
Eileen Burgin Department of Political Science 630 Greystone Drive

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Eileen Burgin Department of Political Science 630 Greystone Drive
Eileen Burgin
Department of Political Science
University of Vermont
Burlington, VT 05405-0114
(802) 656-0840
[email protected]
630 Greystone Drive
Richmond, VT 05477
(802) 434-2917
Harvard University, Department of Government, Ph.D., November 1988.
Dissertation: Representatives’ Involvement in Foreign Policymaking: The Influence
of Supportive Constituents
Harvard University, Department of Government, M.A., March 1984.
University of Michigan, Political Science and Japanese Language & Literature,
B.A., summa cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa, December 1978.
Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Vermont, Fall 2015-present.
Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Vermont, Fall 1995-Fall 2015.
Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Vermont, Fall 1988-Fall 1995.
Lecturer, The American University, Fall 1985, Spring 1986.
Professional Staff Member, U.S. House of Representatives, 1981-1986.
Worked for a committee and for individual members. Committee work focused primarily on
issues regarding the Export-Import Bank and the International Monetary Fund. Advised
individual members in several legislative areas: committee work on Banking Committee,
Ways & Means Committee, and Veterans’ Affairs Committee; Foreign and Defense Policy;
and Energy Policy.
Research Assistant, Library of Congress (Congressional Research Service, Foreign Affairs and
National Defense Division), and U.S. House of Representatives (Ways & Means Committee,
Subcommittee on Trade), Spring 1979 and Summer 1980.
Guest Editor, Special Edition on the Affordable Care Act of Politics and the Life Sciences 34: 2 (Fall
2015): 1-123.
“Revisiting the Affordable Care Act,” Politics and the Life Sciences 34: 2 (Fall 2015): 1-6.
“Perspectives on Health Care Reform and the Affordable Care Act,” Politics and the Life Sciences
34: 2 (Fall 2015): 105-123.
“Compromising Partisans: Assessing Compromise in Health Care Reform,” (with Jacqueline
Bereznyak, former UVM student), The Forum: A Journal of Applied Research in Contemporary
Politics 11: 2 (July 2013): 209-241.
“Congress, Health Care Reform, and Reconciliation,” Congress & the Presidency 39: 3 (September
2012): 270-296.
“Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research and Proposition 71: Reflections on California’s Response to
Federal Policy,” Politics and the Life Sciences 29: 2 (September 2010): 73-95.
*Used by the National Institutes of Health, Institute of Medicine committee, reviewing the
California Stem Cell Program, April 2012.
“Deciding on Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research: Evidence from Congress’s First Showdown
with President George W. Bush,” Politics and the Life Sciences 28: 1 (March 2009): 12-25.
“Dollars, Disease, and Democracy: Has the Director’s Council of Public Representatives Improved
the National Institutes of Health?” Politics and the Life Sciences 24: 1/2 (July 2006): 43-63.
“Congress, Health Care, and Congressional Caucuses: An Examination of the Diabetes Caucus,”
Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law 28: 5 (October 2003): 789-820.
“Assessing Congress’s Role in the Making of Foreign Policy,” in Congress Reconsidered, 6th ed.,
edited by Lawrence C. Dodd and Bruce I. Oppenheimer (Washington, D.C.: Congressional Quarterly
Press, 1997): 293-324.
“Congress and the Presidency in the Foreign Arena,” Congress & the Presidency 23: 1 (Spring
1996): 57-64 (invited contribution).
“Representatives’ Involvement in Foreign and Defense Policy Issues: Do Issue Characteristics
Affect Participation?” Congress & the Presidency 22: 1 (Spring 1995): 57-84.
“Influences Shaping Members’ Decision Making: Congressional Voting on the Persian Gulf War,”
Political Behavior 16: 3 (September 1994): 319-342.
“The Influence of Constituents: Congressional Decision Making on Issues of Foreign and Defense
Policy,” in Congress Resurgent: Foreign and Defense Policy on Capitol Hill, edited by Randall B.
Ripley and James M. Lindsay (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1993): 67-88.
