
Ann Hazelrigg Extension Instructor Plant and Soil Science Department University of Vermont

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Ann Hazelrigg Extension Instructor Plant and Soil Science Department University of Vermont
Ann Hazelrigg
Extension Instructor
Plant and Soil Science Department
University of Vermont
[email protected]
UVM. PSS Dept.
Current student
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
Department of Pomology/Plant Pathology.
Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, Colorado.
Department of Horticulture, emphasis in Plant Pathology
summa cum laude
Design, implement and assess educational programs and curricula for Vermont
industry professionals, pesticide applicators, agriculturists, Master Gardeners and
home gardeners. Educational programs and curricula include pest and disease
biology and identification, pest management strategies using the latest IPM
technologies and the safe use of pesticides to improve crop health, increase farm
profitability and protect public and environmental health. Subject matter curricula
and programs include development of websites, organizing and evaluating
workshops, delivering grower talks and university lectures and developing
newsletters and other timely written materials.
Program Responsibilities include:
Plant Diagnostic Clinic Director
Oversight of the Vermont Master Gardener Program and Director of MG Program
Pesticide Education and Safety Program (PESP) Coordinator for Vermont
Northeast Plant Diagnostic Network (NEPDN) Representative for Vermont
Vermont IPM Coordinator as of 7/1/11
IPM for Consumer Horticulture
IPM for Vegetable and Berries
IR 4 Representative for Vermont
Northeast Small Fruit Working Group leader
Northeast Vegetable Working Group
Hatch Organic Apple Research
Hazelrigg, Ann. Vermont School IPM website http://pss.uvm.edu/pd/schoolipm/).
PSS Department, UVM.
Hazelrigg, Ann. Plant Diagnostic Clinic website (http://pss.uvm.edu/pd/pdc/).
PSS Department, UVM.
Hazelrigg, Ann. Pesticide Education and Safety website.
(http://www.uvm.edu/pss/pesp/). PSS Department, UVM.
International Service:
Winrock Farmer to Farmer and USAID project on Vegetable IPM in Nepal-3
week training course for farmers in western Nepal. 4/12
National Service:
Planning Committee for the National Plant Diagnostic Network (NPDN) national
meeting in California, December 2011
American Association of Pesticide Safety Educators (AAPSE) By Laws
Plant Diagnostic Committee-American Phytopathological Society
PESP Funding Taskforce-2012
Review of Biocontrol strategy to reduce asexual reproduction of apple scab
(Venturia inaequalis Cooke) by using plant extracts. Crop Protection for
Elsevier. 6/6/12.
New England Service:
Chair Northeast Region Technical Committee on IPM-2013
Chair NE Small Fruit IPM Working Group-2009 to present
New England Vegetable Management Guide Contributor-2000-present
New England Small Fruit Management Guide Contributor-2000-present
Vice Chair Northeast Region Technical Committee on IPM-2012
Chair NE American Phytopath Society Graduate Student Awards Committee2011-2013
NE APS Graduate Student Awards Committee-2009 to present
New England Vegetable and Berry Meeting Planning Committee
NE Vegetable IPM Working Group member
Relevancy Panel member for 2010 Pest Management Alternatives Program
(PMAP) for NE IPM Center
New England Publications Guidelines Group-2004. (Charged with assembling a
set of guidelines for P.I.’s who have been awarded NE IPM Center grants to
produce publications or websites)
New England Community IPM Working Group-Sets priorities for research
funding for the NE IPM center-2004
New England Small Fruit Management Guide Section Editor-2004
Vermont Service:
VT Vegetable and Berry Growers Association Board of Directors-2004-present
NOFA-VT Commercial Grower Advisory Board-2007-present
Act 125 VT Advisory Board for School Air Pollution/School IPM issues-2004present
Vermont Urban Forestry Council-2006-present
VT Urban Forestry Council Executive Committee-2011-present
Committee to develop Forestry First Detector Program-Fall 2011 to present
NOFA Winter 2010 Organic Pest Issues Conference steering committee for developing,
designing and implementing a 3 day workshop for organic farmers. 3/24/11
University Service:
Chair, CALS Academic Award Chair-2011-2013 (40 hours/year)
Co-Chair, CALS Academic Awards Committee-2009-2010
CALS Academic Awards Committee member 2005-2009 (20 hours/year)
Search committee for Master Gardener Coordinator position-2012
Two search committees for Extension faculty and staff positions in 2010. These
search committees took over 40 hours each over the course of the process.
