
ESCAP/ADB/UNDP Sub-Regional Workshop on accelerated

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ESCAP/ADB/UNDP Sub-Regional Workshop on accelerated
ESCAP/ADB/UNDP Sub-Regional Workshop on accelerated
achievement of MDGs and the Post-2015 Development Agenda in
South Asia
9-11 February 2013, Ruposhi Bangla Hotel
Dhaka, Bangladesh
(As of 8 February 2013)
Mr.Azizullah Sagzai, Adviser of Legal and Financial Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Kabul [E-mail:
[email protected] ]
Mr. Faqirullah Safi, Member, UN and International Conference Department, Ministry of
Foreign Affairs, Kabul [Tel: + 93 773 345 010; E-mail: [email protected] ]
Mr. Samiullah Naseri, NSP Country Manager, Sanayee Development Organization (SDO),
Kabul [Tel: + 93 799 208 501, +93 0786 035 700; E-mail: [email protected]]
I: Officials of the Government of Bangladesh
Mr. MD. Humayun Kabir, Senior Secretary, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare,
Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Bangladesh Secretariat, Dhaka-1000 [Tel:
88-02-7166979; Fax: 88-02-7169077; E-mail: [email protected]]
Mr. Qazi Kholiquzzaman Ahmad, Chairman, PKSF, E-4/B, Agargaon, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar,
Dhaka-1207 [Tel: 88-02-9126240; Fax: 88-02-9134431; E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] ]
-------------------------------Note: The entries in this participants list are as provided to the UNESCAP. All participants are advised to consult
with the UNESCAP regarding any changes prior to the closing session of the workshop.
Mr. Shamsul Alam, Member, General Economics Division, Planning Commission, Dhaka
[E-mail: [email protected] ]
Mr. Md. Abul Kalam Azad, Secretary, Economic Relation Division (ERD), Ministry of Finance,
Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, Bangladesh Secretariat, Dhaka-1000 [Tel. 8802-8112641; Fax: 88-02-8113088; E-mail: [email protected] ]
Mr. Ranjit Kumar Biswas, NDC, Secretary, Ministry of Social Welfare, Government of the
People's Republic of Bangladesh, Bangladesh Secretariat, Dhaka-1000 [Tel. 88-02-7160452; Fax: 8802-7168969; E-mail: [email protected] ]
Mr. Kamal Abdul Naser Chowdhury, Secretary, Ministry of Education, Government of the
People's Republic of Bangladesh, Bangladesh Secretariat, Dhaka-1000 [Tel. 88-02-7168711; Fax: 8802-7167577; E-mail: [email protected] ]
Mr. Shahidul Haque, Foreign Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of the People’s
Republic of Bangladesh, Dhaka-1000 [Tel: + 88 02 - 956 2122, Fax: + 88 02 - 956 2723, E-mail:
[email protected]]
Ms. Sadeka Halim, Professor, Information Commissioner, Information Commission,
Arhaeology Bhaban (2nd Floor), F-4/A, Agargaon Administrative Area, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar,
Dhaka-1207 [Tel: +88-02-9110675, +88-01730-342486; Fax: +88-02-9110638; E-mail:
[email protected], [email protected]]
Mr. Bhuiyan Shafiqul Islam, Secretary (in charge), Planning Division, Ministry of Planning, Shere-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka-1207 [Tel: 8-02-8115497; Fax: 88-02-8117581, 01713044366; E-mail:
[email protected]]
Mr. Fazle Kabir, NDC, Secretary, Finance Division, Ministry of Finance, Government of the
People's Republic of Bangladesh, Bangladesh Secretariat, Dhaka-1000 [Tel. 88-02-9512201, 88-027160406; Fax: 88-02-7165581; E-mail: [email protected] ]
Mr. Golam Mostafa Kamal, Director General, Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics, E-27/A,
