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Document 2646049
APRIL 2015
Garrett W. Meigs
Postdoctoral Research Associate
UVM Carbon Dynamics Laboratory
Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources
University of Vermont
Burlington, VT 05405
[email protected]
Career goals
Applied disturbance ecology: landscape- and regional-scale synthesis of field surveys, remote sensing, and ecological
modeling to understand ecosystem change and support forest management.
Forestry outreach and communication: facilitating knowledge exchange, bridging gaps between science and society.
Ph.D. Oregon State University; Major: Forest Science; Integrated minor: Forest Health
Graduated September 2014, Cumulative GPA: 4.0
Thesis with Robert Kennedy and John Bailey: Mapping disturbance interactions from Earth and space:
Insect effects on tree mortality, fuels, and wildfires across forests of the Pacific Northwest
M.S. Oregon State University; Major: Forest Science; Integrated minor: Landscape disturbance dynamics
Graduated June 2009, Cumulative GPA: 4.0
Thesis with Beverly Law: Carbon dynamics following landscape fire: Influence of burn severity, climate, and
stand history in the Metolius Watershed, Oregon
B.S. Cornell University; Major: Natural Resources; Concentration: Applied Forest Ecology
Graduated January 2004, Magna Cum Laude with Distinction in Research, Cumulative GPA: 3.7
Honors thesis with Timothy Fahey: Recent patterns of large fire events on Kaibab Plateau, Arizona, USA
Study abroad program: School for Field Studies, Vancouver Island, British Columbia
Research experience
Postdoctoral research associate, William Keeton, UVM, Burlington, VT
Graduate research assistant, Faculty research assistant, Robert Kennedy, OSU, Corvallis, OR
Graduate research assistant, Flux tower technician, Beverly Law, OSU, Corvallis, OR
Forest ecology field crew leader, John Battles, University of California, Berkeley, CA
Amazon ecology intern, Daniel Nepstad, Woods Hole Research Center, Woods Hole, MA
Fire ecology intern, Richard Houghton and Scott Goetz, Woods Hole Research Center, MA
Northern goshawk field technician, R. Reynolds, US Forest Service, Kaibab Plateau, AZ
Forest ecology lab technician, Timothy Fahey, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
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Grants awarded
NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship ($90,000)
Meigs GW, Campbell JL, Zald HSJ, Kennedy RE, Bailey JD, Shaw DC. Ecosphere. Does wildfire likelihood
increase following insect outbreaks in conifer forests? In press.
Meigs GW, Kennedy RE, Gray AN, Gregory MJ. 2105. Spatiotemporal dynamics of recent mountain pine beetle and
western spruce budworm outbreaks across the Pacific Northwest region. Forest Ecology and Management.
Kennedy RE, et al. (Meigs GW). 2014. Bringing an ecological view of change to Landsat-based remote sensing.
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 12: 339–346. doi: 10.1890/130066.
Meigs GW, Kennedy RE, Cohen WB. 2011. A Landsat time series approach to characterize bark beetle and
defoliator impacts on tree mortality and surface fuels in conifer forests. Remote Sensing of Environment 115:
3707-3718. doi: 10.1016/j.rse.2011.09.009.
Meigs GW, Turner DP, Ritts WD, Zhiqiang Y, Law BE. 2011. Landscape-scale simulation of heterogeneous fire
effects on pyrogenic emissions, tree mortality, and net ecosystem production. Ecosystems 14: 758-775. doi:
Meigs GW, Campbell JL. 2010. Comment on “Prescribed fire as a means of reducing forest carbon emissions in the
Western United States.” Environmental Science and Technology 44: 6520.
Meigs GW, Donato DC, Campbell JL, Martin JG, Law BE. 2009. Forest fire impacts on carbon uptake, storage, and
emission: The role of burn severity in the Eastern Cascades, Oregon. Ecosystems 12: 1246-1267. doi:
Meigs GW, Campbell JL, Zald HSJ, Kennedy RE. In prep. Do insect outbreaks increase forest fire severity?
Campbell JL, Donato DC, Meigs GW, Kirschbaum AA. In prep. Reburn in early-seral forests of the U.S. Pacific
states: Does fire beget fire?
