Bioenergy in Central European Cultural Landscapes: Drivers and Impacts on Ecosystem Services
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Bioenergy in Central European Cultural Landscapes: Drivers and Impacts on Ecosystem Services
Bioenergy in Central European Cultural Landscapes: Drivers and Impacts on Ecosystem Services Tobias Plieninger Junior Research Group on Ecosystem Services Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities Center for Sustainable Agriculture University of Vermont Burlington, 19 November 2008 Structure of the Paper • • • • • • Cultural landscape development in Europe Emergence of bioenergy use Pathways and drivers Land use conflicts around bioenergy Outlook Project: Bioenergy and ecosystem services in cultural landscapes „Suddenly landscape seems to be everythere…“ (Lowenthal 1997) 300 Papers per year 250 200 150 100 50 0 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Keyword „cultural landscapes“ in the ISI Web of Science European Cultural Landscapes • „An area, as perceived by people, whose character is the result of the action and interaction of natural and/or human factors“ (Council of Europe) • Provision of ecosystem services despite or precisely because of a continued land-use pressure • Cultural ecosystem services of great importance (Photo: Werner Konold) Interactions of Land Use and Nature Conservation in Europe • Long-term codevelopment of soils, vegetation, fauna, and humans since the end of the ice-age • Diversity of indigenous, immigrated, and introduced species, although no biodiversity hotspot • Heavy resource exploitation since Medieval, but little species loss; peak of biodiversity around 1850 • In the 20th century massive species loss through intensification of land use Long and intensive interactions between human uses and natural settings have created diverse and resilient landscapes Conservation depends on maintenance of extensive agricultural practices (Photo: Ulrich Hampicke) Threatened Landscapes? „The richness and diversity of rural landscapes in Europe is a distinctive feature of the continent. There is probably nowhere else where the signs of human interaction with nature in landscape are so varied, contrasting and localised […] Despite the immense scale of socio-economic changes that have accompanied this century‘s wave of industrialisation and urbanisation in many parts of Europe, much of this diversity remains, giving distinctive character to countries, regions, and local areas“ (Photo: Werner Konold) (First assessment of Europe‘s environment, Stanners & Bourdeau, 1995) Polarization of Land Use Intensification • Urbanized, commercialized, industrialized landscapes • Increase of population density, activities, infrastructure Extensification • • • • • Land abandonment Forest expansion „Controlled wildness“ „Rural residue“ „Emptiness“ (also: „Luxury of emptiness“?) Both situations: Simplification of landscape structure, loss of biodiversity (Antrop 2007) Landscape Change: Urbanization, Extensification, Intensification ca. 1925 2001 ( Bioenergy – A Novel Land Use? Agriculture Forestry Nature conservation Regional development A New and Old Land Use! Traditional biomass Coal Oil, gas Renewables ??? Nuclear (Source: Shell) Bioenergy Headlines in German Media 2004/2005 • “Age of biomass“ • “The power of renewable resources“ • “Revolution in agriculture“ • “The farmer and the oil-sheik“ 2006/2007 • “Biofuels in the climate trap“ • “Next price shock: Bread more expensive with more rye being converted into fuel“ • “Biofuels: Major assault on biodiversity“ • “Crime against humanity“ (Sources: Der Spiegel, Die Zeit, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, BILD) Cultivation of Renewable Resources Energy Supply from Renewables, 2007 • Primary energy supply: 6.6% • Gross electrical power consumption: 14.7% • Roadfuel consumption: 7.6% 17,6% 20,8% 9,2% 10,6% 1,6% 1,0% 1,7% Biofuels Biomass, electricity Biomass, heat Solar thermal energy Geothermal energy Photovoltaics Hydropower Wind power 37,6% (BMU 2008) Bioenergy Targets: Germany and EU GHG emissions reduction through use of biofuels (≈ 20% blending) 2020 (D) 10% Biogas share in natural gas consumption 2020 (D, percentage refers to 2007 6% Renewable energy share in heat supply 2020 (D) 14% Renewable energy share in power supply 2020 (D) 25-30% Renewable energy share in total energy consumption 2020 (EU) 20% Biofuels share in roadfuels consumption 2020 (EU) 0,0% 10% 5,0% 10,0% 15,0% Targets 20,0% 