Agargaon, Dhaka 1207 [E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]]
Mr. Mohammad Mejbahuddin, Secretary, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Division,
Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, Bangladesh Secretariat, Dhaka-1000 [Tel. 8802-7166188; Fax: 88-02-7161110]
Mr. Md Neazuddin Miah, Secretary I/C, Primary & Mass Education, Government of the
People's Republic of Bangladesh, Bangladesh Secretariat, Dhaka-1000 [Tel. 88-02-7162484; Fax: 8802-7168871]
Mr. MD. Shafiqur Rahman Patwari, Secretary, Ministry of Environment and Forest, Government
of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, Bangladesh Secretariat, Dhaka-1000 [Tel. 88-02-7160481;
Fax: 88-02-7169210; E-mail: [email protected] ]
II: Academia and Professional Experts
Mr. Sadiq Ahmed, Policy Research Institute of Bangladesh Express House, House No.-16 (4th
floor), Road No. 10/A, Block-H, Banani, Dhaka [Tel: 88-02-9899759; E-mail:
[email protected] ]
Mr. Md. Asaduzzaman, Research Director, Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies, E-17
Agargaon, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka-1207 [Tel: +88-02-8118920 ; Fax: +88 02 8113023 ; Email: [email protected], [email protected]]
Mr. Zaid Bakht, Research Director, Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies, E-17
Agargaon, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka-1207 [Tel: +88-02-9110654; Fax: +88-02-8113023; E-mail:
[email protected], [email protected]]
Mr. Abul Barkat, Professor of Economics and Chair, Department of Economics,
Dhaka University, Dhaka - 1207 [Tel: +88-02-8116972, 8157621; 0171 306 9154; Fax: +88-028157620; E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] ]
Mr. Abdul Bayes, Professor of Economics, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka [E-mail:
[email protected]]
Mr. MD. Ayub Ali Khan, Study Manager, Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies, E-17
Agargaon, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka-1207 [Tel: +88 02 8181690; +88 01712 062 525; E-mail:
[email protected]]
Mr. Ahsan Mansur, Executive Director, Policy Research Institute of Bangladesh, Express House,
House 16(4th Floor), Road 10/A, Block H, Banani, Dhaka - 1213 [Tel: 88-02-9899759,
06662801039; Fax: 88-02-8817375; E-mail: [email protected]]
Ms. Rushidan Islam Rahman. Research Director, Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies,
E-17 Agargaon, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka-1207 [Tel: +88-02-8113613; Fax: +88-02-8113023; Email: [email protected]]
Dr. Binayak Sen, Research Director, Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies, E-17
Agargaon, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka-1207 [Tel: +88-02-9117829; Fax: +88-02-8113023; E-mail:
[email protected], [email protected]]
Mr. Quazi Shahabuddin, Professiorial Fellow (Former Director General), Bangladesh Institute of
Development Studies, E-17 Agargaon, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka-1207 (Tel: +88-02-8110725;
+88 01712062525; E-mail: [email protected]]
Mr. Rehman Sobhan, Chairman, Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD), House # 40/C, Road # 11
(New), Dhanmondi, R.A., Dhaka [Tel: 88-02-9133199, 88-02-8822611 , 01711521580 ; E-mail:
[email protected], [email protected]]
III: Banks and other Financial Institutions
Mr. Md. Akhtaruzzaman, Economic Advisor, Bangladesh Bank, Head Office, Dhaka [Tel: 88-027167988, 8916209, 0173-0032354; E-mail: [email protected]]
