
Kate S. Linnea Curriculum Vitae

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Kate S. Linnea Curriculum Vitae
August 2013
Curriculum Vitae
Kate S. Linnea
University of Vermont, Department of Psychology
John Dewey Hall, Room 248
2 Colchester Avenue
Burlington, VT 05405-0134
Phone: (802) 656-2661 (work)
Email: [email protected]
Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC
Pediatric Psychology Intern, Department of Psychiatry
Training Director: Karen C. Wells, Ph.D.
July 2012 – Jun. 2013
University of Vermont, Burlington, VT
Sept. 2007 – Jun. 2013
Doctorate, Clinical Psychology
Advisor: Betsy Hoza, Ph.D.
Dissertation: Relation among motor ability, sport involvement and social functioning in children
with and without symptoms of ADHD
University of Vermont, Burlington, VT
Bachelor of Arts
Bryant University, Smithfield, RI
College of Business
 George Albee Award ($500)
Department of Psychology, University of Vermont
 John Dewey Award
Department of Psychology, University of Vermont
 Psi Chi National Honor Society
Department of Psychology, University of Vermont
 Deans Honor List
College of Arts and Sciences, University of Vermont
Jan. 2004 - Jun. 2007
Sept. 2003 – Dec. 2003
Linnea, K., Hoza, B., Tomb, M., & Kaiser, N. (2012). Does a positive illusory bias relate to
social behavior in children with ADHD? Behavior Therapy.
Smith, A. L., Hoza, B., Linnea, K., McQuade, J., Tomb, M., Vaughn, A. J., Shoulberg, E. K., &
Pierce, H. (2012). Pilot physical activity intervention improves ADHD symptoms in
young children. Journal of Attention Disorders.
Forehand, R., Merchant, M. J., Parent, J., Long, N., Linnea, K., & Baer, J. (2011). An
examination of a group curriculum for parents of young children with disruptive
behavior. Behavior Modification, 35, 235-251.
Forehand, R., Parent, J., Linnea, K., Merchant, M. J., Long, N., & Jones, D. (2011). Why do
parents seek help when their children’s behavior is within normal levels? Journal of
Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment.
Tomb, M., Linnea, K., McQuade, J. D., & Hoza, B. (2011). Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity
Disorder and peer interactions. In B. Hoza & S. Evans (Eds.). Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder: State of the science & best practices, Volume 2 (pp. 18-1 – 1824). New York: Civic Research Institute.
Zelaznik, H., Vaughn, A. J., Green, J., Smith, A. L., Hoza, B., & Linnea, K. (2011). Motor
timing deficits in children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Human
Movement Science.
Linnea, K., Hoza, B., & Smith, A. (2010, June). Physical activity and executive functions in
early childhood. Invited presentation given at the Executive Function in Preschool
Children: Current Knowledge and Research Opportunities workshop. Workshop hosted
by the National Institute of Child Health and Development, Washington, DC, MD.
Linnea, K., Tomb, M., & Hoza, B. (2009, November). Social interactions of children with and
without ADHD; the influence of positive illusory bias. Poster presented at the 43rd
Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Annual Convention, New York, NY.
Linnea, K., Tomb, M., & Hoza, B. (2009, June). Cognitive deficits, social competency, and
ADHD. Poster presented at the 14th International Society for Research on Child and
Adolescent Psychopathology Scientific Meeting, Seattle, WA.
Smith, A. L., Hoza, B., Linnea, K., McQuade, J., Tomb, M., Vaughn, A. J., & Pierce, H. (2009,
June). Pilot physical activity intervention improves ADHD symptoms in young children.
In J. Etnier (Chair), Physical activity and cognitive performance in children with
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Symposium conducted at the annual meeting of
the North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity, Austin,
TX. [abstract published in Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 31, S13].
Zelaznik, H., Vaughn, A., Green, J., Smith, A., Hoza, B., & Linnea, K. (2009, June). Children
with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder exhibit timing deficits in tapping. Poster
presented at the annual meeting of the North American Society for the Psychology of
Sport and Physical Activity, Austin, TX.
Linnea, K. S., Hoza, B., Vaughn, A., & Smith, A. (2007, November). Links among physical
activity competence and cognitive abilities in children with and without ADHD. Poster
presented at the 41st Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Annual
Convention, Philadelphia, PA.
