
1-Wallin-Last updated May 5, 2016 Kimberly F. Wallin

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1-Wallin-Last updated May 5, 2016 Kimberly F. Wallin
1-Wallin-Last updated May 5, 2016
Kimberly F. Wallin
The University of Vermont, The Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources
USDA Forest Service, Northern Research Station
Burlington, Vermont
802-656-2517, [email protected]
1. Education
University of Wisconsin-Madison
PhD Entomology
Minor Genetics
University of Wisconsin-Madison
MS Entomology
University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
BS Urban forestry
Minors History of Science
and Mathematics
2. Professional Experience
The University of Vermont and USDA Forest Service
The Rubenstein School of Environmental and Natural Resources (RSENR)
Interim Associate Dean for Research and
Graduate Programs
Research Associate Professor
Director of RSENR Graduate Program
Research Assistant Professor
Oregon State University
Department of Forest Ecosystems & Society
05/05/16-current Affiliate Faculty Member
Department of Forest Science (Department of Forest Ecosystems & Society)
Courtesy Professor
Assistant Professor, Senior Research
Research Associate
College of Agriculture
06-11/04; 02/05
Extension, Research Associate
Department of Environmental and Molecular Toxicology
Extension, Research Associate
University Northern British Columbia
Ecosystem Science and Management
08/06- 08/09
Adjunct Professor
Northern Arizona University
Department of Forestry
1. Teaching
Research Associate
2-Wallina. Credit courses
The University of Vermont, RSENR 2008-current
HCOL 185
Invasion Ecology (teaching for the Honor's College) 3-credits
SL-FOR 235 Forest Ecosystem Health 4-credits
SL-NR 285 Environment and Arts in Arid Ecosystems 3-credits
NR 385
Graduate Seminars
Department of Forest Science (Department of Forest Ecosystems & Society)
FS 520
Posing Researchable Questions in Forestry: Plant-Insect Interactions
b. Guest lecturer
The University of Vermont, RSENR
2008-2013 NR 1 annual 75-minute lecture
Forest Management FOR 272. 3 50-minute lectures
Pollution Ecology NR 161. 1 50-minute lecture
Oregon State University, Department of Forestry Science (Forest Ecosystems & Society)
2003, 2004, FS/BOT 415/515 Forest Insect and Disease
2010-2013 Management; Delivered module on Invasion Ecology
FS 520 Posing Researchable Questions in Forestry
c. National and International non-credit courses
Training workshop for 3 PhD and 1 MS students at University of
Montana. Methods in gas liquid chromatography.
Training workshop for 2 PhD students at University of Northern
British Columbia. Methods in gas liquid chromatography.
2. Advising Students
The University of Vermont, RSENR
a. Undergraduate
15-30 undergraduate students each semester
Honors Thesis Advisor or Committee Member
Caitlin Drasher (2016-current)
Rachel Zevin (2013-2015)
Autumn Amici (May 2010-2012)
Tyler Martin (Jan. 2011-2012)
Theresa Ruswick (Jan. 2011-2012)
Undergraduate Student Research Interns (1-6 credits)
Jon Liebherr (2015), Jamie Waterman (2015-current), Jill Humphreys
(2015), Diana Gurvich (2015-current), Sawyer Updike (2015), Abby
Heggenstaller (2015), Caitlin Drasher (2015), Lilly Worthley (2015-current),
Sophie Gransberry (2014-2015), Rachel Zevin (2012-2015), Ellen Loftis
(2013-2014), Sabrina Smits (2013-2014), Hana Aronowitz (2012-2014),
Hope Sabronsky (2012-2013), Kaitlyn Ripple (2012-2013), Anna Carragee
3-Wallin-Last updated May 5, 2016
(2011-2012), Elisabeth Fenn (2011-2012), Megan Yanney (2010-2011),
Elizabeth Elmstrom (2011-2012), Helen Birk (April 2010-2011), Stephanie
Drodz (May 2010-2010), Emily Menzel (2012-2011), Kyle Koister (JanuaryJune 2010), Megan Bennett (May 2009-March 2010), Jeffrey Fromuth (MayDecember 2009), Catherine Hyman (May-August 2009), Serach Ramu (May
2009-March 2010), Anya Rifkin (May 2009-March 2010), Kellie McMahon
(December 2008-December 2009), Julia Katz (May-July 2009), Addison
Kasmarek (March-December 2008), Drew Cameron (April-December 2008),
James Baros (May 2008-May 2009)
b. Graduate
i. Major Advisor
ia. Students pursuing PhD degree
Kirsten Tyler
Ariano Cano (co-advisor Walter Kuentzel)
Marina Golivets
Lucia Orantes (co-advisor Sarah Cahan)
Sarah Pears
ib. Students pursuing MS degree
Kyle Motley
Hana Aronowitz
ic. Completed Graduate Degree, Thesis Title, and Current Employer
2010-2016 Chenin Limback, Invasive plant ecology in Vermont:
Insights from spatial analysis and interactions with garlic mustard
(Alliaria petiolata) with native plants and invertebrates.
Lecturer Adrian College
2013-2015, Daniel Curran, Phosphate removal and recovery from
wastewater by natural materials for ecologically engineered
wastewater treatment systems. Staff Scientist, Stone Environmental,
2011-2013, Arielle Arsenault, Behavioral ecology and genetics of
potential natural enemies of hemlock woolly adelgid, Assistant Director
STEM Ambassadors UMass
2010-2012, Helen Yurchenco, Impacts of soil freezing and understory
vegetation removal on the biodiversity of ground-dwelling insects and
genetic diversity of terrestrial snails, Essex High School Teacher of
Advanced Placement Biology and Environmental Sciences
2009-2011, Dan Comerford, Influence of snow removal on sugar maple
physiology and snow and vegetation removal on ground-dwelling
insects, MN Dept. Natural Resources-Forest Health Specialist
4-Wallin2008-2010, Sarah Grubin, Chamaemyiid predators of the hemlock
woolly adelgid in the Pacific Northwest, State of Massachusetts-State
2008-2010, Sarah Pears, Environmental based variation of host
response to Sirex-fungal-mucus complex, 2010-2012: MA DCR, Wooster
Invasive Species Mitigation and Forester. Fall 2012 started PhD at
2006-2009, Daniel Ott, Characterizing genetic variation of resistance in
lodgepole pine to attack by mountain pine beetle and one associated
fungus, PhD program at Oregon State University
2005-2008, Glenn Kohler, Predators associated with HWA infested
western hemlock in the Pacific Northwest, State of Washington-State
Forest Entomologist
ii. Member of Graduate Committee
Alexander ,MS, OSU Forest Ecosystems and Society
Elisabeth Hodgdon, PhD, Plant and Soil Science
Wendy Leuenberger, MS, SUNY-ESF
Katie Miller, MS, UVM Biology
Eduardo Rodrigez, PhD UVM RSENR
Karen Lomoncha, PhD, UVM Plant and Soil Sciences
Matt Cahill, MS, UVM Plant and Soil Science
Christopher Foelker, PhD, SUNY-ESF
Claire Crosby, MS, UVM RSENR
Nanette Carpenter, MS, UVM School of Nursing
Kristen Williams, MS, UVM Plant and Soil Sciences
Joshua Halman, PhD, UVM RSENR
Thomas Siellie, MS, UVM RSENR
Homer Eliot, MS, UVM RSENR
Matt Knight, MS, OSU Exercise and Sports Science
Wyatt Maloy, MS, OSU Exercise and Sports Science
David Striklin, PhD, OSU Exercise and Sports Science
Kjerstin R. Skov, MS, NAU School of Forestry
iii. Visiting International Scholar
Tanya Latty, PhD candidate University of Calgary
1. Refereed publications
Accepted and Published (first or last position indicate Principal Investigator)
Limback CK and Wallin KF. 201x. Invertebrate biodiversity and activity on an invasive plant
5-Wallin-Last updated May 5, 2016
(Alliaria petiolata) and native plants in Vermont. Environmental Entomology. Under
Limback CK and Wallin KF. 201x. Site susceptibility to invasive plant colonization identified
using GIS: Case study focused on campground in northern Vermont. Northeastern
Naturalist. Under review
Coleman K, Murdoch J, Rayback S, Seidl A and WallinKF. 201X. Beyond the proverbial polar
bear Journal of Geoscience Education. Under review
Ott DS, Yanchuk AD, Huber DPW and Wallin KF 201x. Why aren't all the trees dead? The
role of genetic variation in lodgepole pine resistance to mountain pine beetle.
Ecological Monographs. Accepted pending major revisions
Ross DW, Kohler G and Wallin KW 2016. Seasonal phenology and abundance of Leucopis
argenticollis, Leucopis piniperda (Diptera: Chamaemyiidae), Laricobius nigrinus
(Coleoptera: Deridontidae) and Adelges tsugae (Hemiptera: Adelgidae) in the Pacific
Northwest USA. Bulletin of Entomological Research 44:1-9
Arsenault AL, Mayfield AE and Wallin KF 2015. Assessing potential behavioral shifts of
hybrid populations at field release sites with Laricobius nigrinus and Laricobius
rubidus. Environmental Entomology 44:1-9
Arsenault AL, Mayfield AE and Wallin KF 2015. Ambulatory response of Laricobius
nigrinus Fender (Coleoptera: Derodontidae), a hemlock woolly adelgid predator, to
host odors and conspecific feeding beetles in a four-chambered olfactometer.