Ms. Rabeya Akther (Obstetrics and Gynecology), Deputy Chief Medical Officer (DGM),
Bangladesh Bank Medical Centre [Tel: 01817-517100; E-mail: [email protected] ]
Mr. Mohammed Shahidul Alam, General Manager, Research Department, Bangladesh Bank,
88-02-9129592, 01755534285;
[email protected]]
Mr. Mohammed Nurul Amin, Managing Director, N.C.C. Bank Ltd. , Head Office, 7-8,
Motijheel CIA, Dhaka [E-mail: [email protected]]
Mr. Khondkar Ibrahim Khaled, Chairman, Bangladesh Krishi Bank, Head Office, 83-85
Motijheel CIA, Dhaka [Tel: 88-02-7174399; E-mail: [email protected]]
Mr. Ali Reza Iftekhar, Managing Director , Eastern Bank Ltd. , Head Office, Jiban Bima Bhaban,
10, Dilkusha CIA, Dhaka [Tel: 88-02-9562348, 88-02-8819209; E-mail: [email protected]]
Mr. Helal Ahmed Chowdhury, Managing Director, Pubali Bank Ltd., Head Office, 26, Dilkusha
CIA, Dhaka [Tel: 9562166, 7176333; E-mail: [email protected]]
Mr. Md. Mezbaul Haque, Deputy General Manager, Central Bank Strengthening Project Cell,
Bangladesh Bank, Head Office, Dhaka [Tel: 88-02-9870348, 01711938617; E-mail:
[email protected]]
Mr. Md. Anwarul Islam, Deputy General Manager, Banking Regulation and Policy Department,
Bangladesh Bank, Head Office, Dhaka [Tel: 88-02-9530094; E-mail: [email protected]]
Mr. Md. Allah Malik Kazemi, Sr. Consultant & Advisor to Governor, Bangladesh Bank, Head
Office, Dhaka [Tel: 88 02 7120686, 88 01713177833; E-mail: [email protected] ]
Mr. Md. Abdul Quaium, General Manager, Research Department, Bangladesh Bank, Head
Office, Dhaka [Tel:88-02-9530187,88-02-7550322, 01717664877; E-mail: [email protected]]
Mr. Khondkar Morshed Millat, Deputy General Manager, Banking Regulation and Policy
Department, Bangladesh Bank, Head Office, Dhaka [Tel:88-01715403997; E-mail:
[email protected]]
Mr. Md. Golzare Nabi, Deputy General Manager, Research Department, Bangladesh Bank,
Head Office, Dhaka [Tel: 88-02-530305; 88-01716 480146; E-mail: golzare.nabi @bb.org.bd]
Ms. Mahmud Salahuddin Naser, Deputy General Manager, Monetary Policy Department,
BangladeshBank, Head Office, Dhaka [Tel:88-01715246339;E-mail: [email protected]]
Ms. Begum Sultana Razia, General Manager, Research Department, Bangladesh Bank, Head
Office,Dhaka[Tel:88-02-9564119,88-02-9120302,88-0173-0016803;E-mail: [email protected]]
Mr. Shah Alam Sarwar, Managing Director, IFIC Bank Ltd. , Head Office, BSB Building, 8,
RAJUK Avenue (9th floor), Dhaka [Tel: 88-02 9559647; E-mail: [email protected]]
Ms. Bilkis Sultana, General Manager, Research Department, Bangladesh Bank, Head Office,
Dhaka [Tel: 88-02-9530167, 88-02-8352710, 01755540041; E-mail: [email protected] ]
Mr. Mohammad Farash Uddin, Former Governor, Bangladesh Bank, House No. 21B (3rd floor),
Road No.-5, Gulshan-l, Dhaka-1212 [Te: 88-01552-309770]
IV: Civil Society
Mr. Mahabub Hossain, Executive Director, BRAC Centre, 75, Mohakhali, Dhaka [Tel:
8824180-87, Ext. 2151, Tel: 88-02-9881269; E-mail: [email protected]]
Mr. Mustafizur Rahman, Executive Director, Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD), House# 40/C,
Road # 11 (New), Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka-1209 [Tel: 88-02-9441655; Fax: 880-2-8130951; Email: [email protected]]
Ms. Ugyen Pema, Policy & Planning Officer, Policy and Planning Division, Ministry of
Economic Affairs, Royal Government of Bhutan, Thimphu [Tel: +975-7722307; Fax: +975-2333317; E-mail: [email protected] ]
Mr. Sonam Yarphel, Program Officer, Local Development Division, Gross National Happiness
