
Mark C. Starrett

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Mark C. Starrett
Mark C. Starrett
Associate Professor of Horticulture
Dept. of Plant and Soil Science
63 Carrigan Drive – Jeffords Hall, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT 05405-0082
Phone: (802) 656-0467
FAX: (802) 656-4656
E-mail: [email protected]
Academic Appointment:
100% General Fund, 9-month. Tenured.
North Carolina State Univ., Dept. of Horticultural Science. Dec. 1996
North Carolina State Univ., Dept. of Horticultural Science. Dec. 1992
University of Delaware, Dept. of Plant and Soil Science. May 1987
Professional Experience:
Assistant Professor of Horticulture, Dept. of Plant and Soil Science, University of Vermont
(1997 – 2003)
• Instructor. North Carolina State Univ., Dept. of Horticultural Science. (1996)
• Summer Intern. Syngenta Co. (formerly Novartis Corp. & Ciba-Geigy Corp.),
Seeds Biotechnology Research Unit, Research Triangle Park, NC. (1992 – 1995)
• Instructor. North Carolina State Univ., Dept. of Horticultural Science. (1994)
• Biologist. American Cyanamid Co., Plant Biotech. Div., Princeton, NJ. (1987- 1990)
Teaching Experience:
Home and Garden Horticulture (PSS 010: 3 credits). Typical enrollment: 200 students.
Home and Garden Horticulture labs (PSS 015: 1 credit). Three - four labs of 24 students.
Commercial Plant Propagation with two labs (PSS 138: 4 credits). Typical enrollment: 36
Woody Landscape Plants with two labs (PSS 125: 4 credits). Typical enrollment: 15
Other courses taught include: Plant Science and Nursery Management.
Administrative Activities, Dept. of Plant and Soil Science, UVM:
Internship Coordinator for Sustainable Landscape Horticulture majors, ’07 - present
Coordinator of Graduate Programs, ’98 – ‘08
Instructional Program Coordinator. Dept. of Plant and Soil Science, University of Vermont
’03 – ‘04
Committee Activities, Dept. of Plant and Soil Science, UVM:
• Undergraduate Advisory Committee ’97 – ’08 (member), ’09 – present (Chair)
• Graduate Advisory Committee (Chair), ’99 – ‘08
Committee Activities, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, UVM:
• Studies Committee (elected position), ‘97- ‘00 (member) and ‘00-present (Chair)
• UVM Greenhouse Advisory Committee, ’99 – present
• UVM Farm Advisory Board, ‘98 – ‘08
Committee Activities Outside the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences but
within UVM:
Educational and Research Technologies Committee, ’09 - present
• Departmental Representative to the Faculty Senate, ‘97-’01, ’08 – present
• CALS Representative to the UVM Campus Master Planning Committee, ’10-present
• Landscape Sub-Committee of the UVM Campus Master Planning Committee, ‘02–present
Committee Activities, External to UVM:
• Northeast Region of the American Society for Horticultural Science. President, ’03 -‘04
• Northeast Region of the American Society for Horticultural Science: Collegiate Awards
Committee ‘00 – ‘04 (‘02, Chair)
• American Society for Horticultural Science: Collegiate Activities Committee ‘00 – ‘04
(‘01-02, Vice Chair; ‘02-’03 Chair)
• New England Cary Award Plant Selection Committee (Representative from Vermont),
Worchester County Horticultural Society, Tower Hill Botanic Garden, Boyleston, MA. ’98 present
• Vermont Technical College (VTC) Horticulture Curriculum Advisory Council Member.
Randolph, VT. ’98 - present
Major Grants Funded:
USDA/CRS HATCH Grant (‘06-’07): “Media top-dress amendments for
prevention of select weeds in container-grown ornamental crops in greenhouse or
nursery production”. PI: Mark C. Starrett. Requested and Received: $14,204
USDA/CRS HATCH Grant (‘03-’06): “Media top-dress amendments for prevention and
control of liverworts in container-grown crops”. PI: Mark C. Starrett. Requested: $27,087
Received: $26,755
USDA/CRS HATCH Grant (‘03-’06): “Grafting of sugar maple to improve salt tolerance”
PI: Mark C. Starrett. Requested: $17,559 Received: $17,559
Minor Grants Funded:
The University of Vermont Technology Innovation Fund (‘12): “Labeling Campus Trees
Using Interactive QR Codes with Associated Weblinks”. $3,659
Published Papers - Refereed Journal Articles
Starrett, M.C. 2003. Initial Shoot Growth and Development of Micropropagated
Blueberry Plants Following Inoculation with an Ericoid Mycorrhizal Isolate. Acta
Horticulturae. Berry crop breeding, production and utilization for a new century.
Proceedings of the XXVI International Horticultural Congress, Toronto, Canada,
11-17 August 2002. 626:191-197.
Gorman, N.R. and M.C. Starrett. 2003. Host range of a select isolate of the ericoid
mycorrhizal fungus, Hymenoscyphus ericae. HortScience. 38(6):1163-1166.
Gorman, N.R. and M.C. Starrett. 2003. Screening commercial peat and peat-based
products for the presence of ericoid mycorrhizae. J. Environ. Hort. 21(1):30-33.
• Starrett, M.C, D.A. Heleba and A.R. Wheeler. 2003. Use of an ericoid mycorrhizal fungus
to improve rooting and acclimatization of difficult-to-root microshoots of select cultivars
of Rhododendron. J. Amer. Rhododendron Soc. 57(2):66-71.
