
VITA Carol T. Miller February, 2016

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VITA Carol T. Miller February, 2016
Carol T. Miller
February, 2016
Department of Psychology
University of Vermont
2 Colchester Avenue
Burlington, VT 05401
(802) 656-4158
Home: P.O. Box 172
Waterbury Center, Vermont 05677
(802) 244-5788
Email [email protected]
Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana; December,
1979; Social-Personality Psychology.
Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana; December,
1977; Social Personality Psychology.
Purdue University West Lafayette, Indiana; May, 1974,
Professional Organizations
Society of Experimental Social Psychology
Society for Social and Personality Psychology
Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues
American Psychological Association
1996 to present Professor of Psychology
Psychology Department, University of Vermont
l988 to 1996
Associate Professor,
Psychology Department, University of Vermont
Assistant Professor
Psychology Department, University of Vermont
Visiting Assistant Professor
Psychology Department, University of Vermont
Ongoing Support
Miller, C.T. (PI)
April, 2013 - February, 2016
Psychological, Physiological, and Behavior Effects of Weight Stigma.
Direct Costs $373,310; Total Costs: $569,227
Completed Research Support
Solomon, S. E., & Miller, C. T. (co-PIs).
Sept. 2008-June 2014
Coping with Rural Community HIV Stigma: Sexual Risk and Psychological Well-Being. National
Institute of Mental Health.
Direct Costs $2.273; Total Costs: $3.422m
PHS R01 MH 066848 04A1 Solomon, SE
Rural Ecology and Coping with HIV Stigma $1.6 million
One major of aim this research was to investigate how community HIV prejudice was related to
the experience of stigmatization by people with HIV living in the community. A second major
goal was investigate whether the ways in which people with HIV cope with HIV stigmatization
affects their psychological well-being and sexually risky behavior.
Role: Co-investigator (note: Had multiple PIs been an option when this grant was proposed Dr.
Miller would have played that role).
Miller, C. T. (in press, projected date 2017) Abstinence. The SAGE Encyclopedia of
Psychology and Gender. (peer reviewed submission)
Miller, C. T. (in press, projected date 2017) Abstinence-only Education. The SAGE
Encyclopedia of Psychology and Gender. (peer reviewed submission).
Blodorn, A., Major, B Hunger, J., & Miller, C. T. (in press). Unpacking the psychological
weight of weight stigma: A rejection expectation pathway. Personality and Social
Psychology Bulletin.
Miller, C. T., Varni, S. E., Solomon, S. E., DeSarno, M. J., & Bunn, J. Y. (in press)
Macro-level implicit HIV prejudice and the health of community residents with
HIV, Health Psychology.
Hunger, J. M., Major, B., Blodorn, A., & Miller, C. T. (2015). Weighed down by stigma:
How weight-based social Identity threat contributes to weight gain and poor
health: Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 9(6), 255–268.
Miller, C. T., Solomon, S. E., Bunn, J. Y., Varni, S. E., & Hodge, J. J. (2015).
Psychological symptoms are associated with both abstinence and risky sex
among men with HIV. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 44(2), 453–465.
Major, B., Hunger, J. M., Bunyan, D. P., & Miller, C. T. (2014). The ironic effects of
weight stigma. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 51, 74-80.
Grover, K. W., & Miller, C. T. (2014). Effects of mortality salience and perceived
vulnerability on HIV testing intentions and behavior. Psychology & Health, 29,
Miller, C. T., Bunn, J. Y., Grover, K. W., & Solomon, S. E. (2014). Perceptions of
behavioral norms related to HIV transmission by people with HIV and by
residents of their communities. Social Influence, 9, 1-19. (published on-line
first) DOI:10.1080/15534510.2012.712548
Varni, S.E., Miller, C.T., and Solomon, S.E. (2012). Sexual behavior as a function of
stigma and coping with stigma among people with HIV/AIDS in rural New
England. AIDS and Behavior, 16, 2330-2339.
Grover, K. W., & Miller, C. T. (2012). Does expressed acceptance reflect genuine
attitudes?: A bogus pipeline study of the effects of mortality salience on
acceptance of a person with AIDS. The Journal of Social Psychology, 152, 1-5.
Varni, S.E, Miller, C.T., McCuin, T., Solomon, S.E. (2012). Disengagement and
engagement coping with HIV AIDS stigma and psychological wellbeing of people
with HIV/AIDS. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 31, 123-150.
