
August  20th,  2013 802-­355-­7855 208  Orchard    Commons

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August  20th,  2013 802-­355-­7855 208  Orchard    Commons
August 20th, 2013
Skyler Perkins CV
[email protected]
208 Orchard Commons
Hinesburg, Vermont, 05461
University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont
B.A. Arts and Sciences, December 2011
Majors: Global Studies
Minors: Community and International Development, Spanish
Beginning Fall 2013:
University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont
Community Development and Applied Economics, M.S. (anticipated 2015')
Ecological Economics Certificate
Relevant Work Experience:
Bright Blue Ecomedia:
2013-­ Present
Production Team Member
● Support in filming and editing
● Marketing of “Bloom”, a film series about toxic algae blooms.
Work Study with Joshua Farley PhD.
Spring-­ Fall 2011
Research, writing, content development
● Worked with Professor Farley to develop content for his ‘Ecological Economics’ website
based on textbook
● Researched and wrote on agroforestry models in Santa Catarina, Brazil
C.A.D.E.M. Sustainable Development NGO in Cuetzalan, Mexico
(Center for Counsel and Development through Women)
Film media, promotion and communications
● Created film media for CADEM overview
● Creating film media for local initiatives
● Participated in meetings and the planning with local governance and businesses
● Grant writing, communication with funders and potential funders
Academy of Sustainability
After School Teacher
● Planned and organized curriculum;; taught, finding ways to integrate sustainability into curriculum
and teaching. The majority of students were refugees, especially from Somalia, Sudan, and
Global Justice Ecology Project
Summer 2009
Office Assistant, research assistant, networking and communications
● Networking and educating
● Researching for a congressional hearing on GM tree plantations
(Campaigns included protection of Indigenous peoples, preserving native forests, and activism strategy
for climate talks)
Other related projects:
Creator of Newamericanparadigm.com
2012-­ Present
Web design, research and writing
This is a website which deals with three main themes: Human nature, humans in community and human
integration in the ecosystem. It is based on the idea that we are searching for some harmonization of
these three elements.
2012-­ Present
● Author of articles and blogs.
● Analysis, advising and some management of social media
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Documentary
Content and grant writer
A team of film producers, athletes, skiing guides and advocates have an effort underway to create a
documentary series based in Alaska about the combination of American Indians, important migrations,
oil rigging, oil spills, ice melt, and the effects of climate change told through a skier’s perspective.
Farley, J. and S. Perkins (2013) Economics of Information in a Green Economy. In
R. Robertson (ed.) Building a Green Economy
The Creation of Wealth: Economics and the Environment by Skyler Perkins (Izilwane.org)
BLOOM: Real Solutions to Toxic Algae Blooms by Skyler Perkins (Izilwane.org)
Facing Climate Change Bravely: An interview with Amy Seidl by Skyler Perkins (Izilwane.org)
Non-­related work experience since 2006:
Nutritional Camp for Refugee Communities Teacher, Burlington Parks and Recreation
Ski Racing Coach, Green Mountain Valley School ski club
Free-­ride skiing Coach, Mad River Glen Cooperative
Ramp Skis athlete
Soccer camp director, Burlington Parks and Recreation
After-­school program teacher, Waitsfield Open Hearth
Soccer coach, Synergy club
Soccer coach, Green Mountain Valley School
Vermont Voltage Athlete (Vermont Semi-­Professional soccer team)
Clerk at the Brick Store, Charlotte
Lift Operator for Green Mountain Valley School
Landscaping, Pleasant Valley Landscaping
Vic Guadagno
Board of Directors, President, Producer for Bright Blue Ecomedia
Phone: 303-­247-­1800 (cell)
Email: [email protected]
Relationship: Boss
Dr. Jonah Steinberg
Assistant Professor
[email protected] (email preferred)
484-­410-­6319 (cell)
Relationship: Undergrad Senior Seminar Professor
Archie Kasnet
Vice President of Sustainability at Altinex
Phone: 857-­204-­6418 (cell)
Email: [email protected]
Relationship: Project Collaborator
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