25,0% 30,0% Why bioenergy? • • • • • • Climate change mitigation Substitution of petroleum Security of energy supply Technology development Largest still unexploited renewable energy potential Multi-purpose and continuous energy source: conversion to electricity/heat/fuel, storable, base load compatible Advantages for Rural Areas • Impulses for integrated development or rural areas: Jobs, investment • Decentralized energy supply and support of regional economic cycles • Diversification of farm production • Utilization of marginal agricultural and forest lands, e.g. post-mining landscapes • High degree of acceptance among society Avoided GHG Emissions in Germany (2007) • Biomass for power generation: 16.9 Mio. t CO2 equivalents • Biomass for heat generation: 19.5 Mio. t CO2 equivalents • Biofuels: 12.7 Mio. t CO2 equivalents • All renewable energy carriers : 101.5 Mio. t CO2 equivalents (13% of German GHG emissions) (Source: BMU) Policy Drivers of Bioenergy Diffusion • Guaranteed feed-in tariff, to be paid by electricity consumers (power sector) • Minimum quotas for bioenergy use, to be paid by fuel consumers and house owners (transportation and heat sector) • Subsidies and tax breaks, to be paid by taxpayers (various sectors, cross-sectoral) High demands for compliance with common welfare Opportunities for societal control of development Example: EEG Biofuels vs. Biogas Biofuels • Big scale (e.g. 180.000 t/years output, Schwedt) • Production of roadfuels • Centralized production • Low energy efficiency, high mitigation costs • Demands specific, homogeneous substrates • Competition with imported biofuels • Farms only provide feedstocks Biogas • Small scale (e.g. 300 kWel) • Generation of power (and heat) • Decentralized and diversified production • Optimized nutrient cycles • Allows potentially more heterogeneous substrates, but: 90% of installations use corn • Disposal of farm wastes • High potential for on-farm creation of value Fundamental Challenge Fossil energy and bioenergy sources strongly differ in their densities The direct spatial impact of resource extraction for bioenergy is manifold higher compared to fossil energy Biomass: diffuse, low spatial density Fossil energy: High spatial density (Photos: Rode) Conflicts Around Bioenergy in Germany Climate change mitigation and energy balances Competition for land and resources Nature and landscape conservation (Photo: Florian Schöne) Energy Yields in GJ / ha (SRU 2007) GHG Mitigation Performance (tons CO2 eq./ hectare arable land) (Source: Wiss. Beirat Agrarpolitik, BMELV, 2007) Regional Sustainability and Biomass Transportation Annual demand of the ethanol plant in Schwedt/Brandenburg: 600,000 t rye; Rye production in the state of Brandenburg, 2003: 504,199 t Bioenergy and Nature Conservation: Conflicts Intensive feedstock production in monocultures of corn, rapeseed, etc. Conversion of grassland to arable land Intensification of biodiverse grasslands Loss of ecological compensation function of set-aside lands Simplification of crop rotations Decrease of soil organic content Homogenization of landscape structure Rollback from the post-productivist to the productivist countryside?? Potential Conservation Benefits of Bioenergy • Reduced use of biocides and mineral fertilizer due to lower quality demands • Diversification of agricultural crops (polycultures, new crop rotations etc.) • Enhancement of landscape structure in intensively used agricultural landscapes • Closure of nutrient cycles • Improved profitability of cultural landscape management, e.g. hedgerows, coppices, extensively used mountain grassland, meadows with scattered fruit trees Environmental Criteria for Bioenergy Support Policies Coupling of payments to environmental conditions: • Limitation of crops shares per biogasification plant (e.g. maximum 50% corn) • Creation of ecological compensation areas • Prohibition of grassland conversion • Incentives for waste uses Introduction of a nature conservation bonus, e.g. for the use of biomass from landscape management Outlook The limits of biomass availability need to be recognized Biomass have be allocated to the most efficient pathways Existing policy tools must be used to enhance sustainability Integrity of ecosystem services and multifunctional landscapes needs to be maintained, eg. through disseminating low input production systems Bioenergy use will never become sustainable without boosting energy efficiency and energy saving (Photo: IKEE) Interdisciplinary