• Bangkok : Surface Water: Chao Praya River
PATHUMTHANI NONTHABURI BANGKOK SAMUT PRAKAN SAMUT SONGKRAM THAILAND BANGKOK MAP • Bangkok : Area 1,568.7 km2 Population 5.69 million (2014) • Surface Water: Canal 1,682 canals Length 2,604 km • Chao Praya River 372 km (Total Length) Bangkok 35 km • Source of Water Supply to Bangkok and vicinity: Upstream of Chao Praya River at Sam Lae, Pathum Thani • Water Consumption Rate in Bangkok (2014) : 2.5 mil. m3/day Water Quality Monitoring Program in Bangkok • 300 Sampling Points in 165 major canals and 9 Sampling Points in Chao Praya River • Major Sources of Wastewater 5% 1. Domestic 75% 20% 2. Industry 20% 75% 3. Agriculture 5% • Measures undertaken 1. Construction - Onsite WWTP - Community WWTP - Central WWTP 2. Non-construction - Law - Public Relation Year 2014 2. Institutional 3. Financial 4. Good Practices •Domestic WW(75%) and Agriculture(5%) are responsible by “BMA” •Industrial WW(20%) responsible by Ministry of Industry • Construction cost sharing of Central Government and BMA vary between 75:25 to 40:60 • O&M Cost 100% by BMA • BMA 1. Onsite WWTP (Household) Regulation control 2. Community WWTP (NHA) 3. Central WWTP Control by BMA 1. Policy Target • To serve WWTP 100% of developed area in Bangkok Bangsue EECC Source: JICA, 2011 Capacity 1.12 mil m3/d 45.5% of WW generation Construction Cost 24,603 milB O&M Cost 559 mil. Baht/year Year 2042 Year 2022 1.Year of operation: August 2014 2.Service Area: 2 20.7km 3.Population 223,990 4.Capacity 120,000 m3/d Wastewater 2.54 mil m3/d Wastewater 2.5 mil m3/d • • • • 15 WWTPs in Future Plan 4 WWTPs Implementation 8 WWTPs under O&M Year 2014 • • • • Capacity 1.12 mil m3/d 71.3% of WW generation Construction Cost 34,088 mil B O&M Cost 485 mil. Baht/year Future Wastewater 3.55 mil m3/d • • • • Capacity 1.12 mil m3/d 96.7% of WW generation Construction Cost 71,033 milB O&M Cost 1,190 mil. Baht/year Bangsue Education and Environmental Conservation Center • The 1st underground WWTP of Bangkok with capacity 120,000 m3/day (2,000 m3/day treated by membrane technology and use for water fall in front of the building and supply to the park) • Construction Year 2008 to 2014 and Construction Cost 4,732 million Baht from BMA (year 2008 to 2014) • Education and Environmental Conservation Center (Meeting room, Exhibition hall, History room of Sewerage System and Water Quality Management and Environmental Library) • Royal initiated project (the Chaipattana aerator, and growing plant in the pond for wastewater treatment purpose) Both Community WWTP and Central WWTP should be served to all developed area in Bangkok • “Public Private Partnership (PPP)” should be implemented for the future projects in order to solve the financial problems • “Collecting fee” is another source of fund for the operation and maintenance of wastewater treatment projects • “Treated Wastewater” is the alternative water for using in some specific activities (6% of treated wastewater using for watering plant, cleaning the road, flushing system etc.) • “People Participation” will pay an important role to improve the surface water quality • “Energy Saving Technology” for Wastewater Treatment System should be studied and applied for solving global warming • Wastewater Treatment Plant implementation and O&M are the good practice not only for engineers, scientists, students and people in Thailand but also in various countries especially in ASEAN countries • Cooperation among experts, officials, administrators or policy markers in various activities, for example : Training Program, Study Visit, Seminar, Research and Study, Sharing technologyetc.