Several guest lectures 2008-2013 in Plant and Soil Science Department courses
Faculty Advisor, Common Ground Student Club, 9/1/07-09
CALS Farm Reorganization Committee-9/1/07-1/1/08
Faculty advisor for several PSS 195 special topics in Plant Pathology (10 hours)
Solicited, received and coordinated construction of a Rimol high tunnel 30 ft X
72ft ($13,000 value) at the HRC 2012
Distinguished Service Award for VT Vegetable and Berry Growers.1/30/12
Hazelrigg, A. Pesticide Applicator Report. 2012. Considerations for Avoiding
Off-Target Movement of Pesticides. http://pss.uvm.edu/pesp/PAR/PAR2012Fall.pdf
Hazelrigg, A. Pesticide Applicator Report. 2012. Reducing Your Exposure When
Others Use Pesticides.
Agriview; Vegetable and Berry Page.Vern Grubinger. Serve as a regular
contributor from the Plant Diagnostic Clinic with pest and disease updates for
Gary C. Bergstrom*, Jaime A. Cummings, Katrina D. Waxman, Carl A. Bradley,
Ann L. Hazelrigg, Donald E. Hershman, Martin Nagelkirk, Laura E. Sweets, and
Stephen N. Wegulo. Effects of Local Corn Debris Management on FHB and DON
Levels in Fourteen U.S. Wheat Environments in 2011 and 2012. Abstract.in press.
Hazelrigg, A*, Berkett, L., Bosworth, S., Darby, H., Skinner, M. “A
comprehensive interdisciplinary Vermont Extension IPM program addressing
stakeholder priorities and needs.” Poster. 2012 National IPM Meeting. Memphis,
Gary C. Bergstrom*, Jaime A. Cummings, Katrina D. Waxman, Carl A. Bradley,
Ann L. Hazelrigg, Donald E. Hershman, Martin Nagelkirk, Laura E. Sweets, and
Stephen N. Wegulo. Effects of Local Corn Debris Management on FHB and DON
Levels in Fourteen U.S. Wheat Environments in 2011 and 2012. Poster. 2012
Fusarium Head Blight Symposium. Orlando, FL.
Gary C. Bergstrom*, Katrina D. Waxman, Carl A. Bradley, Ann L. Hazelrigg,
Donald E. Hershman, Martin Nagelkirk, Laura E. Sweets, and Stephen N.
Wegulo. Effects of Local Corn Debris Management on FHB and DON Levels in
Seven U.S. Wheat Environments in 2011. Poster. 2011 Fusarium Head Blight
Symposium. St Louis, MO.
Hazelrigg, A. Pesticide Applicator Report. Plan Today for Tomorrow’s Flood.
Fall 2011. http://pss.uvm.edu/pesp/PAR/v13i2Fall2011.pdf
Hazelrigg, A., Kingsley-Richards, S. 2011. New England Maple Sugarbush Pest
Management Survey.
Hazelrigg, A. Pesticide Applicator Report. 2011. Plant Diseases 101.
Hazelrigg, A. Pesticide Applicator Report. 2010. Nutritional Deficiencies in
Plants. http://www.uvm.edu/pss/pesp/PAR/v12i2Fall2010.pdf
Hazelrigg, A. Pesticide Applicator Report. 2010. Late Blight Updates.