Miller, C. T., Grover, K. W., Bunn, J. Y., & Solomon, S. E. (2011). Community norms
about suppression of AIDS-related prejudice and perceptions of stigma by people
with HIV or AIDS. Psychological Science, 22(5), 579-583.
Gonzalez, A., Grover, K. W., Miller, C. T., & Solomon, S. E. (2011). A preliminary
examination of sexual orientation as a social vulnerability for experiencing
HIV/AIDS-related stigma. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 41, 1258-1274.
Grover, K. W., Miller, C. T., Solomon, S., Webster, R. J., & Saucier, D. A. (2010).
Mortality salience and perceptions of people with AIDS: Understanding the role of
prejudice. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 32, 315-327.
Gonalez, A., Zvolensky, M. J., Solomon, S. E., & Miller, C. T. (2010). Exploration of the
relevance of anxiety sensitivity among adults living with HIV/AIDS for
understanding anxiety vulnerability. Journal of Health Psychology, 15, 136-146.
DOI: 10.1177/1359105309344898.
Gonzalez, A., Solomon, S. E., Zvolensky, M. J. & Miller, C. T. (2009). The interaction
of mindful-based attention and awareness and disengagement coping with
HIV/AIDS-related stigma in regard to concurrent anxiety and depressive
symptoms among adults with HIV/AIDS. Journal of Health Psychology. 14, (3),
403-413.DOI: 10.1177/1359105309102193.
Roy, R. E., Weibust, K. S., & Miller, C. T. (2009). If she’s a feminist it must not be
discrimination: The power of the feminist label on observers’ attributions about a
sexist event. Sex Roles, 60 (5-6), 422-431. 10.1007/s11199-008-9556-6
Gonzalez, A., Miller, C.T., Solomon, S. E., Bunn, J.Y., & Cassidy, D.G. (2009). Size
matters: Community size, HIV stigma, and gender differences. AIDS and
Behavior. (13), 1205–1212. DOI 10.1007/s10461-008-9465-2.
Bunn, J.Y., Solomon, S. E., Varni, S. E., Miller, C. T., Forehand, R. L. Ashikaga, T.
(2008). Urban-Rural differences in motivation to control prejudice toward people
with HIV/AIDS: The impact of perceived identifiability in the community,
Journal of Rural Health, (24), 285-291.
Ryan, K., Forehand, R., Solomon, S., & Miller, C. (2008). Depressive symptoms as a
link between barriers to care and sexual risk behavior of HIV-infected individuals
living in non-urban areas. AIDS Care 20, (3), 331-336.
Bunn, J.Y., Solomon, S. E., & Miller, C. & Forehand, R. (2007). Measurement of
stigma in people with HIV: A re-examination of the HIV Stigma Scale. Aids
Education and Prevention, 19, 198-208.
Roy, E., Weibust, K.S., & Miller, C. T. (2007). Effects of stereotypes about feminists
on Feminist self-identification. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 31 (2), 146156.
Miller, C. T., & Varni, S. E. (2007). Person positivity heuristic. In. R. Baumeister &
K. Vohs, (Eds.). Encyclopedia of social psychology. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Miller, C. T. (2006). Social psychological perspectives on coping with stressors related
to stigma. In Levin, S., & van Laar, C. (Eds.). Stigma and group inequality:
Social psychological perspectives, pp.21-44. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Crimin. L. A. & Miller, C. T. (2005). Fat, stigma, and public health policy. Forward, p. 3.
SPSSI Newsletter, No. 227, August.
Saucier, D. A., Miller, C. T; Doucet, N. (2005). Differences in Helping Whites and
Blacks: A Meta-Analysis. Personality and Social Psychology Review,. 9, 2-16.
Kaiser, C. R. & Miller, C. T. (2004). A stress and coping perspective on confronting
abstract sexism. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 28, 168-178.
Kaiser, C. R., & Miller, C. T. (2003). Derogating the victim: The interpersonal
consequences of blaming events on discrimination. Group Processes and
Intergroup Relations, 6, 227-237.
Saucier, D. A., & Miller, C. T. (2003). The persuasiveness of racial arguments as a
subtle measure of racism. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 29, 13031315.
Whitney, C., & Miller, C. T. (2002). Goal interference, perceived consensus, and
preferences for conflict resolution strategies. Journal of Applied Social
Psychology, 32, 834-850.
Miller, C. T., & Kaiser, C. R. (2001). A theoretical perspective on coping with stigma
Journal of Social Issues, 56, pp. 73-92.