Fikkan, J. L., Linnea, K. S., & Fondacaro, K. (2007, May). Clarifying the relationship between
eating disorder symptoms and emotion-focused coping. Poster presented at the
International Conference on Eating Disorders, Baltimore, MD.
Fikkan, J. L., Israel, K. L., & Fondacaro, K. (2006, November). Does experiential avoidance
mediate the relationship between negative affect and dieting? Poster presented at the
40th annual meeting of the Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Chicago,
Principal Investigator (Dissertation Research)
Department of Psychology, University of Vermont
Sept. 2009 – Jun. 2013
Project Title: Relations among motor ability, sport involvement and social functioning in children
with and without symptoms of ADHD
Advisor: Betsy Hoza, Ph.D.
Examines motor ability and sport involvement as protective factors for children with and without
symptoms of ADHD. This research considers whether or not these factors contribute to more
positive peer relationships and better overall social functioning.
Project Coordinator
Department of Psychology, University of Vermont
Sept. 2009 - Jun. 2012
Project Title: A translational approach to evaluating the effects of physical activity on ADHD
(NIMH funded grant: R01: MH082893)
Principal Investigators: Betsy Hoza, Ph.D. and John Green, Ph.D.
Worked on the development and implementation of a standardized assessment and intervention
protocol. Primary responsibilities included hiring, supervising, and training between 20 and 30
undergraduate and graduate research assistants each year in various assessments, protocol
implementation, and behavioral coding. Assessments included various neuropsychological and
cognitive tests, physical ability assessments, and structured clinical interviews. Responsibilities
also included data management, IRB documentation, correspondence with teachers and parents,
and the recruitment of 180 children over a three-year period.
Principal Investigator (Second Year Project)
Department of Psychology, University of Vermont
May 2008 – May 2012
Project Title: Does a positive bias relate to social behavior in children with ADHD?
Principal Advisor: Betsy Hoza, Ph.D.
Designed a coding system to assess specific social behaviors in children with and without ADHD
during a laboratory social interaction task. Supervised and trained five research assistants to
reliably use coding system, held weekly training and review sessions, created and managed the
dataset, completed a presentation and submitted a manuscript for publication.
Graduate Research Assistant
Research Assistant
Department of Psychology, University of Vermont
Sept. 2007 - Jun. 2009
Jun. 2006 - Aug. 2007
Project Title: Positive illusions in ADHD: Processes and consequences, (NIMH funded
Grant:R01: MH065899-01)
Principal Investigator: Betsy Hoza, Ph.D.
Assisted in research of a multi-site grant. Responsibilities included running participants through a
structured academic laboratory task, data management, supervising undergraduate research
assistants, and assisting in manuscript publication.
Graduate Research Assistant
Department of Psychology, University of Vermont
Dec. 2007 - Jun. 2008
Project Title: Does physical activity improve attention, learning, and behavior in young children?
(Pilot study for NIMH R01 grant submission)
Principal Investigator: Betsy Hoza, Ph.D.
Trained undergraduates in administration of neuropsychological assessments, coordinated and
administered child assessments, managed datasets, and supervised undergraduate research
assistants to ensure protocol integrity of pilot study intervention conducted in a school setting.
Graduate Research Assistant
Department of Psychology, University of Vermont
Sept. 2007 - Mar. 2008
Project Title: Motor timing in children with ADHD
Principal Investigator: Betsy Hoza, Ph.D.
Trained undergraduates in administration of a motor timing task, coordinated and administered
task, and assisted in poster and manuscript submissions.
Research Assistant
Department of Psychology, University of Vermont
Feb. 2006 - May 2006
Project Title: Self-Perceptions, perceptions of others, and psychopathology in childhood
Principal Investigator: Nina Kaiser
Faculty Advisor: Betsy Hoza, Ph.D.
Maintained correspondence with participants, entered and verified data, provided general project
Research Assistant
Department of Psychology, University of Vermont
Sept. 2005 - Sept. 2007
Project Title: Does experiential avoidance mediate the relationship between negative affect and
dietary restraint?
Principal Investigator: Janna Fikkan
Faculty Advisor: Karen Fondacaro, Ph.D.
Assisted with literature reviews, conducted data collection for a survey-based study assessing
dieting behaviors in college students, and assisted with poster and paper submissions.
Pediatric Psychology Intern
Duke Child and Family Study Center and Duke University Medical
July 2012 – Jun. 2013
Duke Pediatric Neuropsychology Service
Supervisor: Melanie J. Bonner, Ph.D.