“Congress and Foreign Policy: The Misperceptions,” in Congress Reconsidered, 5th ed., edited by
Lawrence C. Dodd and Bruce I. Oppenheimer (Washington, D.C.: Congressional Quarterly Press,
1993): 333-363.
“Congress, the War Powers Resolution, and the Invasion of Panama,” Polity 25: 2 (Winter 1992):
“Representatives’ Decisions on Participation in Foreign Policy Issues,” Legislative Studies
Quarterly 16: 4 (November 1991): 521-546.
“War Over Words: Reinterpreting ‘Hostilities’ and the War Powers Resolution,” Brigham Young
University Journal of Public Law 29: 1 (Fall 2014): 99-148.
“Where’s the Consultation? The War Powers Resolution and Libya,” The University of New
Hampshire Law Review 12: 2 (April 2014): 175-217.
“Rethinking the Role of the War Powers Resolution: Congress and the Persian Gulf War,” Journal of
Legislation 21: 1 (1995): 23-47.
“The Affordable Care Act’s Implementation and Durability: Awareness of Congress’s Role as a
Policy Feedback Producer,” Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law.
New Horizons In Health: An Integrative Approach, eds., Burton Singer and Carol Ryff. Journal of
Health Politics, Policy and Law 27: 3 (June 2002): 513-516.
Congressional Abdication on War and Spending, Louis Fisher. Presidential Studies Quarterly 31: 2
(June 2001): 369-370.
“Politics, Partisanship, Process, and Policy: Understanding Republican Opposition to the Affordable
Care Act,” article-length manuscript.
“Questioning Congress’s Critics,” article-length manuscript.
“Where’s the Consultation? The War Powers Resolution and Libya.” Invited to speak at the
University of New Hampshire Law School Symposium, held in conjunction with the Warren B.
Rudman Center for Justice, Leadership and Public Policy. Concord, NH. April 2014.
“Compromising Partisans: Assessing Compromise in Health Care Reform.” Paper presented at the
2012 Annual New England Political Science Association Meeting with UVM student co-author,
Jacqueline Bereznyak. Portsmouth, NH. April 2012 (peer-reviewed).
“Congress, Health Care Reform, and Reconciliation.” Paper presented at the 2011 Annual New
England Political Science Association Meeting. Hartford, CT. April 2011 (peer-reviewed).
“State-Sponsored Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research: Lessons Learned from California’s
Response to a Federal Research Void.” Paper presented at the 2010 Annual Midwest Political
Science Association Meeting. Chicago, IL. April 2010 (peer-reviewed).
“Public Involvement in Biomedical Research Decisions.” Paper presented at the 2004 Annual
Midwest Political Science Association Meeting. Chicago, IL. April 2004 (peer-reviewed).
“Congress, Health Care, and Congressional Caucuses.” Paper presented at the 1999 Annual Midwest
Political Science Association Meeting. Chicago, IL. April 1999 (peer-reviewed).
“Congress, the War Powers Resolution, and the Persian Gulf War.” Paper presented at the 1994
Annual Midwest Political Science Association Meeting. Chicago, IL. April 1994 (peer-reviewed).
“Congress and the Persian Gulf War: Members’ Decision Making on Floor Votes.” Paper presented
at the 1993 Annual Midwest Political Science Association Meeting. Chicago, IL. April 1993
“The Influence of Constituents: Congressional Decision Making on Issues of Foreign and Defense
Policy.” Presented paper, upon invitation, at a conference sponsored by The Mershon Center, Ohio
State University. Columbus, OH. September 1991.
“Representatives’ Participation in the House: The Impact of Issue-Related Factors on Foreign Policy
Involvement.” Paper presented at the 1991 Annual American Political Science Association Meeting.
Washington, D.C. September 1991 (peer-reviewed).
“The War Powers Resolution and Panama: Why Was Congress Silent?” Paper presented at the 1991
Annual Midwest Political Science Association Meeting. Chicago, IL. April 1991 (peer-reviewed).
“Foreign Policy Involvement and Decision Making: A Representative’s Perspective.” Paper
presented at the 1990 Annual Midwest Political Science Association Meeting. Chicago, IL. April
1990 (peer-reviewed).