Miller, C. T., & Kaiser, C. R. (2001). Implications of mental models of self and others
for targets of stigmatization. In M. Leary (Ed.). Interpersonal rejection, pp. 189212. Oxford University Press.
Kaiser, C. R., & Miller, C. T. (2001). Reacting to impending discrimination:
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 27, 1357-1367.
Kaiser, C. R., & Miller, C. T. (2001). Stop complaining! The social costs of making
attributions to discrimination. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 27,
Saucier, D. A., & Miller, C. T. (2001). The effects of helping on the racist attitudes of
the helpers. Representative Research in Social Psychology, 25, 43-54.
Miller, C. T., & Major, B. (2000). Coping with prejudice and stigma. In T. Heatherton,
R. Kleck, & J. G. Hull (Eds.). The social psychology of stigma, (pp. 243-272).
New York: Guilford.
Miller, C. T., Rothblum, E.D., Felicio, D., & Brand, P. (2000). Compensating for stigma:
Obese and nonobese women's reaction to being visible. In C. Stangor (Ed.).
Stereotypes and prejudice: Essential readings. Key readings in social
psychology, pp. 234-239. Article reprinted from Personality and Social
Psychology Bulletin, 21, 1093-1106.
Miller, C. T., & Downey, K. T. (1999). A meta-analysis of heavyweight and selfesteem. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 3, 68-84.
Miller, C. T. & Myers, A. (1998). Compensating for prejudice: How heavyweight people
(and others) control outcomes despite prejudice. In J. K. Swim & C. Stangor
(Eds), Prejudice: The Target's Perspective, pp. 191-218. San Diego, CA:
Academic Press.
Miller, C. T. (1998). What is lost by not losing: Losses related to body weight. In J. H.
Harvey (Ed.), Perspectives on loss: A source book, pp. 253-267. Philadelphia,
PA: Taylor & Francis.
Morris, J. L., Kay, P. J., Fitzgerald, M., & Miller, C. T. (1998). Home/School
communication: The uses of a computerized voice message systems by families
of children with disabilities. Case in point, pp.
Murphy, P. L. & Miller, C. T. (1997). Post-decisional dissonance and the commodified
self-concept: A cross-cultural examination. Personality and Social Psychology
Bulletin, 23, 50-62.
Magrane, D., Gannon, J., & Miller, C. T. (1996). Student doctors and women in labor:
Attitudes and expectations. Obstetrics and Gynecology, 88, 298-302.
Miller, C. T., Rothblum, E.D., Felicio, D., & Brand, P. (1995). Compensating for stigma:
Obese and nonobese women's reaction to being visible. Personality and Social
Psychology Bulletin, 21, 1093-1106.
Miller, C. T., Rothblum, E.D., Brand, P., & Felicio, D. (1995). Do obese women have
poorer social relationships than nonobese women? Journal of Personality, 63,
Felicio, D. M., Miller, C. T. (1994). Social comparison in medical school: What
students say about gender and similarity. Basic and Applied Social Psychology,
15, 277-296.
Magrane, D., Gannon, J., & Miller, C. T. (1994). Obstetric patients who select and
those who refuse medical students' participation in their care. Academic
Medicine, 69, 1004-1006.
Miller, C. T. (1993). Majority and minority perceptions of consensus and
recommendations for resolving conflicts about land use regulation. Personality
and Social Psychology Bulletin, 19, 389-398.
Miller, C. T., Clarke, R. T., Malcarne, V. L., Lobato, D., Fitzerald, M. D., & Brand, P.
(1991). Expectations and social interactions of children with and without mental
retardation. The Journal of Special Education, 24, 454-472.
Lobato, D., Miller, C. T., Hall, L. J., Barbour, L. (1991). Preschool siblings of
handicapped children: Interactions with mothers, brothers, and sisters.
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 12, 387-399.
Miller, C. T., & Felicio, D. (1990). Person positivity bias: Are individuals liked better
than groups? Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 26, 408-420.
Miller, C. T., Rothblum, E. D., Barbour, L., Brand, P., & Felicio, D. (1990). Social
interactions of obese and nonobese women. Journal of Personality, 58, 365-380.
Rothblum, E. D., Brand, P. A., Miller, C. T., & Oetjen, H. A. (1990). The relationship
between obesity, employment discrimination, and employment-related
victimization. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 37, 251-266.
Miller, C. T., Malcarne, V. L., Clarke, R. T., Lobato, D., Fitzgerald, M. D., & Brand, P.
(1989). What mentally retarded and nonretarded children expect of one another.