Conduct assessments of children and adolescents with a variety of medical presentations
including chronic childhood illness and cognitive injury. Assessments examine
neuropsychological and behavioral changes secondary to disease processes and treatment
regimen, as well as child and parent coping and adjustment. Additional responsibilities
include providing assessment feedback to parents and medical providers as well as
providing supervision and training to graduate students in assessment and comprehensive
report writing.
Family Studies Clinic
Supervisors: Karen C. Wells, Ph.D., Susan Hazlett, Ph.D., Christian Mauro, Ph.D.
Provide family therapy to families of teenagers and young children and couples therapy
to adults. Assist in case conceptualization and the implementation of treatment within a
multidisciplinary treatment team.
Psychosocial Treatment Clinic
Supervisors: Christian Mauro, Ph.D., David Goldston, Ph.D., Nicole Heilbron, Ph.D.
Conduct assessment and treatment for children and adolescents with anxiety and mood
disorders. Work on a multidisciplinary team and in conjunction with the
Psychopharmacology Clinic. Additional responsibilities include providing supervision
and training to graduate students in the implementation of social anxiety treatment
Clinical Coordinator
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Specialty Service
Apr. 2010 – Jun. 2012
Behavior Therapy and Psychotherapy Center, University of Vermont
Supervisor: Betsy Hoza, Ph.D.
Conducted screening assessments with child and family referrals for the ADHD Specialty Service,
determined appropriateness for assessment and/or treatment, and assigned cases to pre-doctoral
clinicians. Additional responsibilities included providing peer supervision and training to new
clinicians in empirically-based assessment and treatment for ADHD and comorbid conditions.
Research Clinician
Elementary Schools in Vermont
Nov. 2009 – Jun. 2012
Supervisor: Betsy Hoza, Ph.D.
Helped implement and supervise a before-school physical activity intervention program for
children with and without symptoms of ADHD. Conducted screening assessments of
participating children and families and assessed participating children at multiple time points.
Assessments included neuropsychological tests, cognitive tests, behavioral assessments, and
structured clinical interviews.
Pre-doctoral Clinician
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Specialty Service
Behavior Therapy and Psychotherapy Center, University of Vermont
Sept. 2007 – Jun. 2012
Supervisor: Betsy Hoza, Ph.D.
Conducted multi-modal, multi-informant assessments of preschool and school-aged children,
designed and assisted parents and teachers in the implementation of behavioral interventions,
provided teacher consultations, and conducted weekly parent training treatment for children with
ADHD and comorbid conditions including anxiety, mood disorders, and other medical conditions.
Pre-doctoral Clinician
Behavior Therapy and Psychotherapy Center, University of Vermont
Sept. 2007 – Jun. 2012
Supervisor: Kathleen Kennedy, Ph.D.
Conducted assessment and treatment for children, adolescents, and adults with behavioral,
emotional, academic, occupational, and/or social difficulties. Implemented cognitive-behavioral
treatment, behavioral parent-training, collaborative problem-solving, school/community
consultation, and contracted with children and adolescents with range of disorders including
Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Disruptive Behavior
Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder, Dysthymic Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.
Program Developer and Group Facilitator
Managing Alcohol Problems, Alcohol Treatment Group
Behavior Therapy and Psychotherapy Center, University of Vermont
Jan. 2011- Aug. 2011
Supervisor: Lee Rosen, Ph.D.
Developed, implemented, and co-facilitated a group-based treatment program for individuals with
substance abuse/dependence. The goal of the program was to provide clients with the opportunity
to learn empirically-based strategies to more successfully manage their use of alcohol. This
program utilized traditional cognitive-behavioral techniques and incorporated components of
Dialectical Behavior Therapy.
Group Facilitator
Parenting the Strong-Willed Child, Parenting Group
Behavior Therapy and Psychotherapy Center, University of Vermont
Mar. 2010 - May 2011
Supervisor: Rex Forehand, Ph.D.
Co-facilitated parent training in group format using Parenting the Strong-Willed Child. Each
session provided parents with a new parenting skill and included problem solving, role playing,
and general support.
Research Clinician
Alcohol Treatment Group
Department of Psychiatry, University of Vermont
Aug. 2008 - Aug. 2009
Principal Investigator: John Helzer, M.D.
Supervisors: Lee Rosen, Ph.D. and Magdalena R. Naylor, M.D., Ph.D.