“The Impact of Supportive Constituents on Foreign Policy Participation in the House.” Paper
prepared for delivery at the 1987 Annual American Political Science Association Meeting. Chicago,
IL. September 1987 (peer-reviewed).
“Roundtable: ACA Political Perspectives.” Annual Association for Politics and the Life Sciences
Meeting. Atlanta, GA. October 2014.
“Health Care and Public Policy.” Chaired panel at the 2013 Annual Association for Politics and the
Life Sciences Meeting. Lubbock, TX. October 2013.
“The HPV Vaccine: Politics, Process, and Decision Making.” Lecturer at the Inaugural Cell to
Society Seminar, UVM Medical School and the Clinical and Translational Program. Burlington, VT.
October 2007 (invited).
“Legislative Representation.” Discussant for this panel at the 2004 Annual Midwest Political Science
Association Meeting. Chicago, IL. April 2004 (invited).
Service-Learning Conference, University of Vermont and Vermont Campus Compact. Facilitator for
the Course Conversion Workshop. Burlington, VT. September 2003 (invited).
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Conferences, Participant and Presenter (invited):
Children’s Congress. Washington, D.C. June 2003.
Legislative Advocacy in the 107th Congress. Dallas, TX. February 2002.
Government Day. Washington, D.C. February 2001.
Lobbying Congress and Grassroots Mobilization. Chicago, IL. October 2000.
Government Day. Washington, D.C. February 2000.
Legislative Advocacy and Grassroots Mobilization. Chicago, IL. October 1999.
Government Day. Washington, D.C. February/March 1999.
Legislative Advocacy in the 106th Congress. Tampa, FL. January 1999.
Government Day. Washington, D.C. February/March 1998.
“Legislators, Executives, and Foreign Policy.” Discussant for this panel at the 1999 Annual Midwest
Political Science Association Meeting. Chicago, IL. April 1999 (invited).
“Constituency Impact on Decision Making on Foreign and Trade Policy.” Discussant for this panel
at the 1994 Annual American Political Science Association Meeting. Washington, D.C. September
1994 (invited).
“The Legislative Branch.” Panel speaker at the Conference with the Karelian Delegation. Burlington,
VT. February 1994 (invited).
“The Washington Perspective.” Chaired Aiken Conference panel. Burlington, VT. October 1991
American Political Systems
Congress and Foreign Policy
Congressional-Executive Relations
Congressional Process
Problem-Based Learning Community – Health Challenges in the 21st Century (with an
Economics Department Faculty member and an Anthropology Department Faculty
Senior Honors Seminar I
Senior Honors Seminar II
Service-Learning Course, American Political Systems
Service-Learning Seminar, Health Care Advocacy in Congress
Service-Learning Seminar, Advocacy in Congress
Vermont Legislative Research Shop, team taught.
University of Vermont, College of Arts and Sciences, Research Award for the Natural and Social
Sciences (RANSS), 2013-2014.
University of Vermont, Political Science Department, Pool A Research Award, Spring 2011.
University of Vermont, Political Science Department, Pool A Research Award, Fall 2009 (First
award recipient).
University of Vermont, College of Arts and Sciences, Dean’s Discretionary Fund for Research
Support, 2008.
University of Vermont, College of Arts and Sciences, Dean’s Discretionary Fund for Research
Support, 2006.
University of Vermont, Office of the Provost, Problem-Based Learning Community, “Health
Challenges in the 21st Century,” with Sara Solnick (Economics Department) and Jeanne Shea
(Anthropology Department), 2007-2008.
University of Vermont, Faculty Fellowship in Service-Learning Mini-Grant, 2003.
University of Vermont, University Committee on Research and Scholarship, Research Award,
University of Vermont, Instructional Incentive Grant, 1994-1995.
University of Vermont, College of Arts and Sciences, Dean’s Fund, Faculty Development and
Research Award, 1993-1994.
University of Vermont, University Committee on Research and Scholarship, Research Award,
University of Vermont, University Committee on Research and Scholarship, Faculty Summer
Research Fellowship, 1989.
University of Vermont, Nominated for Kroepsch-Maurice Excellence in Teaching Award, Associate
Professor category, 2015-2016; 2005-2006; 2004-2005.