Enotmological Society of British Columbia 112:84-87
Comerford DP, Schaberg PG, Templer PH, Socci AM, Campbell JL and Wallin KF
2012. Influence of experimental snow removal on root and canopy physiology of
sugar maple trees in a northern hardwood forest. Oecologia 171:261-269
(International Journal; Impact Factor: 3.412; 1 of 2 publications from graduate
student thesis research; I co-developed research with Dr. Templer and Dr. Schaberg;
I co-advised Comerford with Dr. Schaberg of study design, data collection, analysis,
and publication.)
Ott DS, Yanchuk AD and Wallin KF 2011. Genetic variation of Lodgepole Pine (Pinus
contorta var. latifolia) chemical and physical defenses that affect mountain pine
beetle, Dendroctonus ponderosae, attack and tree mortality. Journal of Chemical
Ecology 37:1002-1012
(International Journal; Impact Factor: 2.657; 1 of 2 publications from graduate
student thesis research; I co-developed research with Dr. Yanchuk; I was the
primary thesis advisor of study design, data collection, analysis, and publication.)
Wallin KF, Latty TM and Ross DW 2011. Variation in locomotion towards host materials
by the predator, Laricobius nigrinus, of hemlock woolly adelgid. Environmental
Entomology. 40:864-872
(International Journal; Impact Factor: 1.561; I designed, conducted the behavioral
assays, analyzed and interpreted the data, lead author on the publication; Drs. Latty
and Ross assisted in data interpretation and publication.)
Grubin SM, Wallin KF and Ross DW 2011. Prey suitability and phenology of Leucopis spp.
(Diptera: Chamaemyiidae) associated with hemlock woolly adelgid (Hemiptera:
Adelgidae) in the Pacific Northwest. Environmental Entomology 40:1410-1416
6-Wallin(International Journal; Impact Factor: 1.561; publication from graduate student
thesis research; I co-developed research with Dr. Ross and co-advised with Dr. Ross
of study design, data collection, analysis, and publication.)
Raffa KF, Aukema B, Bentz BJ, Carroll A, Erbilgin N, Herms D, Hicke J,
Hofstetter R, Katovich S, Lindgren S, Logan J, Mattson W, Munson S, Robison
D, Six D, Tobi P, Townsend P and Wallin KF 2009. A Literal Use of Forest Health
Safeguards Against Misuses and Misapplications. Journal of Forestry 107:265-267
(National Journal; Impact Factor: 1.735; first draft and subsequent iterations led by
Dr. Raffa; I provided significant input and edits on each draft until publication.)
Kohler GR, Stiefel VL, Wallin KF and Ross DW 2008. Parasitoids reared from
predators of hemlock woolly adelgid (Hemiptera: Adelgidae) and the
hymenopterous parasitoid community on western hemlock in the Pacific Northwest.
Environmental Entomology 37:1477-1488
(International Journal; Impact Factor: 1.214; publication from graduate student
thesis research; I co-developed research with Drs. Ross and Stiefel; I co-advised
with Dr. Ross of study design, data collection, analysis, and publication.)
Ross DW and Wallin KF 2008. High release rate MCH dispensers prevent Douglas-fir
beetle (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) infestation of live Douglas-fir. Journal of
Economic Entomology 101:1826-1830
(National Journal; Impact Factor: 1.669; I co-led research design, data collection and
analysis, interpretation and writing the publication.)
Kohler GR, Stiefel VL, Wallin KF and Ross DW 2008. Community structure and phenology of
predators associated with the hemlock woolly adelgid (Hemiptera: Adelgidae) in the
Pacific Northwest. Environmental Entomology 37:494-504 (International Journal;
Impact Factor: 1.214; publication from graduate student thesis research; I codeveloped research with Dr. Ross and co-advised with Dr. Ross of study design, data
collection, analysis, and publication.)
Wallin KF, Skov KR, Wagner MR and Kolb TE 2008. Forest management treatments, tree
resistance, and bark beetle resource utilization in ponderosa pine forests of
northern Arizona. Forest Ecology and Management 255:3263-3269
(International Journal; Impact Factor: 3.89; I was the lead on this research and
publication; I co-developed research with Drs. Wagner and Kolb)
Wallin KF and Latty TM 2008. Novel intermediate-term marking technique of terrestrial
slugs. Journal of Molluscan Studies 74:299-301
(International Journal; Impact Factor: 1.09; I was the lead on this research and
Yanchuk AD, Murphy J and Wallin KF 2007. Evaluation of genetic variation of attack and
resistance in lodgepole pine to mountain pine beetle. Tree Genetics and Genomics
(International Journal; Impact Factor: 2.43; I co-developed research with Dr.
Marojo LS, Bogdanowicz M, Wallin KF, Raffa KF and Harrison RG 2007. Phylogeograpy of
spruce beetles (Dendroctonus rufipennis Kirby) (Curculionidae: Scolytinae) in North
America: distinctive mtDNA lineages associated with different species of host trees.
Molecular Ecology 16:2560-2573
7-Wallin-Last updated May 5, 2016
(International Journal; Impact Factor: 6.45; I provided insect samples to Dr. Marojo
and provided significant input on the interpretation of the results and publication.)
Gaylord ML, Kolb TE, Wallin KF and Wagner MR 2007. Seasonal dynamics of tree growth,
physiology and resin defenses in a northern Arizona ponderosa pine forest.
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 37:1173-1183
(International Journal; Impact Factor: 3.89; publication from graduate student
thesis research; I developed and wrote the proposal that funded MS thesis research.
I provided significant input on study design, data collection, analysis, interpretation
and publication.)
Gaylord ML, Wagner MR, Kolb TE and Wallin KF 2006. Seasonality and lure
preference of bark beetles (Coleoptera: Scolytinae) and associates in a ponderosa
pine forest in Northern Arizona. Environmental Entomology 35:37-47
(International Journal; Impact Factor: 1.651; publication from graduate student
thesis research; I developed and wrote the proposal that funded MS thesis research.
I provided significant input on study design, data collection, analysis, interpretation
and publication.)
Skov KR, Kolb TE and Wallin KF 2005. Growth response to restoration thinning
and burning treatments in northern Arizona: variation between young and old Pinus
ponderosa (Dougl. Ex Laws) trees. Western Journal Applied Forestry 20:36-43
(Regional Journal; Impact Factor: 0.45; publication from graduate student thesis
research; I provided significant input on study design, data collection, analysis,
interpretation and publication.)
Wallin KF and Raffa KF 2004. Density-dependent effects on host acceptance behavior:
Implications on intraspecific diet breadth. Ecological Monographs 74:101-116
(Impact Factor: 7.102; this was 1 of 4 publications from my PhD dissertation
Skov KR, Kolb TE and Wallin KF 2004. Tree size and drought affect ponderosa
pine physiological response to thinning and burning treatments. Forest Science
(National Journal; Impact Factor: 1.497; publication from graduate student thesis
research; I provided significant input on study design, data collection, analysis,
interpretation and publication.)
Wallin KF, Kolb TE, Skov KR and Wagner MR 2004. Seven year influence of
thinning and burning restoration treatments on pre-settlement ponderosa pines at
Gus Pearson Natural Area. Restoration Ecology 12:239-247. (International Journal;
Impact Factor: 1.681; I was the lead on this research and publication; I co-developed
research with Drs. Wagner and Kolb.)
Wallin KF, Skov KR, Kolb TE and Wagner MR 2003. Effects of crown scorch on
ponderosa pine resistance to subcortical insects in northern Arizona.
Environmental Entomology 32:652-661
(International Journal; Impact Factor: 1.467; I was the lead on this research and
publication while a post-doc with Drs. Kolb and Wagner.)
Wallin KF, Rutledge J and Raffa KF 2002. Heritability of host acceptance and
gallery construction behaviors of the bark beetle Ips pini (Coleoptera: Scolytidae).
Environmental Entomology 31:1276-1281
8-Wallin(International Journal; Impact Factor: 1.467; this was 1 of 4 papers published from
my PhD dissertation research.)
Wallin KF and Raffa KF 2002. Prior encounters modulate host acceptance behavior of
Ips pini (Say) (Coleoptera: Scolytidae). Entomologia Experimentalis Applicata
(International Journal; Impact Factor: 1.535; This was 1 of 4 papers published from
my PhD dissertation research.)
Wallin KF and Raffa KF 2002. Density-mediated responses of bark beetles to host
allelochemicals: A link between individual behavior and population dynamics.
Ecological Entomology 27:484-492
(International Journal; Impact Factor: 2.991; this was 1 of 4 papers published from
my PhD dissertation research.)
Redmer JS, Wallin KF and Raffa KF 2001. Abiotic and biotic factors influencing
brood production of Ips pini (Say) (Coleoptera: Scolytidae). Environmental
Entomology 30:844-849
(International Journal; Impact Factor: 1.467; publication from undergraduate
student research; I mentored the student research. I provided significant input on
study design, data collection, analysis, interpretation and publication.)
Wallin KF and Raffa KF 2001. Host - mediated interactions among feeding guilds:
Incorporation of temporal patterns can integrate plant defense theories to predict
community level processes. Ecology 82:1387-1400
(International Journal; Impact Factor: 5.078; This was 1 of 3 papers published from
my MS thesis research.)