Hazelrigg, A. Late Blight-A Review of Last Season and Looking Forward to Next
for Commercial Organic Growers. NOFA newsletter 2010
Hazelrigg, A. Late Blight Reappears in Vermont Press Release 8/10
Hazelrigg, Ann, Kingsley-Richards, Sarah. 2009 Raspberry Pest Management
Strategic Plan for NE Growers.
Hazelrigg, Ann. Pesticide Applicator Report. 2009. Integrated Pest ManagementHow you can use these methods in your home, your garden or landscape or your
fields. http://www.uvm.edu/pss/pesp/PAR/v11i2Fall2009.pdf
Hazelrigg, Ann. 2009. Pesticide Applicator Report History of Pesticides.
Hazelrigg, Ann and Kingsley-Richards. 2008 New England Pepper Pest
Management Strategic Plan.
Hazelrigg, Ann. Pesticide Applicator Report. 2008. Toxicity of Pesticides.
Hazelrigg, Ann. Pesticide Applicator Report. 2008. Pesticides and Pets.
Hazelrigg, Ann.. Pesticide Applicator Report 2007 Volume 10, Issue 2. The
Agricultural Health Study.
Hazelrigg, Ann and Kingsley-Richards. 2007 New England Strawberry Pest
Management Strategic Plan.
Hazelrigg, Ann. Pesticide Applicator Report 2007.Volume 9, Issue 1 Safe
Disposal of Pesticides and Containers. VT Agency of Agriculture and UVM
Extension. http://www.uvm.edu/pss/pesp/PAR/v9i1June2007.
Hazelrigg, Ann and Kingsley-Richards. 2006 New England High Bush Blueberry
Pest Management Strategic Plan.
Hazelrigg, Ann. 2006. Pesticide Applicator Report. 2006 Volume 8, Issue 3.
Choosing the Right Gloves for the Job.
Hazelrigg, Ann. 2006. Pesticide Applicator Report. 2006 Volume 8 Issue 2
Pesticide Drift.
Hazelrigg, Ann. Pesticide Applicator Report Volume 8, Issue 1.2006. First Aid
and Pesticide Poisonings.
Blight Moves. UVM's Plant Diagnostic Clinic is Vermont's first
line of defense against invasive weeds, diseases and bugs. Seven
Days. Ken Picard 5/12/10
Late Blight Makes Return Appearance. Burlington Free Press.
Matt Sutowski 8/9/10
Hazelrigg, A. Late Blight Reappears in Vermont Press Release
Why? Leaf-wilting fungus, wet spring afflicting shade trees in
Vermont. Burlington Free Press front page. Joel Banner Baird
Act Early to Prevent Late Blight. June 30, 2010. Lawn to Garden
Newsletter. Chittenden Solid Waste District. Innes, Clare
Hazelrigg, A. Late Blight Reappears in Vermont-August 2011
Press Release.
Hazelrigg, A. Late Blight Reappears in Vermont. August 15, 2011.
New England Country Folks.
http://issuu.com/leepublications/docs/cn 110815
Hazelrigg, A. Late Blight Reappears in Vermont. August 11, 2011.
Shelburne News.
Hazelrigg, A. Late Blight Reappears in Vermont. August 12, 2011.
Agriview. http://www.vermontagriculture.com/Agriview/2011/812-2011Agriview.pdf
Hazelrigg, A. Late Blight Reappears in Vermont. August 12, 2011.
Charlotte Citizen. August 18, 2011.
Hazelrigg, A. Late Blight Reappears in Vermont. August 11, 2011.
The Herald of Rutland. Front page.
Hazelrigg, A. Late Blight Reappears in Vermont. August 5, 2011.
ml Vermont Agency of Agriculture.
Hazelrigg, A. Late Blight Reappears in Vermont. August, 2011
NOFA-VT Facebook page
Hazelrigg, A. Late Blight Reappears in Vermont. August, 2011
American Agriculturist blog.
Hazelrigg, A. Late Blight Reappears in Vermont. August, 2011
http://www.growingmagazine.com/blog-532.aspx Growing
Hazelrigg, A. Late Blight Reappears in Vermont. August, 2011
Forum for Jericho local news.
