
Action Planning for Farm Resilience in a Changing Climate NOFA-VT

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Action Planning for Farm Resilience in a Changing Climate NOFA-VT
Action Planning for Farm Resilience
in a Changing Climate
Monday, February 17 2014
10 AM-4 PM
UVM Davis Center
Workshop Goals
 Farmers assess strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for Climate Change
Resilience on their farms
 Farmers leave and implement a skill, tool, management practice
 Farmer to farmer knowledge exchange
 Farmers become (more) aware of the UVM Vermont Agricultural Resilience in a
Changing Climate Initiative
 Hear participants views/approaches to resilience to add to our team’s
Participants are invited (but not required) to bring a map of their farm. A map printing station
will be set up at the event so that you may print one as you arrive or during lunch.\
Welcome & Introductions
Overview of Workshop Schedule and Introduce “Climate Change Resilience
Planning Worksheet”
Setting the stage
Explore Facets of Climate Change Resilience:
Farmer voices on Resilience including small group discussion
Overview and Instructions for afternoon “Resilience Stations”
LUNCH: Map printing and sign up for stations
Rotate through Resilience Stations- 45 minutes for each (see details on next
(1) Trade Show of Management Practices for Climate Change Resilience
1. Joshua Faulkner, UVM Farming and Climate Change Program Coordinator
2. Jenn Colby, UVM Grazing Specialist
3. Kirsten Workman, UVM Agronomy Outreach Professional for Field Crops and
Nutrient Management
4. Liz Brownlee & Connor Stedman, ecological design consultants
5. Lindsey Ruhl, Master’s student in UVM Plant and Soil Science
6. Ginger Nickerson, UVM GAPS Outreach Coordinator
(2) On-Farm Monitoring and Adaptive Management with Eric Noel, co-owner of
Health Hero Farm
(3) Farmer Resilience with Kate Westdijk, Clinical Herbalism Intern at the
Vermont Center for Integrative Herbalism and UVM Food Systems Research
Specialist (preregister for 30 minute one-on-one consultation)
(4) Financial Resilience with Sam Smith, Intervale Center Farm Business Specialist
(5) Policies and Programs to Reward Climate Change Resilience with Sarah Noel
Larose, Vermont Natural Resource Conservation Service
(6) Farmer to Farmer Ideas Exchange facilitated by John Hayden
Evaluation and Lessons Learned
Presenters: Joshua Faulkner, UVM Farming and Climate Change Program Coordinator; Kate
Westdijk, UVM Food Systems Research Specialist and Clinical Herbalist Intern; Eric Noel, coowner of Health Hero Farm; John Hayden, co-owner of The Farm Between; Jenn Colby, UVM
Grazing Specialist; Ginger Nickerson, UVM GAPS Outreach Coordinator; Kirsten Workman, UVM
Agronomy Outreach Professional for Field Crops and Nutrient Management; Sam Smith,
Intervale Center Farm Business Specialist; Sarah Noel Larose, VT Natural Resources
Conservation Service; Liz Brownlee & Connor Stedman, former UVM Field Naturalist Program
Master’s students; and Lindsey Ruhl, Master's student in UVM Plant and Soil Science.
This workshop has been made possible by the Vermont Community Foundation and is
based on work supported by UVM Food Systems Spire and several UVM departments.
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