Wallin KF and Raffa KF 2000. Influences of external chemical cues and internal
physiological parameters on the multiple steps of post-landing host selection
behavior of Ips pini (Coleoptera: Scolytidae). Environmental Entomology 29:12341244
(International Journal; Impact Factor: 1.467; This was 1 of 4 papers published from
my PhD dissertation research.)
Wallin KF and Raffa KF 1999. Altered constitutive and inducible phloem
monoterpenes following natural defoliation of jack pine: implications to host
mediated interguild interactions and plant defense theories. Journal of Chemical
Ecology 25:861-880
(Impact Factor: 2.657; this was 1 of 3 papers published from my MS thesis
Wallin KF and Raffa KF 1998. Association of within-tree and within-needle water,
nutrient, and monoterpenes contents with jack pine budworm feeding patterns.
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 28:228-233
(International Journal; Impact Factor: 3.89; this was 1 of 3 papers published from
my MS thesis research.)
Garvey C, Wallin KF, Sexon D and Steffan S 1998. Restricted-use pesticides should
be used only with a prescription by an independent, certified crop advisor. In
Important Issues in Ecologically Sound Integrated Pest Management. (ed) P.
Whitaker. American Entomologist 44:142-165
9-Wallin-Last updated May 5, 2016
(National Journal; Impact Factor: 1.103; this was an invited student debate
competition resulting in a publication; 1 of 5 papers published during my MS
Wallin KF, Hoffstetter R, Steffan S and Rabey T 1996. Should the United States attempt to
enhance the efficacy of biological control by regulating pesticide use? In
Environmental Issues Associated with Enhancing the Impact of Biological Control
Agents. (eds) F. Gould, G. Kennedy, R. Kopanis. American Entomologist 42:160-173
(National Journal; Impact Factor: 1.103; This was an invited student debate
competition resulting in a publication; 1 of 5 papers published during my MS
2. Book chapter
Wallin KF 2012. Integrating the early steps of host selection behavior into biological
control of HWA, pp. 202-211. In Onken and Reardon, eds., Implementation and
Status of Biological Control of the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid. USDA Forest Service,
Forest Health Technology Enterprise Team, Morgantown, WV
Ross DW, Gaimari SD, Kohler GR, Wallin KF and Grubin SM 2012. Chamaemyiid predators
of the hemlock woolly adelgid from the Pacific Northwest. pp. 97-106. In Onken and
Reardon, eds., Implementation and Status of Biological Control of the Hemlock
Woolly Adelgid. USDA Forest Service, Forest Health Technology Enterprise Team,
Morgantown, WV
Raffa KF, Aukema BH, Erbilgin N, Klepzig KD and Wallin KF 2005. Interactions
among conifer terpenoids and bark beetles across multiple levels of scale: An
attempt to understand links between population patterns and physiological
processes. Chapter 4: Recent Advances in Phytochemistry Volume 36
3. Non-refereed publications, proceedings, general technical reports (GTR) (13 since I
started documenting them in 2006)
Wallin KF, Ott DS and Yanchuk AD 2014. Genetic Variation of Lodgepole Pine Physical and
Chemical Defenses Associated With Each Step in Host Selection Behavior Sequence
by Mountain Pine Beetle
In: Sniezko RA, Yanchuk AD, Kliejunas JT, Palmieri KM,
Alexander JM, Frankel SJ, tech. coords. Proceedings of the fourth international
workshop on the genetics of host-parasite interactions in forestry: Disease and
insect resistance in forest trees. Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-GTR-240. Albany, CA: Pacific
Southwest Research Station, Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. 372 p
Pears SL and Wallin KF 2012. North American Host Tree Response to Amylostereum
areolatum, the Fungal Symbiont of the Woodwasp Sirex noctilio In: McManus KA,
Gottschalk KW, eds. 2010. Proceedings, 21st U.S.Department of Agriculture
interagency research forum on invasive species. Gen. Tech. Rep. NRS-P-75.
Newtown Square, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern
Research Station. 156 p
Ott DS, Huber DPW, Yanchuk AD and Wallin KF 2012. Genetic Variation of Lodgepole Pine
10-Wallin(Pinus contorta var. latifolia) Chemical and Physical Defenses that Affect Mountain
Pine Beetle, Dendroctonus ponderosae, Attack and Tree Mortality. In: McManus KA,
Gottschalk KW, eds. 2010. Proceedings, 21st U.S.Department of Agriculture
interagency research forum on invasive species. Gen. Tech. Rep. NRS-P-75.
Newtown Square, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern
Research Station. 156 p
Comerford DP, Schaberg PG, Templer PH and Wallin KF 2012. Effects of Winter Climate
Change on Tree Physiology and Arthropod Diversity in a Northern Hardwood
Forest. In: McManus KA, Gottschalk KW, eds. 2010. Proceedings, 21st
U.S.Department of Agriculture interagency research forum on invasive species. Gen.
Tech. Rep. NRS-P-75. Newtown Square, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest
Service, Northern Research Station. 156 p
Yurchenco HD, Schaberg PG, Templer PH, Maroja LS and Wallin KF 2010. Effects of Soil
Freezing on Biodiversity of Ground-Dwelling Insects and Terrestrial Snails in
Northern Hardwood Forests. In: McManus KA, Gottschalk KW, eds. 2010.
Proceedings, 21st U.S.Department of Agriculture interagency research forum on
invasive species. Gen. Tech. Rep. NRS-P-75. Newtown Square, PA: U.S. Department of
Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Research Station. 156 p
Limback CK and Wallin KF 2012. Naturalization of Alliaria petiolata and its Effects on
Interactions and Distribution of Associated Invertebrates. In: McManus KA,
Gottschalk KW, eds. 2010. Proceedings, 21st U.S.Department of Agriculture
interagency research forum on invasive species. Gen. Tech. Rep. NRS-P-75.
Newtown Square, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern
Research Station. 156 p
Grubin SM, Wallin KF and Ross DW 2012.Evaluating Leucopis species (Diptera:
Chamaemyiidae) from the Pacific Northwest as potential biological control agents of
the hemlock woolly adelgid. In: McManus KA, Gottschalk KW, eds. 2010.
Proceedings, 21st U.S.Department of Agriculture interagency research forum on
invasive species. Gen. Tech. Rep. NRS-P-75. Newtown Square, PA: U.S. Department of
Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Research Station. 156 p
Wallin KF and Ott DS 2012. Orientation Behavior of Two Hemlock Woolly Adelgid
Predators to Hemlock Woolly Adelgid, Host Tree Odors, and Other Tree Volatiles: a
Multi-Chambered Olfactometer Assay. In: McManus KA, Gottschalk KW,
eds. 2010. Proceedings, 21st U.S.Department of Agriculture interagency research
forum on invasive species. Gen. Tech. Rep. NRS-P-75. Newtown Square, PA: U.S.
Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Research Station. 156 p
Wallin KF, DePasquale K, Leff S and Murray B 2012. Beyond Book Learning in Natural
Resources: Cultivating Pedagogy of Service-Learning through International
Partnerships. In: Proceedings, 52ndSouthern Forest Insect Work Conference,
Wilmington, NC.
Wallin KF and Ott DS 2010. Behavior of potential insect predator of HWA. In: Proceedings,
52ndSouthern Forest Insect Work Conference, Wilmington, NC.
Pears SL and Wallin KF 2010. North American host tree response to Amylostereum
areolatum, the fungal symbiont of the woodwasp, Sirex noctilio. In: Proceedings,
52ndSouthernForest Insect Work Conference, Wilmington, NC.
Yanchuk AD and Wallin KF 2006. Genetic and phenotypic resistance in lodgepole pine to
11-Wallin-Last updated May 5, 2016
mountain pine beetle attack. In: Proceedings from the Third Workshop on Genetics
of Bark Beetles and Associated Microorganisms. Technical coordinators: Bentz B
and Raffa K RMRS-P-45.Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest
Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station
Raffa KF, Maroja LS, Bogdanowicz SM, Harrison RG and Wallin KF 2006. Phylogeography of
Dendroctonus rufipennis Based on mtDNA and Microsatellites. In: Proceedings from
the Third Workshop on Genetics of Bark Beetles and Associated Microorganisms.
Technical coordinators: Bentz B and Raffa K RMRS-P-45.Fort Collins, CO: U.S.
Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station
4. Presentations at meetings, symposia, conferences, and seminars
a. Invited
Wallin KF, Arsenault-Benoit A, Gaimari S, Havill NP, Mayfield AE, Ross DW and Whitmore
MC 2106. Establishment, reproduction and impact of silver fly (Leucopis spp.)
predators under field conditions near the leading edge of the HWA range in the
eastern United States. North American Forest Insect Work Conference. Washington
DC, June 2
Wallin KF, Pears SL, Rodrigez E and Erickson J 2015. Measure and modeling ecosystem
services following wind and salvage disturbances. Salvage Symposium. Carnegie
Mellon Museum of Natural History, Rector, PA, May 29-31
Wallin KF, Perry KI, Wenzel JW and Herms DA 2014. Ground beetle response to forest
disturbance: a test of the competition-colonization trade-off model. Entomological
Society of America Annual Meeting, Portland, OR, November 17
Perry KI, Wallin KF, Wenzel JW and Herms DA 2014. Ground beetle response to forest
disturbance: a test of the competition-colonization trade-off model. 27th Annual
Ohio Valley Entomological Association Forum, The Ohio State University, Columbus,
OH, October 31
Wallin KF, Ott DS, Yanchuk AD 2013. Heritability of host defenses. Southern Forest Insect
Work Conference, New Orleans, LA, July 22-29
Wallin KF 2012. Ecosystem Consequences of HWA and Management Actions. Cary
Institute Ecological Studies, Millbrook, NY, April 11
Wallin KF 2012. Will climate change exacerbate acidic deposition-induced calcium
depletion? Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest Annual Meeting
Wallin KF and Havill NP 2011. Invasive Ecology and Biological Control as a Management
Strategy. Vermont Forest Health Annual Meeting, White River Junction, VT, April 19
Wallin KF 2011. Linking invasion ecology and management of our natural ecosystems. New
England Society of American Foresters Annual Meeting, Morrey Lake, VT, March 31
Wallin KF, Ross DW, Grubin SM, Ott DS and Kohler GR 2010. Behavior of potential insect
predators of HWA. IUFRO Biological Control and Population Dynamics,
Eberswald, Germany, September
Wallin KF and Ott DS 2010. Behavior of potential insect predator of HWA Southern
Forest Insect Work Conference. Wilmington, NC, July 19-23
Wallin KF, DePasquale K, Leff S and Murray B 2010. Beyond book learning in natural
resources: cultivating pedagogy of service-learning through international
partnerships. Southern Forest Insect Work Conference, Wilmington, NC, July 19-23
12-WallinWallin KF 2009. TBD. Entomological Society of America. What’s New in Forest
Entomology, Indianapolis, IN, December 12-16
Wallin KF 2009. Local adaptation theory and extended phenotypes. Dartmouth College.
Department of Biological Sciences, Hanover, NH, May 5
Wallin KF, Kohler GR and Ross DW 2008. Insights from hemlock – HWA system in the
Pacific Northwest provide glimmer of hope for Eastern Hemlocks. University of
Vermont, Department of Plant and Soil Science, Burlington, VT, November 12
Wallin KF, Latty TM and Ross DW 2008. Behavioral responses of Laricobius nigrinus Fender
(Coleptera: Derodontidae) to chemosensory cues associated with plant material.
Southern Forest Insect Work Conference, Chattanooga, TN, August 4-7
Wallin KF 2008. Local adaptation theory tested using hemlock woolly adelgid: natal and
novel host transfers as tests for specialization within and among hemlocks.
University of Vermont, Department of Biology, Burlington, VT, April 14
Wallin KF, Kohler GR and Ross DW 2008. Linking hemlock host resistance to hemlock
woolly adelgid populations. 4th Symposium on Hemlock Woolly Adelgid, Hartford,
CT, Feb. 12
Wallin KF, Stiefel VL, Kohler GR and Ross DW 2007. Local adaptation theory tested
using hemlock woolly adelgid: conversations and thoughts on data. Department of
Zoology Spring Seminar Series. Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, April 23
Wallin KF 2007. Impact of host resistance and density dependent host selection
behavior of bark beetles on their population dynamics department. Biology
Seminar Series. Boise State University, Boise, ID, March 9
Wallin KF 2007. Local adaptation theory tested using hemlock woolly adelgid: natal and
novel host transfers as tests for specialization within and among hemlocks. Western
Forest Insect Work Conference, Boise, ID, March 9
Wallin KF, Skov KR and Kolb TE 2007. Temporal gradient of the impacts of forest
restoration treatments on host tree physiology and bark beetle response. Western
Forest Insect Work Conference, Boise, ID, March 7
Wallin KF 2006. Effects of host tree genetics on population dynamics of native and nonnative insect system in North America. Western Forest Genetics Association,
Anchorage, AK, June 22-27
Wallin KF 2006. Dynamics of host resistance and host selection behavior of eruptive
insects: Can we screen for host tolerance and resistance to insects and their fungal
associates? Natural Resources and Environmental Studies Institute Colloquium,
University of Northern British Columbia, Prince George, BC, Canada, March 31
Wallin KF, Kohler GR and Ross DW 2006. Host, pest, and predator: Tritrophic interactions
impacting HWA populations in Pacific Northwest. 17th USDA Interagency Research
Forum on Invasive Species, Annapolis, MD, January 11
Wallin KF 2005. Environmental and genetic factors that influence host selection behavior,
tree defenses and insect population dynamics. Seminar. Department of Entomology,
Purdue University, December 2
Wallin KF 2005. Host selection behavior of eruptive insects: A step toward understanding
population dynamics of bark beetles. International Union of Forest Research
Organizations. Forest Insect Epidemics: Population Dynamics, Dispersal, and
Ecosystem Impacts, Prince George, BC, Canada, July 11-14
Wallin KF 2005. Ecosystems to individuals and back again: Feedback between host
13-Wallin-Last updated May 5, 2016
selection behavior and population dynamics of an eruptive insect. Seminar.
Department of Entomology, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND, June
Wallin KF 2005. EXTRA EXTRA HEAR ALL ABOUT IT!! West Nile Virus What you
should know & What you can do!! Extension seminar on West Nile Virus. Seminar.
Department of Entomology, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND, June
Wallin KF 2005. Dynamics of Forest Health: Managing family owned pine forests in
Eastern Oregon. Seminar. Department of Forest Science, Oregon State University,
Corvallis, OR, May
Wallin KF, Skov KR and Kolb TE 2004. Tree and insect response to restoration treatments
at Flagstaff Urban Wildland Interface. Oregon State University, Department of
Forest Science, Restoration Ecology Seminar Series
Wallin KF 2002. Linking population patterns and physiological processes: who are the key
players in bark beetle systems? University of California-Berkeley, Department of
Environmental Science and Management, Berkeley CA, May
Wallin KF and Raffa KF 2001. Host - mediated interactions among feeding guilds: insects
and pathogens. Northern Arizona University, Department of Biology, Ecological
Interactions Seminar Series, Flagstaff, AZ
Wallin KF, Kolb TE and Wagner MR 2001. Effects of defoliation on host defenses,
acceptance behavior and population dynamics of bark beetles. North American
Forest Insect Work Conference, Edmonton, Alberta Canada
Wallin KF 2000. Population responses to individual actions of a forest insect. Seminar for
Extension Entomologist at University of Arkansas. Seminar. Department of
Wallin KF and Raffa KF 1998. Population level implications on host selection behavior of
Dendroctonus rufipennis. Bark Beetle Genetic Work Conference, Madison, WI. May
Wallin KF and Raffa KF 1998. Behavioral differences between outbreak and non-outbreak
insect species. Western Forest Insect Work Conference, Jackson Hole, WY, May
Wallin KF and Raffa KF 1997 Host mediation of feeding guilds: A folivore, a fungus, and
two beetles. Western Forest Insect Work Conference, Prince George, BC, Canada
Wallin KF and Raffa KF 1994. Should the United States attempt to enhance the efficacy of
biological control by regulating pesticide use? Entomological Society of America
National Meeting, Dallas, TX, Student debate team
b. Volunteered non-invited
i. Wallin lead presenter (15)
Wallin KF 2012. TBD. Vermont Coverts. September 8.
Wallin KF, Sullivan B, Shepard W and Mayfield AE 2012. Pheromone production by
Laricobius spp. USDA Interagency Research Forum on Invasive Species, Annapolis,
MD, January 10-13
Wallin KF, Latty TM and Ross DW 2008. Orientation of the predator Laricobius nigrinus
Fender (Coleptera: Derodontidae) to insect host and plant material in a multichambered olfactometer. Southern Forest Insect Work Conference, Chattanooga,
TN, August 4-7
Wallin KF, Kolb TE, Skov KR and Wagner MR 2007. Impacts of forest restoration
treatments on tree-feeding insects and host suitability. Annual Pacific Branch
Entomology Society of America Meeting, Portland, OR, March 22-25
14-WallinWallin KF, Kohler GR, Latty TM and Ross DW 2006. Host tree HWA location behavior of
a predator, Laricobius nigrinus Fender (Coleoptera: Derodontidae). North American
Insect Work Conference, Asheville, NC, May 22-25
Wallin KF, Kohler GR and Ross DW 2005. Estimating relative roles of top-down and
bottom-up regulating factors on hemlock woolly adelgid populations.
Entomological Society of America National Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, FL, December
Wallin KF and Raffa KF 2002. Spruce beetle ecology and management. Western Forest
Insect Work Conference, Whitefish, MT, March
Wallin KF, Skov KR, Kolb TE and Wagner MR 2001. Insect population and tree
resistance responses to restoration thinning treatments in ponderosa pine
forests.Ecological Society of America National Meeting, Madison, WI, August
Wallin KF and Raffa KF 1999. Role of genetic and environmental parameters in postlanding host selection behavior of Ips pini and Dendroctonus rufipennis.