Hazelrigg, A. Late Blight Reappears in Vermont. August, 2011
Mountain Times, Killington, VT.
Rutland Herald. Hastings, Josey. October 20, 2011.Weather
Changes Bring New Challenges. Interview.
UVM Master Gardeners Meet in Starksboro. http://www.addisoneagle.com/news/2012/jul/23/uvm-master-gardeners-meetstarksboro/?page=1&
Hazelrigg, A. Press Release on Late Blight. 7/27/12
http://www.gmoutlook.com/photos/2012/jul/31/15647/ Green Mountain
Outlook, 7/31
http://www.addison-eagle.com/news/2012/jul/31/late-blight-disease-foundvermont-tomato-plants/ The Eagle, 7/31
http://www.farmingmagazine.com/blog-3205.aspx Farming Magazine, 7/30
http://issuu.com/leepublications/docs/cn-120806 New England Country Folks
http://www.wcax.com/story/19134666/late-blight-is-back-invermont?clienttype=printable WCAX, 7/27
http://www.newmarketpressvt.com/news/2012/jul/31/late-blight-disease-foundvermont-tomato-plants/ New Market Press (which includes The Eagle and
Green Mtn. Outlook) 7/31
Hazelrigg,A. From Withered Plants to Exploding Crisis.
Burlington Free Press. October 21, 2012
Across the Fence/Television/Radio:
Channel 5 Fox News-Late Blight interviews-7/09
Across the Fence-Late Blight Outbreak and What to do About It?
Across the Fence-Late Blight in 2009 and What To Do About It
This Summer 3/30/10
WCAX TV interview on Maple Anthracnose 6/11
WCAX TV interview on 30 Minutes-Late Blight Found in
WCAX The Thirty interview on NPDN-4/16/12
Across the Fence-New and Invasive Pests and Diseases-5/18/12
Across the Fence-Working with Farmers in Nepal-6/6/12
WAMC 91.9 Radio interview on Contaminated Compost in
Vermont 7/27/12
WCAX Weather show with Sharon Meyer on Late Blight. 7/27/12
WCAX interview for evening news. Green Stink Bug-8/12
Invited Talks and Presentations:
High Mowing Seed Customer Appreciation Day-Vegetable
Diseases-7/30/08-50 attendees
NOFA Twilight Meeting-Vegetable Diseases-7/31/08-35 attendees
Friends of the Hort Farm. Disease Walk-8/12/08-15 attendees
Fort Ethan Allen Community Gardens-Garden Walk/Diseases8/13/08-15 attendees
County Forester Initial Certification Training-8/21/08-35 attendees
Diseases in the Field, PSS 010, Home Horticulture Labs-9/15/08
and 9/17/08-50 attendees
Vegetable Disease and Management, PSS 124, Vegetable
Management Class-11/18/08 and 11/20/08-40 attendees
Commercial Pesticide Applicators Meeting for Field and Forages1/22/09-55 attendees
Vermont Professional Horticulturists Review for Disease ID1/24/09-10 attendees
NOFA Winter Conference-Disease Problems in 2009-2/15/09-40
Waterbury Garden Club-How to Diagnose Diseases-2/19/09-25
Private Pesticide Applicators Meeting for Field and Forages-3/
16/09, 3/23/09, 3/25/09-60 attendees
Initial Certification Review for Vermont Pesticide Applicator
License-3/26/09-50 attendees
Turf Diseases, PSS 145, 3/31/09-20 attendees
Senior Colloquium, PSS 281, 4/03/09-15 attendees
Plant Disease and Pesticide Safety, Master Gardener Program4/14/09-200 attendees
Advanced Helpline Training, Diseases and Plant Problems4/17/09-20 attendees
Summer NOFA Workshop on Vegetable Diseases-6/09-35
Vermont Vegetable and Berry Growers Association Twilight
Meeting-6/09-20 attendees
Channel 5, Fox News-Late Blight Interviews-7/09
Twilight Meeting Disease walk-Master Gardener-Montpelier-7/0920 attendees
Disease walk/presentation at Burlington Area Community
Gardens-7/09-10 attendees
NorthWoods Stewardship Center, Plant Diseases in 2009-2 hours,
East Charleston, VT 7/11/09-35 attendees
Burlington Parks and Recreation Department-Disease Walk in the
Community Gardens-4 hrs 7/13/09-20 attendees
Across the Fence-Late Blight Outbreak and What to do About It?