Junior Research Group Bioenergy in Central European Cultural Landscapes – Incentives, Interactions with Ecosystem Services and Impacts on Human Well-Being (Photo: Werner Konold) BMBF-Junior Researchers Development in Social-Ecological Research • Safeguarding and extension of the performance of socio-ecological research for the solution of societal problems • Qualification for young scientists for the independent management of inter-/transdisciplinary research groups • Consolidation of scientific young professionals in teaching and research in the environmental, natural, and social sciences The Ecosystem Services Concept (Simoncini 2007) Framework Quality of life Indirect drivers • Objective living conditions • Subjective satisfaction with life • Payment mechanisms and other institutional arrangements for carbon management: - Policy development - Policy implementation Ecosystem services and biodiversity • Provisioning services, e.g. food, energy carriers • Regulating services, z.B. climate regulation, control of water balance • Cultural services, e.g. recreation, cultural heritage, aesthetics Direct drivers • Land use and land cover change • Changes in management practices and resource use Overall objectives • To study the impact of newly established bioenergy markets on ecosystem services in central European cultural landscapes and the effect of these aspects on quality of life • Focus: Interactions between biomass production, nature conservation, and ecosystem services • Practical result: To apply ecosystem services concept to make conflicting and synergizing land use demands to cultural landscapes visible • To link social-ecological research with cultural landscape studies and test the applicability of the resilience concept as a link for natural and social sciences research at two study areas Project Structure Communication with politics and practice Project management Module 1: Payment schemes for bioenergy as indirect drivers Module 2: Direct drivers and impacts on ecosystem services Module 3: Quality of life and human well-being Subproject 1.1 Analysis of global governance structure relevant to payment schemes for ecosystem services Subproject 2.1 Ecosystem hotspots and coldspots: Spatial analysis of the interactions between ES Subproject 3.1 Cultural ecosystem services, quality of live, and private land use Subproject 1.2 Institutional arrangements to the supply of agricultural and forestry biomass Subproject 2.2 Contributions of agroforestry systems to biomass production and other ecosystem services Subproject 3.2 Economic assessment of ecosystem services under certain land use scenarios Cross-section project 1 Potential, limits, and sustainable development of payment schemes for ecosystem services Cross-section project 2 Ecological and social resilience of cultural landscapes Study Areas: Central European Cultural Landscapes • Biosphere Reserve Schwäbische Alb • Biosphere Reserve Oberlausitzer Heideund Teichlandschaft (Photos: Wikipedia Ecosystem Hotspots and Coldspots: Spatial Analysis of Interactions Between Ecosystem Services (2.1) • What land use and land cover changes have taken place in the biosphere reserves? • How do these changes impact several ecosystem services? • What are the trade-offs between these ecosystem services (Conflicts, synergies, potential for optimization)? • How can ecosystem services / landscape functions be quantified in a spatially explicit way (e.g. cultural heritage, livestock, fisheries, tourism)? • Links between land use/land cover change and ecosystem services Agroforestry Systems as Multiple Ecosystem Service Providers (2.2) • How can traditional and modern agroforestry systems in central Europe be categorized, what outstanding ecosystem services do they provide, and how do they develop? • How has the composition, density, and structure of these landscape elements changed over the past centuries? What biophysical and socioeconomic drivers can explain this? • How can target regions for new agroforestry systems be identified? How can the ecosystem services (especially: mitigation performance) they provide be quantified? Questions for discussion • How does bioenergy fit into the „ecosystem services“ concept: – Commodity production: Provisioning service? – Mitigation activity: Regulating service? • How can biodiversity / biological conservation be incorporated into the „ecosystem services“ concept? • Do „market-based instruments“ really create markets? (Photo: Werner Konold)