Starrett, M.C., F.A. Blazich, S.R. Shafer, and L.F. Grand. 2001. In vitro
establishment of mycorrhizae on microshoots of Pieris floribunda. HortScience.
Starrett, M.C., F.A. Blazich, S.R. Shafer, and L.F. Grand. 2001. In vitro ericoid
mycorrhizal colonization of micropropagated Pieris floribunda and subsequent effect on
acclimatization and growth. HortScience. 36:357-359.
Morris, S.W., B.Vernooij, S. Titatarn, M. Starrett, S. Thomas, C.C. Wiltse, R.A.
Frederiksen, A. Bhandhufalck, S. Hulbert and S. Uknes. Induced Resistance
Responses in Maize. 1998. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions. 11:643-658.
Uknes, S., B. Vernooij, S. Morris, D. Chandler, N. Specker, M. Hunt, U.
Neuenschwander, K. Lawton, M. Starrett, L. Friedrich, K. Weymann, D.
Negrotto, J. Görlach, M. Lanahan, J. Salmeron, E. Ward, H. Kessmann, and J.
Ryals. 1996. Reduction of risk for growers: Methods for the development of
disease-resistant crops. New Phytol. 133:3-10.
Starrett, M.C, F.A. Blazich, J.R. Acedo, and S.L.Warren. 1993. Micropropagation of
Pieris floribunda. J. Environ. Hort. 11:191-195.
Starrett, M.C., F.A. Blazich, and S.L. Warren. 1993. Initial growth of rosebay
rhododendron seedlings as influenced by day and night temperatures. HortScience
Blazich, F.A., S.L. Warren, M.C. Starrett, and J.R. Acedo. 1993. Seed germination of
Rhododendron carolinianum: Influence of light and temperature. J. Environ. Hort.
• Starrett, M.C., F.A. Blazich, and S.L. Warren. 1992. Seed germination of Pieris
floribunda: Influence of light and temperature. J. Environ. Hort. 10:121-124.
Faculty Advisor for URECA! (Undergraduate Research Endeavors Competitive
Cameron Stern. Improving Hemerocallis (daylily) breeding techniques using diploid and
tetraploid conversions”. Presented as a poster at The University of Vermont Student
Research Day – April, 2012
Cole Downing. “Comparison of auxin-talc treatments in apple graft union formation”.
Research presented as a poster at the International Plant Propagators’ Society Meeting,
Montreal, Canada. September, 2007.
Resultant publication:
Cole Downing, Mark Starrett, Philip Lintilhac and John Bennink. 2007. Comparison of
auxin-talc treatments in apple graft union formation. Combined Proceedings International
Plant Propagators’ Society. 57: 165-170.
Faculty Advisor for SUGR/FAME (Stimulate Undergraduate and Graduate Research
(SUGR) with Faculty Mentoring (FAME):
• Bess L. Oland “Seed Germination Performance and Initial Seedling Development in
Conventional and Organic Soilless Germination Media” UVM-OSP Funded: $2,095.00 .
Project presented as an oral paper at the American Society for Horticultural Science
Meeting, Toronto, Canada. August 2002.
Resultant publication:
Oland, B. and M.C. Starrett. 2002. Seed Germination Performance and Initial Seedling
Development in Conventional and Organic Soilless Germination Media. XXVIth
International Horticulture Congress. Syposium 23 – Issues and Advances in Seed, Transplant
Production, and Stand Establishment Research. 11 – 17 August. Toronto, Canada. p. 557.
Faculty Advisor for SUGR/FAME (Stimulate Undergraduate and Graduate Research
(SUGR) with Faculty Mentoring (FAME): (continued)
• Adam R. Wheeler “Determining the Invasive Potential of Rhamnus frangula ‘Asplenifolia’
(cutleaf buckthorn) and Rhamnus frangula ‘Columnaris’ (columnar buckthorn) Based on
Seed Germination in the Dark”. UVM-OSP Funded: $1,533.00 . Project presented as a
poster at the American Society for Horticultural Science Meeting, Sacramento, California.
August 2001.
Resultant publication:
Wheeler, A. and M.C. Starrett. 2001. Determining the Invasive Potential of Rhamnus
frangula ‘Asplenifolia’ (cutleaf buckthorn) and Rhamnus frangula ‘Columnaris’ (columnar
buckthorn) Based on Seed Germination. HortScience 36:515.
Honors and Awards:
• NACTA (North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture), Teaching Award of
Merit (’11)
“Dr. Mark C. Starrett Day”, (July 20, 2010) proclaimed by the Major of the City Of
Burlington for dedicated service through city-wide beautification through horticulture.
Burlington Garden Club “Certificate of Appreciation” for sustained joint efforts in city
beautification projects. (’10)
APGA/Longwood Gardens University Faculty Travel Grant recipient (’08)
The Fraternity of Alpha Zeta Outstanding Senior Advisor Award (‘05)
University of Vermont Dept. of Student Life Outstanding Advisor Award (‘04)
American Society for Horticultural Science (ASHS) - Recipient of the “Outstanding Book
Award for an Extension Publication” for the book, “Landscape Plants for Vermont”. Coauthored by Professor Emeritus Norman Pellett (’03)
NACTA (North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture), Teacher Fellow Award
University of Vermont, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Joseph E. Carrigan
Award for Excellence in Teaching and Undergraduate Education (‘02)
The Fraternity of Alpha Zeta Outstanding Senior Advisor Award (‘00)
University of Vermont Dept. of Student Life Outstanding Advisor Award (‘00)
(Revised April 30, 2012)
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