University of Vermont, Faculty Recognition Dinner, 2015.
Association for Politics and the Life Sciences, elected to a four-year term as a Council member,
University of Vermont, Office of the Provost, Honored Faculty by Student Government Association,
University of Vermont, Outstanding Service-Learning Faculty Teaching Award, Recipient of Award
for 2005-2006 Academic Year, 2006.
University of Vermont, Honored by the Class of 2006, “In Recognition of Valuable Contributions to
the Students,” 2006.
University of Vermont, Faculty Fellowship in Service-Learning, 2002-2003.
University of Vermont, Writing Across the Curriculum Fellowship, 2001.
Harvard University Scholarships, 1979-1981.
University of Michigan Merit Awards: James B. Angell Scholar, 1977; Branstrom Award, 1976.
American Field Service International Scholarships (AFS): Japan, 1974-1975.
Member, Committee to Develop a Minor in Public Policy with the Economics Department,
Member, Political Science Chair Search Committee, 2015.
Host, Distinguished Political Scientist Award Recipient, Professor Morris Fiorina (Stanford
University), 2015.
Member, Curriculum Committee, 2014-present, 1999-2005 (Chair of Curriculum Committee,
Coordinator, Frank Bryan Award for the Top Graduating Senior in American Politics, 2014-present.
Panel Member, Roundtable for Alumni Weekend, October 2013, October 2014, October 2015.
Tester, Running Pilot of our Proposed Teaching Intern program, POLS 21, 2015.
Member, Committee Writing Faculty Teaching Evaluation Guidelines, 2014-2015.
Member, Committee Writing Research Assistant Guidelines, 2014.
Member, American Politics Search Committee, one-year position, 2013.
Member, Scholarship Committee for Vermont-resident Political Science major, 2011.
Member, Writing in the Disciplines program, 2009.
Member, International Political Economy Search Committee, tenure-track search, 2006.
Member, Gund Chair Search Committee, 2005-2006.
Member, International Relations Search Committees, multiple tenure-track searches, 2004-2006.
Member, International Relations Search Committee, one-year position, 2006.
Member, Public Law Search Committee, tenure-track search, 2005.
Chair, Selection Committee for Undergraduate American Politics prize, 2005 (Member of Selection
Committee, 1998-present).
Faculty Contact, Meetings with Prospective Students interested in Political Science, 2005.
Liaison, Coordinating Bailey/Howe journal subscription changes, 2002-2003, 1997.
Member, American Politics Search Committee, tenure-track search, 1997-1998.
Member, Committee on POLS 21, 1997-1998.
Member, Public Law Search Committee, tenure-track search, 1994.
Member, Rosen Lecture Committee, 1992-1994.
Member, Committee on Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure Guidelines, 1993.
Member, Political Science Chair Search Committee (national search), 1990-1991.
Student-related service/assistance: internship advisor for summer internships on Capitol Hill and
internships in Vermont during the academic year, informal advisor for students seeking
post-graduation employment in Washington, D.C., readings and research supervisor, 1989-present.
Participant, Class Visitation for UVM Alumni, Homecoming Weekend, 2015.
Member, Nominations and Elections Committee, three-year term, Fall 2012-Spring 2015.
Participant, Admitted Student Days at TAP table, annual event, 2007-2013.
Faculty Advisor, First-Year Orientation, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2005, 1994.
Faculty Honors Thesis Supervisor for College Honors, 2010-2011.
Member, Faculty Development Committee for the Dean’s Fund, 1996-2002.
Faculty Member on multiple Honors Theses Committees for College Honors, 2002.
Participant, Visitation Day, 1999.
Member, Faculty Standards Committee, 1997-1998.
Member, Nominations and Elections Committee, 1990-1993.
Media contact, Local and national media inquiries regarding such topics as Senator Bernie Sanders’s
bid for the Democratic presidential nomination, health care reform, Congress, elections, war powers
issues, and human embryonic stem cell research policy, 2000-present.
Faculty Participant, Neuroscience, Behavior, and Health Initiative, 2014-present.
Faculty Advisor, Student Research Project and Student Research Conference, 2013-2014.