American Journal of Mental Retardation, 93, 396-405.
Miller, C. T. (1988). Categorization and the physical attractiveness stereotype. Social
Cognition, 6, 231-251.
Rothblum, E. D., Miller, C. T., & Garbutt, B. (1988). Stereotypes of obese female job
applicants. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 7, 277-283.
Miller, C. T. (1987). "Miss Liberty" isn't pretty. Review of Gordon L. Patzer. "The
physical attractiveness phenomena." Contemporary Psychology, 32, 161.
Lobato, D., Barbour, L., Hall, L. J., & Miller, C. T. (1987). Psyhosocial characteristics of
preschool siblings or handicapped and nonhandicapped children. Journal of
Abnormal Child Psychology, 15,329-338.
Miller, C. T. (l986). Categorization and stereotyping of men and women. Personality
and Social Psychology Bulletin, 12, 502-512.
Miller, C. T. (l984). Self-schemas, gender, and social comparison: A clarification of the
related attributes hypothesis. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 46,
Miller, C. T., & Gibbs, E. D. (l984). High school students' attitudes and actions toward
"slow learners." American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 89, 156-166.
Kelley, K., Miller, C. T., Byrne, D., & Bell, P. A. (l983). Facilitating sexual arousal via
anger, aggression, or dominance. Motivation and Emotion, 7, 191-202.
Miller, C. T. (l982). The role of performance-related similarity in social comparison of
abilities: A test of the related attributes hypothesis. Journal of Experimental
Social Psychology, 18, 513-523.
Miller, C. T., & Byrne, D. (l981). Effects of dominance cues on attributions of sexual
behavior. Journal of Research in Personality, 15, 135-146.
Miller, C. T., & Byrne, D. (l980). Order effects on responses to sexual stimuli by males
and females. Journal of Sex Research, 16, 131-147.
Fisher, W. A., Miller, C. T., Byrne, D., & White, L. A. (l980). Talking Dirty: Responses to
communicating a sexual message as a function of situational and personality
factors. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 1, 115-126.
Fisher, W. A., Byrne, D., Edmunds, M., Miller, C. T., & White, L. A. (l979). Determinants
of contraceptive behavior among university women: Emotional, informational,
and situation-specific factors. Journal of Sex Research, l5, 38-55.
Miller, C. T., & Byrne, D. (l978). A review of "L.A. Peplau and C.L. Hammen (Eds.),
Sexual behavior: Social psychologicalissues. Journal of Social Issues, l977,
Vol. 33" that appeared in Journal of Sex Research, 14, 214-216.
Symposia and Invited Talks
Solomon, S. E., Miller, C. T., Bunn, J Y., Hodge, J. J., & Varni, S. E (2014). Rural HIV
stigma: It’s not what we thought it was. Paper presented at the Rural Based HIV
Education and Training Conference, Savannah, GA, September, 13, Savannah,
Major, B., Hunger, J.,Blodorn, A., & Miller, C. T. Weight stigma as identity threat.
Symposium paper presented at the Society of Experimental Social Psychology,
October, 2014, Columbus Ohio.
Miller, C. T., Varni, S., Bunn, J. Y., & Solomon, S. E. (2012). Does reducing stigma
necessarily improve health outcomes? Symposium paper presented at the
meeting of the Society of Experimental Social Psychology, Oct. 27, Austen,
Solomon, S.E., Miller, C.T., Bunn, J.Y. & Varni, S.E. (2013). Understanding the
experience / prevalence of hiv/aids stigma in rural new england. Workshop
presented at the Northern New England HIV STD Viral Hepatitis Conference,
Sponsored by the Center for Health and Wellness, Brattleboro, Vermont April 26,
Miller, C. T., Bunn, J. Y., & Solomon, S. E. (2012). Might structural stigma help people
control their weight?: A multi-level approach to community perceptions of weightrelated norms. Invited talk presented at the Structural Stigma Conference;
Columbia University, New York, New York.
Miller, C. T. (2005). Turning threats into challenges: Coping with the predicaments
created by prejudice.. Paper, University of Vermont University Scholars Award
Presentation, November.
Miller, C. T. (2006). Coping with stigma: Turning threats into challenges.
Paper given to the social psychology program, University of Connecticut, Storrs,
CT, February.
Miller, C. T. (2005). Turning threats into challenges: Coping with the predicaments
created by prejudice.. Paper, University of Vermont University Scholars Award
Presentation, November.