Entomological Society of America National Meeting, Atlanta, GA, November
Wallin KF and Raffa KF 1998. Environmental and genetic factors influencing host selection
behavior of Ips pini. North Central Forest Pest Workshop, Dubuque, IA
Wallin KF and Raffa KF 1998. Effect of population phase and geographic origin on host
selection behavior. Ecological Society of America National Meeting, Baltimore, MD
Wallin KF and Raffa KF 1996. Effect of jack pine budworm feeding on components of host
resistance to subcortical insect-fungal complexes. Entomological Society of America
National Meeting, Louiseville, KY
Wallin KF and Raffa KF 1996. Effects of jack pine budworm feeding on host resistance to
subcortical insects. North Central Forest Pest Workshop, Traverse City, MI
Wallin KF and Raffa KF 1995. Effect of jack pine budworm feeding on components of host
resistance to subcortical insect-fungal complexes. Entomological Society of America
National Meeting, Las Vegas, NV
Wallin KF and Raffa KF 1995. Effect of jack pine budworm feeding on subsequent
survival, physiology, and pest susceptibility of jack pine. North Central Forest Pest
Workshop, Green Bay, WI
ii. co-PI or cooperator presented co-authored paper
Leuenberger W, Wallin KF, and Parry D 2016. Response of larval Lepidoptera and their
natural enemies to experimental ice storms in a northeastern forest. International
Congress of Entomology. Sept. Orlando Florida
Ross DW, Brookes H and Wallin KF 2016. High release rate MCH dispensers increase
efficiency of applications to prevent Douglas-fir beetle (Dendroctonus
pseudotsugae) infestations. International Congress of Entomology. September
Orlando FL
Perry KI, Wallin KF, Wenzel JW and Herms DA 2016. Effects of forest disturbance on the
movement of ground-dwelling invertebrates. International Congress of Entomology.
September Orlando FL
15-Wallin-Last updated May 5, 2016
Golivets M, Woodell C and Wallin KF 2016. Does defoliation of native forests by a nonnative
insect facilitate invasion of nonnative plants more than defoliation by a native
insect? Ecological Society of America August 7-12. Fort Lauderdale FL
Ross DW, Wallin KF, Kohler GR, Grubin SM and Gaimari S 2012. Leucopis spp. associated
With hemlock woolly adelgid in the Pacific Northwest: Potential biological control
agents in the East. Entomology Society of America Annual, Knoxville, TN
Yanchuk AD, Murphy JC and Wallin KF 2008. Evaluation of genetic variation in attack and
resistance in lodgepole pine by mountain pine beetle. Mountain Pine Beetle: From
lessons learned to community-based solutions, University of Northern British
Columbia, Prince George, British Columbia, June 10-11
Raffa KF, Maroja LS, Bogdanowicz S, Wallin KF and Harrison RG 2006. Phylogeography of
Dendroctonus rufipennis based on mtDNA and microsatellites. Third Workshop on
Genetics of Bark Beetles and Associated Microorganisms, Asheville, NC, May 20-21
Yanchuk AD and Wallin KF 2006. Genetic variation in attack by mountain pine beetle
on lodgepole pine. Third Workshop on Genetics of Bark Beetles and Associated
Microorganisms, Asheville, NC, May 20-21
Maroja LS, Wallin KF, Harrison RG, Bogdanowicz S and Raffa KF 2004. Phylogeography of
spruce beetles (Dendroctonus rufipennis) in North America: Distinctive mtDNA
lineages associated with different host trees and possible evidence of a zone of
overlap in British Columbia. Western Forest Insect Work Conference, San Diego, CA,
Maroja LS, Harrison RG, Bogdanowicz S, Raffa KF and Wallin KF 2003. Phylogeography of
spruce beetles (Dendroctonus rufipennis) in North America: Distinctive mtDNA
lineages associated with different host trees and possible evidence of a zone of
overlap in British Columbia. Evolution Meeting, University of California, Chico, CA,
Kolb TE, Wallin KF, Skov KR and Wagner MR 2002. Impacts of forest restoration
treatments on tree-feeding insects and host suitability. Ecological Society of
America National Meeting, Tucson, AZ, August
Steed B, Wagner MR, Wallin KF and Lynch AM 2001. Geographic variation in
population dynamics of Ips pini from Montana and northern Arizona. International
Union Forest Research, Scotland, September 11
Raffa KF, Erbilgin N, Aukema B and Wallin KF 2000. Recent research on pine bark
beetles. North Central Forest Pest Workshop, Rhinelander, WI
iiiPosters and Presentations by Graduate Students I advise(d) or co-advise(d)
Perry KI, Wallin KF, Wenzel JW, and Herms DA 2016. Forest disturbance increased ground
beetle (Carabidae) species diversity. Ohio Agricultural Research and Development
Center Annual Research Conference, The Ohio State University, Wooster, OH, April
Perry KI, Wallin KF, Wenzel JW and Herms DA. 2016. Forest disturbance increased
ground beetle (Carabidae) species diversity. USDA Interagency Research Forum on
Invasive Species, Annapolis, MD, January 13.
Motley K, Havill NP, Ross DW, Mayfield AE, Whitemore MC and Wallin KF 2016. Assessing
the Potential of Two Species of Silver Fly, Leucopis argenticollis and Leucopis
16-Wallinpiniperda, as Biological Control Agents of Hemlock Woolly Adelgid, Adelges tsugae,
in the Eastern US. USDA Interagency Research Forum on Invasive Species,
Annapolis, MD, January 13.
Aronowitz H, Havill NP, Foottit R and Wallin KF 2016. Using morphometrics to revise the
taxonomic relationships among Adelges lineages found on hemlock species
worldwide USDA Interagency Research Forum on Invasive Species, Annapolis, MD,
January 13.
Golivets M, Woodall CW and Wallin K 2016. Does a Nonnative Invasive Defoliator Facilitate
Invasion of Nonnative Invasive Plants More than a Native Defoliator?
USDA Interagency Research Forum on Invasive Species, Annapolis, MD, January 13.
Perry, KI, Wallin, KF, Wenzel, JW, and DA Herms. 2015. Forest disturbance increased
ground beetle species diversity. Entomological Society of America Annual
Meeting. Minneapolis, MN, November 16.
Perry KI, Wallin KF and Herms DA 2015. Effects of forest disturbance on ground-dwelling
invertebrate dispersal. North Central Branch Entomological Society of America
Conference, Manhattan, KS, June 1
Perry KI, Wallin KF, Wenzel JW and Herms DA 2015. Response of ground beetles
(Coleoptera: Carabidae to forest disturbance. Disturbance and Salvage Logging
Symposium, Powdermill Nature Reserve, Rector, PA, May 29-30
Perry KI, Wallin KF and Herms DA 2015. Effects of forest disturbance on ground-dwelling
invertebrate dispersal. Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center
Annual Research Conference, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, April 16
Perry KI, Wallin KF and Herms DA Herms 2015. Effects of forest disturbance on grounddwelling invertebrate dispersal. USDA Interagency Research Forum on Invasive
Species, Annapolis, MD, January 14
Perry KI, Wallin KF, Wenzel JW and Herms DA 2014. Ground beetle response to forest
disturbance: a test of the competition-colonization trade-off model. Entomological
Society of America Annual Meeting, Portland, OR, November 17
Perry KI, Wallin KF, Wenzel JW and Herms DA 2014. Ground beetle response to forest
disturbance: a test of the competition-colonization trade-off model. 27th Annual
Ohio Valley Entomological Association Forum, The Ohio State University, Columbus,
OH, October 31
Orantes LC, Dorn P, Hanley J, Monroy C, Morrissey LA, Fredericksen RM, Rizzo DM,
Stevens L, Wallin KF and Helms Cahan S 2014. Community genomics of the Chagas
Disease vector, Triatoma dimidiata: Uncovering genetic variation and gut microbial
fauna of a deadly kissing bug. Entomological Society of America Annual
Meeting, Portland, OR, November 17
Pears SL and Wallin KF 2014. Insect biodiversity following windstorm and salvage harvest
disturbance in northeastern mixed deciduous forests. Entomological Society of
America Annual Meeting, Portland, OR, November 17 (invited)
Ross DW, Kohler GR, Grubin SM, Havill NP and Wallin KW 2014. Predators of Hemlock
Woolly Adelgid in the Pacific Northwest: Potential for Biological Control in the East.
Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting, Portland, OR, November 17
Perry KI, Wallin KF, Wenzel JW and Herms DA 2014. Ground beetle response to forest
disturbance: a test of the competition-colonization trade-off model. Entomological
Society of America Annual Meeting, Portland, OR, November 17
17-Wallin-Last updated May 5, 2016
Perry KI, Wallin KF, Wenzel JW and Herms DA 2014. Ground beetle response to
forest disturbance: a test of the competition-colonization trade-off model. 27th
Annual Ohio Valley Entomological Association Forum, The Ohio State University,
Columbus, OH, October 31
Limback CK and Wallin KF 2012. Invertebrate biodiversity and distribution on the invasive
plant garlic mustard Alliaria petiolata and native plants in Vermont campgrounds.