Faculty Research Profile, “The Power of Personalized Policy,” UVM Today, 2013.
Classroom Host for Governor Howard Dean’s first visit to UVM as a Marsh Professor, 2013.
Participant, Former Director of the Office of Management and Budget, Alice Rivlin’s visit to UVM,
Member, Search Committee for Tenure-Track Position, College of Nursing and Health Sciences,
Faculty Honors Thesis Advisor, Honors College, 2012-2013.
Mentor, University Mentoring Program for Junior Faculty, Mentored faculty from the College of
Arts and Sciences (2000-2006) and the College of Nursing and Health Sciences (2009-2012).
Panel member, Roundtable with former New York Times editor and writer Adam Clymer, March
Member, Faculty Women’s Caucus, 1992-present.
Interviewee and Contact, UVM Communications on unfolding political events, 2009-present.
Faculty Honors Thesis Chair, Honors College, 2008-2009.
Advisory Board Member, Community-University Partnerships and Service-Learning (CUPS),
Member, Task Force on Community Engagement and Assessment Across the University, 2007.
Member, Advisory Committee on the Campus Compact Infrastructure Grant Proposal, 2003-2007.
Member, Committee to Designate Service-Learning Courses for 2006-2007 Academic Year, 2006.
Faculty Honors Thesis Supervisor, John Dewey Honors Program, 2005-2006.
Participant, Vermont in Person Program for Prospective Students, 2005-2006.
Faculty Support and Table Host, Charlie Ross Lecture, 2006.
Participant, Digitalization Project for Senator Leahy and Senator Jeffords, 2005.
Faculty Honors Thesis Committee Member, John Dewey Honors Program, 2004-2005.
Member, CUPS Subcommittee Writing University Criteria for Service-Learning Course
Designation, 2004.
Member, Selection Committee for the Faculty Fellowship in Service-Learning Program, 2003.
Participant, Center for Teaching and Learning/Career Services Faculty Development Initiative Pilot
Program, 2003.
Participant, Faculty Roundtable on the Possible Invasion of Iraq, 1998.
Member, University Committee on Political Responsibility, 1992.
Member, Research and Development Task Force of the President’s Commission on the Status of
Women, 1990-1991.
Council Member, Association for Politics and the Life Sciences, four-year term, 2014-present.
Editorial Board member, Politics and the Life Sciences, 2011-present.
Reviewer of Manuscripts for Peer-Reviewed Journals (multiple reviews annually)
American Politics Quarterly
American Politics Research
Congress & the Presidency
Foreign Policy Analysis
International Studies Quarterly
Journal of Politics
Legislative Studies Quarterly
Political Research Quarterly
Politics and the Life Sciences
Reviewer of Book Manuscripts
W. W. Norton & Company
West Publishing Company
External Reviewer for a tenure candidate at a Northeastern State University, 2008.
Member of the CQ Award Committee, Best Paper in the Legislative Studies Section at the 1994
Annual American Political Science Association Meeting.
Member, Town of Richmond, Democratic Party and Caucus, 2011-present.
Member, Diabetes Scholars Foundation application review committee for college scholarships,
Committee Chair, Annual Walk to Cure Diabetes, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation,
Faculty Mentor, Champlain Valley Union High School teacher on an Individualized Professional
Development Plan for AP Government and Politics class and American Foreign Policy class,
Chair, Town of St. George, Democratic Party and Caucus, 2009-2010 (committee member
Speaker, AP Government and Politics class, Champlain Valley Union High School, 2009.
Participant, Medical Education Project, Parent-to-Parent of Vermont and the UVM Department of
Pediatrics, 1996-2008.
Advisor, AP American Government and Politics class, Champlain Valley Union High School,
Community Evaluator, Graduation Challenge Project, Champlain Valley Union High School, 2004.
Vermont State Leader for Government Relations, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation,
Faculty Support, University Connection for Champlain Valley Union High School students for 10th
grade Tri-Search projects, 2003.
School Board Member, Town of St. George, 2000-2001.
Participant, Families Involved in Resident/Student Teaching, Parent-to-Parent of Vermont and the
UVM Department of Pediatrics, 1999-2001.
Fly UP