Solomon, S.E., Miller, C.T. & Forehand, R.L. (December 2005). Panelist, World AIDS
Day, Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center, Keene, NH. Rural Ecology and
Coping with HIV Stigma: A Description of Current Research
CT.Miller, C. T. (2004) Social psychological perspectives on coping with stressors
resulting from stigma. Paper invited for the 2004 Claremont Symposium on
applied Social Psychology: Stigma and group inequality: Social psychological
Approaches. Claremont, California, April, 2004.
Miller, C. T., (2004). Social psychological perspectives on coping with stigma. Featured
speaker at the Kurt Lewin Workshop, Leiden University. Leiden, The
Netherlands, April, 2004.
Miller, C. T., & Krulewitz, J. (2003). Identification by self and others as a victim of
discrimination. Paper presented at the SESP Self Preconference. Boston,
Miller, C. T. (October, 2002). Black like me: What nonstigmatized people can't tell us
about stigmatized people's reactions to being stigmatized. Symposium paper
presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Experimental Social
Psychology, Columbus, Ohio.
Kaiser, C. R., & Miller, C. T. (2001, February). Why contexts count in prejudicial
responses. Symposium organized for the annual meeting of the Society of
Personality and Social Psychology, San Antonio, Texas.
Kaiser, C. R., & Miller, C. T. (February, 2001). When the setting matters: The
contextual control of stereotyping. Symposium paper presented at the annual
meeting of the Society of Personality and Social Psychology, San Antonio,
Miller, C. T., & Kaiser, C. R. (September, 2000). Coping competencies of stigmatized
people. Invited talk presented at the meeting of the New England Social
Psychological Association, Storrs, CT.
Miller, C. T., & Kaiser, C. R. (2000, October). Why does minimization of discrimination
occur? Intra- and inter-personal consequences of claiming discrimination.
Symposium organized for annual meeting of the Society of Experimental Social
Psychology, Atlanta, Georgia.
Miller, C. T., & Kaiser, C. R. (2000, October). Stop complaining! The social
consequences of making attributions to discrimination. Symposium paper
presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Experimental Social
Psychology, Atlanta Georgia.
Miller, C. T., & Kaiser, C. R. (2000, June). Coping competencies of stigmatized people.
Symposium paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the
Psychological Study of Social Issues, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Miller, C. T., & Kaiser, C. (1998, August). Heading off rejection: Proactive coping with
prejudice. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological
Association, San Francisco, CA.
Miller, C. T. & Rudiger, L. (1997, October). Compensation for prejudice: How the
stigmatized obtain desired outcomes despite prejudice. Paper presented at the
meeting of Society of Experimental Social Psychology. Toronto, Ontario,
Miller, C. T. (1997, September). Walking a fine line: Compensation for prejudice in
social interaction. Paper presented at the meeting of the New England Social
Psychological Association, Williams College, Pittsfield, MA.
Miller, C. T. (1997, November). Walking a fine line and working without a net:
Compensating for prejudice in social interaction. Colloquium presented at
University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA.
Miller, C. T. (1997, July). Compensating for prejudice. Paper presented at Minary
Conference on the Social Consequences of Stereotyping, sponsored by
Dartmouth College at Squam LaKe, NH.
Miller, C. T. (1997, August). Compensating for prejudice. Paper presented at the
meeting of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
Conference posters and papers
McCleary-Gaddy, A., Hodge, J. J., & Miller C. T. (2015, May). Weight based threat as a
predictor of attention to threat: An exploration of moderators. Poster presented at
the annual Association for Psychological Science (APS) Research
Conference in Washington, D.C.
Hodge, J. J., & Miller, C. T. (2014, February). Responding to sexism as a third party
observer. Poster presented at the annual Society for Personality and Social
Psychology (SPSP) Research Conference in Austin, Texas.Bunn, J. Y.,
Miller, C. T., & Solomon, S. E. (2014). A prospective study of the
relationship of psychological symptoms with the experience of stigma among
people with HIV: Does stigma put people at risk of poor mental health or vice
versa? Poster to be presented at the meeting of the Society of Behavioral
Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, April.
Solomon, S.E., Miller, C.T., Desenna, A. D. (2011). Exquisite voices: Women of color
living with HIV/AIDS. (Poster presented at the 32nd annual conference of the
Society for Behavioral Medicine, Washington, DC.
Knapp, A., Solomon, S.E., & Miller, C.T. (2011, May). Balloon analogue risk task
(BART)predicts link between behavior and HIV acquisition. (Poster presented at
the 2011 annual conference of the Association for Psychological Science,
Washington, DC.