Entomology Society of America Annual, Knoxville, TN, November
Arsenault AL, Havill NP, Mayfield AE and Wallin KF 2012. Behavioral responses of
Laricobius nigrinus (Coleoptera:Derodontidae) and Laricobius nigrinus, Laricobius
rubidus hybrids to Adelges tsugae (Hemiptera:Adelgidae) and host tree odors in a 4way olfactometer. Entomology Society of America Annual, Knoxville, TN
Arsenault AL, Mayfield AE, Ott DP and Wallin KF 2012. USDA Interagency Research
Forum on Invasive Species, Annapolis, MD, January 10-13
Aoki CF, Ukrainetz NK, Nelson KN, Romme WH, Rocca ME, Ayres MP, Yanchuk AD and
Wallin KF 2011. Serotiny and Mountain Pine Beetle Mortality in a Lodgepole Pine
Provenance Trial. North American Forest Insect Work Conference, Portland, OR,
May 9-13
Yurchenco HD, Schaberg PG, Templer PH, Maroja LS and Wallin KF 2011. Effects of soil
freezing on biodiversity of ground dwelling insects and terrestrial snails in Northern
hardwood forests. North American Forest Insect Work Conference, Portland, OR,
May 7-11
Limback CK and Wallin KF 2011. Naturalization of Alliaria petiolata and its effects
on interactions and distribution of associated invertebrates North American Forest
Insect Work Conference, Portland, OR, May 7-11
Comerford DP, Schaberg PG, Templer PH and Wallin KF 2011. Effects of Winter
Climate Change on Tree Physiology and Arthropod Diversity in a Northern
Hardwood Forest. North American Forest Insect Work Conference, Portland, OR,
May 7-11
Ott DS and Wallin KF 2011. Scymnus coniferarum as a potential biological control
agent of HWA in eastern North America. North American Forest Insect Work
Conference, Portland, OR, May 7-11
Pears SL and Wallin KF 2010. North American host tree response to Amylostereum
areolatum, the fungal symbiont of the woodwasp Sirex noctilio Southern Forest
Insect Work Conference, Wilmington, NC July 19-23
Pears SL and Wallin KF 2010. North American host tree response to Amylostereum
areolatum, the fungal symbiont of the woodwasp Sirex noctilio. Lanier Graduate
Student Presentation Competition. North Eastern Forest Pest Council Meeting, York
Harbor, ME, March 19-20
Ott DS, Yanchuk AD, Huber DPW and Wallin KF 2010. Heritibility of lodgepole pine trees
response to colonization by mountain pine beetle and its associated fungi. Lanier
Graduate Student Presentation Competition. North Eastern Forest Pest Council
Meeting, York Harbor, ME, March 19-20
Lee J, Schaberg PG and Wallin KF 2010. Direct and indirect calcium mediated influences
on tree responses to biotic stresses. Lanier Graduate Student Presentation
Competition. North Eastern Forest Pest Council Meeting, York Harbor, ME, March
18-WallinComerford DP, Templer PH, Schaberg PG and Wallin KF 2010. Impacts of reduced
snowpack on tree physiology and tree-insect interactions in a northern hardwood
forest. Lanier Graduate Student Presentation Competition. North Eastern Forest
Pest Council Meeting, York Harbor, ME, March 19-20
Wallin KF and Kasmarek A 2008. Role of wavelength in nocturnal insect flight response.
Entomological Society of America National Meeting, Reno, NV, November 16-19
Ott DS, Yanchuk AD, Huber DPW and Wallin KF 2008. Estimating heritability of mountain
pine beetle host selection, tree responses to mountain pine beetle complex, and
colonization success. Entomological Society of America National Meeting, Reno, NV.
November 16-19
Kohler GR, Wallin KF and Ross DW 2008. Synchrony and host preference of Leucopis
spp. (Diptera: Chamaemyiidae), predators of hemlock woolly adelgid in the Pacific
Northwest. Southern Forest Insect Work Conference, Chattanooga, TN, August 4-7
Ott DS, Yanchuk AD, Huber DPW and Wallin KF 2008. Estimating genetic variation of
lodgepole pine defenses against mountain pine beetle colonization success.
Southern Forest Insect Work Conference, Chattanooga, TN, August 4-7
Ott DS, Yanchuk AD, Huber DPW and Wallin KF 2008. Estimating heritability of tree
defensive responses to mountain pine beetle complex. Mountain Pine Beetle: From
lessons learned to community-based solutions, University of Northern British
Columbia, Prince George, BC, June 10-11
Wallin KF and Kasemerak A 2008. Expanding our understanding of insect host location
behaviors by investigating the role and heritability of specific wavelength
reflectance of host trees. National Science Foundation Research Day VT EPSCoR
Annual State Meeting and Grant Writing Workshop, Burlington, VT, June 6-7
Kohler GR, Wallin KF and Ross DW 2008. Synchrony and host preference of Leucopis
spp. (Diptera: Chamaemyiidae), predators of hemlock woolly adelgid in the Pacific
Northwest. Western Forest Insect Work Conference, Boulder, CO, April 10-15
Kohler GR, Wallin KF and Ross DW 2008. Synchrony and host preference of fly and beetle
predators of hemlock woolly adelgid in the Pacific Northwest. 4th Symposium on
Hemlock Woolly Adelgid, Hartford, CT, Feb. 12
Ott DS, Yanchuk AD, Huber DPW and Wallin KF 2007. Estimating heritability of lodgepole
pine defense responses to mountain pine beetle and one of its associated fungi.
Entomological Society of America National Meeting, San Diego, CA, December 9-15
Kohler GR, Wallin KF and Ross DW 2007. Life history and biology of two Leucopis
species (Diptera: Chamaemyiidae), predators of the hemlock woolly adelgid in the
Pacific Northwest. Entomological Society of America National Meeting, San Diego,
CA, December 9-15
Ott DS, Yanchuk AD and Wallin KF 2007. Heritability of lodgepole pine monoterpene
composition and its role in mountain pine beetle attack behaviors. Western Forest
Insect Work Conference, Boise, ID, March 5-9
Kohler GR, Stiefel VL, Wallin KF and Ross DW 2007. Predators associated with
hemlock woolly adelgid (Hemiptera: Adlegidae) infested western hemlock in the
Pacific Northwest. Annual Pacific Branch Entomology Society of America Meeting,
Portland, OR, March 22-25
Kohler GR, Stiefel VL, Wallin KF and Ross DW 2007. Predators associated with
hemlock woolly adelgid (Hemiptera: Adlegidae) infested western hemlock in the
19-Wallin-Last updated May 5, 2016
Pacific Northwest. 18th USDA Interagency Research Forum on Invasive Species,
Annapolis, MD, January 10-13
Kohler GR, Stiefel VL, Wallin KF and Ross DW 2006. Predators associated with
hemlock woolly adelgid (Hemiptera: Adlegidae) infested western hemlock in the
Pacific Northwest. Entomological Society of America National Meeting,
Indianapolis, IN, December 2-7
Kohler GR, Stiefel VL, Wallin KF and Ross DW 2006. Predators associated with hemlock
woolly adelgid (Hemiptera: Adelgidae) infested western hemlock in the Pacific
Northwest. North American Insect Work Conference, Asheville, NC, May 22-25
Gaylord ML, Wagner MR, Kolb TE and Wallin KF 2004. Seasonal dynamics of bark beetle
flight and tree growth and physiology in a northern Arizona ponderosa pine forest.
Western Forest Insect Work Conference, San Diego, CA, March
Gaylord ML, Wagner MR, Kolb TE and Wallin KF 2002. Seasonal dynamics of bark beetle
flight and tree growth and physiology in a northern Arizona ponderosa pine forest.
Entomological Society of America National Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, FL, December
Skov KR, Kolb TE and Wallin KF 2001. Effects of restoration thinning treatments on water
relations and photosynthesis of four size class of Pinus ponderosa. North American
Forest Insect Work Conference, Edmonton, AB, March
Skov KR, Wallin KF and Kolb TE 2001. Effects of restoration thinning treatments on water
relations and photosynthesis of four size class of Pinus ponderosa. Putting the
Pieces Together: Practicing Forest Ecosystem Restoration, Flagstaff, AZ
Skov KR, Wallin KF and Kolb TE 2001. Effects of restoration thinning treatments on water
relations and photosynthesis of Pinus ponderosa. Northern Arizona University
Graduate Student Expo, Flagstaff, AZ, August
5. Grant support
a. Competitive External to the Institution
$114,000 Short J, Danks C, Keeton W, Wallin KF, Leahy J and Adams M 2014. Effective
Strategies for Promoting Sustainable Forest-Based Heating Alternatives for
Northern Forest Homes and Communities. Northern States Research Cooperative
$138,000 Wallin KF, Mayfield AE, Havill NP and Ross DW 2014. Laying the foundations
to use silver flies for biological control of hemlock woolly adelgid in the Eastern US.
USDA Forest Service. Forest Health Technology Enterprise Team. Morgantown, WV
$45,000 Wallin KF, Mayfield AE, Havill NP and Ross DW 2014. Laying the genetic
foundations to use silver flies for biological control of hemlock woolly adelgid in the
Eastern US. USDA Forest Service. Southern Research Station. Asheville, NC
$5,000 Wallin KF, Murdoch J, Siedel A and Rayback S 2013. New England Campus
Compact: Campuses for Environmental Stewardship. Environmental Protection
$5,000 Wallin KF 2013. Impacts of wind burst on forest recovery and biodiversity. Simon
Family Grant for undergraduate research to Sabrina Smits
$200,000 Ginger C, Wang D, Strong AM, Wallin KF and Riddle E 2013. Multicultural
Scholars Program at UVM-The Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural
Resources. United States Department of Agriculture National Institute of Food and
20-Wallin$200,000 Wang D, Erb MD, Ginger C, Riddle, E, Strong AM, Vea-Fagnant M and Wallin KF
2012-2017. Multicultural Scholars Program at UVM-The Rubenstein School of
Environment & Natural Resources USDA Higher Education Program United States
Department of Agriculture National Institute of Food and Agriculture
$10,000 Wallin KF 2011. Using spatial data to field test hypotheses that might explain
recent significant increases in tree mortality in Vermont. Northern States Research
$45,000 Wallin KF 2011-2013. Linking host location behavior and antennal responses of
hemlock woolly adelgid predators. USDA Forest Service Southern Research Station
$30,000 Wallin KF 2011. ARRA Invasive Species Survey Western Vermont. Department
of Forest Parks and Recreation
$35,000 Wallin KF and Wang D 2010. ARRA Invasive Species Survey Western Vermont.