NE Small Fruit Pest Issues Tour-leader and facilitator, MA 8/2527/09-15 attendees-Regional
UVM PSS 010. Home Horticulture Laboratory Plant Disease-2
hours, HRC farm 9/11/09-35 attendees
VT Master Gardener Pesticide Certification Class-3hrs 11/18/0935 attendees
Small Fruit Pest Tour Poster at the National Plant Diagnostic
Network Mtg, Miami, FL 12/10/09-National
NE Vegetable and Berry Conference-Brassica Diseases,
Manchester, NH 12/13/09-50 attendees-Regional
NE Vegetable and Berry Conference-Grower roundtable on
Disease-Manchester, NH 12/13/09-35 attendees-Regional
Commercial Pesticide Applicator’s Meeting-Plant Disease
Problems 2009, Middlebury 1/19/10-40 attendees
NH Master Gardener Advanced Workshop-Plant Diseases-3 hours,
Concord, NH 1/26/10-60 attendees-Regional
Vermont Senate Ag Committee-Testify on late blight in 2009,
Montpelier, VT 2/11/10-10 attendees
NOFA 2010 The Perfect Storm-Late Blight in 2009, Burlington,
VT 2/13/10-35 attendees
NOFA 2010 Climate Change and Vegetable Diseases, Burlington,
VT 2/13/10-35 attendees
Master Gardener Course lecture-Plant Pathology-3 hours, VIT,
Williston, VT 2/16/10-225 attendees
Vermont House Ag Committee-Testify on late blight in 2009,
Montpelier, VT 2/19/10-10 attendees
SOUL (Save Our Urban Landscape) Workshop-Disease Problems
in Trees and Shrubs VIT -40 attendees
NE Grain Workshop-DON testing and Mycotoxin in Grains,
Burlington, VT 3/9/10-15 attendees
UVM Extension Field and Forage Meetings-Plant Disease in Field
and Forages, St Johnsbury, Middlebury and Springfield 3/23-25-75
Across the Fence-Late Blight in 2009 and What To Do About It
This Summer 3/30/10
Greenhouse Management PSS 127 Lecture on Greenhouse
Diseases, UVM 4/1/10-20 attendees
Initial Certification Meeting for VT Pesticide Applicator’s License,
VTC 4/13/10-55 attendees
Greenhouse Management, PSS 127 Pesticide Recertification
Lecture, UVM 4/15/10-20 attendees
Nursery/Dealer Meeting for Vermont-Late Blight and What to look
for in 2010. 4/16/10 35 attendees
Professional Careers in Plant and Soil Science, UVM. PSS 281
4/19/10-10 attendees
Diagnostic Workshop Penn State, Vermont Program and Updates
Webinar New Farmer Project on Plant Diseases 6/24/10-50
Pesticide Education and Safety for NH/VT Christmas Tree
Growers-Bakersfield, Vt- 6/26/10-60 attendees
Small Fruit Pest Issues Tour and working group-Vermont 7/2022/10-15 attendees-Regional
NOFA planning meeting for NE/NOFA Pest course in winter 2011
High Mowing Seeds Customer Appreciation-Field workshop on
plant diseases-40 8/24/10-50 attendees
Twilight meeting for MG on pest/diseases 8/25/10-25 attendees
NOFA workshop on diseases and pests of vegetable crops- 8/26/10
30 attendees
NOFA workshop on diseases and pests of Vegetables-Rutland-15
9/22/10-30 attendees
Professional Development training on Wheat in NH 9/9/10-9/10/10
Montpelier Schools -Using IPM in your School for Administrators
and Custodial Staff 10/05/10-30 attendees
Great Lakes IPM Webinar Series. Disease Management in High
Tunnels, including cultural controls, pesticide use, and organic
methods. 11/8/10-100 attendees-National
UVM PSS 145 Turf Management. Turf Diseases lecture. 11/10/1025 attendees
NH Organic High Tunnel Workshop. Tomato Diseases. 1/21/11-50
NYS Fruit and Vegetable Expo. Leafy Greens Diseases. 1/26/1150 attendees-Regional
VT Vegetable and Berry Growers annual meeting-Year in Review
for Diseases and Insects. 1/31/11-75 attendees
Commercial Pesticide Applicators meeting for Field and Forages.