Krulewitz, J., Hodge, J. J., & Miller, C. T. (2011, May). Does knowing about harassment
influence the perception of womens’ job interview performances? Poster
presented at the annual Association for Psychological Science (APS) Research
Conference in Washington, D. C.
Krulewitz, J., Hodge, J. J., & Miller, C. T. (2011, May). Does knowing about harassment
influence the perception of womens’ job interview performances? Poster
presented at the annual Association for Psychological Science (APS) Research
Conference in Washington, D. C.
Weibust, K. S., & Miller, C. T. (2010). Effects of death thoughts and perceived
vulnerability on HIV testing behavior. Poster presented at the 31st annual meeting for
the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Seattle, WA.
Weibust, K. S., Miller, C. T., Bunn, J. Y., & Solomon, S. E. (2009). Community norms
surrounding prejudice expression and the experience of HIV/AIDS-related
stigma. Poster to be presented at the 30th annual meeting for the Society of
Behavioral Medicine, Montreal, Canada.
Solomon, S.E., Bunn, J.Y., Miller, C.T. & McCuin, & Maynard, J. R. (April 2009).
Reports of events related to HIV prejudice among seropositive adults in Vermont.
Poster presented at the 30th annual meeting for the Society of Behavioral
Medicine, Montreal, Canada.
Bunn, J.Y., Solomon, S.E., Miller, C.T. & Weibust, K.S. (April 2009). Peceptions of
prevalence and approval of sexual behaviors by HIV-infected and uninfected
individuals. Poster to be presented at the 30th annual meeting for the Society of
Behavioral Medicine, Montreal, Canada
Gonzalez, A., Weibust, K. S., Miller, C. T.,Solomon, S. E. , & Parent, J. M. (April 2009).
A preliminary examination of sexual orientation as a social vulnerability for
experiencing HIV/AIDS-related stigma. Poster to be presented at the 30th annual
meeting for the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Montreal, Canada.
Gonzalez, A., Solomon, S. E., Zvolensky, M. J, Miller, C. T. & Parent, J. M. (April 2009).
The singular and interactive effects of mindful-based attention and awareness and
disengagement coping with HIV/AIDS-related stigma in regard to concurrent
depression and anxiety symptoms among people with HIV/AIDS. Poster
presented at the 30th annual meeting for the Society of Behavioral Medicine,
Montreal, Canada.
Weibust, K. S., Miller, C. T., & Solomon, S. (2008). Mortality Salience and the
Stigmatization of Persons with AIDS. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of
the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Albuquerque, NM.
Weibust, K. S., Roy, R. E., & Miller, C. T. (2006). Effects of Stereotypes about Feminists
on Feminist Self-Identification. Poster presented at the Biennial Gender
Development Research Conference, San Francisco, CA.
Solomon, S.E., Bunn, J.Y., Varni, S.E., Forehand, R., & Miller, C.T. (2006, May). The
Stability of Perceived HIV/AIDS Stigma in Rural Areas. Poster presented at the
annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, New York, NY.
Varni, S.E., Ryan, K.K., Miller, C.T., & Solomon, S.E. (2006, May). Is the Stigma of
HIV/AIDS ‘Contagious’? Poster presented at the annual meeting of the
Association for Psychological Science, New York, NY.
Varni, S.E., Cassidy, D.G., Bunn, J.Y, Ryan, K.K., Gonzalez, A., Solomon, S.E., &
Miller, C.T. (2006, March). Coping with HIV/AIDS stigma and risky sexual
behavior in rural New England. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the
Society for Behavioral Medicine, San Francisco, CA.
Solomon, S.E., Cassidy, D., Bunn, J.Y., Varni, S.E., Miller, C.T., & Forehand, R. (2006,
August). Rural Ecology and Coping with HIV/AIDS Stigma. Poster presented at
the annual meeting of the International AIDS Symposium, Toronto, Canada.
Solomon, S.E, Varni, S.E., Miller, C.T., & Forehand, R. (2005, April). Rural Ecology and
Coping with HIV Stigma. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society
for Behavioral Medicine, Boston, MA.
Miller, C. T., & Kaiser, C. R. (2001). Reacting to impending discrimination:
Compensation for prejudice and attributions to discrimination. Poster presented
at the annual meeting of the Society of Personality and Social Psychology, San
Antonio, Texas.