Commission Secretariat, Royal Government of Bhutan, Thimphu [Tel: +975-2-325 192, +975-2326 786, +975-2-323 176 ; Fax: +975-2-322 928; Email: [email protected]]
Mr. Amit Narang, Deputy Secretary, United Nations (Eco & Social) Division, Ministry of
External Affair, New Delhi [Tel: +91 11 2301 7411; Fax: +91 11 2301 1922; E-mail:
[email protected]]
Ms. Savita Sharma, Adviser, DPPP Division, Planning Commission, Government of India,
Yojana Bhavan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi 110001 [ Tel: +91 11 23096786, +91 9811551231; Fax:
+91 11 23096575, +91 11-23096786, E-mail: [email protected] ]
Mr. Ajay Kumar Nema, Director (HQ), Department of Revenue, Ministry of Finance,
Government of India, New Delhi [ Tel: +91 11 23092504, E-mail: [email protected] ]
Ms. Devaki Jain, C-2/41, IInd Floor, Safdarjung Development Area, New Delhi 110016 [Tel: + 91
11 4175 9769, + 91 98711 62756; E-mail: [email protected]]
Mr. Rajeev Malhotra, Professor and Executive Director, Centre for Development and Finance,
Jindal School of Government and Public Policy, O.P. Jindal Global University, Haryana 131001
[Tel: +91 130 305 7979l; +91 8930110899; E-mail: [email protected]]
Mr. Suresh P. Singh, Policy Analyst, Centre for International Trade Economics & Environment,
Consumer Unity Trust society (CUTS), CD217, Bhaskar Marg, Bani Park, Jaipur 302016 [Tel: +
91 141-228 2821; Fax: +91141-228 2485; E-mail: [email protected]]
Ms. Aileen Niyaz, Assistant Environment Analyst, Ministry of Environment and Energy,
Ameenee Magu, Maafannu, Nikagas Magu, Male' 20392 [Fax: +960 333 5953; E-mail:
[email protected]]
Mr. Gokarna Mani Duwadee, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Science, Technology and
Environment, Singha Durbar, Kathmandu [Tel: +9771 4211996, Fax: 9771 9211954, E-mail:
[email protected]]
Mr. Rabi Shanker Sainju, Programme Director, National Planning Commission, GPO Box 8304,
Kathmandu [Tel: +977 1421 1132, 977-9851119235; Fax: +977 1421 1700; E-mail:
[email protected]]
Mr. Posh Raj Pandey, Executive Chairman, South Asia Watch on Trade Economics and
Environment (SAWTEE), PO Box 19366, Tukucha Marg, Baluwatar, Kathmandu [Tel: 977-14444438, 4424360; Fax: 977-1-4444570; E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]]
Mr. Ashfaque H. Khan, Principal & Dean, NUST Business School, National University of
Sciences & Technology, Islamabad [Tel:+92 51 9085-3000; E-mail: [email protected]]
Mr. Mansoor Ali Masood, Assistant Director (Donor Coordination), Benazir Income Support
Program, Government of Pakistan, F-Block, Pak Secretariat, Islamabad, Pakistan [Tel: +92-519246306; Fax: +92-51-9246314; Email: [email protected]]
Mr. Saad Rajput, Research Analyst, Sustainable Development Policy Institute (SDPI), 20, Hill
Road, F-6/3, Islamabad Postal code 44000 [Tel: +92-51-2278134; Fax: +92-51-2278135; E-mail:
[email protected]]
Mr. Saman Kelegama, Executive Director, Institute of Policy Studies of Sri Lanka, No. 100/20
Independence Avenue, Colombo 07 [Tel: +94 11 2143100, 2665068 Fax: + 94 11 2665065; E-mail:
[email protected]]
Ms. Jeeva Palugaswewa, Environment Management Officer, Ministry of Environment, 82,
Sampathpaya Rajamalwatta Road, Battaramulla, Colombo [Fax: +94 11 2877292; E-mail:
[email protected]]
-------------------------------UNITED NATIONS BODIES
Mr. Bishwa Nath Tiwari
Deputy Programme Coordinator, Asia-Pacific
Regional Centre, Bangkok [E-mail
[email protected] ]
Ms. Alessandra Casazza
Policy Advisor – Inclusive Growth and Poverty