Co-facilitated group cognitive-behavioral therapy for adults with a DSM-IV diagnosis of alcohol
dependence as part of a NIAAA-funded research study.
Research Evaluator
Department of Psychology, University of Vermont
Dec. 2005 - May 2007
Supervisor: Betsy Hoza, Ph.D.
Administered the Woodcock-Johnson III Tests of Achievement and a motor timing task to schoolage children with and without ADHD as part of an NIMH-funded research study.
 Family and Couples Therapy, weekly didactics by Karen C. Wells,
Ph.D., Christian Mauro, Ph.D., Susan Hazlett, Ph.D., Duke Child and
Family Study Center, Duke University Medical Center
 Risk Assessment and Safety Planning with Children/Adolescents, by
David Goldston, Ph.D., Family Study Center, Duke University
Medical Center
 Toilet Learning: A Group for Parents and Caregivers of Children Ages
4 and Over with Delayed Toileting, by Margaret Poppe, RN, MSN,
Behavior Therapy and Psychotherapy Center, University of Vermont
 Wechsler Individual Achievement Test - III (WIAT-III) Training, by
Cynthia Cole, Ph.D., Behavior Therapy and Psychotherapy Center,
University of Vermont
 Vermont Family-Based Therapy: Implementing Evidence-Based
Treatments with At-Risk Families, by Masha Ivanova, Ph.D., Behavior
Therapy and Psychotherapy Center, University of Vermont
July 2012 – Jun. 2013
Aug. 2012
Sept. 2011
Oct. 2010
July 2010
 Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children (DISC) Training,
Department of Psychology, University of Vermont
 Parenting the Strong Willed Child, Group Parenting Program, by
Nicholas Long, Ph.D., Behavior Therapy and Psychotherapy Center,
University of Vermont
 Administering the Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency,
Second Edition (BOTS-2), by Allen Smith, Ph.D., Behavior Therapy
and Psychotherapy Center, University of Vermont
Oct. 2009
Sept. 2009
Dec. 2007
 Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT), Student Affiliate
 American Psychology Association (APA), Student Affiliate: Division 53
 Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD)
 Ad Hoc Reviewer, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology
 Ad Hoc Reviewer, Journal of Development and Psychopathology
Linnea, K. (April, 2011). Case Presentation, presented to pre-doctoral clinicians, Behavior
Therapy and Psychotherapy Center, University of Vermont.
Linnea, K. (May, 2010). Case Presentation, presented to pre-doctoral clinicians, Behavior
Therapy and Psychotherapy Center, University of Vermont.
Department of Psychology, University of Vermont, Burlington
Course: Abnormal Psychology (PSYC 152)
Jul. 2010 - Aug. 2010
Sept. 2006 - Dec. 2006
Undergraduate Teaching Assistant
Department of Psychology, University of Vermont, Burlington
Course: General Psychology (PSYC 001)
Instructor: Justin Joffe, Ph.D.
Delivered lectures to over 150 undergraduate students, graded homework assignments, assisted in
creating and scoring exams.
Guest Lectures:
 School Interventions
Child Behavior Therapy (PSYC 352) University of Vermont
 Individual and Group Parent Training
Child Behavior Therapy (PSYC 352) University of Vermont
 Preparing Treatment Plans and Behavioral Contracts
Mar. 2011
Feb. 2011
Nov. 2010
Psychological Intervention (PSYC 372) University of Vermont
 ADHD: Etiology, Assessment, and Treatment
Behavioral Disorders of Childhood (PSYC 251) University of Vermont
 First Session with Children and Adolescents
Psychological Intervention (PSYC 372) University of Vermont
 The History and Evolution of Smoking: Past, Present, and Future
History of Psychology (PSYC 380) University of Vermont
REFERENCES (in alphabetical order)
Melanie Bonner, Ph.D.
Division of Medical Psychology
Pediatric Neuro-Psych Clinic
Duke University Medical Center
Durham, North Carolina
[email protected]
Rex Forehand, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology
Director of Clinical Training
University of Vermont
Burlington, Vermont
[email protected]
Betsy Hoza, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology
University of Vermont
Burlington, Vermont
[email protected]
Kathleen Kennedy, Ph.D.
Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychology
Behavior Therapy and Psychotherapy Center
University of Vermont
Burlington, Vermont
[email protected]
Jun. 2009, Jun. 2010
Nov. 2009
Nov. 2009
Fly UP