Kaiser, C. R., & Miller, C. T. (2000). Stop complaining: The social costs of attributing
negative events to discrimination. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the
Society of Personality and Social Psychology.
Saucier, D. A., & Miller, C. T. (2000). The effects of helping on the racist attitudes of the
helper. Poster presented at the Hate Crimes: Research, Policy, and Action
conference. University of Southern California.
Convention Presentations
Saucier, D. A., & Miller, C. T. (1999). The effects of helping on the racist attitudes of the
helper. Poster presented at the Hate Crimes: Research, Policy, and Action
conference. University of Southern California.
Kaiser, C. R., & Miller, C. T. (1999). Stop complaining: The social costs of attributing
negative events to discrimination. Poster presented at the meeting of the Society
for Personality and Social Psychology, Nashville, Tennesee.
Brand, P. A., Alanasoff, A. D., & Miller, C. T. (1999) Forming impressions of adult
women: How “weighty” is body weight? Paper presented at the Eastern
Psychological Association, Providence, RI.
Brand, P. A. & Miller, C. T. (1994). Behavioral, affective, and cognitive responses to
social comparisons of performance. Paper presented at the annual convention
of the American Psychological Society, Washington, DC.
Miller, C. T., & Rothblum, E. D. (1992). Compensating for prejudice against fat people.
Symposium paper presented at the annual convention of the American
Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.
Brand, P. A., Felicio, D. M., Solomon, S., Rothblum, E. D., & Miller, C. T. (August,
1991). Social skills deficits and compensation strategies of obese women.
Paper presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological
Association, San Francisco, CA.
Miller, C. T. (June, 1990). Social comparison and the development of eating disorders.
Invited paper presented at Nag's Head Conference on Motivation and Emotion,
Nag's Head, NC.
Mellencamp, A. V., Fitzgerald, M. D., & Miller, C. T. (1991, April). Conditions affecting
the restructuring of rural secondary schools. Paper presented at the American
Educational Research Association Conference, Chicago, Illinois.
Brand, P. A., Rothblum, E. D., Miller, C. T., & Oetjen, H. A. (1988, November). Why fat
folks get the blues: The relationship between obesity and discrimination in adult
women and men. Poster presented at the Annual convention of the Association
for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, New York, N.Y.
Miller, C. T., Rothblum, E. D., Barbour, L., & Brand, P. (1987). Social interactions of
obese and nonobese women. Paper presented at the meeting of the
Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy.
Lobato, D., Barbour, L., Hall, L., & Miller, C. T. (1986, August). Psychosocial
characteristics of preschool siblings of handicapped and nonhandicapped
children. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association.
Miller, C. T. (1986). Stereotyping of groups and individuals. Invited paper given at
meeting of the New England Society of Social Psychology. Williams College.
Miller, C. T., Malcarne, V., Clarke, R., Lobato, D., & Fitzgerald, M. (1986, August).
Self-fulfilling prophecies and children's expectations about mentally retarded
children. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Psychological
Miller, C. T. (1986, August). Stereotyping of groups and inividuals: Correspondence
and person positivity effects. Paper presented at the meeting of the American
Psychological Association.
Rothblum, E. D., Miller, C. T., & Garbutt, B. (November, 1986). Stereotypes about
obese female job applicants. Special Interest Group Poster presented at the
Annual Convention of the Association for the Advncement of Behavior Therapy,
Chicago, IL.
Miller, C. T., & Gibbs, E. D. (1983, August). The relationship between high school
students' attitudes and actions toward "slow learners". Paper presented at the
meeting of the American Psychological Association.
Miller, C. T. (1983, August). Same-sex social comparison strategies and self-schemas
about gender. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Psychological
Miller, C. T., (1982, April). Categorization and the physical attractiveness stereotype.
Paper presented at the meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association.
Miller, C. T. (1980, May). Similarity in social comparison: A test of the related attributes
hypothesis. Paper presented at the meeting of the Eastern Psychological
Miller, C. T., Schettino, A., Demian, L., & Byrne, D. (1979, May). Attitude structure of
effective and ineffective contraceptors. Paper presented at the meeting of the
Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, Illinois.
Miller, C. T., & Byrne, D. (1978, May). Effects of dominance on sexual arousal and
attributions of sexual behavior. Paper presented at the meeting of the
Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, Illinois.
Miller, C. T., & Byrne, D. (1978, May). Affective orientation to sexuality and attributions
of contraceptors. Paper presented at the meeting of the Midwestern
Psychological Association, Chicago, Illinois.