Disease Issues. 2/3/11-40 attendees
Northeast Plant Diagnostic Network-Year in Review in the UVM
Plant Diagnostic Clinic-2/23/11-20 attendees Regional
UVM PSS Professional Development Course-Presentation on
Certifications. 2/28/11-10 attendees
NOFA Pest Management Disease Course-Part of a 3 part series
with emphasis on Vegetable Diseases. 3/24/11-50 attendees
UVM PSS Agroecology of Vegetable Crops-Disease Lecture.
3/29/11 20 attendees
Nutrient and Disease Management in High Tunnels. NRCS
Workshop-3/31/11- 50 attendees
Advanced Training for MG Helpline. Diseases-new and past.
4/4/11-20 attendees
Initial Certification for Pesticide Applicators. 4/7/11-60 attendees
UVM HH 195 Z6 Emerging Infectious Diseases. New and
Emerging Plant Diseases. 4/12/11-20 attendees
Master Gardener Plant Pathology 101. 4/19/11-225 attendees
Green Mountain College-Diseases and IPM and field walk6/21/11-20 attendees
Continuing Education Farmer Apprentice Program, 2 hour Plant
Disease lecture-7/13/11-15 attendees
Small Fruit Pest Issues Tour and Working Group Meeting, 8/2527/11-15 attendees Regional
NOFA/VT Vegetable and Berry Association Twilight Meeting,
Marshfield-8/1/11-30 attendees
VT Master Gardener Twilight Meeting-Waitsfield-8/2/11-20
Continuing Education Farmer Apprentice Program, 2 hour Plant
Disease lecture-8/17/11-15 attendees
UVM PSS 010 Home and Garden Horticulture short videos on
vegetable diseases-8/25/11
Ag Medicine Webinar on Pesticide Safety-9/14/11-15 attendees
VT Vegetable and Berry growers annual meeting-Pest and Disease
NOFA-VT annual meeting-Diseases of Vegetable Crops
Master Gardener-Plant Pathology Lecture-2/14/12-200
SOUL Tree Disease lecture. 2/22/12
PSS 127 Greenhouse Management. Plant disease lecture. 2/29/12
Northern NE Nursery Conference. Strategies for Diagnosing Plant
Problems to Help your Clients and Customers presentation-4/2/12
2012 Extension Winter Hops Conference Disease presentation3/19/12
PSS 281 Certifications/Pesticide license lecture. 3/12/12
Greenworks Pest Workshop. 3/15/12
Master Gardener Helpline Advanced Training presentation.
PSS 127 Greenhouse Operations-Disease lecture 3/22/12
PSS 127 Greenhouse Operations-Pesticide Safety
Initial Certification Workshop 4/18/12
Beginning Farmer Course, CE. Disease Lecture. 7/11/12
Herbicide Issues in Compost Technician Training. 7/16/12
MG Twilight Meeting, Middlesex 7/18/12
MG Twilight Meeting, Marike Niles Nursery-7/19/12
Beginning Farmer Course, CE. Disease Lecture. 8/3/12
UVM Crops and Field Days. Disease Problems in Corn. 8/9/12.