Department of Forest Parks and Recreation. (Two graduate students co-led the
$136,00 Wang D, Erb MD, Ginger C, Riddle E, Strong AM, Vea-Fagnant M and Wallin KF
2010-2015. Multicultural Scholars Program at UVM-The Rubenstein School of
Environment & Natural Resources USDA Higher Education Program. (This is
awarded to the RSENR to recruit and retain students that represent underrepresented groups in higher education.)
$24,300 Wallin KF 2009-2010. Using tree-based response to an invasive insect to
achieve sustainable forest management of Northern pine forests. USDA Theme One:
Northern States Research Cooperative
$120,000 Wang D, Erb MD, Ginger C, Riddle E, Strong AM, Vea-Fagnant M and Wallin KF
2009-2013. Multicultural Scholars Program at UVM-The Rubenstein School of
Environment & Natural Resources USDA Higher Education Program
$236,000 Wang D, Ginger C, Pontius J, Schaberg PG and Wallin KF 2009-2013. Forest
Ecosystem Health in a Globalizing World: Building a Diverse Community of Scholars.
$5,000 Shannon M, Wallin KF and Libby S 2008-2010. (University of Vermont
collaborative learning leadership team. Davis Education Foundation. This supported
Wallin and Libby travel to attend Engaged Curriculum Workshop in Maine; develop
engaged curriculum road map for RSENR. I did not develop the proposal but
provided, with others, the final product proposed.)
$38,945 Ross DW and Wallin KF 2008-2009. Chamaemyiid predators as potential
biocontrol agents for the hemlock woolly adelgid. USDA Forest Service. Forest
Health Technology Enterprise Team. Morgantown, WV
$35,000 Ross DW and Wallin KF 2006-2007. Chamaemyiid predators of the hemlock
woolly adelgid in the Pacific Northwest. USDA Forest Service Cooperative
agreement— competitive grants program. (Funding to support Glenn Kohler at OSU;
I developed and co-wrote the proposal.)
$180,000 Wallin KF and Yanchuk AD 2005-2008. Characterizing genetic variation of
resistance in lodgepole pine to attack by mountain pine beetle. British Columbia
Ministry of Forest and Range, Victoria, Canada. (100% funds to Wallin; Funding to
support Wallin and graduate student; Based on our preliminary findings, I
developed and wrote the proposal with input from Dr. Yanchuk at iteration.)
21-Wallin-Last updated May 5, 2016
$70,000 Wallin KF 2008. Additional funds provided by BC Ministry of Forest and Range.
(Funding to support Wallin and graduate student; Based on our preliminary
findings, I developed and wrote the proposal with input from Dr. Yanchuk at
$37,250 Ross DW and Wallin KF 2005-2007. Differences of mechanical resistance
mechanisms of eastern, western, and mountain hemlocks to HWA: rapid screening
for breeding for resistance. USDA. Forest Service Forest Health Protection Region 8
Participating Agreement Grants—competitive grants program.
$15,460 Solter L, Onken B, Reardon R, Wallin K, Salom S, Shields K and Cheah C 2005-2006.
Role of pathogenic microsporidia in the hemlock woolly adelgid natural enemy
complex. USDA Forest Service Cooperative agreement. (5% funds to Wallin; I
provided very little input on the development of the proposal until the final stage
where I provided expertise on HWA in the Pacific Northwest.)
$30,000 Wallin KF and Porath ML 2004-2005. Determining black fly (Simulium spp.)
distribution and dynamics in eastern region of Oregon and western region of Idaho.
CSREES. Western Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education. (30% funds to
Wallin; I wrote the proposal with input from M. Porath at iteration.)
$78,900 Wallin KF, Seybold SJ and Ross DW 2004-2005. Can pheromone-baited traps
reduce Douglas-fir beetle-caused tree mortality? USDA FS Western Bark Beetle
Initiative. (75% funds to Wallin; Dr. Ross developed the proposal and I co-wrote it
with him.)
b. Competitive Internal
$7,497 O’Kane T and Wallin KW 2016-2017. Birding to Change the World. Engaged
Practices Innovation 3 proposals funded
$530,000 Wallin, K, Initiating a new integrated research program on UVM research forests.
NIFA# 1003495
$760,616 Keeton W, Wallin K, Ricketts T, Galford G, Danks C, Kuentzel W, O’Neil-Dunne J
and Strong A 2014-2019. Managing the matrix: A Framework for Assessing
Ecosystem Services in Forested Landscapes. NIFA #23096
$180,000 Wallin KF and Erickson J 2012-2014. Measuring and Modeling Forest Ecosystem
Service Trade-offs of Salvage Logging Following Wind Disturbances in Vermont
Forests. NIFA #32409
$4,800 Wallin KF 2012. Interactions of native pollinators with native plants and garlic
mustard. University of Vermont. (I mentored undergraduate Anna Carragee and
graduate student Chenin Limback in developing and writing the proposal.)
$48,000 Wallin KF 2009-2011. Quantifying the impacts of fine-scale variation at altitudinal
on patterns and diversity of plant-insect interactions. Later modified to: Quantifying
the impacts winter climate change on patterns and diversity of plant- insect
interactions. USDA Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service.
McIntire-Stennis Program
$10,000 Wallin KF 2008. Expanding our understanding of insect host location behaviors by
investigating the role and heritability of specific wavelength reflectance of host
trees. The Vermont EPSCoR Innovation Fund
$24,900 Wallin KF and Ross DW 2004. Incentive Programs at OSU, Research Equipment
Reserve Fund
22-Wallin$10,000 Porath ML and Wallin KF 2004-2005. Monitoring black fly (Simulium spp.)
distribution and dynamics in eastern region of Oregon. Oregon State University
Extension Non-renewable funds.
$10,000 Wallin KF 2005. Improving guidelines in intermountain west for slash
management to minimize Ips pini attack following thinning of ponderosa pine
stands. Oregon State University, Research Office, General Research Fund
$99,587 Wagner MR and Wallin KF 2001-2003. Seasonality of bark beetles in northern
Arizona. Northern Arizona University, School of Forestry. Mission Research Program
(McIntire-Stennis). (Conceived and written by Wallin; partially funded M.S. research
assistantship for Monica Gaylord in Wagner lab.)
c. Cooperative Agreements External to Institution
$45,000 Wallin KF, Mayfield AE and Sullivan BD 2011-2013. Linking host location behavior
and antennal responses of hemlock woolly adelgid predators. USDA-FS, Southern
Research Station, Asheville, NC
$ 3,000. Wallin KF and Tobin PT 2012. Synchronization of gypsy moth emergence and male
flight. USDA Forest Service Cooperative Agreement
$25,000 Wallin KF and Dodds K 2009-2010. Tree responses to fungal associate of nonnative insect. USDA Forest Service Cooperative Agreement. Forest Health Protection
$26,720 Wallin KF and Onken B 2009-2011. Using behavioral assays to develop qualitybased fitness parameters for predators of HWA. USDA Forest Service Cooperative
Agreement. Forest Health Protection
$10,000 Ross DW and Wallin KF 2007-2008. Natural enemies of HWA in Pacific Northwest.
USDA Forest Service Cooperative Agreement
$50,000 Ross DW and Wallin KF 2005. Natural enemies of adelgids in Western United
States: Estimating the relative roles of top-down and bottom-up forces on HWA
populations. USDA Forest Service Cooperative Agreement
$213,000 Ross DW and Wallin KF 2004-2007. Natural enemies of adelgids in Western
United States: Estimating the relative roles of top-down and bottom-up forces on
HWA populations. USDA Forest Service Cooperative agreement. USDA Forest
Service Cooperative Agreement
6. Extension and outreach
Workshop with Vermont, Department of Forests, Park and Recreation
Diagnose insect and pathogen damage of Essex, VT condo association trees
Lead speaker at VT State House Brown Bag Lunch
Diagnose insect and pathogen damage of Milton, VT homeowner trees
Intervale Conservation Nursery Advisory Board Meeting. State of invasive
insects in Vermont and New England. Intervale Conference Room,
Burlington, VT
Israel Education Initiative. Transboundary Approaches to Environmental
Challenges Facing Arid Ecosystems
23-Wallin-Last updated May 5, 2016
Green Mountain Division, Society of American Foresters, Field Meeting.
Seeing the Forest for the Tree. 4.5 SAF Category 1 Credit and 3 NH Forester
CEU Credits
Black fly monitoring training workshop.
Initiated extension program that awarded an internship to one
undergraduate student.
Lead Speaker at Oregon State University Malheur Experiment Station Field
Days. Hosted by Dr. Clint Shock Oregon State University Malheur Experiment
Station Supervisor
7. Media releases and press
Oregon State University
Washington Post
Eugene Register Guard
Vermont Public Radio
EureKAlert (AAAS)
Wildlife Society
Entomology Today
Science Daily
Nature World News, Newswise, VTDigger, Northern Woodlands Magazine
UVM Assists State and Campground Owners. By Vermont Campground Association
Newsletter. December Issue 2008. Highlights the service-learning with State of Vermont
Department of Forestry and Recreation.
24-WallinEarth-friendly peace studies attract Vermonters to Holy Land. By Joel Banner Baird, Free
Press Staff Writer for Burlington Free Press. December 21, 2008. Highlights our efforts to
establish a minor at UVM by partnering with Arava Institute of Environmental Studies.
