 19;15(12):23725-23748.
Review. PMID: 25535072.
Antitumor effects of TRAIL-expressing mesenchymal
stromal cells in a mouse xenograft model of human
mesothelioma. Lathrop MJ, Sage EK, Macura SL, Brooks
EM, Cruz F, Bonenfant NR, Sokocevic D, MacPherson
MB, Beuschel SL, Dunaway CW, Shukla A, Janes SM,
Steele C, Mossman BT, Weiss DJ. Cancer Gene Ther.
2014 Dec 19. doi: 10.1038/cgt.2014.68. [Epub ahead of
print] PMID: 25525034.
A proposal for assessing study quality: Biomonitoring,
Environmental Epidemiology, and Short-lived Chemicals
(BEES-C) instrument. LaKind JS, Sobus JR, Goodman M,
Barr DB, Fürst P, Albertini RJ, Arbuckle TE, Schoeters
G, Tan YM, Teeguarden J, Tornero-Velez R, Weisel CP.
Environ Int. 2014 Dec;73:195-207. doi:
10.1016/j.envint.2014.07.011. Epub 2014 Aug 17.
PMID: 25137624.
Funding Opportunities
Green indicates NEW
NIH Predoctoral Training in Biomedical Big
Data Science (T32)--limited competition
award/internal selection at UVM required;
interested pesrons should submit a letter of
interest to UVM's Hilda Alajajian by January 26,
2015; final applications will be due to NIH
by March 1, 2015.
Alliance Cancer Control Program Junior Faculty
Award Funds; deadline for application is
February 1, 2015.
UVM Cancer Center Call for Proposals
Through the ACS IRG; the UVM Cancer Center
is accepting proposals from early-career
investigators for pilot projects through a recently
awarded American Cancer Society Institutional
Research Grant; grants are for 1-year, up to
$30,000, with possible renewal; deadline for
application to the UVM Cancer Center is
February 13, 2015.
UVM SPARK-VT Pilot Projects Call for Proposals;
objective of projects is to help bring innovation
to the marketplace, award amounts from
$20,000 to $50,000; deadline for submission is
March 6, 2015.
Taub Foundation Grants Program for
Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS);
$600,000 over three years; deadline for initial
proposal is March 17, 2015, noon.
American Cancer Society (ACS): RFA for research
projects addressing "The Role of Health Policy
and Health Insurance in Improving Access to and
Performance of Cancer Prevention, Early
Detection, and Treatment Services;" deadline for
applications are April 1 and October 15, 2015.
UVM Cancer Center Research Grants
A full list of all organizations designated by the
NCI as providing peer-reviewed funding can be
found here.
Ongoing Events
Cancer Biology and Technology Seminar Series (an
integrated part of the Biochemistry Seminar Series)
Second Friday of each month at Noon, Given C443.
Environmental Pathology and Carcinogenesis
Seminar Series
Mondays at Noon, HSRF 200
UVM Cancer Center Grand Rounds
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th
Tuesday 8-9am, MedEd 300
Please refer to the UVM Cancer Center Website for
information regarding regularly scheduled tumor board
meetings. Information can be found here.
VCC Leadership:
Gary S. Stein, PhD, Co-Director
Claire F. Verschraegen, MD, Co-Director
Kate Webster, Administrative Director
Sarah Keblin, Communications Manager
Fly UP