Selected presentations
Meigs GW, Keeton W, Bryan K, Buford E, Cano A, Danks C, Galford G, Golivets M, Kuentzel W, Mattison L,
O’Neil-Dunne J. Ricketts T, Sonter L, Strong A, Wallin K, Wang D. Socio-ecological drivers of forest change
and ecosystem services across Vermont. (Poster) Northeastern Ecosystem Research Cooperative Biennial
Conference. Saratoga Springs, NY
Meigs GW. September 2014. Mapping disturbance interactions from Earth and space: Insect effects on tree
mortality, fuels, and wildfires across forests of the Pacific Northwest. Dissertation defense. Corvallis, OR
Meigs GW, Kennedy RE, Bailey JD, Reilly MJ. May 2014. Contemporary megafires in the Pacific Northwest: What
is the role of native insects? Large wildland Fires: Social, Political, and Ecological Effects. Missoula, MT
Invited presentation, special session on social-ecological study of western fires
Meigs GW, Kennedy RE. April 2014. Regional dynamics of mountain pine beetle, western spruce budworm, and
wildfire across the Pacific Northwest. Central Oregon Fire Science Symposium. Bend, OR
Meigs GW. April 2013. Insects and wildfires across Pacific Northwest forests: A photographic journey through space
and time. Western Forestry Graduate Research Symposium. Corvallis, OR
Meigs GW, Kennedy RE. April 2013. Cumulative insect impacts across the PNW: New maps and implications for
fire. Restoring and managing mixed conifer forests in the Pacific Northwest workshop. Hood River, OR
Invited presentation
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Selected presentations (continued)
Meigs GW, Kennedy RE. September 2012. Spatial and temporal analysis of insects and wildfires: Seeking a general
conceptual model of multiple disturbance interactions. ForestSAT Biennial Meeting, Corvallis, OR
Presented as part of special session on insect and wildfire disturbance ecology
Meigs GW, Kennedy RE. August 2012. One if by stem, two if by leaf: Bark beetle and defoliator impacts on tree
mortality and surface fuels in Pacific Northwest forests. ESA Annual Meeting, Portland, OR
Meigs GW, Kennedy RE, Maffei, H. November 2011. Mapping disturbance effects on forest fuels: Implications for
insect-fire interactions. AFE Interior West Fire Ecology Conference, Snowbird, UT
Co-organized and presented as part of special session on post-disturbance fuels
Meigs GW. November 2011. Pyrodiversity in Pacific Northwest forests: A photographic journey through space and
time. AFE Interior West Fire Ecology Conference, Snowbird, UT
Presented as part of special session featuring early career scientists
Meigs GW, Kennedy RE. May 2011. Mapping defoliator and bark beetle impacts on tree mortality, fuels, and
subsequent wildfire in the Pacific Northwest Region. (Poster) NAFIWC, Portland, OR
Meigs GW, Kennedy RE. April 2011. Insect-fire interactions in the PNW: A regional strategy to characterize the
impacts of bark beetles and defoliators on subsequent wildfire. US-IALE Annual Meeting, Portland, OR
Meigs GW, Kennedy RE. October 2010. When death rides the forest: Can satellite imagery help resolve interactions
among insects, fuels, and fire? IAWF Fire and Fuels Conference, Spokane, WA
Meigs GW, Kennedy RE. June 2010. Current research in landscape-level disturbance monitoring: Combining
satellite, aerial, and field observations. 2010 Pacific Northwest Region Aerial Survey Conformity and
Calibration Meeting, Hood River, OR
Meigs GW, Kennedy RE, Law BE. April 2010. Fire and insects on the Deschutes National Forest: Implications for
carbon dynamics and multiple disturbance interactions. Central Oregon Fire Science Symposium, Bend, OR
Meigs GW, Kennedy RE. April 2010. LandTrendr applications in the Oregon Cascades: Insects, fire, recovery, and
beyond. Fremont-Winema National Forest Wildlife-Silviculture Workshop. Lakeview, OR
Meigs GW, Woolley TJ. April 2010. Death rides the forest: Insects and megafires from Earth and space. Forest
Ecosystems and Society Departmental Seminar, Corvallis, OR
Meigs GW, Kennedy RE, Cohen WB. December 2009. LandTrendr, aerial survey, and field mapping of recent insect
impacts on Oregon forests. Forest Health Protection Technical Meeting, Portland, OR
Meigs GW, Law BE. August 2009. Pyrodiversity and pyrocomplexity in the forest carbon budget: Perspectives from
the Eastern Cascades, OR. ESA Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, NM
Part of Organized Oral Session 34, summarized in the January 2010 Bulletin of the ESA
Meigs GW, Law BE. March 2009. Pyrodiversity across the Metolius Fireshed: A carbon perspective. Northwest
Scientific Association, Seattle, WA
Meigs GW, Law BE. December 2008. Carbon transformations following landscape fire: Carbon loss, mortality, and
ecosystem recovery across the Metolius Watershed, Oregon. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA
Meigs GW. November 2008. Life, death, and fire: Carbon transformations and ecosystem recovery across the
Metolius Fireshed, OR. Research Advances in Fisheries, Wildlife, and Ecology Symposium, Corvallis, OR.