Beetle Epidemic Escalates: Applying pheromones and injecting insecticides may help
prevent bark beetles from decimating trees. By Rachel Petkewich, Science Journalist for
Chemical and Engineering News http://www.cen-online.org. A service of the American
Chemical Society December 22, 2008 Volume 86, Number 51 pp. 36-37. Highlights our
research on host defenses against mountain pine beetle.
1. University Service
a. The University of Vermont
Graduate College advisory committee on graduate
CUPS advisory board
May 2010-2014
Faculty Initiatives Committee for UVM International
Advisory Committee (IAC)
October 2012
Reviewer for Office of Undergraduate Research
The University of Vermont-RSENR
Chair of RSENR Lands Committee
Member of Search Committee: Assistant to Associate
Dean’s Leadership Team
Chair of Graduate Program
Graduate Program Director
Member of Core Team Strategic Planning Committee
Member of Search Committee: Assistant Professor
Forestry Extension
Core curriculum ad hoc Committee
Transdisciplinary Research Initiative: Food Systems
Graduate Standards Committee
Terrestrial Ecosystem Health Group
Space and Program Integration for Sustainability
Space Policy Committee
Engaged Learning Curriculum Committee.
Participated in Global Citizenship in the Curriculum
November 10-11 and Engaged Department Institute
January 3-4
Diversity Task Force
25-Wallin-Last updated May 5, 2016
b. Oregon State University-College of Forest Science
College of Forestry Advisory Council Member
c. Oregon State University- Department of Forest Science
Co-Graduate Program Advisor
Member of sub-committee on Mission and Goals
Member of Curriculum Committee
2. Service to the Profession
a. Regional
Pacific Branch Annual Entomology Society of America Meeting.
Co-organizer of symposium entitled “Fire and Forest Insect
Interactions”. Portland, OR. March 25-28
Western Forest Genetics Association Annual Meeting. I was
invited to facilitate a special session on “Genetic and
Environmental Interactions Between Host Resistance and Bark
Beetles Outbreaks”. Anchorage, AK June 22-29
b. National and international
Evaluator of Graduate Student Presentations at North
American Forest Insect Work Conference
Evaluator of Graduate Student Presentations at Southern
Forest Insect Work Conference
Entomology Society of America: Symposium co-organizer of
annual Forest Entomology Symposium
Associate Editor for Bulletin of Entomology
Associate Editor for Journal of Forestry
North American Forest Insect Work Conference: Symposium
co-organizer Bridging Disciplines, Trophic Levels, and
Millennia: an Evolutionary Approach to Forest Pest
Member of the planning committee for The North American
Forest Insect Work Conference
Western Forest Insect Work Conference
Member of Executive Committee
Chair Scholarship Fundraising Committee
Served as moderator for Graduate Student Session at Western
Forest Insect Work Conference. Victoria, BC
c. Reviews and review panels
2013, 2016
Reviewer for National Science Foundation (NSF) Ecology and
Evolutionary Biology Cluster
2012, 2013
Reviewer for NSF Epscor
Ad hoc reviewer for NSF Evolutionary Processes Cluster
Environmental Biology
2003, 06, 10, 13
Reviewer for National Institute of Food and Agricultural
Reviewer for German Research Foundation
Reviewer for Northern States Research Cooperative
Reviewer for Academy of Science of the Czech Republic
Reviewer for Competitive Grants to Promote Extension in Ohio
d. Steering and technical committees
Member of Alliance for Saving our Threatened Forests
Served on panel discussion for Biological Control of Hemlock
Woolly Adelgid (HWA) Technical Committee
Served on panel discussion for United States research and
management efforts to control HWA populations
Member of three-person panel on biological control of HWA
populations in North America
3. Peer Reviewer (approximately 12/year since 2007)
Agriculture and Forest Entomology, Annals of Forestry, Bioscience, Canadian
Entomologist, Canadian Journal of Forest Research, Ecology, Ecological Applications,
Ecological Entomology, Ecology Letters, Ecoscience, Environmental Entomology,
Forest Ecology and Management, Great Lakes Entomologist, Journal of Chemical
Ecology, Journal of Insect Behavior, Molecular Ecology, Northern Journal of Applied
Forestry, Oecologia, Oikos, Tree Physiology
Book proposal for Cambridge University Press
Proposal reviewer for Department of Energy (DOE)-National Institute for Climate
Change Research (NICCR)
4. Professional Societies
Entomological Society of America
Ecological Society of America
Sigma Delta Epsilon-Beta Chapter
Association for Women in Science
Society of American Foresters
5. Service to the Public (professionally and non-professionally related)
All Breeds Rescue Vermont, Volunteer
Chittenden County Habitat for Humanity, Volunteer
Science Education Partnerships (SEPS) program, Corvallis, OR
Served as Biology tutor for students at Corvallis High School
In class science volunteer Linus Pauling Middle School,
Corvallis, OR
27-Wallin-Last updated May 5, 2016
Reading/Writing volunteer Hoover Elementary School,
Corvallis, OR
Earth Circles Environmental Conference for Northern Arizona
Continuing Excellence in Education at Northern Arizona
Ways of Knowing Biology at University of Wisconsin-Madison
College for Kids at University of Wisconsin-Madison
Science-by-Mail volunteer through Boston Museum of Science
1. National and International
National Presidential Leadership Award and Scholarship. Sponsored by University
of Minnesota and US Initiative for High Education. 1994 - $4000
2. State and Regional
North Central Branch of Entomological Society of America Comstock Award
nominee 1999
Universities and Community
a. University of Vermont (2007-current)
UVM Lynne Bond Outstanding Service-learning Teaching
Mentor of the Year Award
Sustainability Faculty Fellow
Faculty Fellow in Service-Learning
b. University of Wisconsin-Madison (1994-2002)
1997, 1999
Department of Entomology: Kinney Merit Award
Women in Science-Beta-Chapter: Ruth and Helen Dickie
Research Seminar Competition: Runner-up
Women in Science-Beta-Chapter: Ruth and Helen Dickie
Research Seminar Competition: Honorable mention
c. University of Minnesota (1990-1994)
Minneapolis-St. Paul Campus
National Presidential Leadership Award-$5000
Henry Schmitz Student Leadership Award and
Saint Paul Campus
Thomas French Urban Forestry Scholarship-$500
Student Involvement Award-$100
Forestry Club Scholarships-$3350
28-WallinDaughter of Paul (Bunyan)
4. Student Awards
Glenn Kohler: 2005 and 2007 OSU Oregon Sports Lottery Scholarship $12,000/yr
Entomology Society of America Annual National Meeting Second Place
Student Presentation Competition
Entomology Society of America Annual Pacific Branch First Place
Student Presentation Competition
Dan Ott:
Student Travel Scholarship University of Northern British Columbia
2006 ($500) and 2007 ($1000)
: Western Forest Insect Work Conference Graduate Student Memorial
Scholarship ($750 plus travel to present research at the following
years WFIWC).
Sarah Pears: North Eastern Forest Pest Council Annual Meeting Second Place
Student Presentation Competition
1. Strengthen graduate program infrastructure and promote culture of excellence in
2. Lead self-assessment of graduate program
3. Increase the impact and prominence of scholarly research throughout the school
4. Improve sustainability, openness and transparency, and interagency engagement
5. Develop transparent and equitable processes that provide diverse opportunities for
learning, discovery and dissemination of new knowledge
1. Mentorship: Since joining University of Vermont I’ve mentored 29 undergraduate
research interns. Twenty-three women and three from other under represented
groups. Four of the undergraduate interns successfully competed for research funds.
Five of the interns are co-authors on publications that are currently under review.
Since 2007, I’ve mentored 14 graduate students, 8 Ph.D.’s and 6 MS. Seven students
successfully graduated; 2 continued on to pursue a Ph.D. and the other 4 are
currently employed in full-time permanent positions in the career. I currently serve
on 6 graduate students committees.
2. Teaching: I teach two undergraduate courses and one graduate or honors level
course each spring. Forest Ecosystem Health is a senior level course for forestry,
wildlife biology, and environmental science undergraduates. Enrollment is capped
at 25 students. This is a lab-based course. I engage students in ‘real life’
environment issues by offering the course within the service-learning framework.
The class partners with The State of Vermont Forest, Parks, and Recreation and
USDA APHIS. The second course is a service-learning course entitled: Ecology and
Arts of Arid Ecosystems. The class is available to students campus-wide with
enrollment capped at 15 students. The class partners with Burlington Legacy
Project and Burlington High School. The course ends with a field practicum in Arad,
29-Wallin-Last updated May 5, 2016
Israel. In Israel the class partners with the Desert Vision, Bedouin and Jewish
schools. I also teach a graduate level course entitled, How to be a successful
scientist. The course is open to RSENR graduate students and capped at 10.
3. Participation and leadership in interdisciplinary, inter-organizational research: I
have professional collaborations, either past or currently, with individuals and
groups of individual within USDA-Forest Service Northern and Southern Research
Stations, Dartmouth College, Cornell University, Hubbard Brook Ecosystem Study,
Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies, Smithsonian, Carnegie Mellon Natural History
Museum, Vermont Agency of Natural Resources, USDA Animal and Plant Health
Inspection Service (APHIS) Otis Laboratory, Williams College, SUNY-Syracuse,
USDA-FS Forest Health Protection, Oregon State University, and British Columbia
Ministry of Forests.
Fly UP