Reduction, APRC, Bangkok [E-mail
[email protected] ]
Mr. Biplove Choudhary
Program Specialist, Inclusive Growth and Poverty
Reduction, APRC, Bangkok [E-mail
[email protected] ]
Mr. Pascal Villeneuve
UNICEF Representative, Bangladesh
[E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]]
Ms. Madhavi Malalgoda
Regional Programme Officer, UNISDR Asia Pacific
Secretariat, Bangkok [E-mail: [email protected] ]
Mr. Khalilur Rahman
Coordinator, ESCAP & Inter-Agency Coordination
Liaison Office with the United Nations Economic and
Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, Permanent
Secretariat Building, Tiwanon Road, Nonthaburi [Email: [email protected] ]
Ms. M. Teresa Kho
Country Director, Bangladesh Resident Mission,
Dhaka [E-mail: [email protected]]
Ms. Susann Roth
Senior Social Development Specialist, Regional and
Sustainable Development Department, Manila
[E-mail: [email protected] ]
Ms. Michelle Domingo
Senior Social Development, Manila
[E-mail: [email protected] ]
Mr. Shiladitya Chatterjee
Regional Advisor on MDGs, Strategy and Policy,
Manila [E-mail: [email protected] ]
Mr. Dhan Bahadur Oli
Director, Information, Poverty Alleviation and
Publications Division, SAARC Secretariat
Tridevi Marg,
P.O. Box 4222, Kathmandu
[E-mail: [email protected] ]
Ms. Khushi Kabir
Chairperson of APWLD member organisation Ain o
Salish Kendra(ASK) , Asia Pacific Forum on Women
Law and Development (APWLD), Dhaka [E-mail:
[email protected]]
Mr. Atiur Rahman, Governor, Bangladesh Bank, Head Offcie, Motijheel, Dhaka [Tel: 88-027120106; E-mail: [email protected]]
Mr. Hassan Zaman, Chief Economist, Bangladesh Bank, Head Office, Dhaka [Tel: 88-029577605, 88-01817-088203; E-mail: [email protected]]
Mr. Shakil Ezaz, Deputy Director, Strategic Planning Unit, Bangladesh Bank, Head Office,
Dhaka [Tel: 88-02-9349695, 88-01819-490157; E-mail: [email protected]]
Mr. A.F.M. Asaduzzaman, General Manager, Governor Secretariat, Bangladesh Bank, Head
Office, Motijheel, Dhaka [Tel: 88-02-9566209; 88-01711564680; E-mail: [email protected],
[email protected]]
Mr. Mustafa K. Mujeri, Director General, Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies, E-17
Agargaon, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka-1207 [E-mail: [email protected]]
Mr. MD. Samiul Ahsan, Manager, Administration and Communications, The SANEI Secretariat,
Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies, E-17 Agargaon, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka-1207
[Tel: +88 02 9118324, +88 01746 224 654; F: +88 02 8181237; E-mail: [email protected],
[email protected]]
Mr. Nagesh Kumar
ESCAP South and South-West Asia Office, and
Chief Economist, UN-ESCAP
E-mail: [email protected]
Mr. Syed A.M. Nuruzzaman
Countries with Special Needs Section,
Macroeconomic Policy and Development Division
E-mail: [email protected]
Ms. Nobuko Kajiura
Economic Affairs Officer
Countries with Special Needs Section,
Macroeconomic Policy and Development Division
E-mail: [email protected]
Mr. Sudip Ranjan Basu
Economic Affairs Officer
Development Policy Section, Macroeconomic Policy
and Development Division
E-mail: [email protected]
Ms. Woranooch Thiusathien
Staff Assistant
Countries with Special Needs Section,
Macroeconomic Policy and Development Division
E-mail: [email protected]
Ms. Patchara Arunsuwannakorn
Team Assistant, Countries with Special Needs
Section, Macroeconomic Policy and Development
E-mail: [email protected]
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