
Jacquelyn Langham Representative · Mindful · Receptive

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Jacquelyn Langham Representative · Mindful · Receptive
Jacquelyn Langham for the Student Government Association
Representative · Mindful · Receptive
My name is Jacquelyn Langham and I am running for reelection as a Senator on the Student
Government Association. As a Chair on the 2015-2016 body I have served on the Finance
Committee, as well as becoming involved in the College of Arts and Sciences Dean’s Advisory
Committee. I have been present for conversations regarding the online posting of course syllabi,
course evaluations, the recognition of a variety of new clubs, a new academic calendar, the
allocation of club funding, etc.. It would be an honor to continue to represent my fellow students
in the vast conversations occurring on campus that are of the students’ concern.
In addition to continuing the work I have done in areas concerning extracurricular funding, I
would like to further improve our community. These improvements are as follows:
Increased fundraising workshops for our clubs
The Responsibility-Centered model places each club on a tier based on their budget request. Each
tier requires its corresponding fundraising responsibilities. I feel there is a need to assist clubs in
raising their necessary level of funding. Especially for clubs with a low alumni donation base,
fundraising tactics can be stressful and difficult to live up to. It is a shame for clubs to limit their
prospects due to an inability to fundraise. Thus, I will make it a priority to offer club signers
additional resources to make fundraising goals a reality through workshops and meetings, as well
as exploring the possibility of SGA support in publicizing for these events.
More transparent fund allocations
For many, the $87 Student Activities fee is paid and forgotten. I feel it is important for students to
know what this money is going towards and to know who is responsible for deciding where this
money is going. Every year club budgets are released for the following fiscal year. Students are
able to seek out this information, but only on the basis that they approach the necessary people.
Students should be made aware that it is in their rights to do so; they should also be presented with
this information before requesting it themselves. This sends the message that as a student, one
holds the right to check in on the whereabouts of the money they pour into the university, not only
on a Student Government Association level, but on a university-wide level. The presentation of
these documents may encourage students to take the responsibility of checking on their
Increased extracurricular funding
SGA recognized clubs and organizations should see the financial benefits of the prospective
Student Activities fee increase. As a member of the SGA I would solicit a larger sum of money that
would be allocated to our extracurricular groups. I hold the opinion that because students are
paying the fee they should see the benefits of it as they participate in club sports teams, service
organizations, advocacy groups, etc. that make UVM a better home.
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