Miller, C. T., & Byrne, D. (1977, May). Generalizability of the facilitating effect of anger
on sexual arousal. Paper presented at the meeting of the Midwestern
Psychological Association, Chicago, Illinois.
Byrne, D., Fisher, W. A., Edmunds, M., Miller, C. T., & White, L. A. (1977, November).
Predicting contraceptive behavior among undergraduate females. Paper
presented at the meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Washington, D.C.
Byrne, D., Miller, C. T., Fisher, W. A., & White, L. A. (1976, November). Affective and
attributional responses to communicating a sexual message. Paper presented at
the meeting of the Psychonomic Society, St. Louis, Missouri.
Solomon, S. E., & Miller, C. T. (co-PIs). Coping with Rural Community HIV Stigma: Sexual
Risk and Psychological Well-Being. National Institute of Mental Health.
5 Years; Direct Costs $2.273 m; Total Costs: $3.422m September 2008 – August 2013
(This award was a competing continuing renewal of Rural Ecology and Coping with HIV
Stigma [2 RO1 MH 066848 04A1])
Rural ecology and coping with HIV/AIDS stigma. (Sondra Solomon, PI, Carol T. Miller,
co-investigator).National Institute of Mental Health. Award period: 1/04 to 12/06;
$1.6 million. (Note: This grant proposal was co-authored by Solomon and Miller).
Smoking survey (Carol T. Miller). Vermont Department of Health. Award period:
2002: $30,000.
Social interactions of obese and nonobese women. (Carol T. Miller & Esther
Rothblum) U.S. Public Health Service. Award period: 4/30/88 to 3/31/91: $220,118.
Bidirectional stereotyping: What retarded and nonretarded children expect of
one another. (Carol T. Miller & Martha Fitzgerald) U.S. Department of Education; Office
of Special Education. Award Period: August 1, l984 to July 31, 1987: $210,000.
Model School development for educating students with handicaps in general
education settings. (Martha Fitzgerald & Carol T. Miller) U.S. Department of Education.
Award period: 4/1/88 to 8/31/91: $710,000.
Siblings of handicapped children. (Carol T. Miller - Year 2, Debra Lobato - Year
1) U.S. Department of Education: Office of Special Education. Award Period:
September, 1983 to February, 1985: $61,000.
Attitudes and actions toward mentally retarded adolescents. (Carol T. Miller)
U.S. Department of Education; Office of Special Education. Award Period: October 1,
l981 to September 30, l982: $41,887.
University of Vermont Institutional Award. How do people use their
stereotypes? Award Period: December, l982 to November, l983.
University of Vermont Institutional Award: The role of cognitive biases and
categorization in stereotype formation. Award Period:May l980 to May l981.
Proposal for Experimental Year in Academic Advising, Instructional Development
Center, University of Vermont, Award Period; September, l981 to May, l982.
David Ross Research Grant, Purdue University. Individual differences in the
effects of frequency of exposure to erotica on affective and evaluative
responses. Award period: September l978 to August, l979.
Editorial/Reviewing Activities
Healthcare (ISSN 2227-9032) review, 2014
Psychological Science, review, 2014
Research Foundation - Flanders (Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Vlaanderen, FWO) grant proposal review, 2014
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2013
Basic and Applied Social Psychology 2013
Psychological Science, review 2013
Advisory Editor, Psychological Science, 2007 to 2012
Consulting Editor: Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 2004
Associate Editor: Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 2000 to 2002
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology
European Journal of Social Psychology
NIMH Scientific Review Group, SPIP, 2008
NIMH Scientific Review Group, SPIP, 2007
Ad hoc reviewer for Canadian Social Science Research grants, February,
NIMH Scientific Review Group: center grants, 2004.
NIMH Review Panel: Social Psychology, Personality and Health Behavior,
October, 2002
Review Panel; U.S. Department of Education: Office of Special Education and
Rehabilitative Services, December, 1987.
Review Panel; U.S. Public Health Service: National Institute of Dental Research,
April, 1988.
Review Panel; U.S. Department of Education: Office of Special Education and
Rehabilitative Services, January, 1991.
Abstracts and Newsletters
Rothblum, E., Brand, P., Miller, C., & Oetjen, H. (1989, April). Results of the
NAAFA survey on employment discrimination. NAAFA Newsletter, 17, 46.
Rothblum, E., Brand, P., Miller, C., & Oetjen, H. (1989, May). Results of the
NAAFA survey on employment discrimination Part II. NAAFA Newsletter,
17, 4-6.
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