Award for best presentation, Terrestrial Section
Meigs GW, Law BE. September 2008. Carbon transformations following landscape fire: Mortality and ecosystem
recovery in the Metolius Watershed, OR. (Poster) The ’88 Fires: Yellowstone and Beyond, Jackson, WY
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Teaching experience and training
Guest lecturer/facilitator: University of Vermont: sustainable management of forest ecosystems;
Oregon State University: communications in ecology, ecosystem biogeochemistry, fire ecology, forests and
civilization, forest ecology, forest policy analysis, NASA teacher workshop, natural resources research
planning; University of Washington: ecosystem management
Field tour organizer/assistant: Silviculture Instructor’s Field Course, Fall 2008; Pole Creek Fire, Fall 2012
Mentor: multiple graduate, undergraduate, and high school students, including award-winning independent research
Diversity workshop at University of Vermont, 2015: “Strategies for the globally diverse classroom”
Awards and honors
Oregon State University:
• Cover photo: “Mt. Washington Reburn” International Journal of Wildland Fire, 2014
• P.F. and Nellie Buck Yerex Graduate Fellowship, 2013-2014
• NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship, 2011-2014
• Photographs (2) featured in the 2013 calendar of the Association for Fire Ecology
• Association for Fire Ecology TREE grant to attend meeting in Portland, OR, 2012
• Oregon Lottery Graduate Scholarship, 2012-2013
• Dorothy D. Hoener Memorial Fellowship, 2012-2013
• Association for Fire Ecology Graduate Student Award, 2011-2012
• Association for Fire Ecology TREE grant to attend meeting in Snowbird, UT, 2011
• Dorothy D. Hoener Memorial Scholarship, 2011-2012
• Cascade Fire Interface Fellowship, 2010-2011
• Schutz Family Education Fund Fellowship, 2010-2011
• College of Forestry Graduate Fellowship, 2010-2011
• Photo “Crater Blue” displayed in Giustina Gallery, Corvallis, OR and featured on the Oregon Explorer website
• Cover photo: “Charfrog,” OSU Agricultural Experimental Station special report 1096: “Synthesis of knowledge on
the effects of fire and fire surrogates on wildlife in U.S. dry forests,” September 2009
• Eco-photo and Eco-poetry awards at ESA Meeting, August 2009
• Waring Travel Grant to attend ESA meeting, May 2009
• Best landscape photo: “Three-fingered Jack firescape,” Forest Guild national photo contest, May 2009
• Supplemental Oregon Laurels Graduate Scholarship (declined), February 2009
• Cover photo: “Burning from within,” Journal of Ecology, January 2009
• Golden Key International Honour Society nominee, Fall 2008
• Dorothy D. Hoener Memorial Fellowship, 2008-2009
• Faculty Award for Outstanding Achievement by a M.S. Student, 2007-2008
• Woods & Words Poetry Competition first prize: “A simple drop of fire,” May 2008
• Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society, inducted Spring 2008
• Xi Sigma Pi National Forestry Honor Society, inducted Spring 2007
• Schutz Family Fellowship, 2006-2007
Cornell University:
• Magna Cum Laude with Distinction in Research (honors thesis)
• Ho-nun-de-kah Honor Society for achievement in College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
• Inducted to National Society for Collegiate Scholars
• Morris K. Udall Scholarship honorable mention
• Lower Hudson Council of School Superintendents technology scholarship
• New York State Scholar for Academic Excellence
• Golden Key International Honour Society nominee
• International Mission on the Environment nominee
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Leadership and service activities
• Outreach and communication: radio interview on Inspiration dissemination; article in Smithsonian online;
participation in US Forest Service Forest Health Protection annual meetings and trainings (November 2009, June
2010, November 2012); organizer of fire ecology and management field trips with students and colleagues on the
Deschutes National Forest
• Co-organizer of special sessions at professional meetings: AFE Interior West Fire Ecology Conference (Snowbird,
UT); ForestSAT Biennial Meeting (Corvallis, OR); Words on Fire Symposium (Corvallis, OR); Central Oregon Fire
Science Symposium (Bend, OR)
• Volunteer at professional meetings: AFE Snowbird, ESA Albuquerque, US-IALE Portland
• Journal reviewer: Ecosphere, Ecosystems, Environmental Management, Forest Ecology and Management, Global
Change Biology, Journal of Vegetation Science, Remote Sensing of Environment
• Member of OSU committees: Forestry Computing Committee; Ruth Spaniol chair faculty search committee;
Promotion and Tenure student subcommittee chair
• Outreach coordinator and co-founder, OSU Chapter, Student Association for Fire Ecology, 2007-2014
• Graduate Student Council, College of Forestry, Oregon State University, 2007-2013
• Graduate representative, Department of Forest Science, Oregon State University, 2007-2009
• Coordinator, Global Environmental Change Organization (interdisciplinary group), 2007-2009
• Ranger, Xi Sigma Pi National Forestry Honor Society, Zeta Chapter, 2007-2008
• Member, Hydrophiles (interdisciplinary water resources group), 2006-2014
• Field research: crew leadership, orienteering, forestry/forest ecology surveys,
avian and mammal trapping/handling, tree-climbing, GPS mapping
• Laboratory research: GIS/remote sensing analysis, ecological modeling,
biomass, soils, dendrochronology
• Forest canopy flux tower and walkway experience: Cascade and Coast Ranges,
OR; Millbrook, NY; Capon Bridge, WV; British Columbia, Canada; Pará, Brazil
• Photography, writing, music
Professional affiliations (active membership)
• Association for Fire Ecology
• Ecological Society of America
• Forest Guild
• International Association of Wildland Fire
Burning from within, GW Fire,
Deschutes County, OR, 2007
References available upon request
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