VT Greenworks Disease and Pest Panel-8/23/12
NOFA VT Seed borne Disease Twilight Meeting. Wolcott 9/5/12
PSS Seminar-Vegetable IPM in Nepal. 9/7/12
PSS 145 Turf Diseases Lecture. 10/18/12
PBIO Seminar 11/15/12
Vermont Vegetable and Berry Growers presentation 1/28/13
Vermont Greenworks Annual Meeting presentation 2/13/13
NOFA Annual Meeting- 2 presentations 2/16/13
Master Gardener Course Plant Pathology Lecture 2/19/13
Master Gardener NW Chapter Meeting presentation 2/21/13
New Hampshire Master Gardener presentation 2/28/13
VT Flower Show presentation 3/2/13
Across the Fence UVM High Tunnel presentation 3/20/13
Vermont Associated Garden Club presentation 4/1/13
PSS 281 Professional Development Class presentation 4/1/13
PSS Agroecology Lecture 4/16/13
Grants and Extramural funding:
USDA Northeast Plant Diagnostic Network. 2012. Hazelrigg, A. $18,750
USDA Pesticide Education and Safety (PESP) 2012. $10,000
NE-IPM Partnership Grant Small Fruit Working Group. 2013. $10,000
NE-IPM Partnership Grant Small Fruit Working Group. 2012. $14,780
National AAPCO Grant for Pesticide Core Manual rewrite. 2012. $5,000
EIPM: A Comprehensive Trans-Disciplinary Vermont Extension IPM
Program Addressing Stakeholder Priorities and Needs" 2010-2013
Hazelrigg, A., Berkett, L., Bosworth, S., Darby, H. and Skinner, M.
$747,000 Year 3
UVM Agriculture Experiment Station. Hatch start up. $10,000 USDA
Risk Management. $13,400.00
Koehler, G, Dill, J., Hazelrigg, A. SWD in New England - Rapid
Response Training and Coordination. NE IPM $9,993. 2012.
Bergstrom, G, Bradley, C, Hazelrigg, A, Hershmann, D, Naglekirk, M,
Sweets, L, Wegulo, Corn Debris Management Pre-proposal USWBSI
NE IPM Center-Partnership Grants. Northeast Small Fruit Working
Group.Hazelrigg, A. $14,730. 2011.
USDA-CSREES Organic Agriculture Research and Extension Initiative.
2010-2013 Mallory, E., H. Darby, E. Gallandt, R. Kersbergen, M. Camire,
S. Bosworth, J. Halloran, S. Smith, A. Hazelrigg, and D. Lambert.
USDA Northeast Plant Diagnostic Network. Year 5.
Hazelrigg, A. $20,000
USDA Risk Management. $8,400.00
A Comprehensive, Trans-Disciplinary Vermont Extension IPM Program
Addressing Stakeholder Priorities and Needs" Berkett, Lorraine
Bosworth, Sid, Hazelrigg, Ann, Darby, Heather, Skinner, Margaret
Bergstrom, G, Bradley, C, Hazelrigg, A, Hershmann, D,Naglekirk, M,
Sweets, L,Wegulo, 2010. Corn Debris Management Year 1 USWBSI
USDA Risk Management. 2010. $5,600.00
USDA Pesticide Education and Safety (PESP). Hazelrigg, A. 2010.
USDA Pesticide Education and Safety Program (PESP) Hazelrigg, A.
NE IPM Center-2010. Small Fruit Working Group. Hazelrigg, A.
NE IPM Center-2009. Small Fruit Working Group. Hazelrigg, A.
NEIPM Center-Northeast Pest Management Network. Hazelrigg, A.
$20,000 Several grants to write and development Pest Management
Strategic Plans for Blueberry, Strawberry and Raspberry.
USDA Northeast Plant Diagnostic Network. 2008-2012.
Hazelrigg, A. Years 1